"ixues-Jierald. ItAuaKST ciuoui.ATioN or rSPAl'Kn IN TIMS COUNTY. lOAY, NOVUM IIKB 13, tlKli loenl News. try Ills eyes l 0. block. . ... lyers and wife wore ni hsot yesterday. K. Drinkwatcr n lino uispiny 01 has fall Iter millinery. IDcArmoml was u busi- iJtor to our city from v coiintv uurinir this l'& Richardson now have te lino of fresh uroccrics dry poods. See them) k. store. fcTorwilliBor was in the irsdny. He is like the rmers, wearing a broad account of the wet fohnson was up from his homo the first of this Vn iTipit lt liio .liillfrllf .IPS L(l YISIV IV IIIO vm.., ..-. is sulVerinn from a so- kck of Duke's disease. groceries 01 tno very ids and a complete now Iry Roods, furnishings, be fotnd at IlaRoy & son's The new stone BAD ROADS nml stormy wenther will make Irnvel hR more or less inconvenient during the winter months. At such times our BANKING BY MAIL facilities will prove of special advan tage to thoso living at n distance THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS Capital, Surplus, $25,000.00 830,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited doesn't seem to bo any of hay in this valley bh stock has boon sold ed out, yet ranchers are big price for their hay as gram. k V; 1' . nlnu-Kh was Bin li . tk on lower Si . 1 lir t of this bk.' it i sonic business LiiiR his .1 it who is nt- Ischool hero. lawlej, son of Congress- twley, who is with the rs on the Wood-Hanley has been ill at the 'Hotel for several days. L ... rsuians repoi mm mi- n n i.... i... for the winter. v.. uiuuu iina jiii v.imr- ae lupKer nirm souin- this city. This is one Lst located farms in this and with proper culti- iiid handling of water It can bo made a very Ivo place. Ealdwell has purchased idsome black Perchcron which Mr. Ireland in. Mr. (.aulwell is in ft horse breeding busi- rccently lost a line im- 'ercheron but is again jr of a good horse. of dams and ditches Cranberries at Huston's. All work guaranteed Salis bury's. 1 Van Hmbree was doing busi , ness hero yesterday. See the late creations in mill I inery at Mrs. Drinkwater's. V. II. Morrison and Ghas. Haper were in the city yesterday. Fin lino of watches, chains, etc., at Salisbury's P. 0. block. Mrs. Rose Kern was up from I In,, lmwl linlitiniru mini' llio lllko yesterday, (let your clothes cleaned and pressed at Schonk Bros., at rca- the latter will devote his timo to sonable juices. ' farming when his lease on the Mr. and Mrs. V. .1. Hopkins Overland hotel expires, have located in Weisor, Idaho, n, ,, Hansen of the Burns Meat Market is prepared to fur- Manager Woldenbury of the "ish bacon, hams and lard to Blue Mt. Rapid Transit Line nheepmon and ranchers in any came in Tuesday. quantity. Special prices for big . . r. , , . . ' orders. I mr. uverneiu is a receui ar rival from Iowa and comes with I U. S. Kelsay of Portland, a the intention of settling in this! cousin to A. M. Kelsay, the Sil ver Greek stockman, is looking over this section with a view of Schonk Bros., Merchant Tail ors, Burns, Oregon. Prompt delivery of all orders 'phoned the Cash Grocery & Bakery at the French Hotel. Delia Day Freeman, profes sional nurse. Parties desiring her services may find her at the home of Thomas Sagers, Bums, i C. W. Lewis was up from Narrows Wednesday. Ho is still with C. A. Haines at the store. Mrs. Lewis is on the farm. Cortes Elliott has leased the ivory stable from his fnther and Try n monl at the Home Hotel For shcopllned coats boo Luna burg nml Dnlton. G. M. Kellogg was in from Vnlo tho first of this week. Order your cranberries for Thanksgiving now at Huston'H. G. A. Hembold and Sam Mo- therahend went to Lawen this WUUK, BoitN - In this city, Wednes day, Nov. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wilson, a daughter. Should tho stormy wenther continue it will cause general feeding of stock earlier than us ual. Thoso who want dressmaking dono call at Jorgonscn's stand Mcsdames It. II. Ireland and II. F. Ringcn, Propts. IP YOU AKB (iOINKTO TltAVIX. Ue the Hnrney County Notional llnnli TKAVKIiLKU'S CIIKOUKS They lire nclMdcntlfjinc. Children in tho homes of Carey Thornburg, Grant Kestcrson and W. 0. White aro reported sick with Duke's disease this week. Land seekers conlinuo Jo ar rive on each stage and Harney County's population is increasing at a rapid rate, as fow come who do not invest and most of them slay. Mrs. Lclah Williams-Miller has received additional stock in the lino of winter millinery. Upstnirs in her own building entrance at side door next to French Hotel. The weather during the past week has boon more or less disa greeable to those engaged on now buildingsand improvements. However, most of tho outside' work on tho various buildings is House to rent A. Schonk. Wm. llanloy Ihib gono to tho railroad on business. Tho man who is getting eggs these days is making a fortune. Frank Fistcr was in from his Crane Creek homo during tho Week. I. P. Withers was a business visitor from Hamoy tho first of this week. Waller Cross was down from Trout Greek this week on a visit to his family. A. M. Hyrd nnd family camo over from tho P Ranch Monday and will spend some timo in this city. Karl Mack, a typhoid patient at tho hospital, has almost en tirely recovered and will soon be out again. Foil Sam:-200 cords of pine wood at SI. 75 per cord. Slab wood $1.25 a load at tho Harnov Saw Mill, L. R. Bunyard. The family of J. L. Huff arri ved hero tho latter part of last week and they have fitted up housekeeping nt tho A. Schenk residence. II. L. Corbctt and J. W. Ladd have returned to Portland after a short business and pleasure trip to the P Ranch and other land holdings of tho Wm. Han ley Co. Blue prints of any township in Burns Land District, showing name of entryman, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. A. E. Murphy, the Iron Moun tain land man, was in the city this week, having just returned f....... .. 4-:.. 4 0.....4I-. TI 1 jiuui! u iiiji w ot-'iuuu. lie na (mint mil In ilia lnnrl linlflinrro completed and tho work will whoro ho is dolnv a vast amount c011llllU0, of development work. Williams Bros, saw mill at' Win. PlughoIT has disposed of Cold Spring on the Canyon romi the Ontario Aagus to M. E. Bain. is prepared to do custom woi k While an experienced man, Mr. Tor thoso desiring to take ml-1 Bain is now in tho newspaper vanlago of their government )oi- lk'ld in Eastern Oregon. We nut. AIM) lumber for sale at $12 wish himsuccess. Plug made per thousand. See them about enough money out there to retire ciiiitom prices. ; -Mr, Bain should do as well. Mrs. S. L. Bowen will leave to tnnrrnw trmiMiiiKf fni- (Jiimtifm ..., Bohn Thin morning, lo Mr. nnd Mm Hay Dickenson, a girl. Mrs. Monte Bukor has been visiting friends in thm city this week. Kchcnk JJtw. have a full lino of fall and winter clothing in slock. Claude ftniy 111 and wifo were in tho city last Saturday and Sunday. The ladioH auxiliary of the fire department will moot Monday evening. Roland Hankins was down from his farm near Harney Thursday. Eon Sali: Three bulls, two thoroughbred ono high grade. Ages 2, A, 5. Will sell very cheap because related to young stock. Gerald Grifiin Narrows, Oreg. Tickling, tight coughs, can bo surely and quickly loosened with a prescription Druggists aro dis pensing everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And it is so very, very different from common cough medicines. No opium, no chloroform, absolutely nothing harsh or unsafe. The lender leaves of a harmless, lung healing mountainous shrub, gives the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. Those leaves have tho power to calm the most distressing cough and to soothe and heal tho most sen sitive bronchial membrane. Mo thers should, for safety's sake alone, always demand Dr. Shoop's. It can with perfect freedom bo given to even the youngest babes. Test it your self and see! Sold by Reed Bros. r county. On and after Nov. 15 tho Bluo Mt. Rapid Transit Lino will charge Si cents per pound for freight. R. J. Williams was over from his Silver Creek homo this week visiting his after some business. locating permanently and going into tho sheep business. Ho was formerly in this business in Crook and Wasco counties. 