The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 18, 1909, Image 3

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II I 'III lfallBWJ4.-
Local News.
bury fits oyca P. 0. block.
Keller wsn in this weok
proof on his lniul.
u want n nice, mild drink
lo tho Burns Soda Works.
first renl frost of the scn-N
sited this vicinity lnstl
hut it dm nttlo damage.
imes-IIcrald family feast-
ne riuo tomatoes yestor-
m tho jmrden of Mr. and
arry Smith.
G udman is prepared to
ood and his now barley I
hs ready for business.
s should at onco arrango
m for such work.
relay was quite cool, but
no frost of any conso-.
has visited this commun-,
iisoquontly vegetables and i
are still growing.
Ferguson and wife, ncci
Sagers and Lyt. Sneers
lien the first of this
rom wevatia. rney will!
re for a few weeks.
Chas. Wilson has ro-j
her special fall and win-
uIes from Charles A.
Is&Bro. Ladies are in- James Gilbert and
call and see them. , m tho city this week.
Times-Herald learns that j Fine line, of watches,
e son of Mr. and Mrs. F. ' etc., at Salisbury's P
k died yesterday morning
family homo in Grant
The little follow w .s
fr n choli'ra infantum.
At the close of bmincaa September lat, J909
Loahs and Discounts ' $100,027 71
U.S. Bonds 50,00000
Bonds and Securities 53,22157
Premium on U. S. Bonds ... . , 2,000 00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 0,000 00
Fivo per cent Ropomption Fund 1,250 00
CASH ....' 149,26867
$457,767 05
Capital i $25,00000
Surplus and Undivided Profits 83,048 20
Circulation 25,00000
373;819 75
$457,767 05
United States Depositary
Accounts Invited
All work
guaranteed Salis-
i i to my pi ce
i blue spotted cow
ij u sum -i-nnp noner.
i, y have her by paying
itu-t and the pasture
F. Ckowley,
Lawcn, Oregon.
Mothorshead took his de-
Wednesday for Baker
ing by private conveyance
where he was commis
y the county court to do
isiness for tho court. He
Baker to be one of a
take the Shrinor's degree
nry. Other local Masons
go over lor tno same
Burns Sodn Works can fill any
order largo or small.
wifo wero Jamea Pirio was over from his
Cow Creek homo Thursday.
chains, M. C. Ilulfman was up from
0. block, his land holdings near Dog
l m r . t a i.
Miss Grace Carey is in the city, ; Mountain aurmg mo wcok.
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Gee. ; Prompt delivery of all orders
Shelley. ('phoned the Cash Grocery &
I tl..l. It. T1 1. TT-IjI
Studebaker Wagons, tho "Do "anery ai ino v renc.wmci.
punuont' kind lor sale at N.
Brown & Sons.
Simon Lewis is again able to '
be on the streets after being con
fined to.his bed for several days
from sickness. j
Geo. Ward, who has been in'
the Homer Reed barber shop for
some time, is sick at the home
The complcto line of Hamilton
Brown's "Honest Value" Shoes
for Infants, Boys, Girls, Men
and Women at N. Brown & eons.
Michael Schcnk left last Mon
day for a short vacation trip to
Portland and other points. He
will bo absent a couple of weeks.
Delhi Day Freeman, profes-
of Mrs, Shelley. He is threat- aional nurse. Parties desiring
encd with typhoid fevor. ( her services may find her at the
Cottrill & Clemens have put in homo of Thomas Sagers, Burns,
n first class saw mill 15 miles Postmaster Loggan received a
west of Cold Springs is near the nev lot of lock boxes yesterday
valley with good road. In first! and had them installed at onco
class timber picked trees from I for the convenience of tho pat
the government. Prepared to do rons of Hie office. Thev are a
custom work. See them about needed improvement and will be
your government permit at once, appreciated.
Frank Bunyard and family ar- Paints, Oils, Doors and Wind
rived here from their homo at lows, in fact everything for the
Juntura Sunday, being enrouto. farmer or builder. Givo us a
to Lakeview on a visit to rela-'call and wo will be glad to give
tives and friends. Mrs. Bun-, you prices. Myers Pumps and
Stewart yar(J an tn0 children will remain Star Windmills.
i. :....,. .i A.;Ania n tnore lor some ume. i'ranK6uj,iianioy lo. imp, nuwc w.
