J"Vl a .-(fii, -j -. 3 flhc Siucs-VxCft. AATCIUMY. bKCKMURR U, l. HUiWOKUTION KATKB! One Year . fix Monlhi Three Montha.... li.00 .1.00 ,Tft IU.1AN II VII II - - - MMir Sagebrush and timber trim mings are suit! to bo a vnlunblo raw material for distillation plants. Some counties in Oregon have immense productive possi bilities if this proves true. Ex. points. The boys loft Sunset early m the spring to work in tho harvest fiolda near Pendleton. They are both glad to bo ablo to bo with their friends onco more nnd think thoro is no placo llko homo. Fred Mnrkloy, from near Burns passed through Sunset Wednes day on his way to tho Narrows to visit with friends. Mr. Mark ley is a now Settler and has a homestead located in tho Weaver Springs country nnd ho thinks this is tho placo for a young man to get n start in life This locality should liavo a ntnrn nnd iin.qfnfllpn na It n too Western representatives in , ,), nf trin in riln n MnrrnWu congress arc "going to fight for a 0r Burns every timo a fow gro ceries or stamps nro needed. ANNOUNCEMENT. Tho undersigned announce to tho general public that thoy havo formed a partnership to conduct a gcnornl Real Estnte, farm loans, insurance, investment nnd homestead locating business; also fur nish township plats nnd bluo prints of any nnd nil lands in this district. Wo shall soon bo comfortably established in n sulto of rooms on tho second floor of tho Odd Fellow building nnd prepared to give our friends nnd pntrons good, roliablo service. Platt T. Randall A. J. Passknqkk Richard Malonry big bond issue to carry out tho irrigation projects now under construction. Tho East will fight against it nnd hold it up if possible. Some man could start a storo and post ofllco nnd fix to keep travel nnd would soon build up n good trado as this will bo tho garden spot of Harney county. It should not be necessary to petition the sheriff toenforco tho Sunday closing law. Business houses should observe it without being threatened. Thosf who havo been keeping closed in tho past have not lost anything and their customers havo not been W'nvcrly Happening. Otto Nystrom hns arrived from Portland, and is now residing on his homestead. Mr. Jones, who is freighting for Clinrloy Haines, was at particularly inconvenienced. ForlVnvorly, Monday. the sake of their families and, Frcd Potcra of Andcr80n Val liiu jjenuriii puuni: kuuu uiu uusi ness houses should close on Sun day. NOTES FROM SUNSET. ANANIAS The snow in Sunset fell to tho depth of ten inches during the recent storm. J. D. Stewnit passed through Sunser Wednesday on his way to Diamond. Robert Settlemyro was a busi ness visitor to the Island ranch Monday. R. D. Stahl made a trip to tho Nnrrows Wednesday after sup plies. There was a good crowd of people from this locality to take' in tho dance Friday evening at the Narrows and all report a good time. Mr. Shofner one of the new settlers located south east of the P. Ranch, passed through Sunset Tuesday with a load of lumber to do some building on his home stead. Fred Barron has returned home iVliMinirw Ooods, including a full line of cut glass, Cliinawnrc. Table silverware, new rings, ? Watches and other Jewelry fill the store. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR PRICES NEXT WEEK fc KEEP YOUR EYE ON MY WINDOWS fGEriBERLING,! j Pioneer Jeweler and Optician K Next to First National Dank Burns, Oregon yrwWWWWWWWWWqw WW critic. ley, wns trading at the storo, Tuesday. Mrs. Oren Thompson was a pleasant visitor at Windy Point tho first of this week. Lcn Znurodino has been plow ing for Frank Brombnugh. Charley Ercckson is residing on his homestead. Tho Stage-driver broke his hack between Anderson Valloy Grant's buggy' and went tof f"n Jh!!?" Lawen. "Tonnio" Montjvitch has ar rived , from Pendleton. Mr. Montivitch is now residing on his homestead. H. R. Ringen came through Monday, from Burns. Robert Grant has been plow ing. his homestead. Mr. Grant thinks Hnmey Valley is alright. Surveyor Johnson and crew who havo been surveying near Waverly, were called to Burns. Homer Kissinger has been hauling hay. T. B. Hill's new residence i nearly completed. Daniel Deathe has thirty-five Following program was rendered: Song by School, Rocked in tho Crndloof tho Deep Reading Leonard Locker Instrumental Solo . Nina Baker Essay Emma Johnson Current Events Lyle Dawson i Debate, "Resolve, That the' world owes mo a living AfUrmativc , Negative Chester Mace ' Roy Chirk I Helen Purnngtoni Alico Hulburt Lilian Hendricks Read tho pnin formula on n box of Pink Pnin Tablets. Then ask your doctor if thoro is n bet tor ono. Pnin menus congestion blood pressuro somewhere. Dr. Shoop'a Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and scoi 20 for 25 cents. Sold by Reed Bros. HiHHiuittmiHmitiitiiHitiiiiiiitjii!tiU!tiiiit:itiiiim!ij(i!'.i. imntmut. The OVERLAND HO? L Burn, Oregon AGAIN UNDER OLD MANAGEMENT Afford the Best Accommodations to be had in Harney County CliElN H00rlS, CuEflN lilNHEN, PflUnTlBuH VICTUALS Wo arc again in charge and will he pleaHcd to see our old time friends nnd cuHlomers Come and sec us. FRANK A. COLE AND WIFE iiinmuuumtimttimnimttutMimnttuiKiittusti:ttttti:'.mt::Hi;::::tutittt:t::,ni ANNUAL XMAS BALL GIVEN IN BURNS DECEMBER 24, 1909 Music by Welkcr's Big Seven Piece Orchestra Best Event of the Season NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, UNITKH 8TATM I-tND OVVH I. Hurua, Oregon, October it. IW Very Suitable Christmas Gifts Mny be found by looking over our banduome LINE OF GLASSWARE, FOUNTAIN FENS AND DISHES Our display of Intaglio Arl Glass, Colonial Iridescent, Venetian Art Plates and Royal Salad Howls are somctbing new and pretty COLE & BYRD Harney County Implement & Hardware Co. from Burns and is making ar rangements to move his father's I acres of sago brush grubbed house to a more convenient loca- l. j. Gibson h through build tion near the new county road. ;ng fence. Clyde Embrce made a visit tol Cari Horseman arrived from Henry Hnrmer's residence tho I Vale Friday with supplies, other evening and got lost going i home. The correspondent hasn't Mr. and Mrs. James Bennett been ablo to find out whether heare work,"& r the Postmaster. had a bottle along or not but it looks that way. The cutting of wood on Dog mountain has seen its best days the juniper has been picked over for wood and posts until there are very few trees left that are of value. Twenty years ago this mountain was covered with tho best juniper in Harney county. The timber has been used for public good and Dog mountain if it hasn't a nice name it has done its part in the development of Harney Valley. The people of Sunset gave Miss Neva Hodder a surprise party Wednesday at tho home of W. Mrs. Maddox has been sick. Jim Paul has been spending n few days at Windy Point. Harry Cary, George Cattcrson andr his brother moved tho house that Mr. Cary purchased of John A, Hunt, to his homestead near Lawen. Roy Kelley has arrived and is now residing on his homestead. Mr. Holland of the P. L. S. Co., wbb at Waverly, Monday. Tlin imliros rWirlcil in fnvorof' Notlre It hereby len lhal Uwle J. Oibeon ...w .,.... . . ," wtii,urua. (or KU nu tfecilon . r)Towrniti(iaiH)ulli.lUni!MlKil , WIIInniMt Ir.utMuu.wna. cm Airll lo. ivuvineila hotneaUeil enirjf No. Vie: berlal No, OM't, ann JiJfKrij rcruoii tho nfllinmativc. Ottawa till CillAtl OUIIK. J uv.iiuwi Merl Han, hea Mcil HoUre of Intention hi wake Tlnil in tho Oueon 01 Nlffnt. 'In' Cimmutllori Pinal, lo raUullih Malm UHII lO W1U vulv.ii ui niKiii. dl, ,n4 aturoiUeirlliml. .cfuraili Uraie Essay George Marsdcn iVfBJll?mSfw!l,n,,l,'r,,l,',m,,, ' C.ln Mvrtlo Irvini? I'lalinaainamreaewlliieaBea 3010 Wiyruo irviiifcl. xtjom.ar. at.r. Allium I. Klinble.JainM Reading Richnrd Ausmus t a""'". muiii c.ir. n i wmir. High School Notes. I wm. r. nniiurr Harry Williams Reading Merle Bennett NOTICK KOK PUBLICATION. Program committee, Leonnrd uxirrnHTma !. orm , i i o -. t nin.. Burni Ofon, OcloUrJW. Jw. Loclier, hhza George, Lilian i Nof, ,,,, ,, , wlllUln u Klm TTniwlfinlru Viaitnm warn Mrs ' l. ef r. (rKOii, who, iu JunoS. Iv llCIUiriCKH. VlSllOra wero mrs. . mvit bomvdMil tuUy No m, HrrUl No T? n llnlvm. frj .1 I? nrnrulnn h. "'J l'.'. . '' .? . '" ' . Jimmie BnindonJr., Ruby Bur- -nv Mlsa niirira Copjwuuilon 1'ioof. la rtulillth rUira lollie . v-i. , .. nn- E. B. REED & SON Complete line of Fancy & Staple Groceries Finest line of Confectionery in the interior School supplies, notions, tobacco, cigars Orders taken for FineTailorlViade Clothing at prices ranging from $13.50 to $45 A satisfactory fit guaranteed REMI:MUERVc given five per cent (mile discount for cash on all gootl$. AMONG THI Holiday Go In our store mny be found Hand Painted China, HaJ land and Japanese Chin Cut Jjlass, Coffe Machine Perculators, Chafing DisJ Mechanical Toys, 5Jeds,ei CHRISTHASTREE TRm S1VERWARE, DOLLS, WAG0N$ Call and look over our big assorting GEER & CUMMIN Burns, Oregon. Burns Meat IVIarkj NcwtStop;0pfsilc Ik First NaltOB&l Bank Mi Yourpalroa age solicited. H. J HANSEN, M , W ml? n. 8W!jNKV Hecllun 11, Tu-luiiln 5i IHouln. Ktin M l.n. WllUmelta UtfMUn, hi BIckI Doilr o( lit InUmlciti lu tntta Klual CODiinuutlon fiool. la rtulillth rUiralollio I lnd bo iliarlhl, bcloto ib lllatr unit Hoflor. kt Iiurnn, Orvion, on lha Unl iU)r til A basket ball gamo between V&mSESXglSKir ..., j..m tho first nnd second high school &',?" Mle,",,1 ""1"r-" " w'"x. teams nt tho hall last night re- wm m, iirtii.i.r suited in a victory for tho first team. A danco followed the NOTICE POK PUBLICATION. ' I'XITIDHTATUHMiOrrlrr game. ImtiK, or(on, OriolwtM. rxv NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uxitkd Htatu Iiifn Ornr I llurnt, Ott'tun, Mavenbr If, IVH. I i v U lireby lrn lht lh ll ol Ore i.in tirf rlln.l lii ihla nlften Urn ntinllCMllull to led. umkr (lie protlilnnt of IhtAclof Con ' NoUcltbrbr given that WlllUm ,. lp K. ol Hum, uirion. wbo.unHtnlanilKra. luff, made hometlil nlrr No. Sin, Hctlal N. iri. aiiiuel Amml II, F(H, ami CU amen aiurjr iikicio iio HK'iHWtKw , T.MS.I NK,W'J(I'I). Xvc 1,T rfrf.ll.MK., W H., Cerlal o. COIKUj U,t 4 H 36, T M H . It. M K., W. M.. Foulh ol XalliciirUae. ferial Nu lowl. KOTinii1 Anyanil all timw clalinln adrcnelr Ibo i,ul,u1' lml itnArrlti!. nr tl4lrliis In ubloct became ol Ibe mineral character ol (ho land, or lor anr other reaxin, In the OUpoaal to applicant, houlil die tbrlr milill ol rateat In thl