The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 02, 1909, Image 3

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    est oniout.ATHM or
il News.
Hums, Oregon
nlroo is in Iho cily.
Its oyes P. 0. block.
Icaton wns up from
bmo yesterday.
fphy and wife came
Flron Mountain sec-
Say. I
Drinkwntcr lias t
fine display of x nil
millinery. I
Ineor Faulkner stnrt
Esurvoying crew out
to begin work on
Innley projects. I
(imnn, of Boise, came
He is a brother to
iwartz and is hero for
, with his sister.
odman is prepared to
t'and his now barley
ji'rendy for business,
ould at onco arrange
or such work.
ckky w ovor from
mi u but has
u i fu r ncn while '
i In vi ion como
i i
in i ..uv to my pwee
ono uiik snoiteu cow
and 2-ring halter. J- h. Sits is over
4 m lfcftfcir&ftttnMllfcdllVtTfVl?
iy nave tier oy paying ""'"" '"'" "".-.
stice and the pnsture UoknTo Mr. and Mrs. J. W
F. CuowUiV, iiKK3 last night, n daughtor.
Lawen, Oregon. goo hQ Mq crentioll3 in in!U.
diardt is ui from his jiu'iy nt Mrs. Drinkwntor'a.
kl La.wn. He had
s10 loot hirli to bring
ir ; ut tne irost injured
Capital, $25,000.00
Surplus, $30,000.00
Sco thoso fino Bcrkohtrcs of
Dr. Hlbbard's nt tho fair and
mnko your selection.
Grandma Caldwell has been
quite ill recently but is ulightly
improved ut this time.
"Karl Mack, a jmUent at tho
hospital sulToring from typhoid
fever, is reported convalescent
by his phyalcianB.
Ue tlio llnrnoy County Nnllo.nil llanli
TltAVKIXKK'H GlltC()Ui:t3
I'lintr nrn hil f.l jIaiiI t fv t in
unsettled weather condititioiiB
will not continue over next week,
as wo want fair weather for fair
W. It. Gnrrott was ovor from!
Silver Creek this weok. Mr.
Garrett has been farming this
season and roports a very good
Issnc Word, father of Geo.
imnmw My' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Try u menl nt tho Home Hotel.
Al Coleman nnd wife nro over
from their homestead attending
to business and visiting friend?.
Chan. Bogg, tho Blono mason,
is walking rather proud thoiio
dayH, having n stiff back the re
sult of an attack of lumbago.
Tlw slono work on tho Odd
Follow building i comnloted nnd
contriictors Brown & Son are
now engaged In putting on the
Just arrived: A complete lino
of Roofing, Sheathing, water
proof Sheathing and Stringed
Harney Co. Imp. & Hdwe.,Co,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Catterson
desire to oxpress their thanks to
friends and neighbors who were
bo kind during Ucir recent bo
Tho thanks of Mr. and Mrs. A,
All work
guaranteed Snlfs-
from his
i Vi
that it could
Fine line of watches, chains,
etc., at Salisbury's P. O. block.
J. F. Mnhon nnd without the leaves Misa Emily, returned
IS . first of fhia week.
homo the
Burns Soda Works can fill nny
order largo or small.
Junius Gilbert wns over from
Harney yesterday.
Now fall nnd winter millinery
at Mrs. S. 13. Drinkwater's.
Fay Comegys and wife were
up from their homo this week.
Mr. A. George wns in from
her homo this week bringing in
some fine crab apples. n
Prompt delivery of all orders
' o t.
'phoned tho Cash Grocery Si
. .....,.. t I.. i Tlalrnrv at Hm TtViinpTi Hotfil.
Irwin loft this morn- rny uoumy imiuumviu -
ifui idc points and will be Hardware Co. will move nt Dr. Griffith was called to the
me mono siuru ruonn uunyani mm luesuuy io see u
ot.ul liv El n Yinni .( Ktin. Dutliaxrni'il whn wi'iu ill
i i- to auenci a lncoi-""- w. .,.... "." -' " . wt, ..........
h PKsi.vtory and later Pn "" which uujuiiw m b- pInin W9lng dono nt roMonn.
