frsfWWPW'www' &K4fiGEfl3l f.. - ,WAWW'iniUlM -a- &. , ,m L. &--:. fi K J.'. fti' In sickness, if a cortnin hidden nerve rocs wrong, then the or gon that this ncrvo controls will nlso surely fail. It may ho a to niach nerve, or it may havo given strength and support to tho Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Slump's Restorative was .not made to dose tho Stomach nor to temporarily stimulate tho Heart or Kidneys. Tho old-fashioned method isnll wrong. Dr. Shoop's Rcstorativo goes directly to these failing in sido nerves. Tho rcmarkablo success of this prescription dem onstrates tho wisdom of treating tho actual cause of these failing organs, And it is indeed easy to prove. A simple five or ton days test will surely toll. Try it once, and see! Sold by Reed Bros. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting is furb'ddon upon my plnco luljoininn Burns, Treepnsa rs will bo prosecuted. C. II. VOEGTLY SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court ot tho Hlnto of Oro roii for Ilnnioy County. 0. II. l.oonurd mid A. 0. Welcome, I'laliUllla ve. Mnurica I'itr.lioralil, Kllia- Summons, butli FitzGoruld.hU wlfo, J. G. Stuvons. 11 11 J Den Drown, Dtifcnuttnts To Mnnrlco KitxGurnld, KlUnbeth Tit- Gcrnlil Ida wifo, nml J. O, Mtovens, defendant above named: In tho Name of tho Stnta of Oregon, you nml cncli ot you nro hereby required to appear niulnnsuer tlio complaint filed linrcln ngninBt you In tho nbovo entitled suit, on or lioforo tin) -1th day ot April, 1010, nml if you (nil to so answer, for want thereof, tho plaintlfT will apply to the alien o entitled Court for tho relief prayed for in their complaint, that Is: That you end each ot you bo rcquirud to dlfcloso tho naturo of your claim or claims In or to tho Kastllalf of North cast Quarter of Sec. (5), Township (23), South llango (35), K. W. M.. and the East Halt of Southeast Qtmter of Sec tion (3-.'), Township (a 1) South Kango(35( Knit ot Willauielta Meridian, In Ilurney Comity, Oregon ; that tho title to raid premises bo determined, and the rights ot tho parties to this suit bo adjudicated, and that plaintiff's title to and possess ion of sild premises he qaloted against all advo'seclaims of defendants or either ct them ; for plaintiff-' costs and dlsburs incuts herein; and for such other and further relief as to equity may pertain. Tills Summons Is served by publics tton by otder of tho Hon. J, 1. Rector County Judge of Harney County.Oregon, duly made and entered tho -Ith day of January, 1010; tho time proscribed for publication is six weeks and tho data of tho first publication of this Summons is February 10th, 1010. D.U.TON UltKlH AND (J. II. Leomajiii, Attornoya for l'lalntiffs SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Ore gon for Harney County. C. II. Leonard and A. O. Welcome, l'lulntills. VH. .Maurice KitzGcrald, Eliza- Summons. beth Fitzgerald, his wife I J. G. Stevens and lien 1 Drown, Defendants. J To Maurico I'itzGerald, Elizabeth Kltz- Gerald, his wife, and J. G. Slovens, defendants nbovo named: In tho Name of tho Stato of Oregon, yoa and each of you nrobernby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed herein against you in tho above entitled Buit, on or beforo tho 4th day of April, 1010, and if you fail to Bo.ansHer, for want thereof, tho plaintills will apply to tho abovo entitled Court for the rollof prayed for in their complaint, that Is: that yon and each of you bo required to diecloso the nature of your claim or claims In or to the Southwest Quarter of Section (5), in Township (21), South Ilango (32 ) East of Willamette Meri dian, in Harney County, Oregon; that the title to raid premises bo determined, and tho rights of tho parties to this suit bo adjudicated, and that plaintiff's title to and possession of said promiseH bu quieted against all adverse claims of defendants or either of them; for puln tllFs costs and