jY I Times-Gerald. 1 AI10K8T OHM UI.ATtON ol SWHPAl'KU I.N THIS COUNTY ft? i i o. ixToiihit o.iw. il oonl News jury 111 ijos 1' 0. block. KM ihon was in town yos- , Gra was in the- city iinvcn the first of tins S. 10. Drinkwntor has a lino display of fall iki uiilliiur.N. 11. 1 in was down from the lir t of the wool;. lie '. in the i m ploy of the P. Capital. Surplus, EC. h Heerj and httlo son peeled in this iftcrnoon BpeH'ti ' ' iiinnier at ly & Richardson now lmvo 2te line of fresh groceries dry goods. See thorn tnew store. J P. .1. Klink and little fcr came over from Canyon , ol th o w and joined ink li re She has been i fi u nds in thus city since, 'i e-ioui i'f tli vciy iwiiiiiiw Mills aiid a i mpl te new "" ' '" uu, nt., luii.ibiungii, Ail work b . i u i .i llagey &. dury'n. ibi. o i.i ikw stono ,-, p.,u,,..:.. fkoniiv tk ' first of tho weok. W. II. Oillcer is over from Mi Grant county homo. See the late creations in enlll- v at Mrs Drink water, .1 D Combs is over from Grant county after beef cattle. January February March April May June Aujfiisi Sunt umber . October NovQiubtr December A sale depositary for your funds every month of the year. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS $25,000.00 830,000.00 United Stales Deixmluvu Accounts foyyttftfl j Try n meal at tho Home Hotel. Win. Gray was up from Lnwon Wednesday. For shoopllned coatfi see Lium burg and Dalton. Al Colo was in the city sovoml days during llio weok looking aftor some business. IP YOU AIM! (JOINUTO TIIAVKU Uno I lie llnrncy Count) Nntlonnl llanl. TltAVIXMilt'.H OIIKdUHH Tlii) nrc Ni'IMilriilifyliiK. John Wilzell and wife went up from Narrows llio first of the weok, hnving coino on nccotintof the i llncst) of lliuir son-in-law, IllliJIl liny. V I Tho Sumpter Valley roud i somewhat nearer now. It is re ported thai regular service is now being nuuloto tho lop of tho mountain abovo Prairio City. Foil Sam: -Four room house willi pantry; stable for six hom es, chicken house, largo wood shed and other out buildings, good well and pump, throe lota. Inquire at this ollice. !(. V. lOnqiutl was up from hi home tend during tho week on land business. For Sai.k 200 cords of pine wood at $l,7f per cord. Slab wood $1,215 a load at the Ilarnov Haw Mill, L U. Hunyard. I'Vnuk Kasnick had I he small bone in his log broken last week lv a horse falling on him. Ho m -it the home of Dr. L E. Hib-bard. The infant boy of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sngors has been ill this week. As ho did not improve as rapidly as desired they took him lo tho mountains yesterday. Just arrived: A complete line of Hoofing, Sheathing, water proof Sheathing and Stringed Felt. Harney Co. Imp, & Hdwe. Co. Hugh Hoy was brought up IromtlioGoo. Young farm the first of this week and placed in the hospital. lie iB having a M'vere aiege of typhoid fever. H. J. Hansen of the Burns Job prinling-The Times-Hcral 1 Urend for sale at the Home Hotel. Schenk Pros, have a full line of fall and winter clothing in stock. Studebaker Wagons, the "De pendent" kind for sale al N. II......... I' c IJ1UWII IV CUIll. -V The Hanley Company sUirted another big bunch of beef steers to the railroad for shipment Ibis week. Number 41. guaranteed Salts- IBuriKs of Seattle and F. V of Spikanc, wore jrs in on the Ford auto . 1 c j int . tif day . i i.U ."- ... I. I'm lire ef v.atehea, chains . ' lirbun'o P. O. block. UMoVr K- iw-n drill. his vicinity I1 rr ri 1 I I. I I . 1. I..A1 III .kill iiPl I ic be ii re i iii cha 't,e. ! cleaned Mros , nt and rest- r i UlClu l Robert Grant was at Ildrrimnn Sunday. Schenk Bros., Merchant Tail ors, Butna, Oregon. W. U. Morrison was a business visitor to our city Thuntduy. New fall and winter millinery at Mr. S E. Drinkwater's. ,Gw. Ward is again back at work In the Capttal barber shop. .H'lu Gibsi.n ws nmong our it w from the La wen section this Hrek Piwuipt dnvti 'fl 'Htlcrs. 