,( -.CLiGTsraa i uuu' iM,vuiiuuu iiLiiHbmmst!i"WH' m 1 1 m ww &hc imcs-gcvufil SATURDAY, FBDIlUAIlY M, ItIO BUDBOIUITION 11ATK3: On Year ... Six Months. ,. Thraa Months , 1100 .1.00 ..75 JULIAN IITHD Mt Tho Times-Herald is in receipt of n letter written by H. L. McDonald, a deputy U. S. Btock inspector, who has been in this section moro or les3 for two years, saying tho reported loss of sheep had been greatly exag gerated. Tho letter was written from Andrews under date of Feb. 12 and Mr. McDonald had just come up from Denio. He says in part: "Wo aro having a "chinook" at Wild Horso Valley yesterday and today and snow is practically all gone. Carlson says weather is good in Catlow Valley also. Unless we have an unfavorable spring I do not think the loss will exceed 10 per cent and in many cases not over 5 per cent This is certainly good hews and indicates that the reports were scares rather than facts. The first sagebrush distillery will be in operation at Reno next week. The expert representing the Chicago manufacturers of the plant, says he will show the people how at a cost of $5 he will produce five products from a ton of sagebrush worth $20. The most important item will be al cohol. It is not only the profit in sagebrush distillation in Ne vada that should interest our people but the continuous crops that will yield far more than the sagebrush per acre. Silver State. The Times-Herald would urge I the active interest of local busi ness men in tho coming city election which will be held on March 8. It is quite important that we have level headed men to look after our interests and unless the business men look to i it we may not expect to securo the best material. Why not call a mass meeting of the business men at the court house next week and choose candidates. We should have a good ticket in the field. HOMESTEADERS GIVEN MORE TIME. The commissioner of . . eral land office has promulgated a set of regulations for the guid ance of registers and receivers of local land offices in the admin istration of the provisions of an act of congress, approved Janu ary 28, 1910, extending the time for certain homesteaders to es tablish residence upon their lands, as follews: "The first section of the act applies to all homestead entries in the states named made nfrpr' w- ! June 1, 1909, and in such cases the entrymen are given until May 15, 1910, to establish residence on their claims. It also applies to soldiers' declaratory state ments filed in the states named after Juno 1, 1909, and such de clarants are given until May 15, 1910, to make their homestead entries and establish their resi dence on tho land. If any pay ment is required to be made in connection with the entry under the declaratory statement, as in the caso of ceded Indian reserva tions, the act also operates to ex-1 tend the payment until the entry i is made. New Spring Samples A Magnificent Line to Choose from Remember we are exclusive dealers in Ladies and Gents Furnishings and have the latest and best styles in stock Call and look over our fine display SCHENK BROS. THE MERCHANT TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS Burns, Oregon Odd Fellows' Building "Tho first proviso to snetion 1 of tho act provides that the peri od of commutation or of actual resldenco under tho homestead law shall not bo shortened. En tryman who hnvo Uikon tulviui- tago of this oxtension cannot submit commutation proof until thoy have maintained substan tially continuous rcsidonco for M months from tho date samo was established; and in fivo year proof cannot claim credit for construc tive residence for moro than six months prior to tho dato actual residence was established. "Under tho second proviso of section 1 tho act will not bo held to defeat tho adverso claim of one who mado entry over a sol dier's declaratory