Jferald. joinouLATios or IN TIIIB COUNTY. CEMIIKU 1, 1109 sNews. ryes P. 0. block. Schonk Bros. came up from f coats sco Lunn- was in Thurs- 1CS9. vas among during our the to nave a goou iFire Boys New fian was among visitors during second hand Box 72, Burns, fis has gone East visit to her for- lap robes, horse :arriago heaters C. Welcome & came over irom rich the first of siness and to vis- r jardson now have jf fresh groceries foods. Sec them ire. rices will be held erian church to- i nice music is be- the choir. Sons are agents l-Block make of iy one who knows far no other make. five room cot- all fenced with a windmill anu lents. No rock. lurns, Oregon. any township in )istrict, showing ban, date and kind rapliy, etc., ?1.00 Randall, Burns, ; came imck me eek from an ex- rhis foimer home brn points. While large number of id race meets and Be sensational har- le season. STA TEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS at the close of bualncau November lGth, 100!) RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $213,55122 U. S Bonds 50,00000 Bonds nnd Securities 57,(512 -13 Premium on U. S. Bonds 2,000 00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures (,000 00 Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250 00 Cash on hand nnd In Banks 111,7(19 H $112,183 00 LIABILITIES. Capital $25,00000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 31, 17(5 77 Circulation 25,000 00 DEPOSITS 358,000 32 $442,183 01) Capital, Surplus, $25,000.00 830,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited Fresh bread at Reed's Grocery. All work guaranteed Salis- Schenk Bros., Merchant Tail ors, Burns, Oregon. Robert Irving is in tho city this week visiting his family. Don't forgot tho Now Year danco given by tho Firo Boys. Schenk Bros, have a full line of fall and winter clothing in stock. J. 0. Bunynrd is over from Harney on a visit to relatives and friends. Mrs. Geo. Smyth has been over from Diamond the past week tho Fred Barron was up from Sun set Monday. Don't overlook Schenk Bros. Christmas display. ilosso Ferguson and wife were up from Lawen this week; on a visit to relatives nnd friends. Pearl Fisk, Stenographer. Terms reasonable. Headquarters nt office of .1. W.; Biggs. Sheriff Richardson hnsgono to Baker taking out a prisoner wanted on a charge of forgery Judge Win. Miller and Irving Miller have moved into their new offices in the Odd Fellows' build ing. IK YOU AUK (i()IN(iT() Tit AVICI,, Uho the llarnoy County Nnllmml I Ian If TKAVIXI.KIt'H CIIKOUliS Tlii'V lire Hi'lMdciitlfilnir. " , . " . . .N iioiiN -mommy, uec. in, 10 Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cawlfield, a daughter. "Buster" wants nil his friends to call him papa now. U. S. G. Story of King Hill, Idaho, arrived in.this cityiThurs- dav evening and is stopping t ! i,a,i pneumonia. me uvcriauu. mr. oiory was here three years ago. Reatos for salo, all sizes and lengths, price 20 cents per foot. Any one desiring Reatos address W. A. Ford of J. 0. Albcraon, Alberson, Oregon. Go to tho homo Hotel for a good meal. Carriage heaters and coal J. C. Welcome & Son. W. II. McKee made proof on his homestead Wednesday. Tho most up to date gents fur nishings nl Schenk Bros. Mrs. Ed Egli is in from Wagon tiro on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Miller. Good vinegar for sale by T. E. Jenkins at tho Brewery. Money ,pacK u noi as represented. Foil Sam; -200 cords of pine wood at $1.75 per cord. Slab wood $1.25 a load at tho Harnev Saw Mill, L. R. Bunynrd. If you would like an Oregon Life Calendar send your nnme, age and address to their agent. v E. C. Eoolkston, Burns, Oregon. Clias. Moore came in from Sage Hen yesterday evening after Dr. Griflllh to see his little daughter. It was feared she dury's. W. C. Cecil was over from Silver Creek this week. Fine line of watches, chains, etc., at Salisbury's P. 0. block. See those "Fit Any" horse blankets at J. C. Welcome & Son's. A good suit ready to wear can be got at Schenk Bros. $12.50 up. Charles F. Bradley was up.KUest of friends, from Waverly yesterday on land business. Get your clothes cleaned and pressed at Schenk Bros., at rea sonable prices. Ira Mahon and his sister, Miss Emily were in the city for sever al days this week. If you would be comfortable while riding geta carriage heater and coal at J. C. Welcome & Son's. Robert F. Maguire a special agent of the general land office, is in the city on official business. He will remain but a short time. L. Woldenburg of tho Bluo ML Rapid Transit is over from Canyon City on