lit Mi 1 f : f-v ' ! 1 f 1 ! ,'1 yss i S-i fti r ' r si i9 n, t '5 ,4 V I r i J T 5 1 . lli Tho old fashioned wny of dosinjr n wenk stomnch, or stimulfuinr tho Heart or Kidneys is all wronjr Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. This is why his proscrip tion Dr. Shoop's Kcslornlivo is directed entirely to the c;uiso of these ailments tho weak in side or controlling nerves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach. Heart, or Kidneys, if onogoosnt it correctly. Each insido organ has its controlling or insido licrvo When these nerves fail, then these organs must surely falter. These vital truths are leading druggists everywhere to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's Re storative. Test it a few days, and seel Improvement will promptly and surely follow. Sold by Reed Bros. NOTION! FOK I'U "LIGATION. UNITKllfTATKHliAHnOrrtCK. I Hums, Oregon, April 3, tlM Nollco In hereby alvcii thai Tho tSlalqnt Ore iron has filed In thin olllco lis application iicrlal No ulunilo tolcct, under tho nnnlalona fll tho rt of loimress, Apprised August II, ihu, Kin) nets supploinclilal ami Mncudalnry thereto, Hie ST' iMi:u pp ss ,ml N i4h i4 Section 81, T iHN , It m U , . M m mill nil netsniift clalntliK adturscly llio lands dcsvrltictl, or ilceltlnir to object lprn ut the mineral clmrncter it the land, or lor rrrrnoN fou i.iquou mcunsi.. Wc, the uinlcrsiKiioil loisnl otors of Lake 1'rocinct, Unrtioy Comity. Stnte of Oregon, reioctfully lottlion tho Urn. County Court of llurnoy Count), Sitito of Oregon, to Rront n llctmco to Hnrrln .t Fitsgcrald lo Soil Silrltiiotie Multiiml Vinous Minora In Icsi uniintliie tlmn ono gnllou In I.nko Preclm't llnrne) County, Slato of Oregon, fur the iunutl Six (0) Months, ns In tlnty li.umlwc w 111 over pray. Xntncs .N'miiBi I. K. Vonntor 11. Sttiiiulelleld J. K. Keetl It. A. Ulltiifcnocxl K. li. Iluwvll .1.0. MwlUon Wulor Anderson 1. 8. Tylur Geo. W. Simmons J. fc. Midwinter A. J. Osborn ,Irt Murdinll T. K. Guntly H Itatron A. S. Jones A. J. fsMongtir J. Sevclk 0. Heed C. T. Simmons Win . Wntle J. II. Uetxltireou . J. Ntirli II. V. lllatk A. Kiirii'nortli Win. Symu Notice is liereliy ylen Hint on Situr- day tho 28th day on Mny, 1010, llioun ilersij;ntHl will apply tothoCouuty Court of Ilarnoy County, Statu of Oregmfor the License mentioned in the foregoiny petition. Harms vfc I'rraaaKAlj). hid ntlior reason, lo the disposal tuapjillcatit, nlinuM 0I tliolr nmiUvlmof prolct In Ihl; orarn. m or ixmihu nic expirnuiin oi hid n;rioi otpuMlontlun. Wm Kahbk, lloclitcr rirt (luUlU-ntlnu, Vrtl lit, UMO IufI piililtcnllon, Ma? 21, 1VI0. No'i'iru von puumcation. Unitd HtAtrs I anii Orrti k ltiirn. Oregon, April ft, imo Notlw In lurctij1 Blven Hint lln Stnloor Ore hm li (IIM In ilila niltrn lm npplliiitloii (Srll No (HIM) in pliwt,iimlrr Ilia nililm of llnj,rtnM'oiiRH-, itppmMJit aiihikI ll.ldin, itml nt iiipplcm ntiil Hint HmemUtory there In, die NWM J.!, T, M 8 , It W li M Kerlli ut Mulhfur rsStj Anr nnU nil portnns rlnlmtiiK ilcriljr Hit Inmlii lU'i-eillcl.iir ilonlrlnir to ollvit Ihiouuio ul thu mliitrnlcliKriitturut thulniiil, or lor miy oilier rtanon, lo llio ilttponnl to tpplUmit, honM tilt llialr mmlAll ot proteit In Ihlt olTli'O, on or tetoro tlieenplrnlUm of llio period iitpuullctlleii, Wm.Farhic, Uiitliler, flrrt litibllention April 10, 1910. It I'llUltrrtllcn Mny ai, 1910, CONTEST NOTICE. 