. ESVMiMiM J 'X'l I1 1 '19 MHUiii !l Wilt, t JMB iMIIIHMia HIUHM ill KM MM ;he Times-JIerald. - . ..- .mult imu lltf A TUN I.AHUKBT IHIIUUII"""" "r NYNKVrsrArKlUNTHIB COUNTY. SATUIIDAY MABUII 1. 1D10. Local News. Good morning! Did you Imvo Cremo for breakfast? Arlio Peel and wifo wore over from Harney Wednesday. Just received fino lino of John 15. Stetson hnts-Schenk Hros. If you want protection seo Irving Miller tho insurance num. Mrs. Win. Gray and little son sure up from Lawen the first of I this week. I The French Hotel is gaining in popularity under the manage ment of L. 1). Culp. Adelor Racino has gone to Vale whom w understand ho will work for the niilroad. Archie McGownn and wifo went to tho lake yesterday to look after some business. Mrs. W. 0. White has been seriously ill at her homo in this city, but is now improving rapid ly. Shoes for everybody at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Shoes that we stand behind and the Quality Kin 1 that insure wear and com fort. Those having relinquishments 1 1 1.1 fnt Ortlrt olmtil1 01 S v' ZXu :: his Pine Creek home. CUI1SUII . ' (illllHmi.iiuu.,i Our Capital of $25,000.00 Our Surplus of $35,000.00 Togothor with tho doublo liabilitieH of our stock- holdora of aiiothor $25,000.00 gives absolute- ticcurlty to our Depositors This is n fonturo that is well worth romoinboring when do positing your funds. Hosidos wo offor unoxcollcd facilities for sorvico, tho result of yours of study and oxporioneo in tho banking business. The First National Bank of Burns UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY OREGON STATE DEPOSITARY John 1). Dalu. lrtMcnt C. A. Ilalncn. Vice Prrtldent J. ,. Cattlt, Cashier A. C. Welcome, Ami. Caihier Clothes pressed and cleaned at Schenk Bros. S. C. Keys is in the city from food- iim vnni netntn mnn. nt his ofiico Tho now breakfast in Burns. Cremo a local product. II. J. Hansen of the Burns Leo Buchanan was in from the Meat Market is prepared to fur- Buchanan ranch this week, nish bacon, hams and lard toj itT,,)r0ved and unimproved farm sheepmen and ranchers in any and cjty I)ropCrty for sale, quantity. Special prices for big Irving Miller. ortlors- C. E. Beery and family have OrrOFTOWNTAAl'AEito!moveinnlotheJ. II. Culp resi-i The Harney County National ,ience Uank will oe picnseu 10 uuimiu . . j f the payment of your taxes upon f "0 vlsit to hh receipt of your instructions and 1ul- ortv-n- sheriff's statement. Wlfc Deputy U. S. Marshal Ham- Good, substantial, well cooked moralv is here from Portland meals at the Home Hotel is what serving subpoenas for witnesses , tho boarder likes. before the federal court. Geo McClaren was one who was serv i See the Inland Empire Real ty Co. if you have anything for ! sale or exchange. pd to be in Portland the first of . the coming week. In selecting a dress for Spring vou would certainly want latest and newest worn. You can secure the latest Spring crnrwld fit Rrnwii's Satisfactory m ...1 rv..ni:i. ! nlmntih 1 l.l : l T.,nUnnnn fltQ. oioro waeru wuuiujr i umujo iiur stuuui in mu uuviumiu.. .- ( maintained and business is cured only on Merit Cremo for sale by your grocer. The Home Hotel is the comfor table place to board. Paul Blumo has been up with Paul Finko breaking horses. Remember the date of "Brook dale Farm" tho comedy drama played by local talent, Friday, March 25. We have a number of parties anxious to purchase tracts of from 1000 to 50,000 acres. See us about it Randall, Passenger & Maloney. A good understanding is better than great riches. Buy "Silz" guaranteed shoes at The Busy Corner Store and havo tho very best understanding. Volney Officer nml II. H. Trow bridge arc, over from Grant county for tho purpose of taking back tho hitter's cattle that were fed near Lawen the past winter. Fresh groceries of tho very TT,l,...,.m. T?ltintt llin 1I1 g., Mir i ..',t,o ; mJhnat