MMMIMMMMMI Ha P Hi glHli'1"" ' ' " " 1" ! i r :'r ' "1 '1? J a M fSfn 1 'If 1W teime-gmW. iATDRDAT. OCTOnKR t, W) BUDaunilTIOM UATK8- One Yttr . Six Month! Tlitttltonthi, WW .71 c JULIAN HYUII - Mmii.i Tlld COUNTY FAIR. (Continued from first page.) Thursday's racing amis wore not at all satisfactory. There were four horses to start in the three eijrthths milo for $500. Seventy, Belle Griffon, Wado Hampton and Calusa Boy went to the post and as some of them were not used to a gate, Starter Caldwell used a flag. Either the horses would not score good or the riders wouldn't let them. At any rate they wore out the patience of the starter and ho finally got them in a pretty good lino and dropped the flag. Sev enty got away and Wado Hamp- 'ton finally took after him, tho tfecr two horses remaining at '.the post, dind't look good to ike judges and tho grand stand fairly howled. As some of the same horses were entered in the three-quarter race for tho same day, tho judges declared the three-eighths off to bo run tho following day. The race was run off yesterday with three starters, Belle Griffon being al lowed to withdraw. Wade Hampton won with Seventy sec ond. 352. The trot was very slow owing to the fact that tho horses had not received much work. Pro gress was scratched on account of going lame, so Pumpkin, Sid ney Wilkes and The Remitter started. The latter was outclass ed but Geo. Hagey drove him through any way all same In dian horse race and made fun for tho grandstand. Sidney took the first heat in 2:42 and Pump kin the second in 2:38. The third heat went to Sidney in 2:11 JoeGoss, Seventy, Belle Griffon and Evermore started in the three-quarter mile dash. Seventy won with Belle second. Time 1:19. Yesterday's races started with a match between Flute and Chub quarter mile. The latter won, but the backers of Flute are not yet satisfied and another race is likely between the two today. Three starters went to the post in the seven-eights dash: Joe Goss, Belle Griffon and Con oway. Belle took the race with out any effort, Joe Goss coming second. Conaway was left at the post and to all appearances on purpose as his rider didn't seem to try to get him off. The stock parade was an in teresting feature in yesterday's program. There were not many entries, but the stock made a good bhowing. F. E. Smith of Dale, led the parade on his hand some Kentucky saddle stallion and conducted the parade in nice shape. Mr. Smith's seven gaited stallion has been much admired during the week. The Indian pony race proved its usual success and appealed to the children and tho entire at tendance. The Indians always whip from the go and by passing the grand stand twice in the milo give the people their money's worth. Capt. Louey's horse won. 80ME PREMIUM WINNERS. Following are some of tho premium winners in the steck: Peter Clemens 1st on mare and mule colt Also 1st on aged Jack. H. B. Simmons 1st on yearling Jack and 1st and 2nd on Jennies snd Jack colts. In the grade draft class Peter Clemens 1st on yearling stallion, Thos. MeCormick second. Bobt Settlemyre 1st on mare. Thos. MeCormick 1st on pair of mares. Starr Buckland 1st on two-year-old stallion. J. T. Conrad 1st on grade stallion. H. B. Simmons 1st on Perch eron stallion. H. B. Simmons 1st on Coach stallion. C. A. Bedell 1st on thorough bred stallion. Robt. Settlemyre 1st on brood marc and colt in all purpose class and C. E. Elliott 1st for pair of mares. In the Standard bred class Geo. Hagey 1st in stallion, J. W. Biggs second. J. W. Biggs "1st on mare, 1st on brood mare and colt. G. W.Young 1st on year ling mare, 1st on yearling stall ion. In the roadster class Cal Cle mens 1st in single drivers. Dr. L. E. Hibbard's herd of Jersoys have attracted very fa vorable comment. They took .several premiums besides several diplomas. Mr. Huffman's Jor- soy bull took a first premium. Dr. Hibbard's swlno also naun walkover. FARM rnODUCTS. Threo sheaves of winter wheat, Jns. Varien first Tnrco sheaves sprihg wheat, L. E. Hibbard first. Three sheaves barloy, G. W. Young first Threo sheaves oats, J. N. Jen- son first, Jus. Varian second. Fifty nounds bar oy. Fred la- cino first, G. W. Young second. Fiftv nounds oats, U w. Young first and second. Fifty nounds wheat, Ficd Rn- cino first, Gail Barnes second. Seeds in jars. W. G. Hoddcr first, Mrs Kern second. Alfalfa first crop, Dr. L. h. Hibbard first, Peter Schciltss second. Alfalfa, second crop, Fred Racine first Timothy, Jns. Varien first, Peter Schciltz second. Natural grasses, Fred Racine first; Peter Schieltz, second. Hops, W. G. Hoddcr first Bromes, James Vnricn first HOUTlCULTimC. Greatest variety apples, Chas. Johnson first: V. Cawlfield sec ond. Best single variety apples, V. Cawlfield first; J. 0. Bunynrd second. Crabapples, Mrs. A. George first; R. J. McKinnon, second. Peaches, Mrs. A. George first nndiaecond. Greatest variety of pears, 11. J. McKinnon first; W. J. Altnow second. Best single variety of pears, Sam King first; Mrs. George sec ond. Greatest variety of plums, Chas Johnson first; Mrs. George sec ond. Best single variety of plums, Mrs. George first; Chas. Johnson second. Greatest variety prunes, Chas. Johnson first; Mrs Lackman sec ond. Best single variety of prunes, Chas. Johnson first and second. GARDEN. Onions, James Paul first, Pet er Schciltz second. Onions best single variety, Fred Strong first H. C. Smith second. Turnips, Mrs. Rose Kern first, Jas. Varian second. Beets. W. G. Hoddcr first, Jas. Varien second. Sugar beets, Peter Schciltz first, Jas. Varien second. Potatoes, best and greatest variety, Peter Schciltz first, Jas. Varien second. Potatoes, best single variety, Jas. Varien first, Chris Lackman second. Tomatoes, Peter Scheiltz first, II. C. Smith second. Cabbage, Jas. Varien first, Fred Strong second. Cabbage, -largest head, Geo. Young first, Jas. Varien second. Pumpkins, Peter Scheiltz first, T. J. Skeins second. Corn, A. J. Invin first, Chas. Johnson second. Kahlrabi, carrot, stock beet, etc., Peter Scheiltz first, Chris Lackman second. Parsnips, Jas. Varian first, W. G. Hoddcr second. Muskmelons, Wm. Farro first, H. C. Smith second. Watermelons, H. C. Smith first, E. C Eggleston second. Celery, Dr. Hibbard first R. J. McKinnon second. Squash, Peter Scheiltz first, Mrs. J. O. Cawlfield second. Popcorn, Chas. Johnson first. Cucumbers, Dr. Hibbard first, Wm. Farro second. Cauliflower, W. G. Hoddcr first, Peter Scheiltz second. Kale, Dr. Hibbard first Rutabagas, Peter Scheiltz first, Dr. Hibbard second. Tho best general exhibit of farm, garden and fruit, Peter Schieltz was awarded first and Fred Racine second. We haven't room to publish tho entire list of awards this week. Tho list will bo completed next issue. HILL SAYS IIO'S COMINO. Tho following is a dispatch from Chicago;, James J. Hill passed through Chicago today on his way to New York, remaining hore long enough to have a con ference with John F. Stevens, who is in charge on now con struction for tho Hill lines in tho Hill lines in tho Pacific North west. Mr. Hill intimated that tho aggressive policy which ho has adopted "with respect to rail road construction into new terri tory in tho West and Northwest would not bo abated on account of tho death of Edward H. Har riman, "Wo intend to build all tho lines that are warranted by tho development of tho country in tho Northwest," declared Mr. Hill, "and possibly Bomo which aro not warranted by present development. Yes, wo are go ing to build a lino south in tho csnter of tho Stntb of Oregon from a point oh thd Columbia River, I cannot tell you how far we will go with that lino. It de pends upon conditions." "Is it not truo thnt you aro j heading for San Fnr Jsco?" was asked. "Oh, no indeed," was tho re ply, "wo are heading for Mexico City. I don't mind tolling you what route wo intend taking, if you will bo careful not to say anything about it Wo uro going to build that lino up tho Des chutes River and then extend it to tho highest point in tho Sierra Nevada Mountains, from which point wo intend using aeroplanes to reach Mexico City. Now, isn't that a good story for your paper? It has tho merit of romance, at least and that's bettor than a whole lot of nowspapor stories." Mr. Hill would not go on with referenco to his building pro jects in Oregon. ... can fill any Burns Soda Works order largo or small. CIRCUIT COURT. The following cases havo been up in circuit court Binco tho re port on tho first pago was made: EQUITY. P. L. S. Co. vs. A. Miranda- Injunction. Transferred to tho State Water Board. This is tho first caso in this county to bo referred under tho now wntcr code. J. P. Dickenson vs. Susan Dickenson Divorco, Dismissed on motion of nlaintiff. P W. D. Huffman vs. Fnnnle Smyth et al Injunction. For trial. Gussio Smyth vs. Harry Smyth Divorce. Passed. W. T. Vander Veer vs. S. C. Keyes Accounting. Domurrer by consent Sophia Burkhardt vs. C. B. Ausmus Injunction. On de murrer. Theodosia Taylor vs. David Taylor Divorce. Passed. Kate Calkins vs. 0. Calkins Divorce. Passed. Chris Lackman vs. Christina Lackman Suit to quiet title. Service not complete. LAW J. L. Sitz vs. G. W. Luce Attachment Passed. A. J. Skein vs. J. P. Dicken son Recovery of money. De murrer to complaint sustained. Amended complaint filed. Con tinued and set for trial April 6 1910. V. B. Symc vs. H. M. Horton Recovery of monoy. Demurrer to comnlaint overruled by consent and answer filed. Continued and set for trial April C, 1910 to fol low case of Skein vs. Dickenson. Tho Portland Co. vs. Paul Locher Attachment Demur rer filed, overruled by consent and answer filed. Susan Marshall vs. Gcorgo Marshall Attachment Settled and dismissed. John Marshall vs. Geo. Marsh allRecovery of money. An swer filed. C. A. Swcck vs. A. Schenk Appeal from justice court Judg ment for plaintiff for $20. CRIMINAL. State vb. L. V. Smith Practic ing medicine without license. Pleads guilty and fined $50. State vs. John Cummins- Uttering forged check. Pleads guilty and sentenced to two years in penitentiary. Paroled and must report to A. K. Rich E. B, REED & SON Complete line of Fancy & Staple Groceries Finest lino of Confectionery in the interior School supplies, notiona, tobacco, cigars Orders taken for FineTailor Made Clothing at prices ranging from $13.50 to $45 A satisfactory fit guaranteed RBA1EMBGR We give a five per cent tnido discount for cash on all goods. iMKimT-Xrrr RAMS FOR SALE DELAINE. MERINO, RAMBOULLET3 From Butterfle'd Live Stock Co. Ranch May be inspected at Homer Mace pasture at Burns about Oct. 15. For information ad dress D. N. Baker, at Burns. ardson on first day1 of each month. Stato vs. Chas. Barker Forg ing a check. Indicted at this term, lie is in jail waiting ac tion of tho court. Stato vb. W. M. Byrd-Larccny of a gelding. Plead not gtillty. Continued until next term and bonds fixed nt $750. As yot tho prisoner has not raised the bond. Stato va Mathow Lowry Ae sult with intent to kill. Continu ed to noxt term and bonds fixed nt $1000. NOTICE. Notico is hereby given that by virtuo of tho authority given by tho Charter of tho City of Bums a sidewalk of lumber will bo con structed nlong tho east side of (Block 50 also 2 street crossings I connecting therewith and across I C and D strcota on a grade being Ion tho west side of Front Strcot, 'at as nearly a uniform grade