oniro. nu or lefnre Ibn eiplratlon ol lite pcrloUolpuhllrailun, '. F. Ileililer, linl publication December i, w. Latt publication January . IvIO. eton, wbo,un Hylomlier 31, iivi,iii.u. MwuiviiDiu vtiiij .u. eai, renal iu, oran. lorloii 1, 7, S, and 4, Hrcilnn'l Tnwinhli. .South. ltno it Koal, WllUmcllo .Verldlaii ha ninl nollro ol Inlenllnn lornaVe Final Comnulallon I'roof, to eilab lib claim to ibe land about deac'ttied, lielure Ibe liKgliter and recelver.al llu n Orenu,ori thelMhiWr ol 1'ereuitier. IIW Claimant narata Hlliicoca Albert It. I'orler, Van II. I'.mbtce. Tbumaa ppraiuo, vain uawaoa an or llurli", iireon Wm Hakrc. Itenlalrr, Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. Zf 3m& 5rtPi VOn I'UIILIOATION L'mtih BtaTm I.ixd Orrii llurni, Orecon, November SO. low. Nolle ! hereby xlren that l.eona II Dlckln on, nl llurna, ureiion, who, on etnuarr la. inu7,niadileaert-laml eutrr No.rAV Verlal No. oral.- man school literary. Tho H. C. ary faociety High School Liter mot in tho high u. nouaer ana wile, xnero was school building December 10. a large crowd present and all en-' The meeting was called to order by President Ormond Ausrnus, and tho minutes of tho last meeting wore read and npproved joyed the evening gatherings in fine style. Porter Nash and John Hodder have returned home from Pen dleton and other Eastern Oregon Tho roll call found all present Lenore Sizcmore was appointed NOTICK VOW I'UHMCATION UMTtWTATHa I.l1l0mc, I llurna, Oregon, November, 1M9I Notice la hereby atveu that the HlateotOra- ton hea Hied lu lb la oMcn Ha application fiierlal No. Ulmvlli) (elect, under tbe provltlout or mo ACS 01 uonitreae, approved auiuh a., IMi, and aclaainemUloiy thereto, the, .SW',NW! Bee itt.T M H., It. Wi K.. W. M. Any and all pereona elalmlugadveraely the lauilaileacrlbvd.or deilrlnulo object became ol the mineral riiaracier 01 me lanu, orior any ulher reaaon, lo tho dlipoaat to applicant, f. Dlii.ui.iy a if. ,w. m ,.... tl ",,?4i"4. ncciiun iMi aowiipiiiii "oi"i iai taai, miiaineiis Mcrnnan, baa filed natlco ol Intention In inaka Klnaf l'root, toeitabllah claim to tbe land above i!o aerlbed, beloro the Iteilater and llecelver, at liurni, Oreion, on the nth day ol January, 1010 Claimant naraea at wltncaMt Kd IMiokeit. O. A. Ilyrd, Krauk 1 lilcklnaoii. HcbuyUr Whltlnx, allot Hum, Oregon. Wm Kiaaa, Cexlater. llurna Uit No. M, Herlal No, aiA? NOTIOIS FOR I'UIILIOATION UNITKl) BTATIM I.ANII OKFII'K.I llurna Oreion, Novomber 4, l!H. I Notice la hereby oven that Ibe Northern l'ar- i abould file their anidav la nl proleat In Ihlaol- I tie Itallwar Company, vrhoao peat nrllco ad- ani raui, jlinncaota, naa llili 4tn Hay ol nca imur In-lcre tho oinlralluii nl Ihe period dreaai ol publication. 1 Wm 1'arm. Ilcgla'er. Kiral publb atlnn, NuTcmbor. W, ID09, Ijiat publication. Dtcemlier & IW9, to aoltct under the provlalona ol the Act of t'Uiilireae, approveu Jiry i, mini isu Dial, owl proven Mm NOTICIC I'OIt I'UIILIOATION UMTniiSrATica.l.AKbOrrici llurna, OreK'Xi, Novemkvr 1) IMM.) Notice ii hereby glvon that Mary. A. Mutton, made ileaert laude NovemUr.IW'J filed In Dili orDcella application 6D7, 17, HK.l (HI atat,, l7, Ihe weal half allln J4 8olllbof mnea XI Kaaliil Ilia Will.ni ell I'rlnclpal llerldlau, containing Hi) aorea. Anyaud all neraona clalinlnit advetael) Ihe .una ueaurioeo. or uoairuix luouieci neranai. ol the mineral character ot thelaud, nrfor anyoiber reaaon, to tbe dlipoaal lo applicant, extended by the Act ol Congrtaa ap- jiiar i. 111 si aiac. iuti. ma ueainai nl Die linnli ratn nailer ol aiolliui 1, In town r,WtAV&lsVSV,''.' -V .