-.-?-; lumjjm.wuuii.i.n i nmntmnnm fc& SB fef, 3 "i SI 1SB T9 A - - : tj I f f it : P. ,V. 1 t f ,,i'. ! ! 1:' " I! j i . ' i ',m ' 5 "VI mv Nr f 2i V i1 K" ' .. t J it I fO ' O v?l m Jim h t She ittw-$taCtl bATUBD.Y. MAY 7, 1110 BUB80KtrTION RATK8: On Year.... Blx Month!..., Tbrt Monlhi,, 1100 .1.00 ..78 JULIAN IITHI - MtM HILL RAILROAD PARTY HURE (Continued from page ono.) ducts this fall to ndvcrtiso us in the east and it would bo well to hayo a number of farmers meet him and hear what ho desires in tht3 respect In fact this seems to be the particular object of Mr. Hill's visit to the interior at this time. He intends to advertise the great unsettled sections of Oregon and on this trip will gather data for that purpose. He said to a Port land paper the other day: "Wo are planning a very elab orate campaign," said Mr. Hill. "The people in tho east are deep ly interested in Oregon. They want to know all about it and its resources. "Of cource, Oregon people can't believe this awakening is coming, but it is. There is more commotion over Oregon down east than right hero in Portland. I supposo the people here have been on the threshold so many times that they arc a little skep tical. But this time we are go- Tho H. C. II. S. Literary socio ing to do things and the publicity ty met in tho high school build campaign that will bo launched I "B Friday May G, 1910. by tho Great Northern is expect- The meeting was called to or edtobe the greatest and most derby President Merle Bennett systematic ever launched. and the minutes of the last mcet- "In the first place we will get 'ing were read and approved. Harney country and mako thorn know that wo want thorn to como with tho railroad. President Leonard of tho Com mercial Club has appointed Wm. Fnrro, G. A. Rembold, Sam Mothcrshcad, J. J. Doncgnn, L. M. Brown, J. L. Gault and J. M. Dalton n committee on sta tistics and although tho time is short they will have n more or less complete report of tho re sources of this big section in readiness if Mr. Hill should want it Information has reached hero this morning that tho St Paul capitalists who recently negotiat ed for tho Road Land Grant will join tho Hill party in tho eastern part of the stato possibly hero and that as soon as Mr. Burch- ard, who is reported Mr. Hill's high-hand man in tho coloniza tion schemes of all his railroads, reaches Ontario, tho final trans fer of tho grant will bo made. The Times-Herald would ask tho people of Burns to mako it their business to do everything possible toward assisting this party in gaining all information possible. Suspend business for tho time and help as a committee of tho wholo to impress Mr. Hill with tho fact that wo welcome tho Great Empire Builder to tho Great Harney Country and are ready to do our part toward his railroad. SILVER CREEK IRRIGATION CAPITALISTS MAKC APPLICATION FOR WITHDRAWAL OP LAND. A Carey Act Sesrcfillon ol Merit Tint Will Likely be Taken upMta On Ground Mkln Preliminary Surveys. man school literary. together as complete an exhibit of Oregon products as can be gathered by men expert it their Tho roll call found all present As this was election day tho following officers were elected: lines. Then it will be placed in President, Darius Smyth; vicc a specially constructed car and 'president Jessie Bard well; Sec- Emory