wmmm: ?.-'- cwjb'mi$mmmn w. "ft: "3U ,hj i J4 ', Ike (MMtf-gwxM. SATURDAY. IKPTKMDIH SS, lOt sunaoimtioN uatkb; Oae Year . All Month! TMeeUonlbi 1.0 .74 UI.IAN HYIlll - - - Mimaim The Times-Herald would like to sco local business men tnko n personal interest in the fair nnd show thoir appreciation by clos ing their places of business dur ing the afternoon program. With renewed work in rail road surveying and prospects for reclamation the Harney country has taken on new life. Many strangers are on our streets and automobiles aro coming and go ing daily. Wo are going to see lively times from now on. tomorrow both , morning nnd evening and wo hopo tho people of Burns will show thoir appre ciation of his services by attend ing church. It docs seem to Tho Titncs Hcrald that resident stockmen and taxpayers should bo afforded some relief from predatory sheep. This is a serious matter that tho law making bodies of our land should consider. The homo stock man, liko the home builder is en titled to protection in this re spect and wo should help secure such protection. Mr. Hanley has shown his sin cerity in tho state and district owned railroad plan suggested by the Oregon-Idaho Develop ment League by organizing a company and begining active work, as indicated by Judge Miller's interview in this issue. Such commendable spirit will find enthusiastic responso from the people in this isolated terri tory and he will meet with en couragement on every hand. Tho purposo of Col. Wood and Win. Hanley to reclaim large bodies of land in this county and over in Malheur is one that has long been desired. It will bring about such desirable changes in conditions as will prove most beneficial to the entire district. With such work in progress and the future activity in railroad work Harney county will receivo considerable attention from out side capital. In fact it is now witnessing a transformation and many people of means aro flock ing here looking for investments and to study conditions. DXCIIANOB A row SHOTS. Word was rccolvcd hero this week that E. B. Hill and Jnmes Rounsovillo had been shooting nt each other but no ono was hurt. Tho inon got into troublo over somo hay. Both wero for merly connected with tho Ami r ican Land & Live Stock Co. and since tho real estate had been transferred to Thomas & Walter Mr. Hill had purchased 120 acres from them on tho installment plan. It is good meadow land and Mr. Hill had Bold tho hay to Mrs. Schubener but Mr. Rounso villo objected. It scorns ho has somo claim or is looking nfter certain interests in connection with tho Trout Creek property. At any rate ho had contracted tho liny on tho ranch to tho P. L. S. Co. and Mr. Gilcrest had made a payment Mr., Hill nnd a man named Withprspoon wero on a load of hny when tho shoot ing occured, Ronnscvillo using n rifle and Hill a pistol, They wore nt closo rango but neither was hit. After exhausting their ammunition it is said they went at it with their fists. Hill knock ed his adversary down and start ed to do tho job up good when a girl ran out with high heeled shoes and kicked Hill in tho head making an ugly scalp wound. Somo men arrived on tho scene of battlo later and separated tho combntents. No arrests hnvo been made, but there will likely bo somo investigation of the affair when tho grand jury meets next month. Asst. Supt Holland of tho P. L. S. Co. hnd intended going to Trout Creek nt once to measure and receive the hny contracted from Rounsevillo but doesn't know now whether to go or not. A RECLAMATION PROJECT STARTED. Judge Miller dlvei Pacta Regarding the Mysterious Railroad Survey, Judge Win. Miller arrived homo Thursday evening from Agency Vnlloy whoro ho hnd For ahcepllned coats sco Luna burg nnd DflUon. Soils of tho United States nro not wearing out and tho crop yiolds nro rnthor increasing than decreasing. Thcso fncts nro de monstrated in n bullotin shortly uvm TT.!to bo issued by tho burenu of KUI.U ... buiuimujr ...... ...