s cmes-Jferald. !lK tASGKBT OIROOUTION Of ; NKW8PAPKR IN THI8 COUNTY, BATORUAIf.mi.1 St. 1W. Local News. ehenk wants more coyoto L'9 nnd other furs. Liter Cross was down from lit creek yesterday. ' you want a nice, mild drink into tho Bums Soda Works. (red Haines was a business I jlor to our city tho first of the Wc. tales Smith has a now stock bhoes of various kinds and jiin-To Mr. and Mrs. Ed-' id Anderson jn this city, July! daughter. soring Mowers, Rakes, Reap ind Binders for salo at N. Ivn & Sons. lrs. li. uenman anu uiuu- afhter wero up from Harriman j ig the week. j nil and see James Smith's lino of shoes before getting spring nnd summer foot- J. Hansen has purchased' adjoining Mrs. Shelley on the Eh and will at onco erect a residence. Our Capitol of S2S,000.00 Our Surplus of 830,000.00 Togothov with tlio doublo liability of our stock holder of another SS5.000.00 gives absoluto Becurlty to our depositors This is a featuro that is well worth rememboring whon do positing your funds. Besides wo offor unoxcolled facilities for sorvico, tho result of years of study and oxperionco in tho banking business. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS United States Depositary Oregon State Depositary 1,000 ft first class dry lumber lortlenghts; also 2nd and 3rd i from $6.00 to $12.00 per M. irns Milling Co. S. Radcliffo, general agent Horticultural Fire Relief aciation at Salem, has been in city looking after business lis company. umember the farmer's msti- Eon r.ent Monday and Tues- You will learn something S will benefit you by attend- Show your interest in such by being present. Ittrill & Clemens have put in st class saw mill li miles of Cold Springs is near the ly with good roau. in ursi timber picked trees from government Prepared to do sm work. See them about L government permit at once. Geo. Shelley and Miss Richardson left this morn- ar Seattle to visit tho fair. will later visit Willamette ey points spending some time lh. r daughter, Mrs. H. E. at Corvallis. Sheriff at Get some horsefly covers J. C. Welcome & Son's. , The weather has been exceed ingly warm tho past week. Studebaker Wagons, the "De- jpondont" kind for sale at N. j Brown & Sons. John Marshall and wife are in tho city, tho latter having some dental work done. P. C. Peterson spent tho past week in this city. Burns Soda Works can fill any order largo or small. C. C. Couch came over from Wngontire Wednesdny. J. C. Raymond was up from his land holdings Thursday. J. C. Welcome & son have horsefly covers nnd nets. See Good vinegar for sale by T. E. j them at once. J Jenkins at tho Brewery. Money. Henry Trowbridge was over back if not as represented. j from his Izee homo the first of Gooseberries nnd currants for this week, salo at Mrs. Adam George's, ( Tho comploto lino of Hamilton three miles north of Crow Camp. . Brown's "Honest Value" Shoes for Infants, Boys, Girls, Men nnd Women at N. Brown & sons. Some very desirable residence I nnd business lots in Burns can be i secured by seeing Irving Miller. , C. C. Lundy left Wedneaday i morning lor rortianu wnere ne hopes to regain his health and rccupornte. Frank Ellis took him ardson takes them in far as Prairie City. his J. F. Mahon and daughter, Mis3 Emily, were over from their Anderson valley home yes terday. Blue prints of any township in Burns Land District, showing name of entryman, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, 'Burns, Ore. H. C. LevonB informs us he Ir Sale Do you want a nice b? 160 acre ranch 3 miles Harney on Rattlesnake , First water right, run- water the year around, bearing orchard, 40 acres lltivation, fine range for cat- orses or sheep. For further eulars call or address Roland rina HnrtlPV. I ll" .hf A4M...W,, w--. . i steel columns to ne usea in front of the I. 0. 0. F. build- save been received and are put in place. The carpen- ire making good progress on rork and the masons are cut- Btone for the second story Tho pink stone to bo used rimming is very handsome vill add much to the attrac- sss of the building. fork guaranteed Salisbury's. out to the railroad. Farmers why pay $12 to ?15 per M. for green lumber when you can get good dry repair lum ber at half the price and haul twice as much nt Bums Milling Co.'s mill. Manager Woldenberg of tho Bluo Mt Rapid Transit Lino was has just disposed of 68 head of i over from Canyjjn City this week 1 1. a..IMa kiiirAwi t t 1 I.?- 1...-1 2lu lllUrSt'3 UJ SU1IIU UUU1IUU UUJCia. lOOKHlR 1UU.T HIS UUSU1U3B IIIUJI- Ho retained only his broken hor- csts. He was accompanied upon ses nnd a few brood mares. Tho hj3 return homo by Mrs. M. F. horses will be driven to tho out-1 Williams. side market . j. A Ebcre wifo and BORN in this city aunuay, July 11, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Otis Sizemore, a boy. This impor tant event slipped our memory little daughter, arrived here from Albany the first of this week. Mr. Eberle has been in this sec tion beforo and owns some land last issue, but it is always nee-' near this city. They will remain essary to chronicle the arrival of for several days, these little ones. ( iunch FOR Salh: One Bmall EsTRAY-One roan mare brand- horse ranch, located on Malheur ed with lazy 0 and bar over it on' river. First-class Bummer, fall left Bhoulder, also CA on left nnd winter range Burounding it stifle came to my place May 1. Fine location for fruit and vege Owner please call, prove proper-. tables, also. For further parti tv nnd nav exnense. including culnrs, write or call on E. L. this notice. I Beede, Drcwsoy, Oregon. Grant Thompson, The school board held a meet Waverly, Ore. ing last Saturday afternoon and Fine line of watches, chains, etc, n for. th ,sIxJJ WOm , in at Salisbury's P. 0. Block. tho b"B "J?01 0r t1ho. "" J ' year. Additional desks and 