INDUSTRIAL NOTES. (Portland Correspondence). A fast mail train between Chi cago and Portland that will brinj? Eastorn mail to Oregon in much less time than is now required has just been put on by tho Har riman lines. Tho train will carry no passengors and will make tho run between tho two cities in GO or G2 hours, clipping ofT from 10 to 12 hours from tho present schedule. In this way tho Harri man lines expect to meet tho shortoned schedules of tho Hill roads, which havo put in fast trains from St. Paul to Puget Sound. Ground will be broken early in December for a big cement plant near this city that is expected to contribute largely to tho supply of this building material used in this territory. Tho new industry will have a capacity of 1500 bar rels daily at tho start, with pro vision for enlarged facilities later. It will cost $1,000,000, will bo lo cated at Oswego, a short distance south of the city. It is thought that the field for ji cement fac tory here is unexcelled, because of tho convenient source of raw materials and the big market for the manufactured product. Astoria is in tho limelight be cause of a splendid building re cord during the first nine months of the year. Improvements car ried on by the municipality and business interests there during 1909 total over $1,000,000. This is a splendid showing and with , such a spirit being shown, Astor ia's outlook is very bright. The Beit Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lamo back or pains in the side or chest give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. This liniment also relieves rheu matic pains and is certain to please anyone suffering from that disease. Sold by all good dealers. GUMPTION ON TIID FARM. If you hoe your own row with diligence you will have little leisure to note how your neigh bor is hoeing his. Better have patches on your pants than a lot of unpaid bills and threatening creditors. How can any man sleep well at night when he has scolded and whipped his horses all day. Beginning to think about your woodpile? That's right Cold nights make us creep up about the stove. Enough dry wood and chips to last a week is riches; fire out and the last stick gone is poverty. If you tell a boy, day after day, that he isn't earning his salt, he will soon be likely to work down to that estimate. If the soil needs underdraining, now is an excellent time to lay the tiles. They should bo at least two and a half feet deep. Don't give the cats and dogs stale, dirty or soapy water to drink. See that it is clean and fresh. You know how it is your self. It pays better to be behind OREGON CALLS-- "MORE PEOPLE" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. LOUIT COLONIST RATES To Oregon will prevail from tho East September 15 to October 15 VIA TUG OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. AND SOUTHEKN PACIFIC (LINES IN OREGON)' From Chicago $38.00 St. Louia 82.00 " Oniolm 25.00 " .St. Paul 25.00 " KanwiHCity 25.00 FARES CAN BE PREPAID. Deposit the amount of tho faro with tho nearest O. R. & N, orS. P. Agent and ticket will bo delivered in tho East without extra cost. pend ub the name and address of any ono interested in tho Stato for Oregon literature. Win. McMurray, Gen. pass. Agent, Jnrtlanil..OrMrQn-. - everybody else in getting fall grain sowed and thus havo tho ground well stirred, than to hog over it and havo it half done. Money spent on boozo is wast ed, spent on clothes is vanity, snont on food is itonc. and fooled away is wicked; but money spent for seed or n fruit trco is wisely invested. Tho patrons along a rural route aro apt to expect too mucn irom tho carrier. It would bo a groat linln to tho farmer to apply to tho government for a copy of tho postal laws in reference to tho regulation of rural carriers. A i-(i vnn nlnndmir to build u now house this fall? Don't make it too largo. Many houses aro so largo that tho women folks aro kopt scrubbing a good share of tho time. Largo enough for all practical purposes, but no larger, should bo tho rule. -From Octo ber Farm Journal. Well Known Hold Keeper Ue and Recom mends Chusnberlaln'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "I take pleasuro in saying that I havo kept Chnmborlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family medicino chest for about fifteen years, and have always had satisfactory results from its use. I havo adminis tered it to a great many travel ing men who were suffering from troubles for which it is recom mended, and havo never failed 'to relieve them," says J. C. Jen kins, of Glasgow, Ky. This rem edy is for sale by all good deal ers. Here is tho way tho papers will write up weddings ten years hence: "Tho brido looked very well in a traveling dress, but all nvrt vfm enntcrod linon tllO groom. Ho wore a darkiuitthat fitted his form perfectly and in his daintily cloved hands ho car ried a small rose. His curly hair was beautifully done, and a deli cate odor of hair oil of the best quality floated down the aisle as he passed. Tho young people will miss him now that he is married. He is loved by all for his many accomplishments, his tender grace and his winning ways. The bride commands a good salary as bookkeeper and the Tgroom will miss none of the luxuries to which he has been acevstomed. A crowd of pretty men saw him off at the depot. Stomach troubles would more quickly disappear if the idea of treating tho cause, rather than the effect, would come into prac tice. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength to the stom ach. A branch also goes to tho Heart, and one to the Kidneys. When these "inside nerves" fail, then the organs must falter. Dr. Shoon's Restorative is directed ! specifically to these failing I nerves. Within 48 hours after starting tho restorative, treat ment patients say they realize a gain. Sold by Reed Bros. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting and fishing aro strict ly forbidden upon any of the Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches. Trespassers will bo prosecuted. John Gilcrest. Supt. Job printing Tho Times-Herald. Good vineornr for Bale by T. E. Jenkins nt tho Browory. Money back if not as represented. NOTICE Anv mid all norBons owing tho firm of Ilngoy, Fonwick & Jnck- aon, oithor on account or note, mi lini-dhv notified that all such accounts and notes aro now in tho hands of C. lr Leonard for collection. Such parsons nro hereby requested to mnko imme diate settlement of tho same. Dated Aug. Gth, 1909. Haqkv, Fknwick & Jackson. Served as coffee, tho now cof fco subbiituto known to grocers nvorvwhero ns Dr. Shoon's Health Coffee, will trick oven n coffee expert. Not a grain of real coffee in it oithor. Puro health ful toasted grcins, malt, nuts, otc. havo been so cloverly blond cd as to give a wonderfully sat isfying coffco tasto and flavor. And it is "mndo in a minuto" tool No tedious 20 to 30 min utes boilimr. Test it and sco. Dr. Shoop created Health Coffco that tho people might havo a genuine coffco substituto, nnd one that would bo thoroughly satisfying in every possiblo ro spect. Sold by Reed Bros. NOTlOli FOR PUBLICATION I'kitkkHtatks I.AMiOrncit llutni, Oreuou, Oclobir 6, 11W. v'niirn I. liorclir ulven that Tho Rule of Ore Ktill Iki lllisl III till onil'0 II al'lHcatlOH in lelect, iimlcr llio prinltioruol tho Art CnnitrrM, Approved Aimu.t II. 1SH. na cla ainctitiaiary inrroiu, um . Mr T Jl ., K S3 K., M HorUI No. W?." 8KW8KU fee , ami NWJJ NWU.Bfro 9, T jo 8 . It sSy... v. ii . serial so. tulJii Vnjr n. all iioriona clalmlrtf aitvcritlr tho lamia ilf rltw.1, nr ilcalilng lo object bcue ut llit mineral character nf lb land, or for an oilier ration. In Iho dUpoMt tnapiillcant, alumni 1110 llttir ainiiarilBoi jinnr.. in una offlre, vu or tmlur Iho eiplrnlbm of Iho porlotl oipuoiirtunit. Wh Farm, ItciUter. FIrvt publication, October 1. IW. Uil publication, horcmborVO, I WW. NOTICE FOR PUIH.IOATION UMTKU'TATuUrlOOrrlCK, I llurnn, (lift-on, Hoplpmlrtr '.-J, 1W0 Notice It hereby elren llialllio Stale ill Oro sou naa nici in una nuico na nppucRiiun m olrct, under tho prorlitout ol Iho Act of Coll lire., pprnrotl Atigutt II, 1U, and acta uncitdntorjr thereto, llio. NMM.boc I, ami .SKJJ.8W 8.T.28B., It M K H M , ferial .No. KI7M H. Pre. I, anil HKU, Fee ,T Mfi.,11. M E., A' M Serial Nu.OMW Anjrmu.l nil claiming tdrvrtoly llio Nmlnlc.cllrKil.iir lUllrlniitu object becau.c ol Iho mineral character oi tno una, or wr anjr other reafou, lu too to applicant linuld nia their antilavita of urotait lu Ihla of fire mi ur before iho oxptratlonof tho inrlod ni puuiirauuu M Kahm, lleitla'rr Fuel uUlratlon, OctoLer, 9, W Uiit publication, November 13, W1. NOTICE FOR PUHLICATIOK. UmrtjjTATKLAMOrrici, UU", Orciton, Heplcmlwr 1", 19W. Nollro U hereby elreti that tho Mate of OrvTuu liaa filed III Ihla office lit amdlcatloD toeolect.uiitlcr tho prorlalon ollhe Aolol con- itroM, eptiroreu auiii.i ii, ui, aim acia amciiuaiurr incrcio, mo HUBro '. T 3IH. It rj!i K.. W. M HarUI No. UVVII, K)(. Hr 'S T. 81 rf , R 83) K.. W. u , H.