tf AKIi LAKtlU IIROOllS WOIITAHLLV Twelve huitdrcd Huffy little clucks one day olil enclosed inn circular apace twelve feet in diameter nnd mothered by a sin glooll stove, represents one of the neculiar features of an exper iment which is now beinpr carried on by Professor James Drydcn of the OrcKon Agricultural Col- Ioko. The experiment is for the pur pose of testing the feasibility of raising chickens in largo Hocks. It has been the belief up to this timo that chickens could IP raised only in small broods. IJ the now method proves success ful it will bo a groat boon to the poultry industry. The chicks which are being used in this experiment wore hatched in incubators. Twelve machines were used; the mach ines producing an average of one hundred chicks each. This num ber of chickens wore hatched from a total of 1350 eggs. "The reason why some towns .grow is because there are men of push and energy in them, who are not afraid to spend their time and money to boom tho town. They erect substantial buildings, organize stock com panies and establish factories, secure railroads, work for public improvement and use all in their power to induce people to locate in their city. Whcrovor they go they tell of tho advantages of their city, they write about them in every letter, they send circu lars and newspapers to all whom they think they can get to visit, the city. When anyone visits them they treat him so kindly that he falls in loVO With them ,.,..., t, nnd tllGIl' CltV at Once. It S en - tnrnrie, nnrl OVOl'V OHO IHlllillir lerjjnM. (IIIU CVl.I uilt- (U"""K . together that makos a progress-1 ive town and don't let the fact escape your memory. " W.v I ' -. SUMMONS. In tliu J mile-Con t for Hums District llarnuy County, Orotjon. J. W. Vnmlorpjol, pluliitiff,'! v Iinf Anmilo JInlliew ami Jolt W. r.itteraou. 'iBJenJati To Augplo Mntl'w nuil John W , Ii- terson aUu naniml nelemlatits. In llio naiiio hi tli Stnto o! Orison : You niil nnrli of 5 on nrn hemby ru- riuiroillo appear a.i.I tco.n. plaint Men OKillllfl you in wio uuuiu ru-1 titled netion on or before Momluy May 30, 1010 tlio aaine Iminc tho last ilny of the tlttiB prescribed in tho order of iho Court diroctlng service of eumiiioim in this catiM to be inadu by pnlilicittion, und If you o fall to appimr and aiuvter aid oomiilaint, for won I thoruof, the plnintift will UkBJuilgetnuntnpilnst yoitl' ami each of )ou for the sum of $200 00 J with lei;al intrf8t thereon from the first day of July 1900 fur the further mini of $30.00 with legal inturoat thereon from March 20lh, 1000 and for tho ciwts and dinbtirseTieiiU of tin action. You will further take notice that tlila ummnna is fencd upon you and eacli of jon by publlcatinti by virtue of an order of V. C. Bynl Joelice of the IVaco for llurno District, Harney County, Oregon ulucli said order was made and outored on the ICtli day of April, 1910 and directed that this aummoiiH be pnlillflieil once each week for six conwrutivo weuko. The date of tho first publication of tlii Hum raons Is April Irttli 1010 the last publica tion is May 3S, 1010. V. C. I1YUI), Justice of the I'eace for liunm District, Hums, Oreijoii. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ; I'SJTEI) STATES lANflOFFICK.I Harm, Uieion, March m, 1110 Notice l hereby given that the Htatc nl Ore con hai filed In thli oil Ice Ita application irierlal Nu.IM.IMl to teloct. under the prolloni if the Act of Congreii, approved Auuuit It. ' 1HH, and aeti lupplementai and amendatory, thereto, thl SWJiNXiiKec l, T 'Jlij ( N K'.J NK't K c 3, i T.8.,i:.r,K n . , 'Any and ell twranui (IkiiiiIhi; adiernely ihe landadencrlboil.or detlrlng to ol,j,c t became ot the mineral character oil lie laud, oi f r .my other rMii, to th,' llp,il to applitmit. Ibould flic their aindavllnof j,rot.-t III llili olllce, on or hvfureitic cxpiratluii of tbcpcloil I i,l publUoUun Wm. Fiinr. Iti'daier rlnl publUatl.Mi prll 9, 1 u Lat jiuMli ailmi May II. I I0 COLONIST RATES tg OREGON Sri t Northwest The management of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. takes great pleasure in announcing that the low rate from East ern cities, which have done so much in past seasons to stimulate travel to and Bottlement in Oregon, will prevail again" ' this Spring DAILY from March X to April' 15, inclusive. FE3QJPZ-JE3 OIF1 OBElQ-OJSr ,. . eea-i. - , hi ill .y iHii.fiH Mill' The railroads have done their part; now it's up to you. The colonist rate is tho greatest of all home-builders. Do all you can to let Eastern people know about it,, and encourage them to come here, where land is cheap and home-building easy and, attractive. Fares can be Prcpaycd at home if desired Any agent of tho road named is authoriz to receive tho required deposit and tele graph ticket to any point in tho East. Remember the Rates From Chicago $33; from St. Louis, $32; from Omaho and Kan sas City, $25. This reduction is propor tionate from all other cities. WM. McMUKRAY. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon NOT1UK FOtt 1'UUIitOATION. ilurns, Oregon, Ajml V,10'.O, Notlco In hctebr Wen tint Th guts i ol ! Ow son Jim men In 111 I Otllee It Its atirdlc cation VSerlal No oll'Wlto teloct, under Hi ProvU o( the Art of Concrsss, Approved Aiirni' is H, and deli piilenifiitl and mmu til provUlona tut 11, torj tnereio, i no NKJiRKti SCO. S3 unit NWt,HV PfCllon W, T 2.18,ll.liAK., W.M. Anr end Ml persons tiUlmliiR adwsely llie lamln describe.', ot doatrliiR to obieol hcHo ol th mineral character at Iho Unit, t (or an; other reason, In the disposal toMiiillcatil, should tile tholr smdalls ol .protest In t lit; otllee, n or twlnre ttio oiplrslliin ol Ibo period ol luililioitlon, Wm Kami, lltslslor. Kltt nubtlcallon, April Id, 1010. Last publlcitllon, May HI, WIO, NOTION 'FOR 1'UIH.IOATION. UNITli Htrnn I.aNii Orrli K IHinif, Oregon. April Mi0. Noltee ) hereby siren that Iho NtMo of Ore un h. hi.i iii idifl niitrt, Hi annltfatlon (Serial No wM) to selpc I, under lh ProrHJoiu ilil.. L.i.lil... ...b...a.lll IIJ 111, oi me aciui vimum.. allium"-., -...m..--.. rtml acta fttipplvtuenlHl and amendatory there to. th NWli fi-c. 3.1. T. Wl H.. U. " K . W !., Norlh ot Malheur Uke Any and all lioteons rlalinlniidersely Ihe lntnls desctlhed.ot ilctlrlnir to object iwvaues ol Ibo mineral character ol Iho Unit, or lor any nlhrtr uMo,l. 1.1 IllA lllltmmll to aPtWlCaill. honhl III their aillilaUta ol proton in thl; ortlcc, on or before tho esplretlou of Iho porloil ot publication. lYM.PAnacHsalsler. Klrst publication April 10. 