'imes-fferald. MtOKST CIRCULATION OK PArKH IN THI8 COUNTY. IaY. OCTOMKHH. IW. )cal News. IHs eyes P. 0. block. iivia was in uio euy Jlnypool is over from Mnlhcur county. E. Urinkwatcr lias fine display of fall millinery. U. Irwin arrived home i'ovciiiiiK from a two kit to outside points. Indies gold bar broach frith "Lil." also a hoop Return to this ollico tnbly rewarded. (talker was over from hursday to have his i set. He got it bro- lixup with a horse. ready to receive music first of next week, 009, at the Frank Har- Benco in the west end. Rkhccca Biggs. Dt Stil s, ol f ortUinti, inula" Matron of tlu 0. ' guest at the home of Mrs. V. L. Maihden. Ksit the local lodge ofli- cvening. oung is oacK irom ms lo muuiic states, land at farming back decided that Harney a better place, Ihere- Ck to slay. on was tcnuireu tne packers by the local iut Wednesday evening lie nail, ine evening It pleasantly spent. snls were served. 2D- I. nine to my place tone nine spotted cow and 2-ring haltor. By nave ner oy iiaymg jtice and the pasture F. Cuowi,i:y, Lawen, Oregon. Bep, a prominent; duki- of Everett, Wash., is ir late arrivals. Mr. sets to invest in this I'd is also looking over ry to report to a large friends. Bwsey Mercantile uo., Hash Store, has moved old stnnd to the Odd lilding in Drewsey. A tin price on all lines on 6f making room. Call ices before purchasing rular services will be Presbyterian church )ct. 17, both morning ig. The morning ser- je given to reports from fof the Presbytery and Subject for the evening The Exceeding Sin- Sin." STRENGTH SECURITY SERVICE "Tllfi FIRST NATIONAL HANK" Hunts, Oregon Capital, $25,000.00 Surplus, $30,000.00 ACCOUNTS INVITED Schonk Bros., Merchant Tail ors, Burns, Oregon. Joel Sturtevant has roturncd to his home in Portland. New fall and winter millinery at Mrs. S. E. Urinkwater's. HnnN-This morniiiK to Mr nmlN E. C. Eggle3ton, A. Darron Mrs Piatt T. Randall, a son. and Fred Barron were in the city Fine line of watches, chains, Thursday, etc., at Salisbury's P. O. block. Prompt delivery of all orders . ,r i i,.Vi)honed tho Cash Grocery & u arenco luunn mmui uuu.u Wednesday from a visit to Call- tlt tl,u I,wnch IIotd- All work guaranteed Salis dury's. Port Hamilton wns over from Nick Silver Creek this week. See the late creations in mill- . . l-V . t. . .- 1 I . inery at Mrs. urinuwaior a. K" Try n moal nt tho Home Hotel. For Bhcoplinetl coats see Luna- burg and Dnlton. Farmers in this vicinity aro taking ndvnntngo of tho fine weather to got in their crops. IP YOU AUK UOINUTO TKAVIX, Uio (ho Ilnrnoy County Nntlnnnl Ilnnk TKAVKLLGK'S CIIKQUKH Tlicy nro nclMilcnllfylnK. Emery Hill wns over from his homo nenr Juniper Mountain this week looking nfter somo busi ness. Dr. Mnrsden was called to Lawen Tuesday to seo Herman Ruh who was suffering from lumbago. Miss Joico Miller, a nieco of C. T. Miller, arrived hero last Sat urday from Union county. She will mnko her homo with the Miller children in this city. P. C. Peterson arrived home this week from an extended visit to outsido points. Among other places ho visited tho Soattlo fair. Mr. Peterson snys everybody coming to Hnrnoy county. is llouso keeper wnntok. Fred HnincH. E. 11 Hill In mi from lilti lnn N holdings iii the southern part of the county. C. A. Bedell expects to leave Monday for Prineville to tako in tho fair and rnco moot. Foil Samo-200 cords of pine wood at $1.75 per cord. Slab wood $1.25 a load nt the Harnov Saw Mill, L. R. Bunynrd. Prof. D. W. Yoder of tho high school has been enjoying a visit with his nephew, II. A. Yoder, who arrived hero from Nebraska last week. Just arrived: A complete line of Roofing, Sheathing, water proof Sheathing and Stringed Felt. Harney Co. Imp. & Hdwe. Co. It seems from a circular re ceived from the stnto lnnd agent that the prico of baso for indem nity selections for state lnnd has been raised from $8.75 to $10 per acre, fornia. ai VjOie aim iiimiiy wort! ovur from their Warm Springs homo .. .. j.I.1wi.3 i.tMiiril rmrl V1UI jm v...,v.v.o v......... . . fj,,,,,). ied at Schenk Pros., at rea- "" l" .