'CV t '
ml h s
io Allruy
u 'ties., of
.he Synod. Heiccry store oi uie muor. U, priceg( one 1)lock fml of
trip after these. Mrs. Lelnh Wilhams-Millor is Schwnrtz'B Store, or inquire nt
where h'
a private
hero from Portland with a fine this office,
up to date lino of full and winter ( f u jonkinjr aml famiy wonl
miUmory. 1 hoy nro on disply homo t)l0 nret of this week but
in her own building up stairs- Ml. JenWns wJ1 rQturn fop coufl
i next week.
II. rrismi and family
r .. of this weok en entrance at side door next to
i .it ..ii- i liVnnph hnlnl. .
vin jmiii.- tuiiuy wnw - - - i T,, -mnlfn ,lnrt ,lf intniinn
II visit for an indofintte Cottrill & Clemens have put in, ,, . .t..i.iri..M aunna
Mr. Harrison has been a first class saw mill 1J miles - ,..,... n ot-i.. nr....
from rheumatism for west of Cold Springs is near the,, . XVnmnn ni M ,.mm,t,m,
Iwceks and since he was valley with good road. In first
to resume his duties in class timber-picked trees from i uoua uay rieemiui, proies-
jcr shop, he decided to tho government. Prepared to do , ional nurso. l'nrties desiring
Ihis old home. custom work. See them about ' "or services may iiiki hot at me
sn't cost a cent to got your government permit nt once, homo of lliomnsbagors, uurns.
bs of your local dealer on At the meeting of the citypv C. V. KeeU and wile spent a
sewing machines, linole- council Wednesday evening the 'fow Uags m this city tins wock.
?tts, etc., nnd it might matter of revoking the franchise 'Mr. Keccl is omployctl Willi itoau
I means of saving you a of the Electric Light Co. was I Master Comegys on the roads in
md sum of money when continued indefinitely. Tho com- his district.
Ilnp1, besides he is always pany made a showing thnt it had i pania oils, Doors and Wind-
io can make good his lost money in the past and hoped, nwf, ;n fnut nvorvlliincr for the
G. W. Clevenger can to make Batisfactory arrange-' ra rmav 01. liuiidor. Give us n
pr ces on these articles, monts in tho near future to give caj nmj we wj i,0 Ba( (0 gjvc
continuous service. you jiriccs. Myers Pumps and
Smi"! & Swain are in The program for the teachers' btar windmills.
. .... . .1 TTniitinir r Y.. V, TTflttft Ct
c deep wen tney arc annual institute lias uccn issueo. nunmv w n..(. iv nU.... w.
for II. M. Horton. The The dates aro October 13, 14, 15 Mrs. A. Eel! and little daugh-
tbis week a scopago in this place. The outside in- ter have come over from the
he water to rise within a structors aro SUitc Supt. Acker- ranc, and aro now domiciled in
, or tho lurfacu and man, Prof L. It. Aldorman of the tho citv residence for the win-
ii i, V u i tv casing state University and itoi. onas. ter. Miss I, eiah nnd her brother
i, ;u now over, out u h. Jones, editor oi mo urogon m-oceded the r mother, having
. small flow for when Teachers' Monthly. Tho day coino in at the beginning of
Dg was put down it was sessions will be Held in tno nign , oeliool.
entirely. They are down school building and evening scs-i
feet sions in the Presbyterian church. I
iy Counter a Bargain Counter!
i i i i -i ..
lii's skins, waisiSi unciervvtvu,
h wciar. i'u:., win uc buiu di
rcr.tly rccliKed
ial Bargains in mens summer
hats and vests.
A full stock of staple
and fancy Groceries
for every body.
Orders promptly filled ..
SBhe Busy Corner Store"
"FLTsnEt, ojFiEscSronxr.
The infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Catterson died
Saturday at tho timo of its birth
, and the remains wero taken to
Harney for burial on Sunday
afternoon. Rev. A. J. Irwin
went over and conducted tho
service. The bereaved parents
have tho sympathy of a wido
circle of friends.
