'imes-pBrald. LaROKST CIHUW.ATION Of BPAPKH IN THIS COUNTY. p, NOXKMIIKUd. 1HW. iocf News. ry fits eyes P. 0. block. pooJIow is visitmj? in Bus week. 5 . . users was up trotn Ins the lake yesterday. 13. Drinkwnter has :n line display of fall Br millinery. I'Claypool is over from Bur county home, having freight for local mer- t& Richardson now hnvo ' le line of fresh groceries l-dry goods. See them. lew store. snowfall last Sundayi wed by more or less rain has been very boned-, bis section. , ll Hamilton had the' fie to get his foot badly by a wagon wneei run-; it the other day while ' vood. M.t ! groceries oi ine very ids and a complete new ry goods, furnishings, be fotnd at Hagey & an s ine new Jnnunry Fcbrunry March April Mny Juno July August September October November December A safe depositary for your funds every month of the year. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS Capital. Surplus, $25,000.00 330,000.00 United StatcH Depositary Accounts Invited guaranteed All work stone dury's. Carrol Cecil is over incvillo Review says ver Creek. ell was joined at Prine- Sl, .,, ,.,, crL,at0lia in is sister, Mrs. Logan ilin,.v ,.t Mrs nrinkwntcr's. Tail- California, and from Sil- mill- that, gone to Portland for a V. L. Pest was over from Silver Creek during the week. Fine line of watches, chains, Salis-! Sehcnk Pros., Merchant ors, Burns, Oregon. J. E. Sizemore spent several days in this city this week. New fall and winter millinery at Mrs. S. E. Dnnkwater'B, Poiin Wednesday. Nov. 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Manny Newell, a daughter. Prompt delivery of all orders 0. block. ElT . ii .if tli' Uiirns r.i i .. ..... itr.. at Salisbury's I' rhc is i reiiareu w uir- - v , , , ,, i , . . on. ln,n and lard to CJeo. Cawlfu-ld was lookinBV " " "lsm ,u 7 lv and r.nchir.s in any .after business in our city during uaMijuumimiui ..u.. Special prices for big For Bhcoplincdcoats aeo Lunn burg and Dnlton. Attend tho ball nt tho now Odd Fellow building noxt Friday night. I. N. Hughot wna over from his Warm Springs valley home this week. . Those who wnnt dressmaking done call nt Jorgonsen's Htand Mesdiimc.H II. II. Ireland and II. F. Ringen, Propta. IK YOU AUK OOINflTO TKAVKI,, line (lie Harney County Nntlonnl llmik TltAVtil.l.KK'8 CUIMIUKH They aro nclMdcnllfjInK. County court has been in ses sion since Wednesday with Judge Hector and Commissioners Smyth and Stallard nil present. Walter Struck and C. E. Beery expect to leave at onco for tho Alvord to do somo surveying. Walter is again with the Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. of which A. 0. Faulkner is mana ger. Mrs. S. Lnmpshiro left the first of this week nccompanied by her little grand-daughter, Gwendolin Lnmpshlrc, for Eu gene. Mrs. Lnmpshiro will visit for an Indefinite time with rela tives. Will Byram camo over from his Cnnyon Creek ranch yester day after some thoroughbred rnms. He has recently purchas ed a fine bunch of sheep and will run thorn in connection with his pure brod cattle. Williams Bros, snw mill at Cold Spring on tho Canyon road is prepared to do custom work for thoso desiring to take ad vantage of their government per mit. Also lumber for sale nt $12 per thousand. See them about custom prices. Senator C. W. Parrish is the week. Goo. Simmons is up from Nar rows visiting rolatives and look -ins home at Izee this ing after business kl will probably remain hi week or ten days he lming to his home.- EiRle ft w soy Mercantile to., pC.i.Ii S'ore, has moved .Id stand to the Odd lu lding in Drewsey. A in price on all lines on of making room. Call prices before purchasing re. Drinkwnter was over swsey yesterday to sc- larriage license to wed sic Johnson. His bride- n uaugiuer oi a. i. and is a very popular Idy. Clarence is one of g business men or nar Get your clothes cleaned and pressed at Schenk Bros., at rea sonable Qiices. Miss Drusa Dodson loft last week for a visit to Boise aivl other outside points. The entire stock of goods now on display at the new store of Hagey & Richardson, is fresh and new. Patrons may find al most anything desired there. A private letter to mends in this city announces that Edna Peterson, daughter of Mr Mrs. C. It. Peterson, is ill ' Exchange your Trading Stamps for premiums, now ready for distribution at N. Brown & Sons. U. T. Hughot, formerly dep uty sheriir under Tom Allen, was visiting in our citv this week. The complete line of Hamilton Brown's "Honest Value" Shoes for Infants, Boys, Girls, Men and Women at N. Brown & sons. Delia Day Freeman, profes sional nurse. Parties desiring her services may find her at the home of Thomas Sagers, Burns. James Fanning loft hurriedly nn,l for Portland last Sunday in with response to a message .summon- Fay Cotnegys is In town. Henry Richardson nrrived homo from tho railroad Wednes day accompanied by his wife and two ROUS. Fou Sai.k -200 cords of pine wood at $1.75 nor cord. Slab wood $1,2T a load at tho Harnev Saw Mill, L. H. Bunyard. Mrs. N. Moyer is expected here from her San Francisco homo tomorrow on, n visit to her daughter, Mrs. L. M. Brown. Everybody will attend the big dance given by the Rebokahs in the new Odd Fellow building next Friday night. Supper will be served in the building. 10. B. Waters, deputy post master, arrived homo Saturday from an extended vacation visit to outside points apd has again resumed his duties in the post ollico. Blue prints of any township in Burns Lnnd District, showing naiiio of entryman, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. Robt. McGuiro and G. F. Mend, prominent field men in connection with the general land ollico, have been in this city the past few days on official busi ness. J. R. Jenkins, the Harney county sheepman, accompnnied by his wife and Miss Mny Jones, arrived Sunday and registered at the Carter house. Miss Jones is a sister of Mrs. Jenkins and is on her way home to Wales, England, after an extended visit to relatives in Harney county. Ontario Argus. C. W. Bonhnm, four miles west of John Day and R. Danby, two miles west of John Day both Dr. R. D. Burrow and family! hnvo lino fruit of all kinds nt wish to express their thanks and ' this season at $1 per sack of two deep appreciation for tho numer-i boxes for apples, 1 J to 2 cents ous acts of kindness, sympathy . per lb. for fall and winter pears and helpfulness extended to them ' during picking season nt orchard. by their friends of Burns during their recent bereavement and to express particularly to the Doc tors their lasting obligation for professional and friendly help. Come and see us and bring your sacks and boxes. Winter fruit ready about Oct. 15. Address C. W. Bonhnm at Canyon City. R. Dunby. John Day. r typhoid fever at Boise where she '" him to the bedside of his went to attend school. wiie who was quuu i... Mm. Lelah Williams-Miller is, lv. A. J. Irwin will hold here from Portland with a fine preaching services at the aver- ity who is making good up to date lino ol.iall.and winter iy scnooi nouso on oummy, nuv. nanv friends ioin us in millinery. They are on display ,m aiiociocKa. m. ami in wiwuu the young people a hap- in her own building up stairs- the samo day at 3:30 p. m. je through life. We did entrance at side door next to chns. Newell was brought up , ii M.- I. 1. ,..,.1 . . .- .i pn wnen tne wedding: rruncn nuiei. trom Ins Home nt uog iMounmin Ike place. ' (;co. Hess, who has been in ' Thursday and placed in the hos- V . . ... .. . i l. -.!..) Al M M......ll in liiut twil- krn - Wmnnsi inv. Nov. : ins section lor some lime man- nun. nu.imiwM.iju." .ww. ic home of the bride's im iinrney, &v. Monte Ind Miss Eva Russell, W. Holloman performing femony. isoth the con sparties are well known fection. The bride is the bughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bsell who have long re- Harney. The loins mends in inir oritur, von I riulntn itivoqf mnntti. eniHT frOIll a SOVOIO itttaCK 01 expects to leave for Eastern pneumonia fever and was Washington the fore part of next brought to the hospital to recu week. He has secured consider- perate and prepare for an oper able land in this county. ation for hemorrhoids. Cottrill & Clemens have put in I am the solo representative of a first class saw mill li miles the International Mills, manu westof Cold Springs is near the facturers of "Wear Proof" vallev with (rood road. In first seamless hosiery and "Internat- Times-'cass timber- picked trees from ional" underwear for ladies, gon- m xrienus 111 exieuu- ,, .,,., r,mnml liwln tlnmnn nnl .-liililron. gratulations and nest " . 7 ., '. -"- "- ; r a happy and prosper- -""U worn, oeu iiiuui uuuiu 10 uruer puiiicuuin. your government permit nt once. Cummings. Samples seen at Home Hotel. Also mane Mrs. L. may be FALL AND WINTER ..GOODS.. Now arriving ior N, WOMEN, CHILDREN ihc latest things in T Ml 11 1 i rv i lens ana umarens uoats ; velties in Men's Clothing account of not h ving room them properly, we will discon handlinff Granite and Tinware ry article ir- these lines A. S. Swain met with a pain ful accident yesterday, while on his way to Lawen. Ono of tho singletrees came loose and frigh tened his team which began to run on tho grado just east of the Island road lane. The tongue to the wagon came down and finally stuck into tho ground upsetting ' the wagon which turned over by the grade. In tho fnll Mr. Swain broko ono or more ribs and was more or less bruised. Tho team did not get away and after somo difficulty the injured man got on his feet and started t" walk back to town leading the tfini. John Sweek met him and ituwd for a rig to bring him to town. Deputy Sheriil' Teirill accom panied by his wife and two q children Violet and Billy, arrived noiue VYCiiiiL'hiuiy i mi n a vmiu id Portland, Salem and Southern Oregon points, Mr. Terrill says DID YOU KNOW That two Hows of natural gas under an enormous pressure have been developed in Harney Vnlley? Did You Know that the visible indications point to Iinrney Vallev as being underlaid with one of the great est deposits of light gravity oil in the world? Ihi You Know what that means to Central Oregon? It means railroads and the development of all the re sources of this great inland empire. Do You Want to share in the enormous profits that await those who first tap this immense pool of oil? The Ilamvu Vallt'ii OH & (Sun Co. oirer you this opportunity. With stock selling at 5 cents per share (par value $1.00) it is an opportunity unparalleled in the history of oil development. We will gladly answer any and all correspondence. Address 11 wt If -II k?l i y, - tk wttirac rtiuvu un iv uun l.j., ii urns, urcgon. ll Bon Auamus wna in town this weok. Schenk Bros, have a full line of fall and winter clothintr in stock. J. A. Maddux was among the visilors from the Waverly section this week. Studcbaker Wagons, the "De pendont" kind for snlo nt N. Brown & Sons. aupi, iiamillon and lamily were over from their farm yes terday on a visit to relatives in this city and to attend to some business. Foil Sam: -Do you wnnt n nice homo? 100 acre ranch 3 miles from Harney on Rattlesnake Creek. First water right, run ning water tho year around, small bearing orchnrd, 10 ncres in cultivation, fine range for cat tle horses or sheep. For further particulars cdl or nddrcss Roland Ilnnkins, Harnev, Ore. Tho writer visited tho Chas. Newell farm the other day and found considerable nctivity. A fine stone residence occupies a commanding view and when com pleted will bo one of the finest farm homes in the state. A large bam is being put up now thnt will house n Inrge number of Btock besides hay, grain, farm machinery and wagons. Over 100 acres of ground is being pre pared for seeding and it can nil be covered by wntcr from