HMHCIIMtMMDBM WMWMMJMUMM pine iEIte OJrunt 3inniculCCtitiiilijj .Covi'M mi nrc a of 0,4'J8,80(I ninf of Inml, 4,(KSI,(Mil iirrm yet ncnnt tiilicl fo entry under llio public land Ibd of tlio United KtntcH. Tlio Oniclnl Pnpor ot llnrnoy County has the tawst ctrculntton ami isouo Of the bctt ndvortlaliiK luodlumii.ln Kaalcm Oregon. Mb. XXII BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 2, 1CC9 NO. 4G MMMlMfa SPhe 1 ring Right of Way Through the Malheur Canyon Pass ' TTPfflFQ TJTT T JAfTQ! TWM corric(l ln ovcry PcUot' ilJOj FjCt-O 111 JUL JDJIVIXO 11 Pcrhnns Scottv hns worked out the noli pocket ho had in Death vnlley or is getting tighter with his money nml holding a bettor grip on IiIb bank roll. Howovcr, if this mino in Death valloy hns faulted on him, ho is in n good placo to mako another sonBatlon al find, for nt Black canyon somo of tlio richest gold oro in tlio state is being taken out. It was horo that Indian Iko uncovered rock bo impregnated with the yellow motal thntio is now called tlio millionairo Indian of Humboldt county. FROM IDAHO TO THE COAST iper Says Col. C. E. S. Wood and William Ilnnlcy on Right of Wny Ilarrimnn Interests llnvc Hnd Irol of Canyon for Years, Hut Never Duilt a Road in it. iso Capital News says: I pears to hnvo been tho custom fa railway move in the for this entryman to go out in tlio early spring with cnttlo from another ranch in tho valley, where tho stock fed during tho winter. Late in tho fall tho cat tle would bo driven to the winter securing feeding ground. through I Men engaged in tho stock busi- A BIG COUNTRY TO OPEN Territory About as Large as Illinois And Indiana Combined lis country wmen may RStuoruuie signineauce, Ched Boise. Col. C. E. land William Hanloy, it stilted, have been busy st two weeks , right-of-way cur nvcr canyon west JThey have secured and right-of-way through ppcrty for many miles iro and below. ness, whoso stock graze in tho mountains during tho spring, summer and fall, must necessari ly be absent considerably if they i look af tor tho cattle themselves. krriman system had stir-1 In this case this entryman was Id obtained a right-of- engaged in such work for his High the Malheur canyon father and herded tho cattle in Ihas held for years and the vicinity of this homestead. cen supposed that it Tlio work undoubtedly took him ly precluded anyone else away from his own house fre- any right - of - way iquently, but ho does not seem to there, but Col. Wood and I have been absent for long peri- ley, it is stated, nave : ous during tno season wncn tne in obtaining as good a cattle were grazing in the hills. DESCRIBED BY CHICAGO WRITER Central Oregon, the Largest Section In United States Without Railroads, Soon to be in Touch Willi Outside World 200 Square Allies of Wonderful, Latent Wealth Awaits. it held by the Harrt- tem. Il Wood is the resident representative of the tte Valley & Cascade Wagon Road company, company owning sove- "One of tlio witnesses for tho government stated the entrymon seemed to visit tho place every week. The house seems to have been the entryman's homo. It was his headquarters. It was tho placo to which he returned red thousand acres of after making a long ride, whe- Oregon land mostly ob-! ther tho ride kept him out over m the government as a i night or whether ho was able to oad grant many years i pot back before the close of the Hanley is at the head , day. During the winter, when nothing could bo done on the homestead and when it was nec essary to go elsewhere to feed the cattle of which ho had charge, this entryman appears to have been away, but such absence, in our judgment, was certainly ex cusable. "It was not until 1909 that tho this town and ofllce. Rilliam Hanley company Yench, Glenn company, king thousands of acres End thousands of head of that country. ive out for publication lent that they were in and Malheur country p-s pertaining to irriga- lich is probably true as plat of the survey of last week a very im-' ship was filed in the (irrigation meeting per-, As soon as he could make a (1- lands in that section ling on the land, this entryman they are interested on did so, his filing bearing tho Lf the companies they ditto of August 6. 190G. There but it transpires that was somo effort during tho cross nuictly procured title examination of tho entryman to Be railway rights-of-way make it appear that ho offered n were there. commutation proof becauso ho III significance of their knew that ho could not offer fivo- tnot be understood, but year proof. The point does not :lose touch with nfFairs seem to us to be at all well ta lection are inclined to , ken. That proof was oifcrcd in Kit it is a move on the . December. 1907. only three years Hill on the Northern nfter this entryman established residence on tho land, and the fact that lie offered commuta tion proof should not, in our judgement, bo permitted to pre judice his case in any particular." stem to secure an en- that part of Oregon inch that it is the corn- that he is now sur- dm salmon uity, tins the Salmon river to Stanley basin and on fouo to tno coast, and fession of a right-of-way Malheur canyon is an link in his plan. Eown that somo large tant deals which have Iding in that section called off after con- Hme and money nave Bided in making inves- iand it is believed that been called off becauso interested, who aio ich with both Colonel Mr. Hanley, have been re of tho reason for tho Itivities of these two in this section. omentcad to ride for Cattle. )wing is lrom n noise itch: Tho forest ser- conteat of tho United "SCOTTV" DOWN TO SILVGR COIN. Walter Scott, better known as "Scotty," the Death Valley Mys tery, was in Winnemucca last Friday from his mining property located in Black canyon, in tho Humboldt range, says the Hum boldt Star. "Scotty" was here like any other prospector and purchased a bill of grub, which ho took to camp. He is not tho "Scotty" of old who made such dazzling displays of wealth. Al though he seemed to be well supplied with money it was of smaller denominations than when ho (lashed $1,000 bills to pay for a round of drinks. His money this time was of tho white metal and he had a pocketful of it, for when ho went to pay a bill ho pulled out a full handful of sil ver coins, iust to show tho boys Merle It. Banks, in-1 that he was still there with tho homestead entry in ' coin, oven if it wasn't of tho township V north, yellow kind that started tho LING MAY DO LAID ROM COOS EAST. Tho construction of a railway from Coos Bay, across tho stato of Oregon, to a connection with an electric lino already in oper ation in Idaho is the professed ultimate intention of tho Coos Bay & Inland Electric Rnilway Company, a recently incorporated company, with offices in tho McKay building, Bays tho Ore goninn. With tho co-operation of tho Roseburg Commercial Club, this company is now securing rights of way between Roseburg and Mnrshfield, and at a meeting of the club hold Thursday night representatives of tho company pledged themselves to provide a bond in tho sum of ?100,00tf tobo forfeited if they do not complete the construction of tho road be tween Roseburg and Marshfield within 21 months after tho sur vey is completed and tho rights of way secured. The officers of tho Coos Bay & Inland Electric are: President. Jacob Haas; secretary and trea surer, Charles Ringlor. Mr. Haas is a former hotel man, hav ing conducted hostelries in Sdo kiine, Seattle and Portland. Mr. Ringler is a former traveling mnn, with some capital. Assoc iated also with them is Frederick D. Kuettncr, who for some years prior to August 1, last, was aud itor of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway and tho Astoria & Columbia River Railroad. According to Mr. Kuettncr, tho principal backers of the en terprise nro Idaho bankers, now controlling an electric railway in that state. Mr. Kuettncr de clined to reveal tho identity of these men, but said that they had becomo interested in tho Coos Bay enterprise with tho idea of ultimately connecting up the two lines. Almost on n straight line cast of Cooa Bay, in Idnho, is an electric intcrurban line, operating lines between Caldwell and Boise, a distance of about U0 miles. It is said that an electric line extended across Oregon, east and west from Boise to Coos Bay, would bo en tirely feasible. A HARVEST DALL. Narrows, Sept 27, 1903. One of tho most onjoyablo events of the senson wns tho Harvest Ball given nt tho Sod Houbo ranch by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morrison on Saturday night, Soptembor 25th. A good sized crowd was pres ent from the settlement south of the lakes, Narrows and Sun set Valley, At midnignt a bountiful sup per was served and although every ono nto as much aa possi ble there were enough of tho good things loft to feed another crowd twice as large. The music was furnished by Sid Cuinogya and Chas. Reed. Every ono enjoyed themselves immensly and all speak highly of tho hospitality of Mr, and Mis. Morrison. How to Cure a Coltl, Bo as careful as you can, you will occasionally tako cold, and whon you do, got a medicino of known reliability, ono that has an established reputation and that is certain to