9Ihc Simci-cvatil, iATURDAY OCTOtlKn J. HOD BUBBOttllTIOM UATK8- Ouo Yt SI Monlha Tht Month ' ' ' - UOv 1. 00 JULIAN BVltl) - - - - Mmn" With wheat averaging bolter than 50 bushels per aero Hnrnoy County isn't so slow for grain after all. Ono field averaged that while a largo portion wont better than CO bushels. Wo have just noted in tho Pendleton East Orcgonian that tho business of that nlace was suspended on tho opening day of their local fair and tho first par ade was not stock, but humanity. Business men formed a parado and marched to tho fair grounds assisting in every way to make tho fair a success. Wo would like to see tho business men of Burns take such an interest. If tho weather is settled next week tho fair should bo largely attended. Exhibits aro showing up quite satisfactory and with some good horses to participate in the speed events thero will bo plenty of things of interest to local neonle. Remember, it is your fair and it will be just what you make it The manage ment will do its best and with the patronage and assistance of home people it will bo a success. To a large number of tho poo pie of Burns, many who nro not members of the church as well as its membership, it is evident that the local Presbyterian peo ple will be compelled to have a new cnurch home before long. Tho building which they now oc cupy is tho old M. E. church building which used to stand on the flat in the cast part of town About fifteen years ago it was purchased of the M. E. people, pulled upon the hill and cheaply remodeled. The building is very much racked and this racked condition makes it very uncom fortablo in tho winter. Tne building is out of plumb uboiit four inches. While the building accommodates very well the number who attend divine ser vices; yet the Sunday school is so congested that the classes are almost overlapping and that too after several classes have been transfered to tho manse. There are no accommodation's in the present building for tho primary grand and tho teachers are handicapped m their work The improvement in local build ings of other kinds, the develop ment of the country immediately surrounding Burns, tho growth of the work of the church itself, tho inadiquacy of the building and its racked condition makes a new church building almost an imparative need. The Presby terian church has become a part of the life of the people pf Burns and vicinity, and the people can ill afford to permit of any condi tion that would hinder the beni- ficent influence of that church. The local Presbyterian people do not desire any thing elaborate in the way of a church building yet they are not able to build the church needed. They do not re present the moneyed interests of the community, but we know these people have their friends who appreciate the work and in fluence of the church upon tho community, and in a small way they will give their financial aid. We also believe that there aro those on the outside who have large interests in Harney County who will appreciate the religious and economic value of such a church building as is needed nnd will gladly respond to any rea sonable call made upon them for this work. It seems that tho time is nt hand when the preliminary steps should be taken looking toward the building of a new church in Burns, beginning next Bpring as soon as weather, roads and ground conditions will permit. to Mr. Pinchot's plans has disap peared and that tho great body of Amorlcan ncoplo rccognizo tho benefit of reform in reference to forestry, and that thoy regret that it was not begun years ago No ono can visit this western country without being over whelmingly convinced of tho ur gent necessity of the proper trentment of arid and semi-arid lands by tho extension of systems of irrigation. Never until now has adequate provision been made for a classi fication of lands so as to show distinctly what aro mineral lands and what aro agricultural lands'. As to water power sites, there has been such a chango in con ditions that a special provision should