1'ONTIWT No IM. UNiTKHHTATml.Ami Orrtr liurnt, UriKfln, April 7, 1910.) A lnHrlollt(OliUHmilmltlm'lligl'C-n (licit In Ihl uillce li Knit M. Krt,n, tuiilettnut, tiltltttt ltutonitcitil Kutr), .No Olvj, nindo Juljr X lids, for RtiSH.h kihI .Msh vcrtlnn I, lowntbljilM Nni'tli, limice an Kant, W lllmncllp Mcltilhtn, Iit Mlnulo J. Ilrnoe. Cnntesteo In whit h II in nll.'KiM Hint M Mlutilo J llrure lim wtiolly nbmiilnucil iUl Unit for tuoiotlmunlx niontha ln ttt I.h newt netlldl. ur retlileil on iirvulllvKlvilinuie. aitlil partleii tr hereby iHMitWit to iix-ir, ri'iiiiil, inl oiler evlilenie luurliliinilil tllegHllon nt 10 o'clock . in nil May i). Into, bvloru the Itectilcr ami llcielv er at Hie t'nlleil Statu Laud UDIcu In llnrni, Oregon Tna audi ronlralaut linvliiK In a proper afll itavll, (lied April ti, 1911), tot forth facia wbleli almw that alter duo itlllitcnca poraoual atrvlcu (it Ilila tintlco cannot bo U heieb) onlure.1 and illrerted that tueli nollce be Kiven by due and proper publication, W. Kahhk, ItciiUter SUMMONS In the JusticiCou-t for llurni Plstrtct Harney County, Oregon. J. W. Vnmlerpjol, plaintiff,') Anitelo Mnthous nml John I W. Pattorton, 'leftinlants J To Angelo Mathews nml John W. I'nt- terson nboo named Defendnats. In tho lKiimi of tho Statu of Oregen: You and omc.1i of joti are hervb re qnirod to npjivar nml anawer tie rum plaint tiled against you in tho lxf n titled action on or beforo Mondnv Mn 30, 1010 tho Mine beini; the Iat da of tho time prescribed in the onler of tin Court directing corvico of Mini in his in this causo to lio nindo by publication, anil if you so fail to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will take judgement onanist )"ii and each of ou for the snm of .' 10 im nitli legal interest theroou from thu first day of July ltMW, for the further sum olj fSO.OO with Iej;al interuet tlicicmi lnnn March 20th, 1900 and for the ( mi I disbursonients of this nclioii. 'lltlu further tako notice that this -umin dis is served upon you and each of imi l publication by virtue of nil order of U C. Uyrd Justice of the lVce for Hon District, Harney County, Oregon 'n h said order was innilo and untored on il lCth day of April, 1010 ami directtxl tluu this summons bo piiblishsil once em li week for six con&ecutiva weeks Tin date of the first publication of thia '"iim mons is April 10th 1010 tho lust puhli n Hon is May 28, 1010. w. c mitn, Justice of the I'eaco for Hums District, Hums, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITKD STATUS f.ANfi Of Kit V.I Iluriia, Oroifon, March ?', 1 lu Notice ! hereby irlveii that tbo State of m fon hai Died In thin olflce lie appHiHiluii Serial No UI3XII lutflout, uudtrthe proihiiina of the Act of Congress, approved UiKiiti n IM'i, and acti inpplemeutal and anieiiilti ur theralo, tbt , SWJi NEK See l. T. 388 ; NKK SV , ' I T.B.,!t.Si:., W II. Any and all person i cUlinlti adi. r- I landideicrlbcd.or detlrln? to objut t ., . . . of the mineral character f tbt bind, oi ( . otbtr reason, to the illipoaal In p.l , i , should file their aindavltaiif prout'. in i orflce. on or beforo the expiration of tin , i oi publication Wm. Vxnitr, p., -i. r First publication April 9, l!H0 ' Last publication May II, 1910 CONTEST NOTICE. , t ON TKHT NO. 1S3, Umtkd HTATica IiANii Orrit a. Hums, Oregon, April 7, 1910. A illltli lent rontesl atlldat II liavliiK been tiled in Ihl offlee by M. Ilrnwn contestant, aaalual