, Tho Burns Flour Milling Co.
jhas begun operations and the
threatened flour famine is at an
'end. Tho mill started early this
, week and merchants wero sup-
' plied nt onco with a good quality
of flour. There has been quite a
largo nmountof good wheat rais
ed tliia season and the mill com
pany paid tho farmers a good
Harry C. Smith has taken over
tho lenso of tho commercial club
I to tho fjnera house and is now en-
I gaged in some needed improvc-
I monts that will add much to the
i comfort and convenience of pa-
I Irons. Ho has already dono
away with tho steep stairway in
tho mai.t strcot entrance, build-
ing a sloping incline and has
i arranged tho ticket ofiico in tho
front. Material has been, secured
und workmen nro now preparing
some sot scenes which will ndd
greatly to tho offcct in dramatic
, production's. Somo footlights
1 will ulso bo udded to tho stngo
;nml other improvements made,
Mr, Smith Is familiar with such
work and ho will bo generously
patronized during tno winter
, season.
" i - . . . i .. . .. i.i ..
Wnrd who Is undergoing a mild m m; h exwnocii "
! , r i,..,i.i.i ,. ,.,.:.wi the friends and neighbors who
hero tho first of this week from
his homo nt Cloverdnlo'in this
state. George Is improving.
Williams Bros, saw mill nt
were so kind to them during
their recent bereavement.
H. J. Hansen of the Burns
Mont Market is prepared to fur
nish bacon, hams and lard to
is prepared to do custom work I , ,. q, ., , .. . ,.
for those desiring to take ad
vantage of thoir government per
mit. Also lumber for stile at $12
per thousand, See them about
custom prices.
Jlmmie. Ui" litth' son of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Geo. Young wns suf
fering from strangulated herina
the first of tho week and in a
vnrv nrittniil nrtnilitinn. Dl'.
Marsden & Griffith relieved him Thursday from Fish Haven,
quantity. Special prices for big
Bobt. Baker and wife are over
from Silver Creek this weok.
Mr. Baker informs us he has de
cided not to go to the Willamette
but will likely purchase property
in this vicinity.
Mesdames A. K. Richardson
and H. J. Hansen returned homo
and when hi.tcondition will per-
Idaho, where they had been call-
mil will operato for a permanent ! on aount of the illness nnd
tieain oi ineir moiner.
r3iuD- At the family homo in
this city early Monday morning,
tho little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Schonlt. Hie little one
was nearly two years old and had
nevor been strong from hor
birth. Mr. and Mrs. Schenk J. E. Sizomore wns ovor from
lost a little-girl baby in August the ranch yesterday. Ho will
from pneumonia and tho second leave next week on an extended
death is indeed hard and thoy trip ovorland with his own team
have tho sympathy of n wide to California. He is going for
circle of friends. recreation particularly.
Among tho horses to arrive
this week for tho fair was a har
ness horso belonging to Mr.
Smith of Grant county. Mr.
Smith also has a fino soven-gnited
Kentucky saddle stallion.
That two flows of natural gas undor nn enormous
pressure have been dovolopod m Harney Valley?
Did You Know that the visible indications point to
llnrnoy Valley as being underlaid with one of tho great
est deposits of light gravity oil in tho world?
Do You Know what that moans to Central Oregon?
It means railroads and the development of nil tho re
sources of this great inland empire.
Do You Want to share in tho enormous profits that
await, those who first tap this immense pool of oil?
The IIarneu Valley Oil & Gas Co. offer you this
opportunity. With stock selling at 5 cents per share
(par valuo $1.00) it is an opportunity unparalleled in
the history of oil development. Wo will gladly answer
any and all correspondence. Address
Valley Oil & Gas Co., Darns, Oregon. JJ
Salisbury fixes watches
P. O.
Go to the homo Hotel for a
good meal.
Plums, cabbage, potatoes and Dnlton Biggs came in from
watermelons at Carter & Thomp- Ontario yesterday accompanied
son's. by his wife nnd two of tho child-
BoitN-To Mr. nnd Mra. J. ht(ilu
Sitz in this city, Saturday, Sept. Rcatos for sale, all sizes and
25, n daughter. lengths, price 20 cents per foot
Foil Salk A five room cot
tage, four lota all fenced with
two good wolls, a windmill and
other improvements. No rock.
