iHI i.'l iLIllllWWWTBMHlijLU..-lil-J.U!l!!'iW-U'lll"Wl III I ' 3JJ3E I DRIVINQ AWAY SETTLERS. I'he Southern Pacific has "Pinchotized" 2,000,000 acres of land in Western Oregon for "conservation," and five fako wagon-road companies havo'Tin chotized" other big areas like wise. The Government has done the same with practically all the public land of western Oregon and western Washington, both insido and outside of forest re- reserves, on pretex of protecting the peopel's timber from thieves and grabbers. Loud howls against the South ern Pacific and wagon-road companies have assailed tho stars. Theso several monopolies have been called foes of progress and greedy oncmies of the public in terest Yet their grip is no worse "strangle-hold" on tho country than that of Pinchotism. Boostora" tell of the vast tracts of land in Western Oregon and Washington that arc waiting for settlement and use; but, when they start in to find tho land, they discover tho Government refusing to admit settlers into tho immense area of tho unoccu pied public domain. This public land, which from earliest days of the West, has been open to the makers of homes and which tho laws ordain shall still be availa ble to homesteaders, is "Pinchot ized" by the Forestry Depart inent, and the Land Department of tho Government The laws allow homestead en tries on reserve land that is more valuable for agriculture than for timber or minerals. But Pinchot officials have determination of the matter in their own hands and they permit no wouldbe homesteaders to take up land in reserves they shut out home steaders by denying them home stead entry, on the pretext that the land is more valuable for timber than for farming, and therefore purchasable only on their appraisement of the value thereof, but this appraisement is invariably so high that even a timber buyer, to say nothing of a homesteader, cannot afford to pay the price. Thus lands both within and without forest reserves are with held by the Pinchot system from settlement and use. As things are going, the Southern Pacific land grant is bettor for the peo ple in the grip of the railroad than in that of the Government, since the railroad doubtless would be more willing to "open up," and besides, it may not live forever like the Government. Must the people, after all their bitterness, turn back to the ex ecrated land grants for comfort? That would be a strange resort, wouldn't it? Yet if the Pinchot government ever gets possession, the people will never be allowed to make homes on the land. The point of all which is that because nearly all public land in the western part of these two states is timbered, no longer may settlers make homesteads upon it Yet the laws say they may tho same laws under which the older states have peopled their lands and grown strong and rich. Oregonian. The Boise & Western Railway has at last secured a right-of- way through tho Malheur can von. the most feasible route of tho tiroDOsed road. The deed, which was filed in the county clerk's office on Thursday, was given to the railroad company by Unas. Attscnut ana wue 01 ine Willamette Valley & Cascade Mountain Road company. Vale Enterprise. NO TRE8PAS8INO. Hunting is forbidden upon my place adjoining Bums. TreepaBH ra will be prosecuted. C. H. VOEGTLY. Is rule ia built settled districtn. where good range and killing power are desired, with safety to the neighborhood. The MmQ .25-20 U a light, quick handling, finely-balanced repeater, with the solid top, closed-ln breech and side ejection features which make Blar&t gun safe and agreeable to use and certain In action. It Is made ta ua the powerful new high yclocltr emokaUat loads with jackaled bulUte a wall aa the well-known black powder and low prasaure amokcltaa cart rldcaa, and la the Ideal rifle lot tarj.l work, for weodchucka, ettit, .djitl. hawka, bin, lie, up mKHL toweyada' MHBiiH Thl rlflt'ind ammu BHBaSJBJBJ nil loo, and all other 3GKM Ksn2v rapeateri, are teJjV fully deecribed In our BPBBV' Itt-pace catalog". Free B yIof a stamps pottage. - 7Jifltar&)rarMS Cxi U WHto HreetrWEW IMVEM, CONN, aRT'l .for Fortify now ngainst the Grip for it comes every season sure! Provontics tho Candy Cold Cure tablots-offer in this respect n most certain and dependable safe guard. Provontics, at tho "sneezo stngo" will, as well, also head oft all common colds. But prompt ness is all important. Keep Pro vontics in tho pocket or purse, for instant use. Box of -18 for 25c Sold by Reed Bros. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED BTATK8l.NDl)H'Ur j Duma. Oregon, January M, WIO Notice It hereby given that tlio Stato ot Ore- ion has Men In this otrice it aiipnca ion serial No. 0:i5J to icloct, under tho jmi llon ot tho Act ol OoncriMB. approved Angutt II, IMS, and acta uppkinontkl mill amendatory thaMto, the 8EJ. 8WJ 80 17. T. W H., It. M K., W M. Anr unit ell rononi claiming advcmoly tho Undi dctcrlbed, or doilrlns to ol.J.'Cl K'Cnllio ot (ha mineral character otitis laud, nt for any other reaion, to tho dlipoaal to appllenm, hould Ale their atrtdavllii of prolcul In till; oRlce.ouor beiore me expiration ni uiopcruni ot publication W. Fame, lleatster. Mnt publication Februarys, 1110 Laet publication March 13, HID. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot tho Slnto of Ore gon tor lUrnoy County, 0. H, Leonard nnil A, O. Welcome, rUlnHifs va. Maurico KiUCioraUl, Ellin both FlUGonild.lils wifo, J. Q. Htevcnn, mul Bon Brown, Defendants Summons. To Maurico t'ttiGorald, Klitnhoth Kltz Gernlil hit l(e, nnd J. (. Slovens, defendants nbovo named: In tho Name ot tho Stnto ot Oregon, you nnd each of jou nro hereby required to appear andanswortlioconi plaint Mini herein against you In tho above entitled suit, on or beforo tho -1th dny ot April, 1010, and it you tall to so answer, for want thereof, the plnlnllff will apply to tho abovo entltletl Court for tho relief prayed for In their complaint, that Is: That you and ench of you bo required to disclose the nature ot your clnlin or claims In or to tho East Halt tit North east Quarter ot Sec. (5), Township (23), South Kongo (35), K. V. M.. and the East Halt of Southeast Quarter of Sec tion (32), Tonslilp(31) South Itnnso(35( East of Willamette Meridian, in Hnrnoy County, Oregon ; that tho title to raid premises bo dolcrmined, and tho rights of tho parties to this suit bo adjudicated, and that plaintiff's title to and possess ion ot said premises be qulotcj ngulnst all advorso claims of defendants or either of them ; for plaintiffs costs and dlshurs ments herein ; and for such other nnd further relief as to equity may pertain. This Summons Is served by public lion by ordor of tho Mop. J. I. Rector County Judge of Harney County.Oregon, duly mado and colored tho -1th day of January, 1910; tho time prescribed for publication is six weeks nnd the date of the first publication of this Summons is February 19th, 1010. Dalton Bhius and C. II. Leovaiid, Attorneys for riatntllfs SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tho State ot Ore gon for the County of Harney. Anton Fgll, l'lalntlff, va AngeloMatbovta and J. W. l'attcrson, Deleudnnts. To Angelo Mntbows and J. W. Taller- son, Defendants: In tho name of tho Stato of Oregen: You aro hereby required to npienr nnd answer the complaint in the above en titled action on or beforo thu 20th day ot March, 1U1U, and II you mil so to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will tnke judgmont airalmt you for the sum of Six hundred sixty six dollars besides in terest thereon sinca tho llrst day of August 1908 at the rato of 4 per cent per annum and tho costs and disbursements of the action and for an order of salo of attached property. This publication la mado for nix suc cessive weeks by order of Hon. J. 1. Rector, County Judge, i uly mado and entered in tho above entitled cause the 20th day of January, 1910, and tho first publication of this summons Cth dny of Fobruary, 1910. WILLIAM MILLEIl, Attorney for plaintiff. NOTICE OF 8ALK. In the County Court of tho State of Oro- gon for Harney County. In tho matter of tho Kntalu of Willinm D, Iluchannn, deceased. Based upon tho vol Hied petition of George L. Iluchannn, tha riunlifled and acting administrator of the estate ol William D. Buchanan, deceased, filed herein, to which It appears to be to the best interest of tho said ostnto and all parties Interested therein, that the real estate of said estate rlluato In thu rmlil county and state be sold, as a whole nod described as follews: K NWtf; K'i &WX and BH; Section 0, Tp. W, It ija B. W. M. Notice Is hereby kIvcu i pursuant to an order of hhIi! Court duly mado and entered on the 7th day of March, 1910, to all ersoiM Interested In tho said estate; mid partlcuhiily IJlh-n J, liuchaunn widow, Joseihino Sieneur, William T. linchaiinri, Harriett J. Har rison. Josenh W, linclinnaii, Amanihi Martin, Eliza Murtln, Georo L. Itucli anan, and Monroe Uitclunan,Ticlrn o! the said William I) llucliuiian, de ceased j to appear beforo tho County Court of said County nnd State, nt the Court-room thereof, In said county and stato, on the 2nd day of Muy4 J010, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoou of said day, then and there to show cause, If any they have why an order as jirayed for in the petition should not bo granted to the said administrator to soil all of the real estate of the said estate nt either public or private salo for tho purposes mentioned In said petition, us he shall Judge to bo for the best Interests of said estate aud all parties Interested therein: Thla notlco is ordorod published ouco a week for four succestivo weeks In Tho Tlmoi-Hernld, n newspaper printed and published at Hums, Oregon, In said County tho first publication thereof Sat urday, March 13, 1010, the last publica tion April 0, 1010, Dated this 7th day of March, 1010. OnOHQE L. 1IUCHANAN, Administrator, Cremo tho children cry for it. Job printing-Tho Titrtos-Hernld L'ii Mat No, Mi llurni I.lit No. Otttfl. NOTICK VOW rUIHilOATION UNIT KHRtATKs I.ANI) (WHIR. Hums, Oregon. r'eliniat r I. WIO. I Notice la liorcby glcn that tho Northern IfaMfln ll-ltuuv r.tttitiativ. whom mint nim'!1 addrcre ta tt rani, Minnesota, ItaitliU lutli darot Ketiruary laliiDlvil In tlilaomealta an. Miration In eelvcl iiinler Ilia vroylilinuot Iho an ol jonnrcaT, Hpi'iinvu iui i, i-o i r.. M7. X HW U N tt i See 10, T. ! ., It. SI K. HKt hW and Lot IPee.M' SIH.lt M),K, W M. Anjraml all eranna rllu UiK ailrcrtoljr ttie laiiilidFiurlbMl.orilealil u tu otijoct liecauie ot the mineral cliaractir ol the land, or for ntiTnttwr reason, lo tlm illepoaal to aiillranl, alioulil rlln tlivlr aflldavlta ol protcal In thla onire, on or tietoro tlio exlrntlon ol tlm jiernw or putmeatiuu, Wm. lfsa, UcxUter, Klt.t tmMlcatlon Marrli r. 1010. l.art imMlcalloti Arll 'J. tvio. NOTICE KOR PURLIOATION. (liolalaleil Tract ) 1'Uni.lO LAND HAI.K, Unitsd Btatim IiNti Ornca llurni. urvnoii, rebrnarr II, 1910. Notlcoli hcrctiy ilveu that, a directed by tbeConin.liilunerof thotleneial Ijtnd OMlce, iinilnr tho tirnvlilnni nf the Act ot Coultreia approwtl Juoi7, IIKM lBtati ,MT,I wanlll oiler at rubllo aalo to tho hlsbeit bidder, at lOo'olcKK a.m., on tiiox:nii nay oi aiarrn, iiu, althUorilce. tho (ollowluR dcrcrlued land) hJNWWBco., T !HH., It, II K. W. M. tnuderavpllratlon No. 03XD Any perion claiming adterioly tboabovo dricrlbvd landa aro advliod to rllo their rlalma or otijci'itoni on or ueioro ino iinir dcilKnateil lor aalo. Wu. FiHitt. Itcelitcr Fmimk DtYRY, ltecelrer. NOTIOK FOIt PUBLICATION. Unitid Btatsk I.iHn Orrira liurui orcKnn, February i, IVIO. Vntlr la hcri.tir slvin that tha Ktatfi of On Ron hat nled In ilila 0(1 lco III application (Mvriai nooiiTujto aeieci,nnuer ino proTiiiuni Ol ineACloi t'OllKill., aponiTvu .hkuiim.idi.1 and acta supplemental and amendatory there. to, the NW SWiH 8oc. 83, T. 51 H., It. M K . M. Any and all eraona clalmlugadrcrtely the lanni ucaciinvu. ur urairiiifr ui oujcci iktiibh ot tho mineral character ol the land, or for auy other rvaion. to the dlaeoaal to applicant. hould Ilia tbalr atndalti ol proleit In thli ontcc, on or neturo uie expiration ui iuo pernxi ot publication. Wx. Parks', lltsliter, Flrtt puhlleatlon rebruary 12, 1910. Uit publication March W. 1910, NOTICK FOIt PUBLICATION UMiruKtiTit HnBOrricx, I llurni, Orexon, January , 1I0 Notice lihcrebrelron that the State ot Ore- iron haa fltiMl In tlila omce tti anldlcatlon iorll No OIIMlto tclect, under the prorlitona or lliu ACl Ol lonercia, approved aukuii i, IsH ami acta tupplemcntal aud amendatory inervio, ine. BJ 8KU Hec, . N) NF.Jf and S A'JJNK'i Beo. !f7,T JUrf., It 3IK.,w.M. Anvand alt noraoni elalmlna1 advoriolr the UnrtV dcCrllH'd, or deilrlnsr to object tweauie or ine mineiai cuaracier oi me lann, or lor any other reamn, to tho dlipoial to appllcam, nouiu rue tneir aniuarua or proton in inia oi flce, on or before the expiration ot the period ol publleallou. Wm. FAaxx, ItcitUtcr firat publication, Fobruary f, 1910. Uit publication, March 13, 1910. llurni, Selection I.1U No M.BerlalNo. 0K)H( NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION UNITKD BTATKH 1.ANU OFFK'K, llurna Oregon, January 19, 1910. I Notice la hereby siren that the Northern Far Hie Itatlway Coinianr, wboee pelt office ad- liria :ict raui. inncota, naaoit uiowin uay of lieeenitier. lw filed Intnlioltlce IliaiiDlIca tlou to rolect under tne prorliloni ol the Act ot CoiiKrtu, approved July 1, IMS (39 mat. 697, (J'JVJ RM)ofHKt Bee ttWllotbWli " I9-2SS 33K W. H 14-jurt-stK. hji oi ne.i sWiiol NWJJ It-" St- " av 10-I98-J1K. rt . of I joINW ! oi riw'i HKXol.NWV NWotNEJJ Anvand all nersonl clalmtne adverialr tho lamia deicrlbed, or deilrlnir to object became of the mineral character of the land, or lor any other rcaion. In Ihodlapoial lo applicant, ImuMnlo their arSdavlli ot Proleit In thla orllie, on or before the I2lh day of March Ulo. Wm Fakrk, llesliler. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tho Statu ot Ore gon for Harney County. C. 11. Leonard and A. C, Welcome, Plaintiffs. vs. Mnuriro KitzGorald, Ullzn- Summons. beth Fltrgornld, his wife I J. (i. Stevens and Hon I llrown, Defendants. j To Maurico I'itzGorald, Elizabeth Kitz (ernlil, hid wifo, and J, G. Stevens, defendants aboto named: In tho Name of tho Stato of Oregon, yon and each ot youarehoroby required to appear and nnswor tho complaint filed herein against you In tho abovo entitled suit, on or before tho 4th day of April, 1910, and if yon fail to so answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiffs will apply to tho abovo entitled Court for thu rolluf prayed for in their complaint, that Is: that you and each of you bo required to disclose tho naturo ot your claim or claims in or to the Southwest Quarter of Section (6), In Township (21), South Itange (.T.'K East ot Willamette Meri dian, In Harney County, Oregon; that the title to said prvmlsosboUutermlnod, and tho rights of the parties to this suit boadudicated, and that plaintiff's title to nnd poescsslon ot said premleea be quietod against all adverse claims ot defendants or cither ot thorn ; for plain- tilrs costs nnd disbursements herein j and for such other and further relief its to equity may pertain, This Summons ia served by publication by order of thu Hon, J. 1', Hector Coun ty Judge of Harney County, Oregon, duly innde ami entered tho (Hi day of January, 1910; tlie time proscribed for publication is six weeks and the date of the first publication of this Summons Is February 10th, 1910. IMl.TON IllUIIH AND O. II LCONAHD, AttoruotH for rinliitiffs. JOHN ROBINSON Slock Inspector, Harney Comity. Home Address llurns, Ore. MAGAZINE READERS SUNSET MAGAZINE baulifullrillutiatcd,Midilorlea fl;T co and artlcUi lut Calfariua and Ou all tha Far WtU. t" CAMEDA CCAVT doolad each monli to lbs ar. . tiatie reproduction ( ill bU 1,00 woikof anatuiaJprofauIoaal t j,u photopaphen. B0AD OIT A TB0D0AKD W0HDEU8 a Look of 75 pg, conlaininf 120 colored photogiaphl ol $0.75 pictureu (poll U CaliformU and Oiago. . Tool . . . $3.35 All for . . . . $1.50 AoMeu all ordcri to SUNSET MAGAZINE Flood DuTUtfig Saa Fiaaclo NBW CLUUBINfl PROPOSITION Wo lmvo ruTiiiifjccl to olTor in connection with IIiIh impor, the now monthly fnnn inuipuino just started at Linroln, Nebraska, by Prof. II. W. Campbell and devot ed to tho subject of how to farm in tho dry country and how lo Rot best results from soil Ullnftc under normal conditions. TIiIh Paper is Campbell's Sciontillc Farmer and wo ollor it clubbed with Tho Timea-Torald both for $2.G0por year earth. Prof. Camp bells' now paper is a monthly, chock full of tfood things, the only paper of ila kind in tho world, and it ombodios tho re sults of tho editor's many yoars of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillajjo proposition. Kclljtloiia Service. Tho following aro Hov. A. J. Irwin's regular preaching ap pointments for tho year 1010. Bums tho third and fourth Sundays of each month at U a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sunset School IIouso at 10:80 a. m. tho first Sunday of each month. Narrows at I) p. in. and 7:150 p. m. tho. first Sunday of oach month. Wavcrly at 10 a. in. the second Sunday of each month. Lawen at HiJtO p. m. aud 7:80 p. m. the second Sunday of oach month. Denstead School IIouso at 8 p. m. the third Sunday of eacli month. Sunday School at Hums every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock a. m. Services at tho Iteptist Church first and second Sundays in oach month. Sunday School ut 10 n. in. every Sunday. Prayer moot ing Thursday oveninjr. The Lone Star RESTAURANT Oldnn (a-orge, l'mprietor. Cor. Main iuhI It Htruet. IVIHflLtS AT ALtLt HOURS Bakery in aormatiorr A Specially of Short Orders. Tublu furnialitHi with everything tho niitrkct nlTurrie Your iwtron fiRO solicited. nwiaiAi.t)tnHflftlV STATU ) -. UH.Honti.m, ttMM(lmB.HBrhi' Jr M.B,mmit'iiin W I. Miia l Hawli'i M i rawlunl I- IwnMn I- IMnw.ii .i A Site CuiiKrvianiiMi Attorney (Icnam! (lovornur Aecrtlary nl l-Uto Trtamrrr fupt. I'lllills iKMlKMlnii Stato I'rluter . . .1. H. Matt man It Diiiiwuv . 