iM&KtXM&i:: M j&WS:&t!l&k!Z.-' TJaBR aSffl3Mfc Jk. attattMiMMimMHi iiiikiwh mummmmtm MWMaMMMi ffv Clma-3lernf& The Official Pnpcr of IInrmy County Iim Iho largwt cltculntlon nml laono 0( the beat fulvorttaliiR im(Huuii In I'nstcrn Ore (ton. (ic ttrent Itnmeg'.Comtlry Covers an nrcit o( 0,428,800 ncirt ol Inml, 4,0.11,051 ocrcM yet vacant mijoct to entry tinilor tliu public land Innd of Iho United Blatc-i. )L. XXII BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 10, U09 NO. 48 .IW I She wmt&Wtf&lb. I " i "- ,-- . r " .- FIRE DESTROYS HA Y Jrass in Meadow is Ignited and Conflagration Threatened ERTY LOSS IS ABOUT $1000 ay and winter rnsturc ihrcntcncu Willi Destruction Fire is Stopped Willi Little LossAlany Go Prom ms to Mcipbtarts in one of . L. b. Company Nclus. "y5fT got started Tuesday in I settling up of vacant lands and rass on what is known i tho certninity of milroad trans portation in tho near future has causqd tho people of Burns to inako extensivo improvements in order to keen apace with the de velopment of tho country. Elma A. Jonea vs. II. E. Felton Foreclosure. Settled and dis missed. LAW. A. J. Skein vs. J. P. Dickenson Recovory of money. Sot for trial April term. II. B. Symo ot nl vs. H. M. Horton Rocovory of money. Sot for trial April term. E. J. Tracoy vs. A. F. B. George Appeal from Justice court. Sot for trial April term. Grant Thompson vs. E. E. McCay Attachment. ' Sottled and dismissed. J. II. Jenkins vs. Pat Conley Damages. Sot for trial April term. ...... ,'.., HILL TO RUSH THE LINE fecks field belonging to S. Co. and for a time 3 of dollars worth of was threatened with ion. I Bower, who is in the iof Wm. Hanley, was the time the firo started, per states that there was ; work fixing the fence the Weeks field and soon man left he saw tho Bower started fighting and was soon joined rs. The tire got under idwny that it jumped the to the east side. With ficulty the Hanley hay saved with but little the flames quickly Ivor the Hanley field on of the river and covered scope before it was under control. It de- large amount of pas about $1000 worth of Mr. Hanley, but fortu- other hay was burned, the P. L. S. Co. had tons stacked near by. inciters had enormous hay in the neighbor had the fire got a start Boss would have been the not only the value of kvould bo considered, but toss of stock on WILL REMODEL DANK. The directors of tho First Na tional Bank held a quarterly meeting on last Monday. The entiro board was present and iho affairs of the institution were gone over thoroughly. The busi ness of the bank is in a most prosperous and satisfactory con dition and the board decided to mako some extensive improve ments next season. The entire front of tho building will bo torn out and rebuilt with stone, tho north side also being remodeled and fitted up with large plate glass windows and the building will be extended back possibly tho entire lot. Iho interior will be htteu up complete with new fixtures and decorations, the wood floor torn out and tiling take its place. This will make tho building modern in every respect, besides giving more room, which is necessitated on account of the growing business. In all likelihood the local Ma- account 'sonic lodge will erect a fine two- itcr forage being left the damage is nominal sired to what it might re number ot our people kvent out and assisted in the flames. Ection has been singular- Sate in respect to prairie here has always been less danger from fires of ture, especially at this pear when there has been le rain and the river at a stage. It seems, how it our ranchers cut over idows in such a manner Ben the danger of a gon- lagration by leaving such lis desired for fall pas- itically isolated that is inly short stubble sur- it. 1 story building on the corner just across the street from the bank next season which will bo the forerunner of several other sub stantial business buildings. Geo. Young will also put up a stone structure. Lunaburg & Dalton will build a large stone storo ad joining the Odd Fellow building just being completed. I PROPERTY CIIANQES HANDS the local real estate ring the week were some property. T. Hill has purchased Rence property of Airs. Horton in east Burns, io former has been living time. Harlan has purchased tS. L. Bowen residence row of the hill in the , part of town at the top ftgon road grade. J. L. rchased the H. E. Fel- kneo property in Brown's ind at once transferred Faulkner, the civil Mr. Faulkner will at te some improvements roperty where ho and ill make their home. )wn who now occupies knee will build u new , 'pts in Brown's ad- iianges, together with improvements now and contemplated, ldenco in tho future i city and will make Brenco in the appear- rns. uur little city is a most satisfactory other improvements illy follow. Among i a magnificent pub- building in tho near iio doubt a now PreB- jrch. Tho two latter and next season will nth started at least incompleted. kg of now people, tho CIRCUIT COURT. Circuit court took n recess Mon day night until March 28 when it will reconvene, the present grand jury will also be called together at that time to finish such work as may come before it. The following business was transacted by tno court since the published report Saturday. CRIMINAL. State vs. Charley Barker For gery. Pleads guilty and sen tenced to two years in tho peni tentiary. State vs. W. M. Byrd Larceny of horses. Sot for trial second day of April term and bond in creased to $750 or $500 if cash bail. State ,vs. Elvin Marshall- Assault with a dangerous weapon. Not a true bill. State vs. Wm. Tureman Lar ceny of a colt. Not a truo bill. State vs. Iko Trough Lewd Cohobitation. Not a true bill. State vs. Wm. Smith Larceny from a barn. Not a truo bill. State vs. Carl F. Doeriman Larceny. No appearance. Bench warrant issued. State vb. Lee Carponter Two indictments on statutory crime. Set for trial April term. State vs. Stove and Vernie Kern Larceny from a dwelling. Both plead guilty and sentenced to ono year each in penitentiary. Patrolcd. EQUITY. " Gussio Smith v. Harry Smith Divorce. Continued for term. W. T. VandorVeer vs. S. C. Koyes Accounting. Referred to ofilcial reporter. Sophia Burkhardt yd. C. B. Ausmus Injunction. Referred to official reporter. J. M. Farrcns vs. Mary J. Farrens Divorce. Decreo for plaintiff. Orah Baker vs. Alfred B. Bak er Divorce Decreo for plaintiff. flRAND JURY REPORT. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stoto of Oregon for Harney County. In the matter of tho Final Re port of tho Grand Jury for the October, 1909 term of tho nbovo entitled Court To tho Hon. Geo. E. Davis Judge of tho nbovo named Court Wo tho Grand Jury for tho October term of tho nbovo nam ed court herewith submit this our final report and ask to bo discharged for tho term: Wo have been in session for a period of six days, during which time wo havo examined into all matters brought to our attention or of which wo or any of u have had any knowledgo and have re turned into this court, 16 truo bills of indictment and 4 not true bills of indictment Having completed our labors wo ask to bo discharged for tho term. Geo. Gates I. L. Paujado Geo. Craddock A. J. Johnson J. M. McMullen Starr Buckland Brad Moss J. F. Stevens Reports Oregon Ti-unk Will be Expedited RETURNS FROM 'HIS TRIP EAST Four Thousand Men Will be Employed and llic Road Will bo Extended SO Allies South of Madras, Declares Engineer Would not Talk Further of Railroad Plans When Pressed. j-. MORE PREMIUM WINNERS. Tho Times-Herald gave a par tial list of premium winners at tho county fair last week, but hadn't sufficient space to com plete them. Following are more of them: NEEDLEWORK, AIIT, FANCY. Mrs. .1. T, uarnes, llrst on homowoven bedspread, second on quilts. Mrs. Skeins, first on drawn work skirt Mrs. M. E. Witherspoon first on quilt Mrs. Buttski, first and second on embroidcried waists, first on crosstiteh and second on braiding. Mrs. John Back, first on doiloy, first on table cover, second on hardanger, first on lounge cover. Mrs. Chris Lackman, second on doily. Mrs. Frank Cole, first on em broidered center piece, second on baby's hood, battenburg, first on battenburg collar, second on an embroidcried lunch cloth, second on crochet apron, first on hem stitch underskirt Mrs. Thos. Bain first on quilt. Mrs. E. N. Nelson first on cro chet doily. Miss Mary Caldwell, second on French and ovelet embroideried waist, second on French and eye let doily. Mrs. Frank Cole, first on silk bed set, first on feather quilt Mrs. Thos. Sagers, first on embroidered center piece, first on embroidered cushion. Miss Fanny Kestcrson, first on crosstiteh sofa cushion. Miss Jenot Gowan, second on crosstiteh sofa cushion. Mrs. A. W. Gowan, first on tatting, first and second oii dis play of drawnwork. Mrs, Leo Caldwell, first and second on burnt work. Mrs. A. W. Gowan, first on knitted laco. Mrsni. N. Nelson, first on crosstiteh apron. Mrs. Julian Byrd, first dn em broidered lunch cloth, first on embroidcried waist, first on em broidcried center piece. Mrs. McGcc, first on painted pictures, first on painted cushion tops. Mrs. John Back, first on red stamped tablo cover. Mre. Frank Colo, second on painted sofa cushion. Mrs. Willott, first on ombroi dorcd handbag. (Continued on page two.) ' John F. Stevens, president of tho Oregon Trunk, roturncd yesterday from a thrco wcokB' visit to Chicago and Now York with tho rcnowed ossuranco that his company will immediately complete tho construction of its road into Central Oregon, says tho Orcgonian. Other than to mako this announcement, Mr. Stevens would not divulge the plans of tho Oregon Trunk as to tho likely extension of its lino in to California, with San Francisco as the ultimate terminus, or tho building of lateral lines across tho state, particularly a branch which would reach and servo long-neglected Coos Bay and surrounding territory. "I have only to say," said Mr. Stevens yesterday, "that tho Oregon Trunk will proceed with tho completion of its projected road into Central Oregon just as rapidly as tho employment of laborers and the expenditure of money will make possible. As to tho final destination of our road, I havo nothing to say. We havo started out to buna a rail road into Central Oregon and that is what we propose to do. "Wo have awarded contracts for tho construction work as far south as Madras, and camps have been organized for tho employment of 4000 laborers, who will be put io work just as rapidly as they can bo found. It is true that wo havo u number of Burveying crews in the field south of Madras. It is our purpose to build our railroad to a point in interior Oregon at least 50 miles south of Madras. It has not been decided that Bend will bo that objective point, although ono of the surveys extends to that town. Tho various surveys which havo been mado will be considered thoroughly ns to the practicability of tho routes pro posed and their feasibility with rofcrenco to possible extensions in tho future. Wo mean busi ness and the work contemplated will be pushed to an early com pletion." Saying this, Mr. Stevens switched tho conversation to n discussion of tho scries of cham pionship baseball games botween the Pittsburg and Detroit teams. It is characteristic of Mr. Stevens, who is Hill, s personal represen tative, that loquacity is not ono of his traits. Further question ing ns to the plans of tho rail road of which ho is thocxecutivo head was just as productivo of results as could bo expected from an equally persistent interroga tion of a sphynx. Any time Mr. Stevens says "I havo nothing more to Bay," ho means exactly what he says, and that is all thero is to it 0. History, U. S., one-fifth from Stato Course of Study, four fifths from Doub. 7. Orothography, Reed's Word Lessons. 8. Physical Geography, Tnrr's New Physical Geography. 9. Physiology, Krohn, Hutch inson. 10. Rending, State Course of Study, White's Art of Teaching, Oral Reading. 11. School Law, School Laws of Oregon, edition of 1909. 12. Theory and Practice, White's Art of Teaching. 13. Writing. Outlook Writing System. Tests in Writing. 14. Algebra, Wells: Algebra for Secondary Schools. 15. Bookkeeping, Office meth ods mid Practical Bookkeeping, Parti. IG. Composition, Herrick & Damon. 17. Physics, Millikan & Gale: A First Course in Physics. 18. Phychology, Buell. 19. Botany, Bergen: Ele ments of Botany. 20. Geometry, Wontwerth: Plane and Solid Geometry, ques tions on Plane Geometry. 21. History, General, Myer's: General History. August, 1910 English Litera ture: A. One-half from texts: Newcomer's English Literature, and Newcomer's American Lite rature. B. One-half from tho following classics: 1. Frank lin's Autobiography. 2. Mac bethShakespeare. 3. Ameri can Poems Edited by Long. The subjects from number 4 to 21 inclusive nro also included in tho August examination. An examination is required upon tho first thirteen subjects for a first grade County certifi cate valid for three years; upon the first eighteen subjects for n State certificate valid for five years; and upon tho twenty-ono subjects for a State diploma valid for life. Wnverly Happenings. CIRCULAR OP INFORMATION. Tho following is taken from a circular sent out by tho Stato Department of Public ItiBtruc titn giving the sources of exami nation questions for stato ,and county papers, February 9-12 and August 10-13, 1910: 1. Arithmetic, one-fifth from Stato Cour?o of Study, four-fifths from Smith. 2. Civil Government, Strong & Schafcr. 3. English Literature: Febru ary, 1910 A. One-half from texts: Nowcomer's English Lit erature, and Nowcomer's Ameri can Literature. B. One-half from tho following classice: 1. Tho Gold Bug-Poo. 2. Tho An cient Mariner Coloridgo. 3. Silas Marnor-Eliot 4. Geography, ono-fifth from Stato Courso of Study, four-fifths from Redway and Hlnman, 5. Grammar, ono-fifth from Stato Courso of Study, four-fifths from Buehlpr, gone work to at ed liis case beforo the judge so earnestly and with sucli force that when tho judge pronounced ! sentenco ho lopped $100 off tho I fine mentioned by tho district at-1 tornoy atld made tho penalty for violating the law $400 and costs I instead of $500 and costs. Gilcrcst is tho manager of tho Pacific Livestock company which has largo holdings in Central Oregon, with head quarters at Burns. Recently ho was indict ed for having maintained fences on government land which shut up some 18,000 acres of public land from the use of the people. When the indictments wcro re turned Gilcrcst pleaded guilty to ono of them, contending that on tho others he had removed the fences except such ns he was en titled to keep up. His c.i30 came up for sentence this morning. In presenting tho ease of tho government, District Attorney McCourt said that at tho time of entering tho plea it had been de cided between the plaintiff and defendant that, owing to the cir cumstances of the case, a fine without imprisonment would bo sufficient punishment Mr. Mc Court said that the fences had been taken down. Tho object of tho government was to get tho fences down. This had been dono except in a case where it was a question of civil and not of criminal remedy. He suggest ed a fine of $500 and costs, and no imprisonment. Mr. Gilcrcst, answering the question of Judge Wolverton, mado a statement of his case. He said that when the govern ment first gave notice in 1907 for the fences to be removed that ho was notified by the officials of his company to take all fences down. Ho had tried to do this, and had, with the exception of tho ono fence around what was known as Tioga meadows. mis section ot land was a desert and had not been used for the past six years, Mr. Gilcrcst Baid, while tho fence hnd been put there some 14 years ago. After the other fences had been removed tho bookkeeper at Burns had called attention to the Tiogn meadows tract and Gilcrcst had given orders to have the fence, which ho had forgotten removed at once. In the meantime, how ever, the indictment had been re turned through a report made by Special Agent Stoner. Mr. Gilcrcst contended that at no time had he any criminal in tent, but on tho other hand was trying his best to observe the law when it had been invoked against the old time custom of tho country. In passing sentence the court took tho ground that the ends of justice would bo served with a Blight punishment and the pay ment of the cost of the court pro ceedings. He therefore fixed tho fine at $400. Portland Journal. NEW FALL GOODS ARRIVING N. BROWN & SONS Boras, Oregon unsTwifn oxTiorAOTon-j- o-rcits: oxitcje 1004. Patron will receive Trading Stamps, during this safe. i:mtniiUiiMiiuiiuuiimiimttxiuxttttiuutttmtnimnmiiv.ii .:tnnmttuiut Henry Reinlmrts has Harney where ho will the carpenter's trade. Oren Thompson and his two daughters havo arrived homo from Seattle. Thoy had n very H Cure a aid. mstst Hrtin . . "",g """ JJo as carclul as you can, you Mr. Mondell arrived from Mil- will occasionally tako cold, and ton Thursday and iB now residing when you do, get a medicine of on his homestead. , known reliability, ono that has Gray Kenney visited at Burns n" established reputation and Thursday. ' "m' ,3 certam to cflcct a quick ' , , , , .. Icure. Such n medicino is Chain- Miko Hniloy is back : to ha ;borlain's Cough Remedy. It has homestead again. Hailoy bro-1 ffained n world wm0 reputation thers expect to havo thirty acres . by it8 remnrkttblo cures of this under cultivation this fall. j most common ailment, and can William Davoy went to Burns always bo depended upon. It Wednesday whero ho will make I acts on naturo's plan, reliovcn final commutation proof on his, tho lungs, aids expectoration. lint10tfonfi nnnnci ihn onrtwirmna mirl nMo ' wwt wirviiiu vttw tivwt v WW I It-) lkti4 llli3 D. A. Brukcman nnd son havo nature in restoring tho system to The Harney Vaiiey Brewing Co. Manufacturers of Family Trade Solicited Free)DeIlvery T. E. JSNKINS, Manager THE CAPITAL SALOON, BEDELL & RICHARDSON, Proprietors. Burns, - - Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. 1 .(joiijul LY MIENTIST3AS FBACTiCALLY. ?& BETTER AM , nnn i nnn imr i tt ANY STOKE Bend for iPrlco Llot A Circulars. mJkn mimmt Mjl? Ovni Rfln LHJIniFJtl Boautifu! iHf i i St Doelgna. JBlSnfc UANUMCTt'KID CY MONUMENTAL DKONZE COMPANY, JHUDO CPU.T. COS It. S. L LEWIS Will be glad lo famish PARTICULARS and PRICES To anyone deslriag INFORMATION. See bis Dandsese DESIGNS. gone to Vale after supplies. TALKS 'IJM OUT OF $100. a healthy condition. all good druggists. For sale by A pain prescription is printed John fSilprinr. mnrlnoTl of tVinl,-.. . . ... . .' . .' . n In 1 7 1 "- -irinK rain Tablets, ask your Pacific Livestock company, dis-, Doctoror DrUBglBtif this formu. proved tho old adage that silence ,a , not con ,oto , Iead , g d h1 ,h'n rf yJT,i womn'y Nl. rains anywhere pared $100 ofThis fine in the fed- got instant relief from a Pink oral court this morning. Ho ' p!n Tni,w ni,i , pn,i nm iim:::iiir..:n::msnitt:n:mnnnii::nmma:umtnntmnt:umn:::::n:!:i:mjnt The OVERLAND HOTEL f Burns, Oregon Afford the Best Accommodations ij to be had in Harney County j CltEflN ROOMS, CLEPN UNNEN, PALATABLE VICTUALS The patronage of all guests under the old management especially sylicited. jj Rates $1 a day, $6 a week, $24 a month I H -nderHon Elliott, Propt. ij mtmntntuutsnnmtstnunmummntmtmnmtmmtmtmmntmattnwii l was fined $400 and costs for hav ing maintained an illogal fence on government land, having been indicted on four counts nnd hav ing pleaded guilty to ono of those counts when brought to trial. District Attornoy McCourt had suggested to Judge Wolverton that a fino of $500 added to tho cost of tho action would bo about all that tho ends of justico would need to squaro tho account Judge Wolverton asked Gil crcst if ho had any statement to mako and tho defendant said he bud. For half an hour ho plead- More than Hnouth l loo Much. To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food to repair tho waste and sup ply energy and body heat. The habitual consumption of more food than is necessary for these purposes is tho prime cause of stomach troubles, rheumatism '" nnd disorders of tho kidneys. If Milt Richardson nnd family of I troubled with indigestion, revise Albany nro lato arrivals in this your diet, let reason and not np- BCCtlon. Mr. Richardson is ClUitO Inntitn ormtrnl rml tnW n fnur well pleased with this section. To quickly check a cold, drug gists aro dispensing ovorywhero a clover Candy Cold .Curo Tnblot called Proventics, Provontica nro also fine for feverish children Tako Proventics at tho sneozo stage, to head ofr all colds. Box of 48-25c. Sold by Reed Bros. dosea of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will Boon bo all right again. For salo by all good dealers. STEVENS Gouorntious of hvo, wido awa!;o American Boya kuro obtuinod tho right kind ot FIREARM EDUCATION by boing equipped with tho uuomug, thuo-honored STEVENS All progresslM) HnrUwuro nml Innrtitlir tiixuld Kleruhunta hiknill.i HI HV US.S. I r you olituln. wuvllltulidlrvct,oxiniMiirciiiUl uiwn rouolpt ot Catalog I"rl, Rcnl 4 reiiti In itamp for turuw lllustmtoUCatiloir, iiopitta with Jobprintine-The Timos-Horald Hay For. Sale-About G00! tons best timothy hay. Good feeding place, open water, early range. Koyes & VnnDorveer, Van, Oregon, Kl Wr BT ( r DI X ft " L-t!U. a&2 HTUVISNB nr.u ifcuertl tlroatm In. formation, Htrlklinrvutcr tncoloin. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOoL CO. r. o, Ci mi CUwum TtSt, Hut.