- .. . .. nm.tnUw, ,l,..,l nuiio vi vi iv ih ivuumhh wuijiii l CLOSG COfiNCCTIOfNS WITH BURNS OUR PREACHER ALMOST MOBBED The first preaching service at uie rresDytenan church since the summer vacation, was held last Sunday and Rev. A. J. Ir win announced from his pulpit at the morning service that ho would tender his resignation at a congregational meeting called for Thursday evening. He had no grievance, but believed his duty to go to another field that had been tendered him where no religious work was being carried on. This caused such a storm of protest from the people of Burns that Mr. Irwin was almost mobbed between the time of the announcement and Thursday evening. On that night a number of tho members of his church and friends gathered at the church and after Mr. Irwin explained the situation and asked those present to consider tho matter unselfishly, he retired to tho manse. His friends considered another minister could cover the new field quite as well as Mr. Irwin, but that he was the man for this place, therefore it was the unanimous vote that ho remain. He was so apprised after the vote had been taken and said that ho would re main provided the Presbytery would not insist on his giving up work hero and going to the now j field. A committee consisting of Miss Godfrey, J. L. Gault and Mrs. A. S. Swain was appointed to draft resolutions expressing the feeling of the people hero which will bo sent to tho Pres bytery in support of tho action of our people. Mr. Irwin has been pastor of tho local church for over nine years and has become so much a part of our leligious, social and educational life that tho entire people of Harney county will not willingly consent to his removal at this time. IHb estimablo wifo shares the same popularity and both have labored faithfully to ward the betterment of humanity in a manner that has endeared them to every man, woman and child in this section. The Times-Herald is well pleased to find Mr. Irwin nccedes cheerfully to the decision of his friends and admirers and will continue hia work Unexpected delays in construc tion work aro hampering the Sumpter Valley railroad people in building tho Austin-Prairie City extension but there is every assurance that tho road will be built before tho time limit is out. The chief difficulty is tho scarcity of American labor. It seems al most impossible to secure the desired number of men and teams. Tho railroad company is offering good prices for help nnd supplies nnd they believe that tho pcoplo of Grant will bo able to render much more assistance as soon as harvest is over. When tho road is completed to Prairie Citv, tho schedule of passenger traffic will bring tho train into Prairie City about 12:30 p. m. and tho train will Ieavo Praiiie City for Baker City about 1:00 p. m. It is the inten tion of the officials to connect with the west bound train nt Bnker City for Portland. As soon as trains arc running into nucKieuerry iiat tho pres ent stage and mail schedules will bo changed. The stage passengers will take supper at Canyon City. Thoy will make Huckleberry Flat about noon and pass through Prairio City in tho middle of the nfternoon. Con siderable delay in tho traffic is caused by construction work on the road, making tho stage seve ral hours later on arriving in Prairie City occassionally. According to