effect n quick allure to establish and ' usidencc, and tho re-1 i receiver in a decision that tho proceeding i i ill examination of tho all controlled by tho lato Mr. Harriman, have built short feed ers from their main tracks into Central Oregon, but tho difllcul- iii Niwn n miu n nn in I nntn. et, failed to sustain its wori,j talking of his great wealth berhiin's Cough Remedy. It has recovered trom tlio sun uaKed ( Kaincd a world wido reputation 1 hills that surrounded Death val- i,y its remarknblo cures of this 'oy- " most common ailment, and can Tho last llmo Scotty was hero always bo dononded upon. It Komo of our saloon men were al- nctH on mlirQ's vmh relieves most strinknn with lionrfc fnllnro i. i j.i t i.. Ifalls to Show that tho whnn tlio mvHfnriniiH nrriHnnolnr . .k ' n ' . 1 i.ii has maintained tho and champion money spender ,. i ,.utni,, t, avatnm tn W 1 1 lri mlitjil. it.y. A.iA. --!. tll 1 it I . . ' J.UJIUH wiilKH wiu wtHU WOU1U HirOW UOWn Oil mo Uar n l,r.nIH,v nnmlltlnn. T?nK nn A iv ictelon states. In re- enough money to buy tho place, all irood dnnrulHta. flio testimony for tho Ho seemed to delight in display- . centinues: "It ap- ing fat rolls of greenbacks that Job nrintinir-Tho Times-Herald. I tho cntiro district mav bo Tlio following interesting ar ticle regarding tho Central Ore gon railroad situation wns writ ten by William E Curtis, special correspondent for tho Chicago Record-Herald: If you will look on your mnp of the Pacific Northwest, you will bco a great triangle formed by tho Oregon Short Lino and tho Oregon Railroad & Naviga tion company's tracks on tho north, and the Southern Pacific on the south and west, Ogden, Utnh, and Pocntello, Idaho, are at tho apex; Portland at the northwest and Sacramento nt tho southwest angles. This tri angle embraces two thirds of the area of Oregon; tho northern ono third of Nevada; about one fifth of California, and three counties of Idaho, a territory about us largo as Illinois and In diana combined. It is the Inrgcst section of tho United States with out railway facilities, and it seems strange that no company has over built in there Tho important part of the territory is Central Oregon, 200 squnro miles of wonderful latent wealth, which only nwaiUt trans portation facilities to rcalizo a development as rapid and as profitable as other portions of Oregon. It is larger than the famous Willamette valley, and is similar in tho variety of its re sources. There aro millions of acres of agricultural hind, enor mous forests and vast ranges along the mountain slopes upon which herds of cattle and sheep aro now grazing. The country is now quite well settled by far mers and ranchmen. It produ ces several million pounds of wool, several million bushels of wheat and other staples, which nro hauled in caravans of wagons by teams of six to twenty horses over tho trails to the nearest railway points. And, notwith standing the heavy cost of this form of transportation, both wool growing and cultivation of the soil nro profitable. As in other parts of Oregon, the rainfall is sufficient for wheat, oats and other grains, but vege tables and fruit require irrigation, and Inrgo tracts of arid land must have artificial moisture in order to bo utilized. Tho water supply is abundant. Tho mnp shows innumerable little streams and sovcral largo rivers, and tho set tlers in many places have al ready formed co-oporativo com panies for building irrigating cannls. In tho mour.'iin ranges which traverso Central Oregon thero aro said to bo rich deposits of gold, copper, Bilver and lead, but they have Jiovcr been developed or oven explored, so that the mineral wealth of tho trianglo 1 hnvo descri ied is merely a mat ter of conjecturo, but agriculture, forestry, fruit raising nnd dairy ing will furnish occupation nnd support for half n million peoplo tit leant. Whilo thero aro no relinblo sta tistics available, it is estimated that at lciist ono half of tho ter ritory is unoccupied government on file in tho ofilces of the engi neers, of both tho Hill nnd Hurri- mau systems, which, as every body knows, nro antagonistic, and aro supposed to bo deter mined to resist encroachments upon their respective territory. ThtiB far tho Harriman lines have gone only as far north as Butte, MonU, nnd to Seattle, but Mr. Hill hns recently invaded tho Harriman territory nt a C03t of $50,000,000 by lnying- a track along tho north bank of the Col umbia river from Spokane to Portland. A treaty of peaco has recently been entered into by tho rival systems so far as the Puget Sound country is concerned. A