Colo, Leonard Colo and C. B. McConnell have taken Engineers A. O. Fnulknor, C. E. Beery and n crow of assist ants out to Silver Crcok to mako a preliminary survey of tho Sil ver Creek irrigation project with a view of taking tho propo sition up and rcclaiminy a large area of fine land. Those gentlo men had investigated tho possi bilities of this irrigation scheme boforo and woro so favorably impressed that thoy havo asked tho stato for a withdrawal under tho Cnroy Act and tho application has tho approval of Stato Engi neer John Lewis. While this doesn't mean tno project is n certainty, it docs indicate that if tho land can bo irrigated at n reasonnblo cost and tho pnjsonjt water owners will givo assistance in tho wny of an cquitnblo ad justment of their rights, tho schemo will bo put through. This project has long been favorably considered by irriga- tionists and it has bech left to this time only on occount of its isolation. Now with tho certain ty of transportation and tho find ing of n great amount of materi al necessary to construct tho big reservoir within easy distance it looks most favorable. The gentlemen are all out with tho engineers at this timo but it is hoped soon to have definite announcement from them. R. T. Hughot is up from Nar rows renewing acquaintances. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notico 1b hereby given that tho co-partnership heretofore exist ing between V, C. Gibson and W. W. Drinkwator has been dissolv ed. Mr. Drinkwator has pur chased his former partner's in terest in tho blacksmith shop and will pay all outstanding debts of tho firm and also collect all bills. V. C. Giiison W. W. DlMNKWATKIt The HOTEL BURNS N. A. DIBBLE, Propt. CENTRALLY LOCATED, GOOD, CLEAN MEALS, COMFORTABLE ROOMS Courteous treatment, rates reason ableGive mo a ca'l A First Claws Bar in Connection l .C Va Th.Onlr tVnMannColl...anh. jraUfffn cauua Wh 1'atlfle t'oa.t llirlumrljr for Young voif n IocitrJ nmonj I K tttaullful In 1 1 a nxr Oalliml, California. imimren tloi In Sun l'ranciacu ami lU llfMt Univmiliaa (if tlit tt tit, i'ull rollriiiat. couria IraJinf lo Jrtfftr, Entrance anJ fraJuation rrqiilrrnunla Muival.nl to tnoaa ol StanlorJ anJ Univcraily 0? California. Training fita atuilrnla (or Uaclilnij rrfular line l( acaJfinic work, anil ofTirrt aprrial ajvanlfa lor mua!c. art. Iikrarv aluJv anJ home economic!. Well eu!r"tl laliofatorira for cl.no. Special attention lo Krallli of atuJmla. MoJtrn ifvmnaaium llinrnuihly rqulppaj. Out Joor Ma and amuamnla in tin iJfal California til oat. Alumnaa in tvrry city on tin Pacific Coait ron eMALOmus Afcnitaa PnCtlDINT LUILLA Clay CAnaoN. LL. U, Miu-a Collioc I". O., CALironniA Young's Meat Market & Grocery We sell everything that everybody wants to eat illQII SCHOOL GRADUATINQ EXERCISBS toured throughout the eastern and middle states all next win ter. It will start out in the fall. The people we want to interest havo no timo to view our exhib its or hear lectures in the sum- retary, Ina Icrrill. Tho president appointed Miss Godfrey as critic Song by School . America Recitation . Myrtle Irving' Essay . Leonnrd Locher Current Events mer time when they are engaged I Beatrice Hotchkiss with their crops. I Instrumental solo, Eloise Hibbard "The car will be followed by J Biography Waldo Geer descriptive literature, and