'1UUUVM UIIU 11ICUUO '" I . ... . ..,. .!
and also snent some time ,e will navo no lruit tins year., j c Bartlett and wifo and
Stewart and family ar-
Ir ne Sunday niter an ex-
rabsence. They were in
Id for some time where
le daughter was under the
La specialist for eye trou-
ie has improved. While
Mr. and Mrs.
and. The attention of tho public is
hi., i nnllnl tn flin nnnnintr nrnnchinir
icr goers nere win ue um"""-""- v " ,..-....
to learn that E. H. Meade service at u.u .cau, .-......
hero next Saturday for a iircn lonowing um vuhuuhi.
ks' engagement with the mo pasior desires u u urouiicu
t lies Dramatic and or every memucrwuiu bhu.,
rn This coniDanv is at this service, who can possibly
,.. ,,i,i wti- nrpS attend. Nowcomcrs in the coin-
out tho west and havo unjty are most cordially
return engagements in
wns to big houses. They
excellent repertoire and
hy lor weens wunoui a
an Mr. Meade has gen-
lade good with the people
been instrumental in
here and wo predict no
intmentthis time. They
ly all during fair week.
vited and strangers sojourning
in tho city will be given a hearty
welcome to all the church ser
vices. Preaching at 11 a. in.
and 7:30 n. m. Sunday. Sept. 19.
Mrs. J. A. Bartlett wero hero
from Drcwsey tho first of this
Presbyterian I week making annual proof on
their desert claims. Curt and
wifo will soon roturn to Salem
where ho is studying medicine.
II. T. Ilused of tho Malheur
Mercantile Co., at Ontario, spent
n short time in this city this
week, arriving hero Tuesday in
his auto. Mr. Hustcd has been
a resident of Ontario for over 20
years and this is his first trip to
Harney county. Ho will visit
Tho subject for the morning dis- Narrows, Lawen and possibly
course is: Held in me urasp oi
a Great Truth." In tho evening
the pastor will speak on "The
Joy Which Comes From Seeing."
tx,X JUill n. J321XVUIXJ.1.1 JLfAJL.
Diamond before returning home.
Jasper. Davis was ovor from
Harney last Saturday and while
here called at this oflico for a
Bhort visit Mr. Davis did not
havo his usual crop this season
owing to tho exceptional dry
weather. Ho is going to do bet
ter next season. Tho red spi
ders played havoc with his gar
den and orchard but Mr. Davis
y Counter a Bargain Counter 1 wjjwbgdnKtoimtastop to
. . ',. U U 3
I 1 J . . i.-. . . y tiitMt nttirnf1 linti fvsrr C.nnrrf
IK'S SKiriS, WcllSlb, uuuawrrii1Z:3"--ir
imiiii;uii.i iiikii ma uvriii iiuh
ckwear, etc,, will be sold at
greatly reduced price
jial Bargains in mens
hats and vests.
A full stock of staple
and fancy Groceries
for every body.
Orders promptly filled -
he'Busy Corner Store"
3BL3Xrg, 03E13Bacar03Xr,
pompany with his Bon has. pur.
chased tho F. M. Jordan residence
property in this city. Mr. Whit
ney came with tho, intention of
making his home in this section
I and expects later to engago in
an m m nt '10 BnoW business. Wo under
SUmmer tand Mr. Jordan Intends to lo
cate either in Portland or Col
fax, Washington,
Au'lot Httlo wedding took
placo at the Home Hotel Monday
evening Sept. 13th, at 8 o'clock.
Tho contracting parties wero Mr.
M. M. Addington and Miss Del
pha Stalsworth. Rev. A. J.
Irwin spoko tho words which
made them husband and wife.
Tho groom has been in Harney
icounty several months. Ho is
. employed by an Idaho firm and
lis engaged in tho buying and
shipping of hides. Tliobridp is
a ypung lady who recpntly came
to Burns from Hpmestoad, Ore.
