-er r 1 985 INDUSTRIAL NOTES. (Portland Correspondence). Extraordinary attractions are booked for the coming annual meet of the Portland Fair & Live stock show, during Hie week of Septembor 20-25, and tno event la expected to bo tho biggest of birda will bo turned looso to stock tho atnto for tho Idaho hunters. Mr. Simpson will Bend a carload and ho Is said to bo tho only man in America who could fill such a big order. A Sprained Ankle, An ..ni.nltir ftvininl n atwntfinrl ita kind ever held in tho North-. wjk,0 wU aigab,0 lho ,jured por. west. Harness and running' Qn for ft month w m0VQ but by races, livestock show and special ,.,, rjhnmWlnln'a Liniment features will occupy tho six days. Probably tho biggest days will bo Thursday, September 23, which is Willamette Valley day, and Friday, Septembor 24, which is Columbia River Valley day. and observing tho directions with each boltlo faithfully, a euro ma-, in most enses, bo effected in less than ono week's time. This lint mont is a most rcmarkablo pre- nSh&ftrl-'aL'" UlliiM', Ul WIIVIIUIHI up lYllHWUU- nic rhoumntisni. and you are cer tain to bo delighted with tho prompt relief which it affords. For salo by all good dealers. all tho towns of Western Oregon where tho livestock industry and tho harness racing game havo been so well dovelopcd of recent years Oflkinls and commercial bodies of the various towns will co-operate with tho committee in making It a big occasion. Tho following day, too, will bo mark NO TltlCSl'ASSINO. HuiitiiiH i fnrhttlili'ii upon my uUct rtdloininu Itiirnn. TroimifH ed by tho presence of thousands, ' ' ,,roMgUHdvoKOTLY of out-of-town guests, as attract- ' ' ive milroad rates have been made from all points. In addition Friday will bo Ladies' day and special events will bo carded. President Wehrung ot tno as sociation has taken up the (lent Treatment lor a llurn. If for no other reason, Cham berlain's Salvo should bo kept in every household on account of ita u-nrk great value in the treatment of of organizing his committee and burns, u nuays uie pain inmost they will get to work at onco to instantly, and unless the injury make tho forthcoming meet tho 's a sovero one, heals tho parts most notable ever hold in this without leaving a sear. This section of the country. Tho lvo is also unequaled for clinii- meet will be held on the grounds !! hmfo, sore nipples and d s- of the association east of this cases of tho skin. Price 25 cents, citv. This vonr's sessions will.. Var sale by all good dealers. undoubtedly, have a marked effect in building up tho livestock industry in the Pacific North west Oregon's many products that are now being NO TRESPASSING. Hunting and fishing are strict ly forbidden upon any of the Pacific Livo Stock Co. ranches. gathered at tho , Trespassers will bo prosecuted. annual harvest arc adding large ly to the wealth of the state and the various items that enter into the yearly return from the soil make a fine showing individually ( and collectively. Tho state's wool clip, which has now been John Gilcucst. Subt Hood Cor nillouineii. "I took two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets last night, ami I feel fifty per cent about all marketed, will put hotter than I havo for weeks," $4,000,000 in the pockets of sheep says J. J. Firestone of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a fino article for biliousness." For sale by all good dealers. Samples free. raisers of the state. 1 he year's clip amounted to 20,450,000 pounds of fine quality and good prices were realized, Eastern Oregon wool getting n maximum price of 23 cents and the Will amette Valley crop reaching a top price of 26 cents. Tho sea son was ideal for wool growers. Fleeces wero heavier than us ual and tho grade of the pro duct is high. Tho wool money will be divided quite generally throughout tho state. A remarkable shipment of big Oregon logs wero loaded on ooara tnc steamsnip umma d. caiuurou, tfri, wim. onjunoa, iwj.mit. Tv.11 1 41..S. 1. rri, l,. I'nTM'M'l ?..'?. N" . I" Jrlal Vo.OWKt.toT jjuuui iieic utio wuuiv. iiiw "o hw,kbm. swim.)!, MtnnSi. KJJMw; inc j. Kuonn, i Paints, Oils, Doors and Wind ows, in fact everything for the farmer or builder. Give us a call and wo will bo glad to give you prices. Myers Pumps and Star Windmills. Harney Co. Imp. & Hdwe. Co. NOTICK KOH l'UHMCATlOiN. UMTCb BT4TJCH 1.1 NO Or, Kit llurm, Oregon, AutiutS, WW Nutter l httthy given llial Nellie M Carrier iii ui i jHiytm I'lijr, urcgun, wiuaw in i-.mii Jones Mower and Rake for $7 whilo they last First come, first scrvcd-C. II. Voegtly. NEW CLIMBING PROPOSITION Wo havo arrnnged to offer In connection with this iper, the now monthly farm magazine just started nt Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. II. W. Campbell and devot ed to tho subject of how to farm in tho dry country and how to got best results from Boil tlllago under normal conditions. This Paper is Cnmpboll's Scientific Farmer and wo offer it clubbed with The Times-Tcrald both for $2.50 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' now papor Is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only papor of its kind in tho world, nnd it embodies tho re sults of tho editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillogo proposition. HUM.MON8. Ill tlio Circuit Coort ot tho Btjto of Ore gon for Hiirnoy County. J. I, Hit, Plaintiff ) va (loo. W, I.uco, DetoDiIant ) In lliu nniuoof tlio State o( Oregen: To Oco. W, I.uco lho abova numwl do fondant i You nro lioroliy required to appear nnd ntumvrtho complaint Mod ialnitjou In tlio above entitled acllou within ilz ttcoka from tho date ot tho flret public tlun ot tills Huninioiif, to wit, within ilx wouka from tho 14th day ot Ai)gint,1009j nnd It you fall to answer mid complaint, tor mint thereof, tho plalntlfl will apply to llio above entitled court for tho relief doiniiiideil In Mill nctlon na In hi com i Inlut Mod herein, to wit, for Judgment usnliint you tho tlufuudaut Qoo, W. Loco for the turn of f 364.16, together with In twroat thereon from tho flrat day of July, lOOtl, nt lho rato of 10 por cent per an niiin, for tho further mm of $60. 00 at nttornejr feci for Inttltutliifc thla action, nml tor plalutilra coats and diibtirr-o inrnta herein to bo taxed; and for an order of tho court applying tho proceeda of cortnlu attached property, nnd money to Ihopayuientot lho coat nnd dlaburce mvnta of thla nctlon, and to tho tttlafac- tlon of plaintiff demand herein. ThlaHummonal- eervod up 'ii you by publiratlon by order of Hon . J. P. Itec- tor.JuclL'o of tho County Court ot liar nuy County, Oregon, inada on Aug. Sth, 11)00, and will bo publlihvl ench week for fix nook, the flrat publication being on Au. Htli, IWW. O. II. Leoiuhd, Attorney for Plaintiff. iu nii in una oinco na application (ar ii, ussmilo acini, under lb protlalona of ,tt ol Congreu, atiprottd Aujuit II, lain, irla amendatory tiianto, tho, WU8h(, ar.KNtt! KUlli IV POII 111, III i. . -. r" Kefiln II. lmrniult, ly K.intli. kmiiim lu t. arO Very large, Deing 1UO ICCC tviIUrn.iteMfrlilliii liea nicil notlcs ot Inlen- in fi. r H:..A...rnM..M "OI1 IO him nan rive jciit priHii, ,oriiiiiii 1(1 foot in rirlimtoroiirf ,.t.i ,n k. t-...i .uk.'