disbursements herein; and for such other and further relief as to equity may pertain. This Suminonsis served by publication by order of tho Hon. J, I'. Hector Conn, ty Judfjo of Harney County, Oregon, duly tnado and ontcrcd tho Ith day ot January, 1010; the time prescribed for publication is six weeks and tho ditto of tho first publication of tills Summons is February 10th, 1010. Damon Dkhih ani C. II. Lko.vaiid, Attorneys for l'lalntiffs. mm f.ZS-2(h Wodel 1894, epeatngyfte This rifle io built for settled districts. where Reed range and killing power are desired, with safety to the neighborhood. The Zffirt7t .23-20 It a light, quick handling, finely-balanced repeater, with the eollc top, cloaed-In breech and side ejection features which make fflarfiA guns eafe and ugreeablo to use and certain in action. It Is made to use the powerful new high velocity smoktltss loads with latksud bullete as well as the well-known black powder and low measure smokeless cart ridges, and le the Ideal tills for target work, for woodchucks, getse, iibwks, loses, etc., up to 3M) yards. mm This rifle and ammu nition, and all other iiiiivii, ,u at, Dinsr Mara repeaters, are fully described In our 136-page catalog. Free for 3 stamps postage. 27io7J?arln firearms Co., it Willow Etrtct.' 'HEW HAVEN. C0MM. If you would havo n safo yot certain Cough Remedy in tho homo, try Dr. Shoop's -at least once. It is thoroughly unlikonny other Cough preparation. Itn tasto will bo entirety now to you unless it is already your favor- iot Cough Remedy. No. opium' chloroform, or any other stupefy ing ingredionco aro used. Tho tender leaves of a harmless shrub givo to Dr. Shoop's Cough Reme dy its wonderful curativo proper ties. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy prescription. Sold by Reed Bros. NOTICE Any and all persons owing tho firm of Hngoy, Fcnwick & Jack son, cither on account or note, aro hereby notified that all such accounts and notes aro now in tho hands of C. II. Leonard for collection. Such persons aro hereby requested tomako imme diate settlement of tho same. Dated Aug. Gth, 1909. IlAGEY, FENWICK. & JACKSON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tINITKIl BTATK8 LAND OmCK.I llurni, Oregon, January XJ, 1910.1 Notico la hereby liven lht t,,e Htato '.'' " ion haa flto.l In thli ortlco Ita mid Mention pjerlal No. 041391 loaded, under tho provlilona ot the Act o( Cuncreaa, approved Auguit 11, IMS, mid acta atipplemeulal ami amsmlatory moreio, ioi VM HVi it 8eo 17. T. 8 It. K., W. M. Any and alt Peraom claiming adversely the landa deacrtbcd.or denlrltiK to ot.Jert became ot the mineral character of tho laud, in for any other reaion, to the ittipoaat to applicant, hould flle their aflldavltaof prolcil In thin omce.onor ucroroine expiration oi inopcrioi ot publication Wh.Paikk, Uetltter. rirtt publication February!., DID Lett publication March IS. 1VIU, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UMTIli STATMl.ANDOrrtClt. I ltarut, Oregon, January IS, MO Notice li hereby riven that tho Mala f Ore En lia (lied In thli olllco Ita application arlal No. in KIT J to nvlecf, under tho provla eta of tho Art ot Cmmreti, approved Auguit 14, 1841 and acn amomlctory thereto, the 8Ji 8K Sec. K, T. ?7 8 It. 3.1 K W. M. Any and all pertona clatmliiK edrcrtely the lamia dcicrlbed, or dcilrltnr to object beiauiu oftbe mtnoralchararter ot the land, or for any other reaami, to the dtipOMl to applicant, hould Dla their aindavlla ot uroteat In thla office, on or before the expiration of (tie period or puuuceiion. Ww. Filial. Kegliter Flrat publloatton. January 29,1910 Loal publication, Marcu , 1910. llurna, Selection Mat No ill, Serial No. OlOtSi. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION UN1TKII 8TATKH LAND OKKICK.I llurna Oregon, January 1. 