then (Reading . ... Zella Irving information bureaus, completely . Vocal Duet equipped in every respect, will ' Nina Wiseman and Bessie Swain be established in tho larger cen ters. Portland will havo one. Others will be maintained throughout the country. At these information without color ing will be disseminated to those seeking it, and there will be thousands upon thousands of in quiries. "Of that we feel certain, be cause we know what these pub licity campaigns have accom plished for other states, and we know that Oregon appeals strong er to the people of the cast and the middle states than any other section. Somehow they Hko the name Oregon, they have heard of its climate and its wonderful resources and opportunities. Wo havo carried on and are continuing a campaign for Mon tana. Thousands upon thous ands of acres of Government Debate: Resolve that Life Im prisonment should be Substi tuted for Capitol Punishment in Oregon. Affirmative Negativo Merle Bennett Sherman Smith Lilian Hendricks Helen Purington Ruby Dalton Juliet King The judges Lou Davey, Mildred Hurlburt and Ormond Ausmus decided in favor of tho aflirma tive. Solo Lyle Dawson Reading Louise Davey Comical Reading Wm. Young Essay Ora Dickenson Character Sketch, Harry Williams High School Notes., .. Emma Johnson Essay Asal Clevenger Song by School Star Spangled Banner Visitors were: Chester Irving, Miss Spry, Mrs. Florence Thomp- land have been settled during the i son, Mrs. A. K. Richardson, Mrs, past year." Bower, Mrs. Holloman, Mrs. The party is in Crook county Lester, Mrs. Bardwell, Mrs. Ter- today and it is impossible to get 'rill, Mrs. Irving Miller, Hcleno in touch with them but they are Swain, Gladys Byrd, Toiley expected to arrive here tomor- Johnson, Leona Thompson, Mrs. row evening Monday morning Marshall, Mr. Earl Wallace, Mr. at the latest and Mrs. Hamilton, Evelyn Ham- It is hoped that business may ' ilton, Mrs. Miller, The Misses be so arranged as to make it 'Miller, James Richardson, Mrs. possible for all to meet with ' W. L. Marsden. Mrs. Comcgys, these gentlemen and give them Mrs. Frank Davey, Mrs. Egli, an enthusiastic welcome to the Mrs. M. J. Baker. Following is tho program to bo rendered at tho graduating ex ercises next Friday evening May 13, 1910 at Locher's Hall: Flute Solo .... William Walker Invocation . . . Rev. A. J. Irwin Salutatory and Oration History of our High School. Robert Cecil Irving Music Malo Quartet Essay .. . What to do Next Leila Egli Music . .Song of tho Bathers Bessio Swain, Recitation . The Sou of tho Violin Louiso Davey Music Tarcntcllo No. 2 Helen Purington Essay Class Prophesy Dorcas Sweek Recitation,, By any Other Name - Myrtle Irving Music . Chargo of tho Hussars Lenoro Sizemoro Essay It is Not Always May Zella May Irving Music Thy Dear Eyes Jaunita Geer-Millcr Essay . .The Celestial Wonders Mildred Hurlburt Address to Class, Dr. W. L. Marsden Music Malo Quartet Valedictory and Oration Pluck or Luck George Byram Marsden Presentation of Diplomas William Miller NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'NITKtl HTaTMl.aNllDrrlrK, I llnrtia, (irmoii, April I 'J, info I Notico la IimcIi)' itlvrti Hint CIniMmi W. I-oKiian, ul llarner, iirfKuii, who, nnJunoW. IlKJtl, mniluiU'aori Uml l-.nlry No 7i, KvrUI No. tunii lor KS NK't. Kortlou tt, Tmvtuhli. 