' -Vyr X ttaOwv Nt;.f a. i. 4" Aisp riMUtMi DawwfhMMOMHii IMWUMU'I w Rasas' JJIIkj7lMW8 M xffl4 r$.- k 1-ft & ;.b' 1 Farmers Dcscnc IIIrU Price. Farmers in tho country feci little sympathy with workers who swarm cities and fight and boycott and strike for h.Rhcr wages in order that thoy may keep pace with "higher cost of living." In tho bucolic county of Yamhill a Newberg editor prints tho follewing: Farmers complain that they arc simply compelled to got along with tho work thev can perform alone, as thoy say it is utterly impossible to employ de pendable help that will remain with them and be contented. It doesn't require much of a stretch of tho memory to recall tho days of 16 to 1, when thnre were 1G men ready and waiting for every job offered. Too much prosperity. Farmers could produce cheaper pork, mutton and milk if they had tho necessary help, but thoy can't get it, so tho best of them keep toiling 1G hours a day twice as long as tho eight-hour workers in tho city -in order that thev mav cct their work done. Meanwhile thoy hear howls from tho city eaters who like the fruits of the chickens, tho pigs and the sowing, yet not the labor nor tho price. If the farmer does the work of two or more men, as every suc cessful one nowadays must, is he not entitled to high prices for his products on tho city workers doctrine of extra pay for extra work, if on no other? Let it bo known that tho farmers lot is no "snap" even in these days of high prices. The farmhand will have more to show for a year's work than will his average eight-hour bro ther in the city who must spend all he makes and then feel that he has not enough of tho world's or his own labor's product. Orc gonian. INDUSTRIAL NOTES. (Portland Correspondence.). The sale of the big land grant of the Williamette Valley & Cas cade Mountain Road company during the past week to capital ists said to represent the Hill interests indicate to many that the reported Pacific Coast outlet for the Burlington will become a reality. It is believed Hill will build west from Billings, the present terminus, to Boise and thence westward through On tario and across Oregon to Coos Bay. The purchase price of this big land grant will run up into the millions. If its purchase by Hill can be confirmed, and this railway is built, it will mean a great development for Oregon for it will open up the most iso lated sections to settlement It is expected to complete the jetty at the mouth of the Colum bia River this season. Work starts today on extending it "fur ther and the dredge Chinook will operate on the bar during tho Summer. By the time tho work stops in November, it is expected to have a depth of 30 feet on the bar at low tide. One of the big wheat farms of the state was sold the past week when the lands of the J. A. Woolery estate, in Morrow coun ty, passed to a syndicate of North Dakota bankers. The sale included 19,000 acres and the price paid was $150,000. It will be cut up into small farms. The purchase of a big tract of timber land on tho Siuslaw River during tho past week by Porter Bros., believed to represent J. J. Hill, strengthens the belief that COLONIST OREGON Great The management of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. lakes great pleasure in announcing that the low rate from East ern cities, which have done so much in past seasons to stimulate travel to and settlement in Oregon, will prevail again this Spring DAILY from March 1 to April 15, inclusive. PEOPLE OF OZESlE-GrOIET The railroads havo dono their part; now it's up to you. The colonist rate is tho greatest of all home-builders. Do all you can to let Eastern people know about it, and encourage them to como here, where land is cheap and home-building easy and attractive. Fares can be Prepayed at homo if desired Any agent of tho road named is authoriz to receive tho required deposit and tele graph ticket to any point in tho East. Remember the Rates From Chicago $33; from St. Louis, $32; from Omaho and Kan sas City, $25. This reduction is propor tionate from all other cities. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon tho east and west lino across Oregon will bo built. Th6 biggest shipment of spray ing materials over sent to any fruit district in Oregon was re ceived during tho past week at Medford. when 00,000 poun Isnr rived. It will bo used to fight fruit pests in tho Rogue. IUver Vnllev. Tho tax statement of Umatilla County for 1909 almost reaches Mm lmlf ii million mark. Tho county has no bonded indebted ness. An Open River and Freight Rate convention will bo held at Allmnv on Atiril 14. It will bo largely attended. Work will soon bo begun on tho now Federal building at Pen dleton, which will cost $50,000. Onlv four votes were recorded against tho proposed $10,000 bond issue to erect a high school at Lakeview. About a quarter million will bo unnnHiv tho Coos Bay Gas Electric company in now equip tnent and extensions. A I'nnnl will bo becun soon to drain and reclaim 19,000 acres in the Wood River Valloy, Klamath County. Tho O. R. & N. farming dem onstration tram that was run through Eastern Oregon and Washington, returning the past woek. was tho most successful over operated in this state. WILL COLONIZE LAND Opening up of the immense holdings of the Willamette Val Ipv & Cnscade Mountains Mili tary Road company to colpniza tion by tho Minnesota syndicate, which has become owner, is ox nccted to result in cxtensivo ad vertising of the state of Oregon. The supposition is that tho ac tual consummation of tho trans fer of the land will bo followed by a rapid opening up of tho vnsf stretches of vircin soil to settlers on attractive terms and that thousands upon thousands of homeseekers will pour into the state in response to flattering in ducements. That tho Hill in terests will bo in tho field to han dle this immense traffic is taken for granted, and thcreforo the actual transfer of the land is considered identical to an an nouncement to the effect that Hill will stretch a lino across the state from east to west Jour nal. This rifle is built for settled districts. where good range nnd killing power arc desired, with safety to the neighborhood. The ZZzrr2 .25-20 1 a light, quick handling, finely-balanced repeater, with the solid top, closed-In breech and side- ejection features which make ISarut guns sale nnd ngreeablo to use and certain In action. It Is made to ute the powerful new high velocity amokeleie load with lacktttd bullete well u the well-known black powder and low nrtuure amokelcee cart, rldgta, and le th Ideal rifle for targe! work, ,, for woodchucka. seeee. hawks, fosa, etc., up to300yarde. Thla ilfle and ammu nition, and all other ZSarUM repaateri.ara fully described In our 136-page catalog. Free for 3 atampa pottage. yfieTftarinflrffarTU Cx, Willow Street.' NEW HAVEN. CONN. RATES and the Northwest Job prinlingTho Times-Herald Cottrill & Clomcns linvo put in a first class saw mill 1J miles west of Cold Springs is near tho valley with good road. In first class timber picked trees from tho government. Prepared to do custom work. Seo them about your government permit nt once. Estraykd Cnmo to my place one black maro about 9 years old, three white foot and star in foro head, branded an open chain link with bar above on right stifle, scar on right hind leg. Ono sor rel maro, throo whito foot, white face, about ten years old, brand ed TL connected with quarter circlo bar over on right 'shoulder. Owners may have same by prov ing property nnd paying chnrges. Rodt. HUDSrETII, Burns, Ore. Any lady render of this paper will receive, on request, a clover "No-Drip" Coffco Strainer Cou pon privilege, from Dr. Shoop, Racino, Wis. It is silver-plated, very pretty, and positively pre vents all dripping of tea or coffco. Tho Doctor sond3 it, with his now free book on "Health Coffco" simply to introduce this clover substitute for real cofTeo. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is gaining its great popularity becauso ef: first, its exquisite tasto and fla vor; second, its nbsoluto health fulness; third, its economy li lb 25c: fourth, its convenience. No tedious 20 to 30 minutes boil ing. "Mado in a minuto" says Dr. Shoop. Try it nt your gro cer's for a pleasant surprise. Sold by Reed Bros. NOTICE Any and all persons owing the Tirnt of Hngey, Fcnwick & Jnck son, either on account or note, are hereby notified that all such accounts nnd notes are now in tho hands of C. H. Leonnrd for collection. Such persons are hereby requested to'mako imme diate settlement of the same. Dated Aug. 6th, 1909. IlAGHY, FENW1CK & JACKSON. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting ia forbidden upon my placo mijoininc Itiirne. TrespusH rH will bu prosecuted. C. II. VOEOTLY. NOTIOK QV 8ALK. In tlio County Court nl llio State of Oro con for Harney County. In tlio matter of thoKsUtoot Wllllum I), Ilucliannu, diseased. llascd Uxjn tlio vuilllod petition of (icorgo I., llucliannn, tlio qimllflwl mil acting administrator of tlio ettatu of William I). Ilticlianan, deceased, tiled herein, from v, lilch it appears to bo to tho beat Interest of. tlio mid citato and alt parties Interested therein, that tlio roal cstato of Bald cstato sltuato in tlio snld count) nnd atato bo sold, an a wliolu nnd described as follews: K NWJt KJ 8WJ4 and Sl'M J Section 0, Tp. 2'.', It 82 B. W. M. Notlco Id hereby ilyon In pursuant to an order of said Court duly mado and entered on tlio 7th day of March, 1010, to All porioin interested In the laid catate; and particularly Kllen J. Iluchauaii widow, Joseplilno Spencer, William T. Ilticlianan, Harriett J. liar rlton, Joseph W. llucliannn, Amanda .Martin, Kllzn Martin, George I,, llucli annn, and Monroe Uuclianan, lielrn of tho snld William I) Uuclianan, de cerned; to appear beforo tlio County Court of aaid County and State, at tho Court-room thereof, In said county and lato, on tlio 2nd day of May, 11)10, at 10 o'dock In tho forenoon of ia!d day, then and there to show cause, If any they havo why an order as prayed for in tho petition should not bo granted to l be said administrator to soil all of the real estato of the said cstato at either public or prl vli salo for tho purposes mentioned in said petition, as bo shall judgo to bu for the best interests of said uBtato and all parties Intorcslod therein: This notlco Is ordered published onco a week for Tour succes Ivo weeks In Tho Timet-Hcrnld, a nowspapir printed and published at Hums, Oregon, In said County tho first publication thereof Sat urday, Murch ID, 1010, tho last publics' tion April 0,1010. Dated this 7th day of March, 1010. (inoiiaiJ L. HUCHANAN, Administrator, JOHN ROBINSON Stock Inspector, Uarner Coaaty, Home Addross Hums, Ore. MAGAZINE READERS SUirSXT MAOAZMB beautif ully illuitialad, good itorlas and artkUt about CaUorala sad all lb Far Wui. CAMXBA CRAFT darotad each morili la lbs ar tulia itproducrioa at uSa beat work f araataui ui ft efeulooaj pholographari. $1.50 ayaar $1.00 a yaar KOAD 07 A THOUsUHD WOHDSSS a book si pagea, tontauung 120 colared pholognfii ot plcturatqua SMti la CaUersla 10.75 aad Oioa. Total . . , $3,35 All for , . . . $2.50 AJJxui all oroVi la 8TJ1T8IT MAOAZIMX Flood BulMIng Saa FiaacUM Pi NEW CLUimiNQ PROPOSITION Wo have arranged to oiTor in connection with this paper, tho now monthly farm magnzino Just started at Lincoln, Nebraska) by Prof. II. W. Campbell and dovol cd to tho subject of how to farm in tho dry country nnd how to got best results from soil llllugo under normal conditions. This Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer nnd we olfcr it clubbed with