.i..J.hi t.,... . Hculiler mill lineelver, at Ilium, Oirnuii, on IhfilBtn.Ur of KcplemUr, liM. rlalmnul name ttllneMc 1'orry llj-ile, Funk DmiW'ii, II K. 1'arhm, all "I lJ, Oregon Johnllrilo.nl 1'nli.luli ClC, "rvfnu. lu riant, ItvKlater NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'mted Statu I.4n0rrut. i litirnt Oregon, Augutt a, 1900, 1 Nolle lnhc.Ti.-bx given tlitt John V. Oarjr.a' China ' lioaiealaail enlrr No! Otill, fo 1WJ. Iu4.lt. K4 MKJi long and 40 feet in circumference There aro 24 of the big sticks and they are being consigned to Chi na, where they will be used to rebuild the temple Ling Yen, the most famous house of worship in all China. The Chinese govern ment purchased them hero for the purpose. They will be raft ed un tho Grand Canal in " - - , , , ItolU. Toii4lilp 41 Buulli Ilaiigo W Kal, Wll for 200 miles and taken overland ' !"" mh,,'.'" " "ef ' ""e'",'0" . ..... , , ,,., 1 "l" Pinal Mid Year I'ronl to citabllih six miles to tne tempie. ino only possible way to get the big sticks this distance is for coolies to carry them on their backs. This seems impossible but it is actually done in China in trans porting big timbers over mount ain trails, as will be done in this case. Probably the largest shipment of pheasants ever raised in cap- olulm to the laml ahoiu iltterlhtil, befuro M. J, O'Connor, t 0 CommUiloncr.il (mottli-u at Dentil, Origoti, on lho IMIi itar n( Hoi.lcmtier, ITO. Cluliiunl liainn a wllnoien Cha. K llolliiiror. Knieai h. Hulloway, Frank Adrian. Adam Adrian, all nl Denlo, Oregon, Wn. h'jDxr, lleglitcr NOTICK FO 1'UVLIOATION UMTKUVTiTm I.M0 0rrlc, Uurni, Oregon, Augutt 10, IW9 Notice ! licrelir t Iren Ihattho BlalaolOr. ion haa niil In llila oiDco Ita applleallon (Her iu mi, i ho Aet and acta NHNKUBoo.M.T MH., It.StK, W. M Aiiyand all pvrtoua Claiming adreraoljr Ilia UmlkdeaerllKiHl.ur dodrlng lo nbjl bacauie ol lho mineral character ol the land, or for any oilier reaton, to the dlipoial to appllcani, ahoutd niothtlr niiliTltr.of iirotettlu thliol flrp, on or IxToro thg aiplratlonof lharlol ol publiratlon Vm. Paaac, Regtaier tl!t publication, Aunat 21, 1SKJ. Uit publication, HrptemUr M, ltx. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITKD8TATEaI..lKDOrriCK, llurm, Oregon, Augnita, lw. Notlra lliarabjrgtenihallluben I), llurtow. ol porn. Oregon, who, on Noremlxr SI, IM7 mau. iinuicairad entry No (904; Herlal NobMM, l(irNM!itv UTuwnihlpSfiSouth.KangatOKaat Wtllaimtte Meridian, naa fltrd nolle ul Inten tion t make Klnal Commutation Proof, tort tabltili rlalin to Ilia land above described, ba loro the Itcglttcr and llccalrar, at llurm, Ore gon, on the Hlb day ol Hoplembtr, 1WM I'lalniaatnameaaa wltucfiot Cliarlei Newell, of Narroxa, Oregon, Char lea Wll.oii.ol liurni, Oregon, William 11. Iiur row, ot Narrowa, Oregon Henry Black ol llurm, Ongon. Wm, Kiaaa, ttcglttar NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Umtkii HTiTaa UKuOrrtea, llurm. Oriifon, Augutte, lwo Notice la lieruby gli en that John Y. Keller, ,, i,ui4, wiukoii, miu, ill, ,in, ii, ivun, innuv lioiantvad entry No Mm Kerlal No o.ilu, fur l."4,r:iiuinio, inwiiMiip il roiiin, uangen Kail Ulllnloeltu Meridian. Ina filed notlieol Intention to mako final ( otninutailon 1'rool, to tivttv hv OnP crowcr in tllf COUn- iatlHlilalinlo the laud aboiodeacrlbeil, ! uviby uy urn- brown in im, luuii . ,,.,.. ,.,, iitci,,,,. ,. nun a. trv "Will ho BhmnOfl hV K l iretton on uu biinnarui eepieinoer iw. uy win uu nui)i.u uy iv. i. clalinautnameaaa wllneaaca Rfmnion nf Lebanon to tho Jam. k tunning, Wward Snyder. Ilavld Oiiiisun, ui LA.uanun, iu uit, k,u Jaim liii.liaiian, all ol llurm, Oregon Idaho game warden, and the w. FAanx, itegutcr Ifwinffl IliLr jA..i,i!fffl WANTEO-A RISEi AGENT-' IHtACHTOWB ami .llilrlcl t.i rulr .nlnMUta alkinff moor, lit, JJV,. d u .. ... 1. 1"..,..," -." s.. JiMimf n-T. ' s i r v .1 r." t ""' v in iiw j u ii uwiii i. ivr ami i rut tbfiettt In ')tip "M mfviH ma iranret mrrt i . jiui aiiow rr.n HAH' UIIK XHI.VI.l..,i,uiu.i, i,m-,ou in 7.6 ViAi,:: rirTABV liDinre " luauh Uk Ii iIi rrri.b MM.. ., i ..i.f. ...... i. ranrnnv Lioinre ....iin " 'm" P".,hl '!' a.luil Ucroiy t t Viiu i ,w lo,$mlddl.inn4pmii4i ,nK ,umt it m ami luvt i , , ,. u uri-'iawr awe. U Wnd your ;lvie 1 o Mill IHiV a Uoilaora iir ,.i ii..mm "," , frlctt ana rttnarkaoit ,,,. i , rltll r ogf lll, YOU WILL BE ISrolif ilILt '"," v"u ,K,i"? "" "'' "' - 4w niu, U4. lluiviinillL j, 61), ,,,!, ,, , ft?'.'?',' ."', 'L "", ' .110MiilwttgH4aUctu.lor t n, , 1I1IIVI1I.V. iii34ri ..L, 1". ..-"" '" ..'"' ""ori 111CVUI.IJ JJJJAJ.I.UM. , Our Driers Onlrr4 filial , MKCONU JJAnl) UK Yl;l.l.1 ii luuillr luvia numu r c hand uk-, 1 1, prsmpilr it prkn rinatne from as.I i 2k COASTEH-BSflKES. t "i" ril", i ..';:".. " -- f -Hiiii.( va tilt (Ml tl. 8 4 iu I ft U'0i .o Willi fty irnfl Imv li iory d 1 a liuyti ujjticf ypur own iuum iutj til rnruLtrW lw K ttctmi hind hltvdt. ln ir l in a ici4i. uirt. Iliritwa clear vl J)i i ti Uu. mii hit. iiMiletl (rte if . n (itgi iviliiu. parw, rrjain, ah 'f. ruwi, M hedqethoi mmmrvmw $i 8 SELF-HEALING TiAESftjS?5SSgcS T7i rtzular ttMit ir l SJtJO ter baif. but Uutnl e . NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PfiKCT If AILfl, Te! nr Oluaa in ) m t mlr out. Hitty thoi amid pnlrt -r Ul l.i , Otertwo huiulrid Hi u,n p i u w iu DEtiOlUPTIOIh i mull 1 .il i andci ndinir.vcwiiu i 'Huh ' a aiK I quality of rnbhrr, wilt hifev.rt ponMuaud which cloatiHip gmt,!) nw lurii i u ill inffthealrtotewac WeliavcliuiiditiUolUiteirii u.mik fftlcutonier4ln nigrum their llirehaveonlvlitenpuinpi'l upoiiceortwlceih4vh ileaeanuu Theyv. lulitioiuot. iimii anordluary tire, tne p i rture rrlUni. 'pi ill! IcIk mg Kv, u by aeveral laypra ol h n apeilally . "jnuil fabiic uu the tread Tlierr-KuUrpiK .Itfii'clliciii.f3 jo.rlr.butlor adverllaluapurpoaca we ere maklm;a tlxKial laclory pr lie lo 4" ;, &&&ss&g&K 'l'' KK&VbSflnlPlfl l1.f $ "I2 , , . xay iK NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitio Statu Lakd llmti llitrue, Oregon, Auguit tl, lyea. No. Ice la hereby glyen llial Frank O.riihr, oi jiweu, urxuii, wuo, oit jjecemoer If, Ian, inadii ilenerl land entry No. tM. Herlal No. 01017 lor M NK'j, Hectlon 10, Townablp M rloutb. ltangato raat, Willamette Meridian, haa filed nilllllH jtf 4 tl t itllt I,.,, f avtaltiak trlHal ll4Anl n eitabPah rlalra to the laud abore deaerlued, U'furo the ItegUler and llecelyer, at Hurua, Of egon.ou Ilia i;tli day ot October 1VW I'latinant netnea aa wllnrateii William Il.Uecll, Hoy Thuruian, Hamuel A. Mealvy, allot Ilarriuiau, Oregon, Onipman