Wtc (Krcnl 31nnicij' Coimhtj Cover mi iircn of I,-12S,K00 iicn ol Iniiil. 4,1)31,051 ncrcH yet vacant iiliirl to entry under tlio ii1j1!r land lime ol tlio United Hti ten. Tlio Olllolnl Pniid-of Ilnrmy County ' lias tlio IntKi'it rlrculntlon nml Isomi of K tlio boat mlvortlalnit mnllniiiH.lii Knntorn Oronoii. CX111 HUHNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 18, l'JOO NO. 5 ima rr a rri-ir rrATrnrTiu.s. i..tobuilb a koadio burns., tt ma TP TTZTP JrklirTkO f7Trp more Hum one lino the ilOlljflLlllVJbl 0 17 CUV JL JL --- HWUOJUlfc YJLU ;JLS YY JLKD J U J. will mui-vo iw n through bill tper Writer Tells of The Great irney Country's Bigness HE OBSERVED ON A TRIP l:ind Enormous Amount of Vncnnt Agricultural lit Accounts for it by Fnct Hint Wc Arc Isolated immcdinjc Construction of Railroads Will CImiikc nil. hkoll, a newspaper DO, 2-11 acres being taken as homo- rvisited this section steads, 20,'M) acres under tlio is running ii series desert land law and 8111 acres on ... . .. .. .i i , i mm.:.. ....:.. ive articles in tne seuooi mini scrip, una amr, a recent issue he formerly obtainable at $5 per wniron road urantlncre. now costs the settler $S.7fi ers and anion; other "Wo are now getting our on- ( gineor force ready and preparing ' the notes and other necessary preliminaries and just as soon ns wo shall liuvo them completed wo will begin tho work of con-' struction on tho railroad between I Vale and IJuniB." Qilnli ,lln Htn lltvtrvlaf nlfltlln ' terms used last Wednesday morning to a reporter for tho Malheur Entei prise by no less a person limn David II. Ashton, engineer in charge of construc tion for tho Oregon Short Line. "It would bo impossible at tho present time," continued Mr. Ashton, "to giye definitely the date upon which wo shall be ready to begin work, but it is fiulmn Mint it iitwl vnrilu through the city will bo built1"'"1 ono of l,1 Iar''imL l,0Mt within three months. The only Known snoep Sheep Ranch Put Out of Business by Forestry Curtailing Range GRAZING CUT DOWN EACH YEAR Starting With -(0,000, Famous Crook County Sheep Ranch llns Reduced to 12,250 on Account of Ornziii", Allotments licing Reduced mid Now (loinx to QuitThe Policy is Criticised. The famous Hay Creek sheep every detail and ono of the great ranch, located in Eastern Oregon producers of the state. There was no expense to which ho ranches m the per acre, wiucii is ino surest, in dication of the increasing value of the wild lands in central Ore gon. Burns with about 1000 inhabi tants and the terminus of the four stage linos, is respectively 213 miles from Shauiko, 102 miles from Austin, 181 miles from Vale, and 28-1 miles from Winueinucca, the nearest railroad points. Harney the second town of size, has 100 people, Lawen and Narrows, near Malheur lake, and Denio, near the Nevada line, are small trading posts, eacn with a general store. The other postoffiees are merely ranches. ilarriman, Alberson, Waverlv, I aim Voltage arc new nost oflices, established on recently taken1 homesteads along the line of rail- road surveys. I The marsh deposits of sodium i borate in southeastern Harney theory, and the road county, which extend over 10,- any presented the 000 acres south of Alvord lake, s a mark of appro- have been made famous over tho country through the "mule-team ipal object of our, borax advertisements, these trip having been to j borax deposits have been opera lands open to the ted several years, with a large homesteader and! refinery on the ground, and af this sectien: (foreign bankers are a streak of human almost human in- I Owing to Oregon's lroad transportation lot believed the time cing their lands on l but meanwhile they reasonably liberal in pise and in encourag- ments. an instance wonderful young tew miles west ot Inrney county busi- shed to demonstrate that even the sagc- bs of the road grant ibirrigated and suita- khards producing all lOregon fruits. The his money and of- planting and cultiva- irchaid, successfully matter to be settled is securing of the right-of-way through the townsite." Mr. Ashton at the present time is in charge of the construc tion work on tho lino from Hunt ington to Lowiston, wiucii wi United States, has been forced out of business on account of the Forestry Bureau's policy of con serving the forest reserves. J. G. Edwards, owner of the fa mous ranch of 27,000 acres, said yesterday that he had been soon be completed to Homestead. ' forced to the wall by the (Jov - - - ernnient's policy and he had de- llarrlmim'rt I'slatc. Icidcd to cut tip the big ranch land sell it, savs tho Orogoninn. The final appraisal of the estate ' Several years ago Mr. Edwards of tho late E. II. Ilarriman came to Oregon from Wyoming, places it at a value of $U9,000,- w"m ho had a range with 100. nnn Tii! : ti.,m sr,n nun . 000 sheep, the largest in the 000 over tho most liberal esti mate made when it was a matter of speculation. As a rule, when an appraisal of an estate of great wealth, which is talked of, is made, the public estimate is found to be greater than the fact. Estates shrink country. Ho selected Hay Creek as ideal for a sheep country, sold his Wyoming inteiests and started the big establishment in much ! Eastern Oregon. In 1D0G he had -10,000 head of sheep, which lie wintered on his 27,000-acre ranch and "which he kept on the range under careful examination. Hut 'e uwrnme..t torosi reserve in the present case the contrary '" tho summer months. has been the fact. It is niuch'l That year the Forestry Hureau, larirer than even his intimates I " lncy conservation, supiKised. The wonder that such a great estate have been accumulated in the time it was. Mr. Rockefeller's great wealth was mult up in a cut of it is I'dwanis' allowance oi range to should II KOT'iory suiiiciont lor only zi,- 000 sheep. Mr. lid wards sold a large number of sheep "d con tinued. In 1003 came another m.riful Pm-nrinff ,10 vrmra- Mm! f 'Order for II -10 per COIlt Cllt ! .w- vi. .w...n ... .7 v rp '. .. m . Mr. Carnegie in about the same ' H w ,0"-ll "!ir" ', but Mr. linn, it t.,nk m,w. imnmiiilnim' Edwards, who had it modified to Btich lands will pro-1 about d00 tons of refined borax (to build up the Astor and Van- iwr com, nnu no was pornm, jre surprised to find ' has been produced annually anil clcrbill fortunes to their nresent Sands all through tho, hauled by lG-mulu teams to Win-1 mammoth nronortions . The ternating with the i ncmucca on the Central Pacific Mnriran estate was erected on anils. In view of the land hunger that pre leastern states, and railroad. I accumulations made in a nrior Crossing the plateaus west of .veneration and the time in which Harney valley, we passed through ti,e ereat iijii Kennedv and bject-lesson of that , the largest black sagebrush we j Strathcona fortunes were made chard on the Harney had seen in Oregon, and des-. WI1S not i,,ss i.mi -m Vi:iim Ynt only way one can cended into the beautiful Silver jir Harriman's irreat accumu- ?flwcn imtnknn hmno. niflr vnllriv Rvnrfil inilria 1Mft..i: l !,!.; ii"v-"' -... .....-.,, ... - uiuuiirt were iiiuiiu wiiiiiii a per- ... .. f the fact that settlers I area, and noted for its natural j0(i 0f q yoarSi jt js wit10Ul' scale it cannot be a success. ted to continue with 17,500 head of sheep on the range. A few days ago he received notice of another reduction of 80 per cent in his range allotment and now that he can give range to only 12,2T)0 head of sheep he has de cided to retire from the business, asserting that unless the sheep business is carried on a gigantic o far from rail trans- grasses. All through this coun-' ,mrallel in the hisforv of self. , try both the lowlands and bench ina,i0 fortunes of huge' amounts, i f this general hosi- lands have excellent soil, audi Brooklyn Eagle. only the few pio- good well water is struck at shal- it -tinrl Hv lil.'i'o iu ' low dontliu rush of homeseekers Waring, a government expert, the railroad builders. I discussing the artesian and not to be long do- ground water resources of the fcgh Harney county. ' Harney country, savs that whole .of the Oregon East- region is likely to develop arte b" the long road grant isian wells, because of the for- "state, and already mation of the basin-like valleys jents have approach-1 and the subirrigating flow of It owners for rights moisture that scops down lroni bugh eastern districts the hills. Since many of theso where the railroad ranges of hills are timbered, the Isc i grant sections. reasonableness of tho theory is re at present but M increased, for it is a well known In the Harney valley ' conservation principle that for- mprises one-half of'ested highlands husband tho larney county. While winter and spring moisture, to I business of the liar- be doled out through natures for 190!) showed channels for the benefit of the percent increase, and j growing crops on lower levels. eekers stopped in Ore- Waring cites numerous instances 13400 of these came to , where wells drilled 1)0 to 250 feet knd of tho remaining1 produced artesian water that I few hundrel reached ! roso to within a few feet of tho Bgon. At the Burns surface. ithis year about 400 Job printing The Times-IIerahl vc filed on homesteads, IE RANCH FOR SALE )lcii(li(I Qpportun Up For Stockmen ife will sell the part of tho holdings of tho Ameri- and & Live Stock Company known as tho Colony located on Colony Creek in the southern part of County. This is a fine ranch, consisting ol fourteen hundred (1400) acres, sovoral hundred pf which is in fine meadow. We would like to sell ic Colony Ranch about cloven hundred (1100) it land which we own in northern Nevada, near lony Ranch which was located by Mr. Sisson on of tho water advantages. Easy termswill bo IrcHH- THOMAS & WALTERS, 540 Commercial Na' I Haiitclildf., Chicafo, III. NOTICE. All parties owing Lewis & Gar rett, or Simon Lewis aro hereby notified that all these accounts are in the hands of our attorney C. II. Leonard for collection and settlement. Persons indebted to us will please settle the same with Mr. Leonard at once. Simon Lijwis J. T. Gakkbtt. Thrco Merino bucks for sale. Seo J. A. Oard, Lawen, Oregon. It is tho Government's policy right through which has forced me out of the game," said Mr. Edwards, at the Portland Hotel. "I cannot" continue fin business with this small bunch of sheep on the big ranch, and now all I caifdo'is'to'scH'out." Mr. Edwards believes that the Forestry Bureau policy is bad, not only for him but for tlio state and country at large. It could have no other effect, ho said yesterday, than to drive great industries, such as he had built up in Eastern Oregon, out of ex istence. He' had created a ranch which had becomo famous the country over, was a model in mmmmm mm&mm&'&& : y:y&m The Harriman Mercantile Co. GENERAL MERCHANDISE m m LOWEST PRICES Complete line of Groceries and Dry Goods Gents Furncshmgs FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF HAMILTON BROWN SHOES HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, WINONA WACONS, BARBED WIRE We guarantee quality and prices Let tm prove to you that we have the"g()odsatrrightJprici'S Call andscc us TJ !Tw Tawn t Citini Crt.k aa.v would not go to build up his line of sheep, he said, and he import ed rams costing thousands of dollars and by systematic breed ing produced a sheep which had wool from its nose to its hoofs, the only sheep of Rb kind in ex istence. NliW CONTRACT TO UVI-STOCK. The Slate Railroad Commis sion, which has been investi gating the livestock contracts in uso on the railroads of Oregon, has entered an order prescribing a uniform contract for the use of all railroads in the state. All parties interested have been and it is believed that the labor of the Commission represents the fairest form of contract, when tho interest of all concerned are considered, that it is possible to frame at this time. At the r quest of the Railroad Commission the last Legislature passed an act which makes it un lawful for a carrier t change or limit its common law liability when handling livestock ship ments, unless permitted to do so by the Commission. The act also makes it tho duty of the Commission to prescribe a uni form contract that shall be just to all concerned. Many of the one-sided provis ions of the old contracts have been eliminated. Salient fea tures of the new contract are: I. If the shipment is over contract of lading, its proviciious inuring to the benefit of and being binding upon all connecting carriers. This will do away with the pres ent practice of reciuiringshippers to sign a new contract every timo the shipment passes to ii connecting carrier. 2. The carrier is held liable only for loss or iujury caused by its owi neglifonce. ,'(. Thecarjior not liable for loss or damage due to acts of God, the public enemy, authority of law, or acts or defaults of the shipper. 4. Shipper agrees not to load a car if he finds defects which make it unsafe or unserviceable, and agrees to notify agent and demand necessary repairs before loading. 5. Shipper agrees to load and unload his stock nnd to see that the shipment is accompanied by attendants to look after it. He must see the doors are fastened and kept fastened. The com pany is liable for loss or damage in loading, or unloading only when same is caused by its own negligence. 0. If shipper neglects to send attendants and railroad employes act as attendants it is done at shipper's risk. 7. Shipper assumes risk of loss or injury to stock when caused l-y any of them being wild, unruly or weak or from ill' effoct'of being crowded in cars. 8. Shipper agrees to protect the carrier if his stock is infected with any disease. 1). Lien of carrier for freight charges is not effected by val of stock from train or 10. In event ol loss or injury Advertising to Sell Cheap Clothes docs not happen to the merchant Hcllinu STEIN - BLOCK CLOTHING the Stein-Block foodu arc Hold only bp FIRST CLASS HOUSES and worn in New York and all large cities If Your Clothes Fit, are stylish and wear, gou arc a satisfied cus tomer. We carry the Stein-Block Line of ready to wear cloth ing, considered the fin est, best fitting clothes made. PiiiiSfff i ft 0 N. BROWN & SONS Satisfactory Store Ik Burns, Oregon. A MAN is known by the harness he uses ! 3S: A VAQUEivO by the saddle he rides. injury SftrnatoSil!vyinTntthe Evere horseman should have the stock. ! i . i . i . i . i uesc, Doin as ro quality ana price. You can get highest quality and lowest prices at J. C. WELCOME & SON Harness arLd. Saddles 11. It provides that all suits or actions for the recovery of claims for loss or damage must be begun within GO days after the shipper lias recieved notice that his claim is refused. 12. The valuations covering ordinary livestock are as follews: Each stallion or jack, $100; horse, ! mule or ass, $75; horse, mule or", ass colt, $25; burro, $20; burro colt, $5; bull, ox, or beef steer, I $10; stock or range steer, $2o; beef or milk cow, $35; stock or range cow, $20; calf $10; fat hog, $12.rU: stock or range Hog, or pig, $7.50; fat or mutton sheep, $1; range or stock sheep, $3; goat. $2. THE TIMES-HEi Job Printing. mLD I If 1 IB litilr v i II 11 f i IS Complete, Slu'glil Llns kCtylw.rd ItemovaMc aik! lnteicting.blo Platen. IUII llf.lum Cdriage KemiiLle Tlultur lUcl Simple Slrncil Cuinnn Device Drop Fot(!l Tyiw Dun I 'tiled Lino Ijjct Dicliiome Idhlion Uniluim Tuucli Hall Dealing Type liar Column I imler anil I'aragtaplicr Decimal Talmlatoi Vmlile Willing A Key (in Lvenr Clmiatlef I'eilrcl Biaung rocililin Inletchange.ilile Carnage. Iliglit anil l-t(l Cellule Kcleaia Level. Swinging Marginal Pack Protected Hilton Gear Driven Caniagei Ribbon Controlled (torn KeylHiard Variable and Line Spatei Pei (eel Du.l Cuard Hack Space Lever Carriage lleterdcr Improved Marginal Slop. Ltcapement, Speedie.t liver Deviled Theio ore featttrei which make tlio Smith Premier the choico of the man who investigate, comparative advantage!. AH necessary operations in writing, billing or Statistical work are accomplished from the key board of the light running, easy adion Model 1 0 (Visible) giBB r:JVMnHjCCRHHKo; aiaHalBBaBBHUnWraSuKVav9 Wnlefor inlornialion to The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., Inc. Syracuse, N.Y. llraitcliea everywhere iZ$$$3 &t