business. If you want to see the finest display of post cards in Burns go to Carter & Thompson. Jasper Davis was over from his Harney homo last Saturday. This office acknowledges a pleasant call. If you want a good supper don't fail to patronize the Ladies' Auxiliary at tho Firo Boys' dance on New Year's Eve. J. P. Withers and wife came over from Harney yesterday and Supt. and Mrs. L. M. Hamilton were over from Harney during tho week visiting relatives and friends. They left this morning for Silver creek where Supt. Hamilton will visit'schools. Williams Bros. Hay Foil Sale About (500 tons best timothy hay. Good feeding place, open water, early range. Keyes & VnnDorvoor, Van, Oregan. Frank Bunynrd and family were in the city during the week being enroute to Juntuiii from Lake county whero Mrs. Bun yard and the children have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hardisty. Mrs. Lelah Williams-Miller ms received additional stock in of winter millinery. Upstairs in her own building entrance at side door next to French Hotel. iNOTICl! TO Till! PUBLIC. saw mill at Pr.1, 1 o, ,!,,. . ,, i. r.. .,.... ...wl "l,a ' ? , , ... ' , the line for those desiring to take ad vantage of their government per mit. AUo lumber for salo at $12 per thousand. Seo them about ctmlnm tiriiwa. The boys nro having great Nolict. ig hereby given that times these days coasting. Dick iymQ M. Ruckland has loft my Hnyos had a fingor broken i,C(i nmj i)oarii nmi wj not be Wednesday and several other n.s,)()nsible for any bills or con childron have been more or less tracla lhllt gllc nmy mnkc from hurt but not seriously. Parents ln8 (llc.. Dated at Harney should not allow the little ones Oregon this the 17th day of to go coasting after dark as some December A. D. 1900. one will be sorioiwly hurt. FitANK BUCKLANI). ifiinain tlll llAtTWl tf Mr IillU ftUWaiO 41. lilt ! v .t kJU,um .,.. nnd Mrs. Robt. Drinkwater. j send your suit back to a Phila- if you want a ready to wear I delphia lawyer for alteration, suit of clothes call for a Stein iThov are tailors and can do it Block suit. Worn in London representative of themselves. , and New York as well as Burns. lhal Mills, manu-i ,, :. sfn(,k of ,ro0(ls now "Wear Proof" ! .,,..,, ,lf ,i, ,,, Rfnr ,,f uii uinj)tj - -. - and "Internat- ear for ladies, gen- Hagey & Richardson, is fresh N. Brown & Sons. S. J. Clemens "Mark Twain" I and J. 0. Garner were here from mm noii. I'ntfnnu ninv nnii ill- linn , "nirai nv Msaismitr lldren. Also made mogt .inytIlin,r desiretl there. I A(irien Coleman in making proof LUCO.ua. mis. u. .. .. . , , ,, 1, l,n,,,nantiil Samples may be ' S. l-orues returned aunany - 1 in . . . .H I(nini . iroill cl vioii. iu mo Jiinn-i w"- iiiiaa n(i vjinriin.ni, " ' n. Ilrt Kinni'lu fl ItnfU lllOHQ. tnnnliinrt fn Pnlann P.rlf UUUUi 11V, 1U-IU41,0 ,-. '..u i..-4Vlllllli W MlW' w."--... IS L SCllOOl Will IKIVC l . i: ,1 ,Juif l,nf trn. nmnnnnn n P.hriafmna nrntrrnm and entertain- r it.,,.nov W)in,tv to make his tn hn rendered bv that school on lay, Dec. 21. The , . I next Thursday evening. tally invited to at- ,. ni , t. . .. . ,,, .,.. liov the uroirram. ' uouriii uiomens nuvu iiut m w. u. "m.... -. ...w -..... JOi UK JJIUM""'- , , ... ,, ! ! f-,t :H nrnnfirm n fill'. Ml upon the good a nrsi c.ass iw ...... x2 "-,- - "" " CSL baskets with west ot uoiu opnngs im m.-... uiujnmn u.i-.w, . valley with good roati. in ursi snecpmen ami iui.:iii;ia !; bpccini prices lor mg RRY CHRISTMA Jng rA ttini in rint ft nf f.m with im class timuer-picKca irecs irom quuiuuy. ... . . ilwimiiini-nmnnl Pivmiinwl lo lit. . ornnrH. I eve. All wno lie- i"-h'"' "" "' Resents placed upon custom worK. nee uh.ii. uuuui; Frc3j, Rr0cerie3 of tlie very I bring them early. uul ku".- best brands and a complete new line of dry goods, furnishings, .etc., may bo found at Hagey & Richardson's Tho new stone store. I Frank Jackson took his de iparturo this morning for Vnle ' where he goes to spend Christ mas with iiis mother and other I relatives. Ho will bo absent I two or three weeks. C. F. Hummel of Boiso an, 'architect, arrived in this city Wednesday and will spend sev eral days here. Ho will likely plan some of the proposed new buildings to bo erected in Burns during tho coming year, Tho pioneer mercantil linn of N. Brown & Sons celebrates its 25th anniversary thocomingyear and are placing 1910 calendars in tho homes of their old time customers bearing a likeness of the father, N. Brown. ' They are highly prized by tho many friends of the old gentleman. Who carries tho risk on your life? If you arc not insured your wife and childron are carrying it. If your wasehouso or your homo burns down without insur ance, you havo carried the risk nnd havo to bear tho loss. If you die without insurance, your family has to bear tho loss. I Don't let them carry the risk any i longer; they can't afford it. In- isuro with Tho Equitable Lifo Assurance Society of tho United States, IllVINO Milleii, Agont. ale of Holiday Goods now on NTA CLAUS laking his headquarters at IUSY CORNER STORE ie most varied assortment ever seen in Burns EN BOYS: We have suitable presents for HER. We have LOVELY things for HIM. Your Selection Early CHWARTZ. ie Busy Corner Store" JSTGB, 03FtE5C3r03W- DID YOU KNOW That two flows of natural gas under an enormous pressure have been developed in Harney Valley? Did You Know that tho visible indications point to Harney Valley as being underlaid with one of the great est deposits of light gravity oil in the world? Do Yon Know what that means to Central Oregon? It means railroads and the development of all the re sources of this great inlnnd empire. Do You Want to share in the enormous profits that await those who first tap this immense pool of oil? The Ilarni'il Vulleu Oil & Gnu Co. oiler you this opportunity. With stock selling at 5 cenLs per shnro (par value $1.00) it is an opportunity unparalleled in tho history of oil development. Wo will gladly answer any and all correspondence. Address llariwi Valley Oil & Gnu Co.. Mums, ho was sending out to Interested parties. This mining district is nbout 20 miles from Burns and first at tracted attention in the 80's. The men who have continued in tho work are going to make good money ;iud be rewarded for their persistence. Local people hardly realiz" the real worth of this mining Camp, it being better known in Canyon City and even Baker City than in Burns. Mr. Darst is now sinking two chaffs on a very promising vein. He is interested in eight claimc. liKlllTII (lRAI)l! I'XAMINATMN. Following are the sources for eighth grade examination, 1910: Arithmetic Practical Arith metic-Smith, Civil Government United States Constitution. Geography -State Course of Study: Red way and Hinman's Natural School Geography. History List of topics from History Outline in State Course of Study and Current Events. Grammnr Rudder's Modern English Grammar, no diagram ming. Physiology Graded Lessons in Physiology nnd Hygcne lCrohn. Reading The teacher will send to the County Superintendent the applicant's clnss standing in reading, which shall be taken by such superintendent as the ap plicant's standing on the subject. Spelling Reed's Word Lessons Writing Specimens of pen manship as indicated in copied matter and from manuscript in Language. Respectfully submitted, J. II. Ackeiiman, Supt, Public Instruction. 3fa nil our 3aicni&s rind Customers (6 reding Oregon. Jj LAST WEEK Its up to you, now to CHOOSE, Only one week. To get the Articles Salisbury fixes watches P. O. block. Bread Hotel. for Bale at tho Home Best Is to ft I men: Come Ear We I' ve some i ' 1 ieauM In three piece Toilet Sets Sliver and libouy Fine assortment of Lockets Sol hi gold Chains, gold Kintts, just tho thing for NICE GIFT Articles wrapped ready for Mulling The Ladies' Auxiliary will serve supper at tho Firo Boys' New Year dance. Wnltor Cross is down from Trout Creek on a visit' to his wife and granddaughters. i Tho Sayer Photo Studio is se curing more up to date apparatus and is becoming moro popular I every day. Miss Sayer is con I tinunllv addimr new features. N J. C. Beatty, E. B. Hill, C. W. i Canfield, Jack Lubbinger, M. 0. 'Billings and S. Defenbaugh l wero in tho city the first of this I week from tho southern part of tho county. They wero hero on ' land business. Read the pain lormula on a box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your doctor if there is a hot ter one. Pain means congestion - blood pressure somowheie. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly pnins, pain anywhere. Try one, and see! 20 for 25 cents. Sold by Reed Bros. Tho Burns firo boys will give their fourth annual bull at Loch er's hall on Now Year's Eve. Music by Wolker's orchestra of four pieces. Ticket $1. Tho danco will start at 0 o'clock sharp and music will continue until '1 o'clock a. m. Tho danco will be under good management. Tickets may bo secured at any business house. Supper sorved by Ladies' Auxiliary in tho hall. Clirlnlinns Program 7lh and 8th Grade. The following program is being prepared for rendition nt the pub lic school of this city next Friday afternoen: Opening song, Ring, Ring, Mer ry Christmas Bells. Recitation . Thomas Jordan Solo Sylya Lewis Reading Nick Vocgtly Piano Solo.. Roberta Hibbard Recitation Gladys Holland Solo. .Edna Fine Conondrums. . Ben Campbell Reading Isa Winters Debate Resolved, That a Christ mas Tree is Moro Highly Ap preciated Than SanLi Gnus. The year which'' is drawiny to a clone has been a most HiicceftHftil one with Ihi bank,. for which we have to thank our many ciiHtomcra who have made this possible. The officers and directors, individually and collectively extend to. you the com pliments'lof the season, hopeiny that the cominy ycar may briny you increaged " prosperity and happiness. The Harney County National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON. YOUR HOME INSTITUTION STA TE DEPOSIT A R Y CHRISTMAS SHOPPING will be a positive delight when you come into this store and see our fine display of HOLIDAY SPLENDOR Haviland China, Hand Painted, Cut Glass, Leather Goods, Hand Hammered Brass, Pic tures, ChafiingiDkhes, Silverware, Novelties Stationery, General Assortment of Toys, etc. The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. s NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Fresh Groceries, etc. For Fall and Winter Trade LUWABURG & DALTON Affirmative. Beatrice Ash Hans Nelson Merle Young Piano Solo Reading Recitation Solo Recitation Prophesies School notes Comical Reading Negative. Otis Sevedgc Clarence Miller Arthur White Bessie Smith Esther Hughct Lois Sweek Etha Cavender Ruth Smith Eulnlie Smith . Albert Swain G. A. Collier Character Sketch Douglas Campbell Solo Owen Cawlfield Biography Donald Hotchkiss Song All the Boys Song All the Girls Closing Song. Home, Sweet Home. FINE SHOE REPAH1NG New stock of material just in and wo arc prepared to do first clnss work for ladies and gentlemen Work done while you wait and guaranteed. Prices reasonable. HUFF BROTHERS First door west of Bedell's saloon across street from Burns Hotel. TliS MILLIill REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. Office wild Win. Miller, Burns, Or. Deeded lands bought and sold on Commission. Insurance, Life, Accident, Fire. MONEY 10 LOAN. List jour I nds wltli us. iKVINti MILLER, Manager. SIIUWIU) SOAK! (1001) OKI!. M. Salisburyi Jeweler Optician . . " r. ...?J u. J. i Jurat ami anin uoacn camo down from tho Trout Creek mining camp yesterday. Theso two gentlemen havo been in that district for a number of yenrs and nro developing some good properties. Mr. Darst brought in Bomo quite vnluablo oro which The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Main Ollice, Burns, Oregon A. U, r.UH.KNlCH, SIKI-. Branch Ollice, Ijikeview, Oregon l M. Wl'I.KNKII, Mtfr --'V- -w- SSSvi. JOE THOMPSON IN Till- lOST OITICI: BLOCK Candy, Nuts, Stationery, Cigars, and Tobacco HOT T0U1ALES AND CHILES School Tablets, Pens, Pencils, ink, Etc. SMOKERS ARE PARTICULARLY INVITED Nice Assortment of I'lpes-'New No cities (.oniing. THE CAPITAL SALOON, HI2DELL & RICHARDSON, Proprietors. Burns, - - Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. U.: Served as coffee, tho now coffee substitute known to grocers everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Health Colfee, will trick even a cofl'eo oxpert. Not a grain of real cofieo in it either. Puro healthful toasted grains, malt, nuts, etc. havo been so cleverly blended ns to givo a wonderfully satisfying coffeo taste and flavor. Anditis"mado in a minute," too. No tedious 20 to 80 min- lutes boiling. Sold by Reed Bros. The Stag is one of the latest and best additions to the famous Doore Line of Riding Plows. Is light in weight, simple nnd durable in construction full of genuine merit,' and has shown its mettle and utility in every test it has been put to. It hns amply demonstrated by its cooil work its right to be classed as a strictly up-to-date, high-class farm tool. It i . certnin to suit the most critical farmer and be a money maker and a labor-saver for him. "If It's a Deere-It's Right'3 and does its work perfect case to the operator and team It is manufactured and sold ns a tongueless plow a tongiu not being necet-sary to best results, but one is supplied sit slight cost to those who perfer it that way. The Stnfl is tin simplest riding plow built, anyone who can hook up a team nnd drivo 'em straight can operate it successfully. It pos sesses many superior features not found on other plows, and it takes a whole book to illustrate and dUeribo them. Hotter write for it today and aP tho information you want about till J superior implement. C. H. VOEGTLY THE TINIEST Job Printing.