llomvstead Kuiry, No. taxi, made May if, IWW, for!H!5K5( rHTtlon 1 and MiNMiHeo lion If, Township 1 hontli, HaiiiiO ."J I asl, N II lmeu frank llaiisou.Uouteitee, In bleh Ills alleged that said 1 rank Hanson has ub.dlv Mtrtimlmii'd said land for more than , all mouths last past lias ucer settled or resld 1 ed on or cultivated sania.saM partlea are hereby mitined to apMar resimnn. anu nneroiinence leurhlni: said alii Ration at loo clock a in, on Mai M, 1 dO, tieloio tho lleitlatar and llecelv tr at the I nlu-d States Lund Olll.'o In Hums, tiiegon I The Mid iHMitestant limine In i rer arllda ' vlt, riled prll 5, 1J10, ret forth facta which . show ihtt after due dllilxoiiro irsonal service ol this notlco cannot bo miu'o, It Is hereby or lilered tod directed that lueh notice bo Klvln nf due aud proer putmcation Wm. Ktrsi, IteiilsUr. CONTEST NOTICE. I'ONTKST NO. HH. UMTS.U8TATKH .ANDOrrtCK, ) lliinm, Oregon, Aplll 7, 1910. 1 i A surftclent conlest nilUU It linvlng U'eu filed lu this oflre by Moilt M llrourn, conlt slant, gainst llouiMteml Iniry, No MM, made July 3, I'M, f U ut U J, paction 31, Township 'S Mouth Kauart ) Kast, lllainetlo Meridian, bj Jr! Klpley, I'onleslee, In which It laallig ed thai wld Joel A. Klplor 1ms wholly aban doned uld laud lor tunro than alx months Ian past) baa uer settled, or resided on, or mill rated tame: said partlea aro hereby notified lo appear respond, and oiler oridento toiichlnx said allKllim at 10 o'clock a in on May Kl, 1910, before tho KenUter and Itecelver at the I ulted iliio iJiml Otllco In Hums, (I'eiou. The said potitiataut havlnif. In a proper ain dailt fiitd priln, lilO, set forth facta which ho that ali r duodlllKiuco personal service ,( inla niiiiio cannot bo mado It la hereby onl ' d and dirieleil tbatsuch notice be given dm ai.rtir per publication u rAiiar, Itcxliter Job.prinUnsr-Tlio Timos-Hornld Cottrill & .ClomonB lmvo put in n first class buw mill 1J miles west of Cold Springs is nenr tho valley with Reed road. In first class timber picked trees from tho government Prepared to do custom work. Sco them about your Rovernment permit nt onco. Estiiaykd Camo to my placo ono black mnro about 9 years old, three white feet and star in fore head, branded an open chain link with bar above on right stifle, scar on right hind leg. Ono sor rol mare, three white feet, whito fnco, about ten years old, brand ed TL connected with quarter circle bar over on right shoulder. Owners may have samo by prov ing property and paying charges. Rout. Hudspkth, Burns, Oro. WWBttjtjssiiij mil imnwuil I nil I I ill I 1 ii ill'iiiHIIHDHMI'i'illll'i'' NEW CLUimiNfl PROPOSITION Any lady reader of this paper will receive, on request, a clevor "No-Drip" CoiTco Strainer Cou pon privilege, from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. It is silver-plated, very pretty, and positively pro vents all dripping of tea or colTce. Tho Doctor sends it, with his now free book on "Health CoiTco" simply to introduce this clover substitute for real coffee. Dr. Shoop's Health CoiTco is gaining its great popularity becauso ef: first, its exquisito tasto and fla vor; second, its nbsoluto hcalth fulness; third, its economy 11 lb 25c: fourth, its convenience. No tedious 20 to 30 minutes boil ing. "Mado in a minuto" says Dr. Shoop. Try it at your gro cer's for a pleasant surprise, Sold by Reed Bros. I ' wmYwmmnK Thi3 rifle ia built for settled districts. F wnere good range nnd killing power are desired, with safety to the neighborhood. The ffZufa .25-20 la a light, quick handling, finely-balanced repeater, with the solid top, closcd-ln breech nnd !de ejection features which make ZZtr&t guns onfe nnd ngrccoblo to use and certain in action. It Is made to use the powerful new hlih velocity smokeless loads with lackttcd bullets as well as the well-known black rowder and low measure smoksltss cart, rldgis, and la the Ural rifle for target work, tor wooucnucsc, srese, hawks, fosee, etc., up to 300 yards. This rifle and ammu nltlon, and all other ClaraJt repaatrrs.are fully described In our 136-paee cataloc. Pree for 3 stamps postage. TZffTffart'i firearms Cx, If Willow Street. NEW HAVEN. C0HH. NOTICE Any and all persons owing tho firtn gf Hagey, Fcnwick & Jack son, either on account or note, aro hereby notified that all such accounts and notes aro now in tho hands of C. H. Leonard for collection. Such persons are hereby requested to make imme diate settlement of tho same. Dated Aug. Cth, 1909. Hagey, Fenwick & Jackson. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting is forbidtlon upon my placo ndjoliiliiji Burns. TresptiRR rfl will bo prosecutod. O. II. VOEGTLY. NOTICE OF SALK. EXCURSION RATES TO THE EAST During 1 91 0 From All Points on THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. RATES $72. CO GO. 00 TO Chicago Council Bluffs i Omaha I Kansas City r St. Paul..., I ,l St. Joseph.. . ) C St. Paul via Council Bluffs. .,,.. G3.'90 Minneapolis direct . V G0.Q0 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs G3.90 Dulutli, direct CG.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs G7.C0 St. Louis G7.C0 Tickets will be on sale May 2nd and 9th; Juno 2nd, 17th and 24th; Juno Cth and 22nd; August 3rd; Stptembcr 8th. Ten days provided for tho going trip. Stop overs within limits in either direction. Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than October 31st. Our way through California $15.00 additional Inquire of any O. R. & N. Agent for more complete information WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, In tlio County Court nt tho Slate c Ore gon for Ilarno' Count. In tlio matter ot tlio Eatato of William I). lluclianntj.Uocoaifil. Ilasod U'xin tlio voiillotl petition of Oi'ornu I.. Ilticliauuti, tlio iinnllfltxl anil acting ailmlnlntrator of tlio eatnto of William D. Ilucliauan, tloccaiol, fllotl lioreln.f rom which it appear to bo to tlio bout iotereat of tho said oatato and all parties intercitod therein, that tho real oatato ot said catate aituato in tho aalil county and atato bo sold, aa a wliolo and dctcrlbodaafellowa: V.i NW: V.K 8W4 nnd 8i ; Section 0, Tp. 2-.', If 33 B. W. M. Notice ia hereby ulren lu purauant to an order ot aald Court duly mado and entered on tho 7th day of March, H10, to all periona Interested in tho aald oatato; and particularly Kllon J. Iluchanan widow, Joteplilne Bptncer, William T. Iluchauaa, Harriott J. llnr rlaon, Joaoph W. Iluchanan, Amanda .Martin, Kliza Martin, Georuo L. liucli annn, mid Monroe Buchanan, helra ol the aald William I) liurhanan, do ceared; to appear before tho County Court of aald County and BUto, at tho Court-room thereof, in aald county and alato, on tho 2nd day of May, 1010, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of inld day, then and thoro to eliow cause, It any lliey lmvo why nn order an prayed for in thu petition ahould not bo u ranted to tho aald admluletrator toaoll all of tho real ontuto of tlio aald oatato at cither public or privnto enlo for tho purpoaea mrtitioned In raid petition, ns ho shall Judgo to ho for the boat Interesta of auid uatalo and all partiealnterealed thoreln: Thin nutlco is ordered publlihtxl once u week for four auccca Ive weeks in The Tlmcflloruld, n newspaper prlntod and published at Hums, Oregon, in aald County thu first publication thereof Sat urday, .March 12, 1010, tho last publica tion AprllO, 1010. Duto-1 thU 7th day of March, 1010. GHOUaiC I,. 1IU0HANAN. Adiulnltitrutor Wo hava arranged to olTer In connection with this paper, tho now monthly farm magazlno just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. II. W. Campbell and devot ed to tho subject of how lo farm In tho dry country nnd how to got best results from soil tillage under normal conditions, This Pnper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer nnd wo olfer it clubbed Willi Tlio Times-Terald both for $2. CO per year cash. Prof, Camp bells' now paper is n monthly, chock full of good things, tlio only paper of its kind in tlio world, and it embodies tlio re sults of the editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillage proposition. Religious Services. Tlio following aro Rov. A. J. Irwin's regular preaching np pointmonls for tho year 1910. - Burns tho third and fourth Sundays of each month at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sunset School House nt 10j!U) a. m. tho first Sunday of each month. Nnrrows at 3 p. in. and 7:30 p. in. tho first Sunday of each month. Waverly at 10 a. in. tho second Sunday of each month. Lnwon at 3:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. tho second Sunday of each month. Dcnstend School I louse at 3 p. m. tho third Sunday of each month. Sunday School at Burns every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock a m. Services at the Baptist Church first and second Sundays in each month. Sunday School at 10 a. in. every Sunday. Prayer meet ing Thursday evening. Tbe Lone iitar RESTAURANT China UiHrK', Proprietor. Cor. Main nnd 11 Street". IWEflliS AT AuU HOURS Bakery In connection. A Specialty of Short Orders. Tnblo furiiiHhuti with overything tlio market nllbrdM Your imtron itK Kollcitud. OKKICIAI, IIIIIKOTOUY static onuiim i U H Hcllatura Cutiftrrssmeu Atluruejr (leiicrali. ... tluvernor hecrctarr ot Htato Treasurer niit, I'uhllr Instruction Mate i'rlmcr Supreme Judges Jonathan llnurno Jr (Ho, K. Uliamberlaln It Kills j llawle) A.M.Crawfonl r, W, lleiisoti .Y W lleusuii .(I A steal .. ,1. II, Ackermati slmnlMrajr i K. H. Dean ,f r. A. Muire rjncrT! The Times-Herald i oflcrinu most attractive Clubbing Rates to Hh HubncribarH a present THE TIMES-HERALD One year with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE lo every paid in mlvnncc Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Tiines-Herald for the lonff win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Tho Timcs-Hrrnld lit Prepared tit tin the Very llest nnd Most Hntfstnrtory Work in this line. Wo hiivc till the LATEST TYPE FACES and a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating from Austin via Prairie City, John Day, Canyon City fo Hums, Oregon yt ilit) 8 from lJ.ikei City to 'Jtirns, Oregon. Four nnd six horse slock and covered coaches the entire distance Railroad to Hums 105 miles For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. Oa,rr3ro:n. Oit3r, Oxogron. aSsssammMmmmammm I'ItOFI88IONAL OARDB. Wm. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. llurnn, Orogon. Ilooma 6 and 0 Odd Follow Building G.A. REMBOLD Atlornoy-ftt-Lfiw, Burns, Oregon Olins. II. Hioonard, Attohney-at-law, Urtroful nttontlon glyon to Collec tions nnd Roal Kutato mnttorn. I'iro Inauranro. Notnry Publlo IlUIINH, OltKOON. OEO. B. SIZEMORE, ATTOKNKY, """ OltKOON Collection, Land btulneia, and Ileal KatataiuatMrproniTltT attended to. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sumpter Valley ' Railway Co timi$ taiim: no. an in . .mini: h, iiw.. ki 1 1 (, Weal lloniid. Nn 1 I'uaa it 0:30 Lv 0l.')5 " 0iB8 " IOiOI " 10:07 " lliilti r City Hnnth linker 'Hallshiirjt Uiklmrlf Tll(llflIM)llt I'ol Hi uri, No. " I'nna i n At I.v 10:17 " Stoddrird Jnnctlont 10:22 'Writer Tniiltt CHflRbES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon l'rnctlceiiii tho Btato Court and bo foro tlio U. 8. Ijtnd OOlco, A. W. GOWAN ATl'ORNEY-AT-LAW State Courts and United States Land Office Practice Throe doors South of the Hnmoy County National Bank Burns, Oregon. it ' i r ' i.i ' m ' I:,' 1 1 ' 111 II ' 3:! ' 'I:' ,.J -I -4 2:1 n,J I Ticket Issued imly for atnllonv whi.'i trnlna itrti nvlimlillrd to mnkti ri-pnfi "tops, I'lmsuncura niiiHt iitirchasu ii ots whurit n'onta oxist hefjro onli rlr, trnlna or 25 cciiIr In nddltloti loll r gular faro will bo charged. , Josnni a. vi:st, suit. GHANTOKDDHfi, Aoat. Rapt. 10:32 " 10139 " 10:65 " 11:10 " litis " 11:40 " NOON 12:00 " P.M. 12:05 " 12:10 " 1:10 Ar "Di'mi'm fliinrf MclAicmt JUNCTIONt Ktiinttr MUNOTIONt Biininiltt O I, Cnmpt Wlittnoyt TIl'TONt Aatln Stop on alKiiitlr only JNo ngu iIB J. CU. CBARY ! riiyaiclnn and Htirguoit. j UnrtiH, - - - Oregon. j Officii in new building couth of Welcome harness ahop, Main St. ThonoMalnM. DEftMlfi & DEfiMAN. Physicians and Surgeons Calla .untwurod promptly night or day Thorni Ilnrrlmin. ! Harrlman, Oregon r iy WU'l HAHIIIiU.N Uf mt f EI Trrm-1 '-iliBkii & SfOStK OUflNS, OflEOON 'THE WJNUSOJt Itubt Kakln NINTH JUI1IOIAI. IllHTIIIOT. District JikIko Dlslrlrl Attornrjr Hoi.uljr Dial Ally (irn K. flat Is J Mit'ulltHli . O II luuanl Circuit Court rutUa tlio first MnuJay In April ami first ilomlajr In Ottotar. Joint Henator U V rarrlsh Julut-llcprrauiitatlvu VV II llrooia OOUXTY IIAIIKKTt Uuouljr JuJiO Clerk Treasurer . . biirfcjor ,. Hhorlif Asscssur BchuulHuirlnlcnilcnt. Coroner muck Inspffitur J I' lluctor Ham Mollicrslirad , Il N Jatnvsiin A 11 raiilkucr . A. K. Itliliaritsiia J. J. Dolimall I.M llauilltun J N (Ivsry .Joint ltoklnsoii fumralssfuiHTs l U. Ktallanl 10 A Hmrtu County Court inta la tlio flrat Wrlurslay In January, March, May, July, Mcpumbur ami Novgoibcr. HAiiHKY u. a. uu orriLi. JOHN ROBINiON Stock Inspector, Harney County. Home Addroaa llurni, Or, Portlnm., Oregon MLAGAZDTE READERS snnsBT HAOAZIITE besulif ully il'uitralnl, good Holla and artkUi about CalloraU aad all lxi Fa. WatU $1.50 a jraar $1.00 a CAMERA CRA7T tltvotad uh laondi to tria si. tisttc rtprodoclioB ei iha bt wotk oi araaUia and proiasuonal pkolograpliari. ROAD OT A THOUflAKD W0HDEH0 a book ol 75 psjts, coolalaioj 120 colored phototrapks el $0.75 piclurasque spots La CaUaraia ' Total . . . $3.35 All for . . . . $1.50 AiUism all ordsYi to 8DKSBT MAOAZIRE Heed DuMaj Sea FrsocUco UcKistcr Kocolfar Mayor, flriortlur, In-asurer Marshal, 111 Farru Ksauk Dayvy UITV. HUHMa' t uuucllinuii fain Miitliiisliuait .1'. r. HauUall J.