i iL'jawjasMjjijLUBMp Those who vrftht dressmaking done call at Jorgensen's stand Mesdames R, H. Ireland nnd H. P. Ringon, Propts. A clergyman writes: vFro ventics, thoso little Candy Cold Cure Tablets nro working won ders In my parish." Proven tca surely will check a cold, or tho grippe, in a very fow hours. And Provcntics nro so snfo nnd harmless. No quinine, nothing harsh or sickening. Fine for feverish restless children. Box of 48 at 25 cents. Sold by Reed Bros. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITin STiTMtiANDOrriCR, I lliliri, Oregon. NurcmWr 9, 1KD I Notice la hereby (1) on tket Fred K Scott, of Hum i, Oregon, who. on Juno is, 1904, Made homestead entry No. 2117, Kerlal No. uirat. for NWNWlf ami NliftWUHoctlon IS. Tovvnihln'JI Houth, Kantrata East. WllUmetto Meridian, bu Mod notice of Intention to mako Flint Kite Year rroof.toestabllsh claim totlie landatt desorlbrd, before tho Kenlttor and llerclver, at llurm, Oregon, on tho '.3th. day of liecvm bcr. WJ. claimant namra aa wltnreios Dr. W. C. Brown. W. If. Mejtlcld. C. P Ise man, 0. II, ltauman, all of Hums Oregon Wm. HAimit, lU'ulner. CONTEST NOTICE. C0NTK8T NO. S3 United Statu Land times, Hums, Oregon, November 13, lvw. I Asuttlctent contest affidavit liavlnu been filed In this otftee by Mary It. Neal, contestant, atatnst Homestead entry No, IBM, mala May ID, 1903, geilal No. 01701, for bmjiNKi,. KH BKf and "EJJ8KVJ Bectlon , .township JS Houth. lUtirt M Kaat, Wlllamotto Meridian, by William I, Uinicnood, Uontcstie, In which It la alleged that laid William U I.oukkoo1 nccr establlaheda rratdence uon aald;trai't nf land, never Improved tho aamo and necr cultivated any portion thereof; that ho merely erected a cabin on laid tract and baton) establishing re eldence thereon and about tho 1Mb day ol Nor amber, ICO), laid claimant died interstate, that aid claimant was tinmarrlod and loll aurvlv- Inj him as his only helra at law three brothers noltbar of whom resided then or now In tho state or Oireon.ttiat on the Villi day of Nov ember, 1005, letter of Administration duly Is lied tot' A.Bureekai Admlntitratorof Ibnea talo of raid William L.. Lomreood, whoilulr qualified as aueli and took i.ii'iiloii uf tho personal ami real property or earn esiato aim duly administered the tame and laid calatc haa been finally settled ; tbat neither tho raid Admlnlatrator or either or any of the lieln of aald deceased claimant ever made acute ment on or cultivated any portion uf said claim and none of the helra nr any person for them ever In any manner either In iiood faith or otherwise, cultivated any jmrtlod nt aald claim; that tho aald cabin so erected u,Hn aald claim by the deceased haa lone atneo been ro moved from aald premise and the said claim haa been wholly and absolutely abandoned for mora than six mouths last past and the same ti nnoccuplad, unltrproreO, uncultivated and unfeneco and that aatd alleged absence from said land was not duo to his emnloriiient In Dr. Shoop's Health Coffeo is created fromTi'pura parched grnins, malt, nuts, etc. '-No real coffeo in it Flno In flavor-is "mndo in a minute." No 20 or 80 minutes tedious boiling. Sam ple Fred. flood Cough Medicine lor Children drown Folki Too nd "Wo could hardly do without Chamberlain's Cough remedy," says Mrs. Flora Dcspnln of Bloyd, Ky. "I found it to bo so good for tho croup and have used it for years. I can heartily recom mend it for "coughs, colds and croup in children and grown folks, too." Tho abovo shows tho implicit confidence that mnny mothers place in Chamberlain's Couirh Remedy, n confidence based on many years' oxperionco in the uso of it No ono need hesitate to uso this remedy for it contains no chloroform, opium or other narcotics and may bo given to a child as confidently as to an adult For sale by nil good deal ers. CONTEST NOTICE. CONTEST NO. Si. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting and fishing are strict ly forbidden upon any of the Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches. Trespassers will bo prosecuted. John GiiJohest. Supt NOTICE Any and nil porso is owing tho firm of Hngey. F uwlck & Jack son, either on necount or note, are hereby notified that all bucIi accounts and notos nro now in tho hands of C. II. Leonard for collection. Such persona aro hereby requested to mako imme diate set Moment of tho samo. Dated Aug. Oth, 1909. IIagijy, Fijnwick & Jackson. A sufficient . aald land was not duo to his employment In tho Army, Naw or Marine Corps of tho I'nltcd States aa a private soldier, officer, seaman or marina during the war with bpaln, or during any other -var In which tho United States may bo n faced, said parties aro hereby imlllled to appear, respond and Oder evidence touching aald allegation at 10 o'clock a. in on Jannaty A, 110. before tho Register and Itecelver at the United States Land Office In Hums, Oregon. The said ranteatnut hating. In a proper affi davit, Med novoruber 1?, Iwj. set forth facts which ahow that after duo diligence personal service ol this notice can not be mde, It la hereby ordered ami directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Wm. Parrs, Iteglster NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ukited statu LANiiOrriCK. ( Hums, Oregon, October 2, lew I Notice Is hereby given that.VdrlcnT Coleman of raullna, Oregon who. on January 10 1'ioa, made Homestead Entty No 1M1, Herlai No, Olttl.for WKNyUlSEftNtV't. sW'tftWi flection at Township IS Houth, Hange it.) East. Willamette klerldan, haa filed notice of Intention to mako Final Eire-Year iruui, u esiaousu claim to mo lann aiiorodei crlbed, before the Iteglster and Itecelver, at Hums, Oregon, on tho 1Mb. day of December, 1909. Claimant name as witnesses Samuel Clemens, of l'anllna Oregon. Alex ander Delorc, of liee, Oregon. Jamca O. ear ner, Almon i'. Coleman, bath of l'anllna Ore ton. Wu-Eakkk. Itjglilcr. Army lintTgnBTATgal.AND Orrics, Hums, Oregon, October , IWW eontrat affidavit having been niiMl in this ofllco by O. II. Bmlth contestant against Homestead Entry. No. 031. made -Aug litis. Iinvt. lor EUotWKwcllon at Township art Cordell C. CarrContesteo, In which It U alleg od that said entry haa been wholly abandoned for mora than a year last past and contluucd to tho present llmo. that said ontryman never made settlement placed Improvements or ea. ...ii. I.it m MidLinrn ItiariHlEl. that tho tract IS unoccupied and unimproved and remalna In oleutrimaiila to aitlant unknowni and that said alleged absence from tho said land not duo to IH omplopinenl In the Navy, or Marine i.orta " mw uhhpi uiitivf, prniii.ii or iur ,i,iih.ririi in which ilia uuiitiii -inira wae engaged, aald partita aro aereby notmed to appear, respond, and offer evidence touch IlieatlilftllegatlouatlO o'clock a. tn. on ies ember It, 1W. Iwloro tho Iteglster anu itcceiv erst tho Unttvil.stales Und omce lu lliirna, Oregon, ... , , The said contestant bating lu irpporatrida vlt.nicd October i, ixrj, rst forth facta which show that after duo dllllgenco personal service of this notice cannot be msi'e, It tslierebyor dered and directed that audi nolle be gf vln by duo and proper publication. Wm ? till, Iteglster NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IIhitid htatm I.AMiiOrnca llurns, Oregon, October sa, liari