1 H., Itaniio 8.1 i:.. Willamette MmlilUii haa Mini tiutlrn til initmilnn lo main' Klnnl Trout, to ratnbllali t lalni to tlir Inuil loa ilu- acrlbcil, tiororo tho llpglattir uml Ilwrlror, tit llurua, Oregon, on llio tRtli iU) ol Mny, lull) Clalnmiil linn i-a na vlun;a'- Joactili W, litipliaiinK, Imi liuttlmitan, l.v Datlt, l.catiT M. Ilniiilllon all ot llarnoy, Or- (Oll, Wm Minis, ileetater. NOTIOK VOn PUULIOATION. I'NITKtl SfAIM IaMllOlftCK lltirni, Orccoii, Arll II. 19I1. NoIIck la lieralir ulvmi that Ijillcl 1'. Iley- nohta, ol lltirni, ilrtioii, who, on Fabrtiarjr 1.1, tiro, maito lloinrilDml Untry No, 1101, ferial Mo, 0tst7. lor N'U NF.'i, Hivtlon l; ami ho WtlSKU.Hictton I, Towtialllti'jn 8., Itanntt K., iVIIlatiiDtto Mcrltllati, lina (llvil nollrn ol 111 tcnlton loinako Final Mtrrj var 1'ro.it, too tatillili rlalin In tlir Uml kIjivo ilrrlli, lio lorotha HrKl'trraml ')tiorltriT, at llitrli", Oti Kon, on tho Villi iliy ol May, Itlll. Clalinanl nainr-a aa wltnrtaca It, A. Miller, U.H. ljfiiol(la. IC. Vnr. Val acnliurit, liarlil MlUvr all ol llurna, Oiviwu. Wm, KAiinr. llrxlalrr. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Hardware, Implements, Groceries, Meats, Shoes Rubber Goods, Ice NOTION KOU I'UIJLICATION. UMtMiaTim LaNiiOrrti b, I liiirm, orfun, Arll is, IJIO. Notico la litrctijr (lyou "l Iba f lata ol Orriton haa fllnl In tlila oataa Ita iilli,tl(ni (ferial Nn.0l.M7) to lf l.utnlnr tha irnlalim ol the Artol conitriwa, apirivil .tuitu'l II, latt, ami acta aiipli-inciilnl mi'l aniamlalorjr tlirrelo, ttio HBW!tSc! ,T. .. It SI K , W. M give one After Alny 15 we will away jf JhJFnTF ONE $25.00 STANDARD TALKING MACHINE for Cash purchases amount ing to $7.e5.O0, Save your coupons when they total $75.00 bring them In and get your machine. Thifl weather will make iou feel like making garden. We have the BEST STOCK OF PLOWS on hand and the Heal and most COMPLETE STOCK OF SEEDS SEEDS IN BULK AT ONIMIAU' I'RICC of package seeds. FulJ slock of I3C03ESSI and 3Ftj.3ES13EI Begin to gel ready for gardening GEER & CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. ROOD BUILDING OPPOSITE, POST OFFICE lamia ilraerilxtl. or tlaairlnirto object Un au.o ol I tin mineral rWaclar ill th laml. or lor am other rraioti, to tha illaiatfal to apiilKant, ahoul.l nlu their anliUvlla ol .rot.l In thla oOlcp, on or Ixluro tliarilrllii of t)i irl.'t ol I'Ubllralloti Wm. Fnira. Itcjlaler. Kirn fuMleattnn .rll IS, mio, Uat publleallon May t, lIO NOTICK KOIt I'UIH.ICATION Umti'tat l.aNb()rri, I liurna, (irv. Awtl T. 1IW Notlro la liiToby litvali that Kwturah J. JaniM ul llarnoy, Orauii, who, oil January I, l'7, iiiaito arllli'mciil ami vatabll.hail iralilonrc Uion, ami lnltlatc.1 bar rlalm timttr llio ).re 1'iniilloii lawa (Hvrlal No. D11j. lor Uilat.V 4. Illork ), U. M. Townalla ol llarnav, llarnor t;ouiii7, urriton, anuaiiMi 111 noiioii vi. luwn UI..T. '., U....II. tj.H.U 1VJ If... l'lll......f,U llU.l m,l' ,..,. ,,, .t.i.r w ..., '.,H.i.',V ,.vil illan, huanivu notUoof IntHiilloti tu mako flnal I'ro Kniiitlon I'rnal. to ratabllah rlalm lo tin land aliovo ittirrllMwl, lfnra tha llaatater ami Karctvpr, at llurna, tiraiton, mi tbctithiUrnl Mar, I'JIU. I.'lalin W.T Julia Caw tinant iiamta a wttnrana: llll Marir f. Hill, li. A. i'awln.0.1, Itluli. allot llnrna. Orrirnn. Anv iraon who ilarlrca to timlrat aualn.t tbaallowanrvol iihI. wrool. or who knouaol anv aoli.tatitlal reaion. lillitar lLa law a nil lha rmulatloiia ot tha Imarlor I'riuirtiiiaiili why mill jiioulahimlil nut twallnwv'l. will W ill fro an oiiorlunlly at the abuva inaiiltonail limn ami I'laio to rrot. I'lamlii" llm wltnuma of aal.l claimant, anil to offer ' btaui'a In rabiittal ol thataubmlltoil lor rliilni.nl. H titnr, ItvKlatar. State Tax Conunlisloncr Here A SWELL DRESSER Can Examine the very latest Spring and Summer Lines All New in the very Fanciest Scotch Samples Shirts and all other articles for Ladies and Gentlemen The Only Place SCHENK BROS. TIE MERCHANT TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS Burns, Oregon Odd Fellows' Building Hon. Chas. V. Galloway, a member of tho stato tax com mission, arrived hero yesterday afternoon on official business. This is his first Jtrip to tho Great narney country anu no was most agreeably surprised at its vastness and possibilities. Mr. Galloway was particularly Klad to learn upon his arrival that tho Hill railroad party was coming to view this magnificent valley and predicts most benefi cial results from it. Ho had ex pected to leave here Monday morning in order to meet his colleague, Mr. Eaton, at, Vale, but upon urgent request of friends hopes to arrange to re main over Wednesday and bp ono of our boosters at tho demonstra tivo meetings scheduled for Mon day afternoon and evening. NOTION KOIt I'UHLICATION UMrKI) TAT1!H I.ANliOmt'K. llurua, Oregon, April 37, 1VIU. Notice la herohy Rlrrn that Ala I, Julinaon, ol Van, Uri'Kon, vthn, on Aitautl HI. iuuS. inailo hornrateail Kntry No. i(nJ, Atrial S'o. 01719, lor t!NH(;, UWif('tioii a, lowuihlnlUtl.. l(aHKoD) Kaal, Wlllamvtte Merlilltn. haa tiled notico ol InWhllim to ronlre Final Klyo-Vcar I'root to ralahllah rlalm to th laml atmre ilcarrlticl, hvfnru tho Itralatar ami llaevlvxr, at llurua, Ort-gon, mi lh7lhiluyol June, 1(10. rialtnant linmca aa wtuea Mra. Kinina Muller. H N, Wllllitm., Nilh ol Van, (ireirou. Martha J. Iltmanl, H W llaliilb ton, both ol lirewaay, (Itaarou H. raiiRK, KvnUlor. ;t::t::t:::t::n:n::::::it::nnz:t::::n:in::;i::i:!::!:::i::::t:::::::::::::;t:::::t:t::m:n:ini Twelfth Night, No. 41906 1 TRinii RECORD 2:11 1.4 Klruof Nlnlitof StrtttliiiiflroXtll :.-j Mark MrIiI 3:10J.4 Hlrcl byOnvririli;:26'4,8irorOiirtr.l Hilv.-f SiOJl, 1'iwrl Ointuni SiWJtf, llunroltn4:Una., aiixdin a:07,. I'lliitiin a.HT, Oollmrt 2;07X,.MlMtOlittlIa2:0U,'. Mttjor Mmou 2:(X)M, Cnl. Tliornlon JiOtlJi, Curncllii Hollo S;10 nml 11)1 tilbcw wlllt rr-cunN Ih-Iow 2::t0. Dmn: Mi llutn3:0')3-l, Dntn tif Ijne ,liti ir:16f. 1'liul.c Tliorn 2t23, Mint Atirolin 2 :V I lc( , Alli-o l.uwU 2:21 3. nntl Alum Soliluy Willi a tMO.ytmrKiltl ri-nirj) ul 2:20 .. Oiivtnrtl I" by (lw. Wllkwt. .MIm Itotn uyj. J. Ainiaboii, lro lf Atulttlton Hoy 1 tNJJjf. J. J. Amliilwii h liy Alcyono. lio hy !Wno. Wllkt-H. I linvn ciiniiuli iniirpa bookwl to turrntit tlio kcoilii(; l TuvUllli Niulit ul liriinu nntl will lnml lilin t llttrrltiitin, Oruirou for n aotiaoit. o( 1010. IVo f30 with rotiirn uhlloo II tnnr.i tirovinol In fo4l iiArua pa'ttiroil nml ntrcil for fret; of tlmrco. Tor iiartlcjlstr wrllti Ha DENM AN; HarrimarV Oregon :t::::::ti:t;u:nji:j:a::i::i:n::m::jK:t::t:!Hma::H::a;aKr:Kncfi Burns IVIeaf SVSarket New