The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 27, 1909, Image 1

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Mat, -Jl
Vfi Vittiaa!HtrnId
1t (Brent. 3finruetjltotiiilijj
Cover mi nrcii ol 0, l'J8,t00 iirri ol
liiiiil. 4,0:11,1)51 iicrcn jit wiimit isiiliul
to entry tniilcr tlio itilllr Irani In we ol
tlm United Hl.itun.
Tbt OffloUl Taper ol Harney County
bi the largoit circulation it ml Is oho oj
Pthe bit Advertising meilluuu'.ln'KiiBtoni
' Ortgou.
NO. 2
favorable Throughout Harney
mnty Says U. S. Report
fatcr Factor in Reclaiming Lands in Various Parts
lty Section South of Siccus Mountain Particularly
Thomas & Walter to Experiment in Trout Creek.
sian water will bo a
1 in reclaiming lands
rney Uounty m the
:ie general opinion ol
tve made a study ot
The recent report
faring of the U. S.
Survey on the water
:of this district adds
lent to the artesian
throughout Harney
more particularly the
tuth of Steeus Moun-
Fact many good Hows
tstruck already in that
very shallow depth.
Iwing wells are being
the Alvord, White
Trout Creek vnllies,
wells have been put
nail cost That they
al and beneficial has
Bnstrated by past ex-
I'The greater number
ells have been small
)rt has been made to
Dssibilitics at any great
to increase the flows
wells or a greater
them. It is generally
fiat the entire district
gian uasm and in the
Ire more experiments
fiade. A recent well
south of
llley lands
by Thomas
endid flow
lipe. This
Pto purchase a well
fcnd experiments will be
such of the land as
covered by the big
project now under
ion on these lands.
no doubt of its success,
fling indicates artesian
be obtained
esian flows have been
rHarney Valley proper
depths, but the gener
is not been found at so
; depth as that south of
ountam. It is certain,
Uhat an artesian flow
the valley and with
experiment the depth
Bcertained. With the
ble so close to the sur-
the development of
the proDiem ot lrn-
le land is practically
this valley, however,
strong flows are found
bnable depth or not. In
of the artesian con-
ir. waring says in nart:
the publication in 1885
cellent paper by Cham-
typical trough-shaped
'-shaped basin, or allu-
Bian slope, has often
Bidered essential to ar-
pnditions. In a typical
artesian area the un
frocks are comnosed of
pervious and impervi-
folded so as to form an
Basin. Water that nun.
the pervious beds is
Iwithin them by the im-
llayera above and below,
and the head produced on the
water in the lower portions of
theso underground.'resorvoira by
that in their upper parts, around
the border of the basin, is sulli
cient to cause the water to rise
in wells'putjdown in tho lowest
parts of the basin.
"Although tho rocks of Harney
County arc of effusive origin,
and so would not seem at first
thought to furnish such condit
ions ofibedding and structure as
are'demanded of artesian basins,
yet the lava sheets intorbedded
with porous tuffs do give the al
ternation of pervious and imper
vious layers that produces arte
sian conditions. Four of tho
valleys of this region are to
some extent synclinal or saucer
like'in" structure, and this feature
willlbe treated in detail in con
sidering the water possibilities
in them.
"In many places alluvium and
sediments deposited in former
lakes have filled valleys with al
ternating layers of coarse and
fine material, that often act es
sentially as pervious and imper
vious beds in the production of
artesian head on the underground
water. The current of a stream
tne i rout ( u,at flows down from mountain
being dis- ai0,)es is checked on entering the
Walters, lowlands or on discharging into
through a! a Jake, hence it drops a great
has caused j ,mrt. nf it Innil n siinil nnd imi-
veland other alluvial material.
This is largely assorted by the
continued slowing of the current,
and the coarser particles are
dropped first, while the finer are
held longer in suspension. In
this manner layers of coarse and
fine material are deoositcd that
through-, thin out down the slope into
' wedgelike sheets. The layers of
fine material act as relatively
impervious beds, confining water
that seeps downward mainly to
the coarser layers. Theso layers,
by virtue of their slope toward
the lowest portion of the alluvial
cone, or of the lake basin, pro
duce a head on the water thus
confined that is in many locali
ties sufficient to supply flowing
wells when the water-bearing
strata are properly tapped.