Notice Is hereby given tlia'. William II. How aM, ol Hrewsi.y. Oregon, who, on January n. States at a private aoldler, onicor, ae or niatlno.durlng tho war with Knalu. o log any oilier war In which tho United I il entry No. TV"J. Kerlal on forNKti, Dectlon 13, 'lownshlpyi Houth, desert la inxt, made UMVI ior?ilA, eeeiion la, iwhiii' r-uu.u, itai.M ja ki. wtliAmeiio Meridian, haa flled nnltr.M n( Inteiitloll to leake final I'rOOf. 10 establish claim to the land above described before the iteglster and Itecelver, at llurns, Or cgoti, on the 2lt day of December 1 WJ. liiairuaninamcaaewiiuri,.' Chaa. W Hopper. Krlal Clark, Itowland I", Woods, Ratio Howard, all of Drewsey, Oregon. Wx. raaag, Iteglster NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION UNITKDBTATKH UNO OPKICK, ( Burns, Oregon, October , IHOJ., Notice la herebygiven that Oeorgo V. Kmiulst, of Narrows, Oregon, who, on July 13, I'juh made homestead Kntry No. 0107, lor riEU'SW", kiectlon j; NCtjNWK and N)NK!i Bectlon II. Township 26 Houth, Range il Rast, Willam ette Meridian, has tiled notlcoof Intention to make Final Commutation proof, lo establish claim to the land above describe.!, beforo Ian Register and Receiver, at Hums, Oregon, on mo 2ju aay or uecemoer ivw. Claimant names aa witnesses; C.W.Lewis, of Narrows. Oregon V a fling an, Berthold liucbele, David Uulchlnson. all of Bnrni, Oregon, Wx, Xak. ltcglttor. N'OTICB FOH PUBLICATION. I'niTtu Ktatis Lann Orricg llurns, Oregon, October, 2S, lW. Notice Is hereby given that ElUha r. Ilarncs. of I'rlnevtlle, Oregon, farher of trl Ilarncs, wno, on iiecemuer , twt, mauo nonnwau entry No. lH'.T. ferial No. 01(70, lor K),NK!fsud ri8E!lBe.l.Town oulh, ItangeJlEast, 'VAlamette Meridian baa filed notice of Inten Hon to make Final Firo year proof, to establlsli claim to tho land abovo descilbod, beforo Warren Hrown, county clerk ol Crook County. I hlsomccat I'rlnevllle, Oregon, on Iho 13th day of December, IW. Claimant names aawllnessra Wesley Btreel, ol Fife, Oregon. Frank tt rimllh, Columbus J. Johnson, James M. Htreel, alt ol i'riuetllle, Oregon, Wm. Fa a at. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Umtsd Htatis UxnOrncg, I Hums.. Oregon, Octobers. ln I Notlco la hereby given that Charlra K. Brad for Nf', Hactlon 11. TownshlpV7Bpuiu. iiaugo Croup Cured and a Child' Lite Savid. "ItnlTords mo great plcasuro lo add my testimony to that of tho thousands who have been benefited by Chnmborlnin'scough remedy. My child, Andrew, when only thrco years old was taken with a sovcro attack of croup, and thanks lo the prompt uso of rjiiambcri&iirs Lough Remedy his life was saved and today ho Is a. robust and healthy boy,"savsMrs A. Coy, Jr., of San Antonio, Texas. This rem edy has been in use for mniiy years. Thousands of mothers kcon it at hand, and it hns novor been known to fail. For salo by all good dealers. Job printing Tho Timcs-Hcrnld. new tmmm proposition WG have arranged tb offer in connection with this pApcr, tho now monthly farm magazine Just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by PrOf. H. W. Campbell and dovol ed to tho aubject of how to farm in tho dry country and how to got best fosults from soil tlllngo under normal conditions. This Pnpor is Campbell's Scientific Fnrmor nnd wo offer It clubbed with Tho Timcs-Terald both for $2.60 por year cash. Prof. Camp bells' new paper is n monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of its kind in the world, and it embodies tho re sults of tho editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillage proposition. NO TRESPAS8INO. Hunting ia forlilddon upon my plaoo adjolnlna ihiriin. TroepmtR- ro will uo proiooulott, 0. II. VOKUTLY Religious Servlcei. NOTIOH FOH PU ..LIGATION. Ukitkii Statss I.rnOrric. ( llnins, Oregon, November la, IBW, I Notlco la hereby given that The Ktato olOro gnu has niil In this office Ha application Herlai No OWJllo .elect, under the nrovlslous of iho Ait uf (.ongreis. Approval August H. .mi, ami acis aiuouuatory mereto, ino W t(N A ), BK jN Wi(, HWJ;NKi 8ec. 7t, T. U n. ii. a, r,., n . m , Any and all persona claiming adversely tho lands described, or desiring to object because ol the mineral character uf Iho laud, or for any oilier reason, to llm dlspoaat to applicant, should file their afflilavllsof protest In this uuicv. wii or irinre me exrirauon or ine periua of publication Wm KAaag, Ileglaler. Klrat publication. November J7, IW. last publication, January I, laid. NOTrcii FOR I'UIILICATION. tNITKBT.Ti:8I,ANflOrriOK, liuriia. Oregon, Novemliery, 1W, Notlco Is hereby given that ljt Y. Wiseman, o( llurns, Oregon, who, on Heplemberv7. IMI, made toBMnil entry No sno, Merlal No, 0I1, for ,NK4 recllon M, Township JtBoulb, Range WKasl. Willamette Meridian, haa died notlcoof intention In mako Final Five-Year I'roof, to establish, claim to the land abovo dea rrlbol, tiefora the Register and Receiver, at llurns, (Hrgon. on the .nth da) of December, Claimant namra as wltnessea. FfrdF.Hcoti,Wi:ilamC nrown, W If. May. field, Charles II. llauman,allof llurns, Oregon Wm Kaaag, Register, NOTIOK KOK PUItLIOATION. t'NlTtnHTATga I.ANiiOrrici I llurns, Oregon, October 'Jo, IM, Notlco Is hereby given that tho Dial of Ore eon haa filed in this oftlro Its application low lect, under tho provisions oi the Act of Con. grime, ntiprovcd August II, lata, and acta ley, of ivaverly. oregon.who,pn March IMM. made bomistead entry NO.SI2& Her al No Olm, Intention to make final commutation I'roof. to for rir'i,KConv, iownsuiiw. pj.u.M, i,w 31 Kast Vt'lllametto Meridian, haa niod nollee I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UkitidBtatis LAXoOrncK, I Burns, Oregon, Octobers, I9t. I Notlco la hereby lvcn that the Blato of Oregon haa flled In this omco Ita application establish claim to tho land abovo described. U ... ih iiftfiatftr and Receiver, at nurt.s orpgon. on the 17th day o December I9W. Claimani name w, ... Arthur Mention, William Camon.M. II, , Kock allot Waverly. Oregou and Thomaa I'. Dillon ol llurns, Oregon Vm.Fai, Ileglster amendatory thereto, III 21 8 IU M K W. U, 2H, T M It. X. W. it., Herlaf No imio, NEU HH5. Heo, CerlalNo OiMT Any and all rsons clalralug adversely the lands described, or desiring to object because ol the mineral character of Iho land, or for nyr wuirr icnsuii, , inouisposa. toappiicani, sh. ' nil. their affldavlta of protasl In this oSltv on nr before tho expiration of the period of publication Wm FAahi, Iteglster First publication VoremUr t, X, Last pubilcatliii Decern Ur li I90!. Rov A. J. Irwin will pronoli nt Ildrnoy Iho 2nd HundftVTuncli mouth nt II n, m. nnd 7.00 p. in. Snbbnth eoliool ovory palibittli nt 2 p. in. Tho Hiirnoy Suiiduy suliool inoutn at2o'alook onch 8umliiy nml n cordinl invitation In oxtundod to all who citn ttttoiitl to iiiot't with uk. At tho I'roabytonnn uliuroh Duma, Rov. A. J. Irwin pnistnr. Dovlno aorvicoa tho third nnd fourth Sunday!) of oaoh tnonthnt 11 n. in., and 7:30 p. in. Sabbath eoliool nt 10 a. U). ovary Sabbath morning, NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION UNITKDBTATKjn.ANIiOFFICK. I llurns, Oregon, November '.", IWJ. Notice Is heieby given that Fonk I' lllekln soo.ot Hums, Oregon, who, on tcbrue '' IW7, taado desert land entry No, Ml., Herlai N.. (mtJ. for RKj;8Wir, Hectlon , Tuilishn 11 Houth. Ilango V) fast. Willamette Meridian, baa flled notice of Inteutlontoinako final pruol lo establish claim to the land sUite ilesrrl-l. before tho Iteglster and Itecelver, at llurns, Oregon, on tho 11th dar ol Januirti, lIO. Claimant names as wltnesseat Kd lcketl.U. A, llyrd, lona It Dickinson, Behuylsr Whiting, all of llurns, Oregon. Wai.FAaat, IfrglsUr The Times-Herald ia ollcvinu most attractive Clubbing Rates to its subscribers at present THE TIMES-HERALD One year with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2-50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Tlirice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 ; Farm Progress FRKE lo every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these urood papers in . connec tiomvith The Times-Herald for tho long win ter'cveningB. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Tlio Tlmca-IIrrnld In Prcpm-wl lu tlu the Very Ileal and Moat Hntlafnrlory Work In tliitt line. Wc Itntc all I lie LATEST TYPE FACES and a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY PROFK83IONAL CARDS. Wm. MILLER, ATTOItNKY AT LAW. Hum, Oregon, Officii lint dour wot ol Dnnk. A. REMBOLD Altornoy-nt-Latv, Bums, Oregon. " OlifiH. II. Ioonurd. ATT01INKy-AT-I,AW, CirofuI attontlon given to Coloc Hoiib nnd Itcml ICntnto mnttore, I'lro Iiuiiraiicu, Notary Publlo IJuhnb, Oheoon, 5um G RJ OKO. S. 8IZKH0KB, ATTOIINKY, I'UHNB, OflKOOJf C'olltciloue, Uiul butlneM, and Ileal Eatato matter promfllranoiided to. CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns' - - Oregon I'ractlctxi In tlio blato Courts mid be foro tho U.B.'Land Offlco. AlflIU TAJII.K U ' Wofit tloitml. No 1 I'm, , OjSO Lv OsM " 0iB8 ' 10:01 " 10:07 " a I0il7 " SM 10:22 " 10:32 " 10:30 ' 10:65 " 11:10 " 11:15 " 11:40 " NOON 12:00 " P.M. 18:05 " 12:10" 1:10 Ar Tfe Itrdi MVitrf 'Jtt'i3 MelJ JUXC Soat(J Jl'St Smtfc OI.( WLi HI1i Atiii,j Slop on nnI om,d Tick ota Issued trains nru tchnf atopt. l'aitctiKMi ota where agcotii trains or 25 cenli guiariarowinu JOSErBj OHANTOEDDEJ,! J. CU. GBflRY I'liyalclan and Burgeon. Uurno, - - - Oregon. O(lkt) In new building south of Welcome I harness shop, Main St. Thono Main 85. Tfac Lmc S!ar RESTAURANT Clilr.a lii-ortto, I'roptlvtor. Oor. Main nnd II fitreeU. iMBnilS AT AliU HOUPJb Bakery In eonneatlon. A Specially of Sfeerl Orikrj. Tahiti furr.Islietl with uverytlilng the market alTordn. Your imtron ago nolloltod. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION UNITKDBrATES LAND OFKItlK, I Hums, Oregon, October W, 1 W, S'otirela terebr alran that John II. Uuh, oreron naa fliau in Ibis omco its application I ... iiutnl Orcaon. who, on Mar 'a iwh, maiiu IBerlalNo. 03S1S1 to selectjindfr tho i.rorlilon I. ....!....,i v,ri tin . Harlal No. CJCtO. of thaActol CODsress, approval August II, ',or BKij HW'f, Hcetion S, aail NKNWJt.anil uv: itn'i. M3CIIUU O ,un,.m...,. .n.H..., Painless Dentistry IMS, anil acta amendatory thereto, the KJi 8EJi Bectlon K,T. 31 B., It 81 K.. W M. Anf anil all perrona claiming a.ltrerscljr tho lands descrlbei. or (leilrlnnto nbjfct hecauso ol the mineral character ol the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant, should file their atltdavlta ol protest In this office, on or before the eiplratlon ol the ht!cvI ol publication. Wk. Paisk, Kcgtsler. First publication November 13, I'M. Last publication December 16, l'J09 (it . nuu.ii, It.nSn 3-i Kiut. Wlllaraetto Meridian, haa flM notlrool Inlentlon lo make Final commuta tlon I'roof to establish claim to the land sImito ilcscrllwd, Ulore the llejtlster and Itecelver, at llurns, Orrton, on the I3ID day of DoCeralKT, WW Claimant natnee aa witnesses James II. Buoyant, Albert Woais, tltrso I'lcklcsymer, Andrew J, l'auenger, all of llurns, Oregon, WK, Kaaaic, HCKisier. OREGON CALLS- "MORE PEOPLE" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to como now. :low colonist rates To Oregon will prcvailfrom tho East September 15 to October 15 VIA TUB OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. AND- SOUTHERU.PACIFIC (LINES IN OREGON) ,.. . x From Ulucisgo tfaa.UO " St. LoiiIh 82.00 " Omaha . 