G. Hudspeth, Burns, Oregon.
Fred Lunaburg nrrived home
Saturday from a visit to outside
points. Ho took in the fair at
Seattle, visited portlnnd and
other points. Fred lost Bill
Jones in tho crowd und wo aro
not sure ho will find his way
back horo Boon by himself.
Mr. and Mi. i. B. F. Silor ar
rived homo Monday from an ox-
tended visit to relatives and
friends In Washington nnd this
state. Thoy left Englo Vnlloy
tho homo of Mrs. Siler's mother,
Mrs. Chas. Zeiglor, not long ago
leaving tho latter In good health
but wlion thoy nrrived horo thoy
found a telegram i announcing the m)(, nt 1)ofm.0 ,'
death of Mrs. clgler irom pnetl- T1)C80 K()0l,8 u,.0 Hl,nm(
Any one desiring Rcatos address
W. A. Ford of J. O. Alborson,
Alberson, Oregon.
Sam Mothershead came in
Monday night from Baker City
whore ho and others wero given
some higher degrees in Masonry,
C. Cummins and Chas. Voegtly
were other candidates from this
place. Tho latter arrived homo
Saturday. Court Stenographer
Davis accompanied Mr. Mothers
head in from Vnlo.
Ladies wo desire to inform you
that wo have received tho largest
lino of ladies, misses, children
and infants clonks over carried
in , Bums. Thoso goods wero
personally selected from ono of
tho largest cloak houses in Amer
ica, and wo aro suro wo can savo
you money besides you will know
you are getting tho quality, color
for it.
A! Cote was in tho city yester
Brentl for sale at tho Home
Hole). ,
Secl'hoad of V.. B. Reed &
Son l,n this Ibhui'.
Geo. W. Haycfl is over from
Vale on legal business.
Mils. R. It. Kit was visiting in
this fcilv during tho weok.
Foil Rai.k- 320 acres of hny
land. Inquire nt this offico.
If you want a nice, mild drink
drop into tho Burns Soda Works.
R. 11. Brown came ovor from
Diamond tho first of this week.
Mrs. Bert Parker is still vory
ill at her homo in this city but is
M. Schenk is home from his
vacation trip to Portland and
other points.
A. M. Kels 'v. tho Silvor creok
rancher' und stockman, is in tho
Sylvostor Smith was a busi
ness visitor to our dity this
Leo Caldwell has again donned
a barber coat and is helping
Bob Stoner out.
Fred Oakerman wns ovor from
his Silver Creek home yestorday,
returning today.
Allen Gofr, a Missouri boy, was
among tho recent arrivals hero
and has taken land. He return
ed to Missouri to make arrange
ments to come hero to make his
permanent home.
Foit Sale -Do you want a nice
homo? 1C0 aero ranch I? miles
from Harney on Rattlesnake
Crock. First water right, run
ning water the year around,
small bearing orchard, 40 acres
in cultivation, fine range for cat
tle horses or sheep. For further
particulars call or address Roland
Hnnkins, Harney, Ore.
Notice is heroby givon thnt the
undersigned sovcrod his connec
tions with the Drewsey Mercan
tile Co. on Dee. 22. IfiOT. All
bills arc payable to the Drewsey
Mercantile Co. snd tint company
settles indebtedness contracted
by it.
A. I. Johnson.
Number .77.
The Bankera Middleman
The bankoris the connecting link between the
depositor and the borrower.
Ills function is to take tho depositor's funds
und loan them out to the man seeking capital; at
the samo time keeping a per cent, of the money
on hand for the demands of regular business.
The depositor whoso banker exorcises careful
and wise judgment with the borrower has a suffi
cient guarantee for his funds.
Our policy is to safeguard the money of each
dopositor by our capital, surplus, and ability to
loan to good borrowers.
A Savings Bank Department is a feature of this Bank,
in which interest at the rate of four per cent per
annum is allowed.
The Harney County National Bank
AIR. and MRS. CM AS. ANDERSON, Propts.
We are pleased to announce to our old-time friends
and customers that wo have again taken charge of
our hotel. We just completed renovating the en
tire building and you will find the old-timo home
comforts when you call. We-hope to see you soon.
The old favorlt' Family Hotel where guests receive
5 pedal Attention and Good Service,
SOUTH BURNS, OREGON--Near Fair Grounds.
All parties owing Lewis & Gar
rett, or Simon Lewis aro hereb
notified thnt all these account-,
aro in the handB of our attorney
C. II. Leonard for collection and
settlement Persons indobted to
us will please settle the .same
with Mr. Leonard at once.
Simon Lewis
J. T. Gakkbtt.
Office Willi Win. Miller, Burns, Or.
Deeded lands bought and sold on
Insurance, Life, Accident, Fire.
List jour lauds with us.
I miwli mi nmv
She was one of the pio- ami In.n Htl.:etv tll0 VI.V wMt
neoKW. .men of this section whore Ktyioa. it w! c03t you nothJnff to
she will bo kindly remombored come and seo-wo invito you to
by a largo number of friends, come.
Mrs. Luto Parker of this place is Lunaiiugh & Daiton.
alBo a daughtor of Mrs. Zeiglor. ,t v Cozad. ono of tho nio-
V, Cawlfleld came in Wedncs-' neor residents of Grant county
day uvoning from n visit to Puo- died at the family homo in Can-
blo, Culwwlo, Whilo in that yon City Wednesday evening
placo Jeff saw President Tuft, after u very short illness. Ho
boing one of tho rccoptlnn cum- was not considered dangerous
mittee. Ho suj'h ho invited the until tho day of his death nnd
President to our cynnty fair, but his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Farro
owing to his limited timo Mr. of this city was not summoned
Tnft said ho would have to fore- boforo. Shoand herlittlodaugh
go that pleasure this trip. Mr. tor Cathriuo and Irving Miller
Cawlfleld says tho colonist travel loft Thursday morning. Tho
is heavy and thnt ho was be- f uuornl wns held yesterday nf tor
sieged with questions, Somo of noon. Mr. Cozad was ono of tho
thoso with whom ho talked will host known men in this section
como to Hnrnoy county, but and was tho fathor of n largo
BnMfffnS'&lJJB fr'!y' s in this vicinity
advertising literature to distri- fwply sympathize with tho
buto as other sections have. , bprenved ones,
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Main Office, Burns, Oregon
A O. r.Vl'l.KNKII, !) .
Branch Office, Lakeview, Oregon
l. M. K.U'I.KNKII, t;i
"The best Rano
brains and experience
have ever produced.
Thoy aro built on ecIenUflo nrlnolploa
nnd tho matorlul uuoil la bo di.trlbutod
na to lo tho most Reed.
They nvo jimt honvy onough to ho
good, durablo nml lummy.
Tho strengthened piubi nro thosu
whero tho iuoL wear Is.
Tho walls aro Asboatos llnod.
Thoy aro madoot atool, co 'woqinnUy
thoy aro utroiiu and caiu.ub craoU.
tSSSSG&eKi. .
'Xf ','A!AZZ&. IK ZSSSV?Si&S '. 5
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes
Fresh Groceries, etc.
For Fall and Winter Trade
Candy, Nnls, Stationery, Cigars, and Tobacco
School Tablets, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Etc.
Nice Assortment of I'lpcs-New Novelties Coming.
'tjtd in Leather We have it or can
get it for You
As much difference in leath
er as in people. We use
only the best in our work
Hadn't you better look at your old Harness?
You'veJJhad it a long time.Jtta"Belter be sure
than sorry. "w
:E3:a,x:n.ess arid. Saddles
J, W. OWEN, Propts.
Finest hearse in county
Particular attention given
1 o Funerals
Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers.
Particular attention given to Trahscient Trade
Jlorsos lumnlnl by Iho day, cok or month
filacKsmithing and
Wagon Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon,
lain St.,
Job Printing.