(! UilcuiuoJr M. V. imi f W. I!. Ilruwn uiromu tiborllmt m. r. nii (V, l!. Ilrow A. (J Wolc Juotli'iiiboi B Hwalu Miviiniia of Hie liiiiuill oiury Hccoml and Pound VrJucslay 1-SdMaLaK- UIL fHk u'tfand riairiuliin rji "j -y r GIBSON &. Main St.. Blacksmitliing and Horseshoing. Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oregon, MARSPEf. & GRIFFITH rhyalulnna and Sargeona. DUUNB, OltKOON. ARMS ore for stlc by all progressive WinJwsre r i Sporting Goods Mcfffiants and DAN JIVMlTl'S ytrmlU 'or' "GUNS AND CUfiMiKC"- wlll la: innllnd prsiji, It,, nppllcanth .1 .Stem A.'j 6. Tool. toTjlNY. ClU'-siJ" I ulV ."tii-d , tirf), I ' I ii r meri li ru ,r. )t. tit fur' ! nl" ....tiKK'i Vi in i , . 11 ljfivJiy J. STEVf? ARMS & TO.:: p 0 '-t' Ct TY I V yyj. I H'rSrSt 'or wsyh v? U 1k ' ' b. E. HIBBflRD Olllco flrat door cast photo gallery llnrni, Oregon. iDiarrirai 1 W. C. BROWN, )BHSTTIST. IIuums, OnraoN. OQlcu in new land ofllco bulldlnp, next door north ol poet ofllco. BOCIETIEB. When you want quuk cure wlthot any loss of time, and one that is follews: by no bad results, use ( Chamberlain's Colic, Chciora and Diarrhoea Remedy It never falls and Is pleasant to tab Il la equally vnl'iaMr for -hililren. It I famoua for its cures over a large part C the clvltUed world. j HARNKV U)DaK, NO. 77, 1,0 u T. Mfls erery Sturday In odd Fallow Hall at 7:10 j. m. r. A. Hole. Aru r llorton, Reerttary. N. O. JA'SseWt.' IIUIINSI-OIIOIC NO.I7, A P. A M., Mails ory first aud third Batunlay In eash lu.. run. j. K. ltttu. W. M. Tlics, Haiera, Eacrolary. b& IIAHNKY VAI.I.EY CAMf No. Ul, W. ul W. Meets erery drat and secondLTutsday. V. W. McOlelD, Com. W. A. Cowan, Clerk. llUHNfl OlIAlTKIt NO. 10, O, K. 8. MmU erery aoeond and foerth Mondays, In Masonic Ilsll. Era Ur,1 ll (,net Uowan, Vecratary, M JOUNGOUKKIiING, Jowolor. Optician Usnizmvor. Fine Watch Repairing A cialty. nc "K HVI.VIA KEIIKKAII UKOItEK No.iJ. Weetsetery Istand Jd Wednaaday. Holla milardKee. S.e'y. M"rcl,'N'u- Isni fraa. (Tliluit fiiroricrforsulirtiiMfauaMi I'itants Lakfin Ihruilull Stillllt K CILAtnra SWJ SiMonlnit YianqSbflkiaVYfl M nitUe, lilii)ilciijrBO, lu Hit) kknlific Jtmericaa 0BHMWsi In SOIDrotdasr, I o. hi V flt"WlwtflnI iim low TrtsW iviniAW ilflUf 18 THE HUffT DE8T iflPni TIME Tot out- OI tl jrAI to litVf Hin ntti nn n a, iff jnn. Fot i itlroiu lllkts I if wmk in out 'IE I your tPvth Dint n work dunn. Fotou i w tnwu i klrntui i AnUli ttlsit nriil lriU wniK II V Mel.rCf9.fli $5.00 22kDMd.TMthJ,OU OoU riinmi Ifiimtl FilUfi rilllnit ruin 6.00 Dtt Huibir . puui 7.50 PIr.Uuntr,lon,60 DKIT MITHOO 1.01 1.00 .60 M. W. L WM, PuMiff im Muini II II1M IITIHMttl II Hllllll, tllflfaMal FllraVLllnll If rttM wnfin U crdard. ikHuuluUnn Irrto. sou rttunot uvt llttff tInlw work anhra, no untie r liow tuuoJt you f All work f ullr iruarauUcHl for M Imiu rw bUtit or trtda work Hs IITIHMttl II ti A. (VjDfUltftU nrkanhi jrkfullr fui Wise Dental Co. JNCORrORATKD Painless Dentists rnini Bulllln(.Tklrd t WasMaitsa, P0RTUN0.0I00H efiltstlsusiA. U.tslf.U. SuKsys.tteli I BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON & SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic. Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. THE ANDERSON HOTEL MU. find A1US. CI1AS. ANOHRSON, Propts. Wo aro plensctl to announce to our old-timu friends nnd cualomcra Hint wo lmvo wjnin tukon charge of our hotel. Wo just completed ronovnting tho en tiro building nnd you will find tho old-tuno homo comfortu when you call. Wo hope to see you soon. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive Special Attention and Good Service. SOU I H BURNS, OREQON-Near Fair Grounds. THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing. TUl.K C1IICI.R No. IM, V. of W. Alecta crcrjr fourth Tutsdar. Maud llorton, o. M. HuiUr Qoudman, Clerk, $1500 Reward! vv- The Oreson Call fornlaaod Nevada I4t Stock 1'roteo lion Association, of wmen ina uuuer slaned Is a niomter will irlra ll.ouo U) reward toreTldince leadlnf to the ar rrst and conrlctlon otanjr parly ur par ties slealluc horses. cattlo or mules ! lonnlnirtoaiirof Its niainocrs, III addition tothealog, the undersigned of Ion on tho same condition IMO.OO for all horses hraudt'd horsoshoebaron both or either Jaw llrand recorded In cIkIi! couutlcs. llange llar nt'X, Ijiko and ( rook counties. Horses vented when siiHI, Nouo lull Krowii horses sold, and only In large bunches, W. V, linou N, rife, Oregon Wu collect tivorywlioro and inuke n cliargo mill bs collection la muile. We ploimo utir cllunta M A'JdrocM MoiiaaN Mkucantilk Co., Kenton lllili;,, Portland, Oro, Don't Ulsk rv.ti a rnnu- l.t ii health ri ii.nil ImlT trwmn 1itk,,vn,tlir tl,i, lam tiiooiii, piiTwirinn vi wwrsrii w l i will, (Hit of my tiu ii r chs, t )u fur nur i itidl Itin 1111 full, tn l,r in ii lit,. i And lor JO jiars lr Hioop s nintlrlm I ara tiecn iifcut and rpconinii iwliil In i n rj ru llamltllll In rlia Hi r am i mi! v l ant In i- ry luiinnui ii ui 1 nrji Then kli mil i. i 1 t . r r . other in wu hi U' I i i 1 i IIioumui i ii tn vii .ttirfoktli 1 i ' Ir lii, l 1 I Hi illte i h ti . r K lheMil 1. h u i e I. ut IMiell tin m. lor tho Hi'.iri uerus lull know linn HIiocik's 1,1k urinir tiiemuiCLiniirnitin mui urn i- i they pltlely tuVo lm n m i r I k v They Vnow that when li, niih falNtnr v r ihoop will Mm-. II ii' ' . i t! i' -i Ihnt ti t And ! i il u 1 . , . 111. lit is f reel) Cl nli Hut irllo mo llr.4 fw in, i Tills w 111 Kilo di lus ui.U .i ipoln(mrnt Ml dnicarl.t-, a, II Pr -Ihioii'i II tomtit i.. li....... nai 9 i i lUlmxl) but imiiorii ii to lay tot -ii hltuMi iur 1 i nn ntnioi Kuiin'. i ii inery i-iiiiinuiiH (iinnii holji, no J-.IJ liudUl t . (, thosuk Till me flii utiii li IhvO im n i.I, Til iKHllli In lutt Ul . helpful I.', us I., R- not Mull lu- ill - E fi . lyirvotiimnsiili (T 2 would yiiur Is I nn! ,iif rt tei nasi l i Fl FA Ok BIT- I nri lltf fl aS wis:1"''"" "$ 1 liM I IU lilt 1KI I 1 III IIS' . t 1 1 Htte im ut Inn. Mr uiUku Iwlowaroj uirs-ui. 1 ' IVrlmpsn tn li r i i iiiioatirloiuiiilini n t I tilKiii l,i i i Personal dt Icd p ii . ii up pt tt I l' us i wi i ii, i lm Jllit I Ilium, plit I Utltl tlio l , till t I Wl I I I. 1 I till iii i r li u .rt Hon t nri Ol ol) A'fteimrds worth ynur sliuiilii retiu t stt,r'liuiii you hAoUfreiii In mil I i , i, morrow n couuK. Dr. Mux I 1 i 1 i In M. Vrtleti Cook Basil X S.oJ Tout N o, t On I j pi pl No slur Women No. 3 On tho llmrt Vo 5 rr Men S'll SOllthoKldllntS No 0On Klieuinal t a The Harney Valley Brewing Co. Mnnulucturora of eirid. 3Fxajr Oo3..a, "7f7'si.f er Family Trado Solicited Free'Dcllvcry T. E..JFNKINS, Manager assaaia3aa?wTtarmrnrTisafe g g.. A gg. - 9 I r