- W. T. VanderVeer and wife are in from tho Pine Creek ranch prease sinable prices. r...... :i.....t f llw. v i. s Co. is home from a trip to Port- t!li weck l lu-'dta of frioni,s land where he went to look after Exchange your Trading Stamps some business beforo the federal for premiums, now ready for colirt. distribution at N. Brown & Judge Davis left Wednesday Sons for Canyon accompanied by Fred "Williams left tho first of Judge Webster of Portland. The the week for Portland where ho latter will make an address at will resume his studios for the the John Day fair on good roads, winter. Mrs. Lelah Williams-Miller is R. J, McKinnon and wifo nr horo from Portland with a fine rived homo last week from a vis- up to date line of fall and winter it to their son over in linker millinery. They are on display county. in her own building up stairs- Ti10 conip0to line of Hamilton entrance at side door next lo n,.ow8 "Honest Value" Shoes French hotel. for Infants, Roys, Girls, Men Wilbur Hopkins of Rurns and and Women at N. Brown & sons. E. Hopkins of Dayton, Washing- jonn McMullen is home from a ton, two brothers, met hero by v;s;t to m,tsi,i0 points. While accident this morning, both hav- HbScnt ho took in tho fair and ing been called to this city on ag0 Sj)t.nt some time in Portlnnd. business. -Pendleton East Ore- .. ... - uuMw-ss. -" vi DtiWa Day Freeman, profes- Kiuan- sional nurse. Parties desiring Diku --Yesterday at tho Bun- her services may find her at tho yard sawmill, the infant son of home of Thomas Sagors, Burns. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Drinkwatcr. nm, Mrs g R Ty,Qr Uio little one nau ucun miiiuiiiik , Ti1I1PWinv i1P:n,rni, nno of : 11. .1. Hansen of tho Burns Foil SALK-Four room house Meat Market is prepared to fur- with pantry; stnblo for six hora-jnjflb bacon, hams and lard lo cs, chicken house, Inrgo wood-1 aheepmen and ranchers in nny shed nnd other out buildings, quantity. Specinl prices for big good well nnd pump, threo lots, orders. Inquire nt this office. ... .. ... . , . Wnltcr Sulhvnn arrived home Supt, Hamilton informs us he Wednesday from a vncation trip has not yet made tho regular to outside points. We undcr- October apportionment of school 8tana Mr. Sullivan will go to money for this county owing to Narrows where ho has a posi- tho non-nrrival of tho state mu Blue prints of nny township in Willinms Bros, saw mill at UurnB Land District, showing Cold Spring on the Canyon road anio of entrymnn, date nnd kind is prepared to do custom work 0f entry, topography, etc., $1.00 for those desiring to take ml- Cach. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, vantage of their government per- Ore. itlil AIca lilmlint fnl unl.t nf CIO per' thousand. See them about C. W. Bonhnm. four miles custom prices wcst of John Dny and R- Danl)y- , two miles west of John Day both C. C. Lundy came in from hilve flno fnlit of a kindg at rortinnu tie nrst ot tins weeic. thiH 8onson at $1 pcr 8ack of two no nas iiiuy regaineu nis neaun boxC3 for ap,,CHt 14 to 2 cents and has again assumed his duties per lb. for fall and winter pears as field man for the Road Com- ,iuriKr picking season atorchard. pany. Mr. Lundy will remnin in Como an( Beo us ami bring your this section for an indefinite time u atui boxes. Winter fruit mnking trips to Ontario and other ,.0JUiv ,,1,011 1 Oct. 15. Address points along the grant during c y. Bonhnm nt Canyon City, good weather. k. Dnnby. John Day. Job printing - The Timns-HeraM Bread for sale at the Home Hotel. Foil SAi.tJ-.120 acres of liny land. Inquire nl this office. Schenk