8. tlsaii . f. A. Mu.ni Kobt fat In 3urcmv JudRM NINTH JUKIOI.M. DtirTHtCir. Dlatrlct Jil.lgw District Atluruur I)lnty 1)1.1 Altjr . . Uao K. Da la J W MvCuIIim h UllUoitanl Circuit Court mart tlm ant Mnadajr In April ami flrtt Mnhilajr lu Orkibar, Joint Honator Jolnt-llcprcauiitatlvu. .. C W farrlili w 11 llruoku eotiKTif HAtutrv: Uuonly Jmlga Clerk Trtaturcr hurTcjur . .,. ,. Khorllt AMvatur. ... HcliH)lHuiorlutunilaiil. Curouor , . stuck Inihvctur Cominlttluiiors. J. I. Kcetur ten MtHliral X K JsiawMiii A OFajilVucr A. K. Klebarilaiin 1 i. tonvaan I. M llamlltuii J S Ocarjt John Kuhlnion l.. N. Mallard in a amytii Counly Court nnm lb a rat Ue.lnaa.loy In January, March, Mar. July, Hcitouiber ami NuvomLvr. IIARHRY V. s wan enriiit: Kexiitvr Sccolviir Wm Farre . hank ttarvy itv. Dot' Mayor, Ilecorilor, ... Trcnmirer llaiihal, Sam Mntt'wralivail .I'.T.Ftamlall J.C WaloomoJr. M I. WIIIUio. W. V. Bruwu A. I). elriiliiu counullmen JiOUe4a.brMn( Al SBwain Jlcftinm ( Hi Ounucll every ttacoml anil Fourth Wcilniwlay. oo YnAno1 EXPeniENOE TftADB MAnKO OralaNO OopvinaHTa &o. nn,lr narvrlolii our ll'in',n .". l,hW, I rone cnitlpu n tict nanii jcrli'llimpsy II MW.I'WIiri IU nCT I WltJi 1'atenta Ukun ( lit-nn 1, llinin X W, yuCi'lVe tyltwi nolutt wiuiiiul rtiNruo, in 11,0 VV WtlUCt Wlli(iut rnnrwy, 111 iiiu Scktttific American A hundinmrlr llliktriitrtl wrtrfclr. I.nnffA rtr CHWr iit ohf winfiliilji Jr-urrmU Tf'"M.rin our moo na. it ruju iyftu rvowwirfin'rii uhOWNi. i3i V Bt., Wualnnuiiiil l'.U ainlcss Dentistry II it ft town prol A I vu tlntlr rial ' l l.rt UiMi.ik fliu 1 li il In uiiu iluy - . v II 1 wad . OAni y K , H or porc.lil. r .lljf 53,50 , iH.'.r Crn. fi.00 l,aBiiJi.Toih3.B0 Gill M mil 1.00 Co. nrl filling, 1,00 Silver rilllnji .60 inti.v ninniri 2. GO if ,Uo,J R iUr - ("tin O.UU t)t ll .J Rub- - iti CUlm ,uu f . .In. Clr'tlon .50 "01. W. a. Wlli, runtliT l.t Uuuflil 11 .. iniiuiHii u r.t vim JWORK aUAIIAHTrCD yoH IB YCAnn 'alnlMa J-jtraLlInD l-r. m) ut Ul ovl rlJao wnik ciruered, (Juii.ult' tu a ll Y u minM unb tKittuv lulnlinnrprkiloni ftu 1 All inirU rullyariiiir. auteeil. MoJorDfl' ir ttjuli ut Jr. hV uiullio la. Wise Bpxtial RSKlKaniffi PORll ANUOREGON orricE uotntsi 11UI1111: 1 ,ruuyi, a to 1. lalBlB BSSBlBlW 9 1 EH ll Ua H IV jM BlaBlaB alalaBBaflTBXlllflrKttBBsSlaE LVBlariH A BSE J The Times-Herald ? offeriiiff monl attractive Clubbing Rates to Hti subscribers a present THE TIMES-HERALD One near with the Portland fTeekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Tlie Times. Ilernld Is I'rciinred to do the Very Heat nnd Most Sntlsfitctory Work in this lino. Wo Itnte nil the LATEST TYPE FACES 11 ml a very Complete Lino FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY Blue Mountain Oprflting from Austin via Prairie Cily.Joiui Day, Cauyon Cily lo Mas, Oregon xt l'i8 from linker City U Murns, Oregon. Four and six horse stock and covered coaches the entire distance Railroad to Burns 105 miles For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. rfitr Affir the winusoji m prfanv vruv:)SUiW'iriH : .-. - .. ?. lfwtmm 2W i&mmr GIBSON & VJ Main St., BURNS BILLING CO. HORTON & SAYER. Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic Flooringv4IVilouldfng, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good RoneL Lumber Yard in Burns, THE ANDERSON HOTEL mi. mul MRS,. CIIASANDIjRSON.gl'ropts. Wo aro iilcnscd to iinnounco to.our old-timo friends and ciiBlomora Unit wo lmvo iifrain taken clinryo of our hotel. Wo just completed renovating tho en tiro building nnd you will find tho old-timo homo comforts when you call. Wo hope to seo you soon. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests recvive Special Attention and Quod Service. SOU l H BURNS, OREQON-Nenr Pair Grounds. THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing. Rapid Transit 2 Line Oein.37-oxa. Oit3r, Oxogron. i rf i.frt. Zl ii.&andai (ultintf, DRINKWATER Blacksmithiag and Ilorscshoiiig. Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oreefon, PIIOPK8SIONAL OARD8. Wm. MILLER, ATTOHNICY AT LAW. Iliini", Oregon. ItooniH 5 nnil 0 Odd Follow IlulldlriK C. A. REMBOLD Atlornoy-nt-Law, Burns, Oregon CJIiiih. II. Tjooniutl, ' Attohnky-at-law, Unrofiil attontlon rIvoii to Colloo tlori" nnd Itonl Kntnto mnUorn. l'iru Inaurnnco. Notitry I'uIjIIo Huhnb. Ohkoon. OKO, 8. 8IZBMORK, ATTOUNBV, """N. OltKOOM Culluailoua, I.nnd liiltlnex, nnil Ileal ICalato mutter ITomrtlr attain!! to. CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon I'rnctlcvn in tlm Htnto Courts nnd bo furd tlio U H. IjiiiJ Olllco, A. W. GOWAN A1TORNEY-AT-LAW SUito Courts and United States Land Office Practice Three doors South of tho Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon. J. CJU. GBARV rinnlflnti nnd Htirxnou. UuriiH, - - - Oregon. Olllco In now building Boutliot Wolaomo liurncHH "hop, Main St. 'I'lionu MrIii 85. Physicians and Surgeons Calls .muworud promptly tilnlitorday 'rliono Ilurrlmaii. Harrlman, Oregon frlARSPEN & GRIFFITH riiyslvlniis nnd Burgeons. IIU11N8, OHBOONr- b. E. HionnRD DB1TTIST Olllco first door vnst photo gallery Hums, Ort'Kon. W. C. IJROWN, 3DE33ST OTIS 1.1 ltuiiNs, Omaiox. Olllco In now land olllco building, noxt door north ot post odleo. liOCIKTIKH. HAUNKY W1I0K, NO, 77, I. O O V. rvory Htunlajr In Odd rdlow Hall at7iS0tm. r. A. Cole, Ar-nr llurtmi, Haerctarr. N O. MUKSWI.UIxlhNO. V7, A r. A M., Mtvtaubr) fliat ami thlrtt Haturttay In card iiii'iith. J. K. I.o.u. W. H. Tlii'B, t-kiien, Hiciotar) IIAUNEV VAI.I.KV CAMI- No Ml, W. ot W. Mreta Trr rlrat aud lecouit Tuiday. O. V. MoClalu, Con, V. A, Oowan, Clerk. IllIltNa CIIA1TKH NO. 40, 0. E. 8. Uvata ayerr tocoiiit aa J fourth Uondara, In UaaunUllall. Era Ujrril, y. il. (onol (iowan, Si-ontary. HYI.VIA KKHKKAII DEQllKK No.S. MoeliorerUtanillil Wodnaidar. Mar Cole, N, 0, Dolta IHllanl Keo. Beo'r, rUI.U ClItCI.K No. 1M, W. of W. Moetaetery fuurtli Tutidar. Maud Itorlon, a, M. lleiter (looilman, l.'luri. $1500 Reward! Tlie OrenonCall furuta and Nevada l.tio Htixk I'rottc lion Aiioclatlon.ol which the under. Iirned It a member will live Jl.OOO.u) rewamforevldinre Ipadlnir lo the ar rrtt and conviction ot any parly ur par tleaateallng honre, raltlo or mulea be lonnlnirtoaurof Hi member. In addltlnu In tho above, tlio uuderBlgned ol. fcra on, tho unit condition (WO.00 for all liorioa luamli-d lniro-ili(io baron both or either Jaw llrand rconU'il In clKhtiouiitlra. ltanite liar- tu1, l.alo and I rook I'ountlci Uorii'l vented uhciu Mid. Nuiio but iiroun lionoi mid, and only lu large biiuchei. V, W. IlltOW N, Kile, Oregon' XX3T TTs Wo collect nvorywlioro nnd make n chnrtpi unit Ha collection In initiY, Wo pi on co our vllntii AOdroHB AlotuuN Mkucantilk Co., Konlon 111i1k rorllond, Oro. .