"In certain parts of Harney
and Alvord valleys conditions
are favorable to the development
of artesian water in the valley
fillings, and flowing water has
been developed in them to a
slight extent."
of moisture. In tho'Snnko river
valloy, whero there is an nbund
nnco of water ndd thorough sys
tems ot irrigation thero aro no
failures through drought, thero
is no decrenso in the fertility of
tho soil, but tho longer it is irri
gated the more fertilo it be
conies nnd tho oldest lnrms we
have are tho most productive,
whero draiungo has been nttond-
ed to, being of equal importance
with tho irrigation. Tho govern
ment recently experimented
with tho waters of tho Colorado
river and determined by analysis
that tho water used to irrigalo
one aero of ground during tho
irrigation season contained fertil
izers, which, if purchased in the
open market, would cost $7. GO
per acre. Think what that
menus, nature replenishes your
soil each season and makes it
produco constantly increasing
crops. In tho rain belt tho con
dition is just the reverse, tho
rainfall moistens the soil, and
tends to gradually decrease tho
strength of tho soil. This is
more forcibly illustrated in the
quantity of protein harvested
from irrigated lands, when com
pared with tho best in tho rain
belt sections. Corn is their
great stnple, just us alfalfa is
that of tho irrigated farm. An I
eastern farm will produce about
one ton of corn to the acre, corn
contains about 10.3 per cent pro
tein. Tho Snako river valloy
farms produco from soven and
onc-half'lo ten tons of alfalfa an
acre, and alfalfa contains M.U
per cent protein. Tho alfalfa is
also produced by much less labor
than required for the corn. Tho
eastern man has an annual ex
pense for fertilizers and heavy
labor bills, while tho western
man produces ten times the
quantity at less expense. This
explains why so many eastern
farmers aro coming to the great
Snako river valley, whero lands
are cheap and productive and
drought failures unknown; witli
the short, mild winters and tho
long growing seasons. -Argus.
Such is Given Out by a Recent San
Francisco News Dispatch
Report Says Armour Packing Interests Have Option on The
Oregon and California Holdings of CompanyThousands of
Acres of Valuable Lauds in Harney County Are Included.
Rainfall weakens tho fertility
of the soil, irrigation strengthens
it. Irrigation was resorted to
some 3000 years ago in Babylon
and Ninevah, when there was a
question of how to get bread for
the multitude. By accident it
was discovered that the yield of
the valleys could be doubled by
irrigation. Yet today there are
thousands of farmers who see
their crops perish through lack
Splendid Opportunity For Stockmen
We will sell tho part of the holdings of tho Ameri-
Land & Live Stock Company known ns the Colony
ich, located on Colony Creek in the southern part of
icy County. This is a fine ranch, consisting of
put fourteen hundred (1400) acres, several hundred
fes of which is in fine meadow. Wo would like to sell
th the Colony Ranch about eleven hundred (1100)
res of land which we own in northern Nevada, near
Colony Ranch which was located by Mr. Sisson on
ount of the water advantages. Easy terms will bo
540 Commercial Na't Bank Bldg.,
Chicafjo, III.
Every good road in the coun
try increases tho business of the
city. The more business in a
city tho higher the values of land.
Why, then, should not tho land
owner in tho city help pay some
of the expenses of road building
in the country. The city swell
with his auto chugging holes in
our roads cusses tho lazy farm
ers who will not tax themselves
blind to make better roads. Why
should not the empty lot and the
idlo timber section owned by the
man with tho big red auto help
pay for some good roads? He
would not bo at any permanent
loss. If the local properly own
ers and residents aro willing to
pay one-half tho state could pay
tho other. In some sections of
the civilized globe tho farmers
get roads that way. Ex.
There aro those who seem to
find the belittling of a favor a
necessury part of its acceptance.
If they can argue to their own
satisfaction that the servico did
not amount to much, that no one
could in decency have done much
less, that it really was not so
much a matter of kindness as a
plain duty, and that probably
some selfish or ignoble motive
lay at tho root of it in any case,
then they have arrived at a state
of mind that frees them from
nny undue senso of obligation.
