WwiggSSiggBg"Pgiiiipw 'l .win. ' : - " a Ihc Oftmca-ftWvaW. SATURDAY. JASl'.VHY 1, IH4 SUIIBOIIU'TION KATK8 One Year . . SW Mouth Thri'O Mnnlha WOO 100 ,iti i.i n ii hii - Mttaagi' The Tinies-IIoniUl predicts u happy and prosperous New Year for the Harney county people. MAN LYNCHED IN (1RANT COUNTY. Murderer Taken Prom Officer by Masked Mob mid Shot to Dcalli The Times-Herald understands Burns will have a steam laundry in the near future. This is an enterprise that is needed and no doubt will be well patronized. The following account of a double tragedy over in Grant county is given in the Portland Journal of Dec. 27: Twenty-four hours after he had tnurdosed Arthur Green, a well known young man of Mor row county, Ollie Snyder was n bullet riddled corpse. The inn' which avenged Green's death left Snyder's body lying in the road two miles south of Hamilton in the northwestern part of Grant county near where Green was murdered. All nigfft Fri day Snyder held Deputy Sheriff Cassidy's posse at bay with his high power repeating rillo. Early Saturday morning he surrender ed. Saturday night when Cassi dy started from Hamilton with his prisoner for Canyon City, a score or more of masked men, heavily armed, hailed Cassidy's team, took Snyder from the bug gy and ordered Cassidy to drive on. Cassidy had gone but a short distance when a volley of rillo shots told him of Snyder's fate. Snyder was employed by William Heymor, an extensive raging) t0,TOW county sheep raiser, as sheep herder. Stopping with Snyder on the Watkins range, 1F miles from Hamilton, was Arthur Green, employed bv A. L. Ayors for herding horses. Fridap Hoy mer stayed on the range with . Green and Snyder. Snyder came The Times-Herald has heard ' in Friday night from herding his After examining his records scientists now claim that Dr. Cook has failed to prove that he reached the North pole. Dr. Cook has disappeared and cannot be found. Many of his former friends and supporters have lost confidence in him. Well, some say we have been having some winter, yet it is just what the country needs and quite different from what the daily papers tell us is happening on the Eastern coast where ter rific storms have been and the loss of life and property enormous. Besides, it is much better than 20 to 40 degrees be low zero such as has been exper ienced in the middle western states. several discussing theadvisibihty of startinir a creamery and in- sheep in an ugly mood. He said he intended to kill one of tho troducing more dairy stock in dogs because it had become un- this section. We feel confident such a venture would pay big and would encourage their estab lishment The scarcity of eggs and chickens would indicate the chicken business to be profitable also. rulv. The dog belonged to Boy mer anil Boymer protested against its being killed. An ar gument started and became so bitter that Green attempted to act as peacemaker. Snyder grab bed a high power repeating rifle and shot Green through the breast, killing him instantly. Before Beymer realized what Some descriptive advertising in 4-n A-i flirt T)nti? Pnmmnr. I cial Club will be printed by this ' had occured Snyder turned upon office next week and will soon be ready for distribution. The resources of the Harney country will be exploited and the experi ence of several of our new setters- will form a portion of the matter. Several half-tone illus trations will be used showing scenes of a varied nature. him and with the remark, 111 get you, too," pulled the trigger. The cartridge stuck in the niHga zincino of the rifle and Boymer made his escape by jumping through the door and running to a neighbor's house five miles away. Saturday morning Deputy Sheriff Cassidy and a posse, after havinir trailed Snvder all night The great amount of building n,i firjntr vollov after volley at of a very substantial natnrc in j j,;, wont jnlo cam) lo hold a Burns the coming year should j councii ncar the cabin where the receive every encouragement. mur(or vas committed. While BujrshcjujdforeJ.o.'The front tlcy werc, talking Snyder opened 'during thTcTJffimg vear and keep the cab;n (joor iaj,i tiown his pace or even in advance of rapid rine antj Ravc himself up lo the development of tho Harney coun-'(jepUty sherifr. try- Her business men should. With Snyder and Green's corpse be prepared to take care of an'tne officers went to Hamilton, increased business and continue j Fcariiifr mob violence, Deputy to make Burns the business nsjShcrjfr Cassidy left Hamilton well as the educational center of i wjtj, his prisoner for the county this big territory. We may con- jaj at Canyon City under cover fidently expect railroad activities I of darkness Saturday night. He in tact actual construction. ; u. fronfi i.ut two in es when Ins The main east and west lines projected by transcontinental railroad interests will be started team was stopped and Snyder was taken from the buggy. By a circjitous route Cassidy beyond a doubt and we should i rctUrned to Hamilton, and swear be ready for any emergency. ( jnj, jn a number of deputies went The Sumpter Valley is headed in to tno j,ace whCre he had been tne direction oi minis anu wu i forced to give up luu prisoner. Snyder's body was found lying in the road. will have that road in the course of time, but it will not be pushed as rapidly as the other roads. 1 am the sole representative of Cottril!& Clemens are prepar-1 the International Mills, mann ed to do custom work with their , facturers of "Wear Proof" portable saw mill located li seamless hosiery and ' Internal miles west of Cold Springs on tonal" underwear for ladies, ger. Poison Creek. Lumber for sale, tlcmen and children. Also made f!ni vnnn nnrmit. ;md have thorn . to order petticoats. Mrs. L. saw your lumber. Terms are'Cummings. Samples may reasonable. seen at Home Hotel. NEW! NEW! OPENING HAS We have placed on display our line of NEW GOODS For CHRISTI At our NEW STORE Odd Fellows' Building Clothing, Gents' Furnishings -.gCHENK BROS I CHRISTMAS 3 kliyhskXiiktxtihktJJiAtkkT V (lootls, including" full line of cut glass, Chinawaro. Table silverware, new rings, & W.iO'ltei: -niil ill Iti'i iowi'lrv fill Ihii sltiri. 3 Genls Or d Filled Watch $12 up s Indies' Solid Gokl Watches from $18 to $3s $ ! im YOUK OVB ON MY WINDOWS J GSntJEKLINU,? S Pioneer Jeweler and Optician Nest to PlrM Niitlntuil IJiinU Hums, Oregon frj!WPP'W'IWVP?TWWw VP A. Venator was in for Masonic installation. Ho informs us he has several thousand head of shoep ranging on tho lower Owy hee desert that are doing well without feeding. Thoy are feed ing some 2000 head. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. l mtkh HrAtm l.iiiximoii HuritH uregmi, Nmtmlnr 10, I'KW Nniln In hrri'tis gtn that ihi-iien( nn mil halt Alil in llil .itflrc lia u.i.lli ntl.m to r t. tiintvr the iro ltiia r (W utol i'oii linoii. nirov"l Migtiit II, IrlH, ami acta atnnll inii'i) iii.'it'u' tun Foil Sali: A flvo room cot tage, four lots all fenced with two good wells, a windmill and other improvements. No rock. C. Hudspeth, Burns, Oregon. rrrr- NOTU'H KOU IMMIUCATIUN. llMTKIlHTATK" lANHOMH , lllltllK, Oll'Kllll, llld'inl IT X, llMK) I Nnllti In huritli)' uhpti that tlie Hlitio of (lrt.tf.iit Iihn rknl Iti thli ntllrc Itn niijillintlitit rUl No WRW in aoU'Fl.tiiuler tlit pruYl.toii of tin At t of funKrera, iinituvinl Autiuil II, IrilA, niul nt'lN n'.ittniltitot) tlinrtlit, tho M-'iw't. fif. ii, ninl siitN4Hn' -1. nv nml nil livrpiiti tlnltiiliiu mlwrntly lliv IamiIh iIobitIIoiI. nr ilrfttrini: lo oljeci litMiniBt) .iVi Ull u..., OR 1 M J Vfcl VUL I Al . m,M" ,. " , ., ."I, . ,..,( n , ,, ,mj.. ,' w 1. n Ji ii iiit i iti rial No ihiuli' ' Hie niliipml clintni li r nt tin) Ini il, or lor n M 4.1 tfH.lt.XIIS.W M , Hirll M WK1U, . ..,.,.., .... ..,l , ',,1, mil. I...I I. Svr BV T H.H 30K.W. M mmlli nl Mnllii'iir I nki fviial Nu ISW.il ti mill nil pt'rtuim (Ulmlim mlvi-rMiijr lli Uiula deicrlberl, ur ilolrluf to object beciuiw of til mlurnil rhitix'tvr I (lie mini, or for mir othvr rontttn. lo Ihn itl(.ot to .plUnll, ahoiilil fll Ibelr mdTlti ot prowii lit thin omit, on or Ixifor llw rxplrntloli of tliu ! rla fif pithttrnltnn. WM. rANMB. nniMr. Flrat iiuhllollon Di-cemlK-r i, lm !. imbllrntlun Jauuarr H, Into NOTICE KUII PUIILICATION l'ntTiipilTTl.iiorriik I llnriiii. Orvion. NoYmlwr W HW.I Nollra In lirreb) gUiu lht Mary A. Hulloll, IioiiM llln thrlr rlll.UMlii of inotr-tt III tltli ontco, nu or ncioitt mo t.xpirmioii oi iiio fonpi of iilillrnlloii M. KAItKIE llCflUUT. Klmt ulill(nllou Drcmbor IK, IVW. I.t pill.llCKllon JnuiinryM, IDIO H'RTITION roit i.itjiioit i.irn.ssi: immmmmmmmmmmmimmmtmmmmmi' f The OVERLAND Burns, Oregon AGAIN UNDER OLD MANAGEMENT Afford the Best Accommodations to be had in Harney County CtiEJlN ROOMS, CLEAN lilNNHN. PflhltTHBUG VICTUIlliS We are again in charge and will lie plciircd fo i.io our old time fricndH and ctiHtoineni Cotne and w u . FRANK A. COLE AMD WIFE j:HnjiHitttmtJHnmnnttKHKttt:t:..i ! ! ami Ktt ittivrt., Muiou , inwiiao-i - iii, Kanira'il Kmi. WIlUroiMKi Mvrldtsn, hu Blurt notlt-o of intention to make Hni I'muf, loop iHhllah i lalm to (lie land abovo ii'crlbfit. u lorv tbv Kiator anil limber at Iturna, Oro im,ou the tub ila of Jnoar 1'HO i lalmant naiura utHlltKiama KoIrtI L. llullon, Jamoa Hiillivrlana bath of KkII, iircaon lanac ( onatmit, of Klley.Urc fon WlillKin Walker of Kilt, Orntnn Mm Kanhk. Rpclatcr Wo, tlm uiiilordlni'il It'Kiil MilorH nf I.k irwltul, lliirticy ("miiilj, Stiilc f Ori'KOii, nwioot(u)l.v tlt ton tlm ll'iti Count) Court nf Hit nuy ('oiintj, Mulo of OrrROM. lo grunt a l.licn Parrln ,k ntr.riilil tn Hfll Siirltinii ' mill VlnoilK l.l(iinrti In Iicn iuiiiiIiii- Until iiiid giillou In IjiImi I'rcrimt Hnr litiy ' utility, Htnto of Ort'Kon, for Hk purlin! of threw niniillii nu in tint) IhiiiiiiI wo aliiill mar pray NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rMTKH HTTlt IjlNH UrrllK, Iturna, ori'iom. Nnvcuiber It), IWJ Notice la bcrvb) kUhi that AgnM Hayer, whoas ui.at tiObi. aiblteaa (a 11 lima, O'twon, 111, tin tltc .i.lli la nt April. IWa Al In Ibla iniiu Hworn ataletituiu ami Vnplb kIIuii, No. o.iiwi injur haat the Lot .'atol ' Mv' rni ibin 1, toM-ntlitt, iHoitlli, KatiKi ,rt faal HII Ituiftu- Miiinilao. ami tlie limlxr ibrrvon, umler Ilit prot iMton ol ib ai't of June H, la7a, auil ai U ftutointator , known aa ttn. 'Tltnbvr anil Mtono law,' ai autib taluvaa might br riivil bjr aiinraiivmuiii. and mat, luiraumit to urn application, the l.iml anl tlinlwi Ihcrcon bava Un apiiralltKl, tha timber eatlmalt-il 510,000 board lent at It w pir M . and tba laud 170 06, thai ntlil applii ant w III olfer dual proof lu aupport nf her application and awmn :! uiont on ttan 1Mb day ol January, I 'HO hnfon tba Uaglattrand Maitlwr. at Hurua, (irrKon I Any pur, on la at liberty tu piolt-at IbU plir haae before enir), or Initiate a .untiiat at any time before Mtent laatie, l; IIIIiik a iorrol.nr ated arndavll hi Ibla ollliv, allegliiit l.ili wblrh would iltlrar lhi intrt M M FiltUK, lb Vint r Namkh Vliur Amlerwu ltHlpIl UlllClllllrMIII NonriHii Word A fnrncwortli llmliU'ii Klllott C 8 Dunn Joint MhhIiiiII It, W lliirrouii I' I. Aniluraon Andy Onliorn (inn V. yiiiiriiiirin Win. Wiulo N MKH I'rutik CottlllcM H Mnlniuli r I rank klitrkn Win IIH1 AMn llnr Imrt GdlilKd W llllnllin A , .Ioiiiih ItilHt It I llkEiT A .McKltiU' Jnlin I. Pnriina (', II KiiUoil IM All'llTHUll 1' Andurmin Notlt'H In hoicliy ihtm tli:it on Sntur In) tlu ICtli ilny of .littniiiry, HI I (I tlie ittnli'rmu'iKil will upply to flic Count) Court of tln hliitu of Oregon fi.r linn i) Count), for tint llmnw tiii'litioni-il tn till) fort'culiii; pctitluii. IIaIIIII.I A 1 ITJUH'.KMll aha mma nrJuVacf' aalaca ruura Start the New Year right and list with us I'rospeets were never better for a prosperous seagon than at present. We do things and get results. (!o after business, do not wait for it to come to us. If you want to sell your pioperty and appreciate those wli get results list with us. We advertise your pioperty by placing it in a large printed list that goes to over 100 representatives besides the numerous inquirers. We have sold more property within tho season of 1000 that all other firms in Harney county put together. We have sold others and can sell yours. W.e are here to stay and help develop this Great country. We work for your interest, and spend our time, labor and money for the advancement of our country. Price your property right and we will assure you a rapid sale. A friendly visit from one and all of Harney county's citizens will be appreciated. We make a specialty of locating homes on the very best of Government lands. We are located the first door south of tlie Harney County National Hank. References either bank of Hums, Oregon. Inland Empire Realty Co., W. T. LESTER, Manager, limns, Oregon 7. 8. !). 10. 11. 12. "i JSHU&tifcl. SULKY ! KSK i'l PLOW The Start i . one of tho latest and best additions to the fnmoii') Deere Ilno of Ridinfj Ploivs. la light in weight, simple nnd durable in construction full of genuiiio merit,' and li.u ahown its mettle and utility in every lest it has been put fo. It has amply demonstrated by its good work its right to be i.l.nicd as a strictly up-to-date, high-class farm tool. It in certain to suit tho moat critical farmer and bo a money maker and a labor-aaver for him. CCI If s a BeereIt9s Right" and does itsSwork perfect 91100 to the operator and team It is mnnufncAured and sold as a tongucles'i plow a tongur not being npftfansy to best icsults, but ono is supplied at sliulit cost tHhose who purfer t that way. The Stci is the simplest riding plow built, -anvonu who can hook up a team . nit drive 'em straight cm opciatu it successfully. It pos se ues many mipeiior features not found on other plows, and it taken a whole book to illustrate and dlsicribo them. Hettor write for it today and all tho information you want loout U1I3 superior implement, C H. VOEGTLY M i i THE CAPITAL SALOON, UEDELL & KICIIAKDSON, Proprietors. Burns, - - Oregon. ZLvdCaJr Tliis lESIesica.q.'u.sLrtois VVines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Tables, Club Rooms in ConnecHon. Yery Suitable Christinas Gifts May be found by looking over our handsome LINK OF GLASSWARE, FOUNTAIN PENS AND DISHES Our display of Intaglio Art Glass, Colonial Iridescent, Venetian Art Plates and Koyal Salad Bowls are something new and pretty COLE & BYBD Harney County Implement & Hardware Co. I STEEL TRAPS' Tharwill catch anything GEER & CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. Burns IVIeat Market New SliopOppositc'tbe First National Bank Main St. 4 "MiiPfS-i Pork Viona,, ?. -?,var-iB&ar tei it? ,. u U, Zl WM4&!&Xrll Wl V i vV cJJIKxff riVint' mw NsX W? I irsM Un liniiru,. ... U1VUI rJUIiailHKS ifBeef m-'imyfl Quantity. E. B. REEO & S Complete line of Fancy & Staple Groceries Finest line of Confectionery in the interior School supplies, notions, tobacco, cigars Ordc... taken for FineTailorMadeCIotr at prices ranging from 1.1.50 to $45 A satisfactory til guaranimi KIsAl:AU)l:K We jjlvc i five per cent tr-ul. li-uumt for cnsli on nil kooiIs. ing Your patron uge solicited. H.J HANSEN, Propt WB? , . -. T7 . . . vMS"VTSJi ." f '" r --- - --. -. .j-,. w rr-r FJ&&YA'$sMmmmim&mmimr - - ifcai tel jfilW? rrJ ?v Go To The White Front Lively Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. -m jnwjrvo yS'rti . ft 1-iV MBS&iw'v jr....,r. 5r:..Vi & iHJrfaiMM'f.W' .,, tl I KUEl'.'J $ njHlJWwyi. ' !" ' fess k-.'-''-'''.'-''4'-'' tt - The Most Popular House in Interior Oregon NEATLYBFURNISH2D--ALL OUTSIDE ROOH55 Headquarters for Traveling Men and Tourists Adclar Racine Manager, L. Racine, Propt., Burns,! Ore. ' We want to thank iou for iottr past pationuue. II e believe iou wilHind it to uour interent to tiutle with iVj the future. Our stork in complete and our DRUGS arc the bent. Wc will not handle anu '' kind and our prices are riphl. Wc have the bent line of Cigars, Candies, Post Cards and Stationery In the cilti. Afcnts for DR. SWOOP'S FAMILY MEDICINES and SECURITY STOCK KUHiDIES We Solicit )our Prescription work The City Drug; Store REED BROS., Proprietors j -kJVkr'ytk-'V'''1W' MTT -. TT. 'WX-v-Tlv"n -f,3$W$SS: BURNS HOTEL LIAR DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection Courteous niuliOblitfintf Har Tenders EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS DROP IN Centrally Locntod and Connurti'ri with Hotel Hums BURNS LiVbUY AND FEED STABLE. CORTES E. ELLIOTT, Propt. J Sptcial (illnilioti givci t; . . to tratiscicnt custom arid "" ' ' ' 3 freight teams. --.x jlm.v.0w nvji vy i. t, ' ,r month. tf&k&li) k (I u'i' Morses ';wT7$K M"ni tUM U)m iiraoure. : w- ' 'l.''' T &W .1", 1 11 uv anil ara in a lit a us 5 t . . to M V" V-VA'tiLi? unhand W. L' .v. - r 1 . ' f jj lour pntronnge eoliciicd South Main St , Burns, Oreyon Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES IN CONNECTION WITH BARN. tV$v5V5Sv5vy55rvwvv.rf'v f WJWfKSJSVWSWSSWSSWV'i -i '" 4i -' itt.:t:u.:t:i:t:::M:' 't'w r a tt:tmittttt:trrt:::r .; ::i uu -Hinntrn TODD'S HEAT MABK and broeiry Come in and inspect my stock COMPLETE LINE OF BEST GROCERIES to be had in the Market Mfj prices are an low an good goods can be sold for in this mark'' .. The LARGER the order the LESS it CO . TS. BURNS MILLING CO. NORTON & SAYER, Propts Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawm.Sl 10 -Sums. Good Hon, Lumber Yaru in Burns, THE BURNS HOTEL STEPHENS & DIBBLE, Propt. Reasonable Rates, Qooil Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treutn.ent. Special Accommodations for tlie Traveling Men. f FIRST GLASS IN EVERY PARTICIPATE u J ,1" - Voat Pafcrronacjc SoliQited. ' hrimmmittmutmttmmmmmmrst... n ,u;.j:t:itit:i:tiii Iff 7". :su s , jV", -. SflMllaleeHeeMeHeHflrSB'KTfiL h -.. -.t , . mfZ I ""SJ"yf. ..