brands and a eomnleto new tne, . , , .. i... , ...: iiinn m ilrv irnods. furnishinirs. porieu improving uy ma jimjoh. - - - ---- ans. etc., maybe found at Hagoy & j Richardson's The now stonu Miss Enid Uawlliriu nas cioscu aiorc .1. .1 ! A t. Tl .. nil ...... M tlta ... . so- trict and is again at her home in this city. Schenk Bros, do not have to send your suit back to a Phila dolnhia lawyer for alteration. They are tailors and can do it A telegram received this week annouces the death of Harold McManus at Butte, Mont No particulars were received. His mother, Mrs. Byram of Bear! tlcmseivcs Valley, and Ins brother IMmer . who is a student at the 0. A. C. I ReBtcr Farre of the local U. atCorvallis. have gone to Butte. I S. land office has been called to . I'nrrinnii im uuamuna uwiww ..- Vo aro looking for Coffee drinkers that know good Coffee when they use it Wo carry Quality Coffee-no other kind in our store. Wc could not sell you cheap Coffee if you wanted it lrOWIl H Oilkiaiuuiui jr uwiu . Manager Lauranco of thoRhe coming year Union Telephone Co. informs us that arrangements are completed for a 2-1 hour service in tins city will be .. t V. - M - - -- Mrs. 0. A. uyrd wishes to an-. fn(,nrnl MUrL tie left hero last I hncrinimr Anril 1. to the ladies of Burns,-,. ,,,,, .: , ,.vmiHnrn to tho local "" "" io - This nouncc and vicinity that she his been ' exchange natrons and no doubt annotated agent for Chas. A. For SALE-One almost new up-, ,( l ,wnp,i nm. Stevens & Bros., of Chicago, I to-dato Singer Sewing Machine. beinB inglaHc(li and is now ready to show this One good second hand "Kwodldn tlcornhowmuchofon line of goods. She is also agent-machine. One good Home Com- mR(,o n thjJ for the famous Foster wholesale fort range. Imnfi,ivrnntn1 linr. f ,iw cmmifl of fihicifro. ! Mrs. Chas. Wilson, monthly rental. Take no Bubstltulo-just toll tho grocer Cremo. Alma Davis and wifo camo over from Harney Thursday. Onions, well matured and good, at Lunaburg & Dnlton's. Salo of Suitings and Waistingfl at Tho Busy Corner Store. G. Griffin was among our visit ors from tho lako region this week. Got your orders in for incuba tors boforo tho rush W. T. Smith. Pine wood for sale, either in the pilo or delivered Lute Mace, Burns, Oregon. If you wnnt results list yout '7 .' , , , ,..ii - ,, acreage r ilbo icl us icu you property with Irving Miller, Room w)mt WJ ,mvo t() o(rori RmilM 0, Odd I- allow Bld'g. Passenger & Maloney. A. M. Kelsay and Frank C. Dibblo wero among our Silver creek visitors this week. Good vinegar for salo by T. E. Jenkins at tho Brewery. Money back if not as represented. Good, clean seed barley from 1 to 1000 bushels at 3 cents a pound Hagoy & Richardson. If you havo any property list it with us, wo have tho buyers. Randall Passenger & Maloney. r Waistings and Suitings AT CUT PRICES SALE LASTS TWO WEEKS ONLY 15c. Cascade Waistings you'll like 'cm JL&C per yard 25c. Galatia Cloth beautiful cITvcIh 19c. per yd. 20c. Beaver Waistings in dainty shades JLQC per yard 35c. Flannel Shirtina in noft (jraijH ZiC per yd. . . $1.00 WaMina in lifht plaida O iC per yd. 3 Specials in the Grocery Department JO pound sack Germ Meal, Regular price 75c. , - - JC. 25c. package Violet Self Raising Pancake Flour 20c. 2!c. puclMim Violet Wheal, 20c. or 3 for 50c. SALE BEGINS MONDAY, MARCH 14 :n. - i-Airta GATIIPHAV MARnM 9fi &HL.E Elwo vr wii-i j .ww. - - w The Busy Corner Store, L Schwartz, Propt sJ Miss Mabel Cross has 'returned to tho Trout Creek homo after spending a few weeks with her mother in this city. For real comfort, quiet and courteous treatment the French Houso is the best under the man agement of L B. Culp. Chas. W. liOggnn is down from Harney assisting Assessor Done gal! in ninking preparations lor listing the property for tins year. Tho Edison Phonograph is gaining in popularity and should be in every homo Lunaburg & Dalton aro resident agents. IK YOU AUK GOING TO TltAVI'.U Uhc llic llnrney County Notional Hunk TUAVKLLKU'S CHMJUKS Tlu-y nro nolMdcntlfylnic. Tom Allen left Wednesday for tho P Ranch. Mrs. Allen, who underwent a second surgical o eration Sunday, is now rapidly recovering. Realos for sale, all sizes and lengths, price 20 cents per foot Any one desiring Reatos address W. A. Ford of J. 0. Alberson, Allinrnnn. Orciroil. .1S) lnnl nimrAd.4 nro takiiiir ad-rC vantage of tho few days shoot- imr afforded by the large number of migratory birds in tho north ern flight The entire stock of goods now on display at tho new store of Hagoy & Richardson, is fresh and new. Patrons may find al- lilt' LUUIliy IIIKI 0iww w has elected tho samo teachers for Prof. D. W. YivW is nirain nrincinal nnd his assistants nro Miss Mary Godfrey and M. A. Biggs. If vou want one of those new Fuller & Johnson Farm Pump Enirines don't wait until the day before you need it, but get your order in now-W. T. Smith, Agt See tho nd. For Sale-200 cords of pmo wood at $1.75 per cord. Slab wood $1.25 a load at tho Harnov Saw Mill. L. R. Bunyard. Lost A gray collarette with red lining between Burns nnd tho Racino farm at tho bridge. Finder nlcaso leave at this office or tho Racino farm. Blue prints of nny township in nnmn Land District, showing nnmo of cntryman, date and kind of entry, topography, etc, $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randnll, Burns, Ore. You will novor again bo quite as you aro totiay mcniaiiy ur physically. Perhaps not ovor again will you bo ablo to get so 'young" a photograph -that lookB like you-ns today. Visit tho Saycr Studio. Tho recording at the clerk's office will bo greatly increased during this season as indicated by the way matters of record are Miminir in. Wo understand thcro will bo about 5,000 deeds of tho Oregon Valley Lands nlono for record in this county this year. This is not only an increase in tho work at tho clerk's office but nlso gives tho assessor somo ex tra work together with now plats, etc. For Sale or Tradr-1 Sec, 45 foot clay, Hard wheat land (next 1 sold for $32 per acre) 120 acres broke and ready for crop. Good frame houso, two barns, two granaries, well, all fenced and cross fenced. Oats go from 70 to 10G bu. por aero; whent 35 to an nor aero. Will sell for $30 per aero or will trado for improved 1 section near Burns, Orogon, musi havo water on tho 1 section. Geo. E. Reem, Cayloy, Alta, Canada. Tho Salo at Tho Busy Corner Store lasts two weeks. C. B. AusnuiB was up from his homo near Lawen Thursday. Guests at the French Hotel aro provided with tho best to ho had in the market. For Salk-G10 acres hay land. Will sell wholo or part, Inquire at this office. Civil Enifineer Faulkner is home from a business trip to points cast of tho city. Miss Winifred Van Valkenburg public stenographer, with E. W. Van Valkenburg nt tho candy store. Aro you interested in Burns Tho boxing contest last Satur dav niuht resulted in n victory for tho carpenter over the tailor. The latter look the count m tho fifth round. Miss Frankio King underwent an operation last Tuesday and is now recovering quite satisfact orily. Drs. Marsden & Griffith performed tho operation. For Sale or Trade One 9 year old Grade Perchcron Stal lion woiirht 1700. Ono Brown Standard Bred Trotting Stallion will trade for young horses. G. W. Young. Mrs. T. V. B. Embreo and daughter, Mrs. Sellars, arrived hero from Dallas this week and immediately went out to the Sunset homes of Clyde nnd Van Embree. They will visit here for an indefinite time. R. L. Hutton. the well known stockman from Wngontire, is in tho city. He states stock win tered fine in his locality and that the loss was slight Thcro will be quite a number of beef for sale in that section this spring. For Sale Imported French Perchcron Stallion, 9 years old weight 1900; color solid black with star in forehead. He is a sure foal getter. For particulars write or inquire of W. H. Mc Allister. Trout Creek Ranch, Deiiio, Oregon. General hauling and dray work done by B. F. Siler. 13. C. Egglcston has been up from his Sunset homo this week. Finest of clean seed barley 3 cents a pound at Hagoy ft Rich ardson's. If you want to seo tho finest display of post cards In Burns go to Cnrtcr & Thompson. Tho bill creating tho Vale land office and district has passed congress nnd now is in tho hands of the president Tho basket ball game yester day afternoon between tho girl teams resulted in a victory for tho B. B. girls. A good crowd witnessed the game. For Sale A flvo room cot tage, four lots till fenced with two good wolls, a windmill nnd other improvements. No rock. 0. Hudspeth, Burns, Oregon. Customers and others desiring us to settle their taxes will please send us sheriff's statement of the amount due together with instruc tions for payment of Hnine. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of BURNS, OREGON Chas. II. Davis, your homo Taxidermist will mount anything from a Mouse to an African Lion between this date and March 15, 1910. Rush in your fine speci mens and get first class work at , standard prices. Estrav Ono black mare 4 years old, hind legs white to hock, crop cared. Brand K with tn nngle bar over and C with quar ter circle bar over on right stifle. Owner provo property and pay charges. .1. II. Anderson, Van, Ore. Estrayed Came to my place one black mare about 9 years old, three white feet and stir in fore head, branded an open chain link with bar above on right stifle, scar on right hind leg. One sor rel mare, three white feet, white face, about ten years old. brand ed TL connected with quarter circle bar over on right shoulder. Owners may have same by prov ing property nnd paying charges. Rout. Hudspeth, Burns, Ore. "Value Received" Ono of the best proofs whereby wo know your interests will bo benefited by a bank connection here, is that we serve hundreds of others to thoir satisfaction. The sorvico you receive is not determined by the volume of your business. Wo judgo a man rather by his ability. We do seek YOUR business be cause wo know you will get in re turn "value received" many times over. A Savin Hank Department U a feature of thin Hank, in which in- tcrctl at the rate of four per cent per annum in allowed. Harney County National Bank of Burns, Oregon. YOUlt IIOMII INSTITUTION. STATE DEPOSITARY BUY YOUR DRUGS at OUR STORE Wc handle a complete line of everything usually sold by up to date druggists. It is OUR AIM TO PLEASE This we do by courteous treatment and reasonable prices to aI our customers THE PLC: TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. Ay -v - -i' 2 rr- ?' We want business. We want all we can get legitimately. The largo business carried on by us is not of tho mushroom growth. direful attention to the wants of the trade, fair treatment to all and Quality always at Brown's Satisfactory Storo. Miss Leonn Thompson gave a very enjoyable birthday party of "Five Hundred" at the family homo on Mondny evening. Miss Myrtlo Irving nnd Harry Smith woh highest honors and the con- iolation prizes went to Miss Viola Richardson nnd Ralph Irving. Refreshments were served. I. II. Holland nnd Geo. Love arrived here Sundny night Mr. Holland was returning from a hur ried visit to the railroad nnd Mr. Lovo accompanied him in from the Agency. Mrs. Love, who has been visiting friends here for a few weeks accompanied her hus band on his return to the Agency Tuesday. Miss Viola Richardson gavo a delightful "Five Hundred" party at her homo in this city last Sat urday evening. Sho entertained quite a gathering of her friends and school mates. Miss Lenore Sizcmoro nnd Rye Smith had the highest scores and Miss Dorcas Swcek and Chester Mace receiv ed tho consolntion prizes. Re freshments wero served. For Sale or Trade Ono Im norted Bclcfian Stallion, nino yenrs old; color chestnut sorrel, flaxen mane and tail; weight over nineteen hundred. In service at Caldwell four years. His get the best in Idaho. Will sell or trado for mares or good broke ireldimra. or real estate, or sell on long timo with approved security. A bargain m this horse. Write or phone Dan Campbell. Presi dent Belgian Horse Co., Cald well, Idaho. Misses Ada and Mary Neal wero hero from their homo at Follvfarm in tho eastern portion of Harney county tho first of tho week. Tho report that their father had lost nlmost all his sheep is a mistake wo aro pleasd to learn. The oss in that section hns been quite heavy but nothing liko what has been reported. In fact falso reports havo gono out from nil over Harney county re garding tho loss of stock. On ono largo ranch where somo 10, 000 head of cattlo wore wintorcd tho loss by actual count was less than li por cent. This fB certain ly a good showing. This ranch was roportcd to havo lost from 20 to 50 por cent. If other re ports aro ns much exaggerated wo havo como through tho win tor well. NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots andShoes Fresh Groceries, etc. For Fall and Winter Trade r-uii saw;. i Wf?nr iu luirnhv irivpn flint i sealed bids will be received up to and including four o'clock p. m. Saturday, April 2nd, 1910 for the purchase of all buildings sit uato on Lot 5 of Block 1 Original Townsite of Burns," and common ly known as "Young's Meat Mar ket"; the same to bo removed immediately after May first 1910. Bids may be filed either with J. L. Gault or J. M. Dalton but no bid will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check for at least $100.00. Right re served to reject any nnd all bids. Dated at Bums, Oregon, this 3rd day of March. 1910. J. L. Gault J. M. Dalton Trustees Burns Lodge No. 97 A. F. & A. M. ' t t D. R. MOTE Nl-XT DOOR 10 CAPITOL UARUR SHOP Fresh Candy, Nuts, Cigars, and Tobacco NEW LINE POST CARDS Some Nice New Stationery SMOKERS ARE PARTICULARLY INVITED X Nice Assortment of I'IpcsNcw No cities Uimliijr. $' t t .. A MAN is known by the harness he uses A VAQUEEO by the saddle he rides. NOTICE , Any and nil persons owing tho I ft ...vi nf tlnmiv UVimvipk .. .Tiick- son, cither on account or note,' fvere hOlSeiTiari SllOlllcl have the aro hereby notified that all such " accounts and notes nro now inlKpcf. both aS tO ClUalltV ailCl pHCC lin linrwla nf C II. Leonard for L J collection. Such persons aro hereby requested to make imme diate settlement of tho same. i Dated Aug. Gth, 1909. IlAGEY. FENWICK & JACKSON. The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND 1KRIGATI0N LNGINLliKS Main Office, Bums, Oregon a. o, rAUl.KNKii, i;r. Branch Ollice, Lakcview, Oregon C. M. rAHLKNHII, MEI You can get highest quality and lowest prices at J. C. WELCOME & SON IE3Ca-xn.ess a,n.d. Sa-cLcLles THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing. Come In And Ask Aboisi it We want to tell you about the latest and newest labor saver for the farmer a marvel of mcclianic.il genius a regular "Jim Dandy" the light, handy and simple Fits Any Pump and Makes It Hump I 49B raf lift JlfT L. ri.i i "tji, 1bt(II IIH7 1H Zrw2BPlll'miw2j9l jjp5J Patented Juno 18,1009 Other Pending You never saw anything like it before- nothing like it has ever been made. It nialcca a windmiH pump into r n,.,,. Pm.i-hm'ikt Pl.inf in a few minutes, and u pencil iuvk.1 .....t...f, - . . ' m besides pumping, it runs separator, churn, grindstone, or B any machine ordinarily run by hand. You do tho attach- M inc yourself. Costs less than a windmill! irs wen worm a special trip to learn about the most wonderful invention you ever heard of. Next time you are in town come in sure. We want to give you a catalog iree. m IB'U.xra.p, Oregrora.