'4 RHHMPIW i i w5 - I X ' 1 4 i I r it c $bc Wttujf-gevntd. 8ATU1UUY, MAIICII S, UtO BUnaoilllTION UATKB: Ouo Year W- Blx Monllii .W Thrco Month! 1 "fy ' '" ' JULIAN II VII II Mr Son Ins Wild Oats. There lias always been an or roncous impression in the minds of some people that some timo in his life every man must sow wild oats, and every once in a whilo somebody asks when is the best timo to do tho sowing, Last week an inquisitivo person wrote to tho philosophical editor of tho Manchester, Iowa, Press and asked when ho thought was the best timo to put in tho crop, His unique reply, which answers tho question fully, is as follows "Tho best time is between tho ages of 8-1 and 92. Tho young man who thinks ho can drill in a juicy crop of wild oats at tho ago of sixteen and cultivate it 'with several pints a day, cheap calico and a striped deck, until ho is 30, will find himself beating a well worn path to tho inebriate homo when ho ought to be doing a man's work for an honest wage. The platform lecturer who tells you at $35 per night and the price of a rump steak that every boy must sow his wild oats, is a bigger ass than Balaam's colt which became angered with its mother because she withheld tho daily pabulum, and tried to kick the rim off the Milky Way. A six-ply drunk is about as good a password to the confidence of the business community as a record for house breaking, and the cal low youth who goes to the mat .with a half-pint of red-eye as a steady diet will be as much of a favorite in tho betting as a one legged man in a hurdle race. The boy who thinks more of a tri-weckly jag than he does of the feelings of a good father and mother, merely adds venom to a memory that will sting him until he cashes in. The towns are full of young fellows who have gone up against the wild oats proposi tion with the swagger of a pop eyed pullet, and who are as worthless for work purposes as a club-footed gelding. If you arc bound to sow a good crop, wait until you reach tho age when you have to take your teeth out and clean them in the sink, while whistling softly through your gums as you converse with your loved ones." A "GET TOGETHER" MEETINQ. A special meeting of the Burns Commercial Club was held Thurs day evening at the club rooms and was largely attended. Win. Hanley made the prin cipal talk of tho evening dwelling at length upon tho necessity of organization and unanimity of purpose in the development of this country. He took up tho matter of conserving the waters of Silvies river and other streams leading into Harney Valley. He also impressed upon the people of Burns the importance of be ing in readiness to take up rail road propositions. While he is confident of- early railroad con struction Mr. Hanley could give his hearers no definite informa tion as to when actual construc tion would begin. He has been absent for several months and had visited New York, Washing ton D. C, Chicago and other fi- New Spring Samples A Magnificent Line to Choose from Remember we are exclusive dealers in Ladies and Gents Furnishings and have the latest and best styles in stock Call and look over our fine display SCHENK BROS. THE MERCHANT TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS Burns, Oregon Odd Fellows' Building nancial centers where ho came in touch with big financiers. Tho whole trend of his talk was in a Bpirit of "gel together" and had an excellent effect upon those who listened, yet it lacked concentration. His suggestions were good and practical but the people of Bums aro not yet suf ficiently cnliKhtencd to take any dellnito action Binco tlioy do not know what to do. It was quito evident from Mr. Hanloy's talk that ho does not boliovo tho main lino of tho rail road would come to Burns but would bo ready to put in a branch if tho citizens of this city showed tho proper spirit to do their part. This was assured by speakers who followed and tho interest manifested showed a disposition to do things as soon as they wore given dofinito information as to what was expected of them. Mr. Hanlcy stated ho behoved it possible to interest the neces sary capital to take care of tho surplus wntcr and placo it upon tho land, thus bringing it to a much highor stato of cultivation. This is a movo much desired and the people who will come for ward with a feasiblo plan to pro perly irrigato and drain Harney Valley will find tho progressive citizens of Burns standing back .of them to a man. Wo all rea I lizo the importance of this pro position. Mr. Hanley stated he had pro mised a car load of products from the Harney country this fall and asked th.e club to see that such was gathered. This was met with enthusiastic response and a committee of three will be ap J pointed to work in conjunction with the rair Association to gather tho necessary produce. rPIia wrill ln tnlrnn nn wifK llinl farmers at once and the car made REMOVAL SALE HERE, YOU CASH BUYERS NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Everything in my store except beef, pork, flour, sugar, tobacco 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH Bacon and Lard 20c. YOUNG'S MEAT MARKET & GROCERY up of the exhibits brought in for the county fair this fall. LATE RAILROAD NEWS. That the Harriman interests will rush construction of its pro posed road across the state of Oregon from Coos Bay to Vale, by way of Burns, is tho latest report in railroad circles on tho coast General Manager J. P. O'Brien being out of the city it is impossible to get his confirma tion, but the news emanates from excellent sources, leaving little room for doubt of its au thenticity, Bays tho Journal. According to these reports completion of tho Coos Bay Drain branch will be rushed with all possible haste while at the samo time large forces will be put to work between Vnlo and Burns, thus hurrying along the work from both ends of tho line. Construction of a line from Burns to Crescent City, near Odell, would complete the lino across tho state, as it would give connection with tho Natron cut off from Springfield and Eugene. Tf la cnirl tfinf frt tlin firWitrifir 'of the Hill interests in western Oregon may bo attributed tho progressivencss of tho Harrlmnn people, as thoy will bo compelled to fortify themselves against tho I Hill invasion of western Oregon bv means of tho Oregon Electric and tho United Railways. Tho Natron cut-off will soon bo completed between Springfield and Odell, nnd it would furnish n suitable link in tho chain of ! branches across tho state. From Odell tho road can bo built cast ward through tho level sago brush lands nnd bunch grass fields of Lake and Hnrnoy count ies to Burns, thus completing tho chain. Newcomers aro now flooding into these counties for tho pur pose of taking up public lands, and it is estimated that by tho time tho road could bo completed, under tho most fnvorablo circum stances, a great portion of tho now arid lands will bo pretty liberally settled. Tho Vale-Burns project is sup posed to bo handled by tho Ore gon Short Lino, and it is report ed that a contract for n portion of that work has already been let. No Uc tor Numbers. Tho school census taker stopped at a little hut in tho mountains of Kontucky, and addressing tho mother of an unusually largo flock of children, said: "Madam, I am taking tho school census. How many child ren have you between tho ages of G and" "Lcmmo see," she broko in; "there's Katy an' Mary an' Annie an' Jako an' Will an' Harry an' Jim an'" Sho paused for a breath and her call er, mado haste to say: "Now madjm, if you could just give me tho numbor " "Number?" she snapped; "number? Wo ain't commenced numberin' yet, thank ye. Wo ain't run out o' names." TEA. We have learned that a good cup of tea to a tea drinker is considered as delicious an a good cup of coffee is to a coffeo drink er. Both, of course, must bo a judge of Quality. Judging Qual ity in tea is acquired by careful and moderate use. Tho export tea testers uso tea moderately but can detect by a slight taste a defective blend in making up a tea that will not Buit tho -lady who is anxious to please her hus band. Wo will gladly talk good tea to you nt any time. Wo know all about good tea and will not sell anything but good tea. Brown's Satisfactory Store. LOCAL 0VEKIL0W. Job printing The Times-Herald SupL Gilcrest of tho P. L. S. Co., is in town. W. B. Parker is over from his Warm Springs home. A. E. Brown is in tho city from his sheep ranches. If you want to make a Irado, sell your relinquishment or other property tho Inland Empire Real ty Co. will bo of great assistanco to you. Thoy havo sold others nnil p.'m Rnll vmirn ... .. .... .,-.. Edward Goodman has the unner nasturo of tho H. C. Levens place leased and will bo ready for tho town cows about April 1. Ho will take tho cows to and from pasturo for $2.50 per month. Horses samo price. W. J. Cozier this week located on a homestead over on Silver creek and returned to Soattlo whoro ho will mako preparation to bring his family horo this sum mer. Mr. Cozier expects to bring in a dairy herd and also somo thoroughbred chickens. A Good Bargain I havo for sale 820 acres of deeded most all bottom land with plenty of water, togothor with 30 head of stock horses, ono draft stallion, milch cows. Place all fenced, well im proved. A good horso or sheep ranch with an abundance of out sido range. For further infor mation call or address W. II. Cecil, Harriman, Ore. If vou havo any properly list it with us, wo havo tho buyers. Randall Passenger iv Malonoy. Notice Pur IIIiIk. Sealed proposals for tho con struction of a two story stono building approximately 50x100 foot will bo received until Wed nesday tho 20th day of April, 1910 to bo opened at 1 o'clock P. M. on said day at tho Masonic hall in Burns, Oregon, by tho un dorsigncd; nil bids to bo accom panied with a certified check for nt least five per cent of bid; plans and specifications may bo scon at First Nntionnl Bank, Bums, Oregon. J. L. Gault J. M. Daiton Trustees, Burns Lodge No. 07 A. F. & A. M. Burns, Oregon. NOTICE. Chas. Wilson having retired from tho blacksmith business, has placed all unpaid accounts in tho hands of tho undorsigned for collection and sottlomont. All parties indebted to .him will plenso call and sottlo without dolny. J. S. COOK, Attorney nt Law, Room 7, Odd Fellow Building. Burns, Oregon. ESTRAY NOTICE. Tho following described ani mal has been taken up on Stcen's Meuntain: Ono bay horso about six ycare old, ono whito hind foot, stnr in forehead, brand ND connected on loft shoulder. Owner can have samo by paying charges. A. II. Sl'ANOI.Ml, Diamond, Orogon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IJNlTIClihUTKaUMlOI'TICK. I Ilurua. Uivruii, Marcli . UIO I Notlco la hereby kItuii llint Nollln K Terwll ilier. lorineriy vsiiip n. mvv. .n ih.j Urctoli, wliu, uu Jllllu 1. 1WM. lumlu limnratrail eiitr r No. Ml, HerUI Nn . for JMj. Heo I Ion .'. Tuwnalilti South, llaliKO X Kaat, Willamette Mertcllau, lia AM nutlet) of Inten tion In niika Kluatl ommulatluu I'iimiI, tua eaUbllah claim liittiu lauil rIkivo ilcarrllithl, .... il,M lrwlt r urn! llflftnlviir at llilrni. Ore ion, on Ilia Dial Jr ol -Mull, I9IO 1'latinant namtaaa wltnMa: Wlllam Motrlaoit, Jatiira (Illicit, William Knlake, Joliu II. I,uiun,ll of llaruoy.tirwn N. rAKHK, itrKiaiiT CONTEST NOTICE. C0NTK8T NO. IW, llNlTKt) HTAYBK I. W Orritl I )turn, Oregon, February 1, Wlfcl k -..fM.1-.. 1 .. am.lavll li atari tl.tt.Adlt rilatil PUlUimiHMIVl"MHwi'ii' In lull nmro by V I,. Uivtf, rohtctUnl. ninltut II ...--. Ii'mI.h Wn Mil Itia.U Ihu-omliKII lllUrntVit l.ltlll a WWII. a-- ..." nut U-..I..I Wf irtiN in Mll UutlittX Titwfi hlnTTHouth, lUnga aft Kail, WlUmcUe Merl UUn.tirJo.itiW. rMttcr'oit.Contritvo In whtih llllHctiu him "m jvnn v. iauvriuu u wholly tmlonftl fttM vutry fur tnorathtn uli month! lmt put nil fcm ctmiiK! till tv fid unco therefrom rontlmiourix for nlmiKvr ln.t nl llMd at Mil 111 t-fawilll t fla. It lulll t ial f.a kfflaltl HtlWtliiUin Bat 111 tit! at Til hufrtltV tltllli r:-" "".-""" "i",r.i",j"r .: --Kii.;.. loucMiiffMlilftlle.TittM i-t 10 o'clock H. in nn April o( iviv. iHUorw wiu lirK.nrr nim ih-ivit rut tho UnlltHlbUUi Lau.l omce In hum Orfcon H-I7-. .I.l A.taitaa ta n lialalai 111 at xriMiAt 11 1 113 PHt I Ulll7PHt b iliiii li m (mwith . tUvlt, (1U4 Kobrunrr 19, 110, trt forth ffttU which hhw wmi -wicr uuu uuigrncg pwrpuu .j..l J.f fl.la wtHf imifiii' l.it III awl M If li IVIIIIV Hit" iwiv iOH a ..(-..,..- Uofby onlcrtvl mul dlrwtM Itmt urli uotlra Imj Kiveii vj uuu nu prupvr puuurtuiu" Wm. FAnnr, ltcglitcr CONTEST NOTICE. CONTKHT NO 77 UnitiiBta7: r.isn OrCIrK, Jlurna, OrcKon, Knbruarr 1. 110, A aumrlent coultat aflUlatlt liavlnif txeu dlixl InthlaoflWo lijr A U. Nolion rontcalant agalnallleaari lanu hnirjr, ivo uiiw,mauaiiao amber 10, 1 'AH, tor Kl'.Jf Hrrtlon 17 Townalilp 'X Poutn, uanrnoi r.aii, niiianmiio icriunii. ujr Kdwaril M. Halt Contnleo. Ill wlilcli It la alien el tnat aalit Kilwar.l M. Klati hai fallail to make any lnirocmnilt on aalil lain! ami liaa lallcu to mako anyaiinual HWif of opemllluta ol any amount (or Imiittikemeiit ami reclaim llounlaalil lanil.anil Mid aamuliaa tecn wholly abaniloneil by him, aall rtlea aro licrehy nolineil lo aiear H'ionl. anil ulfor ovlilenre louchlnit lalil ullmatloii at loo cluck" in on March , I9IO, Uloru Itio Kiiilatar ami Jlerelr er at tlio Unltvil Htalia I." ml (lllleo In llurnt, Urenoii, . TtmaaM ronluilant liailnif In l roier Blilila li. fllnl KclnuarrO. I3IO. ret (urlli larla wlilcli iliow that alter nun illlllKenra eiaonal aorvlre olltilaniitlcocaiinot bo inai'e, It laliuruliyor dereil anil dlreiteil that audi nollio katlvln hy due ami proper puullratloti. u. Kahrii, lleiititer. NOTICK KOIt I'UHLICATION. UNITHI HTA1KM LAND OPI'KIK. Ilurua, Oietoii, Jlatclrw 1910 Notice la hereby kIviii that llert K. tmnlen, or urewaey, urefoii, who, on April . " mads homtatead entry No. Mil, HorUl No 0I97l.lorN)!NWii ami HttJiNHl. Hecllon 17 mil nr,3,nnM, dviiiiiii o, iuniiiiiii w otiMii. lUHKolb Knit, Ulllmiiollo illnrldlan, haa llleil mitlfiinr intniitlnii to make Final (JoinntllUt Hon 1'riMil. to eatahlldi claim to tho laud above doacrlbed, belorc Ilia IleKlilcr nml licci'lvnr, l iiuriii.urcgon, on inooiuoayui aiay, iviu. Claimant iiami a m wlliu atua. W.l), liaker, Krtxl ItoUrtaou, llarvoyMId dleawortli and J. I HIU nil ol DroMKjy.Oniion, WM. Kjiiiiiit, Rcttitor. NOTIUK FOU PUUMOATION. I'nitkii HriTKa I.anii Orrirn. Iiunm, dri'Kcin, Mnrcli'JJ, I'JIO Notice fa hereby Klvoii that Clay Clemen', ol Ilurua, Orcxoii, who, on Kepluuihcr 17, llinl nouiMiean entry Mi, X7iu, neriai no 03x10, (uvl U,.ntl., lit 'I .tatrti nl. I . ra klimil. Ili.ii,.,. SjKaat, Wlllamello Marlillan, haa filed notlcu UI niilal DVVIIUII all iiiiiiiiimii winuilllla 1VDIIHU nl Intention lo iimkurinalbommutnllun I'rimf, la ualabllili rial m to tho laud abovu dearrlbnd. Ureuon, on tliu -Itli day of May, l'Jlu. uuioru luu iieciiiur 111 u iieruivitr. 11 nun a. i.iuniiaiii naiiici aa wuueiaia, Kdward llltiauu. of llarnor (Ireuon. Krauk Hwearlniror. of llurm. (Ireuon. Utarr llticklaud of llaruey, Urefou. t-ealor lllakleyf Ilurua, vi va1'". wm. 1'auhk, Heiilater, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tlNITKI) HTiTKl I.iNII OrritK, I Ilurua, Orciion, March i, mio. I Notice la hereby kIvoii that Aloiamlcr llarron,ol Ilurua, orevou, who, on Heptember H, lHxi made homeatead entry No, V7u'i, Herlnl No, OXM, fiirW)iHWU,Heclionft. and KUHKU, nvbiiuu , .itmiKitfi' t puiiiii, it.niv u. null, WlllumUlo Meridian, hai llled notluu uf Inleu- flrtii In tnitkii Vlnal Iffiinniiifiilliiii Pptinf iumm tabllili claim to Ilia land n bin o iletorlbed.be (ore the Iti'Klato' nml Hocolvur, nt llurni, Ore von, on the (.III dar of May, 1110. Claimant namea aa wltuvitea Frank lllackmer, Krud A. Ilarroii, Kdward 0 KfKleitou, H. II. Hlulil, nil ol Ilurua, llreiion. Wh. Kahuk, lU'KUter, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UhiTBii nTiTca Imnh Otrica I Jlurna, Oregon, March va, lvtO. Notice li hereby nlveu lhat Harvey K. Mid (lleaworlh, ol Drewaey, OroKOn, who, 00 Dec ember l;, leoi), made liomcaleiid entry No. Wit, Herlal No, WHO. for NKiNtt)4. NWNKM. Section 80, and W) Hlth, 8eitloti III, Towiuhli litUoulli, Itaniie 111 Kail, Wlllniaellu Meridian, hai filed nollcp of Intention tu mako Filial Commutalion l'roof to eitul.llili claim lo tho land abuye1iacrllod, before tho Iti'iilitor and Ittflder at Uurni, Oitgou, 011 the tltli day of Mar, 1010, Claimant nuiuck ui wltneiaeal Hart Uuiitet, uul Homer 1'reiley both of Drewioy, Oreirou. Archie It Druwclt mid Kred llobortaou both o( Van, Oregon W, Fahhic, Ilcglater. Bluo prints of nny township in i II. J. IlanHon of the BuniB Burns Land District, showing J Meat Market is prepared to fur nnmoof entryman, date and hindinish bacon, hams and lard to of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 ' sheepmen and ranchers in any each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, ' quantity. Special prices for big Ore. ' orders. I -i ..I i . " " " - HlIU WilfflOHGRADE WRITE FOR .SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES THE A.H.AVER1LL MACHINERY CO. SPOKANE, WASH.- PORTLAND, ORE..- SAN JOSE CAL MMHraHaMMMEES2S3i9i2im3 SIDNEY WiLKES, 2:41 Sire Marvin Wilkes 2:12J wlio trotted 3 heats in ono afternoon in bolter thnn 2:09 and sold and shipped to Australia and is now tho champion trotter and show horso of Australia. Marvin Wilkes was tho greatest race colt of his day in California. Dam, Kitty B. 2:211 a stake winner and unbeaten as a two and thrco year old. Sho by Sidney 2:10?, grnndsiro of Lou Dillon 1:58A Sidney Wilkes was very fast as a two year old and trotted h milo barefooted at a 2:40 gait. Iast year with 00 days work he raced better than 2:J0 and is tho fastest troting stallion In Harney County nnd will take a low record this yenr. Ho is a dark brown 158 hands high weight 1200 lbs and a model hnrncss horso. Will mako season 1910 at Fair Grounds, Burns, Oregon. For terms address, Claude McGee, Burns, Oregon nmmH:HnHmmHm:an:nmM::mui:imuJK:::n:st! The OVERLAND HOTEL Burns, Oregon AGAIN UNDER OLD MANAGEMENT Afford the Best Accommodations to be hud in Harney County CltEflfl ROOMS, CLEAN uIpEfl, PilUATnBuE VICTUHLS Wo are again in chnrgo and will lie pleased to see our old time friends nnd customersCome and sec us. FRANK A. COLE AMD WIFE mnnnnH:mn:UM::::un::nHo:j:i::nnj:::z::::r.::::::m::mui THE CAPITAL SALOON, BEDELL & RICHARDSON, Proprietor. Burns, - - Oregon. Hustle Tiis rEaZea.a.q.'uisirters. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billfard and Peel Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. COLE & BYRD Proprietors Harney County Implement & Hardware Co. Doors, Windows, Locks, Etc. AGENTS FOR THE MYERS PUMP Now Is The Time Buy that New Suit or Overcoat while We are giving n REDUCTION OF $2.00 to $8.00 on Each. Please Remember that We Guarantee Satisfaction. Complete line of Fancy & Staple Groceries E. B, REED & SON do To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. 'VW'WV'W'''',V'W' -Wk-'Vt.'V1a- J X-3E3C:A.3Sri51lSJ We want to thank you for your pant patronage. Wc believe ijoh will find it to your interest to trade with 8 in the future. Our stock complete and our DRUGS arc the bent. We will not handle any other kind and our prices aro right. We have tho best line of Cigars, Candies, Tost Cards and Stationery In the city. Agents for DR. SHOOP'S FAMILY MEDICINES nod SECURITY STOCK HEMEUIES We Solicit your rrcscrlpllonvork The City Drug; Store REED BROS., w'iM'tw'''V''''a ENGINES BOILERS SAW MILLS MACHINERY AND TEAMS v. Proprietors Thin weather will make iou feci like making garden. We have the BEST STOCK OF PLOWS on hand and the Best and moat COMPLETE STOCK OF SEEDS SEGDS IN BULK AT ONO-HALF PRICE of package needs. Full slock of HOE and 3Ft3LSLESJS Begin to get readg for gardening GEER & CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. Burns Meat Market New Shop Opposilejhe First National Hank Main St. rfP"1 (ittaV - - Your patronage soMclled. Scjsc (U ' BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. a ansa CORTES E. GS Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES IN CONNECTION WITUpARN. d3 . , tnn:mminm::m:t:ntM4xmun:tnmm:mmtmmimtmnut:t:utntt:K::n:t:i MI'S MEAI MARKET and SHOES, SOX, TIES, SUSPENDERS, ROOFING PAPER, LANTERNS, WASH BOARDS, BROOMS Rubber Shoes and Boots Brushes of all kinds We also sell EVERYTHING THAT EVERYBODY WANTS TO EAT :i - i n::::uummummmununKmumt:mmimmmn:im:m:::::::mtm::un COLONIST RATES Jo OREGON HHalfii Great Northwest Tho management of tho Orogon Railroad & Navigation Co. takes great pleasure in announcing that tho low rate from East ern cities, which havo done so much in past seasons lo stimulato travel to and settlement in Orogon, will prevail again this Spring DAILY from March 1 to April 15, inclusive PEOFUB OF 05E30-03Sr Tho railroads have done their part; now it's up to you. Tho colonist rate is tho greatest of all holne-huilders. Do all you can to lot Eastern peoplo know about it, and encourage them to como here, whero land is cheap and home-building easy and attractive. Fares can be Prepayed at homo if desired Any agent of tho road named is authorise to recoivo tho required doposit and tele graph tickot to any point In tho East Remember the Rates Prom Chicago $33; from St Louis, $32; from Omahoand Kan sas City, $25. This reduction is propor tionate from all other cities. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Pork, Vionan Bologna and Liver SSausagul Beef in anj! Quantity. H. J HANSEN, Propt ELLIOTT, Propt. ,' ZHSpecial attention given to transcicnt custom and freight teams. Horses kept by the day, week or month. FIHST CLASS LIVERY TURNOUTS. Hay and. grain, always on hand. Your piitronnge solicited. South Mniu St., HurnM, Oregon Grocery S r