Bros, have a full line of fall and winter clothing in stock. Stutlebuker Wngonn, the "De pendent" kind lor sale at N. Brown & Sons. FokSauj- Do you want a nice homo? 100 acre ranch .1 miles from Harney on Rattlesnake Creek. First water right, run ning waler the year around, small bearing orchard, 40 acres in cultivation, fine range for cat tle horses or sheep. For further particulars call or address Roland Hankins, Harney, Ore. Ilnrry C. Smith and Deputy Sheriff Terrill left Thursday morning for Salem tnking Chas. Barker to tne penitentiary. Their wives went out on the Canyon stage the same morning accompanied by Billy and Violet Terrill nnd Harry Smith Jr. They will spend somo time visit ing Portland and other points. Tho partnership heretofore existing under the name of Keyes and VanderVeer has been dis solved by mutual consent and is now being wound up. Notice is therefore given that the under signed will in no way be respon sible for nny debts hereafter contracted for or in behalf of said firm. Dated Oct. -1. 1900. S. C. Keyes. r i't tost a cent to get ... m .... comnlaint. The of your local dealer on fl111,...i ,.,:i 1,0 hold this after- wing machines, linole- , iinriiev. ts, etc., and itmighT tians of saving you a Cottrill & Clemens nav.opni in sum of money when a first clnss saw mill 14 miles hnif1f.s ho. is nlwavs west of Cold Springs is near the can make good his valley with good roati. in 111 su wi,ero they will spend several G. W. Clevengcr can class timber-picked trees from tjay8 trices on these articles, the government, rrepureu w u He also has roofiing custom worK. &ee mem auoui ids of building paper, your govcrnmeni pcrm.i ui om.. their little children for medical treatmont. The child is improving. Mrs. A. O. Faulkner went out with her husband the first of the weak to the surveying camps Geo. Ward, who has but re cently recovered from an nttnek of typhoid, went to Crane Creek Wednesday to spend a couple of weeks. Harry and Martin Buck, are homo from their vncation trip to Portland nnd other points. They did not remain away as they nt first contemplated. Dal ton Biggs nnd wifo leave for their Ontario homo tomorrow after a couple of weeks visit hero 1i 1 1 i-k.a ?s skirts, waists, unacrwear, " w,cvmo.ua,lon,?,KC1 aner ins practice in uio circuit :kwear. etc., will be sold at 1GAINS! BARGAINS!! kY DAY A BAKGAIN DAY! Counter a Bargain Counter! greatly reduced prices. tl Bargains in mens summer hats and vests. A full stock of staple and fancy Groceries for every body. Orders promptly filled SCHWARTZ. ie Busy Corner Store" PFUXTJS!, 03Ft3E!C3rOaXr- court. Paints, Oils, Doors and Wind ows, in fact everything for the fanner or builder. Give us a call and we will bo glad to give you prices. Myers Pumps and Star Windmills. Harney Co. Imp. tCr Hdwe. Co. S. S. Lnudis of Baker City is here in the interest of tho Sump tor Valley Railway soliciting freight business from our mer chants. Mr. Landis oilers good inducements and when the S. V. reaches Prairie we will bo but about 85 miles from the road. His lino can compete with other roads and if lie makes good on promises tho rate will oven bo cheaper than by shipping as heretofore. Tho matter of im proving tho wagon road on Can yon Creek and tho grado up tho mountain this side has nlrcndy been taken up and tho railroad peoplo will nasist in making It better and posslblo for freighting nt all times of tho year. DID YOU KNOW X That two flows of natural gas under an enormous pressure have been developed in Harney Valley? Did You Know that tho visible indications point to Harney Valley as being underlaid with one of the great est deposits of light gravity oil in tho world? Do You Know what that means to Central Oregon? It means railroads and the development of all the re sources of this great inland empire. Do You Want