- rrTZT . TkT"KT C3 i Hie leant lo thank you for your pant patronage. We believe you tolll find it to your interest lo trade with T .ID ... .. lf..l lM mir:l U M ... n f i $ m ..! m t.u au iiiiiiiii viif niirivfc in icfffsicfc; ieiu vut r DRUGS are the best. Vo will not handle any other kind and our pricca am riyht. We have the beat line of J Cigars, Candies, Post Cards and Stationery I In the city. Agents for 5 DR. SHOOT'S FAMILY MEDICINES and SECURITY STOCK REMEDIES $ We Solicit your Prescription work The City Drug Store. I REED BROS., Proprietors ' A'V VV.V '-VVJa s.-'lk'4fjav . V, t The Most Popular House in Interior! Nfc'ATLYURNISHSD-ALL OUTSIDE Headquarters for Traveling Men and if Adelar Racine Manager, L. Racine, Propt., Bifa BURNS LIVfcRY AND FEED STJB NEW! NEW! OPENING We have placed on display our line of NEW GOODS For CHRISTMAS At our NEW STORE Odd Fellows' Building Clothing, Gents' Furnishings SCHENK BROS. Burns, Oregon M'lOII 111 PIIIIT lMi ". a I. i a . ..a. "".. a" "..' of KkII. Ori'on, who, nn pembr W, IW". ".'"'" ITi, .7i .. "J!.!?', t'. l.V '" ' " niailv iIcbdii aiiiliiiiirv .to. hw. rariai Mi, lor NU'K1.. bcctlnn til N)4 M. HKiil anilHSviiNFli.i'H'llonJI.Tuwnibln ' Bou Hanite it Kaal, Wlllatnelia Mrrlillan, In 11.0, ml iwuiiii 1 di(l nnllinnf lnlontlnn lu innka Final I'oof. lOCB lahliali claim to lliotanil aliovn (ItacrlboJ. ba lorn tlin llmlatrr ami Itocal vr. at llurna, urn Koii.on llm lllli.layol January, 1910. t'lalmaiil liainea wllntiaeal llolmrl Ullultnn, Jamee HulhelUnrt both ol i Kill, llrBon laaau Uonalanl, ul llllor. Ore-. gon. William A. Wlkor. ol Kgll, Oragon. ' WW, Kauki, llcgUler. I orrice, on or taforo tl,u mtliila; i( DoicuiU'r IIW. Wm rxnnt, llenlncr. CONTEST NOTICE. CONTKbT No. h, UMTKU 8TATF.8 LAND OFI'ICK. llurna, Oregon, Novoinbcr II, lixW Alufflplant toutaal amdarlt haa Ix-i'ii (llcil Intblaonice by William 0. Keltay.roulcilaut atalnat lloinraloa.l Kutry, No, iiAti, mails Mai dIwjH, Harlal No rMU), for Hl BW ) Hot'! loll a I Malhowa, UonU'aleo, lu wlncli It la allruicl thai I'lnTTION rOK l-IQUOlt LlOOtSkHaDnStKair. W.IImallsMerldlau.'urAiixlu i Maiuawa, uonifaieo, hi wnicn II la allruicl thai W.,, II,., nndomiiinwl l.g.l votur. "' ; .fo'A0 V.Vd"er"loWr"0!!ir"e,"i.Ti',Vr:'?ir I'llnlilo I'lrclnrl, llarnuy County. Htttlo monlhi noit proroilluit tbo rominonromviitol f "n.B..,.,n cif.iily tlt.o,, th, Hon lgiWll?iVW.,V.VSlVW. Ucitloly liiurt I llri'iuiy omity, Btulo BURNS HOTEL BAR DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection Courteous nndObliging Bar Tenders EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS DROP IN Centnilly Located anil Connected with Hotel Hums n?g CORTES E. ELLIOTT, Propt. Sjcciol atlrntiol ... . to transeienl cuaa Q frcidhb teams: Wl ' 1 v i-Vf-y rr A. M -V. m V 'U worses kejt by( 1 1 'iA 7Ti" nt lllillfil .- L 'vv,v' " TL(I s& vt Bust cuss lueit if Hay ami nmi on hand. lourpatrci gel Bouth Mum St Kvipi -W.fW"n'Wa t m:n!tn:)iifr lnniu tm: t.wutimmmmnmnnmmitmtmmmmm in i ba Armv. NavT. nr MarhiA l.nrn. nf ilm - - ... ....:-,, .. -- - --- -.--.,- . ..... ': ' ; , ', uuiiwBiatraaa a invio aoiuiur, onirar, ten ol Ort'KUii! lo until! a llruniii to Dvlovan man orinarlno, ilurlngtliouar w)iliH,alu.or Irtr, acn I) llnl.,,,1,,.1,,,1, l Hu, Qnl.llnnn. Mll rtu,,0 "''' wr III Wlllfll llm UnlUll I), UoluliliailKllloKDll Hplrltlioua, Malt I huIm may batuKageil, aabl imnlaa aro licrclr uml VIiioiih IJnuora In lots niiBntllloi.PM???,0..nP'".iHll.'al.!''.ivldeiH tlinn uno gnllnii Donlo 1'iiablo Precinct touching aald allaxatlun alio o'clock a, in oil naoarooorvv, iwv, uoioro mo nugiaiur anil ito- ralverat tba Umlod HUlca LnuA oirica In uurna, t;rcNon. uvur pray. Ilarnoy Counlv. Htuto of Orcuon, (or the I'urlnd nt Rlr ll, inuntlm nn In ilnlv' . Tbotald ooptcalant having, lu a prulmr alfb lurioti rn nix tu; inonnia, nn in mny daTlt nl0l, Novambor lu, 1U09. act forlli faoia i wnunioow mat ausr uuo oiiiuvuro imrauual I aarvlna of IblB nollro cannot bd nimln. n ! Name), I barcbynrdared and dlruclvd llial auoli liollre Martin Oalvln b8 Elven by dun and roier iubllcalui F K Qrovo I wn.ni,nwiiUr. RUVckM NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ..." .J. l'nen"' . UNITtO BTATM Urn. OKlca, I Wm. McMuH'by ' Duma, Oregon, Nnvombar 10, IWl John Lnbh iiuor pone nrour itivin nat Aguea Bayor, tfUllii "uuiiiKvr (.... nu,tnBr addreaa la Kuril, if.,.,,,,' bound wow NamoH frill Lnraun Dan HoKUurty O II AiIatin 0 A Umli 0 W Dufniitmuiih J C Travoriu .MiIuiii Oliovuliur U Uriuy H Dufunhaiiiih (luorj-o Cluugli Hal it' Clionto Waltvr II, Fonaom 0, 1'roipor .. .. i .r I "no" puobic uuraa la iiuriia, u-iigou, N K i;billl!dld,onlUo'itb(!yol April, lm, lilolnlhla rn if r..... omra nwnrn aiaiameni ami Abin 1 V rravorati. 03108 to nuribatu tbo Lot ami h) I HO . llll jrv, and Utone Law," at auoh valuoai ml a lit bo mm Ailum Ailrlnn II V McAlllator M M Doan UOFIcal Ooorgo Tiirnbouy lllcatlou, No. I H ni:u,Hu. . Itanuii 1 Koil U'n. ami llm timber Ibtroon, lion i.townibtniriiJouili, Hani lamello Mandlaii, and the t under llm provlalon oilbo act of Juuu a. t7. Notice la lieruby ulvtin that ou Mori day tho SOth day of Docombor, 1008 the iiiuIoralKiitxl will apply to Uu) County Court of thu Hlutu ol Oregon for Ilnrnoy County, for thu llcomo mentioned In the foregoliiK petition DflLVAN 1). DErKNUAUail, m amello Mandlaii, indAP IIia nrnvlabir and acta amendatory, known aa tbo lluibor anuoiuno uu," at auuu yaiuo aa IlllUlll bo Avail bv antjralaelnallt. anil that, .nimnim! i. uch apiillcailon, tho land and limber thereon have been anpralaed. Ibe limber fallmatml 810,000 board (net at ll.WptrH,, and Ibe land 170 00) that aald appllcaut will ollor tlnal prnol In tupporl ol her application and awnrn alato ieni on ma join nay ui January, luio, beloro io Hecliler and llerelrtr, at llurna, Oregon. Aoyparaonli at liberty to prolctt Ibfa pur- UeKltik- facia wcnlo lb' chaie belora entry, or Inlllate a conical at any iiuio yviiiio I'aioui .una, nr miliar a corrnnor aieq amuavii in una omce, vruiuu itvuiu uvivai imb vuiry. V, Jariib, itoiihur. MEAI MARKET and Grocery Come in and inspect my stock COMPLETE LINE OF BEST GROCERIES to be had in the Market .HjXu Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALE IN CONNECTION WITH IARN. -A-3ST.D Mil prices are as low as pood goods can bo sold for in this market... The LARGER the order the LESS it COSTS. tit: .-t.inmmmuumumumuutmmiKnimmtmmmmumtmmmmmmmi BURNS MILLING HORTON & SAYER. Prop!! Rough and Dressed Lui Rustic, Flooring, Mould Finishing Lumber, Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good - M Lumber Yard in Burns. IHE BURNS HO feifcPHENS & DIBBLE, Pr4 Keaaonable Rates, Uood Clean Menls. CW Rooms, Courteous Treatn ent. special Accommodations U Traveling Men. MRST CLASS IN EVERY PARIS Vocitt PGtrrong Solicited, a