nn ideal reservoir just above. Number 42, Appreciated Bank Service We know that our customers appreciate the good bank service thnt we give to each. It is a malerinl benefit to their business interests. The mnn who becomes n customer of this bank receives every possible guaranty of safety for his funds. Our service is prompt and accurate; every detail is worked out in the bank for tho customer's benefit; personnl attention is given to the require ments of ench patrons needs. This bnnk gives each customer personal aasis tanco for his business. Wo would like to prove to you the advantage of n bank connection here. A Savings Bank Department is a feature of this Bank, in which interest at the rate of four per cent per annum is allowed. The Harney County National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON. YOUR HOME INSTITUTION STATE DEPOSITARY . NOTICE. All parties owing Lewis & Gar rett, or Simon Lewis are hereby notified that all these accounts ure in the hands of our attorney C. II. Leonard for collection and settlement. Persons indebted to us will please settle the same with Mr. Leonard at once. Simon Lkwih J. T. Gahuktt. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting and fishing are strict ly forbidden upon any of the Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches. Trespassers will be prosecuted. John Gilckest. Supt Go to the home Hotel for a good meal. Seed rye for sale Nick Eich ncr, Iinrney, Oregon. Emmett Strntton is over from his Grant county home. J. C. Sevcik is back from an extended trip to outside points. Plums, cabbage, potatoes and watermelons at Carter & Thomp son's. J. L. and A. II. Falkstad are in from their land holdings in the Wnvcrly district. W. M. Hnrvey, tho Lnkeview horse buyer, is in this section ngnin. He is accompnnied by his wife. Foil Sale A five room cot- John Lenko is in the city. Salisbury fixes watches P. 0. block. Bread for sale at the Home Hotel. Carter & Thompson have just received a load of Baldwin ap ples. Geo. Sizemore and wife left Wednesday for a visit to tne J. E. Sizemore farm at tho head of Ilarnoy lake. Reatos for sale, all sizes and lengths, price 20 cents per foot. Any ono desiring Reatos address W. A. Ford of J. 0. Albcrson, Alberson, Oregon. Tho usual Hallowe'en pranks were indulged in by tho boys in FINE SHOE REPAIRING New stock of material Justin nnd we are prepared to do First class work for ladies and gentlemen Work done while you wait and guaranteed. Prices reasonable. HUFF BROTHERS First door west of Bedell's saloon across street from Burns hotel. THE ANDERSON HOTEL MR. and MRS. CHAS. ANDnRSON,rPropts. We'are pleased to announce to our old-time friends and!customers thnt we have again taken charge of our hotel. We just completed renovating tho en tire building and you will find the old-time home comforts when you call. We hope to see you kooii. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive 5 pedal Attention and Good Service. SOUTH BURNS, OREGON--Near Fair Grounds. sss? z?2L f"yf f. NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Fresh Groceries, etc. For Fall and Winter Trade LUvMABURG & DALTON t The MILLEH.REALTYS INVESTMENT CO. Office with Win. Miller, Burns, Or. Deeded lands bought and sold on Commission. Insurance, Life, Accident, Fire. MONEY TO LOAN. List your lands with us. IKYING MILLER, Manager. tage, four lots all fenced with this city last Saturday night nnd two good well?, a windmill nnd things looked somewhat changed other improvements. No rock. Sunday morning. It seems tho boys are not content with inno cent fun but will destroy proper ty and in future it would bo well to not allow them such privi leges. It doesn't cost a cent to get DOWN MARKED SCHWARTZ. he Busy Corner Store" '3CT.TXTSJ, ODR.3EC3rOTXr. tho Southern Oregon prospering mid land , Hudspeth, Burns, Oregon. Sylvia Rebekah Lodgo will give a big dnnco on the first floor of the