1 am the solo representative of I !. l 4MA4iAft.I n f ilin h t ft family and looklnnr i".... " -- " . .,V " ' "",.. ltH.lUIl.-IB Ul 1 It'll I IIUUl nnnntlitnn liAnijtHii fiml I I i tfrWl f The entire stock of goods now . onni .mdorwonr for Indies, iron- tlcmcn and children. Also mnde to order petticoats. Mrs. L. Cummings. Samples may be seen at Home Hotel. n-ttiltr itfiflt Mii Inn fii -,,,,, , on display at tho new store of fish ladders and screens. ' . . , . fish warden has given , ' ,h... ,,, ' .,.i .'.i d there will be no fur-1""" "BW- , .' """"'7 " , ,,,,u "' ce but prosecutionswilll,mwLlU,l,,,"Kl"-0,'tv """' on-compliance. Screens, Ghas. Bolshaw was over from Vorv little actual business was rouircdatCeer&Cum-,M . Vernon this week greeting tranancted aUhe recont HC8sion old time friends. AUhougn ad- of count rL Tho reports of BMaci:, Water Baihir'vancedm years Mr Belshaw lho ,,! mn8ler8 WOro examined . .. miid( lrin on horseback and Bava . , . . , , re amount oi precipita-v ; , , A . unu approved, uwmg 10 iacK oi fallen during the past no is roou xor many sucn inps. Mmpieto surveys all road matter jnsiderable rain and a' Cottrill & Clomons have put in were continued for the term. , .. .. I .. . ..i-, Imi .. i .. 1. t- 1 low and tno moisture a lirst cliuss saw mill li miles mo city marsnais oi minis ami a great benefit as it has ' west of Cold Springs is near thoi Drewsey were made truant olll- Ily all gone Into the valley with good road. In first 'cers. It has stopped farming class timber--picked trees from u n i0A.er has itmt com- rny out me winners aie tne government, rreparcci to uo nie0fi ,. wii on i e rjoor's iniing any as inoy need- custom work. &ee mem aooui ioisture. your government permit at once. FALL AND WINTER ..GOODS.. Now arriving lor WOMEN, CHILDREN the latest things in 1 1 Al II 1 I V i tens ana umiarens uoats velties in Men's Clothing; account of not having room to them properly, we will discon handling Granite and Tinware article iu these lines MARKED DOWN SCHWARTZ. he Busy Corner Store" "FUXTiEi, 03RLESC3rOIr. homestead. It is 52 feet deep and was through considerable I solid rock. The flow comes up to within 12 feet of tho surfaco jand cannot bo pumped dry with a six inch cylinder. Other wells ( will bo put down and used for irrigation purposes with wind j mills. David Baird, who has collected tickets on the Sumpter Valley railroad from nearly every resi dent in tho county, arrived on tho stage Wednesday. Mr. Baird has been taking tickets on I tho Sumpter Valley train for the past thirteen years. This is his I first trip to Canyon City nnd he I foro his return lie will his trip to Harney. He knows everybody in both ('(initios, la dies and all and now ho hays ho wants to got acquainted with lho country. Bluo Mt. Eagle. II. C. Wilson of North Yakima, Washington, ono of tho men in terested in tho Alvord ranch, spent n portion of tho week in this city. Ho started for tho ranch last week with his party but broke an nxlo of lho auto and returned hero to wire for another. Mr. Wilson informs I Tho Times-Herald that tho pros- ent owners os tho Alvord will not cut it up in small tracts and disposo of tho land as predicted, but will stock it to cattle and sheep. Thoy aro already nego tiating for a largo number of stock and hopo to begin active operations on tho land when thoy got possession on April 1. DID YOU KNOW That two ilows of natural gas under an enormous pressure have been developed in Harney Valley? Ditl You Know that the visible indications point to Harney Valley as being underlaid with one of the great est deposits of light gravity oil in the world? Do You Know what that moans to Central Oregon? It means railroads and tho development of all the re sources of this great inland empire. Do You Want to share in the enormous profits that await thoso who first tap this immense