The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 21, 1909, Image 3

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oonl News.
lury Jits eyes P. 0. block.
Gibson of Wnlla Wnlln,
i city.
Norton was over from
eek this week.
wnnt a nice, mild drink
to uic minis aoua wcrns.
; Smith 1ms a new stock
of various kinds and
TM iU.a n!(u QnHlrrlnv
111 HUB ltj miVUiMMJ i
to Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
ig Mowers, Rakes, Reap-
Binder8 for salo at N.
actor Smith has begun)
ntr tno cmmcic iteeu
aro building. '
rices on men's fine sum-
Indcrwear and shirts.
Co., Burns. i
Caldwell is over in Idaho
Eaf tor some real estate ho '
acquired. Ho is expect-1
tomarrow. '
Idolyn Lampshire is hero ,
ligene on a visit to her
tsrents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
. m. ..... .11
Bire. Tnomtio iauy nr-'
st week in company with
aes H. Kelley and J. W. !
Johnson and wife were
t the home of Dr. Brown '
city this week. Mr.
says he will navo a lair,
I fruit tins' seasonand ex-
i b: at the fair with a nice .
Cecil was in from Silver
Wednesday. He wanted
siaso a binder but found
Machine had been disposed
Cecil has a fine crop of
season that is estimated
the way from 50 to 90
I per acre.
Bennett was in the first
tweek getting his outfit
r in reaainess to uiko up
ties as forest ranger.
crritory is in the vicinity
. mill3 north and east of
land he is now on the
; looking after things.
til. & Clemens have put in
mass saw mm 12 iniics
are afforded the patrons
of our institution
SECURITY Evory 1.00 of our Capital is
reinforced by $1.10 of earned
Surplus, which, in conjunction
with our couBorvutivo policy,
uffordH an unusual 'degree of
safoty to our dopositorn.
SERVICE Our sorvieo in not baaed upon
thoory but to tho roault of
yeara of Htudy and oxporionco
in tho banking' buHiuess.
S 2 5, OO O.OO
United States Depositary
Accounts Invjtefl
All work guaranteed Sails
dury's. .
Frank Catterson is up from
Fine lino of watches, chains,
etc., nt Salisbury's P. 0. block.
Chas. Kaiser is homo from an
outing spent at tho Blue Mt.
II. C. Kindle was in tho city
Wednesday making proof on hia
Studcbaker Wagons, tho "De
pendont" kind for salo at N.
Brown & Sons.
Guy Shaver and wifo were in
tho city Thursday attending to
some land business.
A. J. Johnson and wife wore
over from their Silver Creek
home a few days this week.
Good vinegnr for salo by T. E.
Jenkins at the Brewery. Money
back if not as represented.
Salisbury fixes watchks P. 0.
Burns Soda Works can fill any
order largo or small.
Prompt delivery of all orders
'phoned tho Cash Grocery &
Bakery at tho French Hotel.
G. W. Young showed the wri
ter a sample of his barley tho
other day. It certainly looks
flno and should yield quite heavy.
The comploto lino of Hamilton
Brown's 'Honest Vnluo" Shoes
for Infants, Boys, Girls, Men
and Women at N. Brown & sons.
John Eberlco has transferred
tho H. Knllcnbach place which
lie purchased last week to Dr.
Burrow and is now looking for
another ranch.
Farmers why pay 12 to $15
per M. for green lumber when
you can get good dry repair lum
ber nt half tho price and haul
twico as much at Burns Milliner
You will find a gootl lino 01 , Co 's mill
Edison Phonofcrapljs and re
cords for sale at'Ltirmburg &
' Will Gntes was in from tho
Bert Bower hay camps Wednes
day. A fow nets of Harness will bo
sold nt right prices Haines &
Co. Burns.
Tho Times-Herald has some
freight at Vale. Teamsters come
and get an order for it.
Jones Mower and Rake for $75
whllo they last. First come, first
served C. H. Vocglly.
J. II. Garrott, tho Emigrant
creek pioneer rancher, wns down
a fow days this week.
Exchange your Trading Stamps
for premiums, now ready for
distribution at N. Brown &
Geo. IIowo nnd wifo nro over
from their fiomo near Van. Mr.
