r iigTiliftLifctf' " r"t'ri i m mn iW st-.49mvm- -&irT 1 WBm" M $ m ti 4' m . F ' 1 & "K Vf i H K 4! L M h '0M r She Iimcsi-&taCil tfVTPRUAY Mn JV, 1910 BUllSOlUl'TION KATKS! Ono Year !lx Mnntha Three Month 1)00 101) .78 JULIAN tlVltn - - Mtni "THE PROMISED UNI).' R. G. Cnllvcrt, n stnll corres pondent of tlio Orcgoninn who toured this section with Louis W. Hill's party, wrote his paper from the P. Ranch. Among the inter esting things he said of this "Promised Land" ns he calls it we take the follewing: The topography of Blitzen val ley and tho country directly sur rounding Burns, is adapted more to a north and south than east nnd west railroad line, and it is Wm. Hanley's idea thnt tho country could host ho served and a railroad profit most hy tho con struction of a lino from Winne mucra, Nov., northward through tho center of tho state and down the John Day river. Either this plan will he followed or brunch lines built from an cast nnd west line that will pass south of Burns and north of the Blitzen Valley, That the Hill system will build an east and west line is almost beyond question. Mr. Hill told the peoplo of Burns that their building into the country was up to Mr. Hiinley, their representa tive in this district, and that he did not think Mr. Hnnley would go back on his homo town, gon Trunk Line surveyors been working eastward from Bend for several months and an other party has been working westward from Ontario and is now in tho vicinity of Malheur Lake. The possibilities of the country with railroad development are almost bewildering and tho won der is that it was not served by railroad transportation years ago. Now tributary to Burns in the Silver Creek and Harney Valleys are 500. 000 acres of tillable lands, most of which may be irrigated. Four miles from Burns is the of land enn bo mado to produco uniformly bounteous crops. Prl vnto cntorpriso is now engaged in surveys on Silver Crcok nnd plans nro under way for tho watering of GO, 000 acres in that district in tho near future, South nnd west of Ilnrnoy and Blitzen River vnlloys nro nreas of Government land which may bo taken under tho 320-ncro dry land homestead act. In plats prepared by tho Burns Commer cial Olub nro shown CO townships of this land in Harney County that arc open to entry, nnd there arc 40 more townships Jn tho vicinity that nro unsurvoyed. Of this 2,000,000 acres, approx imately one-half is tillnblo land, while tho bnlanco is good bunch grass grazing land, Burns rcsi denta say this land will "produco 25 bushels of wheat to the acre. In tho dry farming districts tho j soil is not quito so well adapted to tho conservation of moisture I as that of Sherman, Gilliam and i Morrow counties, according to tests mado at tho Oregon Experi ment Station nt Corvnllis, having more sand in tho composition, but tho average annual precipita tion is probably a little greater. For four years ending Decomber 31, 1907, tho annual rainfall in Harney County was 12.4 inches. Tho county, liko other sections of Eastern Oregon suffered a partial drouth in 1908 and the early part of 1909, but thi3yenr the rainfall has been unusua'ly heavy. Tho average rainfall is considered nmplo for dry farming where proper methods of cultiva- Oro-i won aro lonowea. have J In tno northern part of Eastern Oregon ten inches is declared to be sufficient to produco annual crops when rotation nnd scientific moisture conservation are adopt ed. There is apparently nol-en- son why the table lands of Har ney county should not deliver as good results with more than 12 inches of rainfall annually. city, although in n country of such great oxtont and resources cities now unthought of will Bpring up with tho upbuilding and dovclopmont of tho Interior Empire. LOCAL OVERFLOW. Descending Buck Mountain the first view of tho Burns country is obtained. Silver Valley is spread out below with but here and there a comparatively small cultivated area. Here lies 1G0.