bo mado in tho interests of the public for thoir transfer to private control. It seems wise in tho disposition of coal and mineral lands to separate tho surface of tho land from its mineral contents and then either to lenso tho right to tnko coal from tho land at a spe cified comnensation nor ton that is to nrovido a system of rovnltics or to sell tho deposits of tho lands outright to tho coal miner. Similar provision should bo mado with roferflnco to tho phosphate lands. I expect to recommend to con gross legislation with tho gener al purpose of enabling tho secre tary of tho interior in the admin istration of the land laws, to secure more benefit to tho public nnd greater certainity in the so curity. against tho monopoly of resources. " All this cannot bo accomplished unless congress shall act tho executive can recommend but tho legislature must enact. My administration is pledged to follow out tho policies of Mr Roosevelt in the general policy of the conservation of natural resources and this requires that I take every step and exert every legitimate influence upon con gress, to enact legislation which shnll best subserve tho purposes indicated. MAKOARGT ILES COMPANY. SHOT A WOMAN. Last Tuesday night a man named Matthow Lowery shot a woman of tho underworld known ns Stella Maya. Tho Bhootinff occurcd in a building at tho rear of tho Star saloon. Although it in slated that five shots wero fired but two took effect, both striking tho woman I . tho hips. Ono bullet was deflected by tho bono and come out near its on trance yjLinwgswiammmmmmmmmimmm For Bhcoplincd coats aoo Lunn burg and Dalton, Tho BuniB Soda Works aro prepared to fill all orders. Drop in when you havo u thirst Everything scmpuously clean. Tho Orcgonian received hero last night reporlB tho salo of tho Alvord ranch at most extrava gant figures. It wuh bought from tho Dovino estate not long ago fnr $00,000 and nirninsold recent- Had tho woman been ynt ft BKi,t ndvanco of those PRESIDENT ON CONSERVATION. President Taft delivered an address on conservation of natu ral resources at Spokano tho other day. The important points in his address are given belew: I think it wise to apply to con gress for reliof by urging tho passage of an enabling act which shall permit tho secretary of the interior to issue bonds in tho sum of $10,000,000 or more to complete all the projects now projected. Thero bonds should bo redeemed from tho money paid into tho reclamation funds after tho completion of tho pro jects. I think tho general opposition Theater goers havo been given a treat during tho past week by the lies Dramatic and Comedy Co. Mis3 lies is a very charming and versatile actress and sho is ably supported. In fact it is one of tho best all round class of artists that has ever come to Burns and the nightly performances havo given excellent satisfaction. Mr. Meade, his sister and others of tho company were formerly rcsi dents of our city which adds local interest These members have improved in their dramatic work and their personal friends arc well pleased. With Eddio Mitchell as leading man, Jack Haley, Joo Thompson Miss Hammond, tho latter pos sessing an exceptionally fine contralto voico; little Josephine Thorn, the company is well bal anced. Tho specialties between acts are of a high class and par ticularly pleasing. This company will hold the boards all next week and The Times-Herald does not hesitate to say that all who attend will see some of the best plays ever witnessed in this section. The bill for tonight is "The Lighten ing Rod Agent," which will cer tainly bo all that the title implies for fun. It has five acts and if Jack Haley and Ed. Meado are cast in comedy roles an individu nl would never get over kicking himself if he failed to see it WlrclegB Telephone Here During Pair. The managers of tho Collins Wireless Telephone announce that they will be at tho French Hotel next week for a few days. The Collins Telephone received the hichest award at tho Alaska Yukon Exposition for long and short distances nnd according to the Seattle T mes of Sept. B. long distanco stations are to be installed immediately, commen cing at Seattle nnd working to ward tho interior,. Tho com pany will bo known as tho North west Collins Wireless Telophono Co. Those living out of town will havo an opportunity to talk over tho phono during fair week and tho managers say such callers aro welcomo and under no obli gation to tho company. Por Chapped Hindi. Chapped akin whether on tho hands or faco may bo cured in ono night by applying Chamber lain's Salve. Itisalsounequaled for soro nipples, burns and scalds. For sale by all good dealers. Exchange your Trading Stamps for premiums, now ready for distribution at N, Brown Sopb, turned around half an inch this figures. Tho Orcgonian now shot would have penetrated tho BnyH jt 8 nRH 60ld for $800,000. ubdomiiml cavity aim quiioiiitoiy T,8 H my probable. caused her death. Tho other shot per '.rated both hips and! a pain prescription 1b printed odged near the surface on tho ' upoll 0ftCi, 25C box of Dr. Snoop's 'Phono your orders to tho Cash Grocery & Bakery for broad, pies, cookies, fruits, etc. Deliv ery ma lo promptly. 040 acre ranch for tmlo suitable for dairy or Block ranch. Abund- unco of water for Irrigation and huw power inquire nt this ofllco. reasonable. Cottrill & Clemens nro prepar ed to do custom work with their portable saw mill located J J miles weat of Cold Springs on Poison Creek. Lumber for Bale. Got youa permit and have thorn umbor. Torino aro your opposito Bido from which it on tered. Tho wounded woman was taken immediately to the doctors and tliby do not consider tho wounds dangerous. Pink Pain Tnblols. Ask your Doctor or Druggist if this formu la is not complete. Hend pains, womanly pains, pninn anywhere got inBtant relief from a Pink Sold by Reed Bros. Tho man camo out of tho I iftin Tablet. building nnd started to run down i main street toward tho lower i NOTICE. l.nHM iiilwit If ia entfl Iwi linn fl horse. Ho was pursued nnd in' Notice is hereby given that by the block south of where tho : virtue ; " uuinr uy v y shooting took place Shorilf Rich-1 tho Chorion of the City of Burns ardson happened to be on tho sidewalk of lumber will bo con street When told of what hadlstructcd 1 along the cast side of happened ho gave chaso and l Block 5G also 2 street crossings overtook tho would bo murderer I connecting therewith and acroHfl .i-"-! ii i nun "" -- . -ii. i. The CASH UKUUbKY es bakcky !l Located in i-rcnc I noiei Best quality Fancy and Staple Groceries, Prcsli Fruits, Vegetables, Confectionery, Stationery, Clears, Tobacco, etc. FRESH BREAD, COOKIES, PIES Tolephono orders will receive- prompt attention Freo delivery to nny part of tho city. &., T7 zEBainisriEJ, 3Pxopt. .'..it"! .;v. it. a ""'' ' ';':i'.".'.'.'.'. :m.'.r.zv. V w at tho barn. Lowory turned on tho ofllccr when ho was close pressed and it is snid threatened the sheriff with death. Ho C and D streets on a grade boing on tho west side of Front Street, at as nearly a uniform grade ns tho surface of tho ground will ii i !.. e ...lit. pointed his weapon at Mr. Rich-' I"; " " " ' ardson nnd some say snapped it' citv regulations and Oidi )iniuu.i;n,M Tho Bwiflr nances. ..,- .,i l...t mlvnnnnd near J. By ordorof tho Common Coun- ntw mii . - ..w- his man and grabbed him. After u short struggle tho sheriff got the pistol away from him. He then marched his prisoner tojail. Much credit is given Sheriff Richardson for his bravencss In making tho capture. The prisoner is a stranger hero, having camo in that day from Klamath county. Some thought thero wns something back of the shooting as it Bccma thero was little if any provocation, but tho woman Bays she had never seen him before and Lowery claims never to have known her. He excuses tho act on tho grounds of being drunk and not responsi ble for his actions. Lowery made an attempt to get out on bonds but this was denied him by tho Justice of the peaco and he will remnin in jail awaiting tho action.of tho grand jury which will' bo