They will make their home in
Burns and may bo found by thoir
friends at tho Harry Briscoe
Frank Harrison moved'into his
new residence the first of this
Scott Hayes Iibb brught tho F.
M. Jordan hay ranch near Law
em R. L. Hutton, tho Wugontlro
stockman, was in tho city a few
days this week.
See thoso fino Bcrkshircs of
Dr. Hihbard's at tho fair and
mako your selection.
Use tlio Harney County National Ilnnk
Tlicy nro nclMdcnllfylntr.
Dr. Griffith mado a profession.
al trip to Silvor Creek yesterday
to eeo tho Httlo children of Robt.
Baker who nro Buffering from
summer complrint.
Dr. W. A. Hopkins and wifo
loft tho first of tho wcok for On
tario. Tlioy havo disposed of
their land to D. S. Graves and
will lpcato somewhere else.
Williams Bros, saw mill ut
Cold Spring on tho Canyon road
is prepared to do custom work
for those "desiring to take nd
vnntagaof their government per
mit. Also lumber for salo at $12
per thousand. Seo them about
custom prices.
Tho Bluo Mt. Englo states that
Orin L. Patterson has been elect
ed assistant cashior of the First
National Bank of Grnnt county.
"Pat" )b an exception to the us
ual country newspaperman. He
quit tho print shop before ho
went broke and his business as
sociates still havo confidence in
him. Tho manager of this great
religious weekly uso to bo ambi
tious but he's outlived it.
Several deaths have occurred
from diphtheria over in Grant
county lately and tho authorities extended
nro taking drastic measures to
prevent its spread. It BCcms it
was brought from Southern Ore
gon by a family and n Httlo dog
which tho children refused to
part with has caused tho spread.
Tho sheriff has been ordered to
kill tho dog and to burn the
house. Another house will bo
Try ft meal at the Home Hotel.
Walter Cross was down from
Trout Creek yesterday.
Exchnngo your Trading Stamps
for premiums, now ready for
distribution at' N. Brown &
J. B. Zimmerman, lato of Mon
tana, is hero looking over tho
country with a viow of locating
"Duddy" Byrd la again nt IiIb
old placo in tho Fred Hnlnes
storo for a short time.
Hay For Sale About 600
tons best timothy hay. Good
feeding place, open water, early
range. Koycs & VanDervcer,
Van, Orogan.
Just arrived: A complcto line
of Roofing, Sheathing, water
proof Sheathing and Stringed
Harney Co. Imp. & Hdwe. Co.
Relatives havo received word
that Mrs. I. II. Holland's sister,
Mrs. Murrey, died at North Yak
ima the first of this weok. Mrs.
Holland loft for her bedside last
H. J. Hansen of tho Burns
Meat Market Is prepared to fur
nish bacon, hams and lard to
sheepmen nnd ranchers in any
quantity. Special prices for big
D. N. Baker was hero tho first
of the week arranging for pas
ture for n largo number oi rams
which ho will bring from tho fa
mous Butterficld Live Stock Co.
fnrm near Weisor. Seo ad in
this issue.
Walter Sullivan who has had
charge of the Fred Haines storo
in this city for several months,
left tho first of tho week on an
vacation trip. Fred
has been looking after the store
since Mr. Sullivan's departure.
Ranch for Sale: One small
horse ranch, located on Malheur
river. First-class summer, fall
and winter rnngo surounding it
Fino location for fruit and vege
tables, also. For further parti
culars, write or call on E. L.
Becdc, Drcwsey, Oregon.
In the
For Sale - 320 acres of
land. Inquire nt this office.
Kemp Hardiflty was over from
Trout Creek tho first of this
' Chnse Bonecamp, of LnGrande
was nero this week in Iiih auto,
having in charge a number of
traveling men.
Blue prints of any township in
Burns Laud District, showing
name of cntryman, date nnd kind
of entry, topography, etc., $1.00
each. Plntt T. Randall, Burns,
Will Cummins and family and
his mother. Mrs. Chancey Cum
mins, arrived homo last Friday
from an extended outing
Cascades and portions of
ern Oregon.
Wm. Hanley, Col. C. E. S,
Wood and A. 0. Faulkner came
In from Portland Tuesday. They
mado tho trip from Vale in the
Eord auto. Col. Wood will spend
a short time at the P Ranch rus
ticating. For Sale Two .homestead re
linquishments in the Sunset
.neighborhood, partially improved
including two good cabins, well,
chicken house and ten acres
cleared. Cheap if taken nt once.
Inquire at this office.
Tho Margaret lies Comedy Co.
of which E. II. Meade ia a mem
ber, will open nt the Commercial
Club hall on next Saturday, Sept
25, and will continue uutil after
tho fair. Archie McGowan saw
tho company in Lakeview and
says it is a good one. Meade
at-1M a art ILa L.a. la 1. n .a..u
. Dutica ik .a uiu ui-ai uu uu uvit
d hmade tho interior with and the
people here know Meade, so it
means a good show. Miss lies
is reported to be a fine actress
and she is well supported with
tho present compuny.
Number 53.
The Two Supporting Pillars
Capital and Surplus
Our Capital is $20,000.00.
' Our Surplus is
Properly invested, these two items are a
pledge df security for all deposits. A gradually
increasing surplus is an additional safeguard.
A Savings Bank Department is a feature of
in which interest at the rate of four
annum is allowed.
this Bank,
per cent per
The Harney County National Bank
That two flows of natural gas under an enormous
-pressure haye been developed in Harney Valley?
Did You Know that the visible indications point to
Harney Valley as being underlaid with ono of the great
est deposits of light gravity oil in tho world?
Do You Know whnt that means to Central Oregon?
It means railroads and the development of all the re
sources of this great inland empire.
Do You Want to share in tho enormous profits that
await thoso who first tap this immense pool of oil?
The Ilarncu Valley Oil & Gas Co. offer you this
opportunity. With stock selling at 5 cents per share
(par valuo $1.00) it is an opportunity unparalleled in
tho history of oil development. Wo will gladly answer
any nnd all correspondence. Address
Valley Oil & Gas Co., Burns, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned severed lus connec
tions with tho Drewsey Mercan
tile Co. on Dec. 22, 1907. All
bills are payable to tho Drewsey
Mercantile Co. nnd the company
settles Indebtedness contracted
by it
A. I. Johnson.
Go to the
good meal.
homo Hotel for a
Salisbury fixes watchks P. 0.
People nro still Becking .housesX W. 0. Best and his Bister are
to rent in Burns.
Albert Johnson was over from
Silver Crook yesterday.
John Cary and wifo havo re
turned from a visit to the Seattlo
fair and other places of interest
Agents Wanted In every
town for tho Steel Adjustable
Homeless Horso Collars. No
pads, hames or straps, can uso
with any kind of tug attach
ments. Will not gall horso or
in tho city from Silver Creek.
I Tho little daughter of Mr. and
I Mrs. A. Schcnk has been quite
ill this week.
Rcatos for sale, all sizes and
j lengths, prico 20 cents per foot
' Any ono desiring Reatos address
j W. A. Ford of J. 0. Alberson,
Albcrson, Oregon.
Miss Blake, a sister to Mrs.
I Arthur Horton, arrived here
yesterday aftcrpoon from her
wear out Will not corrodo omo in California. Tlio young
or rust Prico $0.00 each. Ask j lady may spend tho winter here,
your dealer. Write for litem-' A gentleman would liko to ride
turc. Addresses, Nelson Wilbur I wjt, party going to Lakeview in
Company, Exclusivo Distributors n weok or ten days, and is will
Pacific Coast States, Albany, , ntt 0 nay what is reasonable.
H. H. Wilburn with his wifo
and baby and T. Womeldorf, of
Condon, arrived hero yesterday,
A. B. Whitney, who recently veach in a high wheel automobile,
to seo tho country and take a vn
cation. Mr. Wilburn is a deep
well contractor and has two ma
chines operating In tho vlclniny
of Condon. Mr. Womeldorf has
boon running one of tho machines
They had heard considerable of
the Harney country and camo
to see. Tho party will mako a
thorough inspection of tho o.i
tiro country,
Tho Collins Wireless Telephone
contlnuos to attract largo crowds
to tho French hotel. Conversa
tions aro carried on without nny
wiro connection, tho voice being
carried through solid walls by
electric force. According to tho
Scientific American Collins has
talked moro than eighty miles
and tho inventor claims ho can
talk half way around tho world
by wirclpss tol6phono. Tho man
agora of tho Collins Wireless Tel
ephone request us to announce
that tho ladles of Burns vicinity
aro especially invited, as well as
thp gontleihcn, to call m thp
hotel, and witness thp dempnstra-tiops.
Leave werd at the Fronch hetcl.
Mrs. A, K. Richardson receiv
ed word yesterday that her
mother was quite sick in Idaho.
Sho loft yesterday ovening for
her bedside, Mi. Richardson tak
ing her out part way in his auto.
Chas. Belslmw, who returned
sotno time ago from an extended
trip into tho atato of Washington,
was in Canyon City Monday, says
tho Eagle. Ho is 76 years of ago
and rodo horse-hack from his
ranch below Mt Vernon to North
Yakima and drove back with his
' fivo head of blooded stock, con
sisting of two Jcrsoy bulls and
threo calves.
Ladies wo dosiro to Inform you
that wo havo received tho largest
lino of Indies, misses, children
and infants cloaks aver carried
in Burns. These goods wore
personally selected from ono of
tho largest plpak hauscs in Amer
ica, and wo nro wo can save
you monoy besides you will know
you nro gottlng th,o quaty, color
and fit boforo paying for i.
These goods are all mado MP new.
and aro strictly the yery latest
styles; It will cost you. nothing to
come and bop we invito YPU to
All parties owing Lewis & Gar
rett or Simon Lewis are hereby
notified that all these accounts
aro In the hands of our attorney
C. H. Leonard for collection and
settlement Persons indebted to
us will please settle the same
with Mr. Leonard at once.
Simon Lewis
J. T. Garrett.
EsTRAYED-Ono old brown
marc, four yearling colts and one
yearling mule. Branded with n
heart on left or right stifle. $25
reward to any one who will hold
them for mo nnd let me know.
Last seen on Emigrant creek
near J. H. Garrett's.
W. B. Parker,. Burns, Ore.
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Main Office, Burns, Oregon
A. U. fAULKNCH, ilr.
Branch Office, Lnkcvicw, Oregon
C. M. FAIU.K.NKII, n;r
,gThe best Ran(je
brains and experience
have ever produced."
They are built on 6clM.Uflo prinoIpltj
and the material usod la bo distribute
as to do the most good.
They ore Just, heavy enough to bo
good, dnrablq aw lasting-
The trenisUonl iwirja aw thoso
where, the ?npt, wear i
The mXto are Asbestos Unotl,
Thoy are made of stool, oc lisonuouUy
they are sUfong ami cannot wpk.
HQuroi - Oregon
We are pleased to announce to our old-time friends
and customers that we have again taken charge of
our hotel. Wo just completed renovating the en
tire building and you will find thejold-timc home
comforts when you call. We hope lo see you soon.
The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive
Special Attention and Good Service.
SOUTH BURNS, OREGON-Near Fair Grounds.
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes
Fresh Groceries, etc.
For Fall and Winter Trade
... ,.
i jjh inuiuruun
Candy, Nuts, Stationery, Cigars, and Tobacco
School Tablets, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Etc.
Nice Assortment of Pipes New Novelties Coming.
If its in Leather We have it or can
get it for You
As much difference in leath
er as in people. We use
only the best in our work
Hadn't you better look at your old Harness?
You'vefhad it a long time. "Belter be sure
limn sorry.";
IKCetxrLess and i3a.d.d.les
I W. OWEN, Propts.
Finest hearse, in county
Particular attention given
To Funerals
;:j vr
Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers.
Particular attention given to Transcient Trade
Horses boarded by (bo day, week or month
Biacksmithing and
Wagon Work
ANTEKD. Burns, Oregon,
rijiu' -
J ,i ..?:
-Jtlll V
Main St.,
Job Printing.