The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 21, 1910, Image 1

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Wtyt Vlmca-Tternlti
Th Ofllolftl l'nper o( Iliunoy Comity
hua tha Inrgoat ctrrulntlou iiihI In onu c
th Iwtt Rilvcrllslng liHHlluiiifi ill Kaslorii
Oregon. '
Uj 05rcnt 3-lnrttcu flCotiiiiru
Covers on nrcn 'of 0,428,800 iich o
Inrnl, 4, (K) 1,051 ncres jet tacnnl enliiul
to untry uiiilur tlio public lnml Ihh ol
Uio Unlto.1 Slates.
t-y f
- -1
NO. 27
1 ' . r
j)e MteM
800-000' Acre Road Land Grant is to
Peopled Without Delay
Hill's Friends Announce noise & Western as East to
West Line Across Oregon, From Ontario to Bend
-Colonization Firm Has Capital of $12,000,000.
Much news of an encouraging
nature regarding the exploitation
and development of this section
and some of it is best told in the
outside papers. Sunday's Orc
gonian has the follewing:
With the arrival in Portland
r yesterday of John E. Burclmrd,
;ofSt Paul, definite information
becamo public as to the building
j of the Boise & Western Railroad,
i as the east and west branch of
I the Hill system in tapping Cen
tral Oregon.
Entering tho state at Ontario,
the Boise & Western will build in
I a northwesterly direction, through
Malheur canyon to a point direct
ly east of Malheur lake. From
I tilts point two surveys have been
made for a continuation of the
I it
One of the projected lines passes
to tin north of Malheur lake and
the other between Malheur lake
and Harney lake. The objective
point of the road will be attained
through the use of either line.
Bend will in all probability be
the junction point for the new
line with the Oregon Trunk line,
the railway owned by the Hills,
and which is rapidly creeping to
ward the heart of Oregon by way
of the Deschutes river.
Whichever route may be final
ly selected will depend upon the
visit now being made to that sec
tion of the state by the parly of
I which Louis W. Hill is a member.
It is believed that the northern
route, following the survey and
igradeof the Willamette Valley
& Cascade Mountain wagon
(Road, will be the first construct
ed. It will open a larger terri
tory which is soon to be populat
ed, and which will be shipping to
the markets of the world before
the Hill lines reach the south
boundary of the state.
The southern survey will be re-
tained for the Hill road to Cali
fornia, winch will he bunt in tnc
incar future.
Following closely on tho an
nouncement as to railway routes,
came that concerning the final I
closing of the largest real estate
transaction, from an acreage
tviewpoint ever consummated in
khe history of the United States,
land the organization of the Orc
Igon & Western Colonization Co.,
with a capitalization of ?12,000,
000. Transfers of the 800,000-acre
grant from the owners of the
Willamette Valley & Cascade
Mountain Wagon Road Company
to the new purchasers, the Ore-
Kon & Western Colonization Co.,
Kvere vesterday completed in New
lYork City, and John E. Burclmrd,
Mce-president of the new corn-
many, is nero io suin uuvuiui
Imentand settlement of the vast
nrceatre. Heretofore withheld
from settlement and use by the
French owners, it is proposed to
dispose of the lands rapidly in
uny quantity above 40 acres.
Curtis L. Mosher, of St. Paul,
will bo in charge ot tho publicity
feature of the work.
The lands which are now to be
opened up were secured under a
grant from congress, the consid
sration being the construction of
i wagon road along tho foot of
the western slope of tho Cascade
fountains. It begins about 12
niles from Albany and ends at
Dntario. In the more than 400
niles of tho princely gift are
5f0.000 acres of agricultural and
rruit lands, much of which is
iubject to irrigation and for
vhich water is available, and
40,000 acres of timbered hills.
Dstimatea of the timbcr.placc tho
otal at 4,500,000,000 feet. Thir-
y thousand acres of the timber
sind in tho Willamette Valley
vill be subject to fruit-raising
is soon as the timber is removed.