-rlal No WM. UiU I A V, Btc. , T H , K UK. v M , Korlat No pjoot njr and all ixreona eUlnrto adxcrnlx Iho litididcrlU.d.or dculrloilo object Wcaiuo of tbo mineral character nf the land, or for any other rcaton, lo Iho dlipoaal to applicant, hould Mo their anidavlla of prolcil In thlt Qiuce. nn or ociore ino czpiraiiun or ine jicrion ui puniiiaiiun M. Kma, llegliler Putt publication Oeiolier 1, vn. ' t publlcailon November, liw ainiess Dentistry Out of towm,preni can hare tbelr rUte u4 trllvork Hbw lnea In ooe aj It HPrWHirr. We killelverfrii a feel Z2 fiFj w "'' crcaltr 53.50 MUr Cmu 6.0 m5iU.;t 3.5 o.umrjiti 1.0 Cuxl 1.0 ,l.trWg ,au inUr riiTjin Z.0U 4 HtlHf Filial 5.00 tt-.l B.J B..I birputu 7.50 tt.W LVitt,ruunwtmHNtuu it tun inntaWt n hniu P.tflUiititrlW.00 WORK aUAllANTKED POR IB YKARS XUn rMjjtrftctloa m hcarlft(MOf brtdn wi Unnlcrvl. ODn4DlUllaa rnp, YtcaBtulftbll0t rlnlrM wprk)onnrwbcr Atlwuik fully hum r Wise Bental Co. TiiibuUiii.h. PORTLAND, OREOON orrict uouMi i a. a. t. . iui, tux. A representative In this county by a largo real estato corporation. Spec ial Inducements to those who wish to becomo Nnancinlly InteresteJ. The Real L'slale Security Co. Fori Dearborn llulldloi CHICAGO, IU. ULIJM (' ,f THEBES I 4 'it rmaasMiiefiii mmomw Kocontly Enlarfed WITH 25,000 Now Words Now Gazetteer of tho World wlili mora tliuu 3,000 titles, based on tbe lutcit (.uiau rvturus. NcwISlocraphlcAlDlotlenary ! oMiiilnliiir I ho iininoi of over 10,000 tiotoU jmi oii i Liito of lilrlti, ileatli, otu. r.iin ii u.T.HAiiniH,rii.n..iJ..n ! - . iiilonUimmliuluiiirutlfilucutlon. J1380 Quarto Pages ! )' r i. tOOS illoh SHAdlnfd N' dod In Every Home Vi'ibaur'aColltiilato Dlctloniry l 1 1 . 1100 llliulralloni. I I'll 311 llItl0n?Atll lnnla. Il.lill,.. ' 1 rt I.iima l.illltnn ri.c,.ir I. Vkl.i.. . - '- -- PHi,.VI.,,tt 1 m ,t,W,,IV I i"i,intii li'ttwi Mr. h ullfulltndtag4 , lli.lhurUrU,lilu,"llliulri.Uiliia(LUt, . 6 C MERRIAM CO,, i loltora, Qpriogriold.Mao. x9RMHaflBaHa; IfAH irw-mrr .lemt r'JL.:mimmLtK ink v ' NEW CLUUUINQ iK(H0SITI0N Wo hnvo arranged to offer in connection with this paper, tho now monthly farm innwixino just started at Lincoln, Nobrnskn, by Prof. H. W. Campbell and devot ed to tho subject of how to farm in tho dry country nnd how to got beat results from soil tillage under normal conditions. Tliis Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and wo offer St clubbed with Tho Timos-Ternld both for $2.50 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' now paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of its kind in tho world, nnd it embodies tho re sults of tho editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillage proposition. NO TltKBI'ASSINn. HunthiK In forliithlnn upon my plaoo mljnliilnc lliinitt. Tr(iipiiifl ra will bo prnfumiti'tl. O. II. VOKOTLY NO TIUCSPASaiKt). Notlco Ib liorotiy Ivon Mint hunt ing nnd fllwotlng upon dm fiiolowl litiulHof llio Atnorloiin I.nntl A l,lvr Slnck Co. lu alriotly forlihlijon. Any porcnti or purH(iiu fouml limit liiRor tri'HniHHliig will ih iri)Bcoult'il to tho full extent of Hid liny. K. I J. 1IH.U Itnnoh MiiiiHgur Religious Sen Ices. Iluv A. J. Irwin will pnmuli m H.irnoy tho 2nd fiundity of uncli month nt 11 n. m. untl 7,!!0p in. Snbbnth Hohool ovory fnlibatti nt 2 p. ra. Tho Ilnriiuy Siuulny iruhtxil menu nt 2 o'olook vnoli Sunility itml n cordlitl Invitation Ib xt mll tn nil who can nttonil to meet with u-. At tho I'roHUytcrimi oliuroli IiuriiH, Itov. A.J. Irwin pttHtor. DuvluoKorviur'H tliu third untl foutUi Hmnlnya ofimuli iiitinlliitt 1 1 n. in., and 7:30 p. in. Fnbbnth Nt'Iiool nl 10 n. in. ovory Salilmth inornlnc. Tk Lone Star RESTAURANT Olilntt tiwiruo, l'ropitulor. Cor. Slain and II Btriuto. (VIOAHS AT AUU HOUR Bakery in connoution A Specially of Short Orders. Trtliln furnlnlifil with tivorytlnnir tho market nfl'nrdH. Your imlron bro Bollciled. OTrsr CTs Wo collect nvrrywlicro uml umliH n cliarjp) uulrsi colloctlon Is nutlo. Wo plesnoour cliont -A-slr Tliem. AdtlruM Momus MgllfAMTILBro . Kutiton 11 Itl k'., I'orllnml, On OPF1CIAI. IIIIIKCTOtlV TATI OKtlKlKI U B RenaUira Wimalliati lluiirno Jr Itlcii, K. Olmmbf rlatn IV num. )J llawler . A. II. Urawlora ft W, llcllKIII .V U lleiihiii Congreiimen, ... Attornejr Uoncral lliirernor riccrrlarrol Htato Trcaturer , . Hupt, I'ulilla lutlructlou Btats frlnter .li.mel 1. II, Mauruiau W rjllillilw i K. H. Ilea', Hiiiram Judira i r.A, Mimrr 1 III Jlubt Kaihi NINTH jUlilOMt. DIH1IIIOT. liUtrlciJuJeo lilitrltt AtiuiiKij. Deputy Ulil Alt Oco II. Hurl J W ilcC'iillu. h 0 II Uimm.l Circuit Court mecla tlio tlrtt Mouilay In April an.l Out Moudajr In Octokor, i!i!! !?"1lor ; , Ott 1'arrl.l. olnl l.oirt'toutatlro II liruvio V coumr IIAIINKV I utioutjr JuJb Clerk Trcaauror ' 1, Y, Uovliii Hum Motliuuhml K N JatMMuii A Ol'.UlUiur A. K. Itlcliaiilami 1, J. iJulitnali I. M llaiuiltuii 1 NN llvui) John llyl.ln.ui. urtviur . Hlierlrl in. Aatciaor. ttcuool Bupcrlnlcudcut Co roii or rJtock luauvctor. Coiuuiiuloncra II..N, BlKllanl iu A Blliyill Couulr Court mecia llio fltm nu.liiM.lav in January, March, lay, July, Hti.liml,cr ami nuroiaLor, iiAKimr u. a, la nn nrriin Heatitar Um r'oiin ..Flank Diiv cy Haitlvcr nrr. uuitNi' tUjror, .,., Ilctorilcr,., Cam Mntl (mlK'til .1 IV Ifno.lrill lrcaaur.or J.o WeUoiimJr '"""li M. P. WlllUina rw. . iirown (Niuiicllinuni 1a. O. Wukome Jiiotluint.orlliiH tAHBwaln MccIidki ol tin (,'ounrlt I'Hiry Hvcuml ami Fourth WeilriMttar. MAGAZINE READERS 8UNBKT MA0A21N1: beautifully tlmilit),iooililori f, - and articlri alwut Cawumia anil v 'O" all ilia Far Wot. V CAMERA CRAFT jaretad tach montli to tha i. Iiitie lepnxluclion of tha licit 3)1,00 woikol amateur and proftiuoaal , (U hotograplieri. SOAD CF A TUODSAnn WONDERS a book vf 7$ 'l!i cobUinlni 120 colored ptiotogitpln of Cq yjc picluriqua ipoU U Califoraia '' asdOitgoa. ToUl , , . C3.25 All for . . . $1.50 AdJrcii all ordcri lo SUNSET MAGAZINE Flood Bu3dw( Sin FrtncUco The Times-Herald is oflcriitff iiwhI attractive Clubbing Rates to its Hubacrihers at preacnt THE TIMES-HERALD One year with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2-50 S. P. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE lo every paid In advance Subscriber Get one or more of these pood papers In connec tion with The Times-Herald for the lonff win ter evening. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING The Tlmr.ltcrn!i! U Prepared to tin tho Vm Ileal uml Mont SatUfnclorv Work In tills line. Wu lime nil llic LATEST TYPE FACES and a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY MMMmL WtmtiXMm ilirjv'fSSSJth' MAHKIUN & hlUMfcK Win WRr UUHNB, UMtOON ".'..' - ... . w.AX ... jrrJ-Wi !&m& L:2f(m.E nRxi, JEHtfi3& rtjr VMS" J- rr wf&& v r wm iJ9rtV,r L. EWIS sr IfjPjnIEn ... R presents the.... Home Instirnncv Co., of New Yo'k, UvepMil, London & Globe, r2i- Aou..i.mir OW'lvB WITH IIKHIS & I1UHIS. u ". "rR. Corner South .( Lunabuig & Dalian's. il Wtfte W& Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating from Austin via Prairie City, John Day, Cain on City to Burns, Ortpu t clnjs from linker City to Hum, Oic'i. Four and six horse stock nnd covered coaches the entire distance Railroad to Burns 105 miles For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. ' Cannon. Citsr, Oxogroaa. THE BURNS HO STEPHENS & Ritusonnblc Rates, (lood Rooms, Courteous Trentn ?nt. Special Accommodations for the Traveling Men. F1K8T GLASS IN 'EVERY PAIlTICULAtt Vorjf Patttonage Solicited. WyKlaKZnHiVaaaaaaV iaVL?T(91aaflaatf9VlalBalBUaflaaaaaaaaaaH Has all the qualities of high priced machines Rapid, Universal ken board, Simple, Cheap Chicago Writing Machine Co, 131-133 WnlmMi Ac, CliL-n, III. TIMES-HERALI m bl ( " iiiW JWIil I1 U! UOIJP- flit I i,a WIMnviMl Xlll'J I I Xl UtJiV f'T. -- '? "i-li... fiv:jiw i!pan(1 lf Qi- C.n Pllilndelillllll fl5WS636XWKBI L DIBBLE, Propt. Clean Meals, Comfortable The Best MOblSRATE PRICED iiiuii in i jimav On tho Market Modern, Convenient J)nrabU Job Printing, ll l'llOFIiBSlONAl- CAIIDB Wm. MILLEE, A'H'OUNICY ATI, AW Hum, Oroit Office flrttiluor unit of Mruik C3 A. &EMBQLD Altornt)-l-Iw, BdrTw, Offegon Uium. II. Ifoiianl. ATTMINh A1-I.AW. 'Jaruflil n(tntion ui.oii ( (oll. c-, io;,i2 lion uml lnl 11hIhu ni(tllri, I'lri liiKiiriim p iIitv I'liblH' j UliliN" Ohmhon fUCO H. HIZICMOrtIC ATlollNKV. HtiitN, . . . Omiciiom I'iiIIm i.jtii, IjiiiiI IhihIiikii mid ltl Kftolf tiiador .roni ilv ntlon.M to CHiiiyiE1 w. eiibis v LArWfcR nurni, - - Oregon i I'wUeo lu the Hutw Cort and Lh far Ilia 1! M, UnU OOlro. U. (XL OHARV I'lOM inn iiinl r- tTi'mt Iitirn, - urigiin t'i'llif in ui-M buil mix muni, of Wi-ltoriK li.iriirini yhi.p, Mam Ht. Ttiont- Min8. Pliy clan and Sufflwn nils nerOil : iglit-vr (U) 'I'houo lUrrimau ' Hor'i'lman, Ofeflon MKbPfc & tiHIFHTit t'liitlnii(i Hint Hnrgounn i. K. HIBSARD "T"' ,pJ51'' "TTT f"'P T CSt rTi Ham, Ortffon. v . c. k vvN, 3D B 1ST CC X S "HT . Hi mm, ii..ii i .,.- a... iW IWIM W I"'1' "W rP4l WKV4, 8t UIILIi HAKHISt LUlx.l. Nl ', 1 vl u l .w(ei 4u) ami ftnirih n.. lw r aauulll at t , .r,i. , X Hi, lii-io lliruu Tirii.l. MH-rrtari N. i. HI U1ri.t)Ui Vii ' M Jl SIMUikim aiann.'t i-int feliinla. limn m..mti fa ui M.itmnJiraJ H M A ' Wibi-, (Hirultti) INUHOfOUuKNO 7u K i.l I'. Mt.r Thuralar .tculuclii Ihu bru H' II M Iturtou, f I V ii,..,. . h it i v t Mlitai K" i ) IUKNKV VAI I.KV i AJIf Su , W. vt tt aluria vviTy Aral and mciii,1 HMtM. W MiTi7(ioin W A riuwau. lrk lll'BXB I'HM'IKR S ' t, t k. l.uH aVMlr hhiiI an.l V,nll Momlao i llaamil. Hall tlu ..turiita. H M tavrir hhiiI an. aamil. Hall kit Anni)tM HtM.Ktarr YtUHtK.1ll WurttRK,, ,i I Men, -rvcj Ui uidU Wl .) I flo llt..i .MIC. i I nc BCi , V rULKClKt l,K Nu. 114, U ut U. Me4avry luiirlli Tu.lar. tiaiut Uorum. O 51 HtMar UiMHlmtw, iTwk JOHW RCBlgON E?iarr,h Slock Inspector. Ilarnev Conniv. ' ' " lll)t)HvA.UInlM I tirti", t)n jf HAHTED-A RIDER umip 1 trm mihivI "nam p hi, , ' ( 11. w... yU U'rittj., AJif, MVHl'utnfti ft,. .1 vim ,iil in i'n.1 m aliiin TIN lA . Ml. I TI put H I.l nry IH, yoa Mudi , kp tha tiKH J1W1 ll oaiU i. FA0T68Y PRICES ? ftntm 1 nvti )-pur b.o v 1 is ,j j at -t tit. uiiul iu 1 d t f u I rmtr v t 1 vou win oe ASTOr ..r;a wh -r , Hull iv uilur li 11H1 , , I.'C'lt IJ lit ! MM, , , ' k Oi, 1 l ' h 11 all' l til' l) I s, a iiihih 1 I l.n , 1 1 I lf 1 6.1 lu vwst;. mu. vntw s&mhQ mw-xmm c .-a aaiA.i. 1 natural it ,$m-rmmwKr-' an " ' f"H K Ulvltl IV4l 1) .v Wt 4i . uuaoiHrv it t ( u Ji I )i t IMir All orricrMahimwa ur aL.v ( j. rovai wi tlo ow l'vlici.t unit. t Imvt o tU u u miU itMHHJUl 1 1 , Iki an ui I 1 J I V Hi WITH OUUMl a 1 A .ivval ti ito ow )'ylici.t unit. t Imvt- nidnt m lj' I ' ' I' I !' l i l m ii 1 ia m " 1 " ,.h 1 h 1' 1 ' ' ! U. 1,1 l 4 IM tin, 4 u tk in I l I I 'ilUu 1 1 I ul it 1. . u t inal v.4oi ii 1 iu id t .-ui Ncuii Two vt!t.;v 1 ,"r V" V ' ' ; '"" IM lilulirl )l 11 111 I 1 1 I . itr!'n(.i t.a n-M.ll iiii.1...ii,II.Iii U, Hi .itaij it I uii 1 EM MttT HtfttY l"u'1'-1; tll loita IIOMlt.i fii, ni9i infin i,u r u, fnM,anN,,1B,imj Uflct.. i ii lUaHilj, iliil, uwlar imullikaiu.i,iMU), - L8BEftB CYCLE COMPflHY, ii Sumpter RaiW ITfMft TAIIM. IIIM Wml II Mini Nn lid"- . P'W I.v I &-85 " 0:5H ' 10:01 " i 10 07 " M IO.J7 " st.,.1 1 ,10 -42 ' " ri i mj "1 ' 'I M1 I' H'f lii W I" ftft " 1 1 10 " II l " 11 10 " NOON 12i00 " I M 18;M ' U"W -1 10 Ar Stop ' .1 i I 111 l;il;--l i. ,i ititiri ' I (ii.f I ii, ( ft Writ, ri n . triiui or T.t i nn J.r fi w II I id )IIUNTii:iJt i i 8 $1500 E Th Ma "i ' I A Will" ! in '1llWl In II nlMiil t t bcroutiiii i , l.orw.", i i i , teiiilrf' qutflr eni'Of' i lllVMtllll ;" --."!. ' ium v Scientific m teUttm iif m r h WJ .ion n n! i IsVll 1 i i F.tlC .tal cialty. Whrn mj tiny loss of tin by no bail i t Char Oolic, (. A w It never f famous tbo cts fit J :$Vh 1 tU) 1 iht fif i.ll i. ., A ' Idral iilumli f n ( - i i I Tr till hi. I