1910. I Notice Ithereby ictron that tho Northern l'ae Itlo Hallway Coiupany, uhoao poatoltlce ad drria taHt l'aul, Minnrtota, haaon theVDth da of December. l'.lAI died In thliorllce ItaanDtlca Hon to .elect under trie prorlilona ot the Act of Congreta, approvetl July I, law (30 Btat. ".'J7, 670 HWlfofSKlj NvVjiotNtVU SWJiofBK NWffof NWJi WUofNW'jf Bcc pj rasK. W. it. II 30S 31K 1 1- " ' 21 .. .1A " ii)-ais-JiK sj V)i nliMb'i Any and all peraoni claiming adveraaly the landa deacrlbei, or dealrlng to object Itecauae of the mineral character ot the laud, or fur any other reaion, to the dlal to applicant, hould file their aftldavlu of protcut In thla ofllre, on or beforo the 12th day of March 1910. Wm Kakhx, Iteglilcr, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U.NITKn'flTATKl I-ANIlOrrllK, I Burnt, Oregon, January 12, 1910.) Notice It hereby glren that tho Mate of Oregon baa fltcl lu thla omco Ita application 'Serial No. 01101 to aelert.under Ilia provision of the Actof congren, apprornl Augiiat II, IMS, ana acta amcuaaiory tnereto, mo NWUHHJJScc. 30, T. V0 8., It W K., W. M. Any and alt pertont claiming adveraely the landa deacrlbed.or detlrlngto object becanae oi mo mineral character ot inu iani, or ror any other reaion, to tho dlapoial to applicant, ahoutd flle their affidavit! of protest In thli oftlce, on or beforo the expiration of the perk of publication. Wat. Kabr, Ilcgtiter, Klnt publication January 29, 1909. Uit publication March fi, 1910 SUMMONS. In tlio Circuit Court of tlio Stato ot Orc- K3n lor the County of Harney. Anton Kgll, l'lalnttff, V8 Angelo JIatliOHH nnd J. W. 1'attornon, DolomlitntB. To Angelo MntlioWB and J, W. I'attor- sou, Defeiidniitfl: In tlio namo of tlio Stato of Oregen: You ii ro lieroby required to itppuur nnd answer tlio complaint in tho above un titled action on or beforo tlio L'Oth day of March, 1010, and If you fall so to answer for want tboroof, tlio plaintiff will take judgment again) t you for tlio sum of Six hundred sixty six dollars besides In terest thereon since, tho llret day of August 1008 nt tho rutu of I pur cent pur nnnum and tho coats nnd disbursements of the action ami for an order of salo of attached property. Thla publication la tnado for six suc cessive week a by order of Hon, J, I', Hector, County Judge, i uly made and entered In tlio above untitled cnuso the 20th day of January, 1010, and Iho ilrst publication of thin summons nth day of February, 1010, WII.UAMMILIiMK, Attorney for plaintiff. CONTEST NOTICE. CONTKBT NO. 35. UNlTgUHTATKS I.ANIlOmtK. I Hums, Oregon, January 19, 1910, 1 A sufficient conlest aftldavll having been tiled In this offku by Mary 11, Ntul, loiiiisiuul, against Homestead entry No. 1UIU, inaloMuy Is atli'ifed that salil William 1: IjiiikkoihI novel .., ,ll....( a.... aaa.1i, t.a.aa, a.f luaaal VSiaiJIISllVUM IC.IH.IIV. IIaU. a.t(.,V. Ill IMIllla never Improved the same and never uiltlvalcu or orlloii thereof , that lie merelir ereiled a caoin on saiu irasi aii, uuiuru L-siauiiaiiuiic ,u aldence thereon and about the Isth day of Nov- euiher, 1905, said claimant died Interstate) that said claimant was unmarried and left survlv Intlhlin aslils only hulls at law three hrotheri neither of whom resided then or now lu the Mtateof Oiexonithat 6rrUi ifuli iluy of Nov einher, luuo, Utters of Admliilafratlonduly Is sued to l' A. Hweek as Administrator of Hie cs late of raid William I.. Ixjnifitood, who duly qualified as such and took rossrsslon nf thu jirsoualand real propurly of said esiato and duly administered th samti and said eetetu haa keen Dually settled; that neither the aald Administrator or either or any of the heirs uf said deceased claimant ever made settle ment ou or cultivated any portion of said ilalrn and nono ol tho holrs or any person for tli,i .v.. It, anv tnanULr either lu irood faith or otherwise, cultivated any porllod ot aald claim; that tlio said cahln so erected upon suld claim by tho deceased has loop since been ru moved from said premises ami the said claim lias bceu wuouy aua ausoiuieiy auanuunen iui in... Iliari al v tnjintlis la, liust ami Ilia same is unoccupied, unimproved, uncultivated and unfencee and that and allcifeil abseuco from said laud waa nut due to his employment in the Army, Haw ur Marine Corns of the United illales as a private soldier, ultlcer, seaman or marine during the war with Hpaln, or duilriK any other war In which thu United states may be eiiKSgedi said parlies are hereby notified to appear, rtipoud and otter evidence touching M aHf0at,lmt at lo n't-Iielr a. m on Mureh 7, 1B1U, before the Hegliter and Itecelvcr at the United mates Lsua unice iu utirus, uregoii. davit, filed Jauuary IV, lHW, tet forth facts which abow that alter duu dillaencu personal service of this notice cau not be made, Ilia hereby ordered ami directed that moli notice be glveu by duo and proper publication, WM. Kin, ucgisier. Bluo prints of any township in Burns Land District, showing namo of ontryman, datoand kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Oro. Threatening fevorishness with children is quickly nnd safely calmed by provontics. Theso little Candy Cold Cure Tablets should always bo at hand-for promptness is all- important. Pro vontics contain no quinine, no thing harsh or sickening. They are indeed, "tho stitch in time." Carried in pocket, or purse. Pro vontics arc a genuino safeguard against Colds. 25c. Sold by Reed Bros. Got your ordors in for incuba tors boforo tho rush W. T. Smith. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Iiolalatcd Tract.) l'UIIMOI.ANDHAl.K, UmTnHrATit'AtiiOrricR llurna. Oregon, February II, 1910, 1 Notico la hereby given that, hi directed by thotomtnliiloucr of thiidenerat IjiiiJ Otllco, under tho provlilnna of tho Act of Uongreia approved Juno 27, 1900 34Hlali ,617, we will olroral publlo tle to the highest lOo'clocV a. m on tho 29ml day ot March, 1910, atthliorflce. tho following dcioitbed land' MVUNWWBcc.M. T MH.. K. 01 K. W. M. uuder application no, uxavj Any peraou claiming advenely the above- ilnerlheil landa aro advlaed lo lllo their elaliui or nbjectlona on or tietnro the time designated for aale. Wm. Fiitna, Hegliter Fmamk Davit, ttecetver. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Umihii BTATta i.anii OrrifK llurus Oregon, February S, 1910. Notice la hereby given that tho Hlato of Ore eon has filed In Hits office Ha application (Serial No 04170) to select, under the provisions ot tho Art of Congress, approved A ugust 14. His, and acta supplemental and amendatory there, to, the NW!8W! Bco. S3, T. 21 H., II. 80 K., W, M, Any and all pertain claiming adversely the lands deacilbeil. or desiring to object liecauao ot tho mineral character ot the land, or for any other raaaon, lo Ibo disposal lo applicant, should tile their altldavlla ot protest In this office, on or before tho expiration of tho period of publication. WM.FARgx, HrgUlcr. First publication February 12. 1910. Uit publication March 19, 1910, NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION l UMTgDfTATgSl.AHOrrit, I Hums, Oregon, January 25, 19101 Notice Is hereby glveu that tho State of Ore gon has tiled In thla ode Ita application ftterlat No. 0IU31to select, under the provisions of Iho Act of Congress, approved August 14, ltli, and acta amendatory thereto, tho, BU 8K$ fee. : N) NF.) and 8 A'UNKJ, Hcc. 27, T SO K-, II 24 K., W. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to object because of tho mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, lo the disposal to applicant, should flle their arfldavlla ot protest lu thla of. flee, on or beforo tbo expiration of Iho period ot publication. Wm. Fating, Iteglater Kiret publication, February A, 1910. Last publication, March 12, 1910. NOTICE FOR l'UHMCATION. UnitkiiHtatks I.anii Orriec ( llurni, Orcgoir, January a, 1910 I Notico Is hereby given that tho Plata of Ore gon hea tiled III thla office Ita appllratlon(Hrlal No. 0103) lo select, under the provisions of the Act uf Congress, auproveil August 11, lain, and acts amendatory thereto, tho 8KJ N W! and NKJf, BWJi fee. 25, T. 25 H., It. 30 K.. W. M. Any and alt persons claiming adversely tho lauds described, or desiring to object bocauae ot the mineral character ot the laud, or for any othor reason, to the disposal to applicant, should tile their aindavlla ot protest In this of publication. Wm. I'AHitg, Iteglster First publication January 2, 1910. Uit publication February 2d 1910. l'KTITION FOK UQUOIt I.ICKN8K. Wo tho anderalgiied legal voters of Diamond Precinct, Harney County, Htato of Oregon respectfully petition tho Hon. County Couit of llurna, Harney County, Hlato of Oregon to grant a license to .M. Iiorton to eell Hplrltoua Mult mid Vlnou Manors in leas (jtiantltlea than one gnllon In Hlauiond Product. Harney Couuty Htato of Oregon for jierlcKl of six months, from March 1, 1010 to August 31, 1010 na In duly bound wo will over pray. Names. Names. It. II. Ilrown O W Frailer O, A. Smith O. 8. Hkinnor It. I.. Hasa I. Hmyth C. M. Van Huron It 8 Duugor W. II. McKinzIo II. I). I'ugalcy It. A. Smith O.T. Blmmona Frank Sllva Clifford I'ugaloy Thoa. Sullivan Dean Horlon Notico Is hereby given that on Tuoa day tho let day of March 1010 tlio uiiderslghed will apply to tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Hurnoy County for tho license mentioned lu tho foregoing petition. M. IIOKTON. Application (or flreilnz Permit. NOTICE la hereby kIvoii that all op pllcatiuna for permltfi to j;roro cattlu, horBUH, and Rlieop within tlio I)Kri CHUTES NATIONAL FOHK8T during thu BcrtHOii of 11)10, inunt bu lllud In my olllco nt I'rlnuvlllo, Oregon, on or beforo Fuhrimry 2(1, 1010. Full Information In rt'K.trd to thiiuiazlni; Iuch to ho ehnruod and blank forniH tn ho mod In makliiK ujiilciitloiiH will bu furnlahf.d upon ru. l"oat. A, 8, IUKI,ANI), Hiiporvlsor. JOHN ROBINiON Stock laspeclor, llaraey Coaaty. Hoind AddrosH Dunn, Oie, MAGAZDiTE READERS SUNSET HAOAZINE bciunlullrilluilialcd,Koaditorl f-r ad article. aUul CaCloraU and V Ou all Ui. Fa. Wt. X"' CAMKKA CKAFT d.roUd atk montli to ill. ar- . tiatlc lepioduclioa l thabnl $1,00 woik l ara.ttuj aad prolMtional , j, pholsgraplicri. BOAD 07 A TU0O8AKD W0HDKH8 book ol 75 p8. conlalnina 120 colond photograpli. ol $0.75 picturtxju. tpet. la Caliiorala and Oitgaa. Total . . . $335 All for ... . $z.50 AtUi.u all orj.r. la SUNSET MAGAZINE FImJ DuHdmj San Fr.ncUco NUW CLUimiNfl PROPOSITION Wo havo nrrnngod to offer In connection with lliia impcr, tlio now monthly fnrm miiKiizino just sUtrtcd nt Lincoln, Nobmakn, by Prof. II. W. Campbell and devot ed to tho Hiibjcct of bow lo farm In tbo dry country and how to Kct best rcaultfl from noil tlllajTO under normal condltiona. Thin Pniier Is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and wo offer It clubbed with Tho Times-Tcrald both for $2.G0 per year cash. Prof. Camp- bolls' now paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of its kind In tho world, and It embodies tbo re sults of tbo editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillago proposition. Kelljtloiia Service. Tbo following aro Hov. A. J. Irwin's regular preaching ap pointments for tho year 1910. Burns tho third and fourth Sundays of each month at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunset School IIouso nt 10;30 a. in. tho first Sunday of each month. Narrows at 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. tbo first Sunday of each month. Wavcrly at 10 n. in. tho second Sunday of ench month. Lawen nt 3:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. tbo second Sunday of each month. Dcnstead School IIouso nt 3 p, m. tbo third Sunday of each month. Sunday School at burns every Sundny morning nt 10 o'clock n m. Services at tho Baptist Church first and second Sundays in each month. Sunday School nt 10 n m. every Sunday. Prayer meet ing Thursday evening. Tlie Lone Star RESTAURANT Chinn UcorKu, I'rojiriutor. Cor. Main nnd It HtrcuU. JVIBAliS AT Abb HOURS Bakepy In connection A Specially of Short Orders. Tablo ftirniflliutl with overytliliig tho market nH'ord1. Your patron nKii solicited, OKKlOIAI. lilllKCTOKY arTK iiHKiinni UH.Heuatora Jcinallisn lloiirnoJr Urn. K, t'hamberlalu iW II Kills I J Wllawley . A.M. Crawford r. W He ii.on Y w lionion (lAHtcrl .. .J. II. Ackerman Hliunlway i K. H. Heart. Congrrasineii Attorney tlencral . . llovernor . . Kccretary ol Hlalo Treasurer .... Hupt. I'ubllc tiisiructlou Klste rrlnur Uupretiio Judges K. A. Mlxiro itobt t'aklii NINTH JUDIOlAl. Dlrtl lULTT. District Judge district Attorney Deputy lllit Ally tleo K. Davis J W Mcculloch .. O It l.eiiaid Circuit Court meets the flrit Monday In April and first Monday In October. Joint Heuator Jolril-llcpriscutatlvo . , O W 1-arrlsli W II Ilrooke countt iiau Mtr: Uuouty Judge Clerk Treasurer .... surveyor Hherlit. Assessor. Uchool Huierlit tendon! Coroner mock Inspector-. . Commissioners J. 1'. liecfor Horn Mothershcad . K N Jameson A 0 Kaulklier A. K. hlchardsou J. J. Donrgaii I, M llauillton J Wtlcary .John Itoblnioii II.. N. Mlallard (11 A Hmyth County Court mccta the Ilrst Wednesday In January, March, May, July, September and November. IIAItNKY tf. . lakh nrrivkt RtKiter KocoUvr . Win rmro rmuk Dnvoy lITIT.-liUIINIl' tfayur, .. Itcronlor,. Tn.'amirvr Murihal, . Hum Mutt vltlitkil t'.T. llmiitall J.t!. Wek'oin Jr. M. K. William W. u. Iiniwu A. O. Welcome Jtiii(lcmlerllii( Cuiiiirllmvii: I , n nwaiii MmUuki o( the Cuiiurll uory Horoiul and Fourth Wi' 00 YEAns cxpeniENOE riinmulflU-aitrAtM wnoklr. Vn of AhV AhmhUn inurnHl. Vtin " BumuarlUltifii arofOBt"i,'''.NBW Dentistry Out of townw-opla I1 lV UBII IIMI I? .qii ir itlXrlilguworlc Un liutl In ou. daf naifiv..aa.. W. kill li. rii a nod 22k lU r rort.liU tro.alor $3,50 Uctir Cro.. B.00 22kDfl)j.T..th3. d.OU 1:88 .60 OeU rilllnn Ciumil fllllni. 8lli.r rilling. Inl.v rilllnn 2.60 6.00 7.60 iQnoil Rutb.r run. B..I llii Rub- !, r.mtiLimV .1 inn itTiHUHi. i. .iiTtm. P.lnl.u ilr'Uoa .60 aet l-atracllon i rw) vUn iTltor bilJaa work ftrod. (Jon -tut tat Ion lfrtof Yrm cannot Ktitlor IMADM ORK QUAIIANTKED FOH IB VKARB lftlniiM trorM avutt pnyuoto . All wurK ruiijr Mitt -.'Ml.. MoJt.riifliittiaviulMuvbt. ItMtiu-it t,alntiMti.orHiliiiifinyAlt(irii-. All wii.k fullraiiu.r MitttiD-il. Motliraitilavjuiiuiiit. nut luittuoda. Wise Dent al Co. Kaiuiio lii'iiniwn ,-,jrDJ7,'S" Snu 4iimi)vu.Bia. PORTLAND, OREGON crrici iiovwt i a. m. u i r, u. taataji. ikl rrrTi oocvnioHTB &a, Anrono enllnir kf tch -MU&nfe4B'l VSt fufiVlr af.rjoiii iiiir ilJoiviufWTruwjAf, In it-Jntnii UPrtlbwrP-itentaMn. faftK'-PlIB luiii(rlMlrfWo3olflfcl.lIiiillftoIVKW Tutonii ukon iririiujrii iutMXyeXmtmu IpuM wMei, ttlttiout clinruo. lu lii Scientific flmerm tinmuA ctfw W Painless Hii Hft K dm - iH The Times-Herald in oflcriitf niosl attractive Clubbing Rates to its mibscriberH a present THE TIMES-HERALD One year with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2-50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Call and gel Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Tho Tlnicn-Ili-rnld In rrtpnrttl tn do the Very I lent nnd Moat Stttli-sfnctory Work In till line. We linvc nil the LATEST TYPE FACES and a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY Blue Mountain Operating from Austin via Prairie Cily,Jolin Day, CanyonCily to BurnsOregon i xi tlityn from linker City to IJiirnn, Oregon. Four and six horse stock and covered coaches the entire distance Railroad to Burns 105 miles For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. iQnnSSS THE WLNDSOltJl fcjtfip5fiH..Hw-' " BBKattf II II III Mill III 111 I T UiBZS GIBSON & lain St., 3F-LES33 F LIVERY, FEED AND SALE T. W. OWEN, Propts. Finest hearse in county Particular attention given To Funerals Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers. Particular attention given to Transcient Trade Ilorsos boarded by Iho day, week or month THE ANDERSON HOTEL MK. mid MRS. CIIAS.iANDfiRSON.GPropts. Wo nro plcHSctl to nnnounco to our old-timo friends and cuslomors that wo havo again taken charge of our hotel. Wo just completed renovating tho on tiro building and you will find tho old-timo homo comforts when you call. Wo hopo to seo you soon. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive Special Attention anil Good Service. SOU 1'H BURNS, ORHQON-Near Fair Qrounds. THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing. Rapid Transit Line Oa-rrsrorL City, Oxegoin. Iiiacksmithing and llorscslioiiig. Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oregon, - JFLOI'T PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Wm. MILLER, ATTOHNKY AT LAW. . liurii, Oregon. Itontim C nnd (I Odd Fellow Building C A. REMBOLD Altornoy-iit-Law, Burns, Oregon OhiiH. II. Loonard. Attohnky-at-law, Ournfiil nttontlon glyon to Colleo- tlotiH nnd Ileal Hstnto mntlor. l'lro Inittranco. Notnry Publlo Huiinb, OiticaoN. QKO. S. 8IZKMOKK, ATTOIINKY, 1,U,,NB. OnEaoN CnjUoJIou, I,na buttneu, anj Haal KaUte matter promptly attndl to. CfiARIiES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - . Oregon I'rnctlcun in tlio 8tato Court and bo foro tlio U H. I-nnd OlTIco. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Stato Courts and United States Land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon. J. LU. GEARY riiyalclnn and Siirgwou. . HuniB, - - - Orogon. Offlcu In new building; south of Wolcomo liarncsn ahop, Main 8t. 'I'liuneMainU. DESMAN & DENMflfJ, Physicians and Surgeons I'ulU niutvurtxl promptly night or day Tlionu Harrlnian. Ilarrlman, Oregon MflRSPEfl & GRIFFITH riiyalclatia nud Bargeoni. nUIt.Vfl, OHBOON. l. E. HIBBHRD id :h in-a: i se: Olllco flrat door cast photo gallery llurna. Oregon. W. C. BROWN, DBITTIST.I a llUlt.NS, OltMOH. Olllco lii now land ofllco bulldlnp, next door north ol poat offlco. HUCIET1E8. IIAItNKY 1.0DQK, NO. 77. I. O U F. Mrrla ararr Hturdar In IM.I tvllno 11.11 at 7!u p m. r. A. tlole. Ar ii r iiartnn, Beeretarr. N, O. IIUKNSI.dlHJK N(I. 7, A F. A. .. Mirta uwn Dial auil tlilril n'.lnUv In parti inutllll. J. K. l'KKii. W. M. I !.. hkicra, Bucretary. IIAHNKY VALLEY OAM I1 No. SSI, W.ol W. Mceta erary Ilrst and aaoonilTutidaj. ... . O. W. Ifcf.lalo, Com. n. A. Qotran, Cleric. IIUIIN8 CIU1TKII NO. 40, O. K. 8. llw.-li.vfry noconj and fnarth Uondara, In Maaniilcltall. Era Bjrd, W. M. (net Uonau, Becratary, rtYI.VIA IIEIIKKAII UEUUEE No. IS. .ueetaoTcrjrlstandSd Wodnaalax. IS.II. Il.ll.rd Keo. BM'r. "'C0l'N-0' TUI.K CIKCI.K No. 16S, W. ol W. Mrvlaewry fourth TunJar. Ualld llArlnn n U llvitcr Ooodman, Clerk. $1500 Reward! The Owion Call forulaamt Narada l.lto Block I'rotac lion AuocUtlon, ot which tlie uuder algnad la a maatbar will lire 11.000 00 reward (or Tldinea leading to th ar. rrat and conviction ot any party ur par (tea ateallna' horira. eattlo or raulea be loniingtoanyotllt mambara. In addition to tlio atmo, the iindentined ol. for on tlio name condition 1500.00 for all horica krntuU-il hone ilioo liar on Uith or either Jaw llraud recorded tn etiiht rountlea. Hinge Har eoy, Luke & t'niok countlea, llorata Tented ulioit mill, None hut Krown horaea told, and only In large Ininchei. W. V. linOtt N, Fife, Oregou I Tx-y TIT Wo collect evorywlioro and luuke u chnrco iinlcHi collection lrf tnado. We pi on no our clienta Addrotm MoitaAN Mkhoantuk Co., Kenton llldtf,, Portland, Oro. ?i The Harney Valley Brewing" Co. Manufacturers ol Iultg 8oda Tater Family Trade SoIlclted-Free)Dcllvery T. E. JKNKINS, Manager Sump terValley Railway C TIMU TAIir.K NO. 30 IN RU'rA JUNK II, 1008. Wont Hound. Knt lloin, No 1 Pang a. tn. No. 2 Pant p, i 0:30 Lv linker Olty Ar (H 0i35 " Houth linker Lv C: 0t68 'Sallaburyf ' 5: 10:01 " Locklmrtt " 4 10:07 " TJiompiont " 4: 10:17 " Stoddard Juncllotif " 4: 10:22" 'Water Tnnkt "4: 10:32" "Doiti'd flnurt "4: 10:39 " McKwont " 4 10:55 " JUNCTIONt " 4 11:10 " Bumpier " I 11:16" 'JUNCTIONt "3 11:40 " Btimmltt " 3: NOON 12:00 ' 'O I. Caropt " 31 P.M. 13:05 " Wlilltioyt " 3 12:40 " TIITONf " 2; 1:10 Ar Anetln "2: Stop on Mgnaln only. No agent. Ticket liatied only for Rtatluim win trains nro aclitHliiled to mnko rcgoJ atopa. I'tteeciiictTd must tiuroliui-e tlil eta wlioro ngonta oxlat before onterli trains or i& cenlB In addition to tlio r gularfare will bo cbarged. JOSBI'HA. WKST, Stipt.1 GHANTOEDDES, Aast. Bopt. STEVENS ARMS we for tale by all progressive Hardware and Sporting Goods Merchants ami DAN BCAltD'S tphndiA eforl " CUHS AND CUNNINC " "-rill be mailed postpaid to any applicant uy J bTEvtxs Auws & Toot, Couiuxv, C'lncopce Falls, Maes., upon tec', i. of price. For tinner cover cdl t Ion orwurJ-SO cents ; lor cloth bound bonk Bend B0 cents. TVrlllen torn M'in- Ijilrxl Ly J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P O. fci 5W ak...ra Diarrhoea When you want a quick cute wlthoj any loan of time, and one that U follow! by no bad rcaults, use Chamberlain's Colic, Chclcra an Diarrhoea Remed Ir navtr fatla and ts pleasant to tsi It U equally valuable lor children. It famous for Its cures over a large part the dvfllxed world. JOHN GEM BERLING, Jovvolor. Optician anfl JSnizrnvor. Fine Watch Repairing A SpJ cialty. Tell Some Sick On It Is Tree If It Fails. Will roti do mi act of Humanity? 111 yoa lull omo tick friend of thla, : reButrkaoiooneiT Tell hlra or her. Hint you hnvo learnod c modlrlnoM certain in. iu maker uara sa. the tick. "It It atwoluwly and uncondltlou Irvoltltiaiu." And you, no doubt, already knowc EhooD'i lteitornltra una lu popularity. For m voa It hni titvn tho itandanl edy for Ktomiuli, Kidney and Heart allmit ATerrwhera lii Amartca. hen the "lntldo" or controlling nervci i them vital onrani begin tn tall. It 11 Ur HI Keitoratlve that liaiqu.rklyltalltcd, and tneneu, ana nrouani uieto ncnea auu bock to health arnln. I do not (low tho Etomitch, nor itlmulrl the Heart or Kldneya lor that Ii all wrong. Dr. BhooD'i Ilcatorntlro cool direct to 1 cause of thcae aliments tho falling, f-ittortti Inilde or ovintrolllnir ncryci. And liotvln Hoi I Keynote to my nirwx, Wlien the8.inrr-oanro anln made well a atrong, then tlittt li tho certain cud of alt iu ilCJUlOM. Tnmnlttl a areat aattsfactlon that I f the only pliyilclan ulilo to nay to tho tuSerU aalaa-a. 'afta 1. ...w HMIlrl.lnllnn (.-.-. full "Jl. (1. . tf It fallt to help ou, the onttro expoiue I luine-noiyuun." i 2Vi why should the sick take on chance on any other medicine, wict maker dare not back itjtut as I do 3 thisiemarkable offer f I alio lmo a niicumatlo Kemwly and 1 . .. au....l 1... .1 .. ...n... I.l..a.lln.l " TUIICMJ fl .I.VlV-. MJ U WUIU IUWIWVM haln. no nar" protoclio plan. von aro froo to romtilt mo luat I you would your homo pliyililnn, .My ad lea tj the book bolow aro oun ami luiout coit. lVsrkapia vonlortno from uio v. Ill r!c un aoiiiti lerloita ailment. 1 liiivohohHHlttiousai utoiitliouandi by my prlvnto preierlptlon i penonai auMce plan, My i-tt i-i.oh n worth your altnplo n-nuo.t. do let mo tend ou an order at once, tho muuagn lo acme tick f uud A will lirlno-f. nhi-nrtunttv. I 111 lui oun honest n ml t nutn orthy di Sit to wnotu you can coitviiiieuuy go lor iu iy tent. Hut tint, ink me for tlio order, for all d gnu arc not ouinoruea t.i l'1 o me cu uay iei Ho rlto lno now and uve all delayi. member that tomorrow mier comet. au lir.Shoop, llox 1 ', Itarlue, Wit Wlilck (elk Ikill I ll Toil No, 1 On Pypepla No, -1 For Women No. '1 On the lltiurt No. ft Tor Muii No. 8 Ou tlio Kldiioyi No, 6 Uu ltlieunutl; t I I I. ) HP VaJJ iL!Jiv i itfs!Hgti Y(V . x J"lfc.