- Hanley home ranch, which is j 000 acres of the 500,000 that can typical of the country. In the be irrigated in the Burns country home ranch there are 9000 acres i and down the valley it is a gentle on which nothing is grown but 'fall to the seeming illimitable Cromo tho children cry for It. Tom Allen was in from tho P Ranch this week for a fow days. Wanted Girl to do genornl houso work for Binall family. Good wages. Inquiro at this olllco. Cortes Elliot and wife loft hero early Inst week for Portlnnd and coast points to bo absent nn In definite time. Phil Smith's big Black Perchc ron stallion arrived this week and hns been much amircd by loyera of horseflesh Holo Proof hosiery, is tho best made. Wo aro tho Burns Agents nnd have a largo line. Tho Busy Corner Store. I. Schwartz, Prop. L. H. Van Dorn and J. A. Maddux aro in tho city todny making tho final transfer of tho recent realty deal whorcby Mr. Van Dorn purchased tho holdings of Mr. Maddux near Windy Point. I hnvo re-opened tho Red Front Barn and will run as n feed stablo only. J am going to tnko tho best of euro of horses and make my charges as reasonable as possible. My men will have nothing to do but caro for your teams and I am going to see thnt it is done. I will appreciate, a sharo of your putronngo nnd will strive to please. M. L. Lkwis. Mrs. L. M. Brown and two little sons, Miss Mary Godfrey nnd Miss Lelin Egli left Thursday morning in Frank Dibble's auto and readied Dixie before the Sumpter Valley train arrived at noon. Mrs. Brown goes to San Francisco for a visit to her mother, Miss Godfrey to spend tho vacation period with her mother in Portlnnd and Miss Egli for an extended visit with rela tives at Eugene and othor points. Good morning! Did you have Cromo for breakfast? If you want to nmlco u trade, soil your relinquishment or other property tho Inland Empire Real ty Co. will bo of great nsslstnnco to you. They lmvo sold others nnd can sell yours. A pain prescription 1h printed upon orch 2fic box of Dr. Shoop's Pink Tain Tablets. AbU your Doctor or Druggist if this for mula is not complete. Pain means congestion, blood pres sure. Head pains, womanly pains, pains nnywhoro got in stant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet Sold by Reed Bros. .j ThlitlVemai'aCollontli " i'in iia.t iiim.iviv (orYouni Womtn UM LocaUd imnnj ilia htautilul liillt nrar OaVlanJ, California, ixun cluM In Sin I'raneiaco ami llil , (real Univmitifa of tU Waal. full cullrgtial court IraJinf lo uVtfrtf. Entrance anJ fraJuation rquirninti Muivalanl to tliott ol StanlurJ ai.J Univrraily of California. Training fila atuJanta for tiacliinil rrtular Itnai ol acailrmie woil, anJ olfara apftial aivanlaOa (or muatc, at!, library atuJy anl homa tconomica. Wall rau!pp4 laboralorin for acianca. Special attantian lo luallh of atuilrnla. MoJarn fymni.mm tliormitflily aquippaJ. Out. Joor lilt anil amuaa tn itta in lha iJaal California tic mala. Alumnaa in tvery city an tU Pacific CoaiU Ton GATAkoaui ADDaaaa PRMIOINT LUiLLA CLAY CAMHON, LL. D. MILL COLLBO l, O , CALiroHNIA, NOTIOK KOK I'UHMOATION. UmTi8TATiclAmiOrii, I llunia, Orviion, Airll Id, ItlO. Notice la horolijr chpii that llio HIMo ( Orriron haa Alnl In thl ontcvlla api'McaUon (Korlal No. 01117 to olcct.iltlilcr tho rnvlalon ol the Actul lonrea, l rovrol Mutual II, law, and acta luplemmtal ntul amendatory thereto, tho H HW$ Pee T. ! H , it SI i: , W . M Any iul ll tmraona rUlinliin Hlromcly Hie lanilailaacrlboil.or ilfalrliiK to otjffl lcaimo ol tho mineral character nt tho Uml, or lor anr other rcaion, to tho i11al to Hiipllc til, lionlit Mlo thalr anhlmll. ol t.rotfat In thla orrico, on or htlnro tho liallon ol tho I crlo-l ol UhllCRtlotl U . Vaiik. Hi (later. Klrat ul llcallun .rll M. ISIO. Uat lutitlcatlon Mur f, IMlO The HOTEL BURNS N. A. DIBBLE, Propt. CENTRALLY LOCATED, GOOD, CLEAN MEALS. COMFORTABLE ROOMS Courteous treatment, rates reason ableGive mo a co'l A First Clans Bar in Connection wild hay. This land has abun dant moisture and produces about one ton of hay to the aero annual ly. It would grow immense crops of wheator alfalfa, but now the productive qualities of the soil are devoted only to that which can bo fed to stock. With no rail transportation there is no inducement to the ranchers to grow much of anything that can not be driven out of the country on foot. It is a typical country, with cattle, sheep and horses ranging on tho mountains and hills in the summer and winter ing on the hay and grass in the valleys. Some of the ranchers Harney Valley. As William Hanloy says, "It is a big country and won't run out" Burns is now a town of perhnpa "IKOn nnnnlnlim, V : It. il.'i wv iviumuuii, AJIILUIIIIJJ 11, UIV first thing that strikes the atten tion is tho number of windmills. Apparently nearly every homo draws water from wells operated by mills and as a matter of fact there are more than 100 in the town. Burns is now developing in a substantial way. Thirty thou sand dollars of $50,000 that will be expended on a new stone hotel building has been subscrib ed. This year the Masons will have put out small orchards and 'erect a $20,000 stone temple, and DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notico is hereby given that tho co-partnership heretofore exist ing between V. C. Gibson and W. W. Drinkwnter has been dissolv ed. Mr. Drinkwnter has pur chased his former partner's in terest in the blncksmith shop nnd will pay all outstanding debts of the firm nnd also collect nil bills V. C. Gibson W. W. DniNKWATER NOTICE FOR !'UI. LIGATION UMTlTATI!'lA!0rlllt liurna, urupm.AKll?, II0 Notice la hereof given that Koturali Jaima ol Harney, orrKoii, who, on January I, I'M, made aeillrinaul ami t-atahtuheil realiUnce liiwn, and Initiate! her claim untlrr lhore (million lalrlal No OIIVli, fur l.ota3 A 4, iuocx , v n, lowiiauo m iiarney, iiarner County, (Jrritou,allilate.l In Hvithin Jl, Town HlnpriHimili. Ilanm l rail, Ulllatuelle Mrrl Han. haa died notice ol Intention to make dual I'm Kroi'lloii I'inof, to eaUhllali claim In lha laud atioro ilorrlUvl, hefnre lh llrtttatcr and lleccltrrr atllurm iirricou, on the Jlili day of Mar, IVIO Claimant numta aanllueaira T lllll Mary I II 111. II ( anirtcld, JnllKiawincId, allol llurua, UriKoo. Any eraou who dirlrra in rotcat nalnt the allowance ol audi (iruol, or who anmraof auy auhalautlal rraioit, undr the law aud Ihe rritulatlona ol lha Interior I'etuirtiutnl, why aueU iio.ilihoui1 not la allowed, will hdaloen u opiortunlly t tho aUno mcntloutnl time and Idaco In croia examine tho wllucaacaol aald claimant, and 10 olTcr evidence In reknttal of thatauhmllUd by rlalmanu HM. I'Anat. lICRlalvr Young's Meat Market & Grocery We sell everything that everybody wants to eat GENERAL MERCHANDISE Hardware, Implements, Groceries, Meats, Shoes k Rubber Goods, Ice Meats from 5c. to 12 l-2c. Best Loin Stcnk 121c Boils Cc. to 7c. Itoastfl Gc. to 8c. Snusago ." . 12Jc. Pork i 15c. After May 15 we will give away fr-g lPr5TT5 one ONE $25.00 STANDARD TALKING MACHINE for Cash purchases amount ing to $75.00. Save your coupons when they total $75.00 bring them in and get your machine. REED BUILDING OPPOSITE, POST OFFICE CONTEST NOTICE. Conical No. 131 Ukitcd flTiTU Liftb Omci I liurna, Oreion, April on, 110 A tuRlclent eunteat afflclarll harlni len tilt I la thla office by Alliert (llboona, contra taut, aialnat llomcalead Kntrr, No 33I, made June )J. J9ui, Herlal No Ovcan, for NKU Hcctlnn U. Townihlo'J3 South. llanrcM Kaal. Mlllam ette, by Calrln lluaby, Loetcatre, In which ii la aueieo trial aaiu lamn nuaiiny naa wholly abandoned Mid land for more than alx month! laal put. haa tierer aettled. or realdad on, or cultivated lame; aald parth a aro krrehx are producing for home consump tion apples, plums and apricots, Others are growing wheat and oats in limited quantities, selling what is not fed to stock to the grist mill at Burns. The valleys have a kind of natural irrigation as a rule, which in the meadow lands is more or less of a spring overflow. Yet experiments that have been a large mercantile establishment to be of stone is also under con construction. Burns is the trading center of all the great stock country de scribed. When development comes it will not only bo in the subdividing of tho big ranches but in the sale and cultivation of tho land in the Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain road grant. macle vith alfalfa on lands not j In Harney County this company subject to overflow have brought owns 247,938 acres. Burns with unexpected returns. In the draws its present start will probably and valleys in the surrounding remain the trading and distribut mountains tho establishment of ing center and there is ample storage reservoirs is possible and ground for believing that it will hundreds of thousands of acres become a great and substantial noticed lo appear, rcapoud, and offer evidence touching aald allejailon at 10 o clock . m 1910, before Ihe Ilexleter and on judo la, m Keeelver at the In liurna. Oregon. The aald conteaUnt having, to proper affida vit, aied April 23, 1910, ael lor Hi facie which how that after due diligence peraonal eervlce of thli notice cannol lie made. It la hereby or. dered and directed that audi nolle be given by due and proper publication. Wh, Parrc, Iteglater, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION A SWELL DRESSER Can Examine the very latest Spring and Summer Lines AH New in the very Fanciest Scotch Samples Shirts and all other articles for Ladies and Gentlemen The Only Place SCHENK BROS. THE MERCHANT TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS Burns, Oregon Odd Fellows' Building UKiTxnHriTta l.ixiiOrrica, i Uurna, Oregon, April tU, 1JI0. 1 Notice Ibereb)r given that Ihe State of Ore gon haa Bled In tiita orflce lie application 8rlal Ho. OMIBlio telect, under the provlalona of the Act of Congreu, approved Auguat 11, 144 and acta aupplemontal and amendatory thereto, the, I-ot 1, Seo. J,T, J7 S , H, M K. W. M Anyaud all peraona claiming adveraely Ihe lanilt described, or doalrlng b object hocauae of Ihe mineral character of Ihe land, or for auy other reaaoii, to Ihe dlipoaal to applicant, ahould file their affidavit of proteat In thla of Ore, on or before the expiration of the period of publication, Wh. lMKRie, Itexla'cr t'irel publication, May II, 1910. Uat publication, JuueH, 1910. NOTICIC FOIt HJ lU.ICATION t 'MIT OUT ATM i.VNIiOFKH'K, Iitiriir, uregon, prll 27, W0 N'otlrela hrrih) itlvm that Aaa I Jnhnaon, ol Van. ()ri'oii. who, on Aiiruat SI, IW3 made homeatead Knlry No. IU, Atrial No 0(719, for H)N), M t( I-tIIuii . 1ownihlil9H llangoSI Kail. flUnictli' Mirldlaii haa nicd notlconl Intiiilloii to male Unal Kltovar roof lo eitahllah ilolio In thv laud almte deai rlbed, belorn Ihe Itml.tor ant Itei elver, at Hume, Oregon, nti lti7lli day of June, 1910. I latmant naima aa whncaaia ilra Km in a Mullor, H N Mllllama, lilh of Van, On gon Martha J Hoirard.rlW Derail Ion, bolh of lirewaoy, Oregon Wm Kttc. Itegltirr NOTIOK FOR I'UDLIOATION. UitlTKOBTATiaLAHDOrriia ( liurna, Oregon, May a, 1910. Itotlce la hereby given that thoBtato of Ore gon hat filed In tfiliofflcelta appllratlon(Herlal No 0IMI)loaelecl, under Ihe provlalona of the Act of C'ongroae, approved Auguat it, ll, and acta amendatory thereto, the S 8Wi Hee. a,T. B., II. H V. , W U . Any and all pcriona claiming adveraely the .VOTICIi KOK PUHMCATIOK l)r.'ITKIHrAlrWI.KliOKFll'K,l liurna, Oregon, April tl, 1910 I Notico la ticrehy given that Martha I, Howard of Hrewevv, Ori-itun, who on March VtTI, madehomrateadKiilry.No ."ml ferial Nn WUI, for HJi.SK).', Ml i j NfV f Hon 17, iH I, HK)4, Bi-clloua. fi)Ui'alili JO iiangvltt V . Wlltam. elta Meridian, haa filed n-ilivof Intctitlon to make final I'omimitatloo l roof, in eatabllah claim to the laud an.no dcacrlluiil, lieforu tlo Iteglator and llerelver at llurtii, Ottyon, nu the 7lliday ol Juno lulu Claimant uamcaaa wltnt'ari! Aa I Jflhnaou, Mra Kmma Muller, both of Van. Oregon H W Hamilton, Homer I'ria. ley, both of Urawaey. ori'ilou Ww. l'ARitx, lUitlater. CONTEST NOTICE. (ON1KHT NO 151 UntTitnrlTAIIca liANH Orric r, llurua. On gon. May Ii, 1910 A aunlrfetitrontcal affidavit havlne been filed 111 thla orrico bv Hon lirlioaud ronteataut. agalnat llomoatead 1 utry, ho UI7IH, made OUuber 1, W), for Vt'tMUi, HI'),.SniJ and HWl. MJ, Pcitlou 15, Townalilp Jl houtli Itaniio 30 l.aat, IMIIamrttn Mcrldlau, by Clarence 'I nnitwlre. i nnteaiee. In which It la aiiigeuihal aald t larenc c irouiniro haa wholly abaiidoiied aald land for more than alimontha laatpaat haa never avllled or reald edon or cultivated aame aald artlea aro hcrihy nollrlodto apnr rrapond, and otter evidence touching aal I allegation at 10 n clock a m. on June .7 11)10, hoforu thu llielalar aud llecelv er at llio united Hltma Lund OITIce In liurna, Oregon Tim aald conti-alaut having In i roter alTlda tit, Died May W, UI0, ret forth facta which ahor thai after duo dllllgeuro eraoual aervlce nl thla notice caniiul be inai'e, It lahrrehyur Ii red and illreilnl that inch notico boiilvlu ii) i tiuand proper publication Wm, Kilia, lleglaler. m:t::tmnm:ntmt:um:t:t:t:tn:n:i::ntt:nn:n::nnt:::ttst:t:::::t:nn:::m:mtn Twelfth Night, No. 41906 TRIflb RECORD 2:11 M Rlrncil MKlitufStrntliiiiorn3.il .1 4; .Mark NIrIiI 8-10 6lriHUijrOiiuanl'.,iL'ri4,iilroirUiiirilHiWtr '-'.OMa, I'wtrl Onuaril 2 :UllJ, IlotiMltnv! Ofi 3-1, Onwlln 2;07f, I'llnttiH SO;. Colburt 2.07H. MleKOilu.a2 OOiJ, Major Muhoii L .()) i-f, Col. Thornton 3:00jg, Ciimollu llvlln 3:10 nnd 11)1 ulliors with recnr.1" Ulow 2:.t0. Dam: MIjoi ltotn2.01.1-l, Dntii of I.oallo Allon L'tir.JX. I'liclie Tliorn 2:21, Mlu Aunlla 2.VIi, Allcct V. I.wl 2:21 3-1 uml Alma Sobloy vrllh a twojt)r-old rrwrpof 2'Wa.4. Onwnnl la by Geo. Wllkv Minn ltvtn by J. J. Amlaboii, elro of Aiidabon Hoy 1 :MU- J. J-Auclabon la by Alcyone, bo by ,CIco. Wllkce. I hau enoiib iiiaroa bookcil lo war run I Hut keoilnij of Tuolftb Nlulit at homo ami will rlitiitl him at llnrrlmnti, Ori'itou for tho coaiott of 1010. Tco fllOullli rtttirii prlUUoH If tnaru proven not In fo.il; inaroti paatnroJ uml cnrt'il for frcv of c barcu. Tor itrtlctihira urlto H. DENMAN, Harriman, Oregon i:ttnut:iiiu'.::ii:iituum:m:u::u:::tui!!tn::ttnit:tm:tt::it:i:tmit:inutumitutiH Thin weather will make you feel like making garden. We have the BEST STOCK OF PLOWS on hand and the Best and monl COMPLETE STOCK OF SEEDS SEEDS IN BULK AT ONE-HALF PRICE of package seeds. Full slock of HOBS and 3FL1lXSL2 Begin to get readg for gardening GEER & CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. Burns Meat Market New Shop Opposite the First National Dank Main St. Pork, Vionan, !aI AM1 ti ntl . -M Liver Sausages' Beef in any Quantity. Your patronage solicited. H. J HANSEN, Propt sawig BUNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CORTES E. ELLIOTT, Propt. Special (tltunlion given lo transcient custom and freight teams. Horses kept by the day, iveek or month. F1BST CLASS LIVERY TURNOUTS. Hay ami q'i ain alivays on hand. your imtrontigi solicited. South MuiufcH, HurnH, Oregon Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES IN CONNECTION WITH BARN. i l ill injmi . imi B; , lSS'1 laiidadticrltieil.ur clcalrlnir lu object tetanic ol the mineral character of tlio laud, or lor anr oilier raaion, to the dlipoaal toanpllcanl, ooice. on or before tlio axplratlou ol the period ol publication. IVH.Kaaai, Itcgliter Vint publication, May 14, 1910 Uat publication, June 19, 1010, NOTIUE VOll. PUBLICATION. N0TICJ2 FOR I'UllIJCATION. (Itolatcxt Tract 1 l'UHI.IIJI.ANDHMK Unitkh htatiw I.txii Orririt llurua, Onifuii, May in, 1010 Nfil lilt 1 omiuUalon u la In ruby ulmu thai, nailltnlnl hjr iiiultalonrriif lliullencral IjiiiiI Ufllcc. uiKlvir the provlilciiie nl llio Ml ul Lougrvaa liullencral Uml onicv, of tlioALt ul Loniiroaa aii rood llinuV, Mod ltl l-lata , 117,1 wo will nlfur at imullo aalo to llio hlxhcat fililder, a IU ii i lock u. in , nu lltii OTtli ilay nl Juuo, 1910, at iina imiii i, iim loiiuwiuu iiraurioru lauti N1(NHU tko Jl Tti M Boulh. Ilaugo ,11 aaai, n, m iiiiiuir a pinaiiwiiojwvi Any i uraoti Ualmlug advutaoly lluiabov, dcacrlbvd lamia nro advlaml In llio tholr olalnia or olijiclloua on ur liofuro tho tliu dcalKnalcd fur aalc MM, KaitHE. Hi Klitrr FlIANK 1IAVKV, ItCielvcr. The Standard Bred Stallion PROGRESS Trial 2:20 Will stand season of 1910 ELLIOTT BARN, Burns, Ore 41 159, In ii inntsnpnm bay MiumIIiil' M lmiultc lilKlt. Hired hlr Jolm HS.04j; Ullpiiora.OOj 11 otliern bettor tlinu 2-28, Dam 1'ItOGItr.SS. No, bj D.iti o. JM0J: alrtxl by blr Albtirt .' 0J'. Uiuliollla 2 -Hli, 0 otlirra lu luna tlfan '.' 10, nm Koinomiior .110, uy wnnnu'in, i.wi Dnrtba, Ktuiiiliiioth'ur of l'ruirua. la llio tuotliur ol ID colt all In tbu lint. Thv I.itiilt, lior llltli colt wits Hold nn u nromt puror at $10,000. lit IiIh Ibroo-jcar old (or in b't mado n record of 3'10 THE CAPITAL SALOON, DEDELL & RICHARDSON, Proprietors. Burns, - - Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Tables. ! Club Rooms in Connection. Terms: $ 1 5, 20, 25 CEO. D. HACEY, Burns, Ore. IfUtvsn UlBr f.aWhraiet. m - uiai ufii vf tr r tiuKt llurua, Oregou, May 1, 1910 Hotlie la hereby glren that Kiliar K I.aiiirli llo, nl I'aullna, Oregon, who, on December ItMKjx, made horaealeail entry No. DIIJ7, for r"!iHWf, Heo. M; Ttrn ljg. IM t. aK'lNWU, Hoctlou1;, Townahlpl8 H , all In Itanju h, JCaat Wlllametto Meridian, baa filed notice of Inten tlon to make rlual Commutation I'roof, toea tabilab claim to the land aUivu duaorlbed, he fore the llexlate' and Itecelrer, at liurna, Ore liou, on the lat day of June, Will t lalmant namea aa wltneaaea ..M.J aenccal, 1'eler Holore, Oicar Oberge, M, E. Ueloro all of 1'aulina, Oregon. WM.Vaiai, Itogliter, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Umiteii HtiTM I,ANii Drcicrs llurpa, Onicou, April i, IVIO Nu leu la hereby ithni thai dura I' llolln Kay, ol Hciilo.liriicon, who, on June (1th, luoil, made dcaerl laudvutry N11. wj, Horlal No omn, forNtVi,NW)iSoi ifli NKHNKIJ Hot lion III, Town.hfil(j H.Iiango If) 1'. lUlfamuttu Meri dian, haa fllodiKiticu ol lulu tluti to make- tlnal proof to catnbllah tlaltii In Ihiiloiid nlnivoilu acrlhad, heforu M J 01 ouiior, II H Ouinmia alouer.athla ullliant lleiilo. (iricron. cm tin, Dili Auy ul June. lull). uiBiiuaui 1 niuua aa wiiiica.pai Krucat Hnllnway. I ollllnlilla Clrovc . llarrlaoti iiroyp, rnu iiouuway, hiiui I'viilutlrrgoii, Wm, Kaiiiik, Ituxlilir SIDNEY WILKES, 2:41 Sire Marvin Wilkes 2:12J who trotted 3 heats in ono afternoon in bettor than 2:09 and Bold and shipped to Australia and is now tho champion trotlor and show hoi so of Australia. Marvin Wilk e wag tho greatest raco colt of his day m California. Dam, Kitty B. 2:241 a stako winner and unbeaten as a two and three year old. Sho by Sidney 2:15)3, jjrandsiro of Lou Dillon 1:584 Sidney Wilkes was vory fast as a two year old and trotted i mile barefooted at a 2'AO gait. Last year with CO days work ho raced bottor than 2:40 and is tho fastest trotiiiR stallion in Ilnrnoy County anu will tnko a low record tins year. Ho is a dark brown 15jf liniuls high weight 1200 lbs and n model harncsB horse. Will mako season 1910 nt Fair Grounds, Burns, Oregon. For terms nddress, Claude McGee, Burns, Oregon Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls.. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. 'V'J'tk-1aV.'V'VaV'- unimtnmmnimimmmiitimtumni:nntntiiii:itiiitt!itti!iiiiimtm RANDALL, PASSENGER & illALONEY Government Land Locators and dealer In HARNEY COUNTY LANDS ROOMS 1-2-3 ODD FELLOW BLDG., BURNS, OREGON ,HimKimnMmmmHnRmmmmttmiiuti!itiitmtHiii!mtittttini E. B. REED & SON Complete line of Fancy & Staple Groceries ICE CREAM SEASON Wo wish to announce lo the public thnt wo will soon lmvo an Ice Cream AlitiuifacturliiK Plant lu operation nnd prepared to furnish It In nny quant ity on short notico to families or entertainments. WE STILL TAKE ORDERS FOR TAILOR MADE CLOTHING We want to thank you for your past patronage. We believe you will find it to your interest to trade with in the future. Our stock in complete and our DRUGS are the beat. We will not handle any other kind and our prices are right. We have the best line of Cigars, Candies, Post Cards and Stationery In the city. Agents for DR. SHOOP'S FAMILY MEDICINES and SECURITY STOCK REMEDIES Wc Solicit yeur Prescription work The City Drug Store REED BROS., Proprietors mkV. -VV1H. ,- fc a . A .t. t ''aJMWaWk&TrS 3UCE fe-3 BlPW hmtBgmEmxMiM MILLS ENGINES BOILERS jilOH GRADE MACHINERY WRITE FOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES THE A.H.AVERILL MACHINERY CO. SPOKANE, WA5H.-P0RTUND.0RI:,- SAN JOSE L i . re Sic 3ur amd tho f D ou ithe sfac A aw Utlfl 11. f 4K 1 Tlit M i;23ts iPris jinti icienl obo tswt ndtl II of ist'ri t . . ud. ' 1 -m . " 1 Muni caiu latMHMaliMfa