now Odd Fellow building on next Friday evening, Nov. 2. Excellent music has been secured and tho affair promises to be one the prices of your local dealer on of tho enjoyablo social events of pianos, sewing machines, linole tho season. The ladies will also urn, carpets, etc., and it miglrt sre -upper in tho building be tho means of saving you a which will add to the enjoyment good round sum of money when of tho evening as tho menu will purchasing, besides ho is always where he can make good his promises. G. W. Clovenger can meet any prices on these articles. Seo him. Ho also has roofing and all kinds of building paper. Tho Burns Commercial club held tho regular monthly meot- bo exceptionally good. During tho Boise, Idaho, fair, II. C. Lovcns, of Burns, Ore,, purchafled seven head of Hed Pulled cows from C. II. Brand & Co., of Larkspur, Colo. Thoso big prices. lie saw Frank Mil ler at Medford but ho had not yet bought a homo but was ne gotiating for one. Miko Ilanley ' informed him thnt ho was going to run tho ruilrond now headed for tho Crater lake section right straight on to Burns. Mr. Ter rill stntes that tho Ilnrnoy coun try is receiving much nltention from tho peoplo in thnt section nnd no doubt many will bo com ing out here in the spring, towns aro . cattle have been prizo winners selling at I at Wyoming and Colorado stale ing last Tuesday evening and it fairs, and stood second to David was well attended. Tho com & Sons at Boise. Mr. Loveim mitleo on advertising reported expects to build up a herd and progress but desired more time breed tho Red Polls, having pur- for final report. Tho matter of chased his herd bull at tho Ore- flro limits in the city wns discuss gon slato fair n year ago.Rural ed and recommendations wore, Spirit. Tho Rural Spirit is mis- niiulo to tho cjly council convoy taken in regard to tho bull, ed through a committee. A now Judgo Levons secured the nni- city charter was also brought up. mnl from Win. Byram, tho Can- Tho high school also recoived yon Creek brcedor, at the Hnr- consideration. qppai,ntcd to so bo ney county fair, pot tho stato ' fore tho county court with somo fair. ' suggestions, The'Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Main Office, Burns, Oregon A, (). KAlll.KNKII, MRf, Branch Office, Inkcvicw, Oregon (' M. KAl'LKNKK, Mtfr. Mt The best Ran&e brains and experience have ever produced." QUICK MEAL" STEEL RANGES i . feTtytyflq m lffl rair3ir va PHtt V,B v IX ill 11 THEY ARE BETTER BECAUSE: Thoy oro built on BclonUflo principles and Uio material tuod la bo distributed ua to do Uio moat good. Thoy uro Just heavy onough to bo good, durublu nnd 1uni1ii;. Tho Btrongtlionod jmrtt) aro thoso whero Uio most wonr la. Tho wnlla aro AnbcBtoH Unod. Thoy uro nuidaof stool, cunaoquonlly Uioy aro utroiu; and cannot crook. UARNIIY COUNTY IMPLEMENT & HARDWARE COMPANY HARDWARE, CROCKERY TINWARE Burns, - Oregon JOE THOMPSON IN TIIU POST OKPICI-JltLOCK Candy, Nuts, Stationery, Cigars, and Tobacco HOT TOMALES AND CHILES School Tablets, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Efc SMOKERS ARE PARTICULARLY INVITED Nice Assortment of PipesNew Novelties Coming. If its in Leather We have it or can get it for You As much difference in leath er as in people. We use only the best in our work Hadn't you better look at your old Harness? You'vejhad it a long time. "Better.be sure than sorry."; J. C. WELCOME & SON lEaiaiin.essj'aKi.d. Sa,d.d.les 3F&JE21D JbH.IHLC3TXrnJ? LIVERY, FEED AND SALE l W. OWEN, Propts. S& Finest hearse in county Particular attention given To Funerals Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers. Particular attention given to Transcient Trade Horses bonnliMl by t lie (lay, weok or niontli CHAS. WILSGiM, Blacksmithing :iiid rorseshoing. Wagon Work tW W.iWATlltwlWl rimin1 Main St. THE ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. Burns Oregon, TIMES-HEIR ALD Job Printing.