iool of oil? The Harnvu Valley Oil & aim Co. olTor you this opportunity. With stock 'oiling at 5 cents per share (par value $1.00) it is an opportunity unparalleled in the history of oil development. Wo will gladly nnswer any and all correspondence. Address ir,.ll.,,. til t n..., '.. f - w .. .i ii, iv Kim u.. Milium, irvyon. n jlarnci 0. N u. Go to the homo Hotel for a1 Salisbury fixes watches P. good meal. block. Plums, cabbage, potatoes and J Broad for sale at tho Home watermelons at Carter &,Thomp- Hotel. son'H- I Uokn-To Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Dr. II. Donman was up from ( Chandler, yesterday, a son. Harriinnn this week looking of-' Carter & Thompson have just tor his extensive business inter- r(.cojved a load of Baldwin att ests. .,,!,,,. run 6Ai.:-A ivo room cot-i C. A. Bedell arrived home Sun tago, four lots all fenced with , ,lay evening from a trip toPrinc two good wells, a windmill atui i villo nntl I'ortluncl. other improvements. No lock. ' , . , G. Hudspeth, Burns, Oregon. ', (,,0; Swemoro and wife are ,., , ,. I back from a visit to his brother's I here will bo a Irack Meet farm t tho head of Harney lake. Party ' given at tho homo of Mr. . . 1 . and Mrs. E. C. Eggleston by tho, " "ycr ' ""lc1 umo ,s fe" Sunset Sunday School on noxtlnff moroup todatoappara us Saturday evening, Nov. ao. "d ,ecomnir more popular Refreshments 15 cents. This isl?vorylll,ny;1 .MS3 STr. IS C"" a Sunday School Christmas treotimmlly n(1(I,n now fcaturcs benefit and u ... lt,jcil tho Sun- A number of our young people set people will all attend. attended a social nt the Presby- N. Honnoy was up from his'lf1"" l.,mn81e laat "M whero Sinw..t rnrm i..af .,). n.i .,.. thoy enjoyed games and a mco a caller at this oflico this morn'- j luncI,oon ing. Ho says ho is very busy Ueatos for sale, all sizes and putting in grain and has hut I lengths, price 20 cents per foot, little timo to como to town. Mr. Any ono desiring Ueatos address Honnoy is enjoying a visit from W. A. Ford of .1. 0. Alberson, his brother, I. M. Honnoy, of Alberson, Oregon. extend I Cripple Crook, Colorado. ..., i.,.,, ,, H11nH ; t. HV ir(HI tttIV niljft fflWII uj Th chool children of District tho Sylvia H. D. Lodge, No. -13, No. 2, Harney, will give a public I. 0. 0. P. in tho now Odd Fel enterlainment on Thanksgiving, low building proved a social and night, November 25. Thev aro financial success and tho ladies working hard and thoy already are well pleased, have matte"! well in hand. There , . , . . , , will ho no admission charge, but1. Jftko Wr"-"ht of Drewsey, was all ladies are requested to bring m l,0!He0 "8 X "a mor",n Ho 1S basket buppers. No ono should,"" ', wiiy homo from an ox miss this occasion for u good ton(Ictl trip nto tho Alborta tjmo country and has boon absent ' , . . , about throo months. Charles It. Peterson of tho Crane Crook neighborhood, in K doesn't cost a cent to got Harnov county is a now comer lo '10 l'icea of your local dealor on Ontario who will mako a welcome pianos, sowing machines, linole citizen for our fast growing com- '. carpeta, etc., nnd it mighl mimity. Mr. Potorson last week "o tho means of saving you a bought a ton ncro trnet from W. K0 round sum of money when W. Loonoy and will build a nice , purchasing, besides ho is always homo thoro nt onco. Tho tract whero ho can make good his adjoins town on tho west and is ' promises. G. W. Clovengor can a flno improved ranch, wlth!"1 y Prices on thoso articles. young trees and berries in qunn- i Soo him. Ho also has roofing , tity. - Ontario Argus. , nnd all kinds of building papor. NOTICE. All parties owing Lewis & Gar rett, or Simon Ix'wis nre hereby notified that all these accounts aro in the hands of our attorney C. II. Leonard for collection and settlement. Persons indebted to us will iilea.se settle the same with Mr. Leonard at once. Simon Lkwis J. T. Gaiuu'tt. FINIi SHOE REPAIRING Now stock of material Justin and we aro prepared to do First class oik for Indicsand gentlemen Work done while you wait and guaranteed. Prices reasonable. HUFF MIOTIIEKS First door west of Bedell's saloon across street from Burns hotel. Ths HIUCK KEALTV & INVtST.MI.Nr CO. Office with Wm. Miller, Hums, Or. Deeded lands bought and sold on Commission. Insurance, Life, Accident, Fire. MONEY TO LOAN. List vour lands wild us. IKYING miU.V, Manager. Number 411. 