IIowo reports very good crops In
his neighborhood both of grain
and fruit.
2 section Bin GO tooth Steel
Lover Harrows at $22.00 at C. H.
Voegtly's. Seo that you do not
got J indi nnd only 50 tooth Har
rows, instead of tho above.
C. A. Haines camo up from
Narrows Saturday and wns a
passenger out on tho auto thai
evening to visit tho fair and
other places of interest
Just arrived: A complete line
of Roofing, Sheathing, water
proof Sheathing and Stringed
Harney Co. Imp. & Ildwc. Co.
, .
jonn ucmucriing installed now
gas lighting plants in tho Capital,
Burns Hotel nnd Joo Lindcr's
place this week. Each havo a
street lamp that aro poworful
and givo an excellent light
G. S. Goodman and wifo and
his brother A. T. Goodman, aro
recent nrrivnls from western
Oregon. Tho latter has been
for those desiring to take ad- quite sick nnd como up to this
vantage of their government per- section with tho hopo of imprc
mlt Also lumber for sale nt $12, ving his health. Tho former ex
pcr thousand. Seo them about ipects to get land and make a
custom prices. 1 permanent homo in this county.
Job printingThe TimM-HeraM
Try a meal at the Home Hotel.
Ghas. Davia was in tho city
A full line of fine groceries and
dried fruits at Haines & Co.,
"Cy Plunkot" Ankony is in
town, having como over from
Grant county on Thursday's
U10 tho Harney County National Ilnnk
They Aro iclMdentlfylnfr.
C. E. Bunn nnd T. S. Prlnglo
wore ovor from tho W. W. Brown
ranches this week. Thoy wore
on routo to Vnlo on business.
Tho Burns Sodn Works nro
prepared to fill all orders. Drop
in when you havo a thirst
Everything scrupuously clenn.
Asst. Cashier Wolcomo of tho
First National Bank nnd his wife
aro homo from n vncation trip to
tho Blue Mt Springs nnd other
points of intcret Thoy report
an cnjoyablo outing.
Paints, Oils, Doors nnd Wind
ows, in fact everything for tho
tarmer or minder, tilvo us a
call and wo will bo glnd to givo
you pricos. Myers Pumps nnd
Star Windmills.
Harney Co. Imp. fc Ildwc. Co.
Eighth grade examinations
will bo held Sopt 2 nnd S. Those
who desiro to tako this examina
tion should notify Supt Hamil
ton at onco so ho mny send the
necessary papers to tho various
school districts.
H. C. Smith has completed the
work on tho now brick jury room
at tho court houso and it is one
of tho neatest jobs in tho city.
Tho circuit court room has also
been enlnrged nnd tho changes
aro qulto an improvement
Williams Bros, saw mill at
Cold Spring on tho Canyon road
Is prepared to do custom work
For Salk-320 acres of hay
lnnd. Inmifrnnt thin nftW
.... .,:: v .n
uuiiN weuncsuny, Aug. i,
to Mr. nnd Mrs. Thos. Vickcrs,
a dnughter, weight 11J pounds.
Jntncs Paul and tho Misses
Hnnrslrich were in from their
homo Thursday on land business.
T, lios., Spraguo who underwent
auctions operation last week Is
doing quite well and on the road
to recovery.
Hairy Clcndonen and Miss
Lucilo rrasor, tho only two
typhoid fever patientfl in this
vicinity are doing well.
Loar A gray bouble-brcastcd
sack coat, between Burns and
the Frank Siler place, Finder
plcnso return to A. Schenk.
Chas. Begg, one of tho stono
contractors on the I. 0. 0. F.
building, was Bomcwhat indis
posed n portion of tho week but
is better.
Drs. Marsdcn & Griffith per
formed a slight operation on Miss
Eva Rus3ell Tuesday and the
young lady is improving quite
For Sale Two homestead re
linquishments in the Sunset
neighborhood, partially improved
including two good cabins, well,
chicken houso and ten acres
cleared. Cheap if taken nt once.
Tnnnlrn nfr tliia nffinn
Number 32.
No Two Banks Are Alike
bank has characteristics peculiar to
trunks, suit cases and telescopes
nt tho right price at Haines &
Co., Burns.
C. T. Miller was in tho city
yesterday, having brought in a
. load of wood to tho citv residence
Tin Gibson ana latniiy navo which his children will occunv
Cold Springs is near the been in tho city lor several tiays. durinir the school year. Tho
ith good road. In first Their baby has been sick but is j,ouso :3 now bcjnr r(M)nnered
mber picked trees from
2rnment Prepared to do
work. Seo them about
jivcrnment permit at once.
Gotchy and family have
r from the W. C. Cecil
Silver creek where they,
ecn living tor somo time, j
lill remain in the city a
feeks awaiting tho arrival
C. Finn from California,
they will accompany him
! Mr. Gotchy has leased a
Surprise valley.
Sale -Do you want a nice
160 acre ranch 3 miles,
and -painted nnd otherwiso im
proved. Ranch for Sale: Ono Bmall
horse ranch, located on Malheur
river. First-class summer, fall
and winter rango surounding it
Fine location for fruit and vege
tables, also. For further parti
culars, writo or call on E. L.
Beede, Drewsey, Oregon.
Miss Winnifrcd VanValken
burgh went out to tho family
home tho first of this week in
company with B. A. Miller nnd
family. Later wo understand
tho young lady will go to Seattle
nnd other points in Washington
to visit for an indefinite time.
Mr. Woodruff, tho Malheur
and says ho has sugar beets that Shorthorn breeder, was in tho
'Phono your orders to tho Cash
Grocery & Bakery for bread,
pies, cookies, fruits, etc. Dcliv
1 ery ma le promptly.
It A. Miller and family were
,111 from tneir warm springs
! homo this week. Mr. Miller says
the grasshoppers played havoc
with his grain crop and oven took
, the garden, although Mrs. Minor
fought them for several days.
She finally had to give it up.
W. II. Fritch was up from his
homestead near Waverly on
.Wednesday. He reports his
Harney on Rattlesnake , grain crop light but is well pleas-
First water right, run-' ed with tho growth it maue un-
Ivater the year around, iuer such unfavorable circumstan-
aearing orchard, 40 acres ces. He reports n fine gnrden
Kvation, fine range for cat-
ses or sheep. For further
liars call or address Roland
is, Harney, Ore.
have mado a wonderful growth
without having any water whatever,
city this wcok.- Mr. Woodruff
has recently purchased tho Jack
Greenlee ranch over on Pine
creek nnd will uso it as a sum
mer rango for his stock. Since
he is now n resident of this
county ho will hnvo somo of his
thoroughbred stock at tho fair in
October competing for premiums.
Prof. F. P. Littlejohn, nero-
rt . t n i. t naut, nign irapezo penormer,
jry Counter a Bargain Uounterj Binekwiro and juggler, wiiigivo
a penormunco ui uiu uur Kruunua
I next Sunday afternoon. Ho will
IPS SkirtS, WaiStS, UnaerWear, wuko n tmoon ascension ana
1 nnrnehuto dron. Tho ascens on
feckwear. etc., will be sold at wi,b preceded by slack wiro
greatly reduced price
rial Bargains in mens summer
hats and vests.
A full stock of staple
and fancy Groceries
for every body.
Orders promptly filled
he Buty Corner Store"
JrLlSXm, ODEt.3E3C3rOI!r-
cessful and thrilling ascensions
at Prineville recently nnd wo aro
sure till who witness tho perfor
mance Sunday will bo pleased.
Tho matineo performance at
tho fair ground last Sunday af
ternoon was good. Therq wero
three running races and a trot
ting rnco of two heats, the latter
between Sidney Wilkes and Tho
Remittor, Tho first rnco was a
match between Alox Hanloy's
Hobby Burns and Luto Mnco's
Teddy Rear, Tho fprmer won
but tho tables wero rovcrsed, in
the saddle horso rnco later w'h,en
Luto finished ahead pf Alox.
Tho free for all was a njpo race.
TIio boys aro gping to hayo an
other matineo on Aw 2& flow
oral races, will bo run besides a
trot. It is also qultp probable
that nnothor- balloon n.s.conaion
will bo a feature, Posters .will
announce tho program tho first
of next wcok.
That two (lows of natural gas under nn enormous
pressure havo been developed in Harney Valley?
Did You Know that the visible indications point to
Harney Vnllev as being underlaid with one of tho great
est deposits of light gravity oil in tho world 7
Do You Know what that menus to Central Oregon?
It means railroads and the development of all tho re
sources of this great inland empire
Do You Want to share in tho enormous profits that
await those who first tap this immense pool of oil?
2Vie Harney Valley Oil & Can Co. offer you this
opportunity. With stock selling at 5 cents per share
(par valuo $1.00) it is an opportunity unparalleled in
tho history of oil dovolopment. Wo will gladly answer
any and nil correspondence. Address
Harney Valley Oil & Gas Co., Burns, Oregon. JJ
Wo have experienced somo ex
ceedingly hot weather during the
past week, but J. W. Biggs, who
has just returned from n visit to
Missouri, says we don't know
what warm weather is. It is so
much warmer back there that it
makes the weather hero pleasant
II. S. Radcliff, ngent
of the Horticultural Fire Relief
Association of Salem, Oregon,
was in Pilot Rock Monday to ad
just the losses sustained by iiis
company in the fire two days
previously. Ho was the first ad
juster on tho ground, carrying
out tho policy of his company,
which is embodied in two words,
"Stability and Promptness." He
paid the losses in cash. Pilot
Rock. Piatt T. Randall is the
resident agent of tfiis company
in Burns.
All parties owing Lewis & Gar
rett, or Simon Lewis are hereby
notified that all these accounts
are in the hnnds of our attorney
C. H. Leonard for collection and
settlement. Persons indebted to
us will please settle the same
with Mr. Leonard nt once.
Simon Lewis
J. T. GAimBTT.
Facilities vary in tho amount of capital, sur
plus, means of giving customers safety, etc. Ser
vice may contain elements that give greater con
venience. Tho bank's policy may be different in
its details. Even the class of customers differ
with different banks.
This Bank has an honorable record. Its
policy is to render each customer such service as
will best suit his individual requirements.
Wo nsk your consideration of the bonefits
offered customers.
A Savings Bank Department is a feature of this Bunk,
in which interest nt the rate of four per cent per
annum is allowed.
The Harney County National Bank
MR. nnd MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON, Propts.
We are pleased to announce to our old-time friends
and 'customers that we have again taken charge of
our hotel. We just completed renovating, the en
tire building and you will find tho old-time home
comforts when you call. We hope to see you soon.
The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive
5 pedal Attention and Good Service.
SOUTH BURNS, OREGON-Near Fair Grounds.
Manila binder twino 151 cents
at Voegtly's.
Go to tho homo Hotel for a
good meal.
John Fnrren was over from
his homo near Van this week.
A Smith Primler typowriter
for salo at Salisbury's jewelry
A. A. Tipton, foreman on tho
0. 0. Ranch was in tho city this $1.00 per
weok, 1
Miss Alico Swcek last Monday
began teaching a bIx months'
term of school in tho Cheney dis
trict up tho, river,
Mrs. J. A. Bartlett wbb over
from DrcwBoy for soveral days
this week on a visit to
daughter, Mrs. A. V. Racino,
Dr. Mnrsdon was called to
Harney twico this week to aeo
Mrs. J. H. Loggnn, who was
quito ill. She is improving.
Job printing Tho Times-Herald
Apples nnd peach plums at
Carter & Thompson's.
Deputy U. S. Sheep Insector
McDonald arrived hero this week
from Lake county.
J. P. Withers wns down from
his homo near Harney for a
couplo of days this week.
Dry slab wood at mill only
Burns Milling Co.
Bert Hamilton was ovor from
Silver creek during tho week on 'a
visit to his parents and attend
ing to somo business.
Renlos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, prico 20 cents per foot.
her Any ono desiring Rcatos address
W. A. Ford of J. 0. Alborson,
Alborson, Oregon.
Fruit Inspector Harris requests
a careful inspection of outsido
fruit now that tho season is open,
and wishes to bo notified if any
T?rltHnirlinm fir. THMinrrlnnn nrn
manufacturing all kinds of sodas diseased fruit is brought in.
and soft drinks and will do not
only a retail but n wholesale
A. M. Kelsny nnd his bod, tho
Silver creek sheopmen, wero in
tho city a short timo on business
this week. Thoy camo over in
their high wheel auto.
Frank HnrriBon has purchased
tho Mrs. Albort Shaw rcsidonco
on the hill near Dr. Ilibbard's
home. TI1I3 is pnp of thp nicest
A Schenk nnd wifo desire to
express through theso columns
their sincoro thanks to tho f rionds
who wero so kind in assisting
during their recent bereavement.
J. W. Biggs arrived homo
Wednesday evening from Mis
souri. His mother and two sis
ters came ns far as Ontario whoro
thoy will make their homo for
an indefinito timo.
Mrs. Geo. S. Sizemoro and
residence dlHtrlpts in tho city and daughter Lonoro, nnd Miss Lelnh
commands a fine view of tho McGco nrrived homo Tuesday
valley. afternoon from Portland. Ray-
A,,,, iii..nn t , mond Slzomoro remained In Port
Agents Wantbd-Iii ovory . ,, 4 n . . . ,,,-
town for thp SM Actable 'X"' ' " -
Ilamoloss, Hors,o Collars, No ' Rp'
pads, harnes or straps, can uso ' Charles, Fronph of Williams,
With wy kind of; tpg aUnch- Cal., owner of ono of tho racers
ments, Will not gall horso or horo In chargo of Lou Conner
wep out, Will pot oorrodo and Hnrvoy, son of tho latter,
prrns,t, Price $6.QQ onoh, Ak arrived in this olty Sunday, Mr.
ypu,n (ienler, Writo for lltora Fronch is making his drat trip
turet Addreascs, Nelson Wilbur into this section, Ha expects to
Company, Exclusivo Distributorn go to the P Ranch and visit vari
Paciflc Coast States, Albany, ,ous places bof ore the Opening of
Oregon. jtlo fair.
ESTKAYED-Ono old brown
mare, four yearling colts and one
yearling mule. Branded with a
heart on loft or right stifle. 25
reward to any one who will hold
them for mo nnd let mo know.
Last" seen on Emigrant creek
near J. H. Garrett's.
W. B. Parkeii, Burns, Ore.
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Main Office, Burns, Oregon
A. O, t'.MJLKMktl, MKC
Branch Office, Lakevicw, Oregon
(.-. M, KAl'LKNKH, l)r
'Tho best Rano
brains and experience
have ever produced."
Thoy ore built on eclonUflo principles
nnd tho material used 1b bo dJ.trlbutad
us to do tho Jnobt good.
They nro Jnb heavy Plough, to bo
good, dumbloand liwumr
Tho etronRthonod purto uro tboao
wbero tho mout wc-ar lo.
Tho wdlaavo Avbeetoa lluod.
Thoynromsdoof qtoel,ooncquontly
thoy nro, utropif nnd cuimoU cruoU.
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes
Fresh Groceries, etc.
For Spring and Summer Trade
Candy, Nuts, Stationery, Cigars, and Tobacco
Prcslt Line of Confections and Best Cigars
Novelties In the Stationery Line Come
Nice Assortment of PipesNew Novelties Coming.
If its in Leather We have it or
get it for You
As much difference in leath
er as in people. We use
only the best in our work
Hadn't you better look at your old Harness?
You've had it a long time. "Belter be sure
Than sorry."
Harness arid. Sa,d.d.les
J. W. OWEN, Propts.
Finest hearse in county
Particular attention given
To Funerals
Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers.
Particular attention given to Transcient Trade
Horses boarded by the day, weok or month
AMAQ Uliai Cfll
Fm Irlwv ww ibbWHIj
Biacksmitiiiiig and
'"'$ -j21
mu 1 1 t t yini.Mvw
Main St.,
Wagon Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon,
Job Printing.