M the limw-ffnxCil. 8ATDBDXT. XWSCW M. 1W9 fiUBSOIUPTION RATKBi On Year.... ill knntoj.... ThreMonlhi,, 1100 1.00 ..75 JULIAN VBI - - - - Mmi Judge Bean's decision in tlio Deschutes caae is a docidod vic tory for tho Oregon Trunk, nnd a staggering blow to tho Hnrri man forces. Jt holds distinctly not only that tho Oregon Trunk has tho superior right on tho particular grounds over which the contention arose, but that thero is no legal morit in tho Harriman lawyers' argument against the legality of tho Hill company's existence in Oregon. This technicality is bluntly brush ed aside, and the matter is con sidered solely on its merits. Judge Bean gives both parties credit for good faith in attempt ing to build a railroad through the Deschutes canyon, nnd says that "neither should bo permit ted to obstruct tho work of tho other." This is certainly good Bcnso. and it is gratifying to leam from so high an authority that it is also cood law. It is creatly to bo hoped that tho contending parties will now noTGo between themselves, nnd that instead of prolonging tho litigation by appeal will proceed with tho important work in hand. If both insist on building a road through the canyon very wellf there is room for both. Or, if only ono road is to bo built, they should como to some terms as to which company is to build it Tho Dublic has a deep interest in the matter, and should bo taken into consideration by the con tendinc Darties. Naturally tho public is rather inclined to favor his rival, for tho reason that Mr. Harriman has so lornr neglected his oppor tunity to build into central Ore- iron, when there was none to op pose him. Since he would not build when he could and ought to have done so. tho public quite screes in sentiment with the court that ho should not be per mitted to interfere with anybody lse attempting to build. fort land Journal. From the Public: It is said that Henrv Miller, founder of the vast landed estates of Miller and Lux, prominent California mo nopolists, was once asked why he was buying so much land. "Veil, I tell you how it vas," he replied. "Der population vas in creasing all der time, but dor land vas not growing ono bit" A California paper, making loud complaint of the vast holdings of Miller and Lux, says "there should be a law that would pre vent any one man or corporation from owning so much land." Fine! Why didn't Lincoln sug eest as a substitute for emanci pation that congress enact o law to prevent any man from owning more than 20 to 40 neflrro slaves? How easily and justly that would have solved tho slavery question! Tho scarcity of houses to rent in Burns has caused a friend to suggest the organization of a building and loan association by Ioeal business men. This sugges tion should receive serious con sideration as it would not only mean good returns on tho invest ments, but would attract more people to our little city. We aio the Bchool center of Harney coun ty and the building of homes is of considerable importance. On the last page of this issue is a clipping that should be read by local horticulturists. The use of smudge pots would bo a great benefit in this section. We do not contend that this is particu larly a fruit country, but with the showing made this season in spite of the cold backward spring it would seem that with a little effort and caro upon tho part of tho grower, wo could make fruit growing a success. and for this reason it takes 'got' to get the good things." The Oregon Trunk (Mr. Hill's railroad) has boon given tho de cision by tho federal couYt in tho fight for Deschutes with Harri man. Thi3 is good news for tho people of tho interior who hopo to sco both roads come. A DRY FARM SUduTiSTION. George Fry has a now schemo that mnv nrovo beneficial to tho dry sections of this county at any rato his