P- N Ude mitttef jtefal) n Wlc Oircnt 7ittrntj Coiiitiru Govern n nron of 0,428,800 ncit-t- ol Intnl. 4,0:11,051 ncroi yet vacant Biiliifcl to entry under tlio public land laws ol tlio United HtalcB. Tim Otllolnl I'npor of llnrnuy Comity Iim tliulurKKst cimtlntlou mid is ono nf llio'.keit lulvi'rllnlnn iiumIIiiiiih In KiiMom Oregon. s VOL. XXIII HUUNS, IIAHNKY COUNTY, OltKClON, JANUARY 8,1! 10 NO. 8 ) ll I 1 DRY LAND FARMING METHOD What can be Done by this Means of Fa rutin ft by Careful and Painstakiitft Work and Methods. (Written by I. S. Gccr for the the season before on your sum Conmiercial Club advertising nior tilled land; then if you have literature.) enough water stored in the soil The successful farming of dry'u will raise a crop and a good land depends upon the conserving on0, of water in the ground, the pro-! 1" planting seed nearly every .. r .. ,, i one will plant too much seed. per til age of the land previous .-,,,, . . , .. , , ... , ' I'M fall sown wheat where the to and after sowing the seed, , moislurc ,m8 boon slor0(l S() lho and the amount ol seed sown. Kraj w mmo llp WolI. J!0 lbs. The ground should bo plowed aj to tho iicrojs ample and perlinps reasonable depth and immediate- practice will show on ground that ly packed by a sub-surface packer is well tilled that 20 lbs. to the or well harrowed, provided no acre will be sullicient. packer is on hand. I Ho it remembered that in the This land must then be well conservation of moisture in the harrowed after each rain and at soil it is only accomplished by a time when the land will pul- having the soil in proper con- verize up in little clods, which is dition so the rains or melting vtermed a "dust mulch." This snows can percolate down into fcnulch. however, is not a dust! the earth and afterward renew- Jinulch but consists of small clods ing the so called dust mulch. from the size of shot to the size Moisture only gets out of the J of walnuts. If this mulch is too ground through evaporation or fine-grained it will drift in the growing crops, and if tho soil is blowing winds and if too coarse properly tended 'until you have will let in too much air and dry1 enough moisture stored awav out the sub-surface, or packed and then do not lose it by evap- soil. Should the ground have too large clods I have found by go ing over it with a drag or clod masher leaves it in a line con dition by grinding up the large clods and leaving them the pro per size. Weeds must not be allowed to grow, as everything I that grows out of the ground 1 takes away so much of the mois f ture that is needed finally for the growing crop. By following this simple meth od throughout the summer sea son and sowing a reasonable amount of seed, I have been able to harvest 33 bushels of fall or winter wheat to tho acre and have raised good crops of pota toes, corn, etc., on land tended in this manner. The spring following the seed ing of fall wheat, and after it is up a height that will stand the work, this wheat must or should be well harrowed. Harrow it until the crust that has formed is entirely broken up and you have the same mulch you had oration, success is sure. Now often have we seen ground well tended for a period of two or threo years in succes sion and then a tremendous crop raised and called it luck, while it was nothing but scientific fann ing and perhaps the parties in terested did not understand why crops would not produce the same every season. Tho scien tific cultivation or preparation of the soil is not an intricate problem but a simple under- AN EASTERNER TRANSPLANTED Thin Man eame from Old Massachusetts and is Satisfied With New Field- What lie Knows. Well (Written by C.H. Smith for the Commercial Club advertising literature.) Publication Committee Hums Commercial Club: Replying to your favor of Nov. 10th w ill y was absolutely tho finest he ever saw. What these men have ac complished has been done on raw sago brush land and so I confi dently predict that in five years we will be raising larger crops standing of a few important; that 1 am fully convinced tromioi grain per aero man any otner fWts. Slim, llm wider in the what llmve observed during thoJsoclion of the U. S. Our foot- soil even if it lakes two seasons, I past three years that our part ol hills are covered with bunch ,.t.i,. .,,,..( r u,..il lili.. vnllov in mm Hiiro of n troinnn--JrriiHH, good water Is plentiful at fllMI il 1 L'dPuuiM'iu miiwuiiw w. i, ,,... ..,..-.,, - - -- -.- and use the harrow, not once but several times, and all the good semi-arid land will respond with crops that will surprise the most skeptical. NOTICK. All parties owing Lewis & Gar rett, or Simon Lewis are hereby notified that all these accounts are in the hands of our attorney C. II. Leonard for collection and settlement. Persons indebted to us will please settle the same with Mr. Leonnrd at once. Simon Lkwis .1. T. (lAiuunr. dous success as the sun is to me, irom 12 to 20 feet and our trans and good up-to-date farming portation problem is solved as methods will accomplish that railroads are on the way. I have success. I know thatalfalfa will been over the world pretty ex grow here because I have grown tensively, but never have seen a it. Also that it is possible to climate that was as good as ours, raise immense crops of wheat by Wo read in the papers daily of dry land methods as I have seen some wonderful country somo II) bushels to tho acre and it was where but in my opinion we have of Little Club, which makes it here in Harney County tho most all the more wonderful. 1 also wonderful of all, just waiting for know of a man who raised over good up-to-date farmers with r00 bushels of potatoes on!! acres modern methods to develop iL of land without water. Three years ago there was one Another of my neighbors sta- house in 35 miles, now we have scnoois, cuurcii services aim ted that he had farmed all over the west, but that ho had now a small 20 acre field of wheat that mmmmmmfrmmmi "i 'Winn WTjrfW "&f S ' ' v,'Tiri1 tat Potatoes growing on Hide-hill near Munis under di) fiinn incLliods Uy Hon. I. S. (Jeer seventy voters within six miles of my ranch. Also a telephone, store, hotel and It. F. I), mail route and post ollice, so it would seem that most of us in this sec tion have the same faith in the future of the valley as have I. My proof of that is that you can't buy them out and money talks you know. I, myself, would not take five times what 1 could get today, for my property as 1 am satisfied that values will increase many times within a few years, and when that time comes I won't sell as I came here to live and it suits me perfectly. In conclusion I want to say that if any man will come here and' hump himself one half as hard as he mas to in the Kast, he will within five years be independent for life. FROM TROUT CHEEK. Thv Italy of Harney County A waitiny Traimportation. (Written by J. C. Heaty for the Commercial Club advertising literature.) Received your letter some time I per be the we' ago but was very busy and could not take lime to write. I had a very large garden to take care of, and to dispose of, and it took all of my time to attend to it, and the end is not yet; but will try and tell you a few things about this part of tho county, the productiveness of the land if tnken proper care of. All kinds of grain do fine and yield large crops per acre if tho land is prop erly treated and the water in telligently applied. Barley will yield from '10 to 70 bushels pet acre. Wheat under tho same good treatment will yield heavily and all garden producbTdo extra well. Potatoes will yield from 300 to 500 bushels to the acre; onions will yield 1000 bushels per acre; cabbage about -10 tons per acre; parsnips, 1200 bushels ncre. Harney County will one of the best producers in stale of Oregon as soon as have transiortation. There could bo raised in this part of the county, (from the Juniper ranch to the Nevada line) one million racks of potatoes, a million bush els of grain, and train loads of onions of the best quality, and cabbage will be no small item. Beans do well and there are thousands of acres adapted to the growth of melons and toma toes. Tomatoes would be one of the money-makers if there was a way to get them to market. String beans and peas can be profitably grown. I have tried almost all kinds of gardening in a small way and have some idea of what this county could do if we had transportation. Under present conditions the residents of this part of the county are depending on the slock industry, and will continue to do so until we have a railroad. Probabably the greatest coffee substitute yet produced is that now known to grocers every where as Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. It actually goes a third farther than all others, and be sides it is "made in a minute." No 20 to 30 minutes tedious boil ing is at all necessary. Pure toasted grains, malt, nuts, etc. have been so cleverly blended as to give a wonderfully satisfying, true genuine coffee flavor and taste. And not a grain of real coirce is used. 100 cups, 25c. Sold by Reed Bros. Advertising to Sell Cheap Clothes docs not happen to the merchant selling STEIN -BLOCK CLOTHING the Stein-Block goods are sold only by FIRST CLASS HOUSES and worn in New York and all large cities If Your Clothes Fit, are sty Unit andwcar, yon areusa lis ficd cus tomer. Wcfcarry the Stein-Block Line mm of rcady'JLo wear cloth ing, considered the fin est, best fitting clothes made. If i J nM BIT 1 m 111 j ,i m i i IB ft 1 ll? I I J- j.t"t -T1T..U-. t R I i Sri N. BROWN & SONS The Satisfactory Store Burns, Oregon. $ S&5K&I M. L. LEWIS FIRE INSURANCE. ... Represents the.... Home Insurance Co., of New York, Live p'iol, London & Globe, I'ire Assurance Co., Philadelphia. OPriCI! WITH IIKKIS & IliadS. Bums, Oregon. o tier .South of Lunaburg & Dalton'5. Lws asii Job Printing. j January Sale of The Busy Corner Store I-SCHWARTZ, Proo. The Busy Corner Store I.SCHWARTZ, Prop. Men's and Youths' Clothing Everything in the clothing line goes at a reduction of 25 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR These Are New Goods, the Styles are Strictly Uptodate. They Are Well Tailored, Nice Finish and Have that Nobby Appearance so Char acteristic of the High Class City Tailors. SALE BEGINS MONDAY, JANUARY 10, AND LASTS ONE WEEK I $2.ri.00 SuitH- go lit $18.75 O2H0 " " K.8.r 20.00 " " 15.00 18.00 " 13.50 lfi.00 " " 11-25 jo r,0 " " 9"'5 lT!00 " 8.25J A KKW HLANKKT LINKI) DUCK COATS ftJl.no CohIh . ... go at $2.65 fi.no " ... " 4.15 SIIEKP SKIN LINKI) DUCK COATS $7. HO VuliicH hiiIo price in $5.60 $7.fi0 TroiiKoi'H ... .gout $5.60 (1.00 " 4.50 fi.OO " 3.75 1.00 " " 3.00 H.00 " " 2.25 2.50 " 1.85 QDPri AI Moleskin CouLh, Hheo) lined, with Fur Collar and Extra Wool ji i-vinn-, Throat Protector. Viilue fl.'l.fiO, Salo pneo ih $10.15 EXTRA SPECIAL: 4 Russian Fur Coals, just arrived. Would be cheap at $37.50 2 Coats are sizes 42 and 44 Russian Dog Skin. Sale price only - - 26.25 2 " " 38 and 44 " Colt Skin with Southern Beaver Collar - 24.15 i a. The Busy Corner Store I.SCHWARTZ, Prop. The Busy Corner Store I. SCHWARTZ, Prop. T