as .tho sur'aco of Iho ground will 'permit, nnd in conformance with 'the city regulations nnd Orul- I nances, , By ordm. of tho Common Coun- Iciloftho city of Burns, dated September 22, 1009. P. T. Randall. City Recorder. Tho wholesome, harmless gi eon i leaves and tender stems of a lung j healing mountainous shrub, give I to Dr. Shoop'B Cough Remedy ills jcurativo properties. Tickling or dry bronchial coughs quickly and safely yield to this highly effec tive Cough medicine, Dr. Shoon assures mothers that they can with safety givo it to oven very young babes. No opium, no chloroform absolutely nothing harsh or harmful. It ci'mi the distressing cough, and heals u sensitive membranes. Accoptno other. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Sold by Reed Bros. RXr.OIITIUX NOTION III tlm County Court iif tlm hlnlu oi Otrgon lor Ilnriipy family In tho matter ol tlio Ititatoof 'Ilioui'ie WIliRfloli, tleMHl. Notice Is Imroby Khun Hint Mnrtlm A. Wlnsflulil.tlioKxticiilrlx of tho lut Will and Testament of Tlioimm Wlnndid.l. cUctaitJ, has rendered an pro'ch'. l for setttonient, and filed In mM mn, her final account; and that M'unluy Ilia 8th day of Novembor IWI it ten o'clock A. M., at tho court lioueo In Hum. Harney County, filn'o of Oregon, linn boon duly aptolntod by tlm wild court, for tho mittlomunt of M urcoutir, at which tluio and placo any perium Inter ettod in aald eittato. may nnr and fllo txcoptlom or objections therein. Dated llilt Unit tmbticatlou OjtoMr U, 1000. Mam-iii A WiMinr.Lii, Kxecutrlx NOTICE KOlt I'UIIUCATION. UwtihTATr l.M uriim i liiirni, iirmon, Auviittai, iw I NotlroU hereby xlH ltt tho Wilvnl Oir Eon ! ftlexl In Hill ifflro lu .!lcll"li(Hrli o (HM9 to ulect, under the ilu Actol Couf.,ppnJPil Aujuil H, JM loin a)cniUlory Iticroto, ilia NK) HtV.f !v' ,T,SB, It. 10 K V Any nd nil ptriooi cUtinlnt mlicoclf I lie UudidMcrlbetl.or ileilrlnir lo oblect Iacium ol the mlnit clittftcter "t Urn Itnd, ur tar any other rtuou, to Ilia uUjoaiil tomltcut, ihould file their iiTliUvlia ol itoio.I In Ihli office, on or before Ibo eijilrnlloii of the. prfloil ol publication. VM rMi, llcgUlcr Flrtt publication Vti II. W0. Lut imbllcallun Oct. 16 1W. NOTICE OP FINAL SliTTLCMRNT. In thu matter of the I'.-tatu tif 1'ulur An- drlon, Dccvaivil. Nollcoln huriliy kKom that tlioimrior eluiifd executor of tliu Kotnlo of IVUr Andrleu, ilccva.oil, liaa lllfl It In flunl accuunt In aalil vatato nml tliu Hon. J J. Hector, Juilgu of tliu County Court for Ilarnoy County, Oregon, liua nut Mini dny, tliu 4lli ilay of October, 100'J, at the hour I 10 o clock it m, nt IiIn olllro In Iliirm, llnrntiy County, Oregon hu tho tlmo and place (or htmrliit; obJuitlonH lo mid nccouut. Any miu till jicrnoiia ob'octlriB to (aid urcount am Imrubv no tided to appear at uld time mid pluro Dated at IluriiH, Orison, Hupt. 3, UK)') IJnw. J. ('ATllir, Kxecutor of tho Kutnte of IVIur Andricn DccuAiod. 'Phono your ordors to tho Cash Grocery & Bakery for broad, pica, cookies, fruits, etc. Doliv ery ma lo promptly. (MO aero ranch fof snlo suitable for dairy or stock ranch. Abund ance of water for irrigation and power - inquire at this office. fhe CASH GROCERY & BAKERY Located In l-rcncit Motel Best quality Fancy and Staple Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Confectionery, Stationery, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. FRESH BREAD, COOKIES, PIES Tolephono orders will receivo prompt attention Free delivery to any part of tho city. v. -. "V. 2S Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS 'J hone to Me for Your Doctor Cal! k J. AlcKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. -,. '-l'KVfc-VW-''y Vtk.'''Al. Vt Vt. "VMW1 The City Bring Store REED BROS., Proprietors Successors to II. M. Horton Our line or Untax, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles are Complete. WE USE ONLY THE BEST OF DRUGS IN OUR PRESCRIPTION WORK AND WE NEVER SU STITUTB. News Agents Cigars mid Smokers' Articles Cuttilnss and Silverware IISIIING i inu UN TACKL13 SECURITY STOCK i v"-'. -'''V"b'V'V'S)U &. VAWV.& Ktm9000SltSSi$f9VMV&ttiOi4?iSi I BURNS HOTEL BAR I DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors. i WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS 0 ' Club Rooms in Connection Courteous undiObliging Bar Tenders EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS DROP IN Centrally Located nnd Connected nith Hotel Hums T - I I 1 1 1 aM BlWiail Ml WWII win inwpj Jill I. LP I IU L --LI HI I ii?:t!:ti)m:Kt:t!t!i::r.:.:nni:n:i:tiitjr.emi:::mt:j:::t!:t:::msi::m::i::nns l YOIG'S 1AI MfflE! ! and Come in and inspect my stock COMPLETE LINE OF BEST GROCERIES to be had in the Market .nsriD uHL.x My prices are an low a good goods can be sold for in this market... The LARGER the order the LESS it COSTS. ,-j:nitmi:mmHm".:tmtsnu:;.i.:n:mj;tm5imn .ipW4 PLOW The Stag h one of tho latent nnd best ndd!loii9 to the ftunoua Docre Lino of Riding Plows. Is light in weight, simple and durnblo in construction full of genulno merit, nnd hns shown its mottle nnd utility in every test it hns been nut to. It hns nmply demonstrated by its good work its right to bo classed na a strictly up-to-dnto, high-class fnrm tool. It is certain to suit tho most critical farmer nnd bo n money maker nnd a labor-saver for him. "M It's a Deere-Ifs Right" nnd does its work perfect onso to tho operntor nnd team. It is manufactured nnd Bold ns n tonguoloss plow a tonguo not being necessary to host results, but ono is supplied nt slight cost to thoHo who porfer it that way. The StsxU is tho simplest riding plow built, anyone who can hook up n team nnd drivo 'em straight enn oporato it successfully. It pos sesses many superior features not found on other plows, nnd it takos a whole book to illustrato and dlscribo them. Detter writo for it today and nlL tho information you wnnt about this superior implement. C. H. VOEGTLY Cottrill & Clemens aro prepar ed to do custom work with their portable- Bnw mill located U miles west of Cold Springs on Poison Creek. Lumber for Hale. Got youa permit and havo them saw your lumbor. Terma aro reasonable. - OinSTEJ, UPlOpt AND TE Yours for Accuracy and Lowest mces Ascitis fOir llic ,' Largest collection Tost Cirdx MO!) and Album In llicCilv W5JSISC3K4" - , .. Grocery :f:e3:e3:e3:2 I -"-"! --'' 777 .. HAR Binders' Full BUILDING ACH ROOFING CROCKERY. CHINA QEER & CDMMI Burns, New' Shop Opro'Uv. 'Your paiioa c soiled. j J The Most Populai t I - H -" - SBh L 3 8 NEATLY FURNISHED Headquarters for Traveling Men and 1 oud Ajclar4 Racine Manager, BURNS LiVERY .... HfcNDLKSON ELLIOTT, Special all, i, UtfkfmS "t. f' ,U Special Attention Given to Conducting . Funerals NEW AND ACCURATB HAY SCALK -ffl IN CONNlCriON WITH BARN. BUftiyS SVIILLI HORTON & Rough and Dre.-sed l u A Rustic, Flooring, iviouii u, Finishing Lumber. Slearest Sawmill to Burns. Cooi f. Lumber Yard in Burns.. At. The Welcome Pharmac You can always find SOflMKINQNIiW ATOURSHJKa. -CALL IN - If i'ou don't wo wliutyou want usk . ir vt havon't it in atopic wu'll got tt lor Mail Orders Solicited The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, OttM WA Supplies Line of PAPER audi AND GLASSWARE in Oregon. lartceti ihi. I'fsl National Hark Mam l j-ii 1" H.J HANSEN, I pi House iu Inceiioi Oft ALL OliTSIDl h. ' L. Racine, Propt., I S38g3gga3BBSSgg?s: AND FEED STABLE. mi to Iraiitcient n freight teuini. ffnrxi x k'pi.t I a.Xl4C5 Kv?A or montJi RS5T CUSS UMU Mil Hay ant! v, IP fin lit-t1 Von1 ur it, ..uth Minis' l ' SAYER, Prop & .sflftv D-A-iaiaan ur $M .W K fl