'j honed the Ch'jH Urocevy & Ma ry at the French Hotel, lio ii the Hilt and Ilartiinan r.ii'c t -d work i progressing" rap id! v ii .he Deschutes country, D JI DiUble. V. M. Cheney and fh Mnl ' u' li. o ih'ir : Hrtii'i lift. B- . Inve been proa- ' n.y m Ciri k. ! - vifulddamrh- nu AXib. B. It i'OUi i i, Dukes disease. r c' of food now it ' ' -t w Mew st-vre of ' P1"i rtNon Is Irrh r i in an' ' al ' inj .If rrd there OJJiiH, of Indaitnd ence, this state, has been in th's i uii- Jl . ihe fifth wctw for tnf P81 ? Je UeaanKeyTwdingStninps of Ocu-Lcr. ScrvIoM fa looking for tand and a deiM jnium tmw roady for luld uiat da m tho ablp P'ace for investment and is distribution at N. Brown & nan Church at the uau- Wll ivoraoiy nnpresseu witn Atthemo.ning hour the Harney country. Workmen are enlarging the ct w ill be: IbGoila Mrs. Ulnh W.lhams-Miller is Windsor Batlwr ahon. oxtondlng x tiatlieiei.' in tlio here from Port ami with a nne i i.u .,. .u- i...:m:.... r.... the .ubject will be: up to date line of fall and winter .ot Hardtnlng l'liatoah's" millinery. They are on display1 , , ., , Amobt e i. luI in vita- in her own building up stairs- U1W V lK"101' 0l tended to all to attend entrance nt side door next to Mr. and Mrs W. It Parker, who .... UMia ftiVnt4-fi jititA 111 Inaf unwilr vices French hotel. nr.w.p.,w..li , , s. 'is much improved. ' iiui.irv Hoard met Insr ounu oiinon nave pui in ... ,. .r...... ., ..,1 i..,.i.l fi fii-nt flnsH nnw mill 11 milmti j vii-iiiiiK iimi vilxiui T" " . "Il t .f. , 1U....11 01 ena Higgs distributing west of Cold Springs is near the """" ' oiiow f r the liurns Public valley with good road I'n Ihggs has c 1 . iiurar vork Glenn Ireland is in this city ( Meat Mai kol is prepared to fur wllh a largo imported black Per- niBh bago,,, inm8 nn, Iani to cheron atnllion which he hopes sheepmen and ranchers in any to dispose of. Ho is an Indepon- nuantltv. Snecial nrices for biir donco boy and an old tiino friend orders of Dr. W. C. Hrown. tll . . , , , . . niue pnniH 01 any lownsui)) m Williams Uros. saw mill at Burns Land District, showinir Cold Spring on tho Cnnyon road name of entryman, date and kind is prepared to do custom work of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 I or ihoio desiring to ue ael- each Pintt T. Randall, Burns, vantage 01 uieir government pi r- Ore. mit. Also lumber for sole at $12 .,.. i.n,..... o n, ..i... n. a. ana unve ftinicr came ct.stom prices'. ver ro" ,the,r1 Wnr" Sn'ng8 farms Wednesday. They have Fred Racine and wife and his boen qujte busy this fall fixing father, L. lUcine, expect lo leave drains, reservoirs and ditches tomorrow morning for Montreal, preparatory to seeding a larger Canada, for a visit of two months acreage next spring, or more. They are going far ,, . . , .. pleasure purnculnrly d the.r L Zl"i?m- Tn friends hope the trip will be bene- J,t Vr m' ' n ? ai..i i ,i.J .,.! twt ndtoB west of John Day both '""' D ur "' have fine fruit of all kinds at F. 8. Riodcr, ot Portland, lor ths season at $1 per sack of two merly county clork of Harney boxes for apples, li to 2 cents cottmv nut now wun rue roan n- r m. ror nil and winder pears con i. t.y, i .a Uii. city and me! d u uk tucking .ib n atorclund itth Ut bosiwl of equalizafon "ino ana see us ami nring your this wtnk. He is making Irs sucki and liox. Winter fruit homo with Mr. and Mi. Stan- r" dy about Oct. 15. Address cliff while hero. PrinevilleRo- C. W. Bonham at Canyon City, view. R Dauby. John Day. To quickly check' a cold, drug gists nre dispensing everywhere a clover Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Preventics. Preventics are also fine for feverish children Take Preventics at the sneeze stage, to head off all colds. Box of 48-25c. Sold by Reed Bros. Foil Sam: Do you want a nice home? 1G0 acre ranch 'A miles from Harney on Rattlesnake Creek. First water right, run ning water tho year around, small bearing orchard, 10 acres in cultivation, fine range for cat tle horses or sheep. For further particulars call or address Roland Unnkins, Hnrney, Ore. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned severed his connec tions with tho Drewsey Mei can tile Co. on Dec. 22, 1007. All bills are payable to the Drewsey Mercantile Co. and the company settles indebtedness contracted by it. A. I. Johnson. DID YOU KNOW 7 The complete lino of Hamilton rown's "Honest Value" In first tor Infants, Boys, Girls, Men i . '.."... . OM.I U'omn at XI !..,..., C ...., hud class timber-picked trees rrom """ "- mun.iiif. md the government. Prepared to do Jaiper Davis and wife and . feel they are fortunate cl,8toni work. Seo thoin about Chas. Davis and wife were over ighir services. Hero- your government ponait at once, from Harney WtHlnosday to at- librarj will be open on Dr p i witter I Hunter G tend thc Dv,8-Dalu,1 wedding. i and Saturday h between 1, an,i c. C. liJasig, all of Delia Day Freeman, profes- imu j m At a recent Spokane, loft Thursday morning eionol nurse. Parties desiring 3fth uty cnmcil the for home after spending a few her services may find her at tho rG was appropriated to weeks looking over the Harney home of Thomas Sngors, Burns. Udt . Ill carrying Ollt wmntn- Tim narlv in mmnonvl . ....... t, .. , , .. KT , , . , . -" j- j -....., assi. audi, iioiiaiui oi ino r, No books will be giv- with Harry Witter, took a trin t y p.. V.-s.,.i i w.i.... Ft. .. XT 1 ... . i- . - - . " - v" ......w.. i.w.... mviiivt llll iUV. Bentini Nov 1 excep to to lll0 south of Steens Mountain day from tne mlhmd wlll!ro ,,0 ', their member- i nf? Sfime nhnotinir and fluldnor i.ij t.. .,... ,., ,., , wun iMonuijf ui icr ino niiipiiieiii. That two fluw if imtui d under an enormous pressure hivo bvn tleolo u"l u H.inuy Valley? Did You Know that ihe visible indiunlions point to llarney Valley as being underlaid with one of the great est deposits of light gravity oil in the world? I)n You Know what that means to Central Oregon? It means milronds and the divolopment of all the re sources of this great inland output1. Do You Wttnl to shnr in the enormous profits that await those who first tap tins immense pool of oil? 77ie Hariwu Vullvy Oil & das Co. oiler you this opportunity. With stock 'clling nt 5 cents pr share (par value $1.00) it i.- an opportunity unparalleled in the history of oil development Wo will gladly answer any and all corresjiondeniv Address i il y si si ri i rauvi yu iv oh t-o., ittinn, urcgon.Ji lluriu'j NOTICE. All parties owing Lewis &. Gar rett, or Simon Lewis ure hereby notilied that nil these accounts are in tho hands of our attorney C. II. Leonard for collection and settlement Persons indebted to us will please settle the same with Mr. Leonard at once. Simon Lewis J. T. Gauki:tt. Interests Identical With Yours Twelve successful business men"of ' this com munity me stockholders in this' bank. They have put their money into the busincss'and have every reason to know that tho bank is well managed and absolutely safe. These men actually make it their business to know that thc bank is sound. Their watch over the bank's affairs assures you that this is a safe bank for you. It will bo no trouble at all for us to give you the names of our stockholders, or to furnish you any other information about our management. A Savings Bank Department is a feature of (his Bank, in which interest at the rate of four per cent per annum is allowed. The Harney County National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON. YOUR HOME INSTITUTION STATE DEPOSITARY THE ANDERSON HOTEL MR. and MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON, Propts. We are pleased to announce to our old-time friend and customers that we have again taken charge of our hotel. We just completed renovating the en tire building and you will find the old-time home comforts when you call. We hope to see you soon. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive Special Attention and Good Service. SOUTH BURNS, OREQON-Near Fair Grounds. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting and fishing are strict ly forbidden upon any of the Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches. Trespassers will be prosecuted. John Gii.cui:st. Supt. Go to tho homo Hotel for a good m onl. Mrs. R. D. Burrow h quite ill this week. Seed ryo for sale Nick Kich nor, Harney, Oregon! Huir Bros., the shoe repairers, have an nd in this issue. P. 0. 3eo '" Salisbury fixes watches block. Born In this city 10 Mr. and Chas. Dnvis, yesterday, a son. Carter & Thompson have just received a load of Baldwin apples. A. Gesner, of Salem, has been while out. L iU AND WINTER ..GOODS o N OIV arriving for lv WOMEN, CHILDREN a'cst minus in ku Children's Coats 'n M n's Clothing account of not h ving' room to s them properly, we will dlscon h'nJ -no; Granite and Tinware i i Ou; i these lines IED DOWN 1TK4 iStHWARTZ.' ie Busy Corner Store" pRTXr.3, 0.353C(OTr. 1 of a large number of beef cattle ' In the death of Mrs. W. S. ,Ladd, which occured tho latter part of last week in Portland, Oregon hs lost one of its grand pioneer women. Mrs. Lndd's contributions to church work and charities were very gener ous. i I am the sole representative of the International Mills, inauii Jfarturers of "Wear Pi oof" i seamless hosiery and "Inlornat- ion il" underwear for ladies, gen , tU nn a und ehildron. Also mado to orJcr peUioonta. Mrs. L. Cufiitnings, Famp!is may be . w n nt Home Hotel. ! At tt i rulvir u ' i .if t ie utv eiiuncu W dni wlnv i voning luti ordinnrwse was passed rogultit I ii) the uiaimenl solicitation of liiml Iucatoiu and real estate men mi the street and other public plact-s, declaring it a public nui sance. The penalty for violating this ordinance is a fine of not less tUn SjilG wr more than $80. W. W. Brown, of Fife, Harney County, is in town in attendnnco , . i court. Mr. Brown Is ono of , the Urgent horse growers in tho , Wist, iliii huises have gouo in- to the cavalry m rvico in many laimii'w including groat uumbei'S I for that bunch of the sorvico in ' the United Slates. If hits been found that Oregon horses possess JMipciior wind und bottom and 1 ii.i ib ct ii.isuii they aro in great ! ii md ivuvwIuTo. Lakeview 1 mint i BOHN-To Mr. and hlr. G-o '" V"a. ru"" l,,m "w luu,v,", Whiting. Thursday, a daughter. UP lam '"vesimenw. J. M. Farrier was over form , IHfM "." B,T' ,' aVm" Riverside on business tin's week. loKths, pr.ee 20 cents per foot. Any one desiring Reatos address Plums, cabbage, potatoes and w. A. Fonl of J. O. Alboraon. watermelons at Cartor Si Thomp- Alberson. Oregon. son'n Lost A small telescope grip Waldo Gecr was oiith tick list containing some clothing some tho last part of the week but is where in the McGee lane. Find bettor, w please leturn to J. II. McMul- Geo. Craddock and John Win- ' termeior wor-1 down from Sllvios L. R. Greenlee, G. B. Coznd, verlerday. R. C. Reese and Mr. Mason lmvo L. Racine infoinis ui he has returned to Prairio City in their . . .W . i.r. ...... ii i i .. leased Ilia lurin near UUS city to 'i'Jl uw i'i " iiiuaama nine John Owen for tho coming crop hooting birds at tho lakes. N season. The lmrvostiiiL' of over 800 W. H. Howard, tho Drewsey bushels of potatoes from four Btockman and mnolior. was m cres by ond larmer near Burns tho city during the weok lqokimi FINE SHOE REPAIRING New stock of material just in and we are prepared to do First class work for ladies and nt'cmui Work