Thero aro natures that shrink
from any return of gratitude or
appreciation as if such senti
ments were a disgrace, and they
call thoir atlitudo independence.
II is so easy to run over our men
tal shelves and mislabel tho con
tents. Ex.
Tickling, tight coughs, can bo
surely and quickly loosoned with
a prescription Druggists aro dis
pensing everywhere as Dr.
Shoop's Cough Remedy. And it
is so very, very different from
common cough medicines. No
opium, no chloroform) absolutely
nothing harsh or unsafe, Tho
tender leaves of a harmless, lung
healing mountainous shrub, gives
tho curative properties to Dr.
Shoop's Cougli Remedy. Thoso
leaves have the power to calm
tho most distressing cough and
to sootho and heal tho most sen
sitive bronchial membrane. Mo
thers should, for safety's sake
alone, always demand Dr.
Shoop's. It can with perfect
freedom bo given to oven tho
youngest babes. Test It your
self and seel Sold by Reed Bros.
It is again rumored that tho
P. L. S. Co. holdings aro to bo
sold and thai Armour has an
option. Tho land holdings of
the company in this county in
cludes a largo acreage of valu
able land together with water
rights and should a sale bo made
it is somewhat speculative us to
what would bo done with this
laud. It may lie cut up into
small tracts or possibly held for
pasturage and hay by the big
packing people.
A recent dispatch from San
Francisco says: After more
than a year of speculation rela
tive to the sale of tho famous S.
Miller & Lux properties, it wns
staled today that Henry Miller
had given tho Armour packing
interests an option on tho Ore
gon and California holdings of
tho company, which include
hundreds of thousands of acres
of valuable lands, water and,
power lights and livestock. Ac
cording to unquestioned infor
mation, Miller & Lux have been
negotiating with the Armours
for some time. A representative
of tho big packing interests, G.
II. Hutchinson of Chicago, has
been in frequent conference with
Miller nnd .1. Leroy Nickel in the
company's olliees in tho Mer
chants Exchange building.
Tho report of tho gigantic deal
was tho subject of much gossip
in banking nnd financial circles
today, it being freely stated thai
Miller had tendered to the Ar
mours an option on the Miller &
Lux propet ties in Oregon and
Inquiry dieted tho information
that Miller, Ixiuia F. Monteaglo
and Gustav Gutsch, tho latter
two being directors of Miller &
Lux, were all in the San Joaquin
valloy, -together with Hutchinson,
who is making a critical examin
ation of the extensive properties
on tho wesl side of the river.
If the deal is consummated it
will involve tho transfer of ninny
millions of dollars, The Califor
nia holdings of Miller & Lux
consist mainly of hundreds of
Ihousauds of acres of land in the
San Joaquin valloy and elsewhere
in the stale. Somo of tho lands
aro rich in oil wealth. The com
pany owns besides thousands of
horses and cattle and valuable
water and power rights, as well
as abattoirs and cold storage
Wlinl Would You Do,
In case of a burn or scald what
would you do to relieve Iho pain?
Such injuries are liable to occur
in any family and every one
should bo prepared for them.
Chamberlain's Salve applied on a
soft cloth will relievo the pain
almost instantly, and unless the
injury is a very severe one, will
cause tho parts to heal without
leaving a scar. For sale by all
good dealers.
John Robertson, who looks
after tho driving and shipping of
tho Hnnley cattle, is in tho city,
having brought in about 1200
cattle, mostly from tho old
French-Glenn ranches. Mr.
Robertson slated this would bo
Iho last drivo for tho season,
and that it would run tho total
for tho season up to 10,000 head.
Tho price for tho season drive
has averaged about $2f a head,
They aro feeding -100 steers at
tho Hnnley ranch, thai aro an
especially fine lot, theso will bo
ready for markot early in tho
Baker Ball purchased 900 of
the Ilanloy eatllo nnd after feeding-
n short time will ship to
Seattle. Tho balanco of tho
Ilanloy cattle will bo shipped to
Omaha Boon as cars can bo ob-
1 tained.
1 Baker Ball shipped fifteen car
loads of cattle to Seattle this
The Chicago and Portland
markets are showing a little
more strength, but tho supply of
prime stuff seems to bo short.
William Ilanloy returned to
his Harney valley ranches on
Monday in his big Pierce-Arrow
car. Billy says his cowboy driv
er is alright, but needs martin
gales part of the time. Argus.
For sheeplincd coats see Luna
burg and Dalton.
All parties owing Lewis & Gar
rett, or Simon Lewis are hereby
notified that all theso accounts
are in the hands of our attorney
C. H. l-K-'onnrd for collection and
settlement. Persons indebted to
us will please settle the same
with Mr. Leonard tit once.
Simon Lkwis
J. T. GAltltKTT.
I MdliuJItl Mlnltlcr Kccomracndt Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera aud j
Diarrhoea Cure.
"1 have used Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy for several years for
diarrhoea. I consider it is best
remedy I have tried for that
trouble. I bought a bottle of it
a few days ago from our drug
gist, Mr. R. It. Brooks. I shall
over bo glad to speak a word in
its praise when I have the oppor
tunity." Rev J. D. Knnpp, Pas
tor M. E. Church, Miles Grove,
Pa. Sold by all good dealers.
Nlltlii- li
liuiiu'iU'iiit vutr
1'NlTMl HUTU I.1N1I llmi I,
Hum Oregon, Niivamtwr V, IVW
liurrli) klcii that Kilwan
ilfl-aui'll (Hi-Kill! whu, Oil, lillll. 1WW. lliai'e
NI.'.HiTlliin '-, TunnililiiSI rUiiitli. Kant rt
No JIM, NhUI Sa o.
Hli) dor,
I. fur
i:n, Wlllanivllr Meridian, liaa nieil uollrool
Inlriilluii lo main Final Commutation I'rwil
In tilulillih claim to I lie laud abou' deacrlVed.
tt-loru Urn Iti-ulitcr aud Itvtelver, al lluini,
Orrinu, on Ilia i-J 1 1 1 day nl Hi'i'cmlrtr, l'J
I'lalinsm umuta Mlluama-
Slmlanl liolKxi. at lluma, Orecon Jam),
Krlic.ll. .Snrmaii, John Mclntoib. all
nl l.ntteii, Oruijuii
Mm Kalian, lUiilitvr.
lliirua, Orrxou, Nnveiiibvrl), W),
Kotltult hi-n-li) iihi-ii that I'lark Wlieelor,
nl Nnrrnm, Uri-icon, who, mi Annual 1U, I "OH,
mailu liiiuimtiail ontrr Mi (HA,!, lor Iho NWIJ
Mi, Hoi linn IS and on PriileinbcrtM'KW,
Hindi' additional hnimairail uiitrr No. CMail. lor
M NW' anil HM'i Mil,. (Vcilou K, Town
thlli'.tlHoiilli, ItaiiKU 31 Ko.l, MillBini-tle ftlorl
.Hun, haa HIimI iioiIih ol lutonlloii lo uiaai
Hiinll'oiiiioiitatloii I'rool, lo latabllah rlalm
In Iho laud kIhkv ili'm-rllicd, U'loro Iho llegli
Iit ami Iti'd'lvi'r, nt lliirua, uri'iruii, on Urn villi
dn ol lici'uinbor, I 'Mi
I laliuatit iiamia ns illnrii-a
Kril lli-rvlli, Kdwanl Koruviiiaiiii. Alaxau
dor Mi'KIiiiIi- rharlea lliTkhouni all ol Nar
ro, orison
U'm Faiiuk, ItejUler,
Notice is given that stibsciiptions
will be received lit the ofiiee of the
undersigned Company, or through
the Security Savings. & Trust Coin, Trustee, l'oitl.iml, Oregon,
for $8oo,ooo.oo Mortgage 6
per cent bonds of the Portland ( e
meiit Company, of I'oillanil, On
gun. Tlicie bonds are $5(x).oo
,each; will be .sold at par or face
value, plus accrued interest A
bonus of loo per cent common
J stock of the Company will lie given
whu iiic iiuikis, ui-wii ; ssuuuu ui
stock with eacli $500.00 of bonds.
