The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 26, 1910, Image 4

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-jtlHt toll
:he Times-Jlerald.
SATOUtlAY MAllrll VII, 1810.
Loenl News.
OOod morningl Did you Imvo
7remo for brcnkfnst?
30 nor cent oil on Golf shirts
lt The Busy Corner Store.
Fay Comecrys is up from his
Weaver Springs home.
20 yards of calico at Lunaburp,
hnllon & Co's. for 1.00.
Just received fine line of John
1$. Stetson hats-Schcnk Bros.
Archie Cross was down from
trout creek during tho week.
If vou want protection see
Irving Miller tho insurance- man.
Claude Smyth and wife are
Dver from their home in Happy
Do not fail to read about the
IML Vernon springs in another,
The French Hotel is gaining
En popularity under the manage
ment of L. B. Culp.
The Baptist Ladies Aid will
Biold a window sale of cooked
food at the E. B. Reed & Son
grocery store on Saturday, April
Those having relinquishments
lor real estate tor saio snouui
consult E. W. VanVnlkenburg,
the real estate man, nt his offico
Kin Burns.
R. A. Smith was in from tho
Steens Mountain district this
week looking for help in the
sheep camps to assist during
The Easter party jriven by tho
J. B's. Thursday evening at the Thursday.
electric theatre was a decided
success in every particular and
most thoroughly enjoyed by a
large crowd.
Our Capital of $25,000.00
Our Surplus of 335,000.00
Togothor with tho doublo liabiliUoH of our Btock-
holdors of nnoMior $25,000.00
givos nbnoluto Hocurity to
our Depositors
'Phis 18 iv fenturo that is well
worth romouibcring when do
"positing your funds. Besides
wo offer unoxcollod facilities
for Borvico, tho rosult of yours
of study and oxporiuneo in tho
banking business.
The First National Bank
of Burns
John IK Dalu, President
C. A. Maine. Vice Prctidcnl
J. I Gault. Cathler
A. C. Welcome. Aunt. Caihler
Crcmo for sale by your grocer.
Onion Sots at Tho Busy Cor
ner Store.
Clothes pressed and cleaned at
Schenk Bros.
C. T. Miller is in from his
ranches for a few days.
The new breakfast food
Crcmo a local product.
Mrs. Chas. Newell was , up
from her Dog Mountain hfinfe
Crcmo tho children cry for it.
Iko Constance hns been in the
city for a few days.
Tho Home Hotel is the comfor
table place to board.
Calico 20 yards for $1.00 at
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
Claudo Hibbard was up from
the lake during tho week.
Men's clothing at reduced
prices nt Tho Busy Corner Store
lir ftpiffiHi wn culled to Nar
Improved and unimproved farm rows last Monday and upon his
and city property for sale. ' return reported tho birth of a
girl baby to Mr. and Mrs. Win.
r.iuata nt Mm FYfmoli Hotel aro
OUT OF TOWN TAXPAYERS- provided with the best to be had
Ihe llnrncy County iNnunnni.ui tho market-
Dave Newman has been
Bank will be pleased to attend to
the payment of your taxes upon
receipt of your instructions and
sheriffs statement.
Chas. Johnson arrived in tho
city Wednesday from Portland
where the family has resided
since last fall. He has lost some
of his flesh but says he feels
well. Mrs. Johnson and daugh
ter Toiley will arrive homo next
week if tho roads are not too
bad and they will again take up
their residence in this city.
Columbus J. Johnson is in the
city in company with his bro
ther, W. B of Silver Creek.
Mr. Johnson is in the stock busi
ness over in Crook County, but
still has interests in this county
where he formerly resided. He
brintrs the information that tho
Hill railroad surveyors aro now(
in ir.e vicinuy 01 uiass uuues on
their preliminary from Bend to
Burns and that there is a large
crew at work. They have been
in the field since early in the
winter and from the time taken
are evidently doing some par
ticular work.
Wo have a number of parties
anxious to purchase tracts of
from 1000 to &U.UUU acres, bee
cc iuaionuy.
Fresh groceries of the
from the W. W. Brown ranches us about it, Randall, Passenger
during the week.
finral cnlicfnnfinl. vpl cooked
mook nV ho Home Hotel is what best brands and a complete new
tho boarder likes. ' line of dry goods, furnishings,
, , , n t i !ctc, may be-found at Hagoy &
Sec the Inland Empire Keal-(Ridmr(son,8 Tho new stone
ty Co. if you have anything for a.n
sale or exchange. i ' .
. . . Alien uiggs tuiu iiiuuiur mm
Miss Lena Harkey is nnvinjr, ,myo moved from tho
the atom building on tho corner ,p rank IIarri son residence in the
near tins oince uiieu up iuru
rooming house.
Morrison addition to a house re
cently fitted up by D. Jameson
in East Burns.
John T. Whistler, engineer in
charge of reclamation work at
tho timo tho government was
making preliminary investiga
tion of tho irrigation project in
this valley, came in tho first of
tho week in company with Win.
They are tailors and can do itlHanloy. Mr Whistler quit the
themselves. i government service some time
Fou SALE-One almost new up-' and has since established an
to-date Singer Sewing Machine, lomco m Portland. He remained
Ono good second hand sewing here but a short time and v,c
machine. One good Home Com-1 understand has returned to
fort range Portland. Mr. Whistler did not
Mrs. Chas. Wilson, (state his business here.
Adam George has been up
from Lawcn this week to meet
some outside parties who were
looking for some real estate in
vestments. Schenk Bros, do not have to
send your suit back to a Phila
delphia lawyer for alteration.
The Tale of a Shirt
Its a short one
That's all
If you need any shirts
If you expect to need any shirts
A large and new stock to select from
In Golf Shirts and Negligee Shirts
The Busy Corner Store, L Schwartz, Propt
Tnko no substitute
tho grocer Crcmo.
!10 per cent ofT on Negligee
shirts at Tho Busy Corner Store.
Get your orders in for incuba
tors before tho rush W. T.
Pine wood for sale, cither In
tho pile or delivered Lute Mace,
Burns, Oregon.
If you want results list your
property with Irving Miller, Room
(5, Odd Fellow Bld'g.
Good vinegar for sale by T. E.
Jenkins at tho Brewery. Money
back if not as represented.
II. L. Gillette was in from
Lowistou, Idaho, this wcok look
ing nf ter his land holdings.
Good, clean seed barley from
1 to 1000 bushels at a cents a
pound Hagoy & Richardson.
Arthur Whitney has been ill
iil-his homo in this city for some
tune, but wo understand is now
For real comfort, (pilot and
courteous treatment the French
Houso is tho best under tho man
agement of L. B. Culp.
rite Edison Phonograph is
gaining in popularity and should
bo in every homo Lunnburg &
Dalton aro resident agents.
lino the Iliirncy Cuiintjr Nntloiuil llnnk
Tliey arc HelMili'iitifjinir.
Tom Allen is in from tho P
Ranch for n few days' visit with
his family. Mrs. Allen Is gain
ing in strength an I health very
Reatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot.
Any ono desiring Reatos address
W. A. Ford of J. 0. Alberson,
Albcrson, Oregon.
J. C. Dodson tho Lake County
stockman, and Mr. McKinney
ro hero from Iakoviow for tho
purpose of buying stock if prices
suit them.
Tho ontiro stock of goods now
on display at the new store of
Hagey & Richardson, is fresh
and now. Patrons may find al
most anything desired there.
If you wnnt ono of those now
Fuller & Johnson Farm Pump
Engines don't wait until tho day
before you need it, but get your
order in now W. T. Smith, Agt.
See tho ad.
Fou Sale 200 cords df pine
wood at $1.75 per cord. Slab
wood $1.25 a.load at the Harnov
Saw Mill. b. It. Bunynrd.
Dave Crow, an old lime resi
dent of tho Catlow Vnlloy section
was a business visitor to our city
this week. Mr. Crow says quite
a number ol new settlers aro
coming into his section of tho
You will never again be rjuito
as you aro today mentally or
physically. Perhaps not ever
again will you bo able to got so
"young" a photograph that
looks like you as today. Visit
tho Sayer Studio.
C. M. Kellogg has been award
ed tho Burns-Cnnyon stage con
tract beginning July 1 next He
also secured tho contracts for tho
lines from here to Venator and
Diamond. Mr. Kellogg has pur
chased IhoJ. T. Garrett residence
property in this city whoro ho
will have a large barn and ample
room to tnko care of his stage
horses and drivers and will make
Bums his headquarters.
Tho Crook County fnir will bo
held Oct. 18 to 22 inclusive' this
year. Tlio (Into conlorms well
with that set by tho Harney
County fair which is tho first
week in October. This will give
horsemen n chance to compote
for Bpecd events nt both fairs.
Tho Crook county pcoplo have
issued their speed program, tho
sum for purses being $1500.
Tho various superintendents
Imvo also been appointed.
There will bo special Enslcr
services at uio I'resuyicrian
churuh Sunday, March 27th both
morning and evening. Tho
choir will render somo especially
prepared Easter music at both
services. Tho pastor will speak
on themes appropriate to tho
day. Tho themo for tho morn
ing will be: "Tho Expectant
Dead." In tho evening; "The
Empty Tomb." Everybody is
most cordially invited to attend
theso services.
Fou Sale ok Tuadu-I Sec,
45 foot clny, Hard wheat land
(next i sold for $32 per aero) 120
acres broke and ready for crop.
Good f ramo house, two barns, two
granaries, well, all fenced and
cross fonced, Oats go from 70
to 10G bu. per aero; wheat 35 to
40 per acre. Will sell for" $30 per
aero or will trade for improved J
section near Burns, Oregon, must
have water on tho 1 Boction,
Geo. E. Reem,
Cayley, Alta, Canada.
Tho Busy Corner Storo is tho
place to deal.
Calico 20 yards for $1.00 at
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
Fou Sai.e-G'10 acres hay land.
Will sell wholo or pnrt, Inquire
at this olllco.
Mis$ Winifred Van Valkcnburg
public stenographer, with E. W.
Van Valkonburg at tho candy
C. A. Bedell arrived homo tho
first of this week from an extend
ed visit to Portland and other
Aro you interested in Burns
acreage? If so lot ub tell you
what wo huvo to ofTor. Randall,
Passenger & Maloncy.
J. F. Mahon was over from
Anderson vnlloy tho first of this
week looking for extra help to
assist at tho Bhoep camps during
Fou Sale ok Tkade Ono 9
yunr old Grado Pcrchoron Stnl
lion weight 1700. Ono Brown
Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
will trade for young horses.
G. W. Young.
The grand jury drawn at tho
fall term of circuit court was not
discharged and was ordered to
re-convene tho week preceding
tho spring term of courf. They
will meet in this city next Mon
Rev. J. Anthony Mitchell, of
Bend, was. in tho city Tuesday
on his way to Burns. Rev.
Mitchell has been suffering from
bad health lately, and will soon
undertake the long trip to Burns
in his rig so as to enjoy the open
air. Prineville Review.
Fon Sale Imported French
Percheron Stallion, 9 years old
weight 1900; color solid bluck
with star in forehead. Ho is a
sure foal getter. For particulars
write or inquire of W. II. Mc
Allister, Trout Creek Ranch,
Denio, Oregon.
' AHlc'yoilPgTol'orfJI'glno, U,u
now breakfast food.
General hauling
work done by B. F. Siler.
Finest of clean seed barley ,'i
cents a pound at Hagey & 'Rich
ardson's. If you want to see tho finest
display of post cards in Burns go
to Carter & Thompson.
Fok SALE-A live room cot
tago, four lots nil fenced with
two good wells, a windmill and
other improvements. No rock.
G. Hudspeth, Burns, Oregon.
F. E. Gannon, manager of the
Garmnn Renlty Co., of Spokane,
was hero looking over the coun
try. A branch office has been
established in this city in charge
of A. A. Johnson and J. II.
Customers and others desiring
iiH-to settle their taxes will please
send uh sheriff 'h statement of the
amount due together with instruc
tions for payment of winie.--FIRST
G. 0. Hendricks camo up from
Lawcn Sunday, bringing his
daughter Lillian and the Misses
Emma and Ella Johnson back to
school. Miss Mary Hendricks
also accompanied him up to have
some dental work done. They
roturned home Tuesday.
How The Banker
. . Considers You . .
THIS BANK is a public institution,
organized to Bervo tho pcoplo, to
better the financial condition of
this community.
THE BANKER'S purpose is to
further the business interests of
each of his customers. To each
man and woman, not a customer of
the bank, the banker wants to give
tho benefits of his service, and in
vites every individual to take ad
vantage of what ho offers.
A Stwlnu Hank Department Is a
feature nf thin Hank, In which In
tercut at the rale of four per cent
per annum h allowed.
Small Accounts Courteously
Harney County National Bank
of Burns, Oregon.
roun home institution.
I. S. Geer and family havo
moved out to the ranch after
spending a part of the winter in
this city. Irving Miller and wife
havo moved into the Geer city
rosidenco and L. E. Lnurance
and wife have moved into the
residence vacated by tho Millers.
Michael Schenk disposed of his
residence property, tho L. Wold
enbtirg house, tho first of this
week to A. K. Richnrdson. Mick
says a young man doesn't need a
residence and ho is going to in
vest his money in a farm. Mr.
Richardson, we understand, has
sold tho property to P. M.
Dr. Elizabeth Ellis and her son
Charles entertained a few friends
most charmingly on last Tuesday
evening at "Five Hundred."
Mrs. I. Schwartz and Mrs. Julian
Byrd had highest scores for tho
ladies. J. I Gault and Sam
Mothershcad were highest among
the gcntlemon. Dainty refresh
ments wero served.
Tho Mothers' was cntcrtaided
nt tho residence of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Cnrl W. Welker on last Thursday
afternoon, by Mrs. C. W. Wel
ker and Mrs. E. Nelson. After
the usual business nn elaborate
luncheon wns served. Tho noxt
mooting will bo held nt the Pub
lic Library on Thursday, April 7
and is important that all mem
bers bo present
You know what a good teacher
means to a child. You know
what ho means to a community.
Wo must have schools and we
must havo teachers. Tho Nor
mal School question is now sub
mitted free from politics. Thnt's
the way you want it kept If
you pay taxes on $1000.00, it will
co.jt you four cents a year to
maintain tho Stnto Normal nt
Monmouth. Vote, Yes, on this
Fou Sale ok TiiADE-Ono Im
ported Belgian Stallion, nino
years old; color chestnut sorrel,
flaxen ninnonnd tail; weightovcr
nineteen hundred. In service nt
Caldwell four years. His got
tho best in Idaho. Will sell or
trado for marcs or good broke
geldings, or real estate, or sell on
long tlmo with approved security.
A bargain in this horse. Writo
or phono Dan Campbell. Presi
dent Belgian Horso Co., Cald
well, Idaho.
"Brookdalo Farm," as pre
sented last night at tho opera
houso by local talent wns most
pleasing to the largo houso that
greolcd tho players. Several of
tho characters wero takon by
thoso who niado their first ap
pearance nnd somo of them
mndo a decided hit. Tho pro
duction was for tho benefit of
tho Firo Department and Ladies'
Auxiliary and will bo repeated
on Tuesday ovonlng, April C.
They should again bo greoted by
a full house.
Notice is hereby given that'
scaled bids will be received up
to and including four o'clock p. '
m. Saturday, April 2nd, 1910 for1
the purchase of all buildings sit
uate on Lot 5 of Block 4 Original j
Townsite of Burns, and common
ly known as "Young's Meat Mar
ket"; the same to be removed i
immediately after May first 1910.
Bids may be filed cither with !
J. L. Gault or J. M. Dalton but,
no bid will be considered unless
accompanied by a certified check
forut least $100.00. Right re
served to reject any nnd all bids.
Dated at Bums, Oregon, this
3rd day of March. 1910.
J. L. Gault
J. M. Dalton
Trustees Burns Lodge No. 97
A. F. & A. M.
Wc handle a complete line of everything
usually sold by up to date druggists. It is
This wc doby courteous treatment and
reasonable prices to aI our customers
The Welcome Pharmacy, Bums, Oregon.
Mt. Vernon Hot
Tlity nro IncatvU In tho beautiful .lolm
0y Vnlloy, 2B' tnlloR norlli ol Mt Ver
non, and 13)ji inlloi ut-atof Canyon City
In Ornnt ('eiiinly, Oregon. Tlio liga
tion Ii a00 feet nnil tho clhnniu In mild
throughout Tho priiiRS which
fiirnUh ttiitor (or tho bath nmllin
mliiK I100' "ow 20,000 gallona por iluy ol
highly mlnornllr.etl hot untiir of a torn
porAture in tho (linVruiit 8rlni;nof 100
to 122 T. TliiMta (tprhiKi nro without
rlvnl or rotnpetion for tho reason tlmt
you can get tho water Jiift tlio pro)or
tomperuturo for Imtlilnu without nrtifl
clul hentliiK orillltlilii); with cold water
and thorobv dcHtroylntr tlio medical pro
portion, Thcoo spring havo just en i o
to public nollco for tho ivanon that they
hsvo juslbcon fitted up for tlio comfort
nnd bonotlt of tho Invalid and thoso
(coking recreation.
Nature was the ehooilat nhoconipoud
od tho water which curen, nnd In her
lubrntory tleop in tho niyMorlos of tho
oarth bIio prepared thoM) eurntivo
litem; and Uioho suffering from rheu
matism, Boot, skin dlsenne, kidnoy or
bladder Iroublo or nuy entnrrhnl com! I.
tion of tho Btoinnch find almost instant
relief tind in most encea pormanent euros
in from four to eight weeks.
Our chnrgot! nro reasonable. Como
wlion you will winter or summer; o
nre always opon nnd randy to welcome
For further information nddrvae,
. ,1. MURPHY, Proprietor
Mt. Vernon, Orcgog.
Dry Goods, Boots and?Shoes
. Fresh Groceries, etc.
For Fall and Winter Trade
Fresh Candy, Nuts, Cigars, and Tobacco
Some Nice New Stationery
Nice Assortment of I'IpesNew No cities Coming-.
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Main Office, Hums, Oregon
Branch Office, Lnkeview, Oregon
c. . rAULKNiai, Mgr.
is known by the harness he uses
A VA&UEKO by the saddle lie rides.
Evere horseman should have the
best, both as to quality and price.
You can get highest quality
and lowest prices at
Hlamess a,n.d. Sa-d.cLles
i it
Come In And Ask Abou
We want to tell you about the latest and newest labor saver
for the farmer a marvel of mechanical genius a regular
"Jim Dandy" the light, handy and simple
Fits Any
Pump am
Makes It
Hump J
MBn 111 jnrrlf-
Pmtantod June 1B,1BOa
Otharm Ponding
You never saw anything like it before nothing like
it has ever been made. It makes a windmill pump into
a perfect Power Pumping Plant in a few minutes, and
besides pumping, it runs separator, churn, grindstone, or
any machine ordinarily run by hand. You do the attach
ing yourself. Costs less than a windmill! It's well worth
a special trip to learn about the most wonderful invention
you ever heard of. Next time you are in town come in
sure. We want to give you a catalog tree.
"T7s7"-TI-Smitla. -A-gii.
IB-utrrxD, Oxegron.