lo share in the enormous profits that await those who first tap this immense pool of oil? The Ilarnvu Vallvu Oil & Gnu Co. offer you this opportunity. With stock selling at 5 cents per share (par value $1.00) it is an opportunity unparalleled in tho history of oil development. Wo will gladly answer any and all correspondence. Address Vallcu Oil & Gnn Co., Hums, Oregon. Jlarncu J Go to the home Hotel for a good meal. Seed ryo for sale Nick Eich ner, Harney, Oregon. Earl Elliott is confined to his P. O. Salisbury fixes watches block. Wheie would you find nicer fnll weather? W. F. Simpson is back homo threatened with fever. Plums, cabbage, potatoes and watermelons at Carter & Thompson's. Mrs. J. P. Dickenson was quite ho from went typhoid Jerome, Idaho, where early in tho spring. Mrs. Win. Fnrro and daughter Cathrinc camo from Canyon City Sunday. J. F. Mnhon has been attend NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned severed his connec tions with the Drewsey Mercan tile Co. on Dec. 22, 1907. All bills nro payable to the Drewsey Mercantile Co. and the company settles indebtedness contracted by it. A. I. Johnson. Nulnher .7.9. A Bank' 8 Surplus--What is it This bank pays its stockholders cach year dividends thnt are consistent with n safe, well mnnnged business. The money earned on our capital, above tho dividends paid to shareholders, is put back into tho business. We have now a surplus of $8,000.00 every cent of which has been earned, and which with our capital represents $34,000.00 of actual working capital. A growing surplus means a prosperous busi ness; it also gives to depositors increasing safety for funds ench year. Become n customer of the bank with ample capital and n growing surplus; this kind of a bank meets the demands of its customers in a satisfac tory manner. A Savings Bank Department is a feature of this Bank, in which interest at the rate of four per cent per annum is allowed. The Harney County National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON. YOUR HOME INSTITUTION STATE DEPOSITARY NOTICE. All parties owing Lewis & Gar rett, or Simon Lewis are hcroby notified that all these accounts are in the hands of our attorney C. II. Leonard for collection and settlement. Persons indebted to us will please settle the same with Mr. Leonard at once. Simon Lkwis J. T. Gaukmt. Tor Chapped IlinJ. Chapped skin whether on the hands or face may be cured in one night by applying Chamber Iain's Salve. It is also uncqualed for sore nipples, burns and scalds. For sale by all good dealers. The MILLER RGAL1YSINYEST31ENT CO. Office with Win. Miller, llarns, Or. Deeded lands bought and sold on Commission. Insurance, Life, Accident, Fire. MONEY TO LOAN. List jour lauds wiili us. 1KVINQ MILLER, Manager. little homo ill this week suffering from heart t ing to business in our city this trouble. 'week, leaving for homo yester- D. A. Cawlfield has nccepted n (lny position in the Fred Unities store ' Hon. C. W. Pnrrish camo over in this city. from his Izco homo last Sunday A. J. Johnson nnd wife took l 8"fc,.uI j1 f.Aa with ol(1 their departure Tuesday for their timo fnom,s m th,s c,ty' home at Corvallis. ' Reatos for sale, all sizes and R. II. Brown and Dick Smith ! 1Acnths' Prico 20 centa per foot . .. . 