The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 14, 1910, Image 1

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lje tfrcnl arinrttcy Coiitnru
Covers an area o( d,428,HOU 'hi itt oi
Innilj 4,0.1 l.dCl aires )ct arant miImiI
to entry iinilur tliu public land k "'
tho United HtnU'n.
ThaOfflolal Paper of llnrnoy County
hat the largest clrculnllon andisoiioof
ths baat advertising mediums in Knalorn
Or gen.
NO. 2G
W. Hilt, President of Road, Gives
Assurance of
teat Northern to Build in
ft .. :i Unn fi,n 1Jrv-41i
ikCo-operation of People
Louis W. Hill, president of the
feat Northern Railroad, visited
city last Tuesday afternoon
I was greeted by a largo and cn-
asiastic crowd. He had been
jected the evening before but
wing to mishaps along the road
could not reach Burns until
lie. therefore the automobile in
rhich he was traveling in com-
dny with William Hanley and
ft C T rrAr immtrrmKnn nwnf
J, UV.I.UJ, .Il...llft...V.V.. ..,-. .V
the Great Northern, was
iyen direct to the Hanley ranch
lid they rested until afternoon
roesdnv before comintr to town.
Although they had visited scv-
31 places enroute in irom anan-
Mr. Hill stated it remained
it Burns gave his party the
ast hearty welcome and he ex-
ssed himself as highly pleas-
with his reception. Wm.
anley was also given an ova-
6n by his home people that was
ost gratifying.
IjWhen the auto came on to
iun street Mr. nut ana party
are crreeteu witn cneers anu
he band began to play. On each
Ide of the street long lines of
ehool children were drawn up
It., i :-..
cn carrying a nag unu uuxiuu&
i add their voices to the hearty
welcome accorded the big rail-
sad man. When the machine
fas stopped in front of the hotel
Jr. Hill alighted and at once be-
i greeting the children. He
kid he wished to talk to them
jd they fairly swarmed around
im crowding quite close and he
liked to them of the advantages
' an education and how much
Etter the schools were than
lifhen he was small.
t As the afternoon was pleasant
id there was such a multitude
people too large for any
lilding the court house yard
considered the only square
Irge enougn. ine uanu unu
chool children preceded the
irty and some chairs and
l,table were placed on the porch
rom which the speaking took
lace. The beautiful lawn was
acked with humanity eager to
fee and hear what Mr. Hill had
President Leonard of tho Com-
lercial Club presided and in a
sort address welcomed Mr. Hill
Burns and Harney county.
' Mr Leonard spoke of tho hopes
our people and felt that that
jw the time oi isuiiuiuii io
awing to a close and that we
oked upon Mr. Hill and the
Breat Northern as our oest
riends. He spoke feelingly of
ames J. Hill and called the at-
ention of the disunguisneu
luest to this great valley mat
uly needed the attention of such
ipire builders to make it teem
irith prosperity. Mr. Leonard
Jso spoke in a warm manner of
ar fellow-citizen, who had done
much toward bringing this
reat interior to the attention of
... ! ur.
Ir. Hill ana nis assocmiua, ru.
When Mr. Hill arose to respond
the welcome he was cheered.
le gave a very irann piacm-m
ttlk that at once won all his hear-
While he did not positively
ito tho oast and west nno
tould be built ho spoke as
fiough it were an assured fact.
le said tnat iney imu un uv
icted to the great interior of
regon by glowing accounts giv-
bv Mr. Hanley and three years
go he had made up his mind to
w ...UMA an Vttrt
me in, ne was warm u wo
fcmarks when referring to Mr,
nley who, he said, had been
pry conservative in ucscnumu
great possibilities and gener-
resources of this section. So
ho had been guided largely
Mr. Hanley's judgment in
matters and found ho had not
Id enough. Mr. Hill laughing-
stated that ho would like to
our building stone and also
and Pioneer Central Oregon
ivncinm Qntirna...fln1v nslfa
to Bring Thousands to us.
show us just where they would
build the depot in Burns, but as
vet he did not know as Bill had
not imformed him.
He explained the method of
The Great Northern in pioneer
ing a country. "We do not ex
pect our road to pay at first
The Great Northern has never
failed to pay a dividend and yet
it doesn't ask that tho country
I be settled up and a tonnage guar
i anteed before wo come in. All
!your citizens nm, wo wiU Ret lhe
we asK is the co-operation oi
people. We have had experience
in Montana and it has no such
advantages in an agricultural
way as this section. It is not
our theory that tho country must
bo populated before we build."
After discussing the gathering
of products of this county for the
exhibition car which they will
run throughout the eastern and
middle states during the coming
winter, he turned his attention
to the building of roads into the
interior. He stated they were
going to build into this section
and develop central Oregon.
"The Deschutes line will be
the backbone "of our system in
the state and the ribs will be
fitted in all right. We have not
built into this section before be
cause all things were not ready,
but now we are going to build
you a railroad. Our details are
not completed and even if they
were it would not be right for
me to give them out After get
ting back to Portland and sitting
down with Mr. Hanley and com
pare notes, I shall be able to tell
pretty near where your road is
going to run."
Mr. Hill explained how they
assisted the people of Montana.
They have 42 experiment sta
tions in that state for the propa
gation of cereals, fruits and veg
etables beststlitcd to the various
localities and conditiohs. Next
year the Hill interests propose to
co-operate with us in starting
experiment stations and getting
He spoke of the benefit to the
country of the recent sale of the
Road.lands and said the grant is
now in the hands of men who
will sell it and develop it at a
rapid rate. Mr. Hill also discuss
ed better roads and suggested a
change in the forestry service
that would give the states the
benefit rather than go to a hord
of rangers and forestry officials.
He was frequently interrupted
during his talk by applause. In
his closing remarks he referred
to Mr. Hanley and it brought
such a thunder of applause and
calls for Mr. Hanley that ho had
to respond.
Mr. Hanley expressed his ap
preciation of tho warm welcome
accorded him by his home people
and was more or less confused
but finally pulled himself together
and stated ho felt confident that
Harney county would see tho
early construction of a railroad
by the Hill interests and while ho
had been greatly honored by be
ing given credit for this move ho
merely was doing his duty as a
citizen and was glad to bo of
assistance to his old friends and
neighbors. He spoko of tho high
cost of living and said it could
only be solved by turning to tho
soil, but that transportation was
necessary to make this a success
in central Oregon. Ho spoke of
tho large land holdings and show
ed that such were necessary in
the .past as small JlnB jM
not be made prolitaoio unuer
present conditions, but with the
coming of transportation tho big
concerns would bo dissolved into
small homes and this country bo
come a producing section.
Mr. Lcedy next spoko of tho
colonization plans. Ho outlined
tho methods of running exhibit
cars and giving land shows. Mr.
Lecdy, Col. 0. W. Seaton and C.
C. Morrison follow this particular
lino entirely and givo lectures.
Ho said tho people of Harney
county woro fortunate in getting
the Hill railroad interested in this
section as wo would receive much
attention and have u great num
ber of desirablo peoplo como to
us to mako homes.
Following tho addresses at tho
court house Mr. Hill and party
viowed somo of tho yards in this
city, looked at an exhibit of pro
ducts and mado a tirp to tho I.
S. Gccr farm whero thoy viowed
tho work being conducted on dry
farming methods.
In tho evening n reception
was tendered at tho Odd Fellows'
hall where a largo number of our
citizens from various parts of the
county mot Mr. Hill. Win. Han
ley was pressed into service as
master of ceremonies and called
upon several to respond to var
ious questions. G. A. Rembold
was asked by Mr. Hanley to give
some reasons why Burns should
have a railroad. Mr. Rembold
said ho was much pleased with
the address of Mr. Hill in the
afternoon; the policy of tho rail
road made it possible for Harney
county to develop and become
populous since it did not require
the development and people be
fore it came. He stated that he
folt safe in assuring Mr. Hill
that our peoplo felt most kindly
toward his road and were ready
to do anything possiblo to assist
Hon. Frank Davey was called
upon to givo further reasons
which ho did in a most happy
manner, assuring Mr. Hill of the
co-operation of the press of this
section and giving a few facts
regarding tho bigness and possi
bility of the country to be served
by his road.
Judge Miller talked of tho ex
perience of early merchants of
this region; of tho hardships and
the desire for a change. Mr.
Hanley finally stated that ho was'
almost convinced that Burns did
need a railroad and since it was
up to him to say so he thought
by the grace of God and Mr. HiH
(Continued on page two.)
man school coaimenceaient.
The graduating exercises of the
Harney County High School were
held at the hall last evening and
most thoroughly enjoyed by a
great crowd of friends of the
school that taxed the capacity of
the building.
The stage was tastefully decor
ated with flags, bunting and tho
class colors while tho front was
banked with a mass of flowers
and potted plants.
The program was particularly
pleasing and excellent and all
present showed a deep interest
in tho school and the graduating
class. Each number was well
received and applauded and the
parcipants received hearty con
gratulatulations. Dr. Marsden's address to tho
class was full of excellqnt advice
and interest. Judge Miller also
gave the class a nice talk before
presenting tnem witn ineir uipio
mas. All those taking part acquit
ted themselves with great credit
it was altogether a most happy
event Tho Times-Herald would
like to givo each particular men
tion but lock of space and time
Tho graduates were; Leila Egll,
Mildred Hurlburt, Zclla Irving,
Cecil Irving, Gcorgo Marsden
and Dorcas Sweek.
We wish to call particular
attention to the following deeded
properties in tho heart of Harney
160 acres, all fenced, good house
partly improved $18.00 per acre.
117 acres, all fenced, partly
cleared, good house, & 1G.50 per
80 acres acres raw land something
extra special $15.00 per acre.
160 acres, 12 miles from Burns,
Tho best of tho Carey selection
16.00 per acre.
C600 acres, school land, mostly
full sections for $0.00 per aero.
wo can mako good terms on tho
abovo if sold by Juno 1 st as tho
prico bo advanced at that time,
write us today if you aro interest
ed. Hnndoll, l'oBKenuer & Muloney
Ilurni, Oregon
Arouses Excellent Spirit of Enthusi
asm at The Booster Meeting
Says Boosting for Burns and Great Harney Country
Should be Our Religion Urges Business Men to
Help Commercial Club Chas. Galloway Priases us.
One of tho most enthusiastic
meetings in tho history of Harney
county was held last Monday eve
ning at the courthouse when Tom
Richardson & Chas. V. Gallaway
addressed an overflowing house.
Mr. Richardson had been adver
tised as Oregon's greatest booster
and ho was greeted by people
from all over tho County.
Hon. Chas. V. Galloway, a
member of tho State tax comm
ission, was hero on oflkinl busi
ness and was pressed into service.
Ho stated he did not como to us
as a booster but after viewing
magnificent country any one
would become a booster. Mr,
Galloway is a pleasing speaker
and spoke most entertainingly,
for 30 minutes. I
Mr. Richardson mndo one of
Hie best get together speeches I
ever heard in this section. Ho is '
a man who understands the situ-
ation in this state and told his '
hearers that wo were tho center
of the stage today. We hardly
appreciated our advantages and
littlo realized the great change
and development that is upon J
us. Ho preached unity of action ,
nnd tho importance of n livo orcitcmont with the largo crop last
ginization to keep the resourses season is sponding a few days
of this big territory continually ' in Burns.
before the public eye. Ho appeal-,
cd to tho business men of Burns
to not shirk their duty but assist ti,e farmers want to start fen
in every way possiblo; to take a c;m.
personal interest in' tho public
spirited undertakings of tho Com
mercial Club and givo the new
settler the encouragement ho
needs. Mr. Richardson says it is
not a joke to tho man from tho
cast to como into the interior and
subdue the sago brush and soil for
a home and that ho needs the
cheerful co-operation of oui pco-
pie to mako it go.
Ho paid his respects to the (lis-
honest locator and insisted that
local business men should see
that new people were given a
square deal. Mr. Hichardson
considers this a most important
Mr. Richardson's address was
well received and will bear fruit.
Hi3 coming was timely and tho '
advise given was to, the point.
We needed such inspiration to
got tho entire community to real
ize tho importance of concerted
effort and obtain tho best results.
Ho said Louis W. Hill was the
most important young man in tho
world today in transportation
matters and that tho coming of
tho Hills was tho beginning of a
now era in central Oregon. He
emphasized tho importance of
keeping our city and county bo
foro tho public and leaving noth
ing undono to assist in tho devel
opment of this unsettled terri
tory, ns it was not only important
to us locally but tho entire state
and nation. Wo have advantages
over British Columbia where
thousands aro flocking and wo
should stop this tide and keep
these people under tho Stars and
Stripes. This assertion was mot
by hearty applause
Tho Times-Herald was pleased
to see such a largo attendance at
this meeting of people from a
distance Many new peoplo were
present and remained for tho
reception of Mr. Hill tho next
day and thoy were all encourag
ed by the good tidings given them
on every hand. President Leo
nard of tho Commercial Club
presided and it was largely
through his personal efforts that
tho meeting was bo largely attend
by peoplo outside of Burns. Tho
band and tho Commercial Club
malo quartet assisted In making
tho meeting lively.
Mr, Richardson left Wednes
day in an auto for outside points
making an address nt Prairio Wndnosdnv nvnnlnor nnd
then on out to tho railrbad. lie
i ,
was most favorably impressed
with this great country and will
do somo excellent boosting for us
since ho is personally fumiliar
with ourourconditions. Mr. Leo
nard of tho club and many of our
prominent citizens aro deeply
grateful to Mr. Richardson for
his visit
Nolc l-'rom Virginia Valley.
Dolph Nowcombo is making
Improvements on his homestead
and is one of Harney county's
I Van Dorn is down looking after
his recent purchase of the Mad-
. dox nl.-irn and inlnndn In rnnvn
,: fmiiv !n .
. I Stumppo is improving
' desort claim and making mi-
nuiu" 1'roof.
Matt Davis is spending a few
days in Burns on business and
nnn S(M,n wnQ ,,,, MlH1
Sl mnkl ' A , p j
nn . , npf ..
Dan Williams tho expert dry
farmer who created such an ex-
0h. vou. Countv Commissioner
U..i,. niinii nn( nnniv mmi ..a
We are expecting a voting
precinct in school district 26 ami
not travel 14 miles to vote as in
the past.
Mr. Dildine went out to Vale to,
work on tho railroad ho says ho
is going to help bring it up the
Malheur gap and Harney valley,
Mr. Wick and Mr. Galinske
lms gono to tho Horton & Saver
injn to work for tho season.
T. F, Dillon spent a few days
On his homestead last week and
had Mr. Reinharl and haul posts
for fencing.
Couin Van Graff who is super
intending the Mrs. Edith Clem
met ranch mado a flying trip to
Keep your eye on Harney
county nnd watch tho new town
of Dartmouth grow as it is situat
ed in one of tho best agricultural
districts in Harney valley.
Elder Quier hold services last
Sunday assisted by Rev. Gray
Kenny, a largo congregation wns
II. J. Reinarts is very busy Im
proving, his place and is wearing
that broad smile. Something
doing Henry.
W. Keck was a busines visitor
to Burns tho first of tho week.
Oscar Heudrickson has n fino
crop of ryo and potatoes that
look fine.
(Portland Correspondence. ).
Tho visit of James J, Hill and
party to Portland during tho
past wcok has been of great sig
nificance. Accompanied by rail
road officials, Louis W. Hill has
left Portland to mako a tour of
the state. Ho will cross con
nl Oregon and sco for himself
what tho tonnage possibilities
of tho great region are. After
this trip, it is expected that a
definite announcement will bo
mado as to tho expected east
and west lines across tho state.
While in Portland, Mr. Hill
talked freely and his statements
mean much for Oregon. Ho con
firmed his purchase of tho Ore
gon Electric and United Railways,
interurban systems running out
of Portlanp, and says ho will ex
tend them down tho Willamette
Valley. Ho also confirmed his
chutes road will of courco go
ahead as fast as possiblo, he ,
said, and besides nil this railroad,
nctivity in this state, Mr Hill I
proposes to do a great deal m
securing publicity for Oregon
throughout tho East and "Middle
The sale of holdings of tho
Northwestern Corporation im-loUI DreSS Goods
narUnftthmtiffhmitnncmn.WnHli.:V,'U1 -" uuuua
ington and Idaho to ii. m. By.
..,, v. . .".o- ..-
comirmea uuring ino punt, weeK
n . i t.. . a1 j -i
wnen tno nnai options wcro
t 1 1 1 Mil f
amount of now capital to the
Pacific Northwest where it will
bo used developing water powers
and gas and electric plants.
Bcgining Mny 16th, thero
will bo a series of good roads
meetings throughout the Btato
that will cotinue until Juno 10.
Mr. Maurice W. Eldridge, one of
tho best known authorities on
good roads and a government ex
pert, will bo sent out from
Washington to deliver lectures.
He will start at Ontario and
will hold meetings in the prin
cipal cities along the O. R. & Jtf.
as far west as Portland, when
ho will visit the Willamitto Valley
and Southern Oregon, holding
tho final meeting at Ashland.
The lectures aro to bo given un
dor tho auspices of tho State
Good Road Association and a
decided impetus to the work of
tho organization will probably
Tho Oregon irrigation pro
jects will be pushed to completion
is the message of encouragement
given by Arthur P. Davis, en
gineer of the United States Re
clamation Service, who was in
Portland during the week. Ho is
on tour a of inspection of project
ed irrigation works throughout
tho West Mr. Davis says he has
every reason to believo the $30,
000,000 bond for reclamation will
be approved. This will bo dis
tributed among 20 projects and
will mean $1,500,000 for each of
tho Oregon projects, including
Umatilla, Malheur and Klamath
The Portland Commercial Club,
which recently presented to
President Taft a beautifully
bound book or pictures of Oregon
scenery togcather with Photo
taken at Portland at tho of' his
late visit, has just received letter
of thanks from the President.
He says he will never forget fea
tures of his reception in this city.
Job printing Tho Times-Herald
Cream Separator
DoLavoI eoparivtora suvti unnnuli over
any gravity crianilnn of imlk In liuttur
fat, Qtinllty of croam, uvt fkliiuiiilk,
labor, tlino anil trouble to m fTr 1 1 . 1 1 1 -Bolvim
twory lx innntlia,
Do Livnl Kpralor8 invotnioiiKh uuu
otlior (oparntira In closur rep trillion,
running heavier nnd amnothtir trtimn,
Bkliiiinlng cool milk, (imitor innarllv,
unaler cleaning, eaaior runnliiK anil U'H
ropalrH to pay fortliemaelvia uvry joitr
Improved Do I,avnl topaiatora hiho
uiioukIi ovor Do I.uval miu'lilnos of lln
to twenty 'flvo ytara ago In more itlitui
Intely thorough reparation under nil
conditions, gronter rnpadty, t anlor run
ning, and greater elinpllclly to pay (or
theinaelvea ovory two yonra,
Da Laval uparatora are not only an
perlor toothers but at mini t tlnin chunp
eat In proportion to actual rapacity, ant)
thoy laat from flvo to ton tliuon longer,
Tnoao arc the reason why tho world's
oxporlsncod separator intern, including
Ing 08 per cont ol all creamcrynion, into
and ondorao tho Do I.aval soparatoia
G. L. HEMBREE, Agent.
Riley, Oregon.
Do you realize how much it mean?
o y?u to get Quality in what you
buv? There is a wide diversity in
J .
goods; we carry
"i i- i
L-llcllJUlSC 1UUUU
An examination
convince you of
. . m r I11 t 1 Cr
iw. you win una a mucn airier-
. . ,. , . ,
v,nu niiv kji yuugo
the Quality in looks at a glance.
Most ot our goods are bought in
dress patterns, a very important
matter to you in selecting a nice
CAd and examine our new goods
Brown's Satisfactory Store
Burns, Oregon.
n 'v ssi9isss -ws&
... Represents the....
Home Insurance Co., of New York,
Live pol, London & Globe,
l:ire Assurance Co., Philadelphia.
Co ncroulh nt Lunnbuig & Ualton'a.
m wot&&$&&
1 1 M
List Your Property With The ,
Inland Empire Realty Company :
A speciality of Uovcrnnicnt land locations J
V. T. LESTER, Manager, Hurns, Or-.
A book on rheumatism, and a
trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedv liquid or
tablets is being sent free to
sufferers by Dr. Shoop, of Racine,
Wis. You that aio well, get
this book for some discouraged,
disheartened sufferer! Do a sim
ple act of humanity! Point out
I this way to quick and certain re
lief! Surprise some sufferer, by
first getting from me tho book
I let and the test. Ho will appre
ciate your aid. Sold by Reed
, Bros.
Foil Sai.k A five room cot
tage, four lots all fenced with
, two good wells, a windmill and
I other improvements. No rock.
,G. Hudspeth, Burns, Oregon.
The Harriman Mercantile Co.
Complete line of
Groceries and Dry Goods
Gehts Furnishings
Wo guarantee quality iindlpriccs Letjus provejto you that
wejltavo tho 'goods nt right pricesCall and see us
Tfe &Tw Town
i SSfii Ss
. . . J
that class of mer-
i . i
uniy 111 ULI1CI guuu
of the goods in
deDartment Will
our claim of dual-
... .
-yuu win uwuvc
s& $$&& i
All parties owing Lewis & Gar
rett, or Simon Lewis are hereby
notified that all these accounts
are in tho hands of our attorney
C. H. Leonard for collection and
settlement. Persons indebted to
us will pleaso settle the same
with Mr. Leonard at once.
Simon Lewis
.1. T. Gahhctt.
Williams Bros, saw mill -t
Cold Spring on the Canyon road
is prepared to do custom work
for thoso desiring to take ad
vantage of their goveipmcnt per
mit. Also lumber for salt' at $1J
per thousand. See them about
custom prices.
m. . Ot1c CTyi