1010. Usl publication May 31, 1910, CONTEST NOTICE. CONTEST No. 132. UmtkmHtath I.ANnOrrirK lliirm, Oregon, April 7, 1910. A iiniclcutcontetamdaUthavliiirbeeti tiled In this milio by wcutt si, iirowu.coiiioiiaiii, attains! lloruvatead Kntry. No.Ols'J, made Jul; jii nam. (nr KUNKW anil .NUSK.'i 8tCtlotl I Townships, hoiilh, llsugo SJ fciwl, Willamette Meridian, by Mlniito J. limeo. Conteslee In whltli Ills alleged that said Minnie J. llruco has holly aliainjuiinl sew una tor morn mail mniitlu lt nor ictllcil. or rrilileil .in nintiitivttti.i iMin... M itMrtlrii ara borvby nollllril to appear, reipoml, ami otror ovliltneo toiiehliiRiililalleKallouat 111 o'clock a. m oil Mny, I5IU. licloro Iho lteiililer ami ltecoly ertttho Unlteil Htatca Uuil Utlleo In llunii, Oreicou. iii., raI.I e.mi0Btant hnvluir In a lironcr altt ilavlt, llleil April A, 1910, act forth fact; nhlchthow that after iliio Ulllitonco portoual ervlro of Ihla notice cannot bo made. It li hereby ordered ajid directed that iitrli notlco oo Kien oy uno ami proper puuiieniiuu. Wii, FAnnii, HeiiUtcr CONTEST NOTICE. I'ONTEST SO. 1M. UMTnSTATitI.Ni) Orrtc, Ilurm. Orcon,Aprll7, 1910, , nitncleiileontiitaradarlthaylnitbeen filed intbi.omce , t, ,, w5i.cSSllKl.,i h. jVJJg55fa?, .tt&Mffffi. :. ... fttf'tfmffilSSSi ha.whollyalwmloiicdialdlandlorinorelhan iv iiuiiitba laftt rait, bai neoriettlet or reite: l..V1.nVn.,i,iviLi.r,i.:.altti,arllcarohereby uotlfled lo appear, reipoml. and offer ; evidence ,0uchluirildKlleBatlon at 10 o'clock a. m. on ui s-j. ijio iforo the uciur ami i eiv H " u,,lu"1 "" Un 0,Tloe ,u ,ta" The ald conteitant haliiit In Ltoper emoa. Tit, flleil April . UIO, ret forth facta which diuw that after due dllllgence perional lerTlce oltnli notice cannm ue nines, u uanii dercd and directed that inch notice be iclvln ty one ami proper puuiicaiiim Wh. Kumic, l!e eUtcr. CONTEST NOTICE. CONTKST NO. 1W. USlTKUSTiTM luNli Orrici, IHiriin. OreKOii, Apill 7, 1910, A lutbclent contcit affidavit hayliiE been filed In thU offlco by Scott M. llrown, conteitant, lintnstoaii Kairr. No. 01IM. made July JO. HKW, for WH of ! Hvetlun 31, Towmhlp 2ft houin, naiiKO ;i ran. ,,i,iug,iw ,vm,ii., vj Joel A ltlpley, L'onteitce, In which It n alleu ,m! thai laid Joel A. KlPler hai wholly aban- ilooed laid land for more titan ilx inontln lait P.j...nov.e appear, rcipoun. ana oner eriueuce luuciuua tfM?S Uiuleu &iau iJinu unifo 111 imi, wbiuh, ,.H, rtl.1 AnrllA. 1910. net forth facta Which Tnewidcouiviiani naviuc in pi-ujmr itaow that alter due diligence perional lervlce of thli notice cannot bo made, It l hereby IK1 ordereil and directed tbatiuch notice lx given by ilue ana proper puDiicauon. Wx Farms, KeiiUtcr. This rifle is built for settled districts. where good range and killing power are desired, with safety to the neighborhood. The ZZn&t .25-20 Is a light, quick handling, finely-balanced repeater, with the solid top, closeddn breech and side ejection features which make fflar&t puns safe nnd ogreeable to use and certain In action. Itlimadttouiethe powerful new high velocity moktleie loadi wlih Jacketed bullcta al well aa the well-known black powder and low prmure imokrlen cart, rldgci, and la the Ideal rlle for target work, flf?fffcv ror wooocnucki, geeie, hawki, fnti, etc., tip to300yardi. Thli rifle and ammu nition, and all other ZBar&Jt rcpeatcri,arc fully described In our I36-pag catalog. Free for 3 itampe poitagc. pvaej vin TLLLLLULIJjLA TfipffiarfftJOrearms Co., U Willow Street' HEW HAVEM. CONN. I ANS 1894 m Job printinsr-The Tlmos-Herald Cottrill & Clemens havo put In a first class saw mill IJ miles west of Cold Springs is near tho valley with Reed road. In first class timber picked trees from tho government Prepared to do custom work. Seo them about your government permit at once. EstkAYED Camo to my place ono black maro about 9 years old, three whito feet and Btar in foro- head, branded an open chain link with bar abovo on right stiilo, scar on right hind leg. Ono sor rel maro, three whito foot, whito face, about ton years old, brand ed TL connected with quarter circle bar over on right shouldor. Owners may havo Bamo by prov ing property and paying charges. Rout. Hudspeth, Bums, Oro. Any lady reader of this papor will receive, on renuest, a clover "No-Drip" Coffee Strainer Cou pon privilege, from Dr. Snoop, Rncino. Wis. It is silver-plated, vory pretty, and positively pro- vonts all drum ng of tea or colieo. Tho Doctor sends it, with his now free book on "Health Coffeo" simply to introduco this clover substitute for real coffee. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffeo is gaining its great popularity becauso ef: first ita exquislto tasto and fla vor; second, its absolute health fulness: third, ita economy li lb 25c: fourth, its convenience. No tedious 20 to 30 minutes boil ing. "Made in a minute" says Dr. Snoop. Try it at your gro cer's for a pleasant surprise. Sold by Reed Bros. NOTICE Any and all persons owing the firm of Hagoy. Fcnwick & Jack son, cither on account or note, are hereby notified that all such accounts and notes are now in the hands of C. II. Leonard for collection. Such persons are hereby requested tolmake imme diate settlement of the same. Dated Aug. 6th, 1909. Hagey, Fenwick & Jackson. NO TKKSPASSINO. Hunting ia forbidden upon my plnco adjolninc Burns. TretpttBH rs will be prnaeoutod. O. II. VOEOTLY. NOTICE OK SALE. In tho County Court ot tho State ol Oro- Kou for llornoy County. In tho matter ol the Estato of William I). Iluclianan.dccoanil. llascxl upon tho oilflod petition ol (uorgo I-. Iluchanan, tho unnllfioJ ami noting administrator ol tho eitate ol William I). Iluchanan, deceased, filed herein, from which It appears to be lo the heat Intereit of tho raid citato and all parties Interested theroln, that the real ostato of tald eatata altuato In the ald county arid atato bo aold, aa a wholo aod detcrlbodtui follews: Ktf NWJr EH BW'h. ud SIJ ; Soction 0, Tp. 82, It 83 B. W. M. Notice is hereby ulyon lo pursuant to an order of said Court duly made and entered on tho 7th day of March, 1010, to all persons Interested In tho said estate; and particularly Hllen J. Iluchanan widow, Jdsqribbio Bpencer, William T. Jtucliftiinn, Harriett J. liar rUon, Joseph V. IJacbttmn, Amanda Martin, Klltfl Margin, George L. Illicit iimn, and Mouroo Iuchansn, heirs of tho said William I, tyucbanat!, de ceased; to appear, bpfoo tho County Court of said County and, State, at tho Court-room thereof, In said county and slate, on tho 2nd day of May, 1010, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day, then and there tp, show cause, If any tlioy havo why an ordor as prayed for In tho petition should not bo granted to Iho riaid administrator to sell all of Ihe tea! estato of the said estato at either public or prlviito salo for tho purposes mentioned in said petition, as ho shall Judge to bo for the best Interests of an Id entail) and all parties Inlorestod therein This notice Is ordered published once u week for four succes ive weeks In Tho Timoa-IIernld, a nonspaptr prlnlod and published at Hums, Oregon, In said County tho first publication thoroof Sat urday, .March 12, 1010, the last publica tion April 0,1010. Dated this 7th day of March, 1010. OI20IIQU I IIUCHANAN, Administrator, JOHN ROBINfON Slock Inspector, flarnev, Cojwljr. Home Addrsss, Burns, Or. READIES 11 ' u jwiw i 1 "a i'mvvnm gUHSKT MA.QAZnft UvMh iWwnd, BwdsMto anditeU.bvtCIirtUv . ui)..ra,w. - OAHXBA cnArr $1.50 a year UlU HOIoJlKtisa .,?,' W6.salara.Uui a . '.b ll.OO aycat Hlolk IS ,. IHOOaAKD VtBSM 120 '? P. ataiWl tiaiu, Mrad ptotefraplm ai fo.K Ej? ..qm U U Calshmla U'J Oiagaa, (fditr, afl Ws to avriBVT kaoazivb FlMKJDur'Jb., SaaFwwU NEW CLUUBINQ PROPOSITION Wo have arranged to offer In connection with this papor, tho now monthly farm mngazino just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. II. W. Campbell and devot ed to tho subject of how to farm in tho dry country and how to got best results from soil tillage undor normal conditions. This Papor Ih Campbell's Scientific Farmer and wo offer It clubbed with Tho Times-Terald both for $2.G0 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' now paper is n monthly, chock full of good things, the only papor of Its kind in tho world, and it embodies tho re sults of tho editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillage proposition. Religious Service. Tho following nro Rev. A. J. Irwin's regular preaching ap pointments for tho year 1910. Burns tho third and fourth Sundays of each mouth at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. . Sunset School Houso nl 10:30 a. m. tho first Sunday of cacli month. Narrows nt 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. tho first Sunday of each month. Waverly at 10 a. m. tho second Sunday of cacli month. Lawen at 3:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. tho second Sunday of each month. Denstead School House at 3 p. m. tho third Sunday of each month. Sunday School at Burns every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock a m. Services at tho Baptist Church first and second Sundays in each month. Sundny School at 10 a m. every Sundny. Prayer meet ing Thursday evening. Tbo Lone Star RESTAURANT China (iforKO, Proprietor. Cor. Main nud II streets. pIBflJUS AT Abb HOURS Bakery In connection. A Specially of Short Orders. Tnblo furutrihutl with ovorytliing tho market iiilordH. Your pulrtiii ngoiiolicited. nmuiAi. niiiKcTniiY TATK OIIKIIIiro U H.Bunalura Jiiiiatliaii lloiirno Jr I7u. K. CliamUxlaln V It Kill. I,' v llawlry A, M. ('rawfnnl K, W, llimftou r W llarmm .0 A Hlcl ...., II. Ariorram W 8 liuntw.j i K. H. Iluall . Y.K. Moure 1 Ituljt Kailu Cotisrriaincii Attortltjr General Uutnrnur fecretarr nl Ktala Treasurer Hu,t. I'ubllc liiilrurtluii Stata I'rlnttr 8uprcmo JdJjei NINTH JUDICIAL lilHTIIIcr. DlitrlctJinlKo lilitrlct Atwirucr Deputy Dlit Attx Uco. K. Pavli ) W MH'lllllH'll .. U II l.eutlalil Circuit Court iuc.l tliu tint .Mumlay April ami tint Mguilajr lu OcluUr. Joint 8iialur . . . Jolul'lleplciolitatlri, C W f.nlili W 11 IJri.uka OOWKTt IIAIlKKYt Uuontjr Juile Clark Treaiurcr tiurtajrvt Htiarlff Aiifiaur school Buiil uk n ilint t'oromr stock Iiiivvctor,. CominliafoDCti J. 1'. Hector Bam ilotlmnlicail , I! N Jaiueaou A I) Kaulkuvr A. K. Itlcliariliuu J. J, liolirxan I, M Hamilton J to licit)' .Joint lUibltiiun IN. mallanl ft ahiiijtIIi Counljr Cuurt nii'ili the Brut Wnlutmlajr hi Januar), Maicli. Ma;, July, HrptoiuUir ami Nuvooilxr. UAkrlkT t'. a, LAN li iimct". Keslittr RtcelTsr Win Karro Flank Daxy ciTf. iitinfa- 41 ay or. Ileoorilor, .. Treamror ilaiiliil, Ham Miiltotilitail .1'. T, llatulall J,U Uelcoiiio Jr M.r. Mliiiami (to. u. Ilruwn A, C, Wrlrom Jitnllomlisrllii AHBh.Iii 1'iiuticllmuii omu K llt'iimni of tlii) Cuuiii'll onry rlccoml auit Kimrlli Wcilnculay. DralaNd OopyruoHT 4o. WiSl'isVKn.rf jmBM .r AtHifi mMUiM Asia.' IIIV ISiSS sM NOW VeW time fit tb tr to titT1 your teeth tiut nJ pllo ndultldct 4r to Lit fni tk none, lorQut rt towu ifttnmt wq Snuu iis -nn rlJiin work In on dar If nortM-isirrt HolirCrowni $5.00 22kBrlJiTU3.60 Gftt.niiiiifi 1.00 Cnamtl rilllnn 1.00 BIU.f rilllngi ,00 putti 0,00 rut.i 7.50 LW.LWU.rHiMif mMAiAua P-'"1" Elr,tlon .60 IIH4MJIBI4MMI1UH . -s.w-.. m liumu pisn- ur vnuM wins if iou cannot Bfitbtitar htr, no tositur uow muoU you i; uraiit ieu iu lor titltcu vor Wise Dental Qo. INCORPORATS1D Painless Dentists I Sulldlrl.TWidaWHMntlon, PORTLAND. CRr&eH BaH fill , K W L .BaH Jill J i BJB ' a vSSB) Sarsal' aSV O B a si W Sfik 'Tss aVBHl jSHKKMm .BaflaaaVjaVjaVjaVjaVJC w SBfBlBlBlBlBlBlBM. paiiTiJitct afiir7M, i WImm IMV p- l----------------LVrs- H iWSSS S3C The Times-Herald is oflcrinff wont attractive Clubbing Rates to Uh tmbncritwM a present THE TIMES-HERALD One near with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long; win ter evenings. Call and f?t Clubbing; Prices JOB PRINTING Tho TlmrS'Ilcrnld Ih I'rvpnrrtt to do. th Wry Uat nnil Most Satisfactory Work In thin line. We huvo all the LATEST TYPE FACES und u very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating from Austin via I'rairic City, Jolia Day, Caajrua City to BurnsOregon i yt days from It.ikcr Cily to l!iirn.i, Oregon. Four'antl six horse stock 'and covered coaches the entire distance Knilroad to Burns 105 miles For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. ..lllll wm&. Wi'l DURNS, OREI J7X.W 0-'. 7 GIBSON & Main St., WW JrW TaisiPt8 iff Mmffimnl BURNS IV! ILL1NC CO. NORTON & SAYER, Propts. Rough, and 'Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Wloulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard in Burns, THE ANDERSON HOTEL MK. nnil MRS. CIIAS.J.ANDP.USON, Propts. we nro nlcuscd to uiinoutico to.otir oltl-timo friends und cuatomurs tlmv wo huvo nRain Uikcn clmmo ot our hotel. Wo just completed rcnovnliiijr tho en tiro bulldiiiff and you will ilnd tho old-timo homo comforts when you call. Wo hope to see you soon. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive Special Attention and Oood Service. SOUTH BURNS, OREOONNear Fair Grounds. THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing. ffl.E5 TliE W1NDS0K 3 and & Qulind, k BlacksUliing and llorseshoing. Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oregon, PROFESSIONAL OARD8. Wm. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Horn", Orogon, Itoom 6 snd 0 Odd Follow Iltilldlnir G.A. REMBOLD Attornoy-at-Law, Darns, Oregon OhfVH. II. ILioonard. ATTOHNEV-AT-tAW, Oftroful nttontlon given to Collfrc- tloriB nnd Hoal Estate mAtlert). 1'lre Insuraneo. Notary Publla Buhnb, OnxaoN. GEO. S. 8IZEMORE, ATTOMNKY, HUItNfl, Okeqon Collcctlou, Land builnsas, and ktal Kitato matter promr lit attnUd to. CHIRUES W. EhlilS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon I'raotlcvs In tho fjtato Courts and bc foro tho V, H. Ijind Ofllco. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW State Courts nnd United, States Land Ofllco Practice Threo doors South of tha Harney County National Bank" Burns, Oregon. J. LU. CBARV rhvnlclnti and Surgoo. IluriiH, - - - Oregon. Offlco in now hulldlng south of Walcooitt harness shop. Main St. I'l.oimMalnW. Physicians and Surgeons Calls answurod promptly night or day Tliono Uitrrlman. Harrlman, Oregon MHRSPEft & GRIFFITH I'hyslclans nud Surgeons. DURNB,, OHEOON. b. E. HIBBRRD ZD IE ZEST "X X S T Ofllco first door cast photo gallery Durns. Oregon. W, C. UROWNr DBITTIST. IluiiNS, OsaaoN. Oflico In now land of&eo building, next door north ol post office. Bocirrrrta. HAUNKY U)DQK, NO, 17, J.O U T. UmIi trsry Sturdajr In Odd Kelloar Hall at 7:30 1 id. K.A.Cole. Ar.ur llorluu, Bacrotarf. N.O. IIUKNULOIHIK NO. 7. A. T. A M.. Merit ever; tint aud third Haturilay In onrli uiunlli. J. K. Uaxau. W. M, TUua, Hken, 8crtarjr. IIAHNEV VALLEY CAM I' No. Ml. W.ut W. UmIi ererr flrit aud aacouiLTuasdar, Tuaiday, cOlaln, Com. v, n. aici W. A. Qowan, Clark. ItUHKd CIIA1TKK NO. 40.O. K.H. Mania ararr mconj anil (nartb Uondara. In Maaonle Hall. EraBvnl. W.U. (net Uowan, Beoratarjr. rtYLVIA KEIIKKAII DEQUKE No.O. Meets ererjr lat and Id Wednaaday, Mar O lv. N. U. Delta lullanl Keo. Bec'r. TUI.K CIHCLK Mo. MS, W. ol W. Meeta erorjr fourth TunJar. Maud llorton, O. M. Ilatttraooilman, Clerk. $1500 Reward! Tbe Orf ion Call, lorula and Nerada Ure Btirfk I'roteo lion Aaioclatlon, of vftilrh the under- laned la a member will ftWo 11.000.00 revrarilloreTldince leaillns to the ar real and conTtctlon ol an I'arty ur par lies lealtafhorift, cattle or mutts he louslnstoanjrof Ita tneinoers. 'ffm. In addition lolbe at.oe, Ihe underalgntd of, (era on tlio aame cundltlou l.VW.00 for all hortea kraiiilt'd liorie alios bar on both or either Jaw llraiul rocordi'd In eight counties. Itanje liar tier, I.ako and ( rook countlt'i, Horses Ttntiil uben ioM, Nouebiil grown bono lold.and onlylnUme buurhei. W, lll!0 X, File, Oregon Wo colloi't fvorywltoru anil mako u cliari;o tmliHS collection is tnaJe. We liloiteo our clients AtlilroHS MOIUUN MXKCANTIUE Co., Kontiiii llldi:.,. 