Sliup Opposite Ibe lirst National Hank Main St. Pork, Vionair. I Jiolona and Liver iSausagos Beef in any Quantity. Your patronage solicited. H.J HANSEN, Propt jaWSriSr?4J9 few BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. c i. -,ofe CORTES E. ELLIOTT, Propt. . Special attention, given to tvunscicnt custom and freight teams. Horses kept by the day, week- or month. riHST CLASS LIVERY TURNOUTS. Hay and grain always on hand. Your pntronngt' rioliciietl. South Mitiii Si . liurtiH, Oru(oii Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATU HAY SCALES IN CONNECTION WITIJ BARN. ON ynyjf? NOTICK KOH 1'iniMCATION ttNITKI) TA1 KM I.ANH UKI'll'K, I llurna, Oieg.Mi, Aj.rll ft, 1'JIU. Notico labtirrby Kltan Hint ilarlho I.IIowanl ol llrruaoy, (Ireitou, vrbo, 011 Marrh '46 Huff, iiiaileh,.iucaliailKiilry,.Vo atntl.mirlal No. Willi, lorHUNB',.. KW'i NP'i.Hwilon l7iVBlit. CtfCtloiia.'lownalilii Wri , llauga m I'.., VVItlatu. otto Meridian, haa lllml iioltrenl Intention lo male Pinal Coiiiinutitlon ironf, to oatabtlah 'latin totbn latnt almtu ilearrllinl, Iwlura llii) Kt-Kliier anil IbjH-vlrsr. nt lliinia, Uat)VNi u 'lie 7lli ilay ol Jutiit Itttl) 1 itilmatit namvaaa wltuaaa'a; I. Johiiaon, Mra. Ktainn Mulc, both ol v, iianntQii, iiojntr rrraa ta Van (Jrrirofi M ley, Imlh ol Urawiey, Orafoti Wm. I'mur., Itt'idilor A pain prescription is printed upon erch 25c box of Dr. Snoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your Doctor or Druggist if this for mula is not complete. Pain means congestion, blood pres sure. Head pains, womanly pains, pains anywhero get in stant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet. Sold by Reed Bros. NOTICE. Chas. Wilson having retired from tho blacksmith business, has placed all unpaid accounts in the hands of tho undersigned for collection and settlement. All parties indebted to him will pleaso call and sottlc without dolay. j. a. uook, Attornoy at Law, Room 7, Odd Fellow Building. Burns, Oregon, j''Ai.sirrn.KMBNT. In ijn County Court of llio Hlnlo of Oru 1 t ii for Hnrnuy County. iln llm mnttor of llio Ittttniu of Ma (;, Miiilth, ili'maxo . Notlt'u Ih litiroby Khun 1 1 tut tlio tiutlrr algtlt'il ntlliiltiiritnitor Inn duly tlltttl lilt vurilU'tl Until report nntl uTcotinl of tho nliovn catiilo, alimvliiK Unit lliu fiitiiti Iiiih Itot'tl fully itilniliilHturtwl, nml coiiihIiiIiik tint ItiU'inmit mid aliowlni; Ity law iu qulruil, mill Hint lliu luilu of the uliovu cmltloil t'ourt, by ortlortluly tiintlo ami unturfil, itpiiolnlt'tl tlio lOtli Uuy of May 1010, nt tliu hour of 10 o'clock n. m. at tho court ItotiHo ti ItnriiM. Ort'Kon, it tlio titty, tiliKi pliicc loi lh lioitiliiH of oli Joctloim to Hltltl fllllll llCtMIIIIlt mill tho oottloiiicnt thttruof, nml linndlrcoli'drnld ittliiiliilittrutor to uivo notico tliftooMn TlioTlmcH Hcnilil, piihllHlittl nt Hiirti8, OrcRon, oiico it wcult for four euccosMvo week", Alt ohjoctlons in im t ho lllotl on or bvforo wild timo of hunrliiK- Dtttotl April 11,11110, HYi.viwnciiHMiTii, Atltnlnlntrtitor, Klmt I'ubtlctttlon A pi II 10, 1010. The Standard Bred Stallion PROGRESS Trtel 2:20 stand season of 1 9 1 0 ELLIOTT BARN, Burns, Ore i i 'ii . '.n.' . ,'iWJ: " ," macoKniiv ly titiiutlliiK M liaiitln liruh. Hired ,1, "1 !,0!.1i,'P,",.1,UVl1 by. h r A,l,u,t S Ju:" i K,r J"ll s S:"'4 i Cllptr2:Ot5; iJIiiliolltn 2 ;8. U ntlierN in loan limn 10, ami 1 1 otlturn butlt-r tliitn S !5, inm Itcincmlior Mo, ly Wnltlttlolii, VXM7 llortlin, iffiuiiluiothcr of 1'roKro.H. la tlio moth-r of III coltartll In tint llat. Tltw JJiiill, bur lUtltrolt witmoMai) a ijrcvii pntor nt 10,000. In IiIh ihrco year oltl form io niituo it re con! of 3 10. 