joint agreement, by which the Northern Pacific will bo given a monopoly along tho coast of the sound from Scnttlo to Vancauver, B. C, hns been signed by tho officials of tho Union Pacific, the Southern Pacific, tho Great Nor thern and tho Northern Pncific. Under this arrangement, the Northern Pacific will construct two or three, nnd if necessary four tracks, from Seattle to Van couver, and will haul the through cars of all roads. But this evi dence of harmony and coopera tion docs not npply to tho devel opment of Central Oregon. Mr. Harriman has promised for several yours that ho would furnish tlio peoplo of that section with the facilities they require, but he did nothing. There hnd been a great deal of complaint about his indifference, and news papers of Oregon demanded that lie should spend at least a portion of tho largo sums of monoy that i three thousand men wero cm- ' Tilnirn1 mm tvtiiwlltr nn tlinir nntllfl be procured and thero was a great show of ncli vily. This was explained when Mr. Stevens dis closed his presence in n inlhor dramatic manner by an announ cement that ho had purchased tho franchizo and nil the rights and property of tho Oregon Trunk company, with money furnished by Jnmcs J. Hill, per sonally, and intended to build n bridgo over the Columbia river at tho mouth of tho Deschutes canyon so as to got an outlet over tho North Bank road to Portlnnd nnd to Spokane. From tho latter point he would have connections with tho east over tho Great Northern and North ern Pacific. Mr. Stevens made it very clear that Mr. Hill per sonally was behind him, and ho intended to develop central Oro gon and the triangle I have de scribed by the construction of whatever railroads were necess ary. :X"t f & r MEN'S OPPORTUNITIES 0HEAT. It is very common to hear peo plo say, "I came to this country 10 years too late; the great op portunities of getting cheap lands and entering into business have all been taken." This is tho rankest kind of nonsense. There never was a time in the history of Eastern Oregon when there was a chance for the man who has his head screwed on right that there is today. Often wo hear somo one re mark: "Well, if I had only gone into Rye Valley whon Walter Fcrnnld nnd the other old-timers did I would havo been wealthy, too." No, vou are mistaken, for a man who views things in mis ngni wouitt never prosper no matter what his environments might bo. Had ho been in Rye Valley in the early days he would havo pined his life away because the country was sparccly settled and in a fit of despondency would havo traded everything ho had for a saddle horse to rido to Umatilla Landing, whero lie could get away from tho solitude of Eastern Oregon. The fact is, today is the great time, for all arc located in this section of tho country. Tho present is filled with tho greatest NEW FALL s , IVINQ OWN urns, Oregon I'ntrons will rcccitc Trading Stamps, during thin sale. GOOD N B & SONS t.:ii:mmuui had been earned by the Oregon"" , ,' , . , a TJnllrmwl Mnvlcrnfinn nmnnnnv POOPlC. But land IS WOrtll h uailroad te Navigation company m thnt state, by extending its I tracks to those sections which ! havo no rnilway communication. In February, 1900, W. F. Nel-j son, now dead, and V. D. Wil-1 linmson of Portland, organized i what is known as tho Oregon Trunk railroad, under tho laws i hundred dollars an aero now. So it is nnd before you have lived here very long it will bo worth three hundred dollars. Business is crowded, you may say. Not so, thero is plenty of room for a firm or nn individual who will attempt to give the The Harney Valley Brewing Co. MnnnfactnrerB of 2Pi.:lv SSodLo, "TtTebf ox Family Trade Solicited Free" Delivery T. E. JftKIEtiS RIanaeer THE CAPITAL SALOON, CHAS. BEDELL, Proprietor. Burns, - - Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. ..J BY fctiENTISTS IMTICiLLY ,.r xT....,i ,in. :.i -!, HcoiiiB u square aeai. uui tio Hi. XIUVUUU, Willi U IUIJIUU OVUJV , . M . r innniw .i iaj,.,i i not rely so mudi on merchan- right of way through the canyon ' "!in rsh ,b.uT,es" ? Tf ' or ti, rwrlmt rlvn,. wi,:n,, i thing of thnt kind. Get back to rises in Central Oregon and flows g sod and aid in developing into tho Columbia near The Baker Cou"V .?1.,Turce? Dalles. This canyon is said to'aroso 8Wmt the lifetime of furnish tho only water level n ma who ia rw 'eal'3 okl rnntn fnr n iilrnn.1 infn rontrnl ! w uu alv, """ utf:is . .V .. ...... v.... ....w .... L - ! oi pcrxcciion can Oregon, and in somo places is so narrow us to admit of only ono track. Secretary Ballinger wns a director of the company, until ho went into tho cabinet But they did nothing to utilizo their rights nnd tho existence of the company was practically forgot ten until tho latter part of Aug ust, when it wns announced that John F. Stevens, formerly chlof engineer of tho Great Northern railway, and at ono timo presi dent of tho Panama canal com mission, hnd purchased tlio fran chise nnd intended to build a road into Central Oregon, con necting with tho Hill lino upon tho north bunk of tho Columbia river. Sinco Mr. Stevens resigned from tho Panama canal ho has beon vice presidont of tho Now lund subject to entry, and a con-, York, Now Haven & Hartford sidcrablo part of it is in forest railroad nnd has beon actively resorve. engaged in electrifying its sub- Tho Cegon Short Line, tho i urban service into New York Southern Pacific nnd tho Oregon City. Ho retired from that posl- Railrond & Navigation company, I tiou tho middlo of Juno, nnd bo readied m raising nnd handling crops that this county will produce. These- uro facts, stranger, nnd if you spend two months in Ba ker County and fail to find some thing that you can make good at, then may the good Loid have mercy on your soul, for thero is notn place in this wide, wido world whero you will succeed. Baker City Herald. To quickly check a cold, drug gists aro dispensing every whoro a' clever Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Preventies. Provontics aro also fine for feverish children Tako Proventics nt tho sneeze stage, to head oil' nil colds. Box of '18-25c. Sold by Reed Bros. ' s & AS fjfe. Hl IitBtmdiiile MEM " BOO (IMfli Ilnniltlfitl I LjrJS I P .Hfc Doolnna. fifSjS l-ANY, EETTTR AKfl RREAFEETHAH W STOHE Sonet (or Prlco Llot & pfl Circulars. MONUMCNTAL I f fK COr 12US0E1M.1.1. (....:. M. L LLWIS Will be glad to furnish PARTICULARS and PRICES To anyone desiring INFORMATION. See his Handsome DESIGNS. y::::;im :m:::-...:t:tttt::mm:::KnHiimtmttmnmt:tn::tn:t::itu:tttt:itm!:tu The OVERLAND HO L ( Burns, Oregon ( Afford the Best Accommodations f to be had in Harney County CliEflN ROOMS, iltfc'N IINNEN. PfluHTABLE VICTUHuS The patronage of .ill guests tinder the old management especially sylicited. ltr.tes $1 a day, $G a week, $21 a month H nderson Elliott, Propt. ::mm:mtnKiim:m::u::mmmmnim:sctm:mt!m:::m:m:tnmmmnm:m: shortly after camo west. Under tho assumed name of Jnmea P. Sampson ho spent two months making n rcconnoisanco of tho tieB and expanse of construction railway situation In central Ore- Have dottored them from fur- iron. Tho Harriman neonlo luiv nishingtlio transportation that Is required for the development of tho torritory, Thoro have been numerous surveys for linvs north nnd south nnd cast nnd west, and typogrophlcol maps or found ing discovered his presence, nnd suspecting his Intentions, woko up nnd began laying a track from tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation station to tho mouth of tho Deschutes canyon along thp bed of that riyer, Two or Studebnker Wagons, the pondont" kind for salo Brown & Sons. "HAVE we a wavy?" iiimrosu Uurce .vs luu nml patriotism thin i c bump of whack, To console us, K. Aloxnmler Powell takes us, to "The L,aih of Lovely Ladies," mxt bhuu us the niott licuitifiil women in the world. It's .1 mighty interesting nitlclc. You'll find ever)1 page of tlio OCTOBER EVERYBODY'S wdlworthrcadlng. Lookitmcr, For salo by City Drug Store. More than I'iioihIi l too Much. i To mnintnin health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food to repair the waste and sup- j "De-' 'My enersy and body heat. The nt jnji nauiiuni consumption oi mora food than is necessary for theso ' . purposes is tho prime cause of stomach troubles, rheumatism anil disorders of tho kidneys. If troubled with indigestion, revise your diet, let reason and not ap petite control vvA tako a fow dosos of Chamberlain's Stomach and Livor Tnblots und you will soon bo nil right again, For sale by nil good dealers, ' l we ics our nn awful Hay Fou SAi.B-About GOO tons best timothy hay. Good 'feeding placo. open water, early range. Koyes & VtinDerveer, Van, Oregan. li'CJononitions of lire, iJ awake Amoiienu Uoyn 1 obuinuil tho rij! t km 1 i FIREARM EDUCATION by boiug oquipjK'l wuli On ttuoriing, time-lio u reil STEVENS All lrHmho ll.utlH uv ui fiiionliiir (IikhU Mr hum l in BTIiVU.NS. U)miuiiiKj(iit i owlllalilicllnHt,uxprvMtr ulKHUVi-vlIit lit tatlllutf I'll Si Wx fry 111 v fori I & cimU In itiuniit Jul UU'oko IllusmiUU uuil..M. ueni' u n'i M X l: I'KS iii) I in in ii I Midi in I t i mill flWfclllffl m r I I IHlllH X J. STBV1H3 AltMS & If ) I O U Cfclcepr F. I ! ::