1 Anv one desirinir Reatos address wcro among our visitors irom'.., , n 11,1 ah Diamond during tho week. . , " " ol - " V' niuKinuii, vsii-Kuii. Several of tho high school pu pils from a distance took advan tage of tho vacation caused by A. M. Kelsay, tho Silver creek , the institute this week and went rancher and Btockman, was a ito their various homes for a short business visitor during tho week, visit. Foil Sai.k-A five room cot- Mr. Verling of tho Fort Bid tage, four lots all fenced with well Indian schools wns hero two good wells, n windmill nnd 'tho first of tho week to take other improvements. No rock. !lmek lhn Pinto school children. G. Hudspeth, Burns, Oregon. Thoro was a largo congregation Frnnk Fister was over from I of tho tribe in front of Dr. Mars- Crane creek tho first of this week don's on Monday afternoon when making proof on his desert. W. tho Doctor addressed them in II. Cecil was one of his witnesses ' their own language. Capt. Louio W. Y. King is building a nent cottage on the S. Lnmpsliiro & Son lower place cast of town. and Mrs. Cecil camo along to I visit frionds. C. E. Beery nrrived homo Inst week from tho Trout Creek sec tion in tho southern part of the county whero ho had been doing tho engineering work on a big irrigation project. Mrs, J. D. Daly camo over with John from Boiso last weok and spent several days hero vis iting relatives and frionds. They went to Drewsey Tuesday and Mrs, Daly will spond a month or more with her mother, Mrs. Robertson, boforo roturning home. also mado an address. There were 18 pupils to go to school this year from this place, several of them being now ones. Manager Woldenborg of tho Blue Mt. Rapid Transit Lino wns boforo tho Commercial Club Tues day evening relntivo to tho Into nrrivnl of our mail of which com print was mado to tho Depart ment last week. Mr. Woldcn berg insists ho is not responsible for tho delay and tho club there fore has naked tho proper au thorities to investigate. Tho Club does not wish to causo Mr. Woldonberg any troublo when ho is not to blame. The Eastern Oregon Engineering: Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Main Office, Burns, Oregon A O. rU'MCNKII, MKr Branch Office, Lakcview, Oregon C M. FAl'I.KNKK, Mr "The best Range brains and experience have ever produced." U QUICK MEAL" STEEL RANGES jam ffpiiiir 1 1 iT ' f ' - il THE ANDERSON HOTEL MR. and AIRS. CHAS. ANDERSON, Propts. We are pleased to announce to our old-time friends and customers that we have again taken charge of our hotel. We just completed renovating the en tire building and you will find the old-time home comforts when you call. We hope to see you soon. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive 5 pedal Attention and Good Service. SOUTH BURNS, OREGON-Near Fair Grounds. s-A r -v-- NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Fresh Groceries, etc. For Fall and Winter Trade 1 l $ JOE THOMPSON I t IN Till: I'OST OFFICl-IULOCK Candy, Nuls, Stationery, Cigars, and Tobacco ICC CREAM PARLORS and SODA WATER School Tablets, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Etc. SMOKRRS APR PARTICULARLY INVITPH Nice Assortment of Pipcs--Ncw Novelties lomlng. ". If its in Leather We have it or can get it for You As much difference in leath er as in people. We use only the best in our work Hadn't you better look at your old Harness? You've had it a long time. "Better be sure than sorry." J, C. WELCOME & SON bTOjijlJt 4A. KW Nsfir THEY ARE DBTTEB BECAUSE: Thoy aro built on sclimtltlo lirlnclplo I nnd tlio material usod la bo distributed 1 us to do Uio most uoort. I Thoy nro Juab liouvy onongli to bo good, durablo and liuitin. , Tho Htronuthonod pnrH aro uonu whorO Uio moat wear la. Tho walls aro Abostou llnod. Thoy aro mado of Htool, ro iiBonuoiiUy thoy aro Btrong ad cannot cniuk. HARNEY COUNTY IMPLEMENT & HARDWARE COMPANY HARDWARE, CROCKERY TINWARE Burns, Oregon DFSLDESID FRONT LIVERY, FEED AND SALE QTAJOXjaE, J. W. OWEN, Propts. A X. .A J T7 a. 1 l. ,.,4-,t ,SJJi "?9d!rssri nnebiiiecui,cmcuuucy mSttttsssss. Particular attention given To Funerals Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers. Particular attention given to Transcient Trade Horses bonnlcd by the day, week or month WILSON, Blacksmitliiug and Horseshoing. Wagon Work ALLWORKCUAR ANTEED. Burns, Oregon, I jfLlAQ mMwmmA Main St., THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing.