The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 19, 1910, Image 1

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Vfie tm3rtirntO
The Olflolnl ricr ol llnrnoj County
hnstho.lium'St rirculntlon nmllaotioof
tlio".bft nitvortlBlnKlmotllumit li Kntlorn
Wlc CSrent 3-lnrttctj cr.otiunjj
Couth an nrcn of (!, I28.H0O hup ol
IniiJ, 4,0.11,11(31 ncrcn jut vmnnt ohIiiicI
to entry under tliu tilllo Intid nut- ol
tho United Hliilcn.
Hate Engineer Predicts a Fight for
Control of Water Power
nys Laws oi oat ion imu ainic
stitutionnl Amendment Can Avert TrotiblcAl Dnwn of n
Great National Movement for Improvement of Waterways.
-That a water right war
,vcen western states will be tho
lutgrowth of present jumbling
uthority, is the opinion of John
Lewis, state engineer. Laws
nation and state relating to
so or conservation of water are
idely diverse in operation and
itent, and only a constitutional
mendnient can avert serious
ifliculties, he says.
Speaking before the Oregon
tate Academy of Science he
"Wo are at tho dawn of a great
ational movement for the itn
.'luvuiiiuuu uj. uui naiLinajo,
1 i 1
nd for the use of
our streams
or irrigation, power and domes
ic purposes. Already it is ap
parent that the available water
upply is inadequate to the de-
hnnds of the immediate future
nd it is tho desire of all that
hose conflicting uses be adjusted
i conformity with some carefully
evised plan, "so that the great-
ist good will result to the great-
st number.
"The fundamental point in the
brmulation of such a plan and
ne concerning which there is
rreat diversity of opinion, is tho
ight of the state or natior to leg-
slate as to interstate waters.
t the present there is no legis-
ation, either state or national,
gearing upon this subject and but
cw court decisions.
"The control of water within
l s'ute is at present divided be-
ween the state and the United
tates government. This divide
esponsibility and the complicat-
d nature of the problem isdoubt-
ss the cause of inaction by
any of the states. In Oregon,
tfhere a complete system of state
ontrol has been provided, we
ay be confronted with this un-
ertainity. Suppose the nonnavi-
ablc tributaries of the Willam
tte river be diverted for irriga
tion under state sanction to the
detriment of navigation. Upon
omplaint the United States mi
norities could probably enjoin
his use, to tho great damage of
hose interested in irrigation dc-
"This division of authority be
tween state and nation is further'
illustrated by the annual tax im
posed upon water powers within
national forests by both the state
and the United States.
The federal tax, while not
imposed primarily for the uso of
water, amounts to the same thing
in the end. It is imposed as a
onservation charge, under the
theory that the forests conserve
moisture. Forests may and
doubtless do, protect the soil
from erosion, and delay some
what the melting of snows; but
during tho low water period,
which is the most critical for both
power and irrigation, the forests
are a positive detriment.
It is only a matter of a fow'urcs are given in a statement
years, in most of the western
states, when the reservoir ca
pacity on many streams will
equal or exceed the total average
run off. In such cases forests
would clearly bo a detriment, as
tho evaporation from the green
forest area would far exceed that
from the comparatively small ex
posed water surface of tho reser
voirs. It would, therefore, ap
pear more reasonable for tho
government to charge for power
plants in forest reserves propor
tional to tho area of government
lands actually occupied, without
regard to tho amount of water
used or the power developed.
"With reference to tho present
state tax upon tho development
of water power, I wish it to bo
distinctly understood that such
tax was not imposed by tho now
water code, which goes only to
tho extent of limiting franchises
to a period of 40 years. This
code has already proven of great
so uiucrcin inni uniy won-
benefit to tho development of the
state, as '161 applications were
' filed during the 10 months of
11909, where tho estimated cost
of proposed works amounts to
over $30,000,000.
"State control of waters will
be further complicated if cong
ress provides for tho leasing of
lands now withdrawn for jwwer
purposes, and imposes an annual
tax for tho uso of water, in ad
dition to other restrictions. This
is an important step that should
not bo taken unless congress in
tends to exercise control over all
lvi.'ntnta na if wmim tnnrl nnlv in
..., .w .v itwu.. . va.a
increase the present confusion of
ii we are to nave state con
trol of waters, as near as this
can be accomplished, then con
gress should grant these lands to
tho various states, prescribing
the conditions for their lease and
the limitation of franchise.
btate control of its water re
sources is further complicated
under present conditions by tho
interstate problem. For Oregon
projects it is planned to bring
water from Idaho, California,
Nevada and Washington. It is
conceivable that war between
states may result if some eco
nomical and speedy method is
not provided for tho adjustment
of these matters.
"The inauguration of import
ant government undertakings on
a comprehensive scale is serious
ly delayed because of the confu-
'sion of authority. Tho storage
ot uoou water in niu ol naviga
tion cannot be accomplished by
tho government if such water
can bo diverted for irrigation
purposes while in transit through
a lower state. The use of this
stored water for power purposes
in such state would be inequit
able without compensation to the
public, and this cannot be ac
complished without further leg
islation. "It has been urged that the
interstate problem can be dispos
ed of through uniformity of state
laws, and compact between tho
interested states. But this solu
tion appears distant, without
some federal stimulant, such as
a conditional water power grant.
(Portland Correspondence.).
Total deposits in Oregon
bank's, both National and state,
at the close of business January
31, totaled $91,314,138, an in
crease of $1,205,388 since last
November. Loans and discounts
in tho same period increased
$1,441,2-19. On the last day of
January there was duo Oregon
banks from approved reserve
agents outside of the state, a
total of $10,239,853. These fig-
just issued by state Uank in
aminer Steel.
Portland's big now packing
plant, just completed by the
Swift interests, began killing
livestock yesterday. From now
on it will enlarge its operations
until all tho departments and
allied industries are under Way.
It is expected to bo two or three
months before tho big $2,000,000
plant is in full operation. Tho
completion of this great packing
houso is a big boost for tho
producers of livestock not only
in this state but throughout tho
Northwest. The killing depart
ment is prepared to handle nbout
COO cattlo a day as a Btartcr and
has a capacity of 1000 hogs and
sheep. Tho interest shown in
livestock production throughout
tho big territory tributary to this
market will largely dotermino
tho magnitude of operations by
tho now plant Hogs reached
11.10 during tho past wcok.
With Judge Lionel R. Webster
in charge, headquarters have
been oponcd in Portland by tho
Oregon Good Roads Association
and it is planned to wago an
active campaign constantly for
good roads throughout tho state.
Funds to carry on tho work havo
boon subscribed and not only will
good roads legislation bo father
ed but demonstrations of approv
ed road making will bo carried
on and it is hoped to secure tho
appointment of a highway com
mission. Much good is expected
to result from tho campaign.
Following a conferonco be
tweon oillcinla of Oregon and
Washington hold during tho last
week in Portland, an agreement
was reached as to tho disputed
stnto boundary at tho mouth of
tho Columbia River. An arbi
trary lino was agreed upon which
will be used in enforcing the
fishing laws and in levying taxes
until tho vexed question is settled
Washington boosters will reach
Portland on the afternoon of
March 19 on their way to Califor
nia. The visitors will represent
cities in Western Washington and
while in Portland will bo cnter
tnined by tho Commercial Club.
Drivers can aid Roads Movement.
Judge Lionel R. Webster is
scoking tho enlistment of every
vehicle driver of Oregon in the
good roads cause. Ho is inviting
tho automobilist and the farmer
to join with tho effort to provide
Oregon with continuously well
built highways. Preliminary to
a state wide campaign of mass
meetings, which have for their
object tho organization of
branches of tho Oregon Good
Roads association in every coun
ty, Judge Webster, who hns been
put at the head of the movement,
is communicating with every
agency likely to prove of assist
ance. Fruit grower's associations,
commercial clubs, other jwpular
organizations and indivuluajs are
being appealed to.
"Every good citizen who be
lieves in the importance of good
roads must help build them in
Oregon," said Judge Webster.
"It is impossible to accomplish
permanent and satisfactory re
sults without the cooperation of
Headquarters of tho Oregon
Good Roads association havo been
established in commodious rooms
on the Bixth floor of tho Beck
building. Tho offices are tho
scenes of many conferences be
tween Judge Webster nnd those
who are planning with him for
tho improvement of Oregon high
ways. Alter tno aiiairs oi tne
office are gotten into running
order, Judge Webster will make
a tour of the state, holding mnss
meetings nnd organizing good
roads associations in every coun
ty. Plans are being made, too,
for proposed good roads legisla
tion. Journal.
A recent Washington dispatch
says: Tho Senate public lands
committee reported favorably a
substitute for Bourne's enlarged
homestead bill. Tho substitute
bill provides that tracts of land
in Oregon not having a supply of
water for domestic purposes suf
ficient to mako continuous resi
dence upon tho lands possible
shall bo subject to entry without
necessity of residence. Patents
shall issuo upon a showing that
one-eighth of tho entry was cul
tivated during tho second year,
one-fourth during tho third year
and one-half during tho fourth
and fifth years, and that tho cn-
tryman shall reside near enough
to tho land to farm it.
In Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee,
pure healthful toasted grains,
malt, nuts, etc. aro so cleverly
blended as to give a wonderfully
true coffee tasto, color, and flavor.
And besides, Health Coffeo goes
a third farther than any other
kind. You actually got 100 full
cups from n 25c, 11 pound pack-
ago. And licaitii uoiteo is
"made in a minute." No 20 to
30 minutes todious boiling is at
all necessary. And besides
thcro is not a grain of real coffeo
in it. Sold by Reed Bros.
Job printingTho Timos-Herald
Frederick W. Mulhey Will Seek Geo.
E. Chamberlain's Toga
Will not Oppose Senator Bourne nnd Divide Statement No. I
ForcesBusiness Men of Burns Should Get Together nnd
Boost for Greater Burns and , Assist Public Enterprises.
It is reported from Portland
that when tho present term of
United States Senator George E.
Chamberlain expires, former
Sonator Frederidk W. Mulkey
will be a candidate to succeed
him. Such is tho plan of Mr.
Mulkey at this time, subject, of
course, to change, lor mnny
things may develop in five yenrs.
Reasons aro assigned by Mulkey
why ho prefers to be a candidate
against Chamberlain rather than
against United States Senator
Jonathan Bourne, whoso term
expires firsL Mr. Mulkey conies
out flat-footed for tho direct pri
mary, Statement No. 1, and is
opposed to the assembly.
"It is true," admitted Mulkey,
"that I may bo a candidate
against Senator Chamberlain. I
do not wish to bo a candidate in
tho coming senatorial struggle,
because I do not believe in tho
assembly. I beliove in tho di
rect primary and Statement No.
1, and was elected through State
ment No. 1. Mr. Bourne will be
a candidate to succeed himself in
the next election. Senator
Bourne personifies Statement No.
1. He will be bitterly opposed
by the enemies to tho statement
and the direct primary, and I do
not want to be a candidate at the
same time, for it would simply
divide tho statement, strength.
"With Senator Chamberlnin it
will bo different. Mr. Chamber
lain is a Democrat, who was
elected by tho Republicans, who
are now calling for an assembly.
As a Republican and a believer
in the statement I expect to op
pose Mr. Chamberlnin. These
aro my rensons for being a can
didate against Mr. Chamberlain,
rather than Mr. Bourne. It will
be a hard fight against. Mr.
Bourne, especially as ho repre
sents tho principle of tho state
ment, "It is only a question of timo
when tho assembly will result in
wholesale fraud and crookedness.
Tho first assembly may play fair,
for the men who nro abvo
cnting it aro anxious to
establish a precedent, but
sooner or Inter there will bo one
gang, led by a boss, which will
bo trying to select tho delegates
to tho assembly, and this gang
will bo opposed by another crowd,
also led by a boss and trying to
name the delegates. This was
tho way of tho old conventions
nnd it will bo tho way of tho as
semblies, or any other political
gathering which is not regulated
bvlaw. Of tho 120.000 votes in
this state, not 10,000 are con-
corned in the manipulation of its .
ii!.- ml.. ll !il
principles and parties. It is as
serted that the assembly does
not interfere witli tho direct pri
mary law. This is a question
open to debate. But, however,
there is ono thing apparent you
will find every man who is fight
ing tho direct primary and who
is opposed to tho Statement No.
1 taking tho most active part in
organizing nnd advocating tho
assembly. Tiiero may bo Re
publicans who supposo tho as
sembly will not undermino tho
direct primary, in which they be
liove, but it is as well for these
to look around and seo who are
calling tho loudest for nn assem
bly. Tho men who arguo most
for tho assembly aro known as
unfriendly to tho direct nrimary.
"I am of tho opinion that can-1
didates who take Statement No.
1 will bo olectcd to tho legisla
ture, for it "is a principlo in
which tho peoplo are interested
moro than tho assembly advo
cates can boliovo,"
With tho of spring
this Bcction is taking on now lifo
nnd business is becoming more
nctive. Many homescekers are
coming in oven this early and wo
may expect a largo influx noxt
month on nccount of tho colonist
rates now in force on the rail
roads. Land hungry people are
seeking the west nnd no other
suction offers greater prospects
for tho homesccker than Harney
county with its millions of acres
of government land.
Wo may also expect more or
less activity in railroad building
in tho immediate future which
means m added attraction to
ward this great Inland Empire
with its nbundnnt resources
awaiting only tho advent of
transportation and capital to de
velop it.
The business men of Burns
should awaken to the opportuni
ties offered for a greater busi
ness and the supremncy of this
city as a distributing point and
business center. Wo should not
bo found wanting in any respect.
As individuals and a business
whole wo should mako this point
essential to the new comer, giv
ing him encouragement nnd as
sistance in a manner thnt will be
beneficial to his present and fu
ture welfare.
At present there is a lack of
unity as to the future of Burns.
Wo havo loyal citizens but some
are working at cross purposes.
Human selfishness must be
rcconed with in every communi
ty nnd in all business, yet there
is a public spirited way of build
ing up one's home town that
must be given first consideration.
Wo need public improvements,
yet we should not burden our
selves uimecessnrily nnd go too
far. These matters should have
the unselfish consideration of
business men who will back up
conservative movements looking
to our futuro good.
Among tho things that should
have attention that will not nec
essitate much outlay aro good
roads; better and quicker com
munication between outlying
districts and tho county seat; a
cleaner town and adequate ac
comodations for tho traveler and
stranger. Thoso nro worth con
sidering at this time, as wo may
expect other matters of great
importance to lead from this.
Many thousands of dollars are
lost annually by both the farm
era and tho seedsmen of tho
Northwest nnd Pacific Coast
stales, through the purchaso and
uso of inferior seed. This loss
is four-fold: First, through tho
purchaso of seed of low vitality,
or of seed containing high per
centages of worthless or harmful
impurities. Second, through tho
resultant thin stand and poor
crop obtained for tho same
amount of lnbor expended as for
a good crop. Third, through tho
seeding of tho land to worthless
plants or to noxious weeds.
Fourth, through tho loss of busi
ness to seedsmen.
This wido spread and heavy
annunl loss has been due, par
tially at least, to tho fact that
farmers and seedsmen nliko have
not had tho means of ensily and
accurately determining tho germ
ination and purity of tho seeds
purchased and used.
Tho Seed Labratory of tho
Bureau of Plant Industry, United
States Department of Agricul
ture, in Cooperation with tho
Oregon Agricultural Collego, has
opened n branch seed-testing
laboratory at Corvallis, Oregon.
This laboratory is solely for tho
uso of tho residents of tho Pacific
Coast and adjoining states, for
testing seeds freo of charge
Tho work of this laboratory will
include: (1) Tho identification
of seeds of any kind. (2) Tho
examination of samples for tho
presence of adulterants and dod
der. (3) Tho testing of seeds
for purity. (4) Testing for
All samples should bo drawn
so as to represent accurately tho
bulk seed from which they aro
Tho size of sample should bo a
tablcspoonful for small seeds,
such as clovers and grasses, and
five tablespoon fills of tho larger
seeds, such as the grains.
All samples ulioukl bo marked
with tho name and address of
A letter should accompany
samplo stating whether tho seed
is to bo tested for purity, for
germinntion, or for both, and tho
source of tho seed.
All samples and letters should
bo nddrcsscd to the Seed-Testing
Laboratory, Oregon Agricultural
College, Corvallis, Oregon.
All agricultural seeds should
be tested before they aro pur
chased, or in any case, before
they aro used not only small
seeds but grains of doubtful
quality, as well.
Farmers and seedsmen both, are
urged to make tho fullest use of
this laboratory, and raise the
standard of the seed used upon
the farms.
Tho Agricultural Association
has perfected organization, is
incorporated for ten thousand
dollars and has a full set of offi
cials, tho county court having
made the necessary appointment
on tho board.
Grounds have been secured
temporarily, but it is thought a
more suitable location can be se
cured later.
At present the officers are
trying to interest the citizens in
the movement and get them to
subscribe for the stock. The
shares aro being sold at twenty
five dollnrs eacli and entitles the
purchaser to a family ticket free
to all the fairs held. Most of Ihe
people arc taking hold of tho
movement. It is a good thing,
buy a shnre and help push it
nlong. Ontario Argus.
Jeff Billingsley is in tho city
from his sheep camp. Jefr had
his lambs near Riverside in two
bands and they came through
good. The wethers and some
ewes were on the lower desert
nenr Whitehorso and did well.
Tho loss is small. From what
ho could learn there arc no heavy
losses oven among the Boscos in
the southern part of the state as
the lower end of the desert was
in fair condition. Ontario Ar
gus. A failing tiny nerve no larger
than the finest silken thread
takes from tho heart its impulse,
its power, its regularity. The
Stomach also hns its hidden, or
inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop
who first told us it was wrong to
drug a weak or failing Stomach,
Heart or Kidneys. His prescrip
tion Dr. Shoop's Restorative
is directed straight for tho cause
of these ailments these weak
and faltering inside' nerves.
This, no doubt cloarly explains
why tho Restorative has of late
grown so rapidly in popularity,
Druggists say that thoso who
tost tho Restorative even for a
few days soon becomo fully con
vinced of its wonderful merit.
Anyway, don't drug tho organ.
Treating tho cause of sickness is
tho only sensible and successful
way. Sold by Reed Bros.
Tho forerunner of a busy sea
son is at hand if travel has any
significance. Nearly every night
stages arrive loaded to their ca
pacity and most of the travel is
billed through Harney county.
Harney countv has dono some
extensivo and intelligent adver
tising and is now reaping tho
beneficial results. All that Grant
county, with its drowsy condi
tions is getting is tho "slop
over." Bluo Mt. Eagle.
Cottrill & Clomons havo put in
a first class saw mill 1J miles
west of Cold Springs is near tho
Vftlloy with good road. In first
class timber picked trees from
tho government. Prepared to do
custom work. Seo them about
your government permit at onco,
Do you realize how much it means
to you to get Quality in what you
buy? There is a wide diversity in
goods; we carry that class of mer
chandise found only in other good
An examination of the goods in
our Dress Goods department will
convince you of our claim o( Qual
ity. You will fhrtl a much differ
ent line ot goods -you will notice
the Quality in looks at a glance.
Most ot our goods are bought in
dress patterns, a very important
matter to you in selecting a nice
Brown's Satidactoy
....Represents the....
Home insurance Co., of New York,
Liverpool, London & Globe,
Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia.
OFFICE WITH BIUOS & 1)1005. Huns, Oregon.
v-orncrsouin til L.unauuijj x wauuii s. sjq
List Your Property With The I
Inland Empire Realty Company J
A speciality of Government land locations 5
W. T. LESTER, Manager, Burns, Ore.
!.' " 1
Nothing in the way of a Cough
is quite so annoying as a tickling
teasing, wheezing, bronchial
Cough. The quickest relief comes
perhaps a prescription known to
Druggists everywhere as Dr.
Shoop's Cough Remedy. And
besides, it is so thoroughly harm
less that mothers give it with
perfect safety even to the young
est babes. The tender leaves of
a simple mountain shrub, give to
Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its
remarkable curative effect. A
few days test will tell. Sold by
Reed Bros.
Better get a pair of thorough
bred pigs. Pork is worth raising
now. Dr. Hibbnrd has some
pure bred Berkshires for sale.
The Harriman
Complete line of
Groceries and Dry Goods
Gents Furnishings
Wc guarantee quality nnd pricesLet us prove to von that
wollmvo tho goods nt right pricesCall and see us
x-tea Tw Town m. cr oi av
6MWB 88
All parties owing Lewis & Gar
rett, or Simon Lewis are hereby
notified thnt all those accounts
aro in tho hands of our attorney
C. II. Leonard for collection and
settlement. Persons indebted to
us will please settle tho same
with Mr. Leonard at once.
Simon Lewis
.7. T. Gakrett.
Williams Bros, snw mill at
Cold Spring on the Canyon road
is prepared to do custom work
for thoso desiring to take ad
vantage of their government per
mit. Also lumber for sale at $12
per thousand. See them about
custom prices.
Mercantile Co.
Cu w