nfpr,vrnr " ,jfi Vfl ttltucv-fWrnlCi TIibOiTIcIhI Paper of Hnrncy County h tlieUrgvui circulation mulls ono Of lha Wit RdvcrtliliiR modlums.ln Knutcrn Oregon, mmt, Ulie OSren! 3HRrneu. Country Covers an nrcn of 0,428,800 tit'rr of Innd, 4,031,051 acre yet vacant eubjcct to entry under tho public land fnwa of llio United Btatoa. iVOL. XXII BURNS, IIAUNEY COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER i), 1009 NO. 47 -Uefalk MNEY COUNTY'S FAIR ?ine Display of Grain, Vegetables, Flint, Grass and Live Stock tlila limo. Its future doponds upon tho loynlty nnd support of Ha citizens who must stand to gether not only to our little city but tho entire country ns well. CIRCUIT COURT. THE BOISE-COOS BA YR. R. D HORSE RACES ALL WEEK icr Kntlier Ulsnjjrccnble-to Start With and Attendance tot up to Expectations Pavilion Well Filled With Pine Products That Arc Revelation to Visitors and Home People. i exceptionally fine exhibit getablcs'' and fruit have on display at tho pavilion g the week which truly dc trates the productiveness rHarney county soil. The exhibit is not as large and d as it should have been, ur. It seems one farmer 1 depend upon his neighbor mg m certain grams and tlier fellow failed to do so. lack of interest is not to the t of our local people and re- upon the community. The f in this lino should have I tter. imo display of horticulture"'" Patsy R in out most iavoraolo com trum lair visitors ami was agreeable surprise to not acquainted with local Lons. They hardly expec- lo see such apples, pears, Is, prunes, etc. Kf the vegetable display itno individual exhibits cre magnificent James a idled one wholo corner of awiion with products irom rm that shows diversified ngin Harney county is a This display covers a one and was much ad- fcter Schicltz was an hat had a fine exhibit of abks, as well as Fred Ra- G 'V. Hodder, E. C. Egg- r. Hibbard, J. O. Bun id others. egetable exhibit includes thing imaginable: Potatoes, celery, cabbage, beets, beets, tomatoes, corn, kins, peppers, muskmelons. melons, cauliflower, string , lettuce, etc. It is the display of this nature ever at a county fair. ttic xruit line there were of many varieties, crab peaches, pears, plums, i and ,.n unusual thing for ason of tho year some fresh spberrn i. fancy nnd needlework ments are magnificent and uth end and almost the south side of tho pavilion t voted to this display. isplav is a fine one and s the ladies who approa ch things. Mrs. Nelson arge of these departments ranged the' displays most y. le considerable interest is in tho sneed events tho . . , . i . ... u taction ana me oi tno found in the pavilion, and vostock farms. Tho ex- f livestock this year was reditable, yet not what it have beon. Itseemshard growers to take tho in they should in exhibiting tock. While Bomo fino nn- wero in tho parade thero have been at least three as many, such lndiller- pon the part of tho people uraging to tho fair man- nt and an injustice to tho y. wo complaint should nd with tho premiums of- wiien it is known that available cent is put into cmiunn and each class 'consideration in proportion t partiality. thi: hacks. racing cards at tho fair as dunncr the week have !..,.:.... .i -ii -JAwmitt i;unu;ni.B mill nil three-eighths miio dash for sad dle horses that had never won. Sorrel Top byCulp; Stockings by Rye Smyth; Teddy Bear by Mace; Kid by Allen Jones; Chub, by Connolly. Tho last horso named did some pretty good bucking on the back stretch before the race was started and furnished an at traction not down on the pro gram. The bunch got away finally in good shapo and was a horse race. Stockings won with Chub second. Time 39J In tho quarter milo dash free for all Wado Hampton by Bedell, Joe Goss by Henderson & Conley by Connolly wore the starters. Wade came under tho wire first with little apparent effort, while the other two hors es fought hard for second place with Joo Goss nosing out. Timo 25. Wednesday's racing cards proved most exciting and good. Tho first number was a special half-mile dash with five entries: Con D. by Connolly; Tom Cain by Trowbridge; Pedro by Maco; Colusa Boy by Connor; Evermore by Baber. Con D. and Tom Cain were scratched, lcavincr but threo starters. Calusa Boy was first, Evermore second. Time 51 J; this was faster than tho same distance was mad tho pre vious day. There were seven entries in the three-eighths saddle horse race, but only five starters: Red Bird, by Crawford; Flute by Hill; Chub by