0 Why we Seek your Business Wo aro so thoroughly acquainted with tho benefits and advantages of our ' bank service to present customers, that wo"" know "your personal business interests will bo furthered by n bank bank connection here. Not only can wo give you absolute safety for funds positive assurance that every cent you de posit will bo paid to you whoa you want it but wo also know you will appreciate doing your finan cial business with us. All transactions with this bank are carried out promptly and accurately. A Savings Bank Department is a feature of this Hank, in which interest at the rate of four per cent per annum is allowed. The Harney County National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON. YOUR HOME INSTITUTION m STATE DEPOSITARY Fhe CASH GROCERY & BAKER f nsnfswl Ih CmhaI. (-aI II Best quality Fancy and Staple Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Confectionery, Stationery, Cijjars, Tobacco, etc. FRESH BREAD, COOKIES, PIES Telephone orders will receive prompt attention l l ree delivery to any part of tho citv. .A. -V. S5.CI3STE, Fiopt www NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Fresh Groceries, etc. For Fall and Winter Trade J II I LUNABURG & DALTON I oo JOE THOMPSON IN Till: POST OFFIC'i.ULOCK Candy, Nuts, Stationery, Cigars, and Tobacco HOT TOJHALES AND CHILES School Tablets, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Etc. SMOKERS ARE PARTICULARLY INVITED Z Nice Assortment of PipesNew Noteltlcs Uimlng. 2 ThelEastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRIGATION liNGlNliliRS Main Ollico.-Hurns, Oregon A O, PlI.KNKII, M)r. Branch Office, take-view, Oregon M. M'LK'sm, Mi;r "'The best RanQe brains and experience have ever produced.' QUICK MEAL" STEEL RANGE! A MAN is known by the harness he uses A VAQUEKO by the saddle he rides. Evere horseman should have the best, both as to quality and price. You can get highest quality and lowest prices at J. C. WELCOME &JSON Harness ebrul Saddles H3HKra. Ulissig)iy WMmi 11 r jrnmt t Mu JLiij .li i.,JjrTlt . -J lit Bffi,r WTTi Trn "j i jHMnrAit sulky ifp MU' PLOW S rvg&m SBrB,l ' iwi THEY ARE BUTTER BECAUSE: nnd tlio material tisod In bo rtl.Ulbutoil TlioyarobullbonBdontlllam-liioIplPrt na to do Uio most good, Thov nro luat hoavv euouch to lio good, durable nud IuhUmj' Tho Btroiigthoucd purta aro thoao whoro Uio monl wear Id. Tho walls aro Aabcatos Hnoil. Tlioyaronuuloof Btool,iuni)iuouUy thoy aro Btroni; and cannot cnu'k. I UARNfiY COUNTY IMPLEMENT & HARDWARK COMPANY HARDWARE, CROCKERY Tho Stnrf is ono of the latest and best additions to tho famous Deere Lipo of Riding Plows. Is light in weight, simple nnd durable in construction full of genuine merit,' and has shown its mettle nud utility in every test it has been put to. It hna amply demonstrated by its good work its right to be d-!sd ri a Etrtctly up f-dntc, high-class farm tool. It is certain to suit the most critical farmer and be a money maker aud a labor-saver for him. CS12 It's a Deere-Ifs Right3 and does its work perfect ense to the operator nnd team, It is manufactured and sold na a tomrueless nlow a toneuo not being nececsnry to best results, but one is supplied at slight cost to thoso who perfer it that way. The Stng is tho simplest riding plow built, anyone who can hook up a team and drive 'em straight can operato it successfully. It pos sesses many superior features not found on other plows, and it takes a whole book to illustrate and discribo them. Better write for it today and all tho information you want auoui inn superior implement. C. H. VOEGTLY TINWARE Burns, Oregon THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing.