iilHWIIIMIi r X 'the Times-Gerald. At Till! I.AK0K8T CIUOUI.ATION OK J ANY NKWSI'Al'KU IN TltlB COUNTY. I aATUKDAY, JANUAUY , ltO Local News, Fur wnnlcd, Scliunk Bros. Cromo the children cry for it. ,lob printing Tho Times-IIerald E. W. VnnVnlkcnburgh is over from his Silver Creek homo. Good morningl Did you lmvo Cremo for breakfast? If you want protection see Irving Miller the insuranco nmn. Frank Dibblo and family are home from their trip to Califor nia. The Frene'i Hotel is gaining in popularity under the manage ment of L. B. Culp. ! A. Egli is over from Wagon tire on a visit to his family and to look after some business. ; 25 per cent oil' on men's cloth- ing at Schwam' during the an nual clearance sale. Dr. 11. Donman was among a class who recently secured license, to practice medicine in this state. Our new spring dry goods will soon bo hero to delight our lady customers Hagey & Richardson. Mrs. Edward Southworth and little son arc over from Hear Valley on a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Swcek. "The First National Bank" Capital, Surplus, $25,000.00 30,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited Try a meal at the Home Hotel. Tom Allen is over from the P Ranch looking after some stock. Plntlina tiWRKPll 1111(1 cleaned lit II. J. Hansen of the Hums qiwll,i. n,. Meat Market is prepared to fur nish bacon, hams and lard to sheepmen and ranchers in any quantity. Special prices for big orders. food- Cremo - for sale by your grocer. Don't overlook Schenk Hros. clearance sale. Fred Haines was a business visitor the first of this week. 20 per cent olf on Shoes at Schwartz' during the clearance Sale. Volk.qr's.orchestra gave a de lightful douce at the hall last night. Look at our Shirt window. This oll'cr was made of lack of feed for be-"1 the head, cause stock. Jan. 15th, ltUO.-Chas. II. Davis, your home taxidermist will do work for the public for the next 30 days. I charge stand ard prices, and guarantee satis faction. I will also buy a few choice specimens for mounting, i ness trip to Portland. Among the pleasant social ga- Schenk Bros, do not have to i ther.ngs of the week was an , send your suit back to a Phila W. 0. Rest came in last Satur day from an extended visit to Portland and other outside points. Wo lmvo :i number of nartics inxious to. purchase tracts of i from 1000 to 50,000 acres. See ! us about it Randall, Passenger The now breakfast Cromo a local product. A. McKonzic was in the city i Wednesday attending to some Mr?. T. H. Curl, formerly a usil,css resident of Burns, is a recont Improved and unimproved farm nrrivnl iii Hio piiv rind will make and city Droncrty for sale. her home here with her mother, Ihving.Mjli.eii. Values up to $2.50. They aro ... P . t 1 .li inliiln tltSAtP Ifttft Mrs. Savons. -Prncville Re- i n n,.mn , nvw frnm.youra ioricaui wmi muj-.... view. v his Cow Creek home during the The Times-Herald is informed week, that one of our local stockmen The Busy Comer Storo sells has been offered 100 head of tj,0 host goods for the least caiuc on uie .lomi uuy iur v" i'u i money. BoitN Sunday, Jan. 2:1, to Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Brown, a art , I &. Mnloney. J See the Inland Empire Real-! . . , , . ,, ty Co. if you have anything or. A " .o i v, awne it i Tuesday, who is in I loppy Valley, sale or exchange. nhml a th(J mow Issac Schwartz arrived home jms dissjjncared and the outlook Thursday ovonin 'from a busi-1 for slock wns hotter. Fresh groceries of the very best brands and a complete new line of dry goods, furnishings, etc., may be found at Hagey & Richardson's The new stone store. Dr. Griffith left yesterday after noon for the Worm Springs Val ley below Drewsey near River side, to see a little child of Mr. Armstrong which is reported suf fering from pneumonia. evening at "500" with Hon. and Mrs. Frank Davey, who enter tained a few friends Wednesday evening. The honors were car ried off by Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gault. Delightful refreshments were served. J. F. Mahon was in from his dolphin lawyer for alteration. They are tailors and can do it themselves. D. S. Sturrock, of Toronto, Can., was in Ontario one day last week on his way to Vale to consult engineer D. II. Ashton, N I by whom ho had been summoned Happy Valley home Monday and t to assist in the work soon to be snva slnclr in tlinf nnifrhlinrlinnri . f :Uon tin on tho extension of tllO nm ,lnm.r l.Hnl. thnn l,rl honn . Oi-nirnn Knatnrtl lir.inch of the O. ' A large lUimber of OUr people -reported. There had been some I S. L. Mr. Sturrock buys he will! saw u ncw "" inrUl,0 ,V'csL i f .!, i,.. i, ti,., i,noM, i.w,,i nf !; fm. iim nm. last ovening for the iirst time. IUOU VJi. 3ilt.i;S LUt IJ1W kilUIT IlJ uj lvltVV.lt w -www .