Connolly; Lark by Hnn- son; Red Rock by Winters. Fluto took first money, Red Bird second Time 39J. Threo horses started in tho threo and one-half furlongs, Joo Goss having been scratched on account of being sick. The start- era were Seventy by Cecil; Belle Griffon by 'frowbridgo; Friar Charm by Conner. This was a most exciting finish and it is re ported considerable money changed hands. The "inside" was playing Belle GrifTon to win but old Seventy nosed out on her. Time 45. Court convened on Monday with Judge Davis on tho bench. Dist Atty. McCulloch, Clerk Mothcrshcad Sheriff Richardson and other officers in attendance. The following wcro drawn from tho regular panol as grand jurers: J. M. McMullen, Brad Moss, George Craddock, Starr Buckland, I. L. Poujado, Geo. Gates, Alfcd Johnson. Tho following business has ha"d consideratien: Project Financed at West End and Holding Company Relieved OPERATION WITHIN TWO YEARS Chief Engineer Haines and Attorney Clarke Secure a Condi tlonal ContractProperty to Revert to The People if New Company Fails to Make GoodBill Grimes is Still There. ... , . "l-tiii.. - - LAW. Sam Bauer vs. J. D. Clemct Recovery of monov. Dismissed. Oregon Forwarding Co. vs. J. II. Gcarhart Attachment. Set tled and dismissed. E. J. Tracy vs. A. F. B. George Appeal from justice court. Set for trial April term. Sherk & Graham Co. vs. B. W. Hamilton Attachment Settled and dismissed. Chris Berg vs. J. J. Tupkor Attachment. Sottlod and dis missed. J. It. Jenkins vs. Pat Connolly Damages. Service not com plete. CWMINAL. ' State vs. Ben Jordan Larceny of colt. Tried nnd verdict of not guilty. State vs. Wm. Jordan lar ceny of cow. Dismissed on mo tion of Dist. Atty. for want of evidence. State vb. Win. Jordan Lar ceny or gelding, juismisscu on motion of Dist. Atty. for want of evidence. (Continued on page two) COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETS. EQUITY. S. B. Parker vs. J. W. McCuo Partition. Referees report filed. On motion for confirma tion of sale. Salo confirmed. Sylvester Smith vs. J. C. Simmons Foreclosure. Salo con firmed. Harry Cary vs. J. D. Smith Foreclosure. Settled nnd dis missed. Geo. O. Neal vs. Etta Miller- Suit to quit title. Decree quiet ing title. Clara Craft vs. Charles Craft Divorce. Default of defendant entered. J. M. Forrens vs. Mary For- rens - Divorce. Reporter to tako and report testimony. Orah Baker vs. Alfred Baker Divorce. Default of defendant entered. Further court nows will bo found on tho second page, tho above being tho business trans acted up to Wednesday noon only. Wavcrly Happenings, Fred Peters has been plowing for D, A. Bmkoman. David Williams and L. J. Gib son have beon camping near tho Stecns Mountain. They had a very nice timo. At a meeting of the Burns Commercial Club last Tuesday evening Rev. A. J. Irwin wns elected secretary by a unanimous vote. Ho will make a good one nnd now we must get down to real work. Assessor Donegan was selected as a committco of ono to bucuro data nnd seek such assistance ns necessary for a descriptive pamphlet with which to adver tise the resources of Harney county. TJiIb is an important work and should be given im mediate attention. Mr. Donegan has already begun by securing somo excellent viewB of tho dis plays in tho pavilion. Wounded stand it is tho intention to have several half-tone cuts of various scenes and thoso of tho display at tho fair will be valuable for this purpose. Mr. Donegan should be given every assistance possiblo as tho advertising mat ter should bo out and distributed I '""' at an early date. With present i Stomach troubles would more indications wo arc going to see, quickly disappear if tho idea of very active changes in tho Hnr-1 treating tho cause, rather than John Marshall camo through Thursday. Mr. Marshall has been working in the mountains. Wo have been having heavy Fall rains. Somo pcoplo from Voltogo wero trading at Wavcrly, Friday. Tom Hallcy is back to his homestead again. Mrs. Orcn Thompson visited at D. A. Brakcman's, Monday. Tho surveyors are surveying near Mr. Peter's place. Tho Oren Thompson school be gan Monday with twenty pu pils enrolled. C. B. Smith is teacher. At a meeting of tho holders of certificates of survoy and right of way held at tho Marshflcld Chamber of Commerce Tucsduy ovening Fred Haines nnd Francis II. Clarke, the present engineer and tho nttornoy of tho company secured a contract under which they agree to complete tho sur vey of tho road to Roseburg, be