tMM5- ivg! &u; .. .sjEiRw.i;,.,j.Mf", J Job printing-Tho Times-IIorald NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Vmtkii HtATiQIiJitorrir, llnrus. OreRim, April IV, 1M0 1 Notlco ! JiMrtijr alien that t'harlri Y taegan, of Harney, Onpon, who, onJnnoS. No. (M7W, lor KV. KV.'i Hwtlon , liinilili S3 V, llinw I". Willamette Mm .Ian Ima Med notice ol Intention l;i mako Ml l'rool, to citabllili tlalm In Hip land sljove Ho scribed, before Ilia lUititer atl.l llerelTer, at Iiurnt, Oregon, on the 'J'tli dayot May, WW Claimant nautea as witnesses' , , Joseph w. Ilnchaunn, I-on iiiiehsiikn, 1-co livl, Lester M. llnintllun nil or Ilarnoy, Oro Ron. M rinMK, IMRtater. KOTIOK FOU I'UIU.ICATION. Usurp sr aw t urn ovriim littnit, Oreti, l" l"0 Notice li licrtbv alien tital EwMfl 1". ller uoltli, ol llurni, Oregon, who, wi 1S"IT lwu, mule Homomead Entry Jo 3WH. aerial N'o. 01S.W, for Nj NKHi (potion Wi and the WH SUM, Seotlon I. TnwniMp B. Ilimmil? N., W'lllamclto Meridian, has filed nolle ol In teiitlon to make llnal live Year Proof, to es tablish claim to tho land alnive described, lie fore the Kesliter awl Keeelver. at lliirm, Ore icon, on tliu ith day ot Mnv, 1P10. Claimant names aiwltiiee' ,, , H. A. Miller, II. 8. Iteiunlds. K. W . Vau Val kcnbuiK, latd Millet nil of Hums, meson. M. 'ahii, Hegliter, 1'KTITION KOU l.lQUOIt I.ICMNHK. Wo, tliu urulersignoil leenl votors ot Lnko l'roclnct, Hnruoy Coiuity. Stiitu o( OroKon, rcsiK'citiilly iiolltlon (ho lion. Oounly Coutt ot llnrnuy Comity, Slnto of On'Roti, to t-rmit tv lli-imto to Unrrin i 1'ltxgorAUI to Soil Siirllnoii8, JUltiiml Vinoui Liquor In loos quMitltlon limn one giillon in I.nko Vreclnrt llitrlioy County, Stnto o( Orogou, fur tho puriod Six () Months, n in tlnlv h'timlwo will over pray. Sixmo I. K, Yiiiuitor J. It. HcuJ Kit Huvnll Wnlor Amlotbon Geo. W. Slinnions A. J. Oiliorn T. K. Gundy" A. S. Jones J. Sovpifc C. T. Slmmimn J. II. lIuinloriHiii II. I). llUfk Wm Namott II. Sluhhlotlolil It. A. Iilllinfiiooil .1. C Mocilion I R. Tylr J. S-. MMttlntcr JefS Mnralmll ' It V. Kitron A. J. l'lMHongur C. Howl Win. Wmlo A.J Narli A. I'ltniSHorlh Synm Xuttro Is liurnln jr,tven thut 011 Kattir ,lnv th Sth iIhv on Mnv. 1010. tho nil .!..ll Vl ill n,.i,lv In tlurbiniitv (nirt UcrsiKliwl wllinppiy intiiotjouiuj uwti of Hnruoy County, Sioto of Oregon (or , .1 1 .1 t 1 iiiu i.icl'iiu iiiuiiiiuiiinj 111 1110 .uiiTKuiiiK 1 petition. i 1 llANKIt ,t 1'inMMKM.Ii. , SUMMONS. In tho Juetloo Cotl-t for Ilnrnt DlatrTct- Harney County, Oregon. J. W. Voiiilurpaol, plaintiff, 1 Angelo Mnthewo mnl John V. I'attoraon, defeliiliinU J To AurhIo Mutbftw 11 ml John W. rt- turon abovo nftinil Dtifontliuiti. In tho nnm of the Stto of Oregon . You ami (welt ot von nr horohv ro- ..! 1 .. ...! .hm... 11..!... 'l"l,u I'l"- " " .- v.,...- plaint filed Hjjainst oil in the uboxu I'li-Unpear, reitwnd. aud orrcr evidence touching titled action ou or before Momhty MnyJ-M"",, 30, 1010 tho Nino boltiK Iho I.-t .lay of tho time prwecribuJ in the order ot iho Court dlrcctluK tutvicoof aumtiiunn In Oils catiao to he lumlo by publlciittou, and If you so fail (o appear and ansixer said complaint, for want thereof, tho plalutiff will take judgement nptiiiBt you and each of )ou for the enin of f-'ilOOO sltli lokfjl interem tlit-i eon from tho first day of July 100U, for tliu further sum of f:!0.00 with legal intiret theio'n from March 20th, 1001) ami for the eoxta and dlaboraurnenta of thio nclion, You x ill further talu notice thnt thin iinun jus' in served upon you and each of j 011 by publication by virtue of an order of W. C. II) rd Juttice of the I'. aco fnr Huron District, Harney C.wnty, Oregon ulrfr-h eaid order xx'Aa made and entured on iho1 lCth day of April, 1910 mid directml thai i thla iummono bo puhliehed once each week for nix oonweotivo wenkti. Tliu date of the first publlcitkiu of this Sum mona is April 10th 1910 thu lait publU.f Hon U Mav 38. 1010. W. C. IIYKI), ' Justice of the I'enco for lliirnn Dinlrict, I lltirim, Oregon. I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ONITKIJ 8TATKS l.ANII orVWK.I llurni. Oregon, March 2u, mil). I Notice li hereby given thai I Ho Stale of Ore gon lim riled In lla la PtTlce lla applliailon iBccJal No 0I9MI loaulect. under the provlilooi of tho Act of Ooiigrew, npproved Aiuiui it, IMt. aud octi lupplemental and amendatory therito, the BWii Ni:y foe in, t. as i i nk sk1. c 1, t.V.. n Sir., xv m. Any and all penom claiming ailverael) 'tio landadeacrlbod. or deilrlng 10 object bnauiu of the mineral charai'lerrf the liiud.oi f rnnjr other reaion. to the dlipoaal lo applitni hould rile their alfldaillauf . roll it In ili'i ofllce. on or tefore the earlratlou of thi-p( rlwl of publication XVM. FAMt, Ui'U'iiti'r Plritpublhallon Apill , lalO Lailpuhlhailnn May 14, 1U10 EXCURSION RATES TO THE EAST During 19 IO From All Points on THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. TO Chicago Council Bluffs i Omaha.. Kansas City. t St. Paul I St. Joioph ... J St Paul via Council Bluffs. . . . .TTT: .... 03.90 Minneapolis direct 00.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs 03.90 Duluth, direct...'. GG.90 Duluth, via Council BlulTs 07.50 St. Louis G7.50 Tickets 'will bo on alo May 2nd and 9th; Juno 2nd, 17th nnd 24th; June flth and 22nd; August 3rd; September 8th. Ton days provided for tho going trip. Stop ovors limits in cither direction. Final return limit threo months from dato of sale, but not later than October 31st. Our way through California $15.00 additional Inquire ol' any O. R. & N. Agent for more complete information lMlf ..AT,.MTTI?I?AY fWrnl T'nKsmiirpf Agent. Portland, Oregon NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION. Unhid Ftatss '-Ann Orrici, llurni, Oregon, April a, IvIO.I .. .. ..- t .. ..I...... tl.. 1 I.a DlalM l llrrt lion hM flleil In till" olllco Hn application (Serial No oUtflto lelect, under Iho nrovls om of the Art nt Coimrcis, Approvo! Annul H. Hl, mid Hell tidomeiilnl mid amendatory thereto, Iho NKJiHUli Hon. M iind NU'Vlw't Hcctlonai, r li!,il,S11C,W. M. Any mid ill porsous claliiilwr adversely Iho land! described, ot desiring to oti)eolbcoauao of tho mineral character of tho land, or for mit other romnn, In tho dUpou! toopjdlcftil. nhoiildnio tholr nmdvlliot iirolMt In Mil; iiriirc, un ot beloro the cilrtln of Iho period Of IllltdlClltlOlt. W'H KAKim, tleiililor. Klrl iubllrtton, April lit, 1910. Uit ublloiillon, Mnr 'it, 1V10. NOTICK FOU PUHLIOATION. Unitii Htatih I.AKH Ornnt llurni, Oreifim, April o, 10'0, Notli e I. hervhy Riven tint the Kioto uf Or ...... i.ia nl...l I.; ihl, nillrn lla nnnllniltlllll (SetlnlNo(VH.Vl)toeleel,vmIerlhopriiylilon of the Art ofl'iinnreii. opuriivoil Aiiiniit H,ll, mid oeti mippieineniiii mm inciiniurjr !, ia. tho NW i Boo. SV. T. SO H , H SO K.. W. M North iitAimiieur in no Any mid H porinno rUlmliiK mlveruly the Iniuli deieilhed.or deilrlnit In. object lrouio ol Iho mlnoral elmtctit ol the Und, or for miy oilier rvaton, to tho dltpoml In oppllconi, riiould rite thilr oindovllo l ptoloit In thli iiMco. on or betoro tho eiplrillon of Iho period of publlrotlon. Wu. FAnnK, lltitUter. rlmt piilillcillon April to, 1010. I.Kit publlcnllon May 31, 1'JIO, CONTEST NOTICE. CONT1WT No. 133. UkitiiiMtatih I.ahii Orrica llurni. Orecou, April 7, 1910.) A timc!outroMetmdvltlivllitbeeii filed In thli nfllco by Hcult M, llruwii.rontoitonl, imolimt llnmvilooil Kntry, N11.0IW, undo July tfo. 1VO.H, for EUNi:' onil NiiSKij Heetlon I, limnihlpa Ninth, IUuro V) Kail, Wlllaiiictlo Meridian, by MI1111I0 J. Ilrueo, Omteileo In whli It II l aliened lhat laid Mill Ills J. Ilrueo haa w holly abandoned mid land tor uioro than ilx monthl lutl paatttai never letlled. or milled .m, or cultivated lame, laid parllea aro hereby notified 10 appear, reapoud, and oil or evidencu louclilnicaxld alienation at 10 o'clock a. in oil .May '.a, IU10, lieloro tho lleulilet aud Iticelv erattho UnllodHtatei Iand Offlcu In llurni, Tne laid onteatant hnvluif In a proper .affi davit, filed April 0, Ivlo, let forth facli which ihow that after duo milneuoo perional enU'O of Ihli notice cannot bo made. It li hereby ordered and directed that inch uollco l glveti by duo and proper publication. XVM. Karhk. KcKliter CONTEST NOTICE. (,'OSTKBT NO. IU l)NlTtlSTATlt.ANU OiTlir, llurni, Oregon, April 7, ID 10. A aunlcleutcoiitcalanldatlt having been filed In till onko by eott M. llrown lontcilanl, Kln.t llorovitvad Kutry, No. 08SU, inado May 37, IWJ, forH!9Ki Kcctlon I and NUNfcJiHeo Hon Ninlh. Kongo W h Ml, nil frank llannon.Contcilee. In which ltliallegeMhat laid Frank II union ' hai wholly abondoueil laid land for more than ,iXinonihIaitpait. hunetorietiledor rtild '.loitorculilvoioJiomoiialdMrtloaofobMtliy uotlrleilto apiar. reipood. and otfot ovldmco luuehlng iaiu aneKanou ai n, o cmc . ,. Slay 33, ifliu, iwiore ino lieai-i"'' "' ww., et at tho United ftutci I aud OfllCe In llurni. Oregon. . Tt.M i.i rmiiMiiant havlnif In t rooor alTlda I .Huvn... ....- V "... ... ...... vlt, filed April 0. uio, ot lorm lacia which ihow that allct duo dllilgeiipo K)ronaI lervlc ol thli notice cannot bo mai'o, It li hereby or ,lcrrd ami directed that iucIi notice bo (Win by duo and proper piiuiicaiiuu. XVm. Karrh, lleglitcr, CONTEST NOTICE. COXTKST NO. lit. UmtiuHtatm I.ANDOrricc, llurni. Oregon, April 7, 1V10, A lufficlent couteil affidavit having beeu Died lu thla oirico by Hcott M. llrown, ronteitant, iimnrnml Kntrv No. OIM. made July a), lw, forWof x) Section ai,Towmhlp! rMiuin. iiango ou r.n, , i,uv,w ,, '- -i Joel A lllpley. Contcitee. In wntcii 11 ; a leg ed that laid Joel A. Klpler hai wholly aban doned uld land for more t n..l! ). never keltled. or relldeil on. or Clllll man ai ilx month! I'll -:.": .,,iid .Mirllea aro hereby liotlfled to w ?" SI?. SJTn"?. ot.m ...... ,...! t..riia inin Rrt lorm lacii wnirii ibow'that afier due diligence perional lervice of thli notice cannot bo made, It li heroby ordered and directed that inch notice no given by due aud proper punucauon, XVm Fakkx, llegliler. VMM KZ&- Wlodell 1894 QepeafingtQfe This rifle la built for settled districts. sre good range and killine power are desired, with safety to the neighborhood. The EZarfljt .25-20 is a light, quick handling, finely-balanced repeater, with the ootid top, closed-ln breech nd tide ejection features which make 77arflA guns eafo and agreeable to use and certain In action, It ! made to uib th tvtuift.fnl n-w t.l-k vetocllr irnokiltia loadi with lackitid bullet! ai well al till well-known black powder and low rrenure irnokiltia cart. rldgf 1, and la the Utal rlfli for target work, for woodchucki, gitu. nawHi, loiea, eic up toSOOyardl. Thli rifle and ammu nition, and all other ' SZuut rrpeateri, are fully deicrlbed In our 136-poge catalog. Kne for 3 itampe poitage. 77w7??arJi firearms Co., U Willow Strtet,' NEW HAVEN. CONN. RATES $72.50 00.00 Tf von ilpsirn vour cowp bred to thoH. 0. LovonB thorouRlibrcd Red Poll bull lot Ed. Goodmnn, who has tho pasture, know. Tho feo is $5. If vour Stomach. Heart or Kid neys nro weak, try nt least, n few doses only of Ur. aiioops Rcstorativo. In flvo or ten days only, tho result will wirpriso you. A fow conts will covor tho cost. And hero is why help comes so quickly, Dr. Shoop doesn't drujr tho Stomach, nor Btimulnto tho Heart or Kidnoys. Dr. Snoop's Restorative goes directly to tho weak nnd failing nerves. Each organ has its own controlling nerve. Whon theso nerves fail, Mm (lnnfitiflincr oi'trniia must of necessity falter. This plain, yet vital truth, clearly tolls why Dr. Snoop's Rcstorativo is so uni versally successful. Its success is leading druggists everywhere to givo it universal proference. A test will surely toll. Sold by Reed Bros. Cottrill & Clemens hnvo put in n first class Baw mill li miles west of Cold Springs is near tho vnlloy with good road. In lirst class timber picked trees from tho government. Prepared to do custom work. Sco them about your government permit at once. "No-Drip" is tho most clover little silvered Coffco Strainer over invented. Get ono free from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. by tho Coupon Plan. Tho Coupon and Dr. Shoop's now book on Health Coffco Bent to nny lady requesting them. You can trick any one by secretly serving Dr. Shoop's Health Coffco at meal time. Your visitor or your hus band will declare he is drinking real coiTce nnd yet thero is not a grain of real coffee in Dr. Shoop's Health ColTeo. Puro grains, malt, nnd nuts give Health Coffee its exquisito tasto and flavor. For 20 to 30 minutes tedious boiling. "Made in a minute." Try it from your gro cer and get a pleasant surprise, ljlb packngo 25c Sold by Reed Bros. NOTICE Any and all persons owing tho firm of Hngcy, Fenwick & Jack son, either on account or note, arc hereby notified that all such accounts and notes are now in tho hands of C. II. Leonard for collection. Such persons are hereby requested to.mako imme diate settlement of tho same. Dated Aug. Cth, 1909. Hagey. Fenwick & Jackson. NO TKKSPASSINO. Hunting in forbhldmi upon my plnco adjoining Hums. TrcepitHF m xvill be prnnocutod. G. II. VOEGTLY. Administrator's Sale ol Real Estate at Private Sale. In tint matter ol tho estate ol William D.lliichannu, deceased. Notlco Is hereby itlven, that piiriuntu to an order ol tho lion. County Court of Ilarnoy, Oregon, matin anil entered on Iho '.'nd day of May, 1010, thfc under, signed, administrator of tho said citato of William D. Uuchtnitn, deconsed, will nail at private Halo, In one parent, to thw highest blddor, subject lo Iho confirma tion of said court on or aftor 1 'J 1 1 1 day of July, 1010 nil of the right tltlo ami oitato of Raid William D. Iluclioimn, decerned in and to tho Ktf HWJj, nnd Kf NWtf. and IhoBKKjScc.O, Tp 23, H. II. 33, KWM, in tho County of Ilarnoy and Htitoof Oregon. Terms of Kalo ono half cagli In hand, lawful money of tho United Htatos, the balance in ono yaar at 8 pur cont pur mi nimi, secured by first tnortgago on the land. Purchaser lo defray oxpeimo of deed mid abstract, ussunio payment of nil taxes, and all assessments of wlintnoovi r kind of nature that aro In nnyxxldo chargeable to tho laud. All bids to bo In Airltlng and remind, and loft at tho olllco of A. W, (fow nn, Hums, Oregon, attorney for thu under signed administrator. (1KOHOK I IIUCHANAN, Aduiinlstriiror of said ustnto JOHN ROBIN4 0N Slock Inspector, Harney Couuly. Home Addroea Hums, Or. MAGAZINE READERS SUHSKT MAGAZINE beautifully illuilralad, good itorlri - -Q sad aitklei about CaUoraU aJ i3w sUlKsFaiWeil. ' CAMEBA CBA7T diyoled each roc tub to m u- , lulie lepioduclioa af th beit $1,00 woik al aralliul aflJ arolauioaal a TM1 photogriplnri. ROAD 07 A T1I0DSAHD W0WDEH8 book ol 7) pig, containing 120 teloiad pbotefrapki of o.75 pktumqoa spoil la CidJeraia aodOiagsav. TsUl . . . $335 All for . . . . $x.50 Addieu all ordtri to SUNSET MAGAZINE Flaad nuIUu.l San Fnnclica NUW CLUUBINfl PROPOSITION Wo liavo arranged to offer in connection with this paper, the now monthly farm magazine just started at Lincoln, Nobi-aslm, by Prof, II. W. Campbell und devot ed to tho subject of bow to farm In tho dry country and how to get best results from soil tillage under normal conditions. This Pnper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and wo oiler it clubbed with Tho Timcs-Terald both for $2.50 per year cash. Prof. Camp bolls' now pnper is n monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of its kind In tho world, and it embodies tho re sults of tho editor's many years of painstaking 'investigation of tho soil tillage- proposition. Religion Sen Ices. Tho following aro Rev. A. J Irwtn'a regular preaching ap pointments for tho year 1910. Burns tho third nnd fourth Sundays of ench month at, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunset School JIouso at 10:30 a. m. tho first Sunday of eacli month. Narrows at 3 p. m, and 7:30 p. m. tho first Sunday of each month. Wavcrly at 10 a. m. tho second Sunday of each month. Lnwen at 3:30 p. in. nnd 7:30 p. in. tho second Sunday of each month. Donstead School House at 3 p. m. tho third Sunday of each month. Sunday School at Burns every Sunday morning nt 10 o clock a m. Services nt tho Baptist Church first and second Sundays m each month. Sunday School at 10 a. m. every Sunday. Prayer meet ing Thursday ovoning. Tbe Lone b'tar RESTAURANT China (ieorgo, I'roptlntor. Oor. .Main nnd II Htreets. JVIBALtS AT ALili HOURS Bokepy in connoctlon A Specially of Short Orders. Tftlilo furitiriliuil xvitli (vurylliiiiK tliu tnnrket allbrtlH Your imtron UKo riolioltod. OKKIUIAI. litltKOTOUY rATsoiiKiinii' U rJ.Beiialnrr I Jonathan llonrne Jr Ifliii, K. I'haiiiherlalii i XV It Kllli I ' XX Hauler CoiiirreMmrh Attorner (lenerat noiernor . . .. rterrvtarr ol rllato . A. M. Ciawfuril r. XV Demon V W Ileniun ireaiuier .0 A Mtel tliiiit. I'uhllo luitriii'tliin J. If. Afkcrinau elalo TrlliKr . ... XX llniilway i ii. n. nean . V. A, Moore I llnht Eakln K. H. llean r)Urerae juilsn NINTH JUIHUIAI. IHItritlCT. lllilrlctJuilKe liiitrlct Atliiniejr Deputy Mil Ally (it-o K llavli J XV MiCulloch U II lolianl Circuit Court mcali IL tint Muuilay lu April ami tint Monday In October. Joint Hun ator folut-lleprriuntatlva... . O XV I'arrlili XV 11 lirooko COUNTY IIAhHXV I Uuuuly Juiluu Ulerk lreaaiirer ..... mirveyor.. .. Hherill Aiieiaor. . . iehoolHurlulvui)eul Coroner Hlock luineclor tloiuiiiliifouora J. 1' Urolor Vain Muthcriheail K N lauieiou . .. A tifaulkuer A. K. lili'iiariiiun J, 1. Doueitaii I, tl llauilllun J XX deary .John ltoLlmou ll N elallaril HI A hmytii County Court mecii the flnt XVeilueiday lu January, March, May, July, fiepleinber ami November. IIAKNKT U. S. I. AMi nmi'S. tteguler Recolvvr XVm Farrc .Kiauk Ilavey er eiTV. iniaria' Mayor, Itecoriier, Trraiiurer Maiihil, tarn Moll oiiheail .1'. T. Itauilall J.ti XX'eUoiueJr. M. I. XXIIIIami rV. I), llrown i A. U. XVekoine jiiodeinberllnii i'oiiiicIIiiioii' I A n Hwaiu Mevlinsi of Hie Council uxcry Hi-cunJ ami Kniiilli XVediimlay. QO YEAtlQ' EXPeniENoe nt free, (nAM fnCit6t ilLlirl scien tific nm' mmmtmii n 00IDroailwu.Hl lu. nra. Un ca ir ru naiuinarumi NOW '!ETAE TIME cf tL yfr to biff our on put lat. an a urii one. aeroul it i i raei ral lalil. nJ plat wurk airuua ru lit work In i r If iMMurri MtlirCriwni $ OtlJ rillton Ciinit rilllnn Bllvir rilllifi 5.00 3.60 '1 una sutitir flilii 6.00 f l.i.i 7. 60 rilnl.ii tilr'lln .60 1ST MITMODS H. W, a, MH, ruiam in Uumt iiiiiMiniHaiiiairiinui iiiMiniHaiiiMNinii Kil ricllon f r. irad. fJoDiultaUoa 1 ralai la prill hmt1ilM or hrlJie work raa. vou eauaoiailhattil aal ii1m woik aiirwltira, un miHai now mnob t ou !, Ml All worK runy siiarauiaea xor wieeu veari. Wise Dental Co. INCOHPONATBD Palnlesfl Dentists eBRBsmm Km. Kjf mm m I I Ul u urantiii in. -----rT?-i e ------m-l; t!H IH zrxzr The Times-Herald oflcrhifj moiU attractive Clubbing Rates to its HubBcribvrs a present THE TIMES-HERALD One year with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2-50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic. $2.35 Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these Reed papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evcnintffl.-Cnll and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING The Tlmea-llcrald is Prcpnrcd to do the Very Host nnd Most HutUfnclory Work In thU line. We have nil the LATEST TYPE FACES nnd n very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY Blue Mountain Operating from Austin via Prairie Cily, i"dny from linker City to Hums, Oregon. Four and six horse stock and covered coaches the entire distance Kailroad to Burns 105 miles For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. MmMsM rMs1-lllls--a. iss-ti-lli.i fifTf"l" III' li ! I lS' - "a.'- 5 j10 GIBSON & 'sOiJ Main St., ydsf-a-aBk-sssR jf3!Hawinr- i'iCsa qh Isssssss-SrV sHsl i irffli ."jSSSStffSSSSSSSSBVS ' IIMSIsV IiWhIW SsNsiIUIIS. IITIIIT sihn I r f$T J$tSmZWk tP6 " ,LR aWilflsI ricHH"" BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON 6l SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, FlooringMoulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. THE ANDERSON HOTEL AW. und AIRS, CMAS, ANIlliRSON, I'ropts. Wo nro pleased to announce to our old-time friends and eustomers that wo liavo again taken charge of our hotel. Wo just completed renovating tho on , tiro building nnd you will find tho old-timo homo comforta when you call. Wo hope to see you soon. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive Special Attention und Good Service. SOU I H BURNS, OREQON-Near Hair Grounds. THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing. Rapid Transit Line 9 John Day, Canyon City to Burns, Oregon Oarrsror-. City, Oregon. " II I si in is ii. i rMia.--. !' f33 -. . i m' " . mi& - DBINKWATER Blacksmitiiing and ilorseshoing. Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oregon. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Wm. MILLER, ATTOItNKY AT LAW. lJuriin, Oregon. liooms C and 0 Odd Fellow Uillldlng C. A. REMBOLD AUornoy-al-Lnw, Burns, Oregon Ohos. II. Leonard, ATTOHN K Y- AT-I.A W, (Jaroful nttontion givon to Collec tions nnd Itonl Katnto nmttorfl. I'lro Insurance. , Notary Public HUIINB, OllEOON, QKO. 8. BIZEMOKK, ATTOIINKY, BOBNfl, OltKOON (Jollecllona, Land Ijuilneni, and Ileal ttitale matter promr II v attended to. CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - -' Oregon Practices In tho State Courts and bo foro thu U.S. Land Olllco. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW State Courts and United States Land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon. J. LU. GBARY I'hvslcnu and Surcoou. Burns, - - - Oregon. Office in now building south ol Wolcomo harness shop, Main St. 'Phono Main 85. DEftMflU & DENMnri, Physicians and Surgeons Calls .nniwurod promptly night or day 'Phono Harrlmau. Harrlman, Oregon MARSDEft & GRIFFITH Physicians aud Snrgoons. nURXf), OltKOON. h. E. HIBBflRD td 3 r zn x s b Olllco first door vast photo gallery linrns. Oregon. W. C. liROWN, IiOIINS, OllKOOM. OfQce lu new land ofllco bnllding, next door north of post ofllco. BOCIKTIKS, HAK.KEV LODGE, NO. 77, 1. O O f. tfctti evtrr Sturd.r la odd Folio Hall at 7:IOpra. F.A.Cole, Arlu r llorton, Secritarr. N. (I. UUltNHI.OIlUKNO. 7. A K A M., Meets etcrr rlrit aud third Haluntay In earb inuaib. J. K. lMlu. W, M. Tiioi. Sneri, Hccrclar) . UAIWISY VALLEY CAMP No. Ml, W. ot W. Keeta svarr Ant and ncond Tueidajr. C, W. McClali), Com. W. A. aowan, clerk. IIITIIVa rllilvii Kn in n v a Maid avary second and fourth Moudaya, In Uaioale Hall. Kva Hrrd, W. il. Oanet Oowau, Stcntarjr, SVLVIA RKBEKAII DEQKKE No.U. MeetaeverxUtandld Werlneiday, Marc Ie. N.U. Delia Inllard eo. Hec'j. TULK CIHRLK No. 1C5, W ot W. Maeti everr fourth TniiJaf. Maud Morion, O, M. lltittr Ooodiuan, Clork, $1500 Reward! Tlie Oreson Cali fornia and .Nevada Live Stuck I'roteo lion Allocution, of which tbe under- tailed li a member will litve 11.000 00 reward (orevldinre Icadlnir to tha ar ml aud conviction of any party ur par- iiei iipaiiup noriei, cattle or niulei be louslnetoanyof Us mamheri. In addition lathe aboie. Iho underilanml of fera oil tho sanio condition 1300.00 for all honca branded horioihoo bar on bolli or either Jaw II rand recorded In eight counties, llaugo Har lu'j, Uko and f rook eountli-i, llorni ventrd wlien mid, Noue but grown honcitold, aud onlyln large bunchei. W. V, llltow N, rife, Oregon m ZCx-y "CTs Wo colloct nvoywhuro and mako n charge tinlias collection is made. Wo plsaso our clients L71.a.- Addreus MOIIUAN MlCHCANTILU CO,, KontonUldg,, Portland, Ore. aj The Harney Valley Brewing Co.jfe Mannfacturors of ETJE1.E3 0El3rT?l. ar,ci Pure (EEfodLet, "7U"sLi:GX Family Trade Sollctted Free)Dellvery Sumpter Valle Railway C TIMI5 TAIIf.B NO. 30 IN KfFEO JUNK H, 1P08. West Hound. ' No 1 Pass a. Kast Hoot No. 2 Pass p, tl 0:30 Lv Halter Oily Ar jl 0:35" Houtli llakor Lvt, 0:68 ' Halisliurt " 10:QI " I)ckharlt " it 10:07 " Thompeont " l 10:17 " Stodilatd Jnnctlont " 10:221 'WnterTankl ''4 10:32" Mlean'r) Spurt- "4 10:39 " McKvtciii " 4 10:65" .lUNCTIONt "4 11:10 " . fiuniplor " 4 11:15" MUNOTlONt " 11:40" Siimmltt "I NOON 12:00" 'O I Campt "J P. M. 12:05 " Whltnoyt " 12:40 " TIl'TONt " J lilOAr Aoetln ": Slop on siifnaln only JNo agent, ll Tlrkida faauod nnlv for stalfont l. I trains am hciiuouiiii 10 mako rc I stops. raHn.'iif;i;r must purohaic li cts whoro agents cxiit bofare ontr I trains or zo runin in nuuuion to trie ciilar rare will bo cliariicil. JOSKI'II A. WEST, fiurx OHANTGKDDES, Asst. Bopt ' "'r-"il'?nlfl'"I att.vEw ARiVIS arc for tab by all progrenive Uardv.nro czi Sporting Goods Mefbanti oml DAN nCAIili'S upltndiA. t H "UUNS AND CUNNING " will lw tnailol postpaid to ui; applicant liy J Stkvexs Arim l. Toot. 1-ourAXV, Lliicopti Falls, ilass., uj-oa r ., - ct r n 1'or paper cover edi tion forwdnlSOccnts; furclo'.h liound houk seal TO ecu's. I Vrltlea furaMd) '- lli'. l; . STEVENS ARMS TOOL T t 0. Eti vn Oi! . -, Diarrhoe When you want a aulclc cure wtaf any loss of time, and one that is folic Dy no Dad results, nse Chamberlain's colic, cno.era an Diarrhoea Remeq !?, 'in. m f4 It never fails and Is pleasant to a It Is equally valuable for children. famous for Its cures over a large jss tho dvulied world. iVs5 JOHN OEM UEIILING, Jowolor. Optician 1 Uimruvor. Fine Watch Repairing A J ' Cl!" 3'" 1 Don't IUsk even a penny ur.Ul hcalUi rtf And I mean lu.t oxactlr tluit. I am tho one phrslclnn who mjl to tho !! will, nut hi lnv uwn nnrKi-t. Tiiv lor louxi eliio If It falMoLrliiOoiilielpI" And for M ) cars Ur Ghoop't tnedlelnn Get Healtu bMn U4.H1 and rccnmtnMtdftl In everr cl9 immiitui Mm rim I7ir aro KisunijH uru in ivury minmuiiuy ami eierji Tlit 11 win 1 fi tl . i-n-h. and at Tour Tid oihir umiarrn wl 1 ml uucuiln ardM TliouMU! , uiKiii tiioi unuu Iimo In tM .i.ucci'aifiillv i -i lr hho)i'a lu toiailra M1011 tin mo- nzam m uuiiiitn lor tho lliiirt u D r ax s or Kii norvci lull, irii ar tiiewiKi know liriu n lajl H auiekl) pinoop's no. itoraurt uring inemunckinnenitnaEiiin inui mey pobiuuiiy tuko 1111 luuiay tl.k xw They know that when lirnlth fall to ritim luon will himself u! il' mo thoilr irU Hull I. -I Anil (or ll 1 1 -tn full iJ ...J H unlit I. mtiiy Kniiuii Hut utile 1110 1 trtt fot an 01 ik-r. Till m 111 wiodolai und UtM.ppoIntnii'nt All ilrural.U H'll Pr Fhoou's ttontonilln Ur Mi)COBi Kluue4 nniixlv. lint H Ms. all an lulhnilniiti) M 1 fl r.JO IT! a SU f IAy tct rn M DM Wat iHiiuikH plruio fot 1 liav irf ' .u an iioiiiiiaiiiiropiHiiii un, uniirxiMiii. overy otinmumUy err)whorv, tolisi 1 ml uuip, no 1 j, liHiuumiioiliosiCk. Tell mo nUi will, li I100V you neoil. Die ImhiLa Ulnw will suri'i uion iid m helpful IiIihii to BPTl tl imtwell lwldi- J nan) lyfrwtomiiMin ' Sl U 11 would sour ffl iXri W h iiiomi w. ou nM f inn tint u nonm pu lull. My adl(v jf uud twlon aro yourimd M tiliuut ctt. tin 1 IVrhapiaw, Itr tm'r u in will rl uioriiaiialliiHnt 1 1 luliud t'lmw muiitliounili by mv iirlinto prv PI uortonal adice l'luii- My U't tffort i H Afterward wortli your almoin rtinnt. l-'o write no you lmolt frvali In lniml fi r tnmor-ow coiuua. Ur bhoop. 1U x I '. lLtiluv, U. vrtlea twk Skill I Tut No. 1 On It) ttH'ptla No, i 1'or Wpraai No.2 0ntliolt,'nrt No, B For Mi n S'o. S On tlm Kidneys No. t On Illu'miu jf k T. E. JVNKINS, Manacorl N ft i 5fJ issi. mm wwwp 0.l