observations will furnish something for thought Mr. Fry has noticed on his farm that in tho vicinity of a well his crops aro bettor, oven though tho woll furnishes no water for irri gation. It seoms that tho sink ing of a well in this vnlloy whoro tho surface water is not at too great a depth, causes it to riso and sub for a considerable dis tance. Mr. Fry has noted this and thinks it possible to greatly assist growing crops by digging a well on each acre and filling it partially with loose stono, thus forcing tho water higher than it would ordinarily stand. This may not bo now to some, but strikes tho farming' end of this great religiou weekly (whoso experience only extends to his front yard, whore his wife docs tho farming) that it is worth in vestigating. It may not bo suc cessful in all soils but out in tho valley whoro tho water is near tho surfaco it may bo a benefit. OROWINQ FIELD PIMS. If Porter Bros, or Mr. Stevens are not too busy over in the De schutes we'd advioo them to in vestigate the Malheur pass. It might be found rather valuable if Mr. Hill really controls tho P. I. N. out of Weiser and Bhould have any notion of "hitchlngup" from the Deschutes line. "If the weather would always go to suit us and 'luck' could bo with us in all our undertakings we would soon become too lazy for any use. It is tho fighting that it takes to get tho things we want that makes them worth having and usually the best thtogflare the hardest to get, Judgo H. C. LovenB has been experimenting this season with the Canad an field pen and is quite well satisfied with thcre- sult so far. He seeded a" half aero but mado a mistnko in get tine it too thick nnd as a result tho peas do not ripen as rapidly as where they are thinner. He irrigated the crop onco but be lieves they can be grown with out Irrigation on land thnt will raiso barley. It is claimed this country is particularly adapted to the growth of peas and Judgo Lcv ens will thresh this crop in order to get acclimated seed, believing it will grow better. His expert enco has shown him that tho peas will do better on higher ground where thero is some sub-irrigation. Just how ho will thresh the present crop is not yet de termined, as it is thought the machines used for grain will crack and pulverize tho peas more or les3, but ho will get that seed if ho has to flail it out. On account of the crop being thick in some places and thin In others it is not ripening evenly, so ho may have to harvest a little at a time. BALLOON ASCENSION AND RACfcS, Prof. Frank Littlejohn made a successful balloon ascension and parachute drop last Sunday ovc nlng. The wind wpuld not per mit inflating the big bag until after sundown but it finally sub sided. Mr. Littlejohn will make another ascension tomorrow afternoon and many other fea tures aro added to tho program. Besides a complete change in the slack-wire and juggling stunts there will be some good liorso racing and a band concert at the fair grounds. The program will begin, at 2 o'clock in tho nfternoon and thero aro four events in tho rac ing cards, a saddle horse race, half mile free for all, a trot of half-mile heats and "Progress" tho trotting Stanton, -will go against Sheriff Richardson's automobile. When there's no thing else doing the band will play and when nn opportunity comes to inflate tho big balloon Mr. Littlejohn will bo tho center of attraction. Ho will sure go sometime during tho afternoon so don't miss being there all tho time. rmimmim'Wtmmmmm kept in a dry lot, whwe grain alone Iim been fed. I find no distinction on the market between alfalfa-fed swine and those pure ly uxnin-fed. and they sell price and prico alike. The general health of tho alfalfa-fed hogs is equal to that of thoee maintained on any other feed and they are prolific." Tho grcnt mistako r ado by too many who attomiu to pasture swlno on nlfnlfa la in overstock ing. Thoro Is a tondoncy of temptation to keep in a pasture more stock than It can comforta bly support, with tho result that tho alfalfa plants aro gnawed, trampled rnd rooted out, whilo tho animals fail to prosper as Ihoy would undor more rational treatment. Swino misers In tho alfalfa growing BectionB frequently make tho claim that cholera Is un known whero alfalfa flourishes most, and that hogs given all the alfalfa they will cat if a propor lv balanced ration, dovelop great er vitality and ability to resist than would otherwlso bo tho case. - From Coburn's "Swino in America." HILL WINS IN DGSCHUTES. Tho Orcnron Trunk, tho James J. Hill railroad, won its contest with tho Harriman road in tho Deschutes in tho U. S. court at Portland Monday, when Judgo Bonn overruled ndomurrerof tho Hnrrimnn road. The court Issued an order for bidding tho Harriman peoplo go- incr ution tho GO miles of contest ed right of way up tho Deschutes ennvon. Tho application of tho Harriman lawyers asking that tho Hill road bo similarly enjoin ed pending adjudication was re fused. LOCAL OVERFLOW. ALFALFA FOR IIO0S, One of tho most extensive and successful swine raisors in Kan sas tells the author thin: Twenty five ycare-of pasturing hogs of all ages on alfalfa has proven conclusively to mo that a fourth to a half grain ration whilo they are on such pasture, will produce greater growth per day than in dry lots oji full feeds of corn. Hogs will maintain a reasonable nrrowtb. but will not fatten much, on alfalfa pasture alone; I be lieve it profitable to feed lliem some grain whilo running on green alfajfa, If It is desired to full-fecd lion's, they will make a rapid fattening growth from Jn- creasnertho grain ration whilo on pasture, and with tho full grain ration tho meat will bo nearly as firm as that of hogs Job printing-Tho Time3-Hcrald. James Bunyard is over from Wagontire. W. H. Hamilton has been over from Diamond for Boveral days. Mrs. Chas. Comegys anb child ren aro over from their Wagon tire homo. If you are interested in good hogs lot mo sell you a Registered Berkshire. Du. HidbajU). 0. E. Thompson and wife wcro business visitors from tho Windy Point section this week. Somo very desirable residence and business lots in Burns can bo secured by seeing Irving Miller. I. S. Tyler is up from his Sun set homo today. Ho says ho raised some grain this year but not a very good crop. (MO aero ranch for salo suitablo for dairy or stock ranch. Abund ance of water for irrigation and power inquire at this office. Albert Shaw has purchased the ueo. bhaw residence pro perty near tho lane leading cast from south Burns. Delia Day Freeman, profes sional nurse. Parties desiring her services may find her at tho home of Thomas Sagers, Burns. The Misses Haarstrich are in today mnking proof on' their homesteads. They aro Assisted by James Paul and Alox MoBain as witnesses. Foil Sale Farm implements, including a mower and rake, harrow and plow, a light wagon nnd other tools. Sco H. Kallcn-bach. Robt. Scttlemyre was looking after business in our city the first of tho week. Robt is go ing to bo at tho fair with all kinds of stuff this fall. Tho schools of this city will open on Sept. G, and already peoplo aro moving in from the country preparatory to starting the children in at tho first of the term. Chas. Wilson and wife pme back from tho BIuo Mt Springs last Saturday. Thoy went over for a llttlo recreation but Chas, proceeded to make a hog of him self and nU) too much, conse quently had a grouch find re turned homo to got well. We wish to announce now that any of our farmer subscribers who desire to may pay their sub scription in grain, wheat, oats or barley at the market price. Tho manager of this great relig ious wants to tnko care of his chickens, horse and cow and will deal direct with tho farmer, David Eccles and Joseph West of tho Sumpter Valley Railroad wcro guests at the Blue Mt. Hot springs last week, says the Eagle. It is rumored that they made an offer to the owner of the springs, Palmor Roynolds, of $30,600. Tho pffer was refused, and it is claimed a pripe of $100,000 was put on this popular iW)f mmmmmmmmmmmmmss. Four cat- loads consisting of bufffltM, waffoni, plows, harrows farm machinery, barb wiroand nails now en route. Soo C. II. Voegtly for prices. Archie McGowan and family, Mrs. Harry Smith and boii Harry and A. B. and A. S. Whitney are back from a short pleasure outing on Emigrant nnd Spring creeks. County Clerk Schrooder re corded a fifteen million dollar instrument into tho records of mortgages this week. This mort gage covers nino typewritten pagos and was given by tho Was co County Electric Water & Pow er company to tho Cnrnegio Trust company of Now York. Blue Mt Eagle. NOTICE FOB PUIIMOATION UNITKII 8TATK8 I.NI OTKI( I Uurni, Orrnun, Aiiguatsa, m. Nolle iilifrtbr gtTenlhat ttliuttun W, Blur. tfin nf rianfn nrnn. who. ml JIII1P 'in. tlHtl tnadalioniaiuaii Kntnr N ' Ukoylow no. rlw, Harlal No. OMW, (or HWJfNVVJj. Hecilou it, BUNEU mil NKM HKM Hretluli 4. TuwiialilP 80 HoStb, Kant HA Kott, Wlllamall Mrijdlau, Iim nlu notli'o!lntntlmitoiinko Final (Ire car proof, to atabll(h claim lo tho latnl aliva dearilbed. Salor M. J. O'Connor. IT M, Lin jim wtHiMHmmmiWweiAAimmwwww,m'M,i7wm imMmumpmwiiwwt4vwrmmwWWttWm'Mmit?!t Call and" aeo James Smith's' Cottrill A Clemens are prcpar- now lino of shoes boforo getting ted to do custom work with their your spring and summer foot wear. 70,006 ft first class dry lumber portable saw mill located 1J miles went of Cold Springs on Poison Crock. Lumber for salo. InBuortleiiBhts, nl8o2udand3rd Got yoiui permit and have them class from $0.00 to $12.00 per M. j Baw your lumber. Terms aro -Burns Milling Co. reasonable. flie CASH GROCERY & BAKERY ( Lncnlcd In French Hotel II Best quality Fancy and Staple Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Confectionery, Stationery, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. FRESH BREAD, COOKIES, PIES Telephone orders will rcceivo prompt attention TO-,-... .lll.inui, In nr nnvl nt Un ill If DI VIVU UVIIVV1J' IV tlUjr ll 1 Ul " vi.JI " ,IJipi.WgI.J Jl ' I.MII .l.l.,IJIIIIW.mIWWMWWMy'jlJ mltalonar.at hli edict lot lienln, Orrituti i znu liar oi uoioiwr. iw lalmanf .tain na 11 vlln charloa w, cutton. Koi k, noun, hiiii n Dm vn.l dar ol October. luW, Claimant namoi tt wlintaaoa .L...t-. W (...in. 1,a. tT tlr l)on iid Iiyron T. rlcl. ll ol Dcnlo, Ort'cnn, vim r.nn., .ivHincr SUMMONS. In (he Circuit Court or llii Htnto ol Or gun, (or Ilnrnoy County. Clar Crnft, plnlntllT VI Chariot Crifl.tleftmlaiit Chr)r Crft, IMcndnnti In tlio nnimi of tho BUto ol Orf roii . You ar horuby required to appearand nnimor tho com plaint Died agalutt you In tho nbuvn I'll tilled tult on or boforo. tho (Hut dny of tho next regnlar terui ol thu nbovo un titled Court, to Wit: on or belorx ill" 4th day ol Octobor, IWW, and ( you (nil to eo appear and nntwer, for want lliori of, plaint will take Judgement avulimt you for tho relief pmyed (or In phtluliff complaint, to Wit: Koraderreuoldlvori'o ubeoliilo from the defendant, and (or euvli tui In r re Hot a therein ineiiilcned and fur co,i and dlibureoineuU. Thli summom li published In The Timri'Uornld, a nookly newspaper pub llehcd In tho Cliy of Hiirna, llartm County, Oregon, onro a eek lr aix conierntlve wteka for xorvlto, puhliuf lion by order of Hon. (ieo. B. Dhmh, Jtulgnof thuclteult court of tli- tiiit)i Judicial dmtrict of llri'ne) I .unity n l State of Oregon, madit hii1 enliri l n the 10th day u( AuKOnt, 1U01I, th UrM publication hereof la mede on th 31-I day of Auguat.'lOOD Geo 8, Sliciiio'i'. Attornt-y for I'Mntln NOTICK VOW PUHIICATION Unitip Statu i.iniiHrnrK lltirm, O'rtou, July to, lfcrj. Xotlcc la hereby ltrt in TlioHuton' Of nn timm 01m1 In tlili omen li li i,ltrtioHft fctrUl No. BMJJ) to left llO'lsr tl h1 ait II. HO, nJ ct muiUllry thereto. Tit SKW r.t HEW NWUee oi ."nvtjNnJi 8M. M: MltU S i Vtc,p. T. SO H ., K XI K , if M.IHWHNKUfec 11 T 3U ,U IIB.W. M. Any "nil ill nriont cUiminK mtverwly Hi. Until dtcrltoo, or dtililnj to olilvrl tcuw ol b ralnml chr.cter ut Hit laud, or li n olbor ron, to tho dlipoMt loupi.lktut, noald Sle thilr ffllolii ol prolan la thli offlct. u or bctor the cxplrailiui of tlio rliM ol publication. W'k rime, Itcjlitor. Llrtt tublctloti( Auguil T, Iim. it pibllMllon, MiluiUr tl, IKW. The i. Front Livery Stable NEW RIOS AND TEAMS! Thone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. . J. McKlNNON, Jr., Proprietor. . HARDWARE MACHINES Binders' Supplies Full Line f BUILDING PAPER an ROOFING CROCKERY. CHINA AND GLASSWAM CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. V4V'VWVVVA'W News Agents Cigars and Smokers' Articles A AriltKJ Cut Glass and Slherware FISIirQ TACKI.B The City Drug Store REED BROS., Proprietors Successors to II. At. Morton Our line of Drugs, Patent Medicine-, and Toilet Articles aro Complete. WE USE ONLY THE BEST OF DRUGS IN OUR PRESCRIPTION WORK AND WE NEVER SU- STITUTE. Yours for Accuracy and Lowest Prices Burns IVIeat Market New Shop Oppose Ilie hrst Naiional Bank Main S TI....1. 1'orK, m Jvivei hati! Heel' in Qu.i.itii? II. J HANiEN, I Agents fOr (lie SCCURUY STOCK FOOD ' Largest coll.cl un Vi Cams and Albums in l lit Ciiv -i.- ',''' Tk' V--t ?! &". BURNS HOTEL BAR DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection Courteous nn'd.Obliging: Bar Tenders , EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS DROP IN Centrally Located und Connected with Hotel Btinwj sef0e$eee$s?S9s$; '.9&&3S$SC$e9&it,?i.. . tutttttt4Uit::ntuntu 'I NOTICE FOR PUKLICATION. Umtkd 6nit!xu Orrict, (; llatni, Ortcon, Auju.l to. 1W' ) Kotlc l htrby ilren tint Milium 11. Kriick ol Wtlr. Ottgun, who. on Jun s, lam. rad llomiMitradMiilrv.Kaai8I.Vitftl NuOJMI. for M KKIl ind Com I nJ 4, tirulmi ft, TonblD 17 South, ltauio 81 I'jlL Nll'ahl. tt MtrldUn, hat died nutlcool Intention lu uk rinl Commuutlon vrwt, to eiuolUli rUlmtsth Und aburi tlurrllwd, Ixlort tWu ntKiitor na iiocoiTtr, m iiurni, vivtfoiii uu lh 9tth dar at 'fptmtr IWM. Cltlmtnt namctai nltiiro. Abrbim II. Ucnncll, Kht. llndlvr. llitcotn Kriteh, ll ot Wiietty, Oregon. Thorn. Dillon, ut Ilarn. Ott'inti Wm. Kunit, llfnlilcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Umitcd htitc Ltmi orrtci. I llutnt, OniBon, Alliutt SO, llW I Kollc It htrebjr (trcn that lUirom Krlltli, of Ware rly, Urrtou who. on Octobor 17, Iwrf mad llotncitd Kiilir No SVt.D. Ptrlal No, irjlTJ. lor WJfNKSJ. MKNKIJ NV)ni: Miction ft Towilthlll 77 ftmllla lUUKC ' Kail. Wlllaji)tto Merldan hat Kloil nuiliw ol loltnllon to inulo Klnal t'ommutalloit rrvot.totititbl'th claim to tho land lioo du rrtti, Ulors tho Kallr 1 Hccalrei. ut llumi, Oregon, onthpioih layol plomtfr. Ivog. Clalmaot name at wllnranet; William II. Krltch, chaa. Ilm.llojr. Abraham II Uanncll, all ol Warcrljr. Oregon. Thomaa Dillon, ol uuroa.Oragon. Wm Fr, lOglttvr NOT10E FOR I'UIILIUATION UNITKD STATKB LAND OKKIHE, I Uurni, Ortgon, July SV, 1IM. I Notice la barabjr (lnu that flcorjo Mrl.ara ol Uurni, Oragon, who, on July VI 1MM, mado horaeatead Entry. No 17Vi. aortal No. OI'AU. tor M NK3(. Bcctlon U and WU KW)(, Ho linn U.lowoiblii South, Kangeai Kelt, WllUmelto llerl llan, baa mod noth o ot Intention In .. ako rinal riTe-Year I'. not. la titabllih claim to the land above acecrlhed, beloro th Jit-ma tar and Itecelroret llurni,Orogou,on tho 3ih dayol Auguat iKi. Claimant nainee at wlineaaea: Pleiheu Lamrahlre,JamvaUnialiro, Frank Raker, Krot Carey all ot llurna Orrgun Wm. hmii llrglatcr NOTICE FOH PUIII.IIATIUN 'Uurni, Oregon, July V0, IIWl t Notice liherobr given tlut tlio fcialo ol Oio Ron haa Aled (tl thll bfflee Ita ai).llrallnnrierUl o MMtl to Miecl, under the irovUlnii. of the ActolUongieM, aoproveii Auguil li, mis, anil aola amendatory thcrvto, the NUotNK Section US, T " UMK, w H Any and all jrina lalmlug Av t I) 'lie tandedtarrlbod.or ileilrlqg In jiulrtt bviaut ot the mineral chamrtrr ut thn uiwl. u to. ai-r other reaaoa, to iheill.iKital lo tiilin.i J bourn nia tualr atndavlta of in.ii in tin iSre, on or beloro theesi'lrntlouof tlio i-cri-i ol publlratlDii, Wm, l"4Mi!, Ileg'r flrtl publication July SI IlK , Lait ubllrall n Heptumkor Wf. mm m m :nnm:miu.t!t:nnuinnimtinrnm' m fiH Broccry MARKET 1 1 h i ;!;..... -5Ti5 t fff ' . K i lour nairuu ;ii:t suiuntu. liCCCCCCciiCMiCCCCCCCCCclcciiaMkaalJvatfHlw THW,1 "TrjJUt''i''t-U."l'J-1- " S'aaifEiaff' vfaiytBiltVngr s.Hl HtfX ; ifie Most Popular House in Interior Ori NUTLY f-URNISULU ALL 0U1SIDL HMY Headquarters for Traveling Men and Ton Agclar Radne Manager, L. Racine, Propt., But-, 01 Come in and inspect my stock COMPLETE LINE OF BEST GROCERIES to be had in the Market .jstzd all. 'SBEsssa:; Mu prices are as low as good goods can he sold for in this market... The LARGER the order the LESS it COSTS. t:rtiumtt:im:nmu::m:nmmmi.tii..it..nin::ttutucRttt. IWAGi f If You Want o Spond icvcral of the plemniiii linlC houri you ever pit i" - ' t Hk September IIVKRYll nnd reaJ in this outer. " iji))i ncss," "The Mellowdramiuer" anu "Whaf Shall Wis Do With the Old?" Aftpr that read whero you will youll say, ; a good magazine." Try It and see. SEFTErMER EVERYIOBY'S For Sole at City Drug Store. ejbnaT L,OW BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. - HENDERSON ELLIOTT, Propt. Special atinn 10 Transcicnt iu frci&it Ivum. K3BW ., kt worsen kept o; yA&weeJcorruontJi riHST CUSS LIVCIU TiKMd If (t and gran on hand. mi ? r. it " T" MID vi Special Mention Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AM ACCURATE HAY SCALES IN CONNECTION WITH BARN. Vonr iiiUn tn i S.mili Mii, Si 1'iu v 4 'Ml smt'v 'K Wmfc llio Stcvtf i ono of tho latest mid bost nddltiona to tho famous Docro Lino o Rldlnrj Plows. Is light in weight, simplo nnd durnblo In coifttructlon lull of genuino morit, nnd lma . shown its mottlo nnd utility in ovct7 tost it has been pat to. It hna amply demonstrated by ita ijood work its right to b UnBsed ns a Btrictly up-to-dato, high-class farm tool. It in certain lo suit tho most critical farmor nnd bo n money maker nnd n Jubor-suvor for him, "M If s a Deere-If s Right" nnd does Ita work porfect ease to tho operator and tenm. It Is manufactured nnd sold ns n tongueless plow n tonguo not being necorsnry to best results, but ono Is Buppliod nt alight cost to thoso who porfor It that way. Tho Statf is the simplest riding plow built, nnyono. who cnu hook up n team und drive 'cm straight can operate It rjuccossfully. It pou uossos many superior features not found on other plows, nnd It takes n wholo book to Illustrate tmd discrlb them. Bettor write for It today nnd nil tho Information you wnnt about thli superior implement. t C. H. VOEGTLY SmZSELMZ burms milling d HORTOW & SAYER, Prop ougn and Ore.sed Lurbl rustic, Flooring, RAoula.ni Finishing Lumber. werost Suwm I. to Bums. Cooa Lumber Yard in Burns. ' - - i. "" " " " "" At The Welcome PhariLac You can always find . SOMI FHINO MW AT OUf qnR: -CALL IN - H you don't soo what you want ask for i It wo lmv,nt tt, in Htook wo, got Jfc foJ, J1(1 rMail Orders finliHtAi' The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oreg J J.t-JMa.i1itrY.j-..int-rtlY11rtw,j1jia