-SK.,iSr.J 0mk 'Wires' The Harney Valley Brewing' Co. ,, Munnfacturora ot 3E-ulx-o Soda "757"to3r Family Trade SollcltedFreejDellvery T. E. JINKINS, Manoer ggyw: r Sumpter Valley Railway Co. ijL TIMII TA1II.M NO. llil IN Kl M,C I JUNK 11, WOK. Went llotiml No 1 Tuna. 0:30 I.v 0:35 " 0:58 10:01 " 10:07 " I ',mK Iluiiiid -n in. No, 'I llnkiT Olty Botith linker Hftllnlilirjt Irklinrtt I'ANH p til Ar 6-30 I.v 6 25 " 6 00 55 OS 16 10 Tliuinpoii( 10:17 " StoiIilnrdJniictlruit 10:22 10:32 " 10:30 " 10:65 " 11:10 " 11:16 " 11:40 ' NOON 12:00 ' P.M. 12:05 " 12:10 " 1:10 Ar WntorTnnkt M)inn"'B Spurt McHwcnt JONCTIONt Sumptur JUNCTION! Biiiiimlti 0 I. Cnrnpt Wlillnoyt TII'TONt Anelln 1:32 1:26 4 -10 1 05 n M flt.TO 3.05 3.00 2 10 2 10 Rlnp on nlgnnln only. tNo notit. TlcUotn lamtpil only for lnlnn lii'rr trnlrin nro ncliednlcil lo irinko rrgnlnr "topi. I'llBK'UKIird lllllltt ptircllHbt til k eta wlioro nucnla oxlt liobro cnti-rlng trains or 25 renin In addition to tlir re Ktilar faro will ho clmred. JOSKI'II A, WKST, Knpt OHANTGKDDKB, Ah1. Sopt. ARMS xc for salo by all progrctiivc Hardware aad Sporting Goods Mcrrhanti ami DAN nKAIW'S uphttdf "CUNS AND CUNNING" will bo mnllod poalpmd t Bppllcantby J STn--A i & Tool Courier, C lutuj I'nll", ;aa( . i.j i,: r ', li ii ( Tor prij r c v r i i llonfnrnuf't' lr-uiin fordo libel b 1 send Wen Vili t.r , J. STEVENS ARMS & T001 t O E ' Caxt- When you want n qjk . k,i e without ny loai of tune, and one that is followed by no bad reiults, use Chamberlain's Colic, Chc!v..3 and Diarrhoea Remedy It never falla and ia pleaa ' to take. It U equally valuable f r chl 'ien. It b Camoui for Its cures over a large part of tha clvUljcd world. JOIIXOESIUEHLING, Jowolor. Optician mid JOmrnivor. Fine Watch Ri'piiinni; A Spe cialty. Don't niik on-n a iwiiuj- until lenltti rctur a Andl inonillu.ti'iiicll tluit lam thoonu rhlilrlan vli,ntilo it V "' will, nut of in) om ill" kit ly I ) ur luwll clno If ll fallitnbrliur ?ou ueiii And fur SO mri Ur Rhoop'i ru "clr i liavc been imxl nnd nowniondM In i r.-ry c ay nn 1 Iwmli t In Aiimrlnt lli-y aro i -1 y i'm arl lit ivury coinmuulty-niid t. lywlurt Thun h imy llicra-lunnd nt y r r -k fir othur nimarninti il nnd ti oil n in dv ThoiiuiuiH iiikiii thoiTinnd I n "it It prut tim-t-Mtulli n- '1 ur mhioii a Uhon Um HO- ESI ltlC I .ill ll rvc r 1- in ItHWKli ko'l ijulckiy I llT thll ltl'lUt m mm v uurvvi lull pr- n u &: k now hnu II eOl lllinnn'l lto. rmio wi nriiig uirmuiciiiiiiicniuiMrAiii imuu in they lxIUoly blku no moiuyllk Ml tti M Tliey know thntwlunlirallh f ill tor. turn I)r "hoon wllllilniMill utiidU in ih ' t (oi that tot Ami fnrthnt . i it ml y tru.il on nt la frttly Kniiihtl ltiitwrltiimollrtfornno ' i ThUulll woilila) uiidtlis.irntntni lu All dmciil.Hfll Dr 8hnnri 1; u i .tit nnd Dr MuNtn it BiBni b in nuian lU'incti but R- tr nr. nil nn not tiithorlit'd tn ff V) U Hi v "'n ' ' dny ht Hi H BM tM K3 " "i ni ittlu id,iv Inr 1 w na-aaiij. l nil tuiiiiat nnd r,t-M'in-'l 'mln ,tii-iuilinn t l(iory roiuinunlty ouriui !t,t I i my no holn, nu 4t . ' uit-diiint' W tin u k iTull nwnlm ulili hliooV imi n I Tho tnxik lnw will ui up in w nnd Wtl3 1111 tiolrfiil M.'im to WV notwvll llmldu KJ$ fj, ly fnaitonumilt P" Zf would oiir 1 (1ji t) n ii r i rl.Ht i Ju t i J 1 ill hi'lin Jill j C ii ml tho book tuh Uv Iwlow aro j-miri tnvl nUlmutr -t I'erhAMin wflilnr tun fi. in m ! cl( nr ur nuarloiwnlliinut lint n ' uimn !hntiiuiiW li iioiti.ut ti I ' llll I I I ll IHirwmui miviie I'liin ay i.tiiuiii oiinll Aft worth your alinidn tf - ''MtrH, luwwhlli vitu hntilt frtkh lu nun I f i l ii n u n nr coiuoe. Dr SIiikip 11.. x I 1. Wu. Which rook Iain I B.uJ Tol No. 10nH)iH'ilit No I lor Women No.aOnthoIIiiirt No MorJIcn No, SOnthoKldnoya No Cdulth mnittltm bSttVENd II ' ivB3r sl I "Stf'sSW 'or Id l"(- I THr.2 Yiyi - 1 IMU IDiarriiii Get Hiaifli