Tho Timcs-Torald both for $2.G0 per year cash. Prof. Camp bolls' now paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of its kind in tho world, and it embodies tho re sults of tho editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillago proposition. Religious Services. Tho following aro Rev. A. J. Irwin's regular preaching ap pointments for the year 1910. Burns tho third and fourth Sundays of each month nt 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunset School IIouso at 10:30 a. in. tho first Sunday of each month. Narrows at 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. tho first Sunday of each month. Wnverly at 10 a. m. tho second Sunday of each month. Lawcn at 3:30 p. in. nnd 7:30 p. m. tho second Sunday of each month. Dcnstcnd School IIouso at 3 p. m. tho third Sunday of each month. Sundny School at Burns every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock n. m. Services at tho Baptist Church first and second Sundays in each month. Sunday School at 10 n. m. every Sunday. Prayer meet ing Thursday evening. The Lone Star RESTAURANT China George, Proprietor, Cor. Main nnd 11 Streets, fVienus at aliu nouns Bakcny In Gonncation. A Specialty of Short Orders. Tnblo ftirniHliotl with ovorytlilnj; tho market nfTonlri Your patron- ago ttolioi toil. OKKIOIAI, IIIKKUTORV STATS nsnuoif U H.Henntorn Joimllinti llouriio Jr lli. K. Chmttilln W It Kill! A. M.('rforil K. W. Iivnraii V W llmitoii .(I A Cti'.l .. .J. II. Aekurmsn Dliunlwax 1 It. H. llesn Cuiigri'Minvn. ... Attorney (Icucml (lutortiur ittcrcurr 01 HUto Trt'tiurur HUt, l'ulilla Imliucllim slate I'fluUr Bupronie Judses .... . .J r. A. Hixirii lluht Hull 11 NINTH JUDIOIAI. nurritUT lllilrlct Jil'lio District Atturuojr ipuir nut Attr lleo V. IlitU 1 S MiCulloch ., 0 II Ioiik1 Circuit Court iuMs Ilia flr! Uuuilsr In April slid tint Monday In OtloUr. Joint Hviislor J W I'urrUh JoluMteirtciiltlTO .. II litooko OOUHTT IIAtllfKYt Uuouir Judju Clerk l'rt'Miirer burveror . 1 V. Kiiclor gain Mollicrtlirad i; N Jamitou AUFaulkuor A. K. Itlclianliou J. J, Duuriiall I, l llamlltou J (Karr John ItoMuxin I I.N. rtulUnl Hlivrlil Alltuol IrJiool tJUmrlntutidoul. Coroimr Hluok Imiioclor Comralialongra (J AHniflli Couiity Court mrtta the flint Wvlnraday In January, Marcli, Ma?. Jutjr, Helciabor and Nornbr. UAiiNxr v. s. i.aki) orrics. Kesuter Rdculrcr m Karre .riaukliavey ( ITV.-llllUK' Mayor, Ham Mull nrthoad llsrorder, .. . . ,1'. T. Itaudall rrvaaumr J.U UoiiisJr Marahal, . M. r. Wllllama Oouncllinuii fiv. u. nrowu A, (J. W oleoma Jnodciubarllnii AH Hwalu Mcclluxa ol the Council uwrr Second and fourth Wi'druaday. GO YEARS' EXP8I1IENOR ;c en mc nm -jar- W& Dentistry Out o cn hi txtf It DM Oat nf town ,poiila iitir iiftia Bti in vwork 3.; BHXMPBl7 on uk suit or MrctU crown for $3.6 Uolir Cr-nf 6.0 Mill til rctUla 22kDrliiTitt3.6Q oou riiiioi i i.y Enimil rilllngi 1.0 BIIr rilllftr. .61 tnliyrilltngi 2.50 QoJ Rutbir AA I rutu u.uu Qflit Rid Rub- - -rt ft, fMHIIIfiU b.rnmi f.ou II tuu utwauiii n runiw PilnUu CitHlton ,60 WORK dUAtlANTKKD FOR IS YCANS li otdtt rei 'mnioM r-jir-cuon rnov,ua I ioiorinuq l HlnleMWj rea iwniuiiiuon wrvo, ikiurantw)iuiM ih work tlnna tiny whein. Allwurk ftillriri ii Mn nnt ti xl UodvrnoUctrlaiMiuIpuiouta Uv mutUokw rKitoaain)rwhiiit. Allwurk ItiTlr odvrnoUrirlaiMiulDuiouts llust mn Wise Desital Co. tllKl UVVlUt li.U.hU.U, ta&dayi, U 'HH TAp Mmtw MMRh Dcsicaas 'TfJl" SOMVItlOMTa oaO, 5 Mm . ftii V etYitnn&rtMi'Mir I1 I 1 .1 II Painlfttt E H fl IsIk. ji znxz The Times-Herald is oflcrinfl most attractive Clubbing Rates to its subscribers a present THE TIMES-HERALD One year with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2-50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Tlio TlmrS'Ilernld lit Prepared to do the Very I lent nnd Most HnlUfnctory Work in thin line. Wo have nil tho LATEST TYPE FACES and