'terms: $15,20, 25 GEO. D. HACEY, Burns, Ore. THE CAPITAL SALO BEDELL & RICHARDSON, Proprietors. Burns, - - Oregon. SivdCeLfc T3ais !Ea:a,a.q.-uia-rters. . Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Ta&res:- Club Rooms in Connection.. SIDNEY WILKES. 2:41 Siro Marvin Wilkes 2:1 2i who trotted 3 heats iu ono afternoon in bettor than 2:09 and sold and shipped to Australia and is now tho champion trotter and show horse of Australia. Marvin Wilk o was the greatest race colt of his day m California. Dam, Kitty I. 2:2-15 a nlako winner and unbenton as a two and thrao year old. She by Sidney 2:11)J, grnndsiro of Lou Dillon 1:584 Sidney Wilkes was very fast as a two year old and trotted J milo barefooted at a 2:10 Rait. Last year with GO days work ho raced hotter than 2:10 and is tho fastest troting stallion in Harney County and will take a low record this year. Ho is a dark brown 1GT hands hitfh weight 1200 lbs and a model harness horse. Win mane season luio at Fair Grounds, Burns, Oregon. For terms address, Claude McGee, Burns, Oregon Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. "fc.lJ.-fc'fc'4.'.'ti.ir-v'W NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED HrATM UNO urrwi llurna, (iri'iiou, Aitl V), IIIIO, Nollralaliorolir itlvfh Ilia. I'laiu (' Hollo way, ul Hciilo,tir('Kun, who, uti J ii mi Mil, moo, luailu ilcacrllutiil entry Nil 7W, Huilal Nu, ifjfl'iK, (or NWW, NWUBuii lit; NK.'aNKU. Hi'Ctlim 1I3, T(iwiiilifiu H., HatiKu mi II. HIlUtiK'ltu Hurl dlan. Iiaa llldl iiuticii ul Itiliiiilluii to inaku lliiul tiruol lo catnllllfeli l-lallil lo tliu lnllil nlmvaitti. ai'rtliol, teloro II, J O'Connor, II, H, (,'umiuia aloutr, at hla olllt'u nt IKtulo, tlrvilon, mi lliu Dili day of Juno, lull), Claimant nanit'a aa wltnfaaCMi Krucat llollon.y, t'ulutiihua tlrovi , llarrlioii Oroyo, KrtU Itollowuy. all nl HuiiluOrii(oii, Wm. Kaima, UoKlitvr E. B. REED & SON Complete line of Fancy &. Staple Groceries ICE CREAM SEASON Wo wish to announce to (ho public that we will soon havo mi Ico Cream Mimtifncturlinr Plant In operation and prepared to furnish It In any quant ity " 8l'rl notico to families or entertainments. WE STILL TAKE ORDERS FOR TAILOR MADE CLOTHING Wc leant to thank ijou for now past pat routine. Wc believe iou will find it to your interest to trade with i8 in tho future. Our atock is complete and our DRUGS arc the best. We will not handle anu other kind and our prices arc right. Wc have the best line of Cigars, Candies, Post Cards and Stationery In the city. Agents for M. SII00I"S FAMILY MEDICINES and SKIIRIIY STOCK HBIliDlliS We Solicit your Prescription work The City Drug; Store REED BROS., Proprietors fcWa.a,,1vWaMtr'V,v , ,.;s',a)U'.a.uMm V t BnaaaBMaOaHVaWMMHHMa; f3! "fl . eyt -f-rj i 'I n vsensr fivJa3 . ni'S'iy ENGINES jjP8-i, BOILERS GRADE MACHINERY SAW MILLS m I WRITE FOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES TH E AH.AVERI LL MACH I N IKY CO. SPOKANE. WASH.-PORTLAND. ORE,- SAN JOSE CAL te m t