25.00 " St. Paul 25.00 . " KaiiHttHCity 25.00 FARES CAN BE PREPAID. Deposit tho amountlof tho faro with tho nearest O. It. & N. orS. P. Agent and ticket will bo delivered in tho EaBt without extra cost. VvP H nHj ' aCHHWaH atBk ")f?&'ii1Kr n, w, a. win, r n mMumo Oat of taa,BMl loair piaM ana. ;6U oa . DfCWIaSalfT Wt.lllfl..MSf4 22a tU tr aorcsisia rt lw 53, attUr Crsass 6. mtUcsTsu3, QsMnmsfs Catml ritllan SlUsrWan .51 ii.Uynmsjt 188 f4 Rstasr .. Plil.i B.Q1 Bill B.J RiiV. mM airrutss 7.5 ll M inmuis tuiuu PiIkIiii tili'llu .OS nwn uuHIMmuu rOR ID TKAIIS IHIIH uiiKimn g nntrv.1. Tx3r TTs Wo eotloct everywhere and mako n charge uuleia collection Is rondo. Wo please our clients Address Mokiian MkhcantilkC'o , Kenton Bldic., I'urlland, Or.- Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Qpcrnling from Austin via l'rairio City, Jotia Day, Caajoa City to Boras, Oregon I i dnyit from liker City to Uiinis, Oregon. Four und six horKe slock and covered coaches the entire distance Railroad to Burns 105 miles For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. Canyon Oity, Oxogrora. DEIffrlAri & DENMflN, Physicians and Surgeons Calls ainworod pruaiill nlglilordsy 'I'liono llurrlmsii. Harrlman, Oregon I Tha OrtiuD. c all I Prolactin. Aiioclstlos,, i iisdsu 11. ravnibtr, ,! ror tueronvicnincfii iDajuorscSfiaiuaur Its inalr $SOO Add WARSPEfl & GRIFFITH I'liyolclntm ami SurKfOim. IIUIINH, OlfKOON. oM ti Im Orirtooetarl Im.1 Miliitan. .,... lfI If not sorfportaa , iaAitnM-urai4 &,$ "l li."E. JUBBARD Ollitv firal diwr i-nut plioto trailer llurns. Oregon. i'i SV. C. ttRovvN, lllIIINH, OlltXIOX. Ofllrn In mm land nlllcti liuildln,'. tuiit duor norlti ol Mst otlleu. OFFICIAI. DIltKCTOItY STATC oatflONI OB.Banatora (Jonathan BournnJr. ii IalD IlAtrstlldn uoruiM. von tialblrM work di aiodi lito. K, Uliatnlxrlaln W It Kill. iJWIIawlnr A.M. Crawford K. W. lii'inon F W Hensoti .0 A bICfl ii. Acierinsn W OHuulway K. H. Ilaati. K.A. UiMiro llubt Kakln NINTH JUDI0IAI. DIBTUICT, R!!5l!SJ?"' Oro.K.Iiavl. IpulyiJItAllr O II Leonaiil Circuit Court tnnta tha flrst Um,,t.v i,. April and Dm Honda? In OctoUr. Conircasmsn . . Attornar Oanaral . Oorarnor HMrotarv al Uimtm Treasurer . , gui;t.i;ubllo Instruction. Btato 1'rlnter fluprtm Jndias -I THE BURNS HOTEL STEPHENS & DIBBLE, Propt. Reasonable Rates, Qood Clean Mcnls, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatn.ent. Special Accommodations for the Traveling; Men. MUST GLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR Yout Patronage Solicited, tMK'IKTIKb. UAIt.VKV 1X)I)OK,.KO. 77, I. O O F. Electa ovary aeeond and fourili Hmt.,,.mv lu ral'U month nt 7:SU , m. A. K. Itlcliardiou UiunTerrlll, bacrctarr. N.O. int araa. OIf (W8 I'ataeis liUti rtv, WWMttt UtAttlt Scknfific A (uaAsomalr tSii IIUItNBLODaX KO.iT. A r. A M.. UerUelcrj BistaudtLIrd Katurdar luaarh! vnnnf tt 12 fAt.aikAA-i. .si 1.1 t A. O. claiim. Secretary. INIJINO LODOE NO. TO K. of P. "laterr Thursday aranlnrlmba Brown 11. ai.uorton, C. C. Mall. U it liruwn. K It. B IH'lt.Vt Uilnif u ,- A ,, i-l, Vloela im) SMNiiid and l.iuill, r,uy ,...,,.. A. I Wtl...uir.ll. W, I . Cucbrau, Itccurdar WiseBentalCo. Kaiuvi) litnuin , iiiiaiiana INCoaaaaaTaa niiAll.Uls. I'OHTLANrj.ORCCOM ctimttuinii t A.U. tair.x. (aa4aa,stl. Joint Feuator Joint nepreseutatlro , O W I'arrlslt -V II llrooko OOIIMTV UAaNtTI Get Well First Don't ihk ivai a penny until health tint rt turns. And I mean lust axnctlr that. I nut tlm turn pliysltluii who nan to tho sick "1 vall.uutnf inruwii prki!t. tr for your lucdU ruiti 11 u 111111 111 iiruia you iieiui Ami tor 'M nan Hr Hlioopr medicines liari Locn iisod and n uinimnulwl In arerr city and liamlxt lu Auiorlru. 'Jliey are positively stand, ard In iivurv coimnunlti-nnil overvwhara. "i hen why par Uia rash, ami at your risk, lor oilier imwarreiiiui! aim limv ruin inuuicinesr lliminumls uiwn thousands have In the past itH-ccufiillr iisod Dr. Bhoop's Itvttoratlvo. nriuu tna moinncn imrros, or 1110 Heart or sua. Uuonty Judn Clark Treasurer eurveyor Blisrlff. Aaaeuor BcboolHuparlutondant Coronar - . Block Inspctor Oommlsslonara .. J. IMtvclor Bam tlotliersliead , K N Jatucson .... AOKaulknor a, h. Kiouaruson J. J. Ikiiioiisn I, M llauilltou J W Clear)' .John ltnlilnsuii 11., N. Blallard fu Amnviii County Court meets the first Wedntaday In January, March, May, July, BeptcinUr and November, hassst g. a, LAMimirriusi 1)1 Whoop'a lU.slornuvo will hrltur them Uck to nun aaniii j.iii. ('C0ii( if. fri.vy jjvatnw takeno momyrlsk toiatewr.Thsr know llHtlta (Alls to Vonoop Will CiiMT me ami, iitrTrii nvTh lUt'l that when return, Ir. Iilinself gladly linilMr rlst for that . 7 .Hat, And lor turn mi a tun so iiay trvu intent ireeiy f rantwi. Hut wrltu inu first fur an nrder, Ihls will av dolay and disappointment. All dniBifUusell 'r, Blioop's ItoHoratlra and Pr. Mlioop's IlheuinaUn Iloino.lr, but all are not ai thorluxl ui alvo tho lio day test. Bo drop tun a Una pleasa forllmvaappelnUid an honrtt an rs- pend ub the name and nddrcsa of any ono interested in tho Stato for Oregon literature Wm. AlcMurroy, Gen, pass, Portland, Oregon A (cent, inonslblo ilm arury commun. toiHsua my no innllclnct Uitho which bonk you ril in all iy. everywhere. ielD. nn tF. sick. Tell me alio iPavfe mm vw w MlVBl AnillflaaiSU l " nead. Tlie books y ODon HO now anil lialnfnl iAtm bithoso who nru not well, llesldraynu areperfeet. Iy fro to consult ina Jiutaj you would your home physician. My advlia and tlio book Ulew are Beftster Aecalver Mayor, .. Ilacorder,. Treasurer Maribal, . UAe t JWhM It. . Vul, -Jjll Main St., JEUE2J2 9 WILSON niacksinilfiing and iiorseshoing. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Burns, Oregon UARNKV VALLKV CAMP No tl, W. otJW. xvria every nrst sua aecondlTuesday. w . n . . ta w- :iJu. Com. W. A. Oomau, Clerk. UUItNB CIIAITEK NO. a0,O. K.B. Meala at err second and fiiurtb Moudaia lu Matonle Hall. Ella Molhtrshead. W ll Asnes Mayer, Becrctary. "." . JOHN QUI tToNvelox. Op Enurti Fine Watch Rrp ciulty. BVI.VIA ItKUKKAII UKORKK Jto.iS. Mcflserery IstandSd Wednesday TULS VlltCLK No. JU, W. uf W. Meelsoery fuurth Tursdey. Ilcterooclmau. Clerk UUJ"0"0B'U-U- JOHN ROBINSON Stock Iasp9Cl8r,SHarj'!CMtjr. Hums, Ore, Home Address Win Farru ..rsauk Datoy cirv.-auaHs1 8ant Mntlcishead , .1. T. Itaudall J.O. WclcoiMOjr M. V. Wllllama Councltmeui fW, O. liruwn A. O. Welroin Jnotleniberlln A U Bwaln Meettufs of lbs Couucll eery Hem ml aud fourth Wednesday, yours-nnd without coat, riirliapin word or two somo serious nlluient. I upon . inonMtnai pruicrihtlon m Plan. My bt rl. For! 'rom m will clear no liars lielped thousands ui my. privau wrsonai advice nrt Is surelr riauest. Hi, wrtij, liuve it fresh In wortluntiTslmplii .;. nnno mil IIUVB 11 irOSII III !"' i'lli Iir i'yHi"T0V' "8T" CClln,,' r.iioop, Vox Wilis Isok Iktll 1 1,4 Tstt No, I On Dyspepsia No, 4 for Womon No S On tho Heart No, o l"or Men No, a On tha Kidneys No. 8 On Illioumatum. Dr. Shoop's Restorative MAGAZINE HEADERS eJUHiatT MA0AXINK baautJuJlr UluilislaJ, pod storlas sad articles about Cahforcia mi aJltks Fat West. OAKZRA. CSATT deveteJ staK tuomli lo the ar. elstle lafioduction el the best work el amaltui aoj prelcsalooal photograpliera. $1.50 a year $1.00 a year ROAD 07 A TX0DI ARD W0HDKKS a ee N 43 paaas, (eaialnlca 120 sotend pltotcftapht of ptclsrasqus sfU la CaUeraU Tetal , . , All for . . . . AaUnu at sfeleri Is IUWSKT MA0AZIKJC TUU KasUEai Saa FtMelwe $0.75 $3a5 $1.50 '&3ElOJSrF LIVERY, FEED AND SALE sSr"JL"1ri IrEjljlJtiJIss Ja W. OWEN, Propts, Finest hearse in county Particular attention given To Funerals Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rltrs, Careful Drivers. Particular attention given to Transcient Trade Horses boarded by Iho day, week or month MB0ttli m II Tt 1 1 a u When you wm any loss of time, atJn by no bad results, tie Chambtf Colic, Gho Diarrhoea It never falls ana I It U equally valuitbj famous ror its curcic life' clvflUed world. WANTED-A RIDER AG! . saro0aUtestMiUIRarrfl5?SL?.?-f?i''? miliar money tsit. Jsi, 7 i nuAA f"JTr" hlcrtle luroia-J bra. in V Uliiii.A.,X -"fm.mm,wuMi f jv ,- .2." iWl' m" ' T '" '!'! f Till av J ..:. i,s. :;" v '"?AI. ""' Tu rcccirt aKiM'iriTl.'VEW'.'i!?!'1?'.!''' fT9MP"!CES.f0hS a..K'iKT"reA5S" V. M'W.t if IV-'V-v- '-f,1.TOa. .A'U flllA' III Sir.l".'!' .X 1 .iwtiva our 1 ItiV Ti -"- ' (r&&x;2tr "" K ASTWISHEB 25S iiun" . v. - r " !'.'.' "' " I lliuvm.V! .;'.V. VMKC .."' '! SMia 4r4i-wa - I. Ji, 1 ..' fit id 1 nMa'WA... .-! .v . '""iV1' KW tji i.;eoNiiiiYA.s.i.,R,r.,w.j'-.f', S& !fMi ?' SWhuli? "LT iitiyear w,., u t. era s.iusrtc 1 you ran c I our In nifi HEDSETN011 mm?::A MmSELF-HFl! dHC TADEe sampie. s ' Tht vtruliir trt.iit At a " J-Vtfl Aaa.A..'. A. sT. V. ."a"""1 " Over two hundred tliiniauid ul , ..it..1.'" TOIHlilt.UL'Cii BCSB andcasvi a apeclal TMriili THE ANDERSON HOTEL MR. and AIRS. CMAS. ANDURSON.Jl'ropts. ' Wo nro pleased to announco'to our old-timo frionda and customora that wo linvo again taken chargo of our,iiotol. Wo just comnlotod ronovntlng tlio on tiro buildinp and you will find tho old-timo homo eomforta when you call. Wo hopo to seo you soon. The old favorite Family Motel where guests receive Special Attention andJQood Service. SOUTH BURNS, OREQON--Near Fair Grounds. WPrsVWl.Miui lnallalaca.UIllelr WU'niw,JuWsiiJllunHildewiili a and wlilcll clows un mull iih,-i ,,. -.. .,, , Si)SZ. "! WelilmnditlsciMlrt ncdeutumerasiftlini.ii....i-,i.l.i...7 '.."a1" gmmssm SSK5. H i,nitwr awir thuti IxIngElmi . und ' IV 1 inn :i.- .re ir 01 omy it to per nalr. All m&HiiiuSZfEZ: ai-iiiuvai. vou do Dot to Ut" tlri W, .1 suake rLtsv viTi mi". WrUVei. VlHlinnr.1 ... ,.. 1.- w.w I. nw. 5..Vii!8!.w!Tii .lu I.II..I1 nuuau41 S.1!fS0-,!?.S.'.Jl l"r nt (tliereby tn.ltluir Die wV.!'3 nickel mated bnsa h.n.i 7J.M "Vi?.1.?'?1 ?ta this adyciueemr nt 3 Eot sat sfanorv 011 VTi'a.i r. V. " ,u " '"ujneu at nun txixi ap nk. If VoVorti i !thr,,.. Ws .re Perfcvtiy reliable and turntev k'J wear W eriakl?,,'; iL,h Vl" 0 Tl find ' lhy ul 'i e wto km u, a ulal ouler af. bine. tnT, 7aMSK ,SiiS "- w mu nm.rn.il TMrX ,.: "."? "? "lud y pin um the special lnlro5uctonMnc!:i7l.?,'ta,1',,! l'nlu"-'f'' '","1 nn auaVw. ivi i 1 f.! niJlds w 'rea at about hallllie usual tf DO HOT WAIT Ml.l2.,?iy.f0.taUoiy Norxmsk rrs we am ma51.i?iT $- J! I H. ' yn until you kao2 m -m, -. ",'''"i"aiiesnieriuiiiir, wiiwh J-L. HEAD CYCLE OtWAKY, C istiiiairiaaiiatiaMsJtaaJsi.aiaasiafiiaWslia