s il: 'heJlSffnes-Jierald. rnK tARQKirr cikqulation or iNTMXWBPArXtl IN TIUB COUNTY. SATURDAY, MAY 21, 11110. Local News. Girl wanted nt tho Overland Hotel. Rolled barloy at The Busy Cor- icr Store. 1 P. J. Connolly was over from JDrewsey on business this week Have you seen the new Belts t Brown's Satisfactory Store? If you want protection see rving Miller the insurance man. Tho best meal in Harney coun- for 25 cents at tho Overland otel. A few fractional sections of mmon school land for sale A. B. George. Miss Vera Hendricks is up from ' ,wen on a visit to friends. Her hool closed last week. The French Hotel is training, popularity under the manage- ent of L. B. Culn. I V. G. Howell is again hero. rom rortland looking after his ' tensive interests in this coun- Our stock of shoos is now in. full line for men and children tho latest styles and . colors. e Busy Corner Store, I. Sch- jartz. Prop. E. P. Clark has returned. to Grand but wo understand will turn here later and take charge the large farm purchased from rs. Cowing. We have deeded properties from 80 to 3000 acres that at esent prices will bo sure BANKING BY MAIL U..' ft '., f l k ' . ,A .'v YOU CAN BANK ,iN with 'us with tho snmo case nnd safoty as though you called upon us in person. Wo givo especial attention to our banking by mail business, thus insur ing our out-of-town patrons of tho best possiblo service THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS Capital and Surplus $60,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited gffjfgjrmumimtmm i ywnniu'in imtmmnmii0WMmimm Cremo for sale by your grocer. ' The Home Hotel is tho com for Clothes pressed and cleaned at tabl ,lftC0 to board- Schenk Bros. The new breakfast -food-Cremo - a local product. uble within two years. Ask us out them. Randall, Passenger Maloney. Bert Davey has finished his' trict as census taker and is pre- mg to enlarge the business ho icently purchased from Ches. rter. He is expecting a con-1 ment of goods soon. j Geo. Hesse came in from the berta country the first of this k to look after his land inter- ts in this county. He was sur- sed to see vegetation so far yanced in this section. , The Ladies' Afternoon Club ires to express appreciation of e interest taken in the "War ncert" and particularly to ank those who took part and isted in making it a success. hile our trade in Spring and mmer goods has been much ger than ever we are still owing a beautiful and new line Dress Materials and request u to compare same with any ers examined. Brown, s Sat- 'actory Store. fA large number of our nconlo Halley's comet last evening t it was more or less a disan intment It was reported that entists were going to attempt bottle portions of the tail when went the earth the other rlnv id they evidently got away with 01 it oecause no tail was seen t night Joe Sturtevant was a passenger in on the stage Tuesday. The Overland Hotel is tho place to stop when in Burns. Improved and unimproved farm t and city property for sale, Ikvwq Miller. Guests at the French Hotel are James Mahon was a business visitor tho first of tho week. For Sale 1G0 acre relinquish ment with cabin, good well of water, 100 acres fenced. Inquire nt this office. If you havo any property to sell. See us about. We will get results. Randall, Tasfccnger & Maloney. Geo. Buchanan and wife and i Mrs. Geo. Gates are in from their provided witn tne nest to do unci homes in tho castom part of t10 I county. in in the market Mrs. Bert Parker has been the citv for several 'day the care of physicians. Good, substantial, well cooked meals at thb Home Hotel is what the boarder Jikes.. , See the Inland ty Co. if you have sale or exchange. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wi'll Minimi! nnil Korvoii monls UnilCr ryfn n'linf Annti.nllfa fillil Minir m n . , ..i.v viiu niiiiid ..ill. iiit.j villi bo found nt tho Overland Hotel. Meals 25 cents. Those having relinquishment!) or real edtalo for sale should consult E. W. VnnVnlkenburg, for tho real estate man, at his office ! in Burns. Egli and Mr. ' Mrs. Byron Terril nnd little Girl wanted nt tho Overland Hotel. Locntiona nB good as tho best A. F. B. George. Got your orders in for incuba tors boforo tho rush W. T. Smith. fcnrl Elliot has been in from tho Mahon ranch this week on a visit to his family. If you want results list your property with Irving Miller, Room 0, Odd Fellow Bld'g. Chns. Comegys is in from Wngontiro nnd will take his fnm- ilv Ollt to nnnnil thn vnpnlinn Prof. D. W. Yoder loft. W.mfI nosddny morning to spend the vacation in tho Willnmctto Valley. A now lino of Stetson hats just in direct from Stetson of Phila delphia, Brown's Satisfactory Store. Somo very desirable residence properties in Burns. Seo us about them. Randall, Passcngorfi Maloney. .loo uookmnnn had his arm broken luBt Sunday by a fractious horse he was helping to hitch up at the, Luig place. Tho Edison Phonograph is gaining in popularity and should bo in every homo Lunaburg & Dal ton aro resident agents. IP YOU ARK GOING TO TRAVEL. Ve the llnrnoy County Nntlonnl Ilnnk TKAVEI.LKK'8 CHEQUES Tliey ore oclMtk-ntlfylnir. Frank II. Clerf and wife and his mother, accompanied by Ora Hill, camo over from Alvord in his auto last Saturday. Meats from 5c to 12ic Beat loinstenk, 12ic; boils, 5c to 7c; roasts from Gc to 8c; sausage, 12Jc; pork, 15c Young's Meat Market & Grocery. Robt Bennet is renewing ac quaintances in our city. He has recently returned from Baker City where ho attended school last winter. Empire Rcal- anything and Mrs". Ed Egli leave today for . daughter Violet, left yesterday the Wagontire ranch for tho sum- morning for Crane Creek for a mer. " couple of weeks visit with her A few five quarter sections of laughter, Mrs C. T. Carey, best timber lands. See us about' Fresh groceries of the very them. Randall, Passenger &' best brands and a complete new Maloney. Burt Dunton, W. D. Baker and L. Sitz were over from Drewsey of the week on land . lino of dry goods, furnishings, etc., may bo found nt Hngoy & Richardson's The now stone store. Walter Cross and Kemp liar- disty came down from Trout creek yesterday and will be ac companied out today by Mrs. Cross and her grandchildren Cora and Jessio Shopard who for alteration ,"have bcon attcndinB Bcho0"' do it P. C. Petersen nnd undo ar ' rived homo the first of the week. J. T. Garret and family weref-Mr. Petersen spent the winter in down from their mountain ranch ' Denmark with his mother and re a few days this week. They have i turns home looking well. His gotton settled in tho new home many friends are pleased to wel and like it fine come ho and his bride home. J tho first business. Miss K. Neugebaucr is located in the Jorgensen building south Main St and is nrenared to do all kinds of dress malring. have to Phila- Schenk Bros, do not send your suit back to delnhia lawyer They are tailors and can themselves. Come in and inspect our LACE CURTAINS We have just received ten beautiful patterns in 'Nottingham and Arabian and have marked them at an unusually Low Price Allure made of a strong double twisted thread, have bulonholcd edges and will Wear Well and launder well Note the following prices: 6 pair white Nottingham, U yards long, 45 inches wide, per pair i)'' ii i w( .52- .1 -n- u HI )' 3., Rcnnaiscenco style 3'y'dsi longj,4j in. "wide,.','' ..Colbert - ..3 . ..31.' t,2.. .1 ... i titf ,CdG 12 , " Ecru Antique .--'.- ."white Brussels Effect - 3-." " Arabian Panel Curtains per pair .50 48., l.5o L75 2.oo 3-oo 3.oo 3.00 4.00 $ I -5o to 4.oo Compare above prices, with Portland prices tcFOURS ARE ABOUT 10 PER CENT LOWER-i Our Hole Proof Hosiery has arrived and will be sold at New York prices write Busy Corner Store. . .. J. Schwartz, Propt. y Rcatos for sale, all sizes and lengths, price 20 cents per foot Any one desiring Rcatos address W. A. Ford of J. 0. Albcrson, Albcrson, Oregon. Mrs. A. E. Millard came in from tho homestead yesterday after her husband who has been teaching in the public school at this place. Elbow length silk gloves in white and blnck at especially low prices. Wo haven't many, so you'd better call early. Tho Busy Corner Store. I. Schwartz, Prop. If you want ono of thoso now Fuller & Johnson Farm Pump Engines don't wait until the day before you need it, but got your orucr in now W. T. bmith, Age. See tho ad. Henderson Elliot and wife and Mrs. Fay Comegys left here the first of the week for the Mount Vernon Springs to remnin for an indefinite time. They have great faith in that health resort You will never again bo quite as you aro today mentally or physically. Perhaps not ever again will you bo nblo to got so "young" a photograph that looks like you as today. Visit the Saycr Studio. Harold Johnansen, a young man from the Harney neighbor hood, received a broken leg tho first of the week by being thrown from a horso. Ho was brought to this city and Drs. Marsden & Griffith set the limb. He is now nt tho Forren home. jlob printing nt this office. A nico now lino of shirt- waists now on display nt Tho Busy Cor ner Store. If you want to seo tho finest display of post cards in Burns go (o Carter & Thompson, ... iho local baseball team will go to Narrows tomorrow to play a gamowith the team at that place. 8000 acres of good land lying along proposed railroad routes $8 per 'acre. Seo A. F. B. George. For real comfort, quiet and courteous treatment the French House is tho host under tho man ageinent of L. B. Culp. Wo still havo a fow choice loca tions along the survey of Hill and Hnrriman Lines. Seo us about them.Randal, Passenger & Ma loney. The registered Jersey Bull of C. M. Huirrnnn will again bo at tho Cortes Elliott barn in this city during this season. Geo. James and wife wore over from Harney yesterday and were accompanied home by Silvia Lewis who has been at tending school. jjnuics aro invited to examine our new oxfords. High grade goods combined with Stylo is what wo have to offer. Brown's Satisfactory Store. Blue prints of any township in Burns Land District, showing nnmo of entrymnn, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. Shelby, the little son of P. C. Petersen is under the care of tho physicians. Ho is threatened with spotted fever but tho caso has not dovoloped sufficiently to bo suro Ask your grocer for Cremo, tho now breakfast food. Tho very bost accommodations may bo obtained at tho Overland Hotel. Meals 25 conts. Weill the comet's lail'dldn hurt much after nil. Wo didn't Mjven got tho salmon flics brushed OIL H. J. Hansen of tho Burns Meat, Market Ib prepared to fur nish bacon, hams and lard to sheopmon and ranchers in any quantity. Specinl prices for big orders. Persons' needing hospital ac commodations can find them nt my home. Confinement cases may expect especial attention. Call on or address Mrs. F. E. Forren, Burns, Oregon. C. B. McConnol nnd Leonard Colo were in from Silver Creek during the week. Their surveyors are still at work on tho reservoir site nnd it will bo a few days yet before an estimnto can bo made on tho cost of tho proposed irri gation scheme. yjl ESTRAY NOTICE . Ono roan mare, bald face with white legs, aged about 14 years, weight 1050 lbs. Brand bar over D on loft hip. One bay mare star in forehead 12 years old weight 1100 brand quarter circle on left hip. Havo wintered for mer marc two winters and latter last winter. Owners call, prove property, pay charges and take animals. Jesse Vickeks, Harney, Oreg. YOUR SELECTION OF A GOOD BANK' ' -i Is important,npt only for the present, but also for the years to come. The right Bank connection will be a mater ial help to your every day business. This Bank has a successful record of safe, conservative banking from the day of its or ganization. WE INVITE YOUR BUSINESS THEHARNEYCOUNTYNATIONAL BANK . BURNS, OREGON STATE DEPOSITARY. . , - ' ' W. L. Best was brought over from his Silver creek home yes terday to get tho doctors to patch him up. A horso fell on him nnd Mr. Best sustained a Pott's fracture. Samuel Kohn & Co., tho great Ladies Tailors of Chicago have mado Schenk Bros, their agents for Burns and Harney County. Thoy invito tho ladies to call and seo a lino ot tho vory latest sampcls. Suits from $18 up. A drive into tho country yes-1 terday showed grain crops look ing well. Thoso on tho John Hogg, W. M. Stownrt, Racino, Harkoy and Brown places aro ex ceptionally good. Tho alfalfa is making rapid growth and tho next crop will bo ready for liar vest next month. R. J. Williams and wifo nnd Mrs. T,. J. Shields camo in last evening from Silver crook bring ing tho latter's Bon to the doctor. Ho hnd boon thrown from a horso and badly shaken up. Up on examination his physicians found no bones broken but n slight concussion. Tho patient is improving. There havo been a Jargo number of accidents from horses during tho past week or so. R. A. Miller was over from Warm Spring yesterday. Ho says they havo fine looking crops over there but finds that tho grass hoppers laid their eggs in that vicinity ln3t year and aro hatch- nn out. Mr. Miller was in for somo dopo" recommended by tho U, S. agucultural dopartmont to do nwnv with tho trrnsshonnora nnd ho hones to get rid of them boforo tlioy do any serious damage. For Salo or Trade for Horses- Throe mammoth jacks, age two, three and six years; extra heavy boned and good workers. In quire of J. W. Shepherd, While Front Barn, Burns. RobtStoner contemplates a lay off from tho barber shop for a considerable time, nnd left this morning for n visit to Indinnn and other states to bo absent an in definite time. Tho entire stock of goods now on display at the new Btoro of Hagey it Richnrdson, is fresh ami new. Patrons may find al most anything desired there. Sheriff Richnrdson went over to Canyon this week nnd brought back Win. Smith, -who had been captured over there and who was wanted in this county to answer an indictment found against him last term of court Mrs. Charles Anderson wishes to announce to her many friends nnd patrons that she has again opened her hotel and will bo pleased to welcome them nt nny time. They will find tho same courteous treatment and rates as usual. mi inuepenueni teiepnonc com pany was organized this week with W. D. Baker, Dr. J. W. Geary and C. W. Ellis as incorporators Tho Times-Herald has not learned any particulars of tho now con cern but understands connections will bo mado witlr tho Drewsey lino nnd that a local excango will be put in Burns. Foil Sale--1G0 acres irrigated land on Rattle Snako Creek, threo miles abovo Harney. First water right, running water the year round, small orchard, good house. 40 acres in cultivation, 'the rest good pasture land. Fino rnngo. Terms cash. For fur ther particulars call on or write to Roland Hankins, Harney, Oregon. G. Hudspeth nnd wife, tho old pioneer peoplo of this section will leave today for Sumpter where thoy go to reside with their son William. They aro getting along in years and Bill como over tho other day to take them to his homo where they will reciovo ovcry attention. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hudspeth havo resided in this section sinco tho early 80's and havo many friends who wish them contenment in their declin ing years. C. Stradley, tho Harriman rail road engineer who was in charge of tho survey across this sections a fow years ago, was again in this city for n short timo this week, Ho did not stato hia bus iness but it is understood Mr. Stradloy is still in tho employ of the iiarrimon lines and ho has been looking over tho territory to tho east of this valloy at in tervals for eovernl weeks. Wo may expect somo active work in railroad extension of that lino within a short timo, MOTE'S CANDY STOKE Has fast received n fresh lot of CANDIES, CIGARS, TOBACCO New and handsome Post Cards, Stationery, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Novelties. A SPECIALTY OF BOX CANDY EXTRA Fine assortment of everything D. K. MOTE, Darns, Oregon BUY YOUR DRUGS at OUR STORE We handle a complete line of everything usually sold by up to date druggists. It is OUR AIM TO PLEASE This we do by courteous treatment and reasonable prices to ail our customers THE PLCF. TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. REMOVAL SALE building We de- i if READ ABOUT THE ML Vernon Hot SPRINGS Tin' ii ro Incited In tlio beautiful Jolin I)y Viillpy, 2H mlloB north of Mt Ver ticil, ami Vi miloa wcttof Canyon City In (irnnt t ounty, Oregon. Tlio eleva tion la 3700 loot ami tlio climaiu Is mild throughout tlioyuar. Tlio i prints wlilrli furnUh water for the bath iuiiIphIiii inlug pool How 25,000 gallnng por day of highly tnlnvraligfd Jiotnaturof a teni poratnro In tlio differ, nt nprltiKH of 100 to 1'.".' K, Thfflo nprlnirs aro without rival or ronijiotlori for tho reason that you can get tho watur Jiift tho jiropor tumpuruturo for uathltiK without artlfl rlnl limtlng or diluting with cold water utid thurohy destroying tho medical pro- liottles. Theau etirlnus have lunt co i to public notlco for the rrason that they I llOVII jllSt beOII fitted Up for Ilia rnmrnrll - and bonollt ot tho Invalid and those reeking recreation. Nature aa the chemist whoconippud ed tlio water which cures, and In her Ittbrutory deep In the inynterlcfl of the earth alio prepared thoso curative, waters; and tlione suffering from rheu matism, gout, skin dlscnso, kidney or bladdor trouble or nny catarrhal condl. tlon of the Btomach find almost instant relief nnd in most caeca pormunont cures in from four to eight weeks. Our charges are reasonable. Como ulion you will winter or summer; wo aro alunyB open and ready to weloomo you. ' Tor further Information address, . A. MURPHY, Proprietor Mt. Vernon, Oregog. Preparatory to moving into our uow siro to clean up our stock. While we are continually receiving new goods, we have on hand many useful staple articles which we propose to sacrifice. Among them are: 50 Ladies' House Wrappers, regular price $1.50 (o S2.C0 Your Choice for 90c. as long as they last less than the cost of the material i 50 Ladles' Worsted Skirts at I Half price long as they last I X Now is the time to buy your fall cloaks. We have 50 Ladies' and Children's Cloaks to Dispose of Half Price Corsets regular value $1.25, your choice 85c. Shoes, hats and many other articles will go at a big sacrifice Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND ! IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Main Office, Burns, Oregon A. O. rADLKNEIt, Ugr, Branch Office, Lakeview, Oregon C. M. KAULKXICH, Mgr. A MAN is known by the harness he uses A VAQUERO by the saddle he rides. Evere horseman should have the best, both as to quality and price. You can get highest quality and lowest prices at J. C. WELCOME & SON ECainess a,n.d. Sa,d.d.les THE T1MES-HERAL Job Printing. Come In And! Ask Ahoai We want to tell yoy about the latest and newest labor saver for the farmer a marvel of mechanical genius a regular "Jim Dandy" the light, handy and simple Fits Any Pumfifutti Makes It Hump I You never saw anything like it before nothing like it ha9 ever been made. It makes a windmiH pump into a perfect Power Pumping Plant in a few minutes, and besides pumping, it runs separator, churn, grindstone, or any machine ordinarily run by hand. You do the attach ing yourself. Costs less than a windmill! It's well worth a special trip to learn about the most wonderful invention you ever heard of. Next time you are in town come in sure. Wc want to give you a catalog free. CWJ nna- Patented Jum 1B,1BB Whora Pintllng !B"U.mF3, Oxogroro.