statements cre dited to L. Woldenburg, mana ger of tho Austin-Burns stago lino, there will bo an automobilo line established between Prairie City and Burns next spring. Tho trip from Prairie City to Burns will bo made in seven hours. -Prairio City Miner. OPERA HOUSE TO-NIOIIT. The Margaret lies Dramatic and Comedy Company will pre sent tho musical comedy, "Forty Five Minutes From Broadway." Something entirely new to thea tre goers not only of Tjurns but throughout tho entire United States, same being a play with n melodramatic plot introducing songs and choruses, which makes tho wholo almost a comic opera and has never failed to please. This company will remain hero until nfter fnir week. Foil Salr Farm implements, including a mower nnd rake, harrow and plow, n light wagon And other tools. See II. Knllen bach. Membors of tho local Eastern Star lodgo nro requested to nt tend tho regular meeting on next Mondny evening. Tho Grand Worthy Mntron will visit tho lodge in tho near futuro nnd hero without preparations for receiving her ley nnd Col. C. E. S. Wood nnd when nsked rog..ding tho tin turo of tho work Civil Engineer Faulkner hnd been employed to do nnd what ho know rcgnrd ing tho railroad recently incor porated with Mr. Hnnloy ns ono of tho incorporators, ho snid: "I loft Mr. Hnnloy nnd Mr. Wood nt Beulnh looking over tho prospective dnm nnd reservoir sito in Agency Vnlloy. Whon shown tho Oregoninn with tho excited Burns dispatch they both laughed nnd Mr. Wood Bntd ho wns glad to bco thoy wero in such good company as J. J. Hill and John F. Stovons, nnd it would bo n pity to contradict it ns it might senro tho 'Short-Lino pcoplo into building into long neglected Enstorn Oregon. "Mr. Hunloy snid 'Yes lot it go-it might do Burns somo good.' In tho chnt that follow ed Mr. Hnnloy nnd Mr. Wood agreed that it would bo wrong to excito the people with fnlso hopes nnd tho fncts nro that tho Secrotnry of tho Interior hns re jected tho Harney Vnlloy Im provement Co's. Cnrey Act scheme nnd Mr. Hnnloy nnd Mr. Wood intend to rcclnim tho do- sort Innds nt a fnir wntcr rnto to tho settlers nnd in tho tract con templated to bo settled nro more than ton thousand acres belong ing to the Road Company. Tho government has practically de cided ngninst the Malheur pro ject, under which tho Road Com pany hns twonty-fivo or thirty thousand ncres. Now Mr. Wood nnd Mr. Hnnloy have a plan to try and create reservoirs in Agency, Wnrm Spring nnd Drewsey Vnlleys bo ns to leave tho mnin Mnlheur Cnnon open for railrond purposes nnd nlso cut n channel from Malheur Inko to tho South Fork, using the waters of tho Blitzen River stor ed there. Mr. Wood is also au thorized to make some prelim inary surveys and mnko n re port Then Mr. Hnn'ey has his pet iiobby, the district construct ed nnd owned rail road nnd ho with Mr. McCuloch nnd Mr. Mnllett hnvo formed n littlo cor poration called tho Boise & West ern with fifty thousnnd dollnrs capital stock, similar to tho cor poration formed at Coos Bay to try nnd mnko surveys nnd collect right of wny, nnd ho nnd Mr. Wood nre going to try nnd have tho same surveyors in tho field cover both designs. Mr. Wood snid: This secrecy of railrond operations always struck mo ns n good subject for comic opera it never fools nny ono nnd nev er does any good in tho long run." Ho snid 'I hnvo been nlmost ndvertising for engineers, for we wnnt to push this work dur ing good wenther; but up to date we hnvo not secured one com plete crew thoy seem scarco as hens teeth. I hnvo been beating tho bush nt Boise, Ontario nnd Vnlo for everything from compo tent engineers to enmp cooks, ns what littlo monoy wo havo to spend wo want to spend nt onco before winter. As to tho Short Lino interfering I would bo proud to bo noticed by them if they build n rail rond that is nil wo wnnt; If thoy hold ono sido of tho Mnlheur Canon without building nnd obstruct tho pcoplo irom trying to got a survey on tho other it will bo tho finest nrgumont in tho world for state owned rail roads; you don't sup pose tho people aro going to havo ono company monopolizo a pass created by nature?' "District or state owned rail roads nro suro to como somo dny nnd such obstructive tactics of the Short Lino or nny othor rond would hnsten tho dny more than a thousand arguments." mont, prepared by Professor Milton Whitney, chief of the burenu. Tho bullotin deals ox- hnustivoly with tho yiolds of crops from 1807 lolOOO, inclusive. "A careful Btudy of tho data which haaboon presented appeal h to justify two conclusions," nays Professor Whitney. "First, that tho productivity or tho nowcr agricultural soils of tho United Stntcs nnd of tho older agricultu ral soils of Europe, tnkon ns a wholo, nnd for the nntion, nro not declining, ns is popularly supposed. Indlvidunl inrming doteriorntes nnd soils wenr out, ns thoy hnvonlwnys done, but ns n wholo, it scorns probable that wo nro producing moro crops per ncro thnn formorly, "Second, that bo far us our in formation goes, thoro is appar ently no signifiennt difToronco nt tho present timo botween tho composition of tho old ngricultu ral soils of Europo nnd tho now or agricultural soils of tho United States, with respect to potash, phosphoric ncid, lime nnd mng- nesln." Tho bullotin gives nverages by states for tho production of whent per ncro from 18G6 to 1907. Tho first three nre; Vermont 18.5 bushels; Mnino ICG; New York 13.7. NOTICE FOR IT i I i Tinv UNITKUHTATKH MNH iKlf i, , Hunt Ornim, aujihi-i ii Nl'llff lllTCliy lTII1llt MMI4UII orrr.ni, wiiu, on June , !. 'Phono your orders to the Cash Grocery & Bakery for bread, pics, cookies, fruits, etc. Deliv ery mn io promptly, 010 ncro ranch for Bale Buitnblo for dairy or Btock ranch. Abund nnco of wntcr for irrigation nnd power inquiro nt thla office. Cottrill & Clomcns nro propnr cd to do custom Work with thoir portable snw mill located 11 miles west of Cold Springs on Poison Crook. Lumber for Bide. Got youn permit nnd hnvo thorn saw your lumber. Torino nro rcn8onnblc. ffheCt .&y he CASH GROCERY & BAKERY' Located In French Hotel Best quality Fancy nnd Staple Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Confectionery, Stationery, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. FRESH BREAD, COOKIES, PIES Tclcphono orders will rccclvo prompt attention Free delivery to nny pnrt of tho city. xxv. nr: V. Fxopt Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS Thone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. HARDWARE MACHINE Binders' Supplie Full Line (f BUILDING PAPER an ROOFING. CROCKERY. CHINA AND OLASSW G GEER & CDMMi: Burns, Oregon. Burns Meat Market New? SfiopOpposilc llie lirsl National Dnnk Ma v yVsV1iWtVs - k -V v'' Nsws Agents Kton,l Ixnlu MKi I ak vldH mild humeatea' Fntrt S I. .i.tl k... njj.i (... dii I r miu .... ...... b K, NKU nul NK -tl.il Hrcll.ni 4 l'imi alili- V riuuih. Hanae iK t Wlllainrite Meilillan.luM (llKl nnti-iif Intriill'Mi mm lip final rtofr nwif tu iftaliUh tlitlm (fi the laiul b..r ilranllw.1 ixtrnp l i O'Connor, I'. . C'mi mlulu'cr, l hit nlllr al f'Milu, Orwell, the "miliar of IMnlwr IMM Claimant uamei .a nli( C'harlra W, CulKiti. Itw F. Inn, Mali Ik II Doan ami Hrron T. Klcal, allot IiIn. nre. W Via. Itrxitter. NOTICB VOn PUBLICATION MTM'IfWiw 1.(111, Ill'Mm lllliua, '.I !, July JO, 1V Nc-llco la hrif 1 (Ivon '! Tli Plato of (rv cull hat llte.l lu Hit iiWi J a a tjlwl'ou. fre'lal No mm) li atari. mnWr Ilia ).t vliltina oHlta Aciul o-nrM ipi.tuvpl An null, I'M, nI acta amamlalurr itieiflu, h. no mi hkw rmw . ,1.. I. mi . a e . t U MnUKP.IfSeiMtt T JO It -I K , l. AtlV ariit all t.rranna d .i.inir iutku.ul lfe Urnta tlrarrltwl, or lnlr'u tu uiil I'VfaUM ol ilia mineral cuarapior .l the latil, or wi ail. Other roil. Io Ilia ftf.ltiMat t.iamlftKHI. ahouM die (hair aUl.lniuut fiolf-t ill I hi. office, an or More trip ei!nttlii of the polMI of implication. NX a DUE, ItcKlaltr Fir at publication. Allitiul 7, HW Utl l'Utjllcalloii,k'rUiiiU'r II, l!w. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Cigars and Smokers' Articles Cut Mas and Silverware The City Drug Store REED BROS., Proprietors Successors to II. Al. Ilorlmt Our line of Drugs, Patent Medicine and Toilet Articles are Complete. WE USE ONLY THE BEST OF DRUGS IN OUR PRESCRIPTION WORK AND WE NEVER SU STITUTE. Yours for Accuracy and Lowest 1'iius HSIIhG TACKUi Agents fQr the SECURITY STOCK MOD Largest culi cum IV i Cains and Albums in the lit fc,,"k''Vny"fA'.)vv&. -a.tvat W55 iafttSi- BURNS HOTEL BAR DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors. WINES, LIQUORS anil CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection Courteous and;Obliging- Bar Tenders EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS DROP IN Centrally Located nnd Connected with Hotel Hurna 4 Yourpalron age wlicilcd. tf. J 11ANSE, ' 'BfP y Hp; '- '" wM' SHVMBBFeHeneBtllHBP. -;' IJeViBBKHeeMIBBVmBrisHBWBVaVT- f . Jj. eaai(i.jiii.tttiiii.ijiii-rtvM-it ' i TMgtf ifir 'i?imm n art. ("fit. - , Umtko wrTM Ium OrrtcK, NotiMiihi!ii.ireniiiai'uiiiiai.i n'pfit.1. i H'lsiinJMurnnanrHtt. oi narerir, urrsoii. wii" on June , lu V . ......".....ri.., , f. rf ir ff n (ft I ---- - - - . . - I M f swsessps4wesi&M$s! :(nimiitnt::jj:;en:miftjt!t:u:::j:t:r.jtyttt:i:ij::::t:j:fm made llumiaiUiilr NotlX.Heilal Ni.ttti; for 8k NMl H'l I"ia a .! I, iwiluii i Toanililp i7 Huiith itanga III H.f ,lam etle Uerlillan. haa lt..l nuttrr or liitanlloii tu make final Coininulailuti pitoif, u.labll.l. claim to Ihe la ml etaifu ttiwrllwit, Iwfore (a. Htkltler and lUrclror. at Hut in, .irefuii .i lha vnth flay ol (incinbvr W0 Clalinamnamraai wltiirtten Abraham II. Hclltutl. Chat Umdler. Hnmiu I frllcli. all of UaTerly, Orrjou Thomrti iiiiion.oi jiurna, urito x. l"nnt, KeUier NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l,MlTltlirraTuLANhOrifcir. ( llurna. Urenuii, Amuat 90, 1WJ.I Nolleoli berebr (Irea that llxroin liltrli, of nvarljr.OreRu who, on October 17, lwi. made llomcatea Fntty No. jrn. tiurlnl No. van. tar WJfNKla. HKUNKW .NHWnKta Melton 4 Towiuhln 27 eolith, Itange ai Eal. Wlllamalta Merldan baa fllvd nolUv of Inlenllou lo roako Hnal Coininntatlon I'roof. locitabliah claim loth land nlKi ilea crlhoii, before the Hurler and Hm'lrci, at llama, Orcon, otitbeiih darof ivplnnber lw. Claimant tiainca wltnuiea William II Krltrb. t'haa lltaitler. Abraham II llounclt all of Warorly. ()roou Ihomaa Dillon, of llurni. OrcKon UM firna. Itinl.l.r ' TOM'S MEAT and Grocery m The Most Popular House in Intent, Ur - NiiATLY -FURNIS112D--ALL OUTSIDt KM Headquarters for Traveling Men ana i c Agclar Racine Manager, L. Racine, Prop:.. BoiiN-To Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N. TerwllliKor, Sunday, Sopt. 19, u (laughter. Fou Sale-200 corda of pino wood nt $1.50 per cord. Slab wood $1,00 n load at tho Harnov Saw Mill, L. K. Bunyard. , NOTIC13 KOH I'UIILIUATJON. UxiTrnBTATcai.aKDOrritn i llurni, Oicjoii, AuuuttDI, lft Notice la horeby Wn that tlioHlatoof Oro inn haa flladln Ihlaomce lie a i.llrdllunierUI So (stWdl uiaelcit, under the irovUluu of lha Act of Uonafou, ouproved Atiftiit 14, 18IH, and acta atoanJatoiji thotulo, the NKJJ HK Bee 0, T, ti H , II MY W )l Any and nil i.cr.om lalmlni: adtera.ly the landi dtacrlhcd. or ilpalrlnir tu .iblnrt i .m. of the mineral iharaiier uf the laud, or fur aujr other rcaton, to IhedlitKiaal loanpllcaiil, houhl file their airldavlla of iirotml In Mil. otDce. on or before the uxnlratloii of the hcrlml of publication. Wm riimr, lieuiitcr Kim publication Ment II lixo. Uit .ul,lirai. n OH. 10 low. Come in and inspect my stock COMPLETE LINE OF BEST GROCERIES to be had in the Market My prices arc as low as good goods can be sold for in this market... The LARGER the order the LESS it COSTS. 'MinntuMmnnmntmtitnnm:tn:n.;ti.tt:u.t.tcnsutxutt.n BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE HhNDERSON ELLIOTT, Propt Special aitn frci&iJ leant. iO'.Vc' kvtfit i.. trcck oriuvMh FJBST QU& hVLK. "iw"" NOTICB OP ri.NAL SBTTLP.MI!NT, In tho matter of llie IMutu ( IVlcr An iltlou, DiiCfnrtil. Notlcola liorili) utven tlmt Ijiu imiiIit dlun il oxtinit ir ut hu l'.Nin'o of I VI r Amlrlmi, iliueii fil, Imx Hum I ltia IhihI HCcminl In anlil m MltMiiiil iln' IIiiii J 1 Ilrclor, Jiiiltftt of lli" i ouniy t'mirtfor llariioy Cmnily, (IdK'u, ,M ncI Mod- dny, tliu -till day o( O. ti.tior, lUU'J, ut tliu linur uf 10 o'clock n m, ut lila o()lu. tu iniriie, iiurimy uoiiiij, unuuti hn tho tltnoaiiil plat u (ur liourinuolijuclioi h lo mill account. Any Aim ull puraoim objecting to nkl in count nro luTuby no- llflou to nppour at tin I' I tltuo ninl plnco Uatoil nt DliniB, Ori'Kon, Hupt. !1, lixiu. Kiiw. .1 I'ATUIW, Kxi'tutor of tho i:tutv of IVtur Anitrlou Docoatod. CeSIJ MVk. PLOW Hai aii if on hand Vour uni i Smith M . i, - tut I Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALE IN CONNECTION Willi BARN. prot' He will preach again will bo arranged. RAMS FOR SALE DELAINE. MERINO, RAMBOULLETS From Butterfie'd Live Stock Co. Ranch May be inspected at Homer Mace pasture at Burns about Oct. 15. For information ad dress D. N. Baker, at Burns. : It Is money DflBSgl!.-0n8M l?& nnd bcot a-Wlt-ons to Iho famous if u, n? of R,d-nS Plows. Is HEht in wolBht, slmnlu oml durable In conBtrucHon-full of cenuino merit an Urns b wwij its mettle nnd utility in every test it has been nut to! It hns amply demonstrated by Its fjood work Its rlclit to bo ....v... ,a auivuy up.io-mue, Hicii-clnss farm tool. vu.ium io ami mo most critical farmer and be mnkor nnd n labor-saver for hlra. "I It's a Deere-It's Right" and does Its work perfect ease to tho operator and team. It ia manufactured nnd sold ns a touguoloss plow n tontruo not boinc necessary to best results, but ona Is supplied nt s Unlit cost to those who perfor It that woy. The StftfJ is tho simplest rldlnc plow built.-nnyono who can hook up n team and drlvo 'em straight can operato It successfully. It pos sesses many superior features not found on other plows, and It takes n whole book to illustrate and dlscrlbo them. Hotter write for It today and all the Information you want about this superior Implement. C. H. VOEGTLY BURNS MILLINC d HORTON &ISAYER, Prop - Rough and Dressed Lm ib Rustic, Flooring, iVaouiG Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Coot, .Lumber Yard in B id "t in JOurns. A TK iiri irv, xc yy eicome Jriiarn ac VoucnnnhMijj find SCIUnillNfl NI-W A! OUR STOKE -CALL IN- If you don't hcc whni yui wunttink lm If wo haven't it in ntook wo'll got it for , i 'Mai! Orders Solicited The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oi g t. sty bfc msm J3FU A r ,l