U. Kmllh, ol Unrni, Oregon. Wm. Paaai, Itegliler. WkV VNMktt KHMMtetW CtMlbtH' CeHc, CMtta mI tAmhtt 9m4y. Mr. Frank C, Hanrsham, a promtnant drugulst of PorU mouth, Va., says; "For tho jmst six years I have sold nnd recom mended Clmmborlnin'o Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romcdy. It is r great romcdy nnd ono of the best patont medicines on tho markot. I Imndlo somo others for tho snmo purposes thnlpny me a largor profit, but this rem edy is so sure to oiToct a cure, and my customer so certain to ap preciate my rscommendinfr it to him, that I givo it tho preference" For nalo by nil good dealers. Deoring Mowers, Rakes, Reap era and Binders for buIo at N. Brown & Sons. NO TIIEBPAH8INO. Notloo is huroby ((Ivon (lint limit ing nnd uliootltiR upon tho t-ncloHetl lands of tho Amorlonn Land it Mvi' Stook Co. in ntriotly forbldilmi. Any poreoit or pursonn finintl liunl Infjor truiipaiisliig will ho proecoiittcl to tho full oxtunl of tho law. E. D. Hli.1., Hnnoh Mntingor, RcII'Iohi Servlcei. Rov A. J. Irwin will prnnoh at Hdnioy tlio 2nd Sunday of ouoli tnontb nt Un. ui. nml 7,!10p. in. Sabbath eohool ovury unbbnth nt 2 p. na. The Hnrnoy Suntluy suliool mut ftl 2 o'clock ench Btinilny nml n cordial Invltntlon Ib uxtcndt'il to nil who can attend to meet with u. At tho I'roHliytorinn churuli Burns, Itov. A.J, Irwlu pastm-. Dovioo sorvlcus tho third nml fourth 8undnyBof onch monthnt 11 it. in,, and 7:80 p. in. Enbbnth thK) ut 10 a. in. ovory Snbbnth morning. ITISISaaHWStatajaial - 'Muycsi." The Times-Herald i offerina mont attractive Clubbing Rates to Us Hubticrilwrs at present THE TIMES-HERALD One year with the Portland JFeekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly .Tournal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long- win ter evenings.-Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Tlio Timrn.IlvrnM U Prepared to do the Vtry Heat nml Moat Sallarodorr Work In thin line. .We hnc nil the LATEST TYPE FACES nnd n very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY I PROFESSIONAL OARD8. i . , ,, rf .,. s Ti--n Tin Im Star RESTAURANT China (ioorgo, I'roprlelor. Cor, Main nnd II 8trtwta. IMIHflLlS AT Rhll HOURS 0kery in eonneetion A Specialty of Sfeort Orders. Tablo furnished with everything the market atTordB. Your putron ago solicited. The Capitol Barber Shop H. J. REED, Propt. Headquarters for batliliur and First-Class Tousorinl Work. BUUNS, - OIIEGON- Txsr "CTs Wo colloct evcrywlioro nnd innko n chargij iinlrM collection la made. We plcaeo our client A (Mr or a Moiuian Mkrca.ntii.k Co . Fen ton JIM., rorlUml, Ore P?IS " TUB WLNDSOU 'mfGSL'm'ri PBPandIiV(jj,ltino; L. LEWIS -ar OFFICIAL nillKCTOHY aTATK OXCQONI llurm I.lit No 29, Sarlal No. 03M4. NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION UMITKt) BTATF.H LAND OrFICK.I liurni Oregon, au it IW). I Nolle, la hereby given tuat ilia Norlharn l'ar llio Hallway Company, wlioao pott oRli-u a I Ircaa la Kt I'aul, tllunraola, liaa tdti llli day of Auiiiiii, 1WJ mod In tbli office Its application in iclrtt undar tno tirovlslons ol ilia Act ol lonarrta, a..toTeil Ju'y 1, levfl au mat. Ml, i-SKrJ ul a and Ilia aouthwrat quarter ot the aouthwcil quarter of i1lon0, In townablp M Houlh of rauaota Kaat ol Wlllainclte frlnclpal Meridian, cmiialiiliii 7H.VJ acrea, AnyKiid all peraona claiming adreraelr lh lauila dcacrlbcil, or deilrlng tv object baoauie ot the mineral character of the land, or for anymhi-r reon,Ui Itiodliponl lo applicant, should llio itiolr aniilmiu of proleit In thla office, on or iKiloru the Vud day ol October IVW, Wm Farrk, IHRlitor. US.Benalon Congraaamen Attornay Oeneral .... Oofernor .. ... Kecrelary ol btale Treaeurer, Bupt. l-ubllo fnatructlun. Mat frlnter . Buprame Judge , v'. He NINTH JIUPIOIAI. IIIHTIIIOT. I Jonathan llourne Jr J Oco. K. Chamberlain tW It K!l! IJIV llawlcy A. tl. Crawford K. W. lieuion .FV llenwii ,U A blrtl ,). II, Arkcrimu w rtuuniway B. Itaa.li A. Mnnre Hobt Kailu IJJEJWANCE. ... Represents the... Home Insu-aace Co,, of New York, Uvcrptol, t onrton & Cllohe, Plrc Assurance Co., Philndelphla. OI'I'ICU WITH UU10S & UIOOS. IIu.iid. Orcpon Corner MotUli tl LunnbuiB & Oalton'.i. fcW9$$ WBW DlitrlctJndge .. ptalrlct Attorney Deputy Diet Ally Oco K. Iiavla .J W McCulloli .. 0 11 l-oouaid Circuit Court meU the flrit Monday iu April and flrat Monday In October. Joint Keuator Julnt-lteprcaentatUs . O W l-nrrlah .IVHPruvke OODMTT IIAKMETI Cuonly Judge illcrk fieaauror . , ,, bureror . .. Hberlir. . Aaaewor. .. Hehool Huperloteudent Corona r Utock Inapector Commlaelouera J, 1'. Hrclor Dam Motlierahtad K N Jauiou A It Faiilkuer A, K, lllcliardaun J. J. IKiuKali 1,11 Hamilton J W deary John Jtoblntoii II. N. Hlallant UAriiiytli County Court rootle lho flrat Wcducaday Iu January, March. May, July, Veptetnber and NoTamber, GET THE BEST SB C yAm " 1 I'.VIIIIUWUtJ I ? ti '- tu tlilek riilthrr trrnid ' nnd iHinoturu airhi. n and "K," ul.ii rlin alrlii "II" to iimvvi.t rim imtlliiic, 'I hla limho NOKI, I.I.Aunu ui j;a iiiiiikii. IU unit the rider of only li & t,cr lkilr. All tirdti.utihitMMr.itiAflfiw Ullr U rltfl tM.i.in. n approval. Ypudouol i'y acentunlii j li.verruimiicdand found them kt'riclly aarcpreaenltd, We will allow a ca.li illaiiouiit ol s jnr cinM"irliy mafclnrr the price Hi. Mi per lwlri If vou aend IHUI.C OAJJU WITH OIIUliA o.ul rn ,,. ,i,f, adverflaV'ni-nt, Ve wlll 'u4 Ta"i'u"2 ulckcl plated braaa baud pump TirnioK ici imed at litHcrix i. If for any reason they are poliilUlacioiyMi eumluation, We e pciLui. r. II dde nnd money uii loiialauaaareat In n Unit. If you oidar a pair of I hue Urea, yon will nnd that they will ride eaalcr, run foaler, wear belter, ll lougcr and look finer thuu any liienu have ever uatd oi aeeu at any price. We know that yo ill"lt to well plentcd that wli-n you want a bicycle you will give ua your order. IVe want you to aend ua a trial Older utoure hru.a1liia remarkable tiro offer. IF Yfltl tiFFIS TRFG .'!".,'t !'." ""J H"li any prire until yon aend for a pair of wyrf.nAK,"u "5? Jleduellidni hmciure-Proof tlrca on approval and tilal at the apeelal introductory pnck nuoled above, or write f or our Ua 1 Ire and Hundry Catalogue which dtKrlbeaandquoteaaninakeaaudkliidaoitlreiatatioutliainiieuiualprlrea, ' nn Unr WAIT but write iianttal today. )( Ml r THINK OVIIU VINO n bicycle ft rL wwmi orapair of Urea from anyone until you know the new and woiidtifu) eScr we at making. II only coata a iiU1 to Icaru everytbinff. Write it NO IV, I L MEAi CYCLE COMMHY, GHICA60. ILL Recently Enlarged WITH 25,000 New Words Now Gazetteer or the World Willi liiorolhan 8S.01X) titles, bftacilontbo Uloat couaua toturna, UiTrTlnri,nnf.lr.Bl nlall,.M.M irniilnlnluirt bo nmnea of over 10,000 noted lMr-kJiit . alrt(iiJil.lwli ilnall. am niit. iiyv1. t. ir.iimB,rii.i),LT..p, Uni.oj ilutosUuinuilaalouuroCKduoutlou, J2380 Quarto rage . Srirr a, WM lllu-tnlU-M. SLkMaMaia, M :ded In EvoryHoma i WcbeleV'iril)(late Dictionary r,e"iil-ri:dltlon7atl)allM.i, HUllan. Dj I.ute EJItbn ti,'.i;iii'( fc r,lM t,m !'', n I ' 1. nr. tetntlfal H.JInjv "fnw. , "lletkur;lirrUillH.,'llliuUtoJ(iuiiUila, O. Q C. MERRIAM CO,t iiianers, wpriagiioia, M(. HAkNgT u, a, lamp urrickt Begialer ttecelrer.. Mayor, Recorder,,, Treaeurer Meranal, t in Harm .riant Daley ciTy.-auarn1 fatn Moll oiehead .I'.T.ltandall Jttl nvlcouiejr. ai, r. lYiiiiama Couuclluieu. fW. U. llruwti A. I). Wcltoi ( Jiioacinberli I A U (twain OHIO berliug Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating from Austin via l'ralrlc City, John Day, Canyon City lo Burns, Oregon i y, days from Hakci City to Uiiniu, Oregon. Four nnd six horse stock nnd covered couches the entire distance Railroad to Bums 105 miles For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. Canyon City, Oxegrorx THE BURNS HOTEL STEPHENS & DIBBLE, Propt. Reasonable Rates, Good Cleun Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Tretitncnt. Special Accommodations for the Traveling; Men. FIR8T (1LASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR Yourr Patrtonage SoliGited, Wm. MILLER, ATTOnNJW AT JaAW. Ditrim, Ori'KOii. Unicoflrntdoor wcat ot Jlnnk. G- A. REMBOLD At(ornoy-nl-Lnw, Durns, Oregon OhuM. M. luoomuxl, Attoiinkv-at-law, ('aroful ultonlioti given lu Online- lions nnd Ileal Kfltnto innltor. l'Jru liioiiriuico. otury Publlo HUIINf), OlIKdON. QKO. H. 8IZ1IMOUK, ATTOHNKV, HUIIN8, '......,. OltKOON fjolldcllotw, l.anil butma, mid Ileal Kilaleinnlior iroinrllvnlliiii)pil to CHARLES .YY. ELLIS f. LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon I'ractlci'H In tlio Statu Ooiirlu nml bv foro tlio V. H. IjiikI Ofllco. d. rjU. GEARY rillnlt'lHiinlHl HitrjtiHiii. IliiniB, - - - Orojjoti. Ollteo In n iHillillllgrHiiitlioI Wulwiiut) liarin'tH )iop, .Main gi. riioJloMHlii85. H. DEMAN, W. D, Physician and Surgeon ill la niliworod pnriii(jr night vrtUy 'I'lionu Iliirrlinan. Ilarriman, Oregon MflRSPOri & GRIFFITH I'lijnlvlaiiH ami SiirKoaii. UUUM), OitKQO.v. b. E. HIBBARD nDE3nsra?i33r Olllcu drat tloor ixint photo cnllcry Uuraa, Oregon. W, C. BROWN, Ul'iinu, Qkgcox. Olllro In nctv land olllcu tiulMlriF, nut door uurtlt ol Htt ofllco. 80CIKTIKH. IIAHNKY LOIKiK, SO. H. I. O O K. M(laerr; aeromt and luurlli Salur.Uj- in each niuiilli t 7:3u ; m, A K. Itlrtiartlton lljrou nrrlll. rcertarr. ft. ft. llUK.S'81.0l(li: NO. T. A. r. A. M Utrlaotarx flralaurttlilnl PutuMay In ear 1, month. aia Motlivralicail . M. A. O. lwiin, Rcervlarjr. IHIUNU LODaKNO.TO. K. ot l Meorj:lliiii,,lTC4enltiir In ihu Iirown ?"i I .. , M.llorton. C.f U tl Hn.it u K It .II'HSS UllKIK ,1 i: a li . w 4ria ortr) ammml and tv.u ih -,i.ik . A. I. VltlcuMW. i C. . Cocbran, Hcoriler. Summer EI-A.B1 During the 5casc3 VIA THE OKI i0U RAILROAD & NA I0AT oReaoN si ioi r AND UNION l m F:rom I'oriiniiii, scfiiuc, vpok niu, runii truiui '11 til Oil tllC O. R i N li. To Omnlia nnd n ' To KatiRn City arn v tori To St. Louis and n Jni To Chicago nnd rt ' m IIAIINBV VALUJVOAJfP No. I, W. otJW. Hl" vrfry flrat and aacoml Turadar. ... , ., ,0. ll.iladlaln.iioro. W, A. Qovarit (llttlU IIUItNH CIIAITKIt NO 4.O.K.S. J,nJ.0JIB'1, c E 'tliwhail, WH. Attif Uajpr, Ftcralarf , rlYLVIAUKIIKKAH HKOKKK No . vput rvary Ul njd WwlnomlitT. AI.caKl.ujtl, .,1'"''1"o...NO. TDLKCIUCI.R Su. tai, , u MftUcvcrr fourlli Tnvadav. llata.l tlnl.. Heater fiitmlMaii. Clwlr .. 0 tlcvtinga ol Ilia Council uvury Hernml mid Fourth Wcduaaday, MAGAZINE READERS UNSET MAGAZINE baauWuUy ilmitutrd.noodiiortta iliclnaloulCUurnUand v'Du cadartlcli til ita Fat Weal. ayaar 0AHC8A CRAVT rJaretad cath month to ih ar. . 1W4 taprodwtion el the Lot $1,00 wAlamluiaalptoltiit.nl t JM( ptiolagraphert, ROAD OT A TH0D8AKD W0KDKK8 bok ol 73 pagaa, conlalalui 120 uUrad pliotograplii ol fidiirtimw apala U California wwurage. Total . . . $3,35 All for . . . , AeUrtM all ordVi to UXtIT XAOAZIHS TM fUMa San Fiaocuco o.7S $1.50 W57 qhbt The Itcst MODERATE PRICED TYPEWRITER On the Market Modern, Convenient Durable" Has nil the qualities of high priced machines Rapid, Universal keu board, Simple, Cheap Chicago Writing' Machine Co. l5i-5J Wabnrii Ave, Clilcngu, III, THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printingp 1 JOHN (JKMllKltlJMi, Jowoloi. Optician and ItJaixravor. Fini: Watch Rcpnirinj; A Spe cialty. . Burns .Diamond Stage bine J. li. IIAIM'KU, l':tu(.t. l.ouvua llurm H'ury Minuliiy, Vttluoa iliiy nml Krlilfiy (or liluiiioml, Coiuit'fU with tlin Ainln'Ws-Uonlo t-tmsu, inokln lliu rnott utirct nml iiiiickuat muto to till liolnU Routh aiul tho hum iKI tlvltl of Dyku anil ollur nonliuili Nuvmlu ilnt Ciirefiil nttontioii glvoii to piisoiigor mill frolulil. Fur mrtloiilitr Information npply to ClItlSTKIt G.lRTl'l;, Atjoiit llurtis, Ort'ijon, mni to ot' or irlncl.i' lea (, Sliilil: Uchl j ' orrnjoii'liiiir' vr, ON MLK .ItlNIJ 2 JIID Alfll'M To Denver and n n ON bam: ma 1 jpj At f.l 1 Gointf transit mil; from date of k' fiB limit October 31ft These ticket r very attractive uai way of stonov si choice of route- i-nj ititr jKWsenKorsi.i ij; to anyintfTf'f'n Routing on f h throunh Califon t nt a slight adv.t quoted. Pull particular sfej reservations and Vtii furnished by any 1 U ( or - Wni. .Mc.Murrn .''(. H Sumpter 'all Railwffl TI.MH T.MIil- M Ji m n j'X Wi-t lioqn.l. FiS No 1 I'na tn " !J 10 Lv Bak. . J iJ5 " uui , I ur8 Mi , 10:01 " l,lt. 10i07 Tli . 10ll7 " 5ul.lai.' trot 10:22 ' "Hut. r ii 102 ' Mian i ; 10J30 " u r ICtM " Jl'Ni M ItllO " Sum, tlllG" jrNi t 11:10" -., NOON 12 .00 " '11I.1 I'. M. 18.05" win 12 .-10 " Ui I 1 10 Ar .. 1 rMiiJ, .hi v l'uketa lhii,-l .11 lv ui I'liiue nre arlu.inl ti'iHi. raati.iij;Lia t U Wlioro ngenta triilna or 25 im f xa Ulilur fnrt wi'lt l Ji'-l 1 ' OltANrUr.l'I'Kv v,, $1500 Rei TliOrr(un. 1 li l'ruirii la 1 WfflHXl in mt ml fur tb roil, ii I bit bora. ! 1. Il Wdiill. , tji'" AJv.1,0 Ka Mm fffMV. aolil tu Im tlilirt out local roluiunauttiiia t llnot ai rrpurie.!, pltat ItioTlmtotlcraKI. Malu lamfl W I ro h tXPE1 ' Tnirtj DtM copviwa Alinma acnaintf n ,ktl-'i ii KORiValt auwrmin nur upi irantlon lapnibnblv iit oiiatrlcllvriitlt1,iir.l 1 aant foM. ffl.le,t iyncr ' l'atvata lakrn lliri.uitli s Akcn i)inuirn f WHI QUI t .V 7--3ST1,E3D. A representntlvo lit this county bv larRO real estate corporntlon. Spec ial inducement!! to tlmso who wish tu hccoino fliuiuclally Interested, llio Real listato Security Co, I'tirt Dcarbora Ilulldlni CIIICAQO, ILL tea tofeui Huilr. Scientific JfincrK AbaniUornalrlllalrli.l 1 culatloii of aiir"K'iiiit! 1 "wi fnnriuoiiilu.lL. t i IUNH&noB- --HP llraui h v -v csi nt JOHW R K StnrV liKnfi nir. I rrtfT 1 llollll- .lltvs I Dia ; When ou want any Itws of lime, nn4 by no bin! results. us Chamberlalc Colic. Cholera Diarrhoea FW It never fall and t j I la eqimlly valual : i f, bmoui for Its cures c er "' the clvUUed world.