done while you wait and guaranteed. Prices reasonable HUFF BROTHERS FirsLdoor west of Bedell's saloon across street from Burns hotel. s VNvyJ vzyv NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Fresh Groceries, etc. For Fall and Winter Trade The MILLER MUTl & IN LSTMLNT CO. Office with Win. Miller, (turns, Or. Deeded lnnds'bought and sold on Commission. Insurance, Life, Accident, Fire. MONEY TO LOAN. List your binds williiij. IKVING MILLER, Manner. .; LUNABURC & DALTOSM 1 JOE THOMPSON IN THE POST OFFICB JJLOCK Candy, N(s, Stationery, Cigars, and Tobacco HOT TOMALES AND CHILES School Tablets, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Etc- SMOKERS ARE PARTICULARLY INVITED Nice Assortment ot PipesNew Novelties lonilng. ( t The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IKHIIiATION LKGINLEKS Main Olficc, Burns, Oregon A O, rU'lKNHI, H$ Branch Oflice, Lnkeview, Oregon e m. rii'iKSMi, ji "The best Rantie. brains and experience have ever produced," If jts in Leather We have it or get it for You can As much difference in leath er as in people. We use only the best in our work Hadn't you better look at your old Harness? You've had it a long time. "Better be sure than sorry." J. C. WELCOME & SON Harness a,n.a. SadcLles allows what can be done in that line In the Harney country. Po- T ,..., ... latoi's are sel ing at z cents per L Kimble one of the young , ,. , , , . ' .. . . . In pound on the bcnl market. i tic homeatutdcrs of the l lie city council threatened to i evoko the saloon license of II. 1). Pearaon for allowing minors to frequent his place, but at a hearing before tho council Wednesday evening it was de cided that as it was tho first of fense tho revoking of his liconso would be too sovere, therefore In c im' was dismissed with a after business. W, ear" Wuvuiy wection, wnu a visitor in our city thin weok. .1. '1'. (Jarrutl and wife we back from tho mountuiiw wlieri thoy wen' for tho bonoHt of their little ilaughter'a health. She is much improved. Foil Samj A live i-o.m cot-t.ig-, i'uir lots nil fenced with two good wells, u windmill and lepiimand other impio.'imunts. No rocl CI. Hudspeth, liurni, Oregon. It doesn't cost a cent to got tho prices of your local dealer on H. B. Post and family arrived pianos, sowing machines, linolc- in this city tho first of tho week, urn, carpots, etc., and itmighl Mi'. Post will remnin in this (lis- bo tho means of saving you a trict for an indefinite limo, being good round Bum of monoy when employed in tho U. S. geological purchasing, besides ho is alwnya Borvice. Ho will mako water where ho can mako good his measurmeuts establish ruin gauge promises, G, W, Clovongor can stutions and classify land that l i(,,'t any prices on theso articles, subject to tho 020 acre home- St(' him. Ho also has roofing stead act, 'Did nil kinds of building paper, QUICK MEAL" STEEL RANGES .ttMifM, Willi il JMlM1; THEY AfiB BETTER BECAUSE: nnd the material useil la bo ilutiltmtoil Tlioy are built on Bclontlflo prl uulploti as to do Uio inoeb good Tliev nro lust lionvv onouirh to bo good, durublo and l.ibUii. Tho BtroiiKthonod paita iiru Uioao wlioro tho inout wear la. Tho walls arc Asboetoa lined, Thoy uro mado of etool,cu xBoquontlj Uioy aro strong and cannot cr.u-k. HARNEY COUNTY IMPLEMENT & HARDWARE COMPANY HARDWARE, CROCKERY I2.3E5X3 J'.lb&CXDtJ'Oe? LIVERY, FEED AND JBST'.A.-FgT .E. J. W. OWEN, Propts. Finest hearse in county Particular attention given To Funerals SALE .JfrF Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers. Particular attention given to Transcient Trade Horses lumnlcil by the (lav, ucok or mouth TINWARE Burns, Oregon S1I4& AJf9H "-i. bnHO. VVIBLOtU'B' lilacksmitliiii"; and orscshoiiijf. Wagon Work ALs.WORKCUA ? AW TED. Main St., - Bums, Oregon, THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing.