tmmmtmemsm. iTimfirriiH i L i If .U m i 1 i a - 13 I -HI . y i.' . I i 1 'tf J ' s y' ! 4 i ' U i ' , I Ike . 4iT0Di,YwA.VIV8t St, IW9 80B6ORIPT10M RA.TK8: On THt,ii Ms Moulin..., Tht Month!., ILOO .1.00 ,.7o JULIAN BTRD - - - - MMr The present dry season has been quite unfortunate for those who havo put in crops and failed, yet the grain in many places has made better crops than at first thought and has demonstrated beyond a doubt that it can bo grown successfully under very dry conditions. The experience of the present season will bo a great help in future and we may gain by it in the long run. The Vale Oriano issued a spe cial 24 page paper on last Satur day that was quito creditable. The edition was nicely illustrated with half-tone cuts of various scenes in Vale and Malheur coun ty. Such enterprise is commend able and the people of that town and county should appreciate such work as it will advertise that section in a much better manner than the pamphlet system. The definite announcemet of Mr. Stevens that J. J. Hill is back of the Oregon Trunk road up Deschutes has given it such a standing that it has gained pres tige and therefore better support. The people of the interior have confidence in Mr. Hill and feel confident of securing relief in the way of transportation, in the very near future. Mr. Hill will not stop with Deschutes, but will branch out This office is in receipt of a letter from Mrs. A. George which says that her fruit crop will be quite good this season. She has at least 100 gallons of berries drying on the bushes as she had not had time to pick them. Her Siberian crabs she describes as resembling weeping willows, the branches being so heavily laden with fruit that they bend down and completely cover the trunk of the trees. She ha3 8 large trees of this variety. She has 16 other crab trees well loaded. The prunes are very good. The Ben Davis apple will be an aver age crop, but the best is the Yellow Transparent She writes: "I have five trees that would make you hungry to look at just now, as the big limbs are bend ing down on all sides. They will be ready to eat in a week and I shall send you some if I get a chance." We are going to see that she has the chance: INDEPENDENCE DEVELOPEMENT CO. Bill Percival is the hot air ped dler for the above concern which was organized here the first of the week and is composed entire ly of Independence men, who have just taken up about 3000 acres of Harney county land. A large number of people from the Willamette valley town, were among our land seekers during the past two weeks and several secured deserts adjoining and others will likely come out when these boys get back home. Mr. Percival is "of the jolly bunch and he is more than joshing when he suggested the Develop ment Co. for they can certainly work to advantage by pooling their interests. Among those to file were James Hanna, Pearl Alexander, Wm. Percival, two Sperling Bros., Claude Hubbard, Lymon Damon, Dave Dove, E. Irvine, Mr. Mac intosh and Mr. Rice. Several of these men are prominent in business in their home town and are very favorably impressed with the possibilities of this sec tion. They hope to interest others upon their return. W. E. Craven, D. A. Hodge, I. N. Jones, C. L. Fitchard and J. J. McKinnon were among the Independence people who came in but they "'got cold feet" and without going out into the coun try to see it after making the trip in, returned homo on the following stage. It will be in teresting to hear Percival and his bunch hand it to those fellows when they get home. WALKING FOR WAGES. Archie Nichols, a California young man, arrived in this city last Sunday morning enroute to Reno, Nevada. In company with Fred Harris, who has charge, of his pack horses and outfit, ' ho is walking from Walla Walla to Reno to get in trim for a walk ing contest with Stephen Hill who represents Washington. The two young men were tramp ing in company J from Walla Walla as far aa Canyon City where Mr. Hill received mstruc t?nno fmm lils mnnaircra to go out by train to Novndn and go in training on the desert The walking race is from Reno to Loa Angeles via San Francisco, adistanco of 1155 miles for a purse of $1550, tho winner to take the entire purse which is put up by organizations in Wash ington and California. Mr. Nichols informs the Times Herald that he was in fine trim nnd could average 40 miles a day. Ho expects to win tho rnco as ho has had fivo such contests and has never lost It is 350 miles to Reno and ho expected to mako it in ten days. Whilo hero several local people were telling of their walking feats and Mr. Nichols was under the impression they wanted a match, so ho has asked the Times Herald to announce that ho is open for an engagement next season and ready to challenge any ono in tho state for whatever distance they desire anil for a proper purse. WANTS BIO RANCHES. Paul C. Bates of Portland spent tho past week in this section looking over quite a number of deeded farms, getting prices, looking up water rights and other information. He kept Sheriff Richardson and his buz wagon quite busy during his stay and was accompanied a part of the tiirio by W. T. Lester. Ho looked over Beveral ranches on Silver Creek later going out us far as the J. F. Malum ranch in Anderson Valley then Cow Creek and vicinity, leaving Thursday and going out as far as Bennett's in Silvies Valley in Mr. Richardson's auto. We understand Mr. Bates rep resents capitalists who desire some large ranches in this section and his report will be necessary before final deals will bo carried throuch. We did not learn whe ther he actually secured options or not, but he was quite favor ably impressed and some trans fers are likely in the near future. LOCAL OVCRrLOW. J. E. Graves is up from his home near the lake. The Falkestau Bros, are m from their farms hear Wnvcrly. J. W. Brown and son are build ing a granary for Judge Levcns. J. T. Garrett and wife have moved into the Grandma Cald well residence. Mrs. Wm. Miller arrived homo from Wagontire Wednesday ac companied by her daughters, Agnes and Lulu. For Sale Farm implements, including a mower and rake, harrow and plow, a light wagon and other tools. See H. Kallen bach. Mr. and Mrs. Edward South worth and little son are expected here today from their Bear Valley home on a visit to C. A. Swcek and family. Henry Welcomo came in Sat urday and is enjoying a visit with home folk. He sees con siderable improvement in this section since he left. Leon Freiman, Miss Freimnn, Mrs. Epsteyn and children are all here on a visit to their father, "Grandpa" Freiman. Tho old gentleman's health is not good. Misses Merle Dalton and Clare Swain will leave tomorrow mor ning for Seattle to take in tho fair. They will also visit Wil lamette valley and other points being absent perhaps a month. H. B. Mace, local water war den, who looks after tho proper arrangements of fish ladders at the dams and screens at inlets of irrigating ditches, states that Geer & Cummins will hereafter carry tho proper material for screens in stock, A. B. Cross of Denyer, Colo rado, is in this section for the purpose of buying stock. Ho is representing the Great Western Sugar Co. which each year feeds its by-products to alargo number of stock. Mr. Cross is in tho market for from 1000 to 5000 head of cattle nnd will take ns high as 20,000 head of sheep if ho can get them right. I Wm. Hanley is homo from Klamath where ho delivered 4500 head of young cows to the gov ernment for distribution among the Klamath Indians. Mr. Han ley camo back by way of Portland and visited other points, Ho is well pleased with tho recent an nouncement that J, J, Hill is backing tho Oregon Trunk and believes it means big things and early development of tho interior of this state. Job printing-The Timee-Herald, Mrs. Cortes Elliott is on the sick list Scott Catterson is over from his Steen mountain horso ranch. Irving Miller and wifo havo gone to Stoens Mountain on an ouling. If you nro interested in good hogs lot me sell you u Registered Berkshire. Da. Himiard. Somo very desirable residenco and business lots in Burns can bo secured by seoing Irving Miller. G iO acre ranch for salo suitable for dairy or stock ranch. Abund ance of water for irrigation nnd power inquire at this office. Delia Day Freeman, profes sional nurse. Parties desiring her services may find hor at tho home of Thomas Sagers, Burns. Thos. Turnbull, ono of our progressive nnd prosperous sheep raisers is in tho city. Ho says it is hot and dry out in his neighborhood. Socrotnrv J. C. Turney of tho Harney Valloy Oil & Gas Co. has gone to Portland and othor points in tho interest of his com pany. Special Agent McGuiro of tho general land office loft this morning for Portland after spend ing several weeks in the field in this county. Reason for tho sudden rise in Harrimnn stocks is not far to peek. Wall street has heard of its prospective increase in earn- 1 ings from traffic in Central Oro Igon. Oregonian. Messrs. Smith & Swain havo resumed operations at tho deep well on the 11. M. Horton plnco east of Burns. They havo casing for 600 feet more and will Bink to that depth unless an nrtesian flow is Btruck before. G. A. Rcmbold left Wednesday morning for Stockton, Califor nia, upon receipt of a telegram announcing the death of his brother tho day before. Mr, Rcmbold exnects to bo absent somo ten days or two weeks Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fitch and two children wero hero Monday on their way homo to Cushmg, Okla., from Harnov valley, where they visited Mrs. Fitch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fritch. Ontario Optimist late Portland papers announce that M. D. Wisdom, tho well known publisher and horseman is on his deathbed. He was ono of the best known men in tho state nnd his many friends will bo pained to learn of his death Tne Blue Mt Eagle says that President Martin of the Eastern Oregon Land Co. nnd Grant GcuJca of tho Sumpter Valley made a hurried visit to this city in an auto last Sunday. We aro sorry wo failed to see tho gentle men. We wish to announce now that any of our farmer subscribers who desiro to may pay their sub scription in grain, wheat oats or barley at tho market price. The manager of this great relig ious wants to tako care of his chickens, horso and cow and will deal direct with tho farmer. Assessor Donegan is in town for a few davs this week. He and his assistants have not yet completed the work of classify ing tho deeded lands for the assessment roll, Mr. Donegan stating it will tako perhaps an other month of field work. Scarcely a day passes but Borne ono reports the killidg of a rattle snake on Canyon Creek. During the past few days five havo been killed on tho creek about two miles above town. Why this reptile should bo on tho increase is not known, but it seems to bo an established fact that they aro more numerous this year than for several years past Blue Mt Eaglo J. B. Caldwell of Waitsburg, Washington, is hero on a visit to relatives. Ho is a brother to Leo and Mrs. Al White and camo down on account of tho sickness of Grandma Caldwell. This is Mr. Caldwell's first visit hero for cloven years and ho naturally sees considerable change. Waits burg is in ono of tho greatest wheat belts in tho northwest and Mr. Caldwell says if the farmers of Harney County will quit tho "shotgun" method and begin tilling tho soil with an Jdea of conserving tho moisturo and giving tho seed a chance, they will raise fine crops hero. Ho says our foot hills aro all good grain land. Ho further believes that hardy fruits will bo a suc cess hero and suggests trying to graft somo good varieties of chorries on choke cherry roots as an experiment Mr. Caldwell will remain here for several dayB. oljy C. W. '! wm U the veaterdnv. . ..,. Messrs. Black 'ANAsli aro drill ing a well at tho Grandma Cald well residence. Bert Jlichnrdson loft on tho stago this morning for a visit to tho Senttlo fair. According to reports it in tho intention to hnvo tho Sumpter Valley oxtonded to Praino City by Thanksgiving day. Four car loads consisting of buggieB, wagons, plows, harrows farm machinery, barb wiro and nails now on route. See C. H. Vocgtly for prices. Carlos Dum was in tho last of tho week from Harney county where ho is homoatending, to meet Mrs. Dum on her arrivnl from Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Dum nro from Beloit, Kaus., whero tho manager of this paper used to live, and ho waB very glad to see them hen?. Mr. Dum says ho got a fine crop of wheat on his homcBtond this year, and will thresh it noxt week. He bought a good team of horses of Fred Stewart whilo hero, and he and Mrs. Dum left early Sunday morning on tho drive to Harney valloy. Ontario Optimist I rgMgnfwwr1 " -ff -Er"-j--t"j '" am nml two Jrtincii Smith's, Cotlrill & Clemens flfo propar- noWllne d 'shocS bo'foty gotlitig j ed to do custom work, with their your wring and emnW 'foot-) portable saw mill located 1& niiloa west 01 UOIU opniiKB wii wear 7fi nnn ft. llrat-BlnsR dry lumber Poison Crook. Lumber for sulo. in short lenghts; also 2nd nnd 3rd Got youn penult and havo thoin class from $6.00 to $12.00 per M. saw your lumbar. Terms nro Burns Milling Co. reasonable. fhe CASH GROCERY & BAKERY Located hi Frcncli Motel Host quality Fancy and Staple Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Confectionery, Stationery, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. FRESH BREAD, COOKIES, PIES Tclephono orders will receive prompt attention Free delivery to tiny part of tho city. V .A. -V. .OXHSTE, OPropt pJtUn't1 e SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of ttiu hlnto of Ort- gun, for llnrnoy County. Clnra Craft, plaintiff Clmrlet Graft, defriuliint ) Clmrlt-i Craft, DrfemUnt! In llm imuin of tho Blalo of Ort'Kon . You nr lu'ruliv reinlrcil to aip'nr nml mmwur ilia ruin pUInt filed outtliMt you In tli nuovn on tilled enlt on or buforo tlio flrnt thy of tho next rtiiu'&r '"" ' "'0 ubovo vn titled Court, lo Wit: on or before l!i 4th day ol Octobur, 11HW, mid If you fl to to pioer and nnnwor, fo- want lliurf of, plaint wilt take Jaiinvinriit nunUikt you for tho relief prajod for in plaintiff complaint, to Witt For decree of illvorco uhnjl te from tho defendant, und fur ttielf ftirtlitr i. Ilof therein mentioned ami for coats and dlabnneniiintft. Thl lummoni U published in Tim Tiraei-llorald, weekly iipniapvrpiib llancd In tho City of llitrim, llnriu) County, Ort'iton, oncti u cek lor lx consecutive m oka for cervlro. publica tion by order of Han. Uuo. K. DuvIn, Juiigo of tho circuit court of tho ninth judicial dittrlct of llanoy County tnul Btatu of Oregon, mmlo and eiitero-l on tho 10th day of Auunt, 1WM, tin- llrt publication hcrool la made on tho illM day of AutfUit, 1000 (leo H. Blxeuioti), Attorney for I'Ulntlff Go To The .Whit Front Livery Stable . NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 7 hone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. H. J. JVlcKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. NOTIOK FOK I'UIIUCATION Ukitku Btjtm 1. 4 mi OrrRc lluriii. Oickou, Jul; M, W.' Nolle It hrtclir attoii tlm The Hlnte oHIns won bu niHt lu (hit oltlce ) i t,ll-(liix (stll No. (BU1J to teleru umUf (lift In villain f lh Act til roilarvfcl. Amirnvml AIIJK mill, 181s, nJ net! uraouilalorjr llieroio, )ti- NUt, HEVi K NW'i Foe NWN MO vol BK( tin it Mt. r w n , ii u r. V M . 5 News i Tlifc City JJrug btore RHHD BROS., Proprietors Successor to 11. M. Ilortoit Our lino of Drun, Patent Medicine and ToiM Articles arc Complete. WR USE ONLY THIS REST OF DRUGS IN OUR PRESCRIPTION WORK AND WE NEVER SU STITUTB. Yours far Accuracy aiid Lowest Prices n Agents Cigars . nnd Smokers' Articles Cut tilnsj and Siherware Agents fOr I lie SECURITY STOCK roD rismxQ , Tirrt ii I r nvni.u i ; Lariat culltciu iVsi Cards mid Albums in tin City. T- JJ.S BU NMi Bc II. T S) It . It K , H . M An? ml nil tiruim claiming mlveriflr Hi lfttiila flffrllMi(l. fir ilcilrlnff lu uhloct tj(.'4!l ol th inlnjral cliirnner of Ilia Unit, r fur j ' i) olhor rtxioii, t tlio (1l'UUoii.llcut, , - boulu fll Ihtlr motluo( promt lu llil- ,,,,,,,,.,,,, offlc. on or bolor the ci'lrllia of lbs rlM ttHHH.ttnHttlttM'mt. oi puDiictlion, WW VinU, ItfclltCf. It First rmtllcnilou, Aueu.t ", 1WH , ; ft Ll (lilktilun.Hoi'ttuiber II, IWJ. jl NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. '! II..--.. u.... I ,.. it,-..,... t llurii), Oroeon, auriuI ft). Jvo Kotlce U berctir lUen llmt llllmn II, t'rliali. ol Wrlr. Otfiton. who. on Juim (, IJW, mtila lloroMtsdimtrr,Nuil9l,BatUl No WVW. for HVi NWll unit Lots a unit 4, ricrtlua i Township ST floulli. llMigo 81 Kt Wllnm- otl lltrldltn, hi 11 1 o,l notlcoof Intuition lo ruk rintl commutation proof, to mnWlili oUlmtolba tant alaira ilitcrltwl, IkIoiu tlio ltlilr and Kacalver, at llurtia, Orruun, mi lh 2il h ilar ol Pcptumbor IvW, Ulalmanlnamtaaa wltUrM. Abrabam II. Kenoctt, Thai. Ilruiller, Mfom Frltcb, all al Wivretlr, Oitvon. Tlioiiimi Dillon, ol Harm, Oregon. Wm KAnnp, lUitlitor. :sstre: rw mi n iwwawMBwisssfrM -ws-.- . -- , BURNS HOTEL BAR DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS 1 Club Rooms in Connection Courteous aml.ObliKing' Bar Tenders EVERYTHING KIRST-CLASS DROP IN Centrally Located nml Connected with Hotel Hums wov!AtawswhMmwjn'K''a mmnimmr: Htummntnutmuimuuiumntmnnmi MEM MABKET NOTICE 1TOR PUBLICATION Ukitku KTiTxa l,Nn orriiK, llurna. Orceon, auiui SO, I ml Kotlce U berabjr glnn that U.acom Fillrli. n MaYarl, Hrc(Ml who, : October 17 1M mad llomiitri1 Knltv Ko IW9. Hvrlal No, OJXrt. lor VIXUnt. HKNKI NHilBU section 6 Towotlilp '21 nitiili, l(aiii i Kail, Wlllawelia Morldan baa fllo.l nnilth ol Intention to mako Kliial Commutation I'rool, to tatabl ah claim lo tho land above ilea crl'ort, bofore iho ltfgltr a il Itcculroi, ai llurni.OrrKou, millionth ilarof ipteinbor. ivw. , Claimant name aa wltnraara, William II, Krllrb, Cbaa. Ilradler. Abrnaln II llennrlt, all ol Warctljr, OrcKOu. Tliiimaa Iilllon, ol liurni, Orexou. Wx.KArat, llixl.tor NOTICE FOU I'UlllilOATION. UNITtSIIHTATKH UNI) OKKll'K, I iiurua, urcKun, July xv, iv. l HOTS aa wrocery waitvwfsffajryirtaBTl 1 Come in and inspect my stock COMPLETE LINE OF BEST GROCERIES to be had in the Market Mil prices areas low as food poods can be sold for-in (his market. .. the LARGER the order the LESS it COSTS. !;i:iiiittitti::ttntttitiumi:itit:!m':iuii...i....wu:JsuiM::j::i::n2i Notice la berobjr tvu that Ui-orxe Milirii wn i try. ccili Uerl ilan, fiaa mod notl'v of liilculluti to u,ake of liurni. Oreuon bomrataad Knlry. No 171V for il nkw. ttcction it a :io, on July il 1W.', mado neriai no. uiaai uumr.ic.,1 ..iii.v, i.u ,, nvaiNi ,.,. wi.w .il. Hcelion it ami n !. nw,, Ho tiuti ls,townblp3l Boulli, ltanic .11 )'.t, WHInnullo final Hve-Year ! oof, totbe land above lUacrlMd, belorotli llruw, tar and Iterelverat Uuta,OrcKnii,oii ll.o 7''li avol Auauat IUU. Clalroaiilnami'a aa wlincucai Vieiiben I ami blre, Juiiu'l.aiii hrc I'rank Dakar, Kred Carer all of llurna Oleum Wm. Pahrk, lit alitor NOTIOK FOK PUBLICATION UMlItlHTiTH l,Nlllllril K I llurna, Uirnou, July in), lUutl I Notice la hereby iilven that IboHialoof tiro unnbaa filed In tbli nntellaaU'lliatloii1eilnl Nil tunii u Act of Cllllf aola amendatory Iherwlu, tbe uiitt Liieloct. unuur Iho liiuvlalon-ofthe Act of Couiteaa, anprovoil Auutiit II. lllH, ami NX ol NU Boctlon M, T. !I7 H , It m K , W M Any and all periona laliuluK udtiixlvtlio landa draorlboil.or ilualrlnir to oblevl tannim ol llie mineral eharactor ol IhA land, i.,r any oilier reaaou, lo tho illipotal loai,ilh'a u, ahould rile their anidavlla of proteil lu Hill nlllce. on or before Iho explrallou of Ilia period of publication, Wit. I'Amic, llrt:licr Flrat publication July III llrtli. l.ait publlcalliu tlepteiilbur I, IWP 9t Ttgtthtr gnd stand fogctlipr i the Itey note of Forrctt Crisscy's jcconJ nrticlc on tlio fanner In llil light Pgalim dUltoncBt commission merclmiiM, Don't tnlt It. Then read " Hapjilncss " one of tliq prcttlcit boy ami girl ttories ever published, All In the SEMEME EVERYIIDY'S For Sale at City Drug Store, $ & The Slojf i-, uuo of thclatu tfuidboHt Additions to tho fnmoua Doero Utxo of Rldlnfl Plows. Is light in weight, alniplo and durnblo in connlnifilon lull of conuino merit,-nnd lm shown its mottle nnd utility in ovqtj test It has boon rmt to. It hits amply demonstrated, by its ood work its right to bo classed na n strictly up-to-date, hifih-clnss farm tool, It is certain to suit tho most critical farmer and bo a money maker und n labor-snvor for him. HARDWARE MACHINER Binders' Supplies Full Linecf BUILDING PAPER a ROOFING CROCKERY. CHINA AND GLASSWA GEER & CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. urns Meat IVIarke New Shop Opposite the first National Hank Main Si, Pork, ij HolojJla Liver .Nitl ff k i mat in Qua Hill M. J MAN IN, Proj Your patron age elicited. and doos ifi woxlf parfQet wte to tho operator andtenm. it J3 umniuncturoa nnd sold no n tonu'iieloss plow n toncuo not belnir neeeesnry t6 host results, but one is supplied nt Hi;ht cost to those who purfoi' It that way. Tlia Stnjj is tho simplest ridlue plow built, anyone who enn hif.k up n team and tlnvo 'em straight unit ojiornte it auocessfully. It pos spasos many uuperjor fonturca not found on other plows ami it tnlteu a whole book to illustrnta uud t1i..yrlb thani Hotter wile for it today nnd nil tho tafommiion you wnnt about tht j supotlor Imylomont, C. H. VOEGTLY The Most Popular House in Interior 0 NEATLY FURNISH2D-ALL OUTSIDb RuOJlfl Headquarters for Traveling Men and Tc igciar Kacine ivtanagcr, u Kadnc, rvopt., bi ros.1 BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLfJ IlENDEHSON ELLIOTT, Proj)t Siecial (titan- M v io irunscietii cu g? freight tenuus. Jforsen kept hi week or month. rS? riBST CUSS UVER TLR jra Van and gun it I' IJTi Vrilir tintr. ti Ufa u. -va. raaa 4ai(- f I!ir w.fa.? jszavia 4'lOmAMHJ BTtWS3i?- Vxi. m??mmj Tw-Hjiair. ivix.' , 7TT.n U7M on.liand. ' y (Il I T Hk'p-VWn-' NJl Sniilh MttinSi Special AHcnfion Given p, to Cflmliic.iug Funerals , r NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES SS, v IN CONNCCriON WITH BARN. WjmTi BURNS MILLING HORTON & SAYSER, Props a.B- i r.. . . fauugn ana ure sea Lumi Rustic, Flooring, IVlouldinl Finishing Lumber. nearest Sawmill to Burns. Gaod ittf Lumber Yard in Burns. 6SI ifs a Deerelt's Highi" 1 At The Welcome Pharmii a Vou cjiu always find SOMETHING NOW AT OUR STORE -CALL IN - If you don't) boo what, you uUit, auk rm . If wo hnvon'l it in ntoek wo'H got jt for ji mi riYlail Orders Solicited The Welcome Pharmacy. Burns, Or eg , -J ; ft- f Ml tllMMIWI mamummmmmmmmmmfmsmmsmmtmti