- j.-w helped, as the snow had almost sent, but when the weather entirely dissapearcd and the 'clears up steps will be taken to, range is more or less clear, be- commence immediate construc sides there is considerable hay in . tion work from Vale westward. f that section. Ontario Optimist. Tho evening star at first taken for tho comet some littlo time before sunset, but it wns about 0 o'clock before the real comet was seen best. r Annual Clearance Sale Big Bargains in Every Department Ex cept groceries, overalls, thread, patterns. LOWEST PRICES IN THE HISTORY OF BURNS Dry Goods Dress Goods Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps Boots and Shoes Clothing Sole Agents for W. B. Corsets Standard Patterns Selz Royal Blue Shoes Reduction in Everything Job printing Tho Times-HernU Onions, well matured and good, at Lunaburg & Dnlton's. Starr Buckland was down from Harney Thursday. Gonernl hnullng and dray work done by B. F. Silcr. Supt. Gilcrest of tho P. L. S. Co. is in tho City having arrived Thursday. 4 yds. calico for 25 cents at Schwartz' during tho clearance sale. Pine wood for sale, either in tho pile or delivered Lute Mace, Burns, Oregon. Now is tho time to buy you a suit at reduction sale. See tho Schenk Bros', nd. If you want results list your property with Irving Miller, Room G, Odd Fellow Bld'g. Full blooded White Angora kit tens for sale. Address Miss W. A. Short, Lnwon, Oregon. Pearl Fisk, Stenographer. Terms reasonable. Headquarters at oflico of J. W. Bitrirs. I tilln Dnlilil CnlltimMi M llfltt lwkit having quite a siege from chick enpox. Sho is better at this time however. IP YOU AUK (iOINCTO TltAVKU Uho tho llnrnpy County Nntlonnl Hunk TUAVIXMCU'S CIIKQUKH They nrc RclMtlcntlfylnjr. Reatos for sale, all sizes and lengths, price 20 centa per foot. Any one desiring Reatos address W. A. Ford of J. O. Albcrsoit, Alberson, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Mace en tertained a few friends at "COO" last evening. Mrs. J. L. Gault and A. C. Welcomo carried olf tho honors. Nico refreshments wcro served following the hands. C. A. Byrd and family received word this week of tho death of Odd Fellowship are most intcr A. B. Mason's mother in Port- esting and will stimulate the or lnnd. She wns a highly respect- der. Deputy Grand Patriarch ed pioneer lady of that city and W. H. Schraeder, county clerk her death was quite a shock, of Grant county, -will bo here Archie Mnson is well known here about the middle of February to whero he was in business at one oflicially resusciato Piute En time and his wife was Tillie campment No. 38. The exact Tupkcr. date will be announced later. Go to tho homo Hotel for a good meal. Don't overlook Schenk Bros.' ad. Artie Peel was among our visi tors during the week. Deputy Sheriff Terrill has been having a sovcro siege of erysip elas but is improving slowly. If you want to sco tho finest display of post cards in Burns go to Carter & Thompson. J. D. Stewart, who has been teaching in Diamond this winter, is in this week on business. Good, clean seed barley frdfn 1 to 1000 bushels at 3 cents Ti pound -Hagey & Richardson. The entire Block of goods now on display at the now storo of Hagey & Richardson, is fresh and now. Patrons may find al most anything desired there. Harry Briggs, the young man who had tho misfortune to got his hand frozen necessitating the removal of portions of his fingers is getting better rapidly nnd tho wounds healing most satis factory. Rev. W. II. Gibson, who was formerly a resident minister of this city, will arrive here next week to join Rev. Holloman of the Baptist Church in a revival meeting. Rev. Gibson has a number of warm friends in Burns who will be pleased to see him again. We understand he is now located at Iji Grande. Ileal members of tho I. O. O. F. Encampment have arranged to have the camp revived since moving into the new hall and have room enough. A largo number of the members of the subordinate lodge desire to join the camp and thcro is some great work in sight. These degrees of r Harney Valley Oil & Gas Company Stock 10c. V J If you have any property list it with us, we have the buyers. Randall Passenger & Moloney. Good vinegar for sale by T. 13. Jenkins at tho Brewery. Money back if not as represented. Foil SAI,R-200 cords of pine wood at S1.75 ner cord. Slab wood $1.25 a load at tho Harnovi Saw Mill. L. R. Bunyard. j For real comfort, quiet and! courteous treatment tho French House is tho best under tho man agement of L. B. Culp. G. W. Popejoy, formerly of Portland is in the city. Ho comes to Harney county to make his pcrmnncnt home. Prestley Smith is over from his Diamond Valley homo on a Bhort visit. Mr. Smyth doesn't come in very often and therefore is more or Iobs n stranger. Ask your grocer for Cremo, the new breakfast food. Are you interested in Burns acreage? If so let us tell you what we have to offer. Randall, l iinauiiKi;! iuuiuiiuj. II, C. Smith and family arrived home yesterday evening from Portland where they had been visiting for several weeks. It. A. Miller is over fromjiis Warm Springs home. Hore ports his children hnve been sick with Duke's disease but are im proving. Dancers should remember tho i Mask Ball at Sunset school house Feb. l'l. Dance tickets $1 and snectators 50 cents. Supper at E. C. Egglcston's. Tho Sayor Photo Studio is se curing more up to date apparatus and is becoming moro popular Come in and see for yourself SALE BEGINS MONDAY, JAN. 31, 1910 SALE ENDS SATURDAY, FEB. 26, 1910 V The Busy Corner Store, I. Schwartz, Propt. ovcry'dny. Miss Sayer is con- Tho following aro some of the ' tinually adding now features. properties Bold and exchanged II. B. Simmons arrived homo last Saturday from a soveral weeks' visit to California. He had a very pleasant time with boyhood friends and relatives. Comots nro becoming quito Henderson Elliott is on tho sick list. Win, Krisko was in tho city this week. Phillip Irwin is reported on tho sick list. Claud Hibbard, is up from tho Lawen country. J. N. Terwilligor hai bocn in tha city for a few day's. Miss Loughead in up from Lawen on a visit to friondf. Finest of clean need barley 3 cents a pound at Hagey & Rich ardson's. Schwartz' annual clearance sale begins Monday, Jan. 31, 1910. f Cello, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Byrd, ban Duko'a disease. A. E. Murphy, the Iron Moun tain farmer, was in tho first of this week. Tho county road viewers wero out viewing a road on tho Island yesterday. Tho Busy Corner Storo begins its annual 'clearance sale next week. Wntch the ads each week. The hen is a meek and lowly bird, but she has dono moro for this country than tho eagle over will do, Bays an exchange. John nnd Chcrlcr Myers are home from Western Oregon where they wero called on ac count of the death of their father. W. B. Johnson and R. J. Will iams are over from Silver Creek. They state the loss of slock in that neighborhood is nothing more than normal. Foil SAI.K A five room cot tage, four lots all fenced with two good wells, a windmill and I other improvements. No rock. G. Hudspeth, Burns, Oregon. ' The Saturday afternoon "Five Hundred" club go out lo the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Lcvens this afternoon where they will be entertained by Mcs-1 dames II. C. Levens, W. L. ! Marsden and J. W. Biggs. Number 61. Business Accuracy. The check account will inject into your busi ness a desiro for system oven in details. It fur nishes a simple method of recording receipts and expenditures. Tho ease by which this is dono, In spires you to a closer watch over your Inislness. Accuracy means a saving in all cases,- it eli minates waste and insures definite results. The check account is as accurate as any human method can bo made. It supplies the user wHh every business advantage safety, conrenionce, accuracy, system and a bettor standing in busi ness among associates. Adopt tho check system for your businesi. A Savings Bank Department is a fonturc of this Bank, in which interest at the rale of four per cant per annum is allowed. The Harney County National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON. YOUR IIOMJ -INSTITUTION STATE DEPOSITARY BUY YOUR DRUGS at OUR STORE Wc handle a complete Hue of everything usually sold by up to dale druggists. It is OUR AIM TO PLEASE This we do by courteous treatment and reasonable prices to ail our customers THE PL Ct TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon if&X'SA'Xf.'A''. aWVTr TUB FATIIHR OP HIM. thei NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots andShoes Fresh Groceries, etc. For Fall and Winter Trade A VW WVV 4 -f V Census-Takeu "G i ve nges of your five children." ' Fatiikk All right. Mary will lw tliirinon in Sontoinbcr l,lrlon voQ Mint. miMt. !. riirht! J Will ll..., j -.. ....- -o J and John is John ahem--he s going on eleven, I guess; then Helen wait a minute, 1 never could remember how old she is but Fred is Fred is let me see and Archie heavens man, my wife will bo back at half-past five can't you come again then? W. N. Morse in Woman's Home Companion for February. i: it i: p MUFP BROS. RI-STAURANT. Mot Tnmnlcs, Chill Con Carne, Mexican Stew, SpejrROtte, Hot Wclncrs, etc. A good Lunch nt any hour. j Second Door West of Cnnitol Saloon. JOE THOMPSON IN Till: POST OiTICIiJJLOCK Candy, Nuts, Stationery, Cigars, and Tobacco HOT TOSIALES AND CHILES School Tablets, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Etc. SAIOKERS ARE PARTICULARLY INVITED Nice Assortment of PipesNew Novelties Coming. hrhfi MILLliR REALTY & ISVIiSTMLNT CO. Office with Win. Miller, Hurii5, Or. Deeded lands bought and sold on Commission. Insurance, Life, Accident, Fire. MONEY 10 LOAN. List your lauds with us. IKYING MILLER, Manager. J during tho Benson of 1909 by the Inland Empire Itenl Estate Co. of Burns, of which W. T. Lester is manager: Dickinson Oard prop., H20 acres Dave Loggan property, 1G0 acres Jordan land exchange, !J20 acres numerous, nnd theroforo common Howen property 900 acres Tho latest has been observed in Sam Mickel property . (M0 acres tho southwest just after sunset, Walter Struck property, 117 acres j "Teddy" has also driven ono Kallonbach property . !15G acres from covor in South Africa. Tho largo timber wolf spoken , It. S. Dugger, a young man of last week is no more. A re- who has been in tho employ of ward of $117, together with tho ' It. H. Brown at Diamond, arriv bounty and markot price of tho ! ed in town tho first of this week pelt sent three young men on his in a very bad condition caused trail. Tho mon. Oscar and Irvin from blood poison. Ho ha3 been Crnin and Tommy O'Kelloy cov- under Iho euro of Drs. Marsden ercd his trail with traps, and yes- & Grllllth nnd is improving quito tordav his wolfshin was ninned. satisfactory. Ho doesn't know Ho wns a largo brute and broko just how ho got infected, but tho chain of tho trap which held thinks it wns from a now pair of him nrisoner. and drairtrcd the gloves. Ho found a small pirn- trap for a long distanco through plo on ono linger anu opened u tho snow, which left a plain trail with a pen unite, mo wouna for tho hunters to follow. Tho grow worso nt onco and ho soon wolf was tho largest over seen in ' found both hands infected. Mr. this part of tho country, weigh- Dugger has hnd to have somo ing about 120 pounds. - Princvillo ono feed him for soveral days Itoviow. but will soon bo well again. The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRlfiATION ENQINI.ERS Mnin Office, Burns, Oregon A. I). KU'I.KNTK, yir. , Branch Olllce, Lakeview, Oregon i m. i i.k i ii, itfr. A MAIM is known by the harness he uses A VAQUEkO by the saddle he rides. Evere horseman should have the best, both as to quality and price. You can get highest quality and lowest prices at J, 0. WELCOME & SON Harrxess sirrcL Sa-cLcLles THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing. Game its Ai About WMIH mm:j ZzSs&m i 1 '" Hr-im Pttuntari Jima 1B,1UOO Wc want to tell you about the latest and newest labor sa cr for the farmer a marvel of mechanical genius a regular Jim Dandy" the light, handy and simple Fits Any Malws it liuittp I You never saw niytliiny like it b.Unc nothing hke it has ever ben n.'e. It makes a windmill pump into a perfect Power Pumping Plant in a k-v minutes, and besides pumping, it runs separator, churn, grindstone, or nny machine ordinarily run hy hand. You Ji tne atlach- o yourself. Costs less than ;i windmilll It's well worth a special trip to learn about the most wondeiful invention you ever heard of. Next time you are in town come in sure. We want to give you a catalog free. kvMJ...ltt-J ! MgMBLT3! JMMI If'.'KgraT V '"'"' -'-S :B-u.mp, Oregon.