noxt week, circuit court convening hero on next Monday. This is the first shooting in Burns for several years. Fou Sam: 200 cords of pine wood at $1.50 per cord. Slab wood $1.00 a load at tho Harnov Saw Mill. L. R. Bunyard. Fou Sam: Farm implements, including a mower and rake, hnrrow and plow, a light wagon and other tools. See II. Kallcn- linpli. n r ii. m1 -.. f.N UMU IU U1U IlllIU DUMB Ul 1U1, and Mrs. R. It. Sitz has been under tho care of physicians in this city this week. A horse stepped on his foot making a deep and painful wound which become infected. He is improving. Stomach troubles would moro quickly disappear if tho idea of treating tho cause, rather than the effect, would como into prac tice. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength to tho stom ach. A branch also goes to tho Heart, and ono to tho Kidnoys. When these "insido nerves" fail, then tho organs must falter. Dr. Shoop's Restorativo is directed specifically to these falling nerves. Within 48 hours after starting tho restorativo, treat ment patients say they rcalizo a gain. Sold ty Reed Bros. ell of tho city of BuniB, dated September 22, 1009. P. T. Randam., City Recorder. Go To The Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS hone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. HARDWARE Binders' Supplier Full Line of BUILDING PAPER an ROOFING CROCKERY. CHINA AND G LASS W Ad & cum: Burns, Oregon. Tho wholesome, harmless green leaves and tender atoms of nlung healing mountainous a!,. ub. five to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy tU, curativo properties. Tickling or dry bronchial coughs quickly and safely yiold to this highly effec tive Cough medicine, Dr. Shoop assures mothers that thoy can with safety give it to oven very young babes. No opium, no chloroform absolutely nothing harsh or harmful. It calmB llie distressing cough, and heals the sensitive membranes. Accept no other. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Sold by Reed Bros. t i i $ i News ArchIs Cigars nnd Smokers' Articles Cut Olnss and Silunvnrc ISSUING TACKI.C 'VbVli -1 W V fc.'' The City Drug Store REED BROS., Proprietors Successors to II. At. Iloilon Our line of I)rugn, Patent Medicine and Toilet Articles ore Complete. WE USE ONLY THE BEST OF DRUGS IN OUR PRESCRIPTION WORK AND WE NEVER SU STITUTE. Yours for Accuracy and Lowest Prices turns IVIeat ilarlce NcwSliop Oprosilc (lie first National Hank Ma a St Pork ' l .m i i i Mr ' ' I 18 Your pairmi .ige smiled M. .1 -AiNSLN, Pro Agents Mr Hi: SECURIiy STOCK fUOO Largest collrtlieu IVsU Cants mid Albums in (to t ty. Vtfr. -H--.''-'Vtk'V"''Vi.-V'.s)'V&-0fc& , WiS$?$i'il60Me079$sMB$t ttti'&X&ttUXisy. '- NOTICE FOR I'UHI.K ATION I'MrhliHTATIU I.ANItorriCK, I linrin. Olction, .M1HU. 1MD.I Notlrrl.h mbr Klrciitlnl iMuii.ou W, Biol iroii.i.l llful.i Oregon, wliu. mi Jul. r 4, l0i rl..r)iUI No omo, furHHU m!?. fllma K, XK1 ami NKi hl.-Vi Swrflnn 4.TAtililP Hnuili, luiur a. K..1. wllloiiinltt- JlorltlUu, hn fllol notliool lulenllnn tomnke Ktul iHoyvnr roof, lo MUbllili claim t tho Uml br ilvnnllw.1, telot M J o'l minor, i 8. t'.nn inU.luiier, l lil i.rani.m l)nlu, nrotron. un tho 2nil ilar ol Oclolxr. I WW Claimant namtiiai wline . . CtiartcaW I'ulion llo K. Iloaii, ileltln M lloaoamt lljronT. H.l, altol llrulu, OriMun WH mm, llegUtrr NOTICE KOIt PUUMUATION. IIXITKIlhTlTM I idllOmtl ( liurni. Oitgon, Auguatll, 19 I Motlrola licrotiy iiIvoh tliat llioHlou! Ron liat Dloil in (til union lla a..litliin i a OUV9I toaolwu lllMef ibo prol.lmi ollh. Act ul i:niirc, M'linnwl AiihiiiI II, lil '"i acla aUH'inlalonr (hereto, Ilia NKliBKUKcc (i,T... It UOK W. II Anjr auit all !Ton claiming Rihrrl tlio lanila tracrttMi1.nr ilralrlhir ti, utileel lvfluaa ol tho mineral character nt tltv laiul, or or any oinar raaaon, to tlio iiMiwaai in emuirom. hnultl fllH flilr hOlifavlt. itt ttrnttilt III tula ntHco, on or beforo tba expiration of llie jrtu.l of iiubUcatlon, Wm. I'a, IWglilfr I'uMleatli'ti OtL 10 IPOC "I i BURNS HOTEL. BAR DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection Courteous nndjjObliginjj Bar Tenders EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS DROP IN A-w r'ffrr '' L-Jr- A 4 v 1M T j ?r MfcW 3SJ)Hii ffgp Ji ?Tj w&Mbimi 4 ass&s Centrally Located nnd Connected with Hotel Burns uuu.ujULAiUAMMA. X If f f T f f f f rHiir rj fl fil1 fiftfif f-.T rfW" aHaaf aTiaf f-Jlr Trfaa t jvs fyyyw4vvyifV s-vavN.fWWqVWVfy -wmfV tm::nt:n::timRn:tt:ir...nui:m:nm:,u:t:it:ittns::tti:n:2!tn:mnKnii::jH:tm2t Agclar.Racinc Manager, L. Racine, Pn i flnl putillcatlon fai'V. II IM9, UH NOTICE OP riNAL SUrTLUMUNT. In llio mutter of tlio IMuto of l'ottr An- ilrlau, DccrfliiMl. Notice la lion by kIwhi tlmt tliuuiulor lunu(l oxveutor of lliu K'atitlu t)f 1'i'ttr Andrlou, tluocatutl, linn IIIihI hid llnul account In mli) catntu ami tint linn. J 1'. Hector, Jiitluu of tlio fottuty Court for Harm' County, Orison, liita not Mon day, tlio -Itli ilay of October, 100D, i. tlio hour of 10 o'clock n in, nt Imh olllve In HiiriiB, Ilurnny Count), Ori'ttmi llio tlmo anil placufur hearing obJfctionH to raid account. Any mm nil oumonii otilcctlnit to ealtl iin'ount nro lirrubi no- llflotl to nppuar nt cull time nml plnco Uated at IlnrnR, Ort'on, Kent. :i, lOU'.l. i;tt. J. Catuw, Kxfcutor of the l'ntntc ol IV ttr Auilrlcu DtH'Cnabd. E. B. REED & SON Complete line of Fancy & Staple Groceries Finest line of Confectionery in the interiorSchool supplies, notions, tobacco, cigars Orders taken for FineTailorWIade Clothing at prices ranging from $13.50 lo $45 A satisfactory fit guaranteed RGMBMOBR Wo glvo a live per cent tnide discount fur cash on (ill Koods. RAMS FOR SALE DELAINE. MERINO. RAMBOULLETS From Butterfie'd Live Stock Co. Ranch May be inspected at Homer Mace pasture at Burns about Oct. 15. For information ad dress D. N. Baker, at Burns. TDDLVS MEM Miffi and tar; mmmmmmmmmmmma The Most Popuiai House in interior NbAUY'FURNISUriD--ALL OLThllil M Headquarters for Traveling Men and Ttj Come in and inspect my stock COMPLETE LINE OF BEST GROCERIES to be had in the Market Mu prices arc as low as uood yoods can be sold for in this market... The LARGER the order . the LESS it COSTS. . n-!:m:m:tmt:mmmmnt5m:n:itmi ..;tiuu..;::::;:jm:.im:nmi .OW Tlio Stag in ono o the Intoat nnd Lost adiHUonu to tho famous Dcore Lino of Riding Plows. Ia IIrIu In woiuht, simplo nnd durnblo In construction full of Rcnuino merit, nnd has tihown its mottlo nnd utility in ovory test it lina been put to. It hns nmply demonstrntcd by ita ood work its richt to bo classed ns n strictly up-to-dnto, hich-clnss farm tool. It is certain to suit tho most critical farmer nnd bo a money maker nnd n labor-Haver for him. "If It's a Decre-Il's Right" nnd does its work perfect oodo to tho operator nnd team. It is mnnufnetured and sold ns n toncuoluss plow n tonguo not boinc nccorsnry to best results, but ono is supplied nt sllu'ht cost to those who perfor it that way. Tho Star is tho slmplost rldlnir plow built, anyone who can hook up n team and drive 'em straight can operato it successfully. It pos Bosses many superior foatures not found on other plows, and it takes n whole book to illustrato nnd discribo them. Uottor write for it today nnd nil tho information you want about this superior implement, C. H. VOEGTLY . r y-sc-j ' BURNS LIVERY AND FEED SMI! .HENDERSON ELLIOTT. Vx Sinew I aii t v . io iramificni m fvcUiht Iffuif. h Jlursts Lijt th week oi uion' i " m riliST CUSS LIU Hi 11 it U am on ham? Yum i" , Special Atfenlion Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALE Ji .., r.,.,.v,T.n., ,. C in tuAniA-uua wim urn. g--y-t, . lZU5zTZr BURm MILLINCi HORTOW & SYS, P r's Kough and Dre sed in iSustic, Flooring, wouidl Finishing Lum.cir. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. od Lumber Yard in Burnt- At The Welcome Piiarm You can always find SOaHHiNQ NEW AT OUR SIC, -CALL IN - If you don't. ho whut.yuu wain (Im i1 If wo Iuiyou'i it in Htook wv'H got it . -Mail Orders Solicited The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Op