"Wo Becured tho grant lands
or tho purpose of opening them
up to purchase," said Mr. Bur
chard yesterday.
"Within 30 days a stream of
settlers will begin to go upon the
lands, entering at Ontario, tho
most available point at this mo
ment. Wo havo already shipped
two car loads of automobiles to
Ontario for use in taking custom
ers upon the lands.
"Our plans contemplate tho
settlement of the territory
through colonization, and the
most practical methods to accom
plish that end will bo adopted.
It is possible that wo .will enter
into contracts with sub-agents for
the colonization of specific tracts.
I am already in receint of a num
ber of applications from persona
who desiro to assume such re
sponsibilities, and am going to
consult with them about it.
"Tho thing I want to mako
plain to the people of Oregon is
that this land is now within the
reach of the people. Wo are go
ing to send that news all over tho
world and the people are coming
to Oregon.
"Wo will join with Louis W.
Hill, president of tho GreatNorth
ern, in his publicity plans, tho
operation of special trains and
cars laden with Oregon products
bojng a feature of .advertising
which has never failed to bring
markedly good results.
"And while I am sbeakingof
the railroad situation I must de
cline to say anything which
could more properly be said by
the Hills. They are building their
own railroad, but it is not likely
tlia,t we Would have expended
j such a large sum of money in pur
chasing the grant and nrranged
for tho tremendous expenditures
which will be imposed upon
us by the plan in view unless tho
Oregon & Western Colonization
Company had good assurances
that tho" necessary railroads
would bo built. They are a pri
mary requisite to the success of
our endeavor
".Offices for handling the busi
ness of the Oregon & Western
Colonization Company will bo"
opened in Portland, St Paul,
Kansas City, Chicago, Canada
and such other points as may ap
pear advantageous.
"It is impossible to announco
the prices at which the lands will
be offered, but it may be stated
that they will range from $15 to
$200 an acre. Each tract will be
separately examined and apprais
ed by our experts. The contracts
upon which the lands may be
purchased will be varied to suit
each applicant Terms of pay
ment will bo made so that any
person who is honestly want
ing a home and is willing to go
upon tho land for that purpose
will bo given all tho time ho may
need to pay out Wo want the
lands settled up and will bo con
tent to receive our money during
a long period of years.
"The Oregon & Western Colo
nization Company will stand be
hind tho construction of irriga
tion .works where that plan of
farming mutjt bo adopted. Wo
will tnvesUgate what tho irriga
tion companies now operating in
thatsection of the state are doing,
and where they can mako a suc
cess their plans will be encour
aged. But where our capital
may bo needed to place the water
on tho lands it will bo ready."
Messrs. Burchard and Mosher
will leave tonight for Ontario,
Whoroan outfit of supplies awaits
them. They will leave Ontario
on Monday evening, beginning
the appraisement of the lands
and the fixing of values. Set
tlement is expected to begin
on the fruit lands of tho Ontario
district, working west and north,
Tho first lands to bo Bold on tho
grant will probably bo in tho
vicinity of Bend and Prineville,
W, P. Davidson, a well-known
real ostato operator of St Paul,
is tho president of tho now com
pany; John E, Burclmrd, who has
been for many years known as
tho most prominent land dealer
in tho north, is vice-president:
O. A. Robertson, treasurer;
Joseph C. Wood, socrctnry. Tho
directors, nil St Paul men, with
ono exception, are: O. A. Robert
son, W P. Davidson, John E.
Burchard, Thcodoro ' Schulzo,
James II. Skinner, Joseph C.
Wood, Gcorgo D. Eygabroad and
F. E. Konaston, of Minneapolis.
Within tho tract which passes
to tho ownership of tho St Paul
corporation nro a numbor of
thriving .citiesAinoludir.gPrJho
villo, with 5000 population; Burns,
with n population of 3500; Vale,
with 5000 population, and Ontario
a city of G0OO, A largo number
of smaller cities and towns, now
cut off from railways, will bo
given tho advantages of new
lines nnd promise to show n
rapid development
The lands present a varied
catalogue of resources. For 100
miles along the grant thoro are
signs of oil nnd natural gas has
been developed with a pressuro
of 125 pounds to tho squaro inch.
In several districts which nro
mountainous there are indications
of ore nnd much of this land is
mineralized. TJtc agricultural
lands, which form 4-hc great bulk
of tho total, arc diversified, ofl
ering a large number of irriga
tion projects, soveral exceedingly
rich valloys, of which tho Har
noy valley 40 miles wido and 80
miles long, is tho most notnble,
immense areas of fruit lands and
largo tracts suitable for cereal
crops, sheep raising and general
ranching. Much of tho land has
never bepn examined in a thor
oughly scientific manner, and the
natural resources, although
known to bo great, are by no
means thoroughly explored.
The land involved in the pur
chase was originally granted to
tho State of Oregon in 1855 by
tho United States Government,
nnd was in turn granted by the
state-to the Willamette Valley &
Cascade Mountain Road Corpora
tion, formed for tho purpose of
constructing a highway across
the state. But very little of tho
grant to tho road corporation
ever passed from its ownership
and the grant when transferred
to the new land corporation by
purchase was practically intact
Tho Southern Pacific crosses tho
eastern end of tho grant which
penetrates tho Willamette Valley.
It crosses the Cascades by way
of Sanis Pass, and includes largo
tracts along the Crooked River, a
tributary of the Deschuses, Mal
heur River and a number of
other rivers and streams.
There is no litigation pending
against any portion of tho grant
except ono friendly action
brought to protect riparian and
water rights on the Deschutes.
Tho owners of the property were
largely French investors acting
through Lazard Frcres, of Paris.
In the transfers made yesterday,
tho titles transferred by tho
French owners to an individual
for convenience, wero transfcr
cd to tho new Oregon & Western
Colonization Company. A num
ber of previous offers wero made
tho French investors, but they
took tho position that they would
sell tho entire grant or none, nnd
refused a number of very profi
table propositions for the devel
opment of individual irrigation
projects. Tho Saint Paul corpo
ration closed with them on tho
basis of the salo of the cntiro
grant at their fixed price, and
has taken over all tho lands with
out respect to classification.
Wo wish to call particular
attention to tho following deeded
properties in tho heart or Harney
1G0 acres, all fenced, good house
partly improved $18.00 per acre.
117 acres, all fonccd. nartly
cleared, good house, & 15,50 per
80 acres acres raw land something
extra special $ per acre.
1C0 acres, 12 miles from Burns.
Tho best of the Cnroy selection
16.00 per aero.
5000 ncres, school land, mostly
full sections for $0.00 per acre,
wo can mako good terms on tho
above if sold by Juno 1 st as tho
prico bo advanced at that time,
writo us today if you aro intercst-
Itundull, I'oBucnifiT & Muloncy
ItuniH, Oretfon
Tom Richardson Says Home Seekers
Get Glad Hand in Interior
Newcomer Finds Friendly Spirit in All The Towns and
Pioneers Eager to Giyo Any Assistance Asked of
Them Sentiment Surprifchiij, Strong and General.
Manager Tom Richardson of
tho Portland Commercial club re.
turned this morning from an ex
tended tour of central Oregon in
the interest of thoOrcgon Devel
opment league Mr. Richardson
is enthusiastic over tho feeling
of sympathy he found among the
wealthy stockmen of tho interior
townrds tho new settlers, the
vanguard of whom are now pour
ing into the state in steady
streams, Bays tho Journal.
"It is wonderful," exclaimed
Mr. Richardson, "History tells
us, and many havo experienced
it personally, that tho big ranch
ers nnd stockmen as a rule look
with suspicion upon the opening
up of tho big pastures on which
their stocks have roamed at will
and grow fat but such is not tho
case in interior Oregon. The big
men there nro as enthusiastic
over tho coming of tho railroads
and people as nro the aulomobilo
men who profit by tho rush.
" 'Of course, ' said ono of them
to mo, "Mr. Richardson explained,
" 'wo welcome the railroad and
want it, but wo will loso many
things now dear to us. Fqr in
stance, it will no longer bo safe
to leave the doors unlocked with
our purse on tho table, as has
been our habit for years.'
"Tho sentiment throughout
central Oregon is to welcome "the
newcomer nnd give him all the
assistance possiblo until he gains
a strong foothold. The pioneers
realized that it is no bov's play
to find one's hopes shattered.
Therefore they will see that not
ono prospective settler will re
turn homo disappointed. Thcro
exists a spirit to help everybody
along and make things pleasant.
"Thnt sentiment is surprising,
strong and general.
"Great ovations are given the
Louis W. Hill parly everywhere.
Children wave flags and grown
ups cheer as tho nutomobilo party
passes through the various vil
lages and towns. I noversnw
greater and more earnest en
thusiasm. "Tho now towns aro ambitious,
and yet the rivalry seems friend
ly. Bend wants to become a
manufacturing city. It has the
timber and the powor. Prineville
is a center of wealth and Red
mond is in the midst of a great
irrigated district
"Another very important and
very beneficinl factor in the de
partment of tho interior is the
fact that tho goals can bo reach
ed through three cities, Shnniko,
Vale and Prairio City. This
stimulates traffic. Prairio City
is now tho terminus of tho Sum
ptor Valley road from Baker
City. Tho trip can be mado com
fortably between these two
points. Vale has good scrvico
from tho main O. R. & N. lino
and if one chooses to go in by tho
way of Slmniko from Portland
this can bo done without change
of enrs.
"Tho country is well supplied
with hotels, some of tho very
best of accommodations to bo
found in these now hotels. Ono
would hardly think so in view of
tho nowness of tho country.
"Tho spirit of advertising tho
state and tho various communi
ties is increasing to an astonish
ing degree. Why nt Prineville
tho wealthy atockmon came for
ward voluntarily and announced
their interest in tho work and
engernesB to assist, unoy aro
independently wealthy and com
fortably situated, but aro glad to
assist in tho work of having peo
ple brought to Oregon nnd tho
country dovoloped.
"Tho Wallowa country is mak
ing wonderful strides. The sugar
boot industry ia proving a. big
success and thousands if ncres
aro in boots. Tho Grand Rondo
iiABmiift- -
valley is a surpriso from a horti
cultural point of view. Wonder
ful orchards in every direction
In a quiet way this valley has
developed and progressed until it
now offers a startling surpriso to
a visitor of a few years ngo."
It is gratifying to those who
took part and tho Ladies After
noon Club under whose auspices
the concert wns given, to recievo
the approval and praise of the
geneaal public in the rendition of
the War Timo Concert at the
Presbyterian Church Tucsdsy nnd
Wednesday evenings. It has been
I a very busy time with all tho past
few weeks and tho preparation
of the program was not given the
usual attention, therefore the
voices wero not the best How
ever the largo attendance each
evening showed an appreciation.
Somo of the numbers, were:
The flag drill by twelve young
girls under tho able direction of
Miss Farnum fol'owed by the
"Star Spangeled Banner"by Mrs.
Lconaad. The ladies quartet was
ono of tho really fino features
that was greatly appreciated.
Mrs. Farre, .Mrs. Leonard, Miss
Biggs, and Miss Farnum compos
ed the quartet and there singing
of "Home Sweet Home", and
"Kentucky Babe", was certainly
fine. The male quartet was its
usual success. Miss Louel Smith,
Ludwig Johnson, Piatt Randall
and Mr. Berg were exceptionally
good in their solo work. "Tent
ing on the Old Camp Ground"
by a male chorus with appropri
ate stage settings and tableau
effect was generously applauded.
The cntiro program, in fact,
seemed to meet with approval
and those taking part wero warm
ly congratulated by their friends.
The success of the concert was
largely duo to tho energetic work
of Mrs. Win. Farre as she man
aged tho alFnir. Miss Rebecca
Biggs presided at the piano and
her work was greatly appreciat
ed. Following is tho pregram:
Dixie Chorus
When Johnny Comes Marching
Home Solo and Chorus
Mn. Johnson
Marching Through Georgia
. .Chorus
Columbia Tho Gem of Tho
Ocean Solo nnd Chorus
Miss Loukl Smith
Battle Cry of Freedom
Mnlo Chorus
Home Sweet Home .
Ladies Quartet
Mns. FAiutrj, Mus. Leonard,
Miss Biggs, Miss Faiinum
Tenting on the Old Camp
Ground . . Solo and Chorus
Mil. Randall
Old Black Joo Male Quartet
Messhs. Bykd, Randall,
Johnson, Mahsdkn
Yankeo Doodle (Sung back
wards) . Chorus
Glory 1 Glory! Hnlleljah!.. Chorus
Old Kentucky Home
..Duet and Chorus
Mns. Faiuib, Mu. Byiu
Kentucky Babo .Ladies Quartet
Mns. Leonard, Mrs. Faiuie,
Miss Biggs, Miss Farnum
Massa's in tho Cold Ground
Solo and Chorus
Ma. Berg
Flag Drill-Star Spangled Ban
ner Solo and Chorus
Mrs. Leonard
American Hymn. ChoruB
Just Beforo tho Battle Mother
Solo and Chorus
Mu. Bykd
Whon thoBnndisPlayln' Dixie
,Malo Quartet
Messrs. Byiid, Randall,
Johnson, Marsden
Amorica Chorus
(Portland Correspondence.).
Central Oregon has lived an
eventful lifo the past two weeks,
first with a scried of develop
ment meetings plnnned by tho
commercial organizations at Bend
Prineville, Burns, Prairie City
and Enterprise, nnd then in en
tertaining Louis W. Hill and his
party who mado a leasuroly trip
through the region in automo
mobiles, nnd everywhere receiv
ed welcomes that would put to
shamo tho conventional recep
tions of tho largo cities.
Most interesting singlo feature
of all was the award of contract
for a mammoth bridge over the
Columbia at Celilo Falls for tho
Oregon Trunk. Tho cost will be
approximately $1,500,000, there
will bo twenty-nino spans to the
structure and it must be com
pleted by January 1, 1912. Tho
total length is 3960 feet or more
than three-quarters of a mile.
Tho longest span is 350 feet
Foreign mail of the Oregon
Development Lcaguo increases
at a rate that can best bo de
scribed asappalingfor those who
must answer tho inquiry. Sat
urday morning's delivery includ
ed letters from Russia, Germany,
Holland, Denmark, Belgium,
Philippines, Italy, Honduras and
Sweden, as well as those from
all parts of North America.
A party of thirty Minnesota
bankers and a second party of
prominent Wisconsin business
men, the latter traveling under
tho auspices of the Oshkosh
Chamber of Commerce, will ar
rive in Portland during the first
week in June. They plan to see
Oregon thoroughly after partici
pating in tho Rose Festival.
Every thresherman and farmer
in Oregon is invited to attend the
Thrcshermens convention to be
held at Albany June 2nd and 3rd.
Secretary Bates states that it will
bo the largest gathering of agri
culturists in Oregon this year,
Tho United, States government
has arranged to send two of its
best men from Washington, tho
Governor of tho state will be
present and tho program for the
two days is replete with the best
that money could obtain. The
Commercial Club at Albany will
furnish a big banduet at noon of
the 3rd. to the delegates on the
Court House lawn. Both the O.
R. & N. and Southern Pacific
lines and branches have made a
one-nnd-one-third rate on the
certificate plan and a ten days
limit will be given to tho Eastern
Oregon contingent that they may
stop over at Portland for the
Rose Festival tho following week.
Job printing Tho Times-Herald
Cream Separator
Do Lrtvat separators save ciinugli oyer
any gravity creaming of milk in butter
(nt, quality ol cream, sweet rklinuillk,
labor, tlmo and troulilu to y fur lliem
selum ovory six mnntlii.
Do I.'vnl tepftratore lavofnouuli over
other t-oparntrs In closer rnpirntlon,
running heavier and smoother cream,
skimming cool milk, greater capacity,
ennler cleaning, easier running and loa
repairs to pay forthomeelvra evry jear
Improved Do Lovul (operators tavo
enough over Da I-avul machines of live
to twonty-flve yarb ago In more abso
lutely thorough reparation under nil
conditions, gientor capacity, eanler run
ning, and greater simplicity to pay (or
thonuolve every two years.
!) l.ayl separators nro tint only su
porlor to others bat at Banu time cheap
est In proportion to actual capacity, and
they last (rout Ave to ten times longer,
Tneio ar the reasons why tlio world's
oxporlancod separator uaorp, Including
log 08 per cent ol al croamerymeu, use
and ondorse the De I.aval separators.
G. L. HEMBREE, Agent.
Riley, Oregon.
yr I V!i"llSrHP
Do you realize how much it means
to you to get Quality in what you
buy? There is a wide diversity in
goods; we carry that class of mer
chandise found only in other good
An examination of the goods in
our Dress Goods department will
convince you of our .claim of Qual
ity. You. will find amuch differ
ent line of goods --you will notice
the Quality iri looks at a glance.
Most ot our goods are bought in
dress patterns, a very important
matter to you in selecting a nice
bora's Satisfactory
Burns, Oregon.
I '$ $&$ astt&SgS
nf f ii w-ximri
in. L,. JL,CWI
- ... Represents the....
Home Insurance Co., of New York,
Live pool, London & Globe,
Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia.
v-uriicr ,-iuuui (ii Lunaoui g x uanon s.
List Your Property With The
J Inland Empire
A speciality of Government land locations
W. T. LESTER, Manager, Burns, Ore
1 1
A book on rheumatism, and a
trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedy liquid or
tablets ia being sent free to
sufferers by Dr. Shoop, of Racine,
Wis. You that are well, get
this book for some discouraged,
disheartened sufferer! Do a sim
ple act of humanity! Point out
this way to quick and certain re
lief! Surprise some sufferer, by
first getting from mo the book
let and the test Ho will appre
ciate your aid. Sold by Reed
For Sale A five room cot
tage, four lots all fenced with
two good wells, a windmill and
other improvements. No rock.
G. Hudspeth,. Burns, Oregon.
! The Harrimaii
"W I R
ft complete line or
groceries ana mrv uooas
M -
Gents Furnishings
We guarantee quality nmrprices Let Jus provolto you that
wo'hnvo the goods at right pricesCall and see us
TK Tw Town Oraut Orlc a m.
' tf
- raw
Buns, 0"regon.
s$$ m
Realty Company J
All parties owing Lewis & Gar
rett, or Simon Lewis are hereby
notified that all these accounts
are in the hands of our attorney
C. H. Leonard for collection and
settlement Persons indebted to
us will please settle tho same
with Mr. Leonard at once.
Simon Lewis
J. T. Gakhett.
Williams Bros, saw mill at
Cold Spring c-n the Canyon road
is prepared to ao custom worK
for those desiring to take ad
vantage of their government per
mit Also lumber for sale at $12
per thousand. See them about
custom prices.
r2 '
Mercantile Co.
i"b. i. a
H l