. w. fli MM. WMtW p. Aififsij.Lji iMriHttMNMI4lN4MUHMinMMMMH WWfMWWPlWH iuIHMWWNM I. -f in n 1 .4 '4f I ' SltC (HwCS-jgCWlfd. SATURDAY. JANl' UV IS, 1910 HUllHOUIl'TION UATKH- Ono Year. .. BU Month Thtod Moulhi 11.00 100 JULIAN ll III) - - - Mnai Thcro is ono pliaso of "consor vntion" tlmt wo nil twee is right conserving tho moisture in tho soil to brinjjf forth bounti ful crops. Tho dismissal of Chief Forest er Pinchot hns caused consider able of a storm and added fuel to tho Pinchot-BallinKor contro versy over conservation. Some interesting developments arc expected before tho closing chapters of the affair. tho. road fund for uso In bis district. It being brought to tho atten tion of tho court that n man named Norton at Drewsey is without means and not physical ly ablo to support himself, but nblo to assist, tho clerk was or dered to draw tho sum of $12.50 per month to assist him. Tho sum of $G0 per month appropriated to assist tho John Osborn family. Treasurer ordorcd to appro priate $400 from tho road fund for uso in road district no. l. Clerk authorized to purchase an adding machine for tho use of tho olllcers. Tax levy was made as follews: i Stale, 21 mills; school 1J; high school, i; road, 1; county, building, 4; total 10 mills. Will the Harney country have railroads? Well some! Tho Har riman people aro lotting con tracts for grading west from Vale; Hill is coming in from tho Deschutes country on tho west; the Sumpter Valley from tho north and tho N. C. O. is piling up rails at Alturas preparatory to extending north from there. Could the prospects bo better. PLAN NEW CHURCH NEXT VGAR. A cm load of turkeys loft Gal veston, Texas, tho other dny, for which local shoppers received It cents per pound. When these turkeys reached tho consumers they cost 83 cents per pound. In other words, two-thuds of the cost to the consumer was absorb-, !.,,. ed somewhere between the sellor j amj McGowan. At tho annual business meet ing of tho Presbyterian church last week tho matter of n now church building was discussed and tho membership and friends will begin plans looking to tho erection of n larger and moro substantial building next year. The church has received consid erable cneouraKoment for this purpose and there is every in (1 cation that a sullicient sum may bo pledged for tho now church next year. J. L. Gault was re-elected treasurer and A. S. Swain suc ceeds himself as trustee. Messrs Chalmers;, Whitney, Hibbard and ItlcGownn wero elected ushers for this year. Tho finance 1 committee for tho year are Gault, Hibbard, Swain, and the buyer. It went to tho railroad or the middle man. This also indicates that there is something besides a shortage of commodities that creates high prices. Ex. COUNTY COURT. Jap McKinnon appointed coun ty road viewer for tho onauing year. John Robinson appointed stock inspector. Chas. Turner appointed One very pleasing feature was the action of tho meeting in cut ting down tho amount received from tho Home Mission Board on tho salary of tho pastor. With such excellent support from the local congregation it is hoped soon to have the church entirely on self support in a short time WHAT DO YOU KNOW AK0UT THIS? Tho following paragraphs are taken from Washington news road I dispatches: Senator Chamber- master of district no. '1. J. T. Barnes district 1, Sid Comegys no. 2, W. II. South No. 3. A now road district was crea ted in the south part of tho county, tho boundaries being as follews: Beginning at the northeast corner of T. 29, It. 30, running thence west on the township lino 12 miles, thence, south 12 miles to the summit of Stcens Mountain at the south west corner of T. 30, .R. 35; thence following the summit of Steens Mountain to a point where the township lino between townships 33 and 3 1 across said mountain; thence west to inter sect range lino between ranges 35J and 32?, thence north on said range lino to township line between townships 32 nnd 33, thence west on township line a distance of about 30 miles to the Lake county line, thence south to the southwest cornor of Har ney county, thence east to tho southeast corner of Harney county, and north to place of bo ginning. The other road dis tricts were changed so as to con form with the new district. C. A. Haines granted a liquor license for Lake precinct. Loyd Johnson granted liquor license for Saddle Butte pre cinct Reports of road masters ap proved. J. T. Barnes of Dist. No. 1 given an order for $1000 from lain has introduced an amendment to the sundry civil appropriation bill granting authority to the In terior Department for the survey of all the remaining unsurveyed townships in Harney county, and waiving tho Settlers applications for such surveys. There aro GO unsurveyed townships. Tho cost of tho survey will be ?30,000, He also introduced a bill creating a new land district in Oregon, comprising the lands in Malheur County, with a land office at Vale. Senator Bourne introduced a bill today to aid in the rcclama- ( tion of swamp lands in tho Dun- dor and Blitzen Valley, similar to the Ellis bill pending in the House. Oil, tt (IAS COMPANY IXECT. Tho nnnual meeting of tho Harney Valley Oil & Gas Co., was held In this city last Monday ovening at tho ofllco of J. C. ' Turnoy. Tho new tflllcors elected woro J. C. Turnoy, president; R. D. Post, vice-president and general manager; Miss Joserl.lnoLochor, secretary: Peter C lumens, treas urer, and S. M. Talbot, superin tendent When soon by a representative of this paper Mr. Turnoy stated that tho company starts tho year under most promising conditions nnd hopo to accomplish much work during tho season. Ho states that tho company has been promised sullicient funds to build a pipe lino from this field to Boise just as soomis it is de monstrated wo havo commercial gas. It is tho intention of thoso in charge of tho work to begin activo work as soon as proper machinery can bo obtained. Tho Times-Herald has suggest ed such n move bofore. The gas is most important and an immediato commodity in which local people are interested. Tho development of commercial gns would mean immediato rovenuo to the comnnnv and a great boon to the Harney country where thousands of acres of fertile land would bo made to produce in creased yields by means of water. With such cheap fuel as gas this is not only possiblo but practicable. It is very gratify ing to note that tho company is going to develop this gas, which is undoubtedly hero. People will watch with much interest tho work of tho Harney Valley Oil & Gas Co. They wish to see our resources developed 'anjl feel that if wo can Bccure gas it will mean rapid advance ment along this lino. With suffi cient funds for this promised tho company should hasten to dem onstrate what it has and thus bring greater confidence to tho undertaking and add valuable assets to its holdings. J. C. Turnoy, R. B. Post, S. M. Talbot, II. M. Horton, Peter demons, C. G. Frye, Dr. II. Denmnn and W. II. Bradford wero elected directors for the year. MASK BALL FEBRUARY II. Tnday, r-eoruary 11, tne an nual masqurado ball will be given in Burns at Locher's hall. The costumes this year will bo better than ever, as there is moro com petition for the prizes. All sorts of new characters will bo imper- bonated. Prizes will be awarded to tho best dressed lady, best dressed gentlemen, best sustained lady character, best sustianed gentleman character, most comi cal lady and most comical gentle man. Don't fail to havo your costume ready in time. Job printing Tho Times-Herald CLEARANCE SALE! Our Clothing and Gents' Furnishing stock Is only a couple of Months old, all New Styles and Up-to-date, but We want lo hell It before We get the Spring OIULK, su iiiuivi; " v""i'liviii tili: u& lUIIWiii SUITS FUR COATS. $32.50 Suits.. 30.00 " .. 27.50 25.00 22.50 20.00 17.50 15,00 12.50 .$20.95 $15.00 Fur Coats .... Zl.D'o JJ7.50 " ...: 32.95 35.00 " ... . " 19.95 22.50 ti -try tier " ..'.'.,'......'..' ltt" 15 Boys' Suitsjrcduced 25 percent " 1.1 hit ,. .......... Men s wool sinris zu pen ceni $37.50 30.00 27.50 17.50 11.05 OVERCOATS. $32.50 Overcoats $26.05 30.00 " 27.50 " 25.00 " .... 10.05 22.50 on nrt " in ,ih n'.m " '. 1-i.oa I'-M- 15.00 " JJ.9L 12.50 " 8.05 Men's Underwear 20 per cent Boys' Underwear 15 per cent THIS SALE WILL BEGIN 21.05 MONDAY, JANUARY 10, l'JIO, 22.05 AT 12 M. AND WILL LAST 17.95 UNTIL FEBRUARY 5, AT 10 in ,k ALL ALTERATIONS FREE SCHENK BROS. Burns, Oregon Odd Fellows' Building Clovonger as program committee. Visitors present were: Ruby Burrow, Miss Biggs, Mrs. Bard well, Mrs Baker, Mrs. Chester Dalton, Mrs. Grovor Jameson, Alta Sagers, Mrs. Smith nnd Mrs. Teller. citation Nonui:. In tlio County Court of tlio Stnto of Ore Kon, for llitrncy County In tliu inntlur til tlio ltnto ot llunry V JoiiPD,Ulien tr Joiira unit Hylvln Oltnllon. Joiion, inlnorH. To llunry 15. Jonon, Clumtur Jouua ami bylvln Joiu'h, nml to HI inn A. Joncn, nnd to nil pvmoiiH Intcrottuil In tlio nbovu nniuodoatiito! Yon nml oncli of you nro lieroliy cltoil unci required to niciir liofcro tlio nliovo ontltlod Court lit tlio court liou n In HuriiR, Oreiron, on Monday Uio 7l1i dny of I'obinary, 1010, nt tlio hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of a.ild dny, limn audtlioro to show cftimo If nnd jon lmo why nnd ordur of tills Court tlmitld not bo mndo nnd ontorud mitliorlzluK nnd dlroctliiK lilmn A. Jouch, Gilnrdlnn of tho eiUto of tho nliovo mimed minora to noil all of tlio rlKht lltlu nnd Inturimt of anld nliovo nniuisl minora In nnd too curtain ronl uatnto In tho miiunar jirnycd for In licrnp!lcntlon nnd petition tiled horuln; mild ronl ontnto ItoliiR mi uudUidud )i Intercut In nnd to tho HKJf ot aectlon ft; MulNVJnnd HWJof miction 8; nil In tovtiitlilp 2J, H. It. !U, 1.., V. M., In llnrnoy County, Oregon. WltncM thu lion J. 1. Hector Jtidcn of tho County Court of llnrnoy county Oregon, UiIh nth dny of Jnn , 1010. J. I HKOIOll, County JihIro. Attent: Honl SAM M0T1U:KS1I1:A1 County Olork 111(111 SCHOOL LITERARY SOCIETY. Tho Harney County High school literary society met in tho high school building Friday afternoon and the meeting was called to order by President Ralph Irving, tho minutes of the last meeting wero read and approved. Tho roll call found Bcssio Swain absent. Mr. Biggs was appointed critic Officers elected were: Zolla Irv ing, president; Asal Clovengcr, vice-president; Waldo Gcer, Sec retary. The following program was rendered: Reading of tho paper Leonard Locher Song by School. . .Lovo at Home Solo' NinaWiscmnn Rending Mary Fry Current Events Edgar Williams Biography Ella Johnson Essay Lyle Dawson Debate: Resolve that Labor Organizations Promote tho best Interest of Working Men. Affirmative Negative Cecil Irving George Marsdcn Helen Puringlon Beatrice Hotchkiss Ormond Ausmus Harry Williams Tho judges Chester Mace, Bert Oliver and Nina Wiseman decid ed in favor of tho negative. Song by School . Juanita Reading . Leonard Locher Recitation .... Lou Davey Song by School Tho Ivy Green The president appointed Ruby Dalton, Lyle Dawson and Asal NOTION KOlt l'UIILIGATION. UNITKtl STATUS lAM.OrrH. I lliirm, Ori'tmi, IiicimlmrH, lvi. I V.itlr.. I, liftrnlir ulwiti tlmt llld Htati Of Ofiill liaa nkxl In tlila olllcollf allrallou ScrUl No (W,l) lo folrrl.iilKlrr tlio I rnvlalnii ol the Art i)( coiiKrciH. k priiviil Aimut II, 1M1, mill net RiiirmUtniy therein, tlio HKiiHVtU. Pec. SI, mid Nr'N'Hce ffil.T. S3H,1( SOK.Vi M Any ami nil )otuli rlnlmlliu itiltcrti'ly the Uiuliileictiboil.iir ilrlrliK to ulijrct hccmne n( the mlneritl rlmrnctor nl the Unit, r lor mil utlii r roon, to tlio lUoitl 10 illrmit, ihoulil nlo their ultl.liwll. nl proUit In I 111' ortlce. on or before tho ci Irntlon of tho irlinf of publication x Kiui Heritor. Ftrtt iuMlcatlon licrmlwr 1, im I.MI imhllrmlou Jnur)-K, 1510 1'KTITSON KOH I.IQUOK MOKKHi:. Wo, thu undurtil;nid lejnl otorn ol I.nkn prtclnct, Harney County, Btnto nf Oregon, reniH'ctfully petition tho lion County Court of Ilnniny County, Btato of Ori'non, to urant a Mcono to Harris A Mtrcoraltl to ell Sjilrltuoun, Mult and Vlnoim I.IiiuorH In lorn (iiinnlltlca tlinn 0110 Kiilloii In Ijiko l'roclnct, Har eoy County, Statu of Oregon, for the porlod of tlireo mouths 11s in duty bound wo ahall over pray. MMKBlHMH8KMttttttKniJMtWnJMtUHMlM"""M",l; ft . . m. a ret. mm it The OVEKLANU HU a bL. Burns, Oregon AGAIN UNDER OLD MANAGEMENT Afford the Best Accommodations to be hnd in Harney County CliBIlN ROOfrlS, CLEflfl UINNEN. PHLHTflDhE VICTUALS Wc arc again in charge nnd will be pleased to see our old time friends nnd customersCome nnd sec us. FRANK A. COLE AND WIFE ttntMMttatnttJtJMMtttBum:mmmttjttttmn THE CAPITAL SALOON, BEDELL & RICHARDSON, Proprictore. Bums, - - Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. Namm Walter Andcrcon llalph llutchlimou Norman Words A 1'iiriinworth llnil.l-11 i:illiilt 0 S Dunn John Miirclinll It. W. Harrow 11 1? L Andoraon Andy Oalmrn Oco W. Miiiinoim Win. Wado Nauek I'm nk C.tlllold H Midwinter I'rauk Klitzku Win. Hymo Alvin llurlhutt (luorio WIlllAiut A I. Jonoa Hohh Kinder A McKlnzIo J11I111 I. Dorrlnge C, II Kldwoll I'A Andurton 1' Andortou Notlro Ih horohy Uun thnt on Satur day tho 10th day of Jnnunry, 1910 tho undornliriicd will apply to thu County Court of the btato of On-gun for Harney County, for tho Ikcntu inoiitlonvtl In tlio forcKoinc n'tltlon. lunula A. 1 ithi iui 11. NOTICK l'OIt 1'UIILIOATION l)tiitniHriT I.JixnOrricit lliirm. Ormon, .Suv.mlier 17 1W). Notlro In li.robjr uUi'n tlmt Mary A llutlon, of Kail, (Irrrini, Mrho nil lluculnlior n, IMM, nailn ileaert Uml entry No KVi.Horlal l.0IIM. lor NUSKW, K-ftfoii Wl Mt '. BFJiNW'i anil HtvilNHt, " Hon 1, 1iwiialili a South, llamo It Paal. Wlllainctlo Mi rhllall, liu flliicl nollroof liiU'lillcili In mule Hnal 1'rool, lun l.lrllili 1 IkIiii in the limit aliovu ilr.crlhoil, he- foru the II.Kl'tcr mut llifohcr at llurm, Ore gon, on the lllliila) olJuiiuary, Uio, (l.lm.nt iit,if. m. i.lliii'iiai lloburt I,. II lit Ion , JmcMithoilanil bolhof )'ll, lirmuii Iihci i umlaut, uf alley, Oro- jon. William A walker in ru, ur.uou u lii 11 it, lUslttcr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UMTrn HTiTM I.Axii Urncr, I Hum., orcuon, .November IU, 11WJ Notlro la herchr itlun that Amiea Payer, whom i.n.l iiltlcu aililriia la llurm, O'eiton, ill.l.im tlio Jitliilagrof April, luo-j, llluln thla orrlio Hworii alalinicnt ami Villlcallou, No. 03IIM, toinrrhao the lil .' anil H NU.Ho llon l.towmhliitHoulli, llunijo it haat, l lainellu HornlUn, ami tho llullwr thereou, umlor the irovltloiiof Iheiut of June a. ln7a, anil art! ainoiiilaiori, known aa thu 'jl lml.tr ailiiniunu law, H, lubii ihiuump ihi.i,. t. Ilxi.il by apiiralinment, ami thai, iiiirauant to ncli Biiillcatlon, tlio luiid ami llmkqr llierton r..!n.. .. ....I.....I l.n llinltr i .ll.il.li if tmve boon i prrtlieil, tho limber ttllmaUd Ulil tfK) l...UB.t l..a.t l if rll ! M nml Itm ImiiiI I7UUU, that aalil iipi'lli ant will nHer Dual proot in aumiort ol her ni'i'lltiiiliin ami aworu ttato iiiinton thu IHlli ilnjr nt January, IvIO, lmforo tho Umiak rami llinlvtr, at lliirm, Oregon Aay in-rann la at UUrlylo proliat thliuir clutin In lor u entry, or Initiate a milieu! at any tlmu In lore l'nluit Utile., 1'V llllnil a lorroluir aleo ainitavlt In IM ontte, alleging facia which wvulil iletcat the entry. M Kaiihk, lleglaler ntr naWaitWSHS aJL t? 1. Start tho New Year right and list with us 2. Prospects wero novor better for n prosperous season than at present. 3. Wo do tilings and got results. Go after business, do not wait for it to como to us. 4. If you want to sell your property and appreciate thoso who get results list with us. 5. Wo advertise your property by placing it in a largo printed list that goes to over 100 representatives besides tho numerous inquirers. (!. Wo havo sold moro property within tho season of 1009 that all other firms in Harney county put together. Wo havo sold olliers and can sell yours. 7. Wo aro hero to Btay and help dovelop this Groat country. 8. Wo work for your interest, and spend our timo, labor and money for tho advancement of our country. 1). Prico your property right and wo will assuro you a rapid sale. 10. A friendly visit from ono and all ot liarnoy county a citizens will bo appreciated. 11. Wo mako a specialty of locating homes on tno very ucst oi Government lands. 12. Wo aro located tho first door south of tlio liarnoy cjounty National Bank. Roferonces cither bank of burns, Oregon. Inland Empire Realty Co., W. T. LESTER, Manager, Burns, Oregon COLE & BYED Proprietors Harney County Implement & Hardware Co. Doors, Windows, Locks, Etc. AGENTS FOR THE MYEES PUMP Now Is The Time Buy that New Suit or Overcoat while We are giving a REDUCTION OF $2.00 to $8.00 on Each. Please Remember that Wc Guarantee Satisfaction. Complete line of Fancy & Staple Groceries E. B. REED & SON Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS Thone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. t t t t . i. miii-i nx -wk j ar I i Wc tcant to thank ioit for your past patronage. Wc believe you will find it to your interest to trade with ub in the future. Our slock is complete and our DRUGS arc the best. Wc will not handle any other kind and our nriccs arc riflht. Wc have the best line of Cigars, Candies, Post Cards and Stationery In the city. Agents for DR. SIIOOP'S FAMILY MEDICINES nod SECURITY STOCK REMEDIES We Solicit your Prescription ttorl The City Drug Store REED BROS., Proprietors JSSfStSiiSZ$iiiSS$5tt$SttS3K$tt$tttttti WJSSSftSJfSSSCSSSSSSSSSSWSSSSfcSSSSSSSS! BURNS HOTEL BAR DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection Courtcus andjObliging1 Bar Tenders EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS DROP IN Centrally Located and Connected with Hotel Burns -tLiJ. ;!. ""w.,iHjf J"4w ' STEEL TRAPS That will catch anything: GEER & CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. .iafAi11 i .. ' Burns IVIeaf Market New Shop Opposite the lirst National Dank Main St. Pork, Vionan, Bologna and Liver Sausages fea Bftfif in anv Quantity. Your patron age solicited. H. J HANSEN, Propt ySpisSis. . n few- iwfflMFaw5Mr sftxwr-tv . wmi- -mmmrri&i'&m w i k virp' lib a. JrTmL2mMr.rj t 9r- n m;.jr uw;AjK Aft fl LiKr zS& fwr BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CORTES E. ELLIOTT, Propt. . Special attention given to transcicnt custom and freight teams. Horses kept by the day, week or month. FIRST CLASS L1YERY TURNOUTS. Hay and grain always on hand. Your patronage solicited South Main St , Burns. On-g Special Adend'on Given to Conducting Funerals npvv ANn tmiDiTi: mv crticcHSHk IN CONNECTION WITH BARN. iMajjflHF ttttntnnmtimnmti::: ,m::mni:in.ntmutmttumt:nustitntu:ttum h TIG' 1A7 MARE and Grocery Come in and inspect my stock COMPLETE LINE OF BEST GROCERIES to be had in the Market My prices are as low as good goods can be sold for in this market... The LARGER the order the LESS it COSTS. :imtmummmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmm:mmmsummmMM BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON & SAYER, Propts Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road, I T.nmlipr VflM in Riirnc -wW- A V AAA AWiiW THE BURNS HOTEL STEPHENS & DIBBLE, Propt. v Reasonable Rates, dood Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatn.ent. Special Accommodations for the Traveling Men. FIRST GLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR Voatr Patronage Solicited, Tho Stag la one of tho latest and best additions to tho famous Dcero Lino of Riding Plows. Is light in weight, simplo nnd durable in construction full of genuine merit,' and has shown its mettle and utility in every test it has been put to. It has amply demonstrated by its cood work its right to bo classed as n strictly up-to-date, high-class farm tool. It is certain to suit tho most critical farmer and bo a money maker nnd n labor-saver for him. "If It's a Deere-Ifs Right 9 and docs its work perfect easo to the operator and team. It i3 manufactured and sold ns a tongueless plow a tongue not being necessary to best results, but ono is supplied at slight cost to thoso who perfer it that way. The Stag is tho simplest riding plow built, anyone who can hook up a team and drive 'era straight can operate it successfully. It pos sesses many superior features not found on other plows, and it takes a wholo book to illustrate and discribe them. Better write for it today and nil tho information you want about thii superior implement. C. H. VOEGTLY r ' mr .