nm&wnmhm4mtummi9mmtoiwt&m 4nmw 42 m M i I m in as! s'l A Times-Jerald. '1X8 TIIE LXKOKST CIRCULATION Or ANY NKWBPAPKB IN THI8 COUNTY. SATOKUAT. JANUARY 1R. 1B10 Local News. Fur wanted, Schonk Bro3. Crcmo tho children cry for it. Try n meal nt tho Home Hotel. Don't overlook Schonk Bros.' nd. Chester Carter is in from his homestead. For sheoplincd coats sco Luna burs: and Dalton. J. W. Shown was down from Harney Thursday. Good morning! Did you have j Cremo for breakfast? j If you want protection sco Irving Miller the insurance man. rvM All sm wl Tl T. TAnn nnrJ over from tho P Ranch on busi ness. L. B. Culp invites his friends to stop at the French Hotel when in tho city. Soveral of our young people went over to Harney last night to attend a dance. See the Inland Empire Rcaj Estate Co. if you have anything for sale or exchange. Mrs. Claud Brown and mother, Mrs. Hallie Shelloy, loft yester day for Crane Creek to visit relatives. YOUR BANKING BUSINESS Be it large or small, is uiel come at this bank. Any bus iness entrusted to our care will receive our careful con siderate attention. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS Capital Surplus. $25,000.00 S30,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited NOTE: The Surplus of this bank, $30,000.00, issix times the maximum amount re quired by the National Bank ing Laws, thus affording an unusual degree of protection to our depositors. 13. C. Eggleston Iwas up from Sunset yesterday. Foil Sai.k-A Heconrf hand range. Address Box 72, BuriiH, NJ vru uiiuuiMuiiHi uiuro in u scarcity of hny In tho Lawen country. Pine wood for sale, oithor in tho pllo or delivered Luib Mace, Burns, Oregon. John Marshall was among our visitors from Narrows during the week. homo Hotel Clothes pressed and cleaned nt Schonk Bros. Alva Springer and wife nro up from their lake home. The new breakfast food-- Tho liifrrrnot- rrvliinrtnn on In nn clothing and gent's furnishing Cremo-n local product that ever was at Schonk Bros. See ad. Elsworth Egli had quite a se rious attack of appendicitus this week but wo are pleased to note is better. Hagey & Richardson now have a complete line of f resli groceries and new dry goods. See them in their new store. G. W. Clevenger has just re ceived a fine lot of bed clothing of all descriptions that will be sold at right prices. N. Brown & Sons are agents for tho Stein-Block make of clothing. Ask any one who knows and vou will wear no other make. Davo Miller is in from his Warm Springs land holdiings. Improved and unimproved farm and city property for sale. IRVING?MILLKII. W. B. Corsets, latest styles, long hips all sizes from 19 to 28. Prices $1.25 to $2.00. Just re-, cieved at Schwartz's. Harney County's portion of theTf,MmK i nd this week state tax is some $2000 lower than last year. This year w.o pay $14,443.39. Schenk Bros, do not have to send your suit back to a Phila delphia lawyer for alteration. They nro tailors and can do it themselves. Crcmo for sale by your grocer. Don't overlook Schonk Bros', elenrnnco sale. Luther Tudor was among our visitors during tho week. Great sale of Dress Goods at the Busy Corner Store this week. All guests treated with court esy nt tho French Hotel. -L. B. Culp, proprietor. If you want to see tho finest display of post cards in Burns go to Carter & Thompson. Tho Harney Valley Hardware and Implement Co., have n r- SALE of Ladies' Misses and Children's COATS During the week ending Saturday, January 11 1910 All Ladies' Misses and Children's Coats One-Half Regular Frice at The Busy Corner Store FIRST COMERS GET FIRST CHOICE COME EARLY WOOL and PART WOOL DRESS GOODS Reduced Prices during the week Regular price Sale price. 30c. Henrietta cloth, per yard 22c 85c. Henriettas G2J 80c. Winchester CO 35c. Suitings 25 35c. Brocades 25 50c. Eider Down 374' 50c.Serges 37J 75c. " .-v'.-, 524 85c. " 02J. $1.15 " ...- ; 85 1.25 " ".".','. 95 1.35 Suitings - '. '95 75c. " ' ...,. .. 524 75c. Panama !. ' 524 50c, Cashmero 374 1.25 Diagonal 95 1.65 Wool Taffeta $1.20 The Busy Corner Store I. SCHWARTZ, Propt. BE J Full blooded White Angora kit tens for sale. Address Miss W. A. Short, Lawen, Oregon. C. G. Smith and Walter Struck have gone to the southern part of the county to look at some land. Tho usual Sundny services will bo held at tho Presbyterian church tomnrrow. Preaching both morning nnd ovening. C. II. Voegtly left Tuesday morning for Portland where ho goes on business nnd pleasure. Ho expects to bo absent several weeks. We havo a number of parties anxious to purchase tracts of from 1000 to 50,000 acres. See us about it. Itandnll, Passenger & Malonoy. We take this means of express ing our sincere thanks to all who were so kind and thoughtful of us in our hour of bereavement. Mil. nnd Mits. A. Cotk. If you want a ready to wear suit of clothes call for a Stein Block suit. Worn in London and Now York as well as Hums. N. Buown & Sonh. Curtis Smith has purchased tho Fred Byers residence prop erty in this city. Ho has not yet announced when the happy event is to take place. 1 Blue prints of any township in Burns Land District, showing namo of entrymnn, date nnd kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Itandnll, Burns, Ore. Fresh groceries of tho very best brands and n complcto new lino of dry goods, furnishings, etc., may bo found at Hagey & Richardson's The now stone store. C H. Leonard and Sam Mo thershcad this week purchased tho J. P. Farm ranch of 280 acres near this city. They paid $8400 for it. Mr. Fnrra oxpecLs to leavo in tho spring for his old homo in-Pennsylvania. II. A. Dcnmnn, a ncpliow to Dr. Dcnmnn, was in from Har- riman during the week. Tho i young man is interested with Ibis undo in tho merchantilo business nt Harrimnn and reports business good. Jan. 15th, 1910,-ChaH. II. Davis, your homo taxidermist will do work for tho public for tho next 30 days. I chnrgo stand ard prices, and guarantee satis faction. I will also buy a few choico specimens for mounting. Tho funeral of tho little son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Coto was hold last Monday. Tho Httlo ono was born last Juno and had boon quite a healthy littlo fellow un til ho fell ill from Duke's disease. All threo of tho children woro 8i3k but tho other two nro now on tho road to recovery. Tho many friends deeply sympnthizo with tho bereaved paronts. Now is the time to buy you n suit nt reduction sale. Sou the Schenk Bros', ad. 13. N. Nelson is homo from an extended trip to Silver Lake and other points. If you want results list your property with Irving Miller, Koom G, Odd Fellow Bld'g. Pearl Fisk, Stenographer. Terms reasonable. Headquarters at office of J. W. Biggs. Bring in your premium Blnmps. Cups, Saucers etc. are now here. I. ScmvAUTZ. IK YOU AUK GOINKTO TKAVICI., line t lie llarni-y County Nnllunnl Itmtk TKAVKIXKK'S Cl IIIJUKS Tilt' nro KolMili'litlfyliiK. Bingen Hermann is now being tried in tho fodoral court at Portland charged with chnspir aey to defraud the government of public land. Tho indictment was brought in 1905. Keatos for sale, all sizes and lengths, price 20 cents per foot. Any one desiring Hcntos address1 W. A. Ford of J. O. Alborson, Allmrtimi ritiwrtti iimli bacon, hams and lard to The tax levy just made by the sheopmen and ranchers in any county court is tho lowest ever quantity. Special prices for big levied, but the material raise in ' orders. tho assessment will bring each' ,, , . .... . . . inillvliliiiil lnvnhw n,,, ., rw.duiin iwumroii una jusi in former year. ' ocoj V(,(1 ll IoUor f ron hw, da"h; tur Lea, announcing tho death of Williams Bros, saw mill at her sinter-in-law, Mrs. W. II. Cold Spring on the Canyon road' Bland, in Portland on last Tues is prepared to do custom work day, Jan. 11. Deceased had for those desiring to take, ad- long been an invalid but her vantage of their government per- death wns nevertheless a shock, mit. Also lumber for salo at-$12 Thero were no children. Mr. per thousand. Sec them about Bland is in husinotw in Boiling custom prices. hnm, Waah. (Jo t( ll( good mcnl .lonn uury and wile nro over from Crane Crook. Tho nioHt up to diUo gorit ftir niahingH at Schenk Bros. Mins Julia MoKonzio is a guoiit of friends in this city. Remember G. W. Clojonger luti u complete lino of bcjlding. Sco hiH stock at once. Fred Haines wns over from Ilnrnoy during the week looking nflor his morcnntile buninoHH. 4 price on all Ladles', Misfles', &. Children's Couts nt Schwartz's Busy Corner Storo this week. Tho French Hotel, under the innnugomont of-L. B. Culp, is tho place to lako your family when in Burns. Both Doctors Mnrsden and GridUh visited Harney during tho week to visit Mrs. Rogers who is seriously Hi at her home on tho Mickel place. If you would liko an Oregon Life Calendar send your name, nuro and address to their agent. E. C. ElJOLKSTON. Burns, Oregon. Drs. Marsden & Griffith per formed an operation on Mrs. Frank Sogoroat last Wednesday. The paliont is reported improv ing nicely. The entire" slock of goods now on diapluy at the new Htoro of Hagey & Richardson, is fresh and now. Patrons may find al most anything desired there. II. J. Hansen of the Burns Meat Mnrkot is prepared to fur fur a ! Foil Salk A five room cot I (age, four lots all fenced with two good wells, n windmill nnd other improvements. No rock. G. Hudspeth, Burns, Oregon. The young high school bnskct ball I cum gave tho "Fading Stnrii" a run for their money in IftBt ninht's game at Commercial Club hall. It was a much closer game than had been expected. he latter team only defenled the boys by six points. A social dance followed the game. Did it over occur to you that the advertisement in this paper are worth reading? Ilnd you noticed that some of our mer clutnlB are announcing clearance sales during this mouth that arc real money savers? Read the "Busy Corner Store," Schenk Bros, and E. 13. Reed & Sons in this issuo and sec if there isn't something there that you need. There are o'.lvr new ads too. The First National Bank and the Harney Valley Oil & Gas Co. arc among them. This office is in receipt of n letter from Mrs. C. S. Johnson which states she and Charley had arrived home on New Year's day from an extended visit to their former homo near Chico. Chas. had been nwny for 22 years and found many changes. Thnt section has experienced a very cold winter and complain of hard times. They also visited Stockton, Grass Valley and Ne vada City, two mining towns. They had planned coming home in company with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibble and Frank's mo ther, but the latter mot with ai painful accident the day .before they were to start by falling1 down a flight of stairs, breaking a rib and injuring her ankle, consequently the Dibbles had to wait. Enrouto home Mr. and Mrs. Johnson visited Roseburg, Portland and Baker City, but were very glau to get home again. They found about ono foot of snow at home but it is settling rapidly. Stock are win tering well on Calamity. Number 49. Safety without Cost It is a satisfaction to know ,t all time that your money is safe in the bank. This in certain. You can keep your money securely in tho bank nnd at the same time draw out whatever amount you wish to pay sums to other persona without coming to the bank. The check account makes tin's possible. It eliminates the risk of carrying money on your person; it avoids disputes over bills that you have paid; it turns the responsibility of keeping your money safely from yourself to ub. It Ik our business to keep tho people's money safely; wc aro equipped to do this. We can tell you more about tho check account if you are interested. In fact, we'll bo glad to do this for your personal information. A SavingH?Bnnk Department is a feature of this Bank, in which interest nt the rate of four per cent per annum is allowed. The Harney County National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON. YOUR HOME INSTITUTION STATE DEPOSITARY BUY YOUR DRUGS at OUR STORE We handle a complete line of everything usually sold by up to date druggists. It is OUR AIM TO PLEASE This we do by courteous treatment and reasonable prices to aJ our customers THE PL0: TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon, r Harney Valley Oil & Gas Company Stock 10c. V- up from F. Crowley ,. yesterday. was in tho city Otto Nystrom wns Waverly this week. The weather has moderated Ask your grocor for Cremo, the very much and stock nro doing now breakfast food. vory wcU- i T. S. Nosbit. the Blake. McFall Ifyouhnvo any property list Co. man, wns hero a few days it with us, wo havo the buyers, this week taking orders for his Randnll Passenger & Malonoy. " house. Good vinegnr for sale by T. 13. Fred Barron, F. C. Eggleston, Jenkins nt tho Brewery. Monoy M. J. Nash and Bert Porter woro back if not ns represented. among our Sunset visitors dur- Fon SALK-200 cords of pine I1" l" Aroyou interested in Burns ncreago? If so let us tell you what wo havo to offer. Randall, -iV Ay -- f. r r--- r-4 5ft ( Application (or (Irailnn I'crmllj. NOrlC'I'.ls liorcli)- kIvuii that all ap jilicHtluiiH fur pcrmlti to grazo cnttlu, how, ntid nht'ii within thu DICS OIIUTUS NATIONAL FOIUSST during thu tH'tuon el 1010, intuit lu llleil In my olllc nt I'ruiovUli). Orvgon, on or beforu lVlinmry liil, 1UI0. I'll II information in rcu'iril to tliOKtiuiiiK h" U bo cliurnwl und lilunk forms ta bo used In milking, ujiilnitl(iiiH will ln (iirniithcd upon ro riuwt. A. 8 IUKI.ANI), Siiporvmor. NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Fresh Groceries, etc. For Fall and Winter Trade a. w. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW State Courts and United States Land Office Practice. Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon. JOE THOMPSON IN THU POST OKPICI; ItLOCK Candy, Nuts, Stationery, Cigars, and Tobacco HOT TOMALES AND CHILES School Tablets, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Etc. ti. SMOKERS ARE PARTICULARLY INVITED Nice Assortment of I'lpesNcw No cities Coming. 2 IIUI'I' BROS. RESTAURANT, Hut Tnmnles, Chili Con Cnrne, l . '- Mexican Stew, SpcRgcttc, Hot Wclncrs, etc. A K"tl Lunch nt nny hour. Second Door West of Capitol Saloon. wood at $1.75 per cord. Slnh wood $1.25 n load at tho Harnov Saw Mill, L. R. Bunyard 'ii .. . Thero .has hcen a decided l "ssonger oc Mnloncy. chnngo in tho weather during! W. B. Parker and wife were tho past few days and it is hoped 'among tho neighbors in from tho winter cold Btinp is over. I Warm Springs Monday to attend Some of our stock men are short tho funeral of tho little son of of hay and an enrly spring would , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Coto. be a great benefit. The Saycr Photo Studio is so- A letter from Chas. Davis 'wiring more up to date apparatus states ho has just finished mount-,''d is becoming more popular every day. Miss Sayor is con tinually adding now features. C. M. Faulkner of this place has purchased the John Stephens ranch at Codnrvillo. Tho report ed price paid is $8,000. Tho ranch is located near tho now evaporator and wo understand it will bo converted into a modern fruit ranch. Lakeview Ilomlri. to tho spring and summer buy- Mr. Faulknor is a brother to A. ing for his "Busy Corner Store. " v. faulkner of this city. Ho was accompanied out by his EsTKAV NoTiCK-Cnmo to my nophow, Walter Gerstel, who ' )hlC0 ,,.. Vn 0raMn. nnn blade liorso l-years-old, branded bar diamond on left stifle. Ani mal has been in this section for ,two years. Ono red 3-ycnr-old the. steer marked two undorbits in ing a wildcat for II. C. Pearson and had received a largo cougar to mount. Tho lntter had just boon killed ovor on Calamity and was a handsomo specimnu. I. Schwartz look his departure last Monday morning for Port land and other points. Mr. Schwartz always goes out in January and attends personally had been visiting with tho fain ily hero nnd attending high school. Walter will remain in Portland. Tho following nro somo of properties sold nnd exchanged I loft and half crop in right ear; during tho season of 100!) by tho branded 74 bnr under on loft Inland Empire Real Estato Co. ribs. One red yearling steer of Burns, of which W. T. Lester I marked undorbit in loft and is manngor; swallowfork in right ear; Iiuh bur Dickinson Oard prop., H20 acres Davo Loggan property, 100 acres just inside of right oyo; brand 1 . J, connected, but upsido down Jordan land exchange, !120 acres on right hip. Owners call, provo Bowcn property ... . 900 acres I proporty, pay exponso including Sam Mickel proporty G40 acres this notice, Walter Struck proporty, 117 acres J, A,' Williams, Knllenbach proper ty .. 35G acres) Vnn, Oregon. The MILLER MALTY & INVESTMENT CO. Office willi Win. Miller, Hums, Or. Deeded lands bought and sold on Commission. Insurance, Life, Accident, Fire. MONEY TO LOAN. ! List your lands with us. IKVING MILLER, Manager. The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRHIOATION ENGINEERS Main Office, Burns, Oregon A, O. r.UU.K.NKIt, MRr. Branch OHice, Lnkeview, Oregon U. M. KAUI.KNKII, MIST. A IVIAN is known by the harness he uses A VAQUEKO by the saddle he rides. Evere horseman should have the best, both as to quality and price. You can get highest quality and lowestgprices at J. C. WELCOME & SON THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing. mtie in Antti Ask A tH nil Jll It I ami 1 tOMtowsjcj Patontod Juno 10, 1009 OiharB Ponding We want to tell you about the latest and newest labor saver for the farmer a marvel of mechanical genius a regular "Jim Dandy" the light, handy and simple Fits Any Pump and Klakos It Hump J You never saw anything like it beforenothing like it has ever been made. It makes a windmill pump into a perfect Power Pumping Plant in a few minutes, and besides pumping, it runs separator, churn, grindstone, or any machine ordinarily run by hand. You do the attach inn yourself. Costs less than a windmill! It's well worth a special trip to learn about the most wonderful invention vnn pvpt henrd nf. Nuvt tune von are in town come in aure. We want to give you a catalog tree. j,