a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY Blue mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating from Austin via Prairie City, John Day, Canyon City to BuriHOrcgon Yi lii)8 from U.ikcr City t Munis, Oregon. Four and six horse Block and covered coaches the entire distance Kailroad to Hums 105 miles For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. Osiri-3rorL OIt3r, Oxegori. lBPL----------fl-----vV GIBSON & Main St., - - I f SjBBK3ftl f I BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON ii SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. THE ANDERSON HOTEL A1U. and MRS. CMAS..ANI)UKSON,Slropts. Wo tiro pleased to annoiinco to.our old-timo friends and customers Hint wo havo again taken cliargo of our hotel. Wo Just completed renovating the on tiro buildiiiK and you will find tho old-timo homo comforta when you call. Wo hope to seo you soon. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive Special Attention and Good Service. SOU i II BURNS, OREGON Near Fair Grounds. THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing. DR1NKWATER illacksmi.liing and llorseslioiiig. Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES - Burns, Oregon, PROFESSIONAL OARDS. We MILLER, ATTOIINKY AT LAW. ' Uiirns, Oregon. Itootns 5 snd 0 Odd Follow Building C A. REMBOLD Attornoy-nt-Law, Bums, Oregon OluiH. H. .Leonard, ATTOIINKY-AT-I.ATT, Onroful nltontion friyon to Oolloo- tlonn nnd Ronl Kstnte mnttcrs. I'lro Insurance. Notary Public HyiiNa. Oheoon. QKO. S. 8IZKMORB, ATTOUNEV, ,luNi OHMON Collection, Lnd business, snd Ileal Katste lustier promrlUattsndsd to. CHflRuES W. ELLIS LAWYER. Burns, , - Oregon l'rnctlco In tlio Btato Courts and bo foro tlio U.S. Land Offlco. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Stnto Courts nnd United States Land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon. J. LU. CBARY rhstclan and Surgeon, HtirriB, - - - Oregon. Offlco In now building south of Weloomo harness shop, Main Bt. ThonoMaln85. DENM1N & DEfiMHN, Physicians and Sargeons Calls (towered promptly night or day 'Phono Hnrrlman. Harrlman, Oregon plARSPEN & GRIFFITH Physicians aud Burgeons. I1UKN8, OIIEOON. b. E. HIBBARD DENTIST OlIIco first door east photo uallory Unrns, Orcjron. W. C. HROWN, D-E3--rrZ3,X,-I HUKNS, OUKOON. Olllcu In new land office building, neit door north of ot office. .- ' 'HLL.l.1. 'I , IHBB gj BOCIKTIES. HAKNKV 1X)UUK, NO. 77, I. O O T. Me.ta ersry Sturday In Odd Fellow Hall at 7:8U pin. r, A. Cole, Ariur II or ton, Bacrttary. N.O. IIUUN8I.UI)(IKN0,7, A r. A U MMftaotvry Drit aud third Valurday lu aaali inoo'li J. K. Iniiau. W. M. Tliua Btgcra, Bcratary. IIAKNKY VALLEY CAMP No Ml, W.ol W. klteta emry (Int and laoonilTutaday. W. A. Qowan, Clerk. u. n. aici. lain. Com. IIUItNg CIU1TKK NO. 40, O. K. B. Meets every second and foarth Mondays, lu Ma.on o Hall. K, Byrd, W. kl, lionet Uuwan, Beoretary. dYLVIA KKIIKKAII JJKOHKK No.O. Meetaerery latandsd Wedneesay. Delta Dillard Reo Hee'y. T '' N.u. rULK CIHin.K No. 1U, W. ol w. Meets every fourth Tueaday. .. . . . . Maud llortun, O. Ileilor Good ra an, clerk. M. $1500 Reward! The Oregon Call forula and Nevada Live (Stock I'rotee lion Association, ol which lbs under eliined Is a member will live 11.000 00 reward lorsvldtnce leading to th ar rut and conviction olany parly or par ties aleallna horiea. cattle or uults be longing to any of Its members. In addition lothe above, the undersigned ol lera on tho eahie condition 1500.00 for all horees branded hone ahoo bar ou both or either Jaw llraud reconled;in eight countlea. Range Har ney, Lake and Crook rountles, llortts tented when aold. None but grown horaeaiold, and only In large buurhoi. W, W. IlllOU N, rite, Oregon. Wo collect uvorywlioro and make u vliarKO unliss collection Is iiiiile. We pluasu our clittnts --.!: Tlxenc-.- A U dross Moiiuan Mihoahtils Co., Kontoii li!d., Portland, Oro. vjy I The Harney Valley Brewing Co. Mannlactnrera ol Family Trad Solicited FrtselDcllvery T. E. JVNKIN8. Manasor 5umpter Valley . Railway C ! TIMB TAIlf-i: NO. 3(1 IN Kl Ki; JUNKll, 1U0H. West llonnd, Kost Jtoai No 1 Pass a. in. No, 'i I'nss p, 0:30 Lv linker Ulty Ar 0:35 " Soutli llskor I.v (, 0:68 ' Halisl.uryt " t 10:04 ' Locltlmrti " t 10:07 " "Thompson? " i 10tl7 " Stoddard Jnnctlonr " 10:22" WJntorTnnkt " 10:32" Dean'd Sour "4 10:30 " McKwont " 10:65 " JUNCTION! " 4 11:10" Bumpier "4 11:16" "JUNCTION?1 "J 11 M0" Summit? "J NOON 12:00" OliCittnpt "3 T. M. 18:05 ' Wlillntijt " 12t40 " TII'TONt " J 1:10 Ar Austin " Slop on slunnln only No nnont Tickets Issued only for stations wl trains nrw scheduled to mnku rtgt stops. I'tisacnuer must purclmr-c II la where agents cxlnt lxjforo enter! trains or 20 renin in addition lo (he gular faro Will bo charged. JOSKl'II A. Vl:ST, Supl, ailANTaKDDER, At. Sapt. STEVENS ARMS mc for tale by all progressive Hardware and Sporting Goods Merchants and DJLN UEAIiD'S tpltndi rfort " CUNS AND CUNNING " will he mailed iostpnld to a applicant by J Srcvrxs Aiih ! j & loot. I'oupjivr, Cmootice Falls, Jtui , upon r i .r prlt r Tor apircocrmi tlonforwurdiyjcuiu Xorclo'.h bt.L.jd book ml 0 cents ! Writ I e i torn ulM l.iii J hj J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL :i. t 0 fc.ir" aiu; r. Diarrloel When you want a quick cure wlthli mnj loss of time, and one that is follonj , uj no oaa results, use Chamberlain's P-v . - uoiic, unoiera an Diarrhoea Remedj It never falls and is pleasant to til It la equally valuable for children, li famous for Its cures over a Urge part ice emitxea world. JfS JOHN GEM BEKLIKG, jowoior. vjpticmii iitj Entsrnvor. Fine Watch Repairing A Srj cialty. Don't JUk cvtn n pennj iirtll licultli n-tunl And I mean Juil exactly thAt I am the one Plutlclnn whuaraln tltoilck eln It It lallt lobrlng ulielp 1 win. nut of my nun tHirkit. t4ir for lour tuJ And for S) years Ir Elioop'i mrdlctnci has Get Health been ul nnd recommended In every city aa baml.-t In Aini-rlni lhtr Am hi(tl lrticl an! In evory comumnlty ami nuywlitH oilier uuuarisitted aid ic t. " iinilk.nt Tliouaaudt iiikhi thonnnMi I in the r uccewitully ti- I lir Mwiu a 1 loratlve Truinwh) pus the rah. nnd nt -our rlk t nnenUiebtlK BKBBI mafh norr. ur tue ueart k d r . ir Kliini itervos .hill. P gT T TthevoilrVon. slioorVt lie. rnratlvi bring thembacVtnheHUhriim'n ImtUttoia they poIUely tako no n.uii. y ill wiml u Enow now ilk b nnipkit i Tliey know that when honlih (all to r tum ri Umtlct And Inrthi 1 1 u lull .) 1. 1) t., -ncMip win mniMMi kii U m nn i -it I immuiriHiiy gnuitKi Dut write me llr.t tor nu onh r TliU vlll uivo ili-laj- sil dls-ti potntment. Alldmsglntaw-IIIir Flinoirs It t irntlvo i Or Hhixip ESfB 9 hlieumal llemoilr. tint m lx v. a nil nm tt TIbbi nuuiorin-ti in IB ir f ' 'j ip . the tar tent hn ilmpnii nlii pIinihi- (or -.:...: -.. . ... . . .....--,.." liik.Ki.i-ii. IR! v.i wu iioiu i nun ropiuisiiiitf uminri.i in nun overy riiininuulty c i rj w '', to l-sno my help, uo pk ," liitillclmii lo tho kk Tell mo olw wlihli Invik j' Mi-cl The bookt l lim lllHm-' i, i up new nri ueipiui jinni in ssK ii i wno a not well lk'klil. UH tn. ti) muir inrf lylreetoronmilt n" 7tM tisT mu Jut in si would vntir n t-. 3 hani.i nli) id uui. My aitlra slid the UmI bolow aru youn uud .It ut cost Minioaurtouauliumu II lull d tlioiiktu PerhaMn vo'il or In i f it illl ili-np r uiHiii IhoUAiindi by 1 i ii pr"rr!illo i ii pvnonai a. nice pinu jiy imi i lion u unu. Afterwards worth your uliuplo rtiiiii t o rlto now Id i youlueltirvili In luliid lur t nnurrovr Howl oomoa, ur, biioop, lit x 1 , iciuu , u. Wklik SMk IU1I I S.a4 Teat Mo. 1 On I)) r.ppl No, 1 Kor Women No. a On tlio Heart No B Tor Men Ho. I On the Kldroyt No On Ilhuuinatlbii 2S2asa i 1 1 m-.A - 71 P" 5-