1'ortland, Oro. The Harney Valley Brewing Co. Mannfacturors ot Family Trad. SoIlclt.dFrec'.Dcllvcry T. E. JENKINS, Manager Sumpter Vail Railway TIMB TAIIMC NO. .'Ill IN JUNK II, IIHJB. KIM. Wosl llonnd. No -1 l'nss n tit. Ksst I'm No. 2 l'rtss p, 0:30 Lv 0138 " , 0:G8 ' 10:04 " 10:07 " llnkrr Ctiy Art Honlli linker rfiillhtnjt IOcklinrU -'li Tlionipsoiit 10:17 " Stodihtid Jtinctlont 10:22 " "Water TniiM 10:32" "IIobii's Htmrt 10:30 " MoKwciif 10:65 JUNCJTIONt 11:10" Htiinpttr llilO" "JUNOTIONt 11:40" fJiimmltt NOON 12:00 " "0 I- Cnmpt P.M. 13t05 " WliltticyJ 12U0 " TII'TONt 1:10 Ar Austin Stop on HlKfiiiln only No niTil Tlrkots IhsiilmI only for stntlons vt trains nru Nchrilnlcil to mako ng- stons. I'ltsPi'imcrit tiitmt tmroliiiM I eta whom nfjeiitH cxit hoforo t'tilH trains or SO renlft In nililltlon lo tin Rular fnro will ho clinked. J08HIMI A. WKBT, Hut aitANTai;i)i)i:s, AHt. sopt. r,-7r ARMS wo for tnls by all progressive 'iarchvnre a-d Sporting Goods Merchants (tmf DAK JIVAllirS 'pUnho , "OUNSAMDCUMNING"- wlll lw mulled ih tpni 1 I applicant by .1 Sir-1 vm A i li TOOL I'OiiriM t-llU'i'I I-alls. :. u:. n 1 I ; i . l'-r j. i ' i i over i i lioirf" ti un ortlo lib i. iduuik ".Oct i V-,i 1 1 I 4i J. STFVT? ARMS&Tc-i. FOP- Diar L wnen you want u qjii-. cu:c mqr any loss of time, and one that Is foIloAJ by no bad results, uss Chamberlain's Colic, Uno.ra ar Diarrhoea Remet It never falls and U pleasant to It Is equally valuaMe for children. famous tor Its cutes over a large the clvtllted world. - z -m .-' JOHN GEM llEHLIN(r, Jowolor. optician, aa imsravoi. 'Fine Watch Repairing; A I cialty. Don't IUtk ercn a inni- until litnlth; Andlracan Jiiitciivrlly t at lam thtinna tilivslcian l ho Ml s la tlii s'a will, out nl mir iivin luicki t lur turluirca dmi It It t.nU to briui; .' u liui i And for V) y.un Ur Fliooti'i imdlrln ibfl Get lalf liwn til nnd rrcammoiiildl in i t nr r ir j lumlitln Ain.rn.i uur aru t" -U'i ' ' ard In r ry Minmui.iHr uii t ivhiviW Then li I'Uj I in 1 . n ' I ' . r r V I other unuiumi i i 1 1 ,1 i mi. m, TIioimiiki. ti i Uii)' mil li ' In I) o s iUcceuiiMi ti i" Mil i -i t uin When tin' Mil- e3H M imtcll P' kir llin lliirt Bl rm -mm, Jvnr K dl nerves Ian BP" n sr v&r n iheso.i iim know linn SJ m n yij 13 iiiilrk Simon's lti. M moralu 'I lirin tlienilarVtnlicnMlinimln UutUx ulri ther iKllhcly uiko no in i n- i tn TheT Vnnw that whrn tipntlh fntU lo r li rn Oiiioii will liliiiwH i in it r 4 Unit tot AndfiTi i a lull ,ji , m mint uitTtiy smiii o llut rlto mo flrl Inr mi 1 r ThUulU KiMiilrlu) uiidiiii'iiolntnu'nt All ilmrcKK Ml Pr Flunn'i 1 lAnit l-umi vt Fiumi's 1,. lAnit -i nil Cia B l In." i .1121 P?!!.-ni'. Dr. hlimiii i CT7S n 1 In. it Idiiinir. li iiulhoruiil dav tit ; Iiiihin inr 1 nii' n iw ol an limn t mid n-li n ' ' il.iiKirli In alia il an limn t mid ri-i n i lo il.iixtlM In all oM'r iiHiiiniiiiliy ov rv i' i tot liolp. no w ' uiiillL.i i.'ili'tuW Toll mo ul n vlil him t m n "1 uii -no ii j The book lalnu ill si i . u n n w ii.xit.riii iii. ii. in isr li i ' i , uotueil Ik sMi 1 Kt --I. ma.- in. t 'Ifl would jmir (1 Ian. 11 aihlm in." J" I -I IT, ' Mill ,' J- fl mid tlio lfl bulow aroioiir on ' w IVrliatisa t dor I Miinu sorliHiH iilliiu m 1 iiHiii thnuiaiiiiU 1 i t i i"t nt i nr ll 1. nl I nl 1 r m l 4 1 iTort i IHirvonui auit'o in..i Aftermwti worth iiitimliiiiilii r an it. ii niftiiniin wl ou lumilt fnih In l iin.l i i uiorniM twii coiuoa. Ur t-liixu' i I 1 ii u. VTbloh Btti StiiU I Seal Yaol No. 1 On D) ih rht No. t Vor omen No, 3 On tho ll art No t Tor Mm No. S On tho Kldhi xt No On KliMtn at rts ??5JCTjn BfTSRVL flfX i Ji i vi jm Lirtw BpTO3 I lwVViW i . sr.' k YE&Mi I Wlf Yl i vsMMsbsT. m ??