HM iMnefwnniBauaiMiikMitikMMMii " jfir l - rhr Times-J&rald. lAP TIIK T.AHCIKST CIUCl'LATION Or ANYNKW8PArKHINTIU8COl)NTY. SATURDAY, Al'UH. J, 1P10. Local News. Gwd morniiifr! Did you have V t it i n . remo lor urcnKinstf 30 per cent off on Golf shirts It Tho Busy Corner Store. If you wnnt protection see rviiiR Miller tho insurance man. The French Hotel is gainintr popularity under tho mannKC- tient of L. B. Culp. Wantkd Farm hands at tho tBrookdalo Farm" Tuesday, Lpril 5th. Tickets on salo at loth Drop Stores. J. R. Sii Jeton was in the city lesterday. He has about 14 ores in crop on ins noiucstcau lear iiarriman mis spring. Those having relinquishments ir real estate lor sale siiouiu Eonsult E. W. VntiVnlkenbiirir, Die real estate man, at his office Burns. DisL Atty. McCulIoch is here rom Ontario to assist the grand , liry in its investigations and to in readiness sor tho opening stttsiiif rinntif jvl- TVrtwInF ilv.uil .uui b iii;.i iuimtuijr. i ,,..,, . . - For Sale -One almost new up- -date Sintrer Sewimr Machine. ' union bets at mo misy cor- ne good second hand sewing nor Store. achine. One good Home Com- Clothes pressed and cleaned at rt range. j Schenk Bros. Mus. Chas. Wilson. , MrSi L M Brown hM becn J. P. Cochran returned here i the past week. 10 first of this week. He had ecu accused of larceny and was laced under arrest His case ill come up at the term of cir-1 Tho new breakfast food- uit court next week. ' Oremo-a local product F. B. Ball, the well known' Improved and unimproved farm little buyer, came in from the land city property for sale, hilroad this week and has pur- Iuvinc Millku. iiased considerable beef at good The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. rices. He secured the beef of Arnold Blueler died Tuesday . G. Smith and F. L. Mace and night. le stock are to be delivered at luntington this month. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS at the close of business, March 2'Jlh, 1910 RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $246, 640. 91 U. S. Bonds, 50,000.00 Bonds and Securities ; ,. 00,209.17 Premium on U. S. Bonds, 2,000.00 Real Estate, Furniture & Fixtures, ... . 0,600,00 Fivo Per Cent Redemption Fund, 1,250.00 CASH 131,353.93 $497,054.01 LIABILITIES. Capital $ 25,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits, 37,263.52 Circulation, 25,000.00 DEPOSITS 409,790.52 $497,054.04 Capital and Surplus $60,000.00 United States Depositary Absolute! Safe Accounts Invited N Second hand wagon for sale i Inquire at this office. Guestsmt the French Hotel are provided with the best to be had I Mrs. Lelah Williams-Millar has ! jn tho market rnved from Portland and wish- to announce to the ladies of Burns and vicinity that her mag- lificent disnlav of snrintr milli-i lory will be ready for inspection! Good, substantial, well cooked In next Thursday. She desires meals at the Home Hotel is wliat, I J. H. Huscrs, tho jovial ranch- man of the Narrows, was in tho city this week on business. hat all the ladies call and sec frie display. Geo. P. Johnson, a former res- Bent of 1'ayette Idaho, but re Cntly of California, is in the Ity the guest of his old time riend Mayor Clevenger. Mr. ohnson is here particularly to Bok at the country with a view investing should he find any- liing that suits him. Thos. Cleveland and Live been enjoying a visit with blatives and old time friends in us city during the week. Mr. the boarder likes. Crcmo tho children cry for it S. C. Koycs is over from his Pine Creek ranch. Tho Home Hotel is the comfor- tablo place to board. Calico 20 ynrds for $1.00 at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Men's clothing at reduced prices at Tho Busy Corner Store. M. H. Brenton is back from a trip to Denio and Plush. Ho says there is not much doing in the mines down there at present Mrs. S. E. Drinkwnter has re ceived an elegant line of Spring Millinery and invites tho ladies of this vicinity to call and see tho display. Ludwig M. Johnson will ren der a saxaphono solo, with Mrs. C. II. Leonard accompaning him, at "Brookdale Farm" don't fail to be on hand. Fresh groceries of the very- best brands and a complete new UL'L'II f i YV 1 1 1 N xttuilijr Pmnks rcwvWwnarnli.Wnn 1' of dry goods, furnishings, his mnnv old timn in thisl-. may bo found at Hagcy & city during the week. I Richanlaon'B ' store. Tho new Btono See the Inland Empire Real ty Co. if you have anything for sale or exchange. Archio McGowan and Wm. Cummins are back from a trip to the southern part of tho county. Sylvia Lewis, the juvenile singer is booked for a specialty at "Brookdale Farm" next Tues day evening. Edward Goodman has tho upper pasturo of tho II. C. Levens place leased and will bo ready for the town cows about April 1. He will take the cows to and from pasture for $2.50 per month. Horses same price. A Good Baiigain I have for salo 320 acres of deeded most all bottom land with plenty of water, J. H. Holland is home from a . tnirethor with 30 head of stock Tfl Afra Plnvnlnnfl Vinirn Wn . ....,. w.w. ...... ,u ...... ww . ,, ., TT , ., T, . -- . . ... .. . 3wn in Nevada for some timo'inp lo vnue llorse anu oinur r- horses, one draft stallion, milch charge of one of the P. L. S, to. btock ranches but have dC' pded to go to farming and will lerefore take up their residence their fine farm over at Van. Bieir many friends are pleased welcome them back. L. S. Co. ranches in the southern I caws. Place all fenced, well im part of tho county. proved. A good liorso or sheep Schenk Bros, do not have to ranch with an abundance of out send your suit back to a Phila-.side range. For further infor delphia lawyer for alteration, mation call or address Thev are tailors and can do it t W. II. CECIL, 41. ' i.. I themselves. Harriman, Ore. The Tale of a Shirt Its a short one TOO IVIANY IN STOCK That's all If you need any shirts If you expect to need any shirts BUY NOW A large and new stock to select from LA TEST STYLES AND DESIGNS 30 PER CENT. REDUCTION In Golf Shirts and Negligee Shirts FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY SALE ENDS SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1910 REMEMBER THE DATE The Busy Corner Store, I. Schwartz, Propt. j Take no Bubstituto-just tell tho grocer Cromo. 30 per cent off on Ncgligco shirts at Tho Busy Corner Store. Got your ordora in for incuba tors boforo tho rush W. ". Smith. Chas. Davis, tho Harney taxi dermist, was down during tho week. Kemp Hnrdlsty was down from Trout Creek during tho wcok. Pine wood for snlo, either in tho pllo or delivered Luto Mace, Burns, Oregon. BoiiN-Tucsday, March 22, lo Mr. and Mrs. James Varien, a daughter. James Rounsovillo is up from tho Trout creek valley section to nttend court. C. T. Miller and his niece, Miss Joisn have been in tho country tho past wcok. If you want results list your property with Irving Miller, Room G, Odd Fellow Bld'g. Miss Drtisa Dodson has ill this wcok suffering from quinsy. Sho is better. Good vinegar for salo by T. E. Jenkins at tho Brewery. Money back if not as represented. i Both Miss Delta Dillard andK A. E. Millard of tho Burns pub lic school have received state di plomas. Wantkd A girl to take charge of tho telephono exchnngo as night operatorUnion Telephone & Telegraph Co. The I'Jdison monograph is gaining in popularity and should bo in every home Lunaburg & Ualton nro resident agents. Circuit Judge Davis is over from Canyon City on account of tho session of the grand jury and will open court next Monday. IK YOU AUK COIN'S TO TUAVKL, line the Ilnrney County Niitlonnl Hunk TUAVKLLKIfS CIIKQUKS They nro nclMdcntlfjIiiK. Loyd Johnson and family wore in the city during this week. They came up on business and also to attend the Clark-Huddle-ston wedding. Reatos for sale, all sizes and lengths, price 20 cents per foot Any one desiring Reatos address W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson, Alberson, Oregon. J. C. Turney of tho Harney Vnlley Oil & Gas Co. has return ed from Boise nnd other points. He was accompanied in by O. E. Jackson and D. A. Norris. Tho entire stock of goods now on displny at tho now store of Hngey & Richardson, is fresh and now. Patrons may find nl most anything desired there. Ora Hill will sing "In the Evening by the Moonlight, Dear Louise," don't fail to hoar this tenor solo, as n specialty at the "Brookdale Farm" next Tuesday evening. If you want one of those new Fuller & Johnson Farm Pump Engines don't wait until tho day boforo you need it, but get your order in now W. T. Smith, Agt boo tho ad. i-oii salk-zuu cords ot pine wood nt $1.75 per cord. Slab wood $1.25 a load at the Harnev Saw Mill, L. R. Bunyard. You will never again bo quite as you aro today mentally or physically. Perhaps not over again will you bo ablo to get so "young" a photograph that looks like you as today. Visit tho Saycr Studio. Sherman Godlovo is hero from Medford to look after his land interests. Ho reports tho family well and quite contented in their new homo. Mr. Godlovo says tho Rosruo Rivor Valloy is iroimr ahead wonderfully. Fon Sale ou Tuade-J Sec, 45 feet clay, Hard wheat land (next J sold for $32 per aero) 120 acres broke and ready for crop. Good framo house, two barns, two granaries, well, all fenced and cross fenced. Oats go from 70 to 100 bu. per aero; wheat 35 to 40 per aero. Will sell for $30 per ncro or will trado for improved & section near Burns, Oregon, must have water on tho i section. Geo. E. Rerm, Cnyloy, Alta, Canada. A quiet little wedding took placo in this city at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Goodman at 12 o'clock Wednesdny, March 30. Mr. Walter Clark and Miss Opal Huddleston wore tho hnppy contracting parties. Rov, A. J. Irwin was invited by tho young peoplo to ofllciato. Mr. Clark lias spsnt most of his life in Har ney county. Tho brido is u Willamette Valloy girl but has becn engaged in teaching school in Harney county for tho last two years. Tho Times-Herald joins thoir many friends in ex tending congratulations and best wishes, agsaaawminimiinii am mw Seed Ryo ot Tho Busy Corner Store. Tho Busy Corner Store is tho placo to deal. Calico 20 yards for $1.00 nt Brown's Satisfactory Store. Fou Sale-040 acres hay land. Will sell wholo or part, Inquire at this ofllco. IBW. W. Brown is nmong the many witnesses called hero this week boforo tho gran 1 jury. Miss Winifred Van Valkenburg public stenographer, with E. W. Van Valkenburg nt tho candy store. For real comfort, quiet and courteous treatment tho French House is tho best under tho man agement of L. B. Culp. Aro you interested in Burns acrcago? If so lot us tell you what we have to offer. Randall, Passenger & Maloney. If you want to make n trade, sell your relinquishment or other property tho Inland Empire Real ty Co. will bo of great assistance to you. They have sold others and can sell yours. II. E. Shoomnkor, W. M. Hig gins nnd Henry Bcitler, nil of Itidinna, aro late arrivals in this city. These gentlemen nre hero looking for investments nnd nre quite favorably impressed with tho Harney country but will take their timo looking it over. General hauling nnd drny work dono by B. F. Siler. If you want to seo the finest display of post carda in Burns go to Carter & Thompson. Foil Sale-A fivo room co tnge, four lotu nil fenced with two good wells, a windmill nnd other improvements. No rock. G. Hudspeth, Bums, Oregon. II. J. Hanson of tho Burns Meiit Market is prepared to fur nish bacon, hams and lard to The Harney County National Bank OFJWRNS, OREGON. STA TE DEPOSIT AR Y a r. ueHiHHKY, rnnwinr troH M, rmowH, cahiim rnitD iiAiriEt, vie i'iwin llttlHY tiAlTOII, Attr rA lirm kxvla na TioNOFHGimi:ssno mmoun CONDITION. MA IICII, 20,1010 THE FIGURES WHAT THEY MEAN. Capital Stock Surplus and Profits Circulation 19 ,500 .00iM,"7 with "wiinmcsot.U iuthclmn-JH sheepmen and ranchers in any ' DonoHits ' 97K ma QSI'roftlintH'iirccl!icrMennmi Wiwii quantity. Special prices for big i ' npproveourilnndiiiffaiidmctliocU. orders. $ 20,000.00, t( r.oo on MaTC'"1c"t of lockli(ilcIer. AV,UO.UUJ For Sale or Trade-Oiio Im ported Belgian Stallion, nine years old; color chestnut sorrel, llaxen mnnoand tail; wcightover nineteen hundred. In service nt Caldwell four years. His get tho best in Idaho. Will sell or trade for mares or good broke geldings, or renl estate, or sell on long time with approved security. A bargain in this horse. Write or phone Dan Cnmpbell. Presi dent Belgian Horse Co., Cnld well. Idaho. lVt nonil iltrt il.K.rtl A. nJ K 1 iiiuouu, uiu mui-m nun ui mr. and Mrs. C. G. Smith, was mar ried at Corvallis on Wednesday, March 30, to Miss Zeta Bryan. Mason hns a job taking census down thoro and they may come to Burns as soon as ho is through. His many friends will be pleased lo goo him and all wish him well. The Normal School question is fairly before tho voters by tho Initiative Bill for Monmouth framed by her Alumni. This seperutea it wholly from politics, and gives tho voters a fair chance to express their choice. Schools nro a necessity wo must edu cato tho boys nnd girls and wo must have teachers, the Normal School is tho placo to train and prepare these. Vote, Yes, for Monmouth. Lonns U. S. Bonds &Prem. Municipal Bonds & County Warrants Furniture & Fixtures $331,142.61 $147,804. 15 jMoncy '"fc'y pine'' " ' lion in Ilnrney County. 20,275.94 Sninencnli. nctlyr uriul i 31,239.00 High Krmlc Investments. f ricannnt convcnicntiii'commodntionif.jr 3,077.8G. customers. Securities nnd facilities for prompt dispatch of Inniiiewi. Cimh nml Fvrlinnrr 19B VAX cr i Kcserve funi1 vnllnl)le to meet med of uisn and bxchango 128,745.06j ,iql)(Htort. Amount ,, lwnil ,i0 per $331,142,011 .'11 percent i extra inarjjlnof security Jan 'u 31. 1910, Deposits $232,430.89 March 29,-1910, Deposits $275,109.98 INCREASE IN DEPOSITS IN 59 DAYS $12,679.09 Your Business Courteously Welcomed "YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" NO. S49I. KeiHirt of thu con.lltlon of tho HARM: V COUNTY NATIONAL HANK ol BURNS l Harm. In Urn flute n Umtoii, t tlio doio of titiilitvii, Murrh Will, 1910. nrftoaiiCB, tu mi DUeuunU Ovrntrll, cme! ami unircuroil. t'.H. llondMoiccuro rlreuUllon Premium on If. P. lloiuli llomtr.rrFiiiltlt't, eto . ... Ilnnklnit dome, furniture nnd ruturci lltift from Notlotml llnnki (not re ocrvonKCiili) Hup from uppruTcxl it rro mccntu . ('hecka unit oltnremli item Notof tuber Nutlonut Hank rrrll..nnl ir currency, nlckrla n. I rent, UtKilrb Vlo.v.r ltmv in IUkk, vi S"Cl 2047& xf tciulcr nolo rlOOO H,fcV175 Itfilein ptloti fuml with U. H,Trurr, (ft xT milt of rlreuUllon) IT74 00 Due from U.H. Trenail rr MXi.UO lit), til 38 U,7W 19,1V 1)00 7794 n.onw M,NU I.IMOl 3.U0CO 1VA49 TnUI 1211,142(1 IHIilllTlrn. riiul Mock rhi iii . . I '.M.ooooo furplua rumt.. 10,000 CO t'nillTlilril .rotl n, le, ionri nnd Uiail Mi CI Nullolinl Hank notes iiutatan'llnE 19,600 00 linllvliluatilcpoalta auhjeot to chock 7 lleinaivl rerllflcateaof Hevall. .WM Tlnia rorllflralo of ilrnlt a.Vi 90 Ccrtlfltit chccVa,. 1W.71 t'aililer'a cliucka outatanilliix ICJOWl Total P31,ll HTATKOKOIIKOON. I.., fnitnlr "f Harney, i" I, I con M. llrown, Caahler ol the aliore nam vil hank, ilo olemnljf avrear that the aboro alalcnicut latruototho tiratot mjr knowlcilRe ml belief. I.icon St. Hhown, Caahler Buhacrllwil anilaworn to before motlila Ind ilar of April, 1910. If, K I.iwia Peal) Notarjr l'ublte. Correct- A licit i C, I". McK'ihniy. (I, A. ItKMItOLD J. l. DiLTON Directors. FOR SALE. Notice is hereby given thnt sealed bids will bo received up to and including four o'clock p. m. Saturdny, April 2nd, 1910 for! the purchase of all buildings sit-, unto on Lot 5 of Block 4 Original Townsito of Burns, and common-1 ly known as "Young's Meat Mar ket"; the same to bo removed immediately after May first 1910. Bids may bo filed either with J. L. Gault or J. M. Dalton but no bid will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check for at least $100.00. Right re served to reject any and all bids. Dated at Burns, Oregon, this 3rd day of March. 1910. J. L. Gault J. M. Dalton Trustees Burns Lodge No. 97 A. F. & A. M. BUY YOUR DRUGS at OUR STORE We handle a complete line of everything usually sold by up to date druggists. It is OUR AIM TO PLEASE This we do by courteous treatment and reasonable prices to al our customers THE PLACf- TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon, V'V-v wvv 177.683 S3 1S.0O7 CI 'A0UO0O 2i. OHO 00 3,000 00 CO,WJ 17 iOJUOU 00)00 10,009 M 1.990 M 91,192 9t 1,A17; 1.7HO00 No. 629S. Iteport of tho condition of the FUST NATIONAL BANK OP BURNS, In tho Slate of Orcton, at the close of hull iicm, March Wlh, 1910. HKsouacaa. Iians and Discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecured U. H. Dune's to secure circulation V H. Honda to secure U. H, l)coills . I'rcinlums ou II. H, Hands Honds, securllles, vto llantliijr huute.furiillure and fixture Other Ileal l'stato, Owned Due from National Hanks (not re adrva sirents) (lue from Btale and frlrstellanksand Hankers Trust Companies and Hay. Inga Hanks Due from approved reserve ageuta , Checks and oilier caali Iteina Notes of uthur National Hanks Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents. Uwrl'l. MoNKr ItKSKItTK IN IUNK li: Specie . , lit.o-.M Iuallcnilor uotos KS0W 31,90 U fund with U B, Treasur er (Sjier lent of circulation .. l,3M)00 Total 1 197,051 01 LUiiltliua. CaplUUtuck pnlil In . I'i.1,00000 Fu'pltia ., 8V0000O Undivided prollla, less expenses and tascspatd 3Vn3f National Hank Notes oulstandlnt; ll.lxxioo Dee toother Notional Hanka 2,0Nfig ludlvMiial deposits subject to check jM.rtfJ 19 Heinuud certlllcates of deposit 7.9MC2 TluiuCerllllcuUs of deposit. . . 10I,U13 Certified cheek . .. 1,100,00 I'aihler's checks outslaudlns d.lMSO UnlleJ BUtea Deposits 23,U)0J DcposllsofU. H, dlahiiralngofllcers , 2,H83 l.laUlltles other than aboie stated. 1,600 00 READ ABOUT THE ML Vernon Hot SPRINGS Tlioynro located In tlio lioautllul Jolm Dy Valloy, 2J mllou north of Mt Veir non, ami Vi miloa wet tot Canyon City In (Jrnnt on nly, OrrRun, Tho elovit tlon In 3700 lent and tho cllnm'o is mild throtiKliout tliuyuar. Tlio pringi ulilcli (iinilsh wrttur for lliu lutli mid bwIiii mliiff K)ol How 25,000 kIIoii8 por day of liltflily nilncrallt-d liotwatorof n torn oratiiro In tlio illircri nt Bprlniji of 100 to 132 V. Tlii'KU uprlnj-" aro ltliout rival or ronitwtion for tlio rvason IIihI you enn nt lliu water just tlio proiwr tumporuturo for batlilnn without artifl oint hcntliiK ordiltttliii; with cold water mid tliirobv destroying thn nivdionl pro portlca. Thi'BO pprliius liavo just en o lo public iiotlco for tho renmm that thuy linvu iint Ikhui lilted up for Ihu comfort and livnotlt of tho Invalid and thoco rcukiiiK recreation. Nsturo wan the ehcmlit wlioroinpoud oil tho wator which cares, and In her Ubnttory deep In tho niyturictt of tho oarth the prepared thoao viirativo NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Fresh Groceries, etc. For Fall and Winter Trade tOO?,, I D. R. MOTE NIJXT OOOK TO CAl'ITOL UARGR SHOr Fresh Candy, Nuts, Cigars, and Tobacco NEW LINE POST CARDS Some Nice New Stationery SMOKERS ARE PARTICULARLY INVITED Nice Assortment of I'lpcsNcw No cities uimlnjr. t t I . A MAN is known by the harness he uses wmoro, anu mono euncriiig iroin rneu- i trjIATmi A 1 .1 lit 1 i mntl.m, Kout, .kin diaem, kidney or A VAUUJCjliO DV the Saddle he TldCS. bladtlur troulilil or nnv rntarrbnl rnmll. v tlon of tlm Btomnch find nlmomt Iimtmitl relief nnd in most caisot) permanent cure in from four to eight weeks. Our chargea nro reasonable. Come whan you will winter or Hiimnior; wo are ahtnya open nnd ready to uuloomo you. I'or furthor Information address, . A. MURPHY, Proprietor Mt. Vernon, Orcgog. MM Total 1197.0540a HTATKOKOltKOON.i .., I'llUMTYor llAUrlllYil "' 1, 1, K (lault, tlashler of the above named hank, do solnmulr swear that the above state ment Is true to tho bvstuf inyknowledgo and belief 3, 1.. O ill IT, Caahler, Correct-Atteati 0, A, IlAINti O A. HUVTII II. U, 1IOIITON Director!, Puhicrltud tnd sworn lo before me this 1st day of April, 1910, Frank Davit (H") I Nctarr I'ubllo (or OrKon. The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRIGATION LNGINliEKS Main Office, Hums, Oregon A. O, rAULKNEII, MRC Branch Office, Lakeview, Oregon C. H. rAULKNKH, Mr. Evere. horseman should have the best, both as to quality and price. You can get highest quality and lowest prices at J. C. WELCOME & SON Harness surxd. Sa,d.cLles THE TIMES-HE! Job Printing. Gome in And Ask Abo We want to tell you about the latest and newest labor saver for the farmer a marvel of mechanical genius a regular "Jim Dandy" the light, handy and simple Fits Any Pump and Makes It Hump I MHT 111 JsTt .jJEgfc i jh i hx m 1 1 1 n. i sn Pattntttl Junrn IB, 1909 Otff Pending You never 6av anything like it before nothing like it has ever been made. It makes a windmill pump into a perfect Power Pumping Plant in a few minutes, and besides pumping, it runs separator, churn, grindstone, or any machine ordinarily run by hand. You do tho attach iniT yourself. Costs less than a windmill! It's well worth a special trip to learn about the most wonderful invention you ever heard of. Next time you are in town come in sure. We want to give you a catalog free, Buxng, Oregon. .