ginning actual construction work not later than May 1st and have trains in operation within 21 months thereafter. Failure to comply with any of these terms forfeits their rights and any money they havo put into com pleting tho work so nobly begun by local mon. Thero was not a discordant note in tho meeting. Everyone recognized the general conces sions of Messers Clark and Haines and had faith in their statement that they had money in sight for tho immediate con struction of the road. This has beon the avowed pur pose of the Coos Bay Oregon and Idnho Railway Co. It was the intention of the pcoplo backing it to securo the survey and right of way and turn this over to capital as a bonus for construct ing the road. Long before they dreamed success has met tho efforts of the citizens. It has been through tho show ing mado by i red names in se curing a grado of less than one per cent with easy curvature through the Coast Range that this has been accomplished. Fred Haines did not enter Coos Bay without tho backing of capi tal. All that this capital desired was to be shown that a road could bo constructed with such a grado at a minimum of cost They did not nsk long tabula ted statistics showing the re sources of tho country, they did not demand a 4 per cent guaran tee, they did not demand a big bonus, all they did demand was that they bo shown n 1 per cent route. Tho directors for the now management are Win. Grimes, Claudo Nasburg, L. F. Faulkcn stein, J. C. Gray and Francis II. Clarke. Tho new board of di rectors hold a meeting in this city yesterday afternoon nt which llttlo of an official nature trans pired it being held merely for tho purpose of organizing before Mr. Grimes doparturo for Port land on tho Alliance. Coos Bay Harbor. DRA&T HORSES PROFITABLE, nev country durincr tho next few ortu could nsk for. Tho I months nnd we must bo ready to s raco didn't fill for tho i mnKtilmm y consequently only run-1 A resolution was adontcd di ces wero contested, roctinir tho officers to toloerntih first race was a half milo tho nost office denartment a iron- r maidens for a $150 purse, oral protest relating to tho mail ero wero threo entries: unrul nn Hi a nm-no-Aimfin y, a sorrel stallion by 'route. Don D. bay horso by) Tho Times-Herald hopes all y; Calusa Boy, brown irood citizens will now nut Hmlr y Conner. Conaway first, Bhouldors to tho wheel nnd make Boy second. Timo 521. tho club a livo ono. Burns enn wore five starters in tho ill afford any factional strifo at tho efTect, would como into prac tice. A tiny, inside, hidden nervo, says Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength to tho stom ach. A branch also goes to the Heart, and ono to tho Kidneys. When theso "Insido nerves" fail, thon tho organs must falter. Dr, Shoop's Restorativo is directed specifically to theso failing norves. Within 48 hours after starting tho restorative, treat ment patients say thoy realize a gain. Sold by Reed Broo, Tho horso for tho former is tho draft-bred horso. Ho is the horso that can bo raised by tho common farmer with littlo trou ble and oxponso. Ho is in reach of almost ovory farmer in tho country. It is a profitable busi ness on tho farm to raise a few good colts. I say good colts, for it is just as easy to raise good ones as poor ones. It is just as easy to roiso good horses as good cattlo or good slicop or good hogs. It docs not pay to raiso poor ones leave that for tho other fellow. Tho farmers that raiso good stock of any kind uro tho men that select good sLcs. Tho mon who havo good herds and good flocks nro tho mon that select pure-blood sires from ono or tho othor of the Bovoral puro breeds and stick to tho breed of thoir choice. If in cattlo it is Shorthorns, In a fow years his hord is nil thosamo typo and color. If it is Angus or Horefords, tho results nro tho same, If this is truo of cattlo and sheop, it is cortainly truo of tho horse, Fellow fnrmors, select a sire from ginn it matters but littlo which breed. It is only n matter of choice to tho breeder himself. Be sure that the sire Is a good individual. urocu just such marcs as you have. Tho better tho dam tho better the result. Always breed their produce to a pure-bred sire of tho same breed. In a short timo your mares arc all aliko and of thosamo typo and disposition, all bearing a family resemblance. You will not hnvo tho disposition of a broncho in ono nnd tho trotting horse in tho other, but you will have a class of horses that are easily handled, easily fitted for tho market and an ovcry-day market at homo and abroad. You need not spend any extra time and expense in lookingnfter buyers; tho buyers are always looking after this kind. If thoy get a wire cut or blemish they are the kind that are useful to keep for any kind of farm work. A good mare with proper caro will do just as much service on the fnrm nnd raise a colt as will a gelding. Never nllow tho colt to follow the dam when in harness at work, as the colt will do much better if loft in the barn, and the dam will bo better off with out tho colt, Give tho little fel low somo oats and bran in its trough; it will soon learn to eat and forgot its dnm. A colt is easily weaned, and if proper caro is taken it will not stop growing until it is matured. Breed in this way and in a very short timo it will bo almost im possible to raiso a poor colt Look at tho farmer who breeds ono year to a draft horso and the produce afterward bred to some cheap mongrel. His horses in ten years' breeding are no better thon when ho began. Tho price of servico fees should hardly be considered. It is the matured horse to bo considered. It coats ns much to raise a low-priced horso ns to raiso a high-priced one. It is all in tho breeding. Always uso a pure-bred draft sire a bettor individual than the dam-and then you aro suro of gaining. Select ono breed or the other and stick to it and you will como out ahead and bo on the right sido of tho road to success in tho horse-breeding business. J. D. Dumire, in Rural Spirit capable of making 80,000,000 big fir trees, will be planted within tho coming fortnight by tho nationnl forest servico in this state. Fully one-third of this will bo planted in the Bull Run national forest. Reforestation in tho Bull Run reserve is under taken with a view to increasing tho flow of Bull Run river, - tho source of Portland's water sup ply. Rcsecding of tho slopes along tho river is expected to conserve tho multure nnd prac tically double the flow. Tho present water supply of tho stream is sufficient for Portland, It is estimated, for tho next 60 years, but with double tho vol ume of water now secured from Bull Run, it is thought tho stream will supply Portland for the next years, xno lorcst scrv ce will experiment in other forest reserves of tho state in reforest ing barren slopes. Officials have been hanicapped in tho work because of lack of seed. There are but two people in tho west who aro gathering Douglas fir seed for sale. Tho crop gathered by theso two is purchased by the forest service, yet it is inade quate by far. From $1.50 to $2.60 per pound is paid for the seed and instructions to home steaders and others who care to gather it will readily be fur nished by the forest service. The old John Dcvino ranch, located in Harney County, and comprising 15,000 ncres, has been sold by J. O. El rod, a local real estate dealer, to capitalists of North Yakima for $300,000. Tho ranch is one of the best known in this state and the salo just mado carries with it a profit of about $100,000 for the seller, who bought it 18 months ago at a much less price. The coming of railroads to Central Oregon has resulted in increased values for the great body of land lying east of the Cascade Mountains President Tnft's visit to Port land during the week was of courso the big event of tho Fall that had been looked forward to with no little anticipation for months. Tho President was well entertained while here, he was heard nnd seen by thousands of Oregon citizens and Oregonians aro satisfied that he will have aj better knowledge of the Coast and its needs than beforo start ing out on his extended trip through tho country. NEW FALL GOODS ARRIVING N. BROWN & SONS Bums, Oregon Bnovnro gATiorAeroiiT tors exitcz: iea Patron will receive Trading Stamps, during thii sale. tinmr.iiivMmi::i:timtziXitaiiuanatmtmKaaimtaimtti'J. .- mxxaxuxaxm i The Harney Valley Brewing Co. MunulacturerH of and l&rG Soda "177"o,to3r Family Trade Solicited FrcctDelivery T. E. JENKINS, Manager INDUSTRIAL NOTES. (Portlnnd Correspondence). That Central Oregon will, within a fow years, double the cereal crop of tho wholo Pacific Northwest is tho belief of Theo dore B. Wilcox, president of tho Portland Flouring Mills. When opened up by the railroads now uunuing, nn unmenso acreage will bo thrown opon to wheat raisers. "In Central Oregon," said Mr. Wilcox, "thero aro millions and millions of ncres of land Avhich, unless I nm greatly mistaken in tho nnturo of tho soil, will be oxcellont for grain growing with out irrigation. Out of this vast territory thero must bo at least 2,500,000 acres available for wheat. Thero is ns largo an acreage as is now in wheat in Oregon nnd Washington. All that is needed to opon up this great territory is a railroad and with two lines now ontering that section, it will bo only a matter of a short timo boforo tho coun try will develop. Nor will tho increased yield reduce prices. With such a condition of affairs as now oxists, thero is no danger of lessened pricen through tho exploitation of wheat fiolds in How. to Cure a Cold. Be as careful as you can, you will occasionally take cold, and when you do, get a medicine of known reliability, ono that has an established reputation nnd that is certain to effect a quick cure, buch a medicine is Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. It has gained n world wide reputation by its remarkable cures of this most common ailment, nnd can always be depended upon. It nets on nature's plan, relieves tho lungs, nids expectoration, opens tho secretions nnd aids nnturo in restoring tho system to a healthy condition. For salo by ail good druggists. THE CAPITAL SALOON, BEDELL & RICHARDSON, Proprietors. Burns, - - Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. h 4 i f yu.uD BY SP rRAC-IICALLYUtarBj MesuMMe JBkK STOKE Ovor coo fflKIl Ftnni.llfnl IHxHM Doalens. JHAfljH whip? i d BETTER M) CHEAPER THAH A m Bend (or Prlco List & Circulars. UAMUr Arntifwn v MONUMENTAL Df,ON?E COttrANY, 2uusaEiattx.oo:i:i. H. L LEWIS Will be glad to furnish PARTICULARS and PRICES To anyose deslriag INFORMATION. See his Handsae DESIGNS. Ranch fok Sali:: One small horse ranch, located on Mnlheur river. First-class summer, fall and winter rango surounding it. Fino location for fruit and vege tables, also. For further parti culars, writo or call on E. L. Bccdo, Drewsey, Oregon. A pain prescription is printed upon each 25c box of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your! Doctor or Druggist if this formu la is not complete. Head pains, womnnly pains, pains any where got instant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet. Sold by Reed Bros. nw;i.inmmminnmmnnnj3majntaainmKanma The OVERLAND HOTEL I Burns, Oregon j Afford the Best Accommodations i to be had in Harney County CLEAN ROOMS, CLEN LINNEN, PAuATHBuE VICTUALS jj The patronage of all guests under the old management especially sylici ted. U Rates $1 a day, $6 a week, $24 a month M -ndertfon Elliott, Propt. j !!nmt:it:::timi:;;:t:::::5:jt::mtt:nmjtunmitmtmuKKimtintnmtJ!it Ann nf fll1 mtA hHnnJa tP .1.... Tl- t Pini.t nAM If horscs-Porchoron, Shiro or Bel- Ono ton of Douglas fir seeds, More than L'nouth l loo Much. To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food to repair tho waste and sun-1 Tho Oregoniun announces tho ' J'b' energy and body heat. Tho safe arrival of Mrs. Henry Rich-, Habitual consumption of more nrdson in Portland and that her!"00'1 t,lftn ia necessary for theso' littlo son James, who is suffering purposes is tho prime cause of from typhoid fever, begnn to .stomach troubles, rheumatism mend at once after his mother iud disorders of tho kidneys. If came, troubled with indigestion, revise' lycurdiot, let reason and not np- To quickly check a cold, drug-' Ptito contl'01 "-"d tako fow gists are dispensing overyvhero,(,030s of Chamberlain's Stomnch i a clover Candy Cold Cure Tablet nml L,vor Tablets nnd you will called Provontics. Proventics sonn l)e n11 ri'st "SW"1'1 For saI nro also fino for feverish children ,hV uU Sd dealers. Tako Provontics at tho sneezo stage, to head off all colds, Box I of 48-25e. Sold by Reed Bros. IlAY Fo,t SAUJ-About GOO .tons host timothy hay, Good Studebakor Wagons, tho "Do- Ceding place, open water, early pondont" jdnd for salo nt N, 'ra"K Kyea & VanDerveer, Brown & Sons, Van, Oregan. j STEVEN IfGouoraticma of Jivo, wido awuko Ajnorican Hoys havo obtalnod tho right kind pf FIREARM EDUCATION by boiug oquippod with tho uuorring, tiiuo-honorod STEVENS All Mwrctelvo llanlnara anil SRV.r.,.,."K A "111 McrohaiiU handlo ni HVKNH. If vim njiiiiiiitiilt.nlu wowllllilicIlrwt,oipiiiivpalii uiKiu iwvlpt of UUtalotf I'rlco. IB'ul & ronti In iliiniu (or lul'aso UUislratcilCutaloir. Kriiluto with HTUVUNU Hl k S m HX m I lit? t- itcucral nrvurm in. formation. Htrikluiruou'r Iticoloie. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P,0.E(tM3 Ok.pMFtb.Mui.