Subscriptions may also be ten
dered througli either of the follow
ing named banks of the City of
Portland, to-wit:
Bank ok Camiounia
Canadian Hank or Commkrck
Fihst National Hank
Haktman & Thompson, Bankers
Laud & Tii.ton Bank
Merchants National Bank
UNirr.1) Statks National Hank
or may be tendered through
Burns, Oregon.
Burns, Oregon.
The following well-known men
arc the ollicers and directors anil
more prominent stockholders of the
Portland Cement Cempany:
Ahan Mooat, I'rriiJtnl, tx-Gtn. Mgr.,
Colore Jo I'orlhnJ Ctmtnl Co., IJtnttr,
Colt. Ex-Gin. Mxr,, Union I'orllanJ
Crmrnl Co., OgJin.
Tllio. II. Wiicox, I'ict I'retiJtnl, I'm.,
I'orlhnJ Flouring Milll Co., I'orllanJ.
Aim, Nidi.ey, Suritary, tx-Trtaj. GranJt
KotJt l.umbtr Co., l'irrft()rtgon.
1. A, I.ruu, Mm k l.tun, I'orllanJ.
C. V., Prtl., Union I'orllanJ
Ctmtnl Co., UxJtn.Ulah.
A. I MlUt, I'rtiiJtnl, hrtl National
Hank, I'orlhnJ.
I01. N. I'rAI, .llltrnty, I'orllanJ.
V. F. IIUaatLI-, I'rtiiJtnl, llurrtll Invtit'
mini Co., I'orllanJ.
J. C. Aissuokiii, I'rti., UmltJ Slalti ,a-
tional Hani, I'oillanJ.
W. W. CorioN, .lllornty, I'orllanJ.
Gtu I.AuatNCr, Ja, Manantr l.aurtnct
llarntu Co., I'orllanJ.
1'AUL C. Uaui, Managtr .Itlna lift In-
luiantt Co , I'orllanJ
WlT MlNoa, dllornty, I'orllanJ.
Chai i:. Laud, I'm., in. 1. 1 hil.ili Co.,
ANDaew C Sutlll, I'm., Iliktrnia Sav
ing! Hani, I'orllanJ.
W. A. CJoauos, I'm., II', A. GorJon Co ,
E. I. 1'lluilPJON. Harlman t Tiomfion,
llanitn, I'orllanJ,
Ton RiciuuiMJS', Managtr, I'orllanJ
Comntrtial (Hut, I'orllanJ.
T. W. Still UAN, Chill Kng., I'orllanJ
K, ., I, Sc K Co, Ortgon Cil).
John C. Cutlia, tx-Gottrnor Statt 0
Utah, Salt t.alt City,
John I'inuh, Caihitr, hint National
Dank. OtJtn,
Gtuacn KuitN'tr, I'ite I'm., Dtttrtt i'ai-
ingi Bani, Salt l.att City.
C, LlONAatir, I'm., Soutkv.tittm I'orllanJ
Ctmtnl Co , l.oi Angtlti
O. C. Hnr, Caiiitr, 7.ionl Sating!
Dank St Truil Co , Salt l.akt City
Tlloi. R. CuiUK, I'm, Utah-Uoho Suar
Co., Salt ImU Cily.
A document giving full particu
lars concerning the Portland Co
nicnt Company and its bonds u ill be
mailed or may bchad upon applica
tion to the
607-609 Lumbcrmcns Building
Portland, Oregon.
Burns, Oregon.
Burns, Oregon.
The Sletnon stamp is
more than a trade mark
it in a guarantee of hut
1 niilinfaclion.
I No other hat can promise
what the Stetson docs, be-
cuuiw no other hats are
made like Stetson huts.
In the selection of ma
terials, the designing of
styles, the proportions,
the workmanship in every
step the Stetson hat stands
alone as the result of the
makers' purpose lo pro
duce the best.
Mf CvorrStolton
VS''r" lior th
Stalson iNaba
Has made friendi of
our customers, and custo
mers of our cuniotiiers
hi.c ll St.iMn 8nfl tni
tKlbr H.ll 10 .11 Ihc tl!i irl.l.
The Satisfactory Store
Burns, Oregon.
The Harney Valley Brewing Co.
Muiiufurturcra of
Family Trade Solicited--Free' Deli very
T. E. JNKIEUS, Manager
llurni, Orriioii, KuMMiilicr 1 iwi i
Nollru la lieroliy (Ivmi tliat John Fair, nl
llurna Orraun, wliu, ou Noom!vr H, HW niailo
liuinraleaif entry No. Ti, burial No, IX'M). lor
NWI, Hcclloll 14, ToMUlhlp SI Holltll, lUnm'
34 Kaal, Willamette Meridian, liaa llli'il untkt
ot IntaDlluu lo make Klual Kite car I'nx'l t
etlablttli claim to III laml aUivv ileai-rllivil,
before the Itetlater and IttX-fUvr, at llurna
(lre(un, on Ilia 101 li ilar ul Jamar 1910
Claimant liamel aa wltnefeaia
I N, A. nibble, nf llurna. Orvten, T. N. llallunr
1 K.C. Dibble both ol Itller, Ori'Kou, Alulrou
Nelaou ol llurna, Oregon.
I Ww. KiHKH, Ki-isUtt-r,
The Harriman Mercantile Go.
Complete line of
Groceries and Dry Goods
Gents Furnishings
We guarantee finality and pricesLet ua prove to you tltut
we have the gootls t right prlceo-Call and see us
TH lTw Town . OrauB Ofit at.
mm mmm
liEDKLL & RICHARDSON,, Proprietors.
Burns, - - Oregon.
Wines. Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Peel Tables,
Club Rooms in Connection.
M. L. JaJEWIS- Hssr
wbo j
... Rt-presents the....
0 M ine Insurance Co., of New York,
i Live pl, London & Globe,
V" l-re Assurance Co., Philadelphia
O HICIJ Willi IKK1S A UKKls. IJunis, Oregon.
0 ner -until if LutiabiirK & Oalton'.s.
B vw &cvey$$ && &e s& i
nt:;::;:mj::::::::m:mm::.'i:mi:::::::nm;mmm:::::::s::::mm;-.: .-.. . . .
TtU-a. AUMI A Al F U T. '- JL: (i '
Burns, Oregon
Afford the Best Accommodations
to be had in Hnrney County
The patronage of nil guilts under the old management
especially sylicited.
Kales $1 a day, $(5 a week, $21 a month
Henderson Elliott, Propt.
ii:tun:ttiti!t:;i:i:nt:t:st:ut:tit:nn:Hn:imnti:s::utt:nt:t:tm::s:ut:it.t':: :.- r
It isn't so (lillleult lo strength
en n weak stomach if one goes at
it eoru'clly. And this i.s tnu of
Mr l.jnrt nnd kidneys. The old
i'asliioned wav of dosing the
'tinmch or Miv.n'nting the heart
or kidneys is surely wrong! Dr.
Shoop first pointed out this error.
Go to tho weak or niluig nerves
of these organs," said he. Kuch
iusido organ has its controlling
or inside nerve." When theso
nerves fail then thoso organs
must surely falter. This vital
truth is leading every-'
where to disponso and reconi-l
mend ur. blioop's Jtestorative.
A few days test will surely toll!
Sold by Heod)Bros.
Hay Fok SAi.n-Ahout 000
tons best timothy liny. Good
feeding plneo, open water
range. Keyea & VnnDer
Van, Oregan.
, enrlyl VI
erveer, I IL
re for ia!e by all progresiive
Hardware and Sporting
Goods Mer'-hanls
1UX IWAItlt'S - I'd ?''
wll lw mnllnl jMisti .ml t
iiipliuuit by J brn i v -i
.V Tom. I'oiirxNV i In "
r.ilN, JU- , " n
rccoli'l nt I'lix"
Tur jw it iiiiri'iti
i 'i ' i 1 ' i i it
r. i i, 'i1 i di.iK.1.
t, .i 1 .On ma.
Will in
lll 1. 1 1 I'll
I,' Ml
1 alariWlV
7 A
p. o u.un
CU..Mtall, U .