statement, and who prior to tho passage of the act had established a bona fido residence on tho land entered. I where tho six months from dato of tho reclaratory statement had expired prior to the passage of the act without tho soldier hav ing made his homestead entry and established his rcsidonco on the land. "Tho second section of tho net grants a leavo of absenco for thVeo months from January 28, 1910, to all homestead entrymen or settlers in tho states named in the first section of tho act, En trymen who avail themselves of this leave of absence cannot claim credit for residence during tho time they are absent under such leave, such period of absenco be ing simply eliminated from con sideration in cases of either final or commutation proofs. Mill Plans to Advertise Oregon. In a letter to the Oregonian, Louis W. Hill, president of tho Great Northern Railway Com- REMOVAL SALE HERE, YOU CASH BUYERS NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Everything in my store except beef, pork, flour, sugar, tobacco 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH Bacon and Lard 20c. YOUNG'S MEAT MARKET & GROCERY Dany. announces that he has in- augurated a plan for advertising nniwn nnA ifd WlcAMrfnC 1 till HQ r'sisMnir in tho colonization of this .. . .. p -fi w.fWn0f section of the Pacific Northwest Mr. Hill has always been an enthusiastic advocate of the Pa cific Coast and its possibilities. He now proposes furnishing Eastern people with a demon stration of what is being produc ed in the Western States. Renresentauves of this com pany are now in this state study ing conditions and compiling in- formation. They aro in search - . - . of choice fruit and grain samples produced in Oregon, to be added to the exhibit which is now be ing made in the extreme Eastern states from Oregon, Washington and Montana Mr. Hill writes that next year he proposes equipping one com plete car With Oregon products, including fruit grain and timber. Thus supplied with Oregon grown products, tho car will be routed by the Great Northern over the various Eastern railroad systems. Edward Southworth and Miss Ella Sweek came over f ronl Bear Valley yesterday. LYIN0 ABOUT llAUNBY COUNTV. Among tho outsldo arrivals lliia week wcro Richard and llohry Hedges and G. E. Bol singcr, tho latter a dentist from Tncoma. Dr. Bolsingor Bays thero is a sytulicato of real cstato sharks up in Washington that aro lying about this country. Thoy seem to bo an unscrupulous set who got their victims to put up $125 location fees before leav ing Seattle on tho representation that thero is no ono hero in tho locating business and that thoy must havo a man como with them. They prniso tho country nnd havo an old man in a nearby office who has a flno displav of grain, grass, vegetables, etc. which ho claims to havo raised on his placo in Harney County near Malheur lako. Tho old man says ho wouldn't tnko $50, 000 for it and tho land hungry man puts up his $125 nnd thinks it cheap. When ho lands horo thoy havo their men to locato them -if thoy can. Tho old man's place- is not shown them for ho novou did any moro on tho placo than was absolutely neces sary to make commutation proof. Tho victims are located on any vacant 1G0 or 320 acres handy with tho assurance that it is the finest kind of soil, no alkali or anything that would be detri mental, although it is covered with snow. The Times-Herald has this from good authority and hopes tho work of such men will soon bo found out nnd thoy put on tho bum. Their agents hero should bo asked to leave town. mail school notes. The Ilf C. II. S. Literary So- ciety met in the high school building Friday. Tho meeting was called to order by tho presi dent Lilian Hendricks and tho minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The roll call found Cyrus Sweek absent Tho president appointed Leila Egli as critic and tho following program was rendered: Reading of Paper. . .Zella Irving Song by School Jaunita Reading . . . Zella Irving Biography InaTerrill Debate: Resolved that tho pol icy excluding Chinese laborers from tho United States should bo maintained and rigorously enforced. Affirmative Willie Young Ruby Dalton Bessie Swain Negative Juliet King Ormond Ausmus Lilian Hendricks Tho judges Beatrice Myrtle Irving and Hotchkiss, Sherman Smith decided in favor of tho negative. Biography Percy Davis Comical Reading. . Ralph Irving Essay . . Jessie Bardwcll Current Events ... . . Viola Richardson Recitation Sherman Smith Song by School .... Love at Home The president appointed Helen Purrington, Ella Johnson nnd Ralph Irving as program com mittee. Tho visitors were Mr. Gibson, Mr. Hollomnn, Mrs. Torrill, Mrs. Hansen. Mrs. Dalton. MyraKing. Alice Sweek and Mrs. Richard son. Ilolgc Idaho Opinion of Railroad. Tho Boiso & Western railroad incorporated at Burns, Ore., is believed to be a link in now Hill 1. Wo placo Indemnity or N. P. you. 2. Wo pride in locating tho best homes on Government land. 3. Wo wish to express our appreciation for all patronage of our many patrons for tho past season, 1909 4. Wo feel that our connections ter servico than over boforo, 5. When you want to build a trusted nnd experienced mechanic. C. So when you want to sell your and self proven salesman. 7. Wo aro after your business and energy will succeed. Wmt ilnor Rnnfh Tlnrnov ReeerenceS! First National Bank, Harney Cdunty National Bank Inland Empire Realty Co., W. T. LESTER, Manager, Burns, Oregon San Francisco lino through cen tral Oregon. Survoy, ns shown by plats filed with government, follow closely lino of tho Oregon Eastern said to bo Harriman subsidary out of Vale west. Boiso and Western to bo con nected with this city through construction of tho Gilmoro & Pittsburg from Salmon City west across central Idaho. Hill makes arrangements for for torminnl at San Frnncisco nnd will connect Boiso & Wostorn with tho lino now boing pushed up tho Deschutes canyon. St Paul mngnato purchases right of way through oxtonsivo Hnnloy holdings In Central Ore gon making possibio Deschutes connection directly south and west into California. Activity of Harriman interests towards preparing for construc tion of central Idaho lino indicat es every effort is to bo mado to control territory boforo Hill en ters nnd that railroad war will bo bitter. UOXINO CONTEST. Thero will bo a 15 round glovo contest at tho hall noxt Saturday evening between "Sailor" Hcrt zogand "Carpenter" Theis alias tho "Frisco Kidd." This promises to bo ono of tho classiest scraps over seen in this section nnd will bo full of inter est throughout Tho "Sailor" is at present employed in tho tailoring establishment of Schenk Bros., but ho was formerly on tho British battleship Victoria whero ho defeated sixteen men and fought tho 17th man a draw. Tho "Frisco Kidd" claims to havo been tho star boxer of the San Frnncisco Athletic Club. We understand thero will bo somo preliminary bouts to em bclish tho evening's sport. Tho children enjoyed a masked ball at the hall last evening. Many little ones participated. CONTEST NOTICE. CONTKHT No. !(K UxlTnnHTt l.AHDOrnrn Hums. OrrKii, Kabruarjr U, 1910.) A ufflrli'ntronti'tmUvltlivliilen fllisl In this ultlro by I U t.oro, roiiloataul, aialnal llulntsifaa KUirr, no Ml, man. iivccmuvrtfi. 1117. Hrtrlat So.lU. for HI.. Hrlloli 3. Town hln!IT8oatli. ltno Si Kail. Willamette Metl illaii.tr John W. Patterson, Conlste III whlih II II Allvgvil mil sain jorill i, rauertun wholly abaniloniHl saUl vttitt for inorotbau six months liit aat anil fcas chamtrd hl lilonra therefrom roiitlniiouiljr fur aluiiKcr fxiltxi ol time, anil mi prearni wnerraiiouia in 0 anunt unknown.salil partita are hereby null noil to ariiwar. rescotid. ami nirr evidence touching alil allegation at 10 o'clock Aprils. IfMO.U tore the Iturtster ami Krcclv oralthoUnlteiiKlatee '.ami Ortlra In llurnn, Oreiou . ... The talit roMcstani having in a proper ani .lavlt, nloil rcbruary IV. lulo. act forth larla which allow that alter iluo diligence personal servlco of Ihla notice cannot Ik mailo.lt la hcrahr onlcreil anil directed thai inch notice ho given by due ami proper publication, Wm. Faurk, ItcgUlcr NOTIC15 FOB I'UWiIOATION. ItxiTinfTitK I.AHpOrntr. I lltiiua, Origun, Kebruary 1,1910) Notice la hereby siren thatlhoHtataof Ore gou haa Meil In till fflt tin application filarial No OUCIlto (elect, umler Ihe provlilnna of the Act of Cnugrcai, Approval Auguil II. MM, anil aria supplemental ami ainemlatory thereto, Ihe HKIiNXJi. HWl.lK'i Koc 81. T. MB., ami lot 10, Hec a, -f ft il., i K W, M.ghoiithuf Mai haul Lake. Any ami all persona claiming e.lvcriely Ihe lands ilcacrlbcil, or desiring to object beratine of the mineral character of Ihe Inn. I, or for any other roaiou, to the dlnponat toappllcant, should Mo their amdavltiot proteat In Dili office, en or helure the expiration of the illoil oi puuiiceuon. Wm Fahiie, llcglitcr. Hlret publication, February 12, 1910. UK publication, March 19, 1910. CONTEST NOTICE. CONTK8T NO. 77. UxiTanfVriTCa (.inn Orridt, llurnt. Urigon, February lu, IV10. A tufDclent eontcet affidavit having been fllcil Inthlaontto by A II Nolion contestant against Deaert lam) Knlry, No, Oioaj, inaile lieo ember 10, Vjw, tnrMF.M Hrrllon 17 TiiwnahlpM Hnutll. lIno 111 Kail Willamette Meridian, by Kilwanl M. Flaltcouteatee, In which It Italleg el that aalil Kilwanl M Flatt hai failed to make any Improvement on aald land and haa failed to make annual proof of nipemlltureof any amnnnl for Improvement and reclamation of said land, and tho samo has been wholly abandoned by him, aald panic aro hereby notified to appear respond, and offer evidence touching aald allegation at 10 o'clock a. tn on March 1, 1910, before tho Idiilater and llocolv er at tho United (flutes Land Office lu Hums, Tboaald runleslant having In ropar afTlila It. flint KebruarvO. mo. ret forth farla which show that alter due dllllieueo personal service of this notlco cannot be mai'c, It Is hereby or dered and directed that tuch notice boglvln hy due and proper publication, Wm, Faiiiii, llfglilir. NOTICE KOIt PUHMOATION (Initk7i HTAtrs I, m Orricc. Hums, Oregon, January 10, 1'HO, Notice Is hereby given that Ihe Hlale of Ore gon haa filed In this oMie Its application Vmlal No. Oiovul to aelc t under the provisions of Ihe Acta! ('ongrcts, approved August 11, VMA, and acta amendatory thereto, the Lelil, 'iA, Bectlon SO, IMti, Heellou ID; Lot I, Becllon iW, Twp. a'. H It. M K., W. M, Any and all persona claiming adversely Ihe lanils inset lliDtf, or ilialrlng to objoct because of the mineral chnrartornf the land, or for any other reason, lo the disposal toappllcant, should file llielr affldavlla of protest la this ofllce, ou or before the expiration of the period of publication, WM, Fahri, llcglitcr, First publication January 'il, 1910. Mil publication February , 1910, Scrip on Government lands for aro such that wo can givo you bet Wo havo the buyer with tho cash. fine mnnsion you employ tho most property employ an experienced and will get it If honcBt treatment Countv Nationnl Bank. MJtHMMIUMtHUMttlHHJHMMHl.tttUMJMMMIJml." The OVERLAND HO . L Burns. Oregon AGAIN UNER OLD MANAGEMENT Afford the Best Accommodations to be lind in Harney County CliEJlN R00HS, tUEHN ulNNEfl, PnuflTJlBIiE VICTUniiS Wo are again in charge and will bo pleased to see our old- Unio friends nnd cimtonierHConie nnd hco ub. FRANK A. COLE AND WIFE itmmuimntmnnttmiimnmtmmtmt! THE CAPITAL SALOON, BEDELL & KICIIAKDSON, Proprietors. Burns, - - Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. COLE & BYRD Proprietors Harney County Implement & Hnrdware Co. Doors, Windows, Locks, Etc. AGENTS FOR THE MYERS PUMP Now Is The Time Buy thai New Suit or Overcoat while We are jjivinK a REDUCTION OF $2.00 to $8.00 on Each. Please Remember that We Guarantee Satisfaction. Complete line of Fancy & Staple Groceries E. B. REED & SON Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. JVlcKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. i We want to thank mm for your past patronage. Wc 5 believe you will find it to ijour interest to trade with i us in the future. Our atock is complete and our 2 DRUGS arc the beat, Wc will not handle any other 5 kind and our price arc riyht. We have the bent line of Cigars, Candies, Post Cards and Stationery In the city. Agents for M. SIIOOP'S FAMILY MEDICINES and SECURITY STOCK REMEDIES We Solicit our Prescription work Tlie City Drug Store REED BROS.. ffe -av-afefe BSSSSStttSSWSSWSSSSSSSSSSSSWW 5SSJfSSSSSS BURNS HOTEL BAR DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection Courlcus nndjObligiiiK Bar Tenders EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS DROP IN Centrally Located and Connected with Hotel Burns I , f -- unum:mmmm"trtf . i .sm n'tmmmmnsmtmmuuummmmmmmm mm MEAT and Grocery SHOES, SOX, TIES, SUSPENDERS, ROOFING PAPER, LANTERNS, WASH BOARDS, BROOMS Rubber Shoes and Boots Brushes of all kinds We also sell EVERYTHING THAT EVERYBODY WANTS TO EAT iiitiimmitiiiiiimiitmiimmtimiitmtip t t t Proprietors ? !VUW,,'sV1M MARKET STEEL TRAPS That will catch anything: GEER & CDM1HINS Burns, Oregon. Burns Meat Market New Shop Opposite Ihe First National Dank Main Si. Your palron age solicited. BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CORTES E. ELLIOTT, Propt. 1 Special attention given to transcient custom and Vt Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals XEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES IN CONNECTION WITH BARN. I'tf.HA- .T, JiJv,J BURNS MILLING C HORTON & SAYSR, Props Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road Lumber Yard in Bums, THE BURNS HOTEL STEPHENS & DIBBLE. Prop'. Rcnsonuble Rates, Good Clean Mculs, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatn.nt. Special Accommodations for the Traveling Men. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR Youi Patronacje 3r PILOW Tho Stag is ono of tho latest nnd Lost additions to tho fumous Deore Lino of Riding Plows. Is llcht In woleht. slmnlo nnd durnblo In construction full of genuine merit,' and has shown Its mettlo and utility In ovor7 test it has been put to. It has amply demonstrated by Its crood work its rlcht to bo classed as n strictly up-to-date, high-class farm tool. It Is certain to suit tho most critical farmer and bo a money maker and n labor-saver for him. "If It's a Deere-It's Right" and doe9 Its work perfect It Is manufactured and sold not being necessary to best results, but ono Is supplied at slight cost to thoso who perfer It that way. Tho Stag Is tho simplest riding plow built, anyone who can hook up n team and drlvo 'em straight can operate it successfully. It pos sesses many superior features not found on other plows, and it takes a whole book to Hotter write for it today and all the information you want about tills superior Implement. C.H.VOEGTLY Pork, Vidian, Bologna and JLiver Sausagi's Beef in any Quantity. H. J HANSEN, Propt freight teams. Horses kept by the day, week or month. FIRST CLASS LIVERY TURNOUTS. If ay and grain always on hand. Your pntronnye solicited. South Main St , IluriiH, Ori'tinn f ft Solicited, easo to tho operator and team. as a toncuoless plow a toncuo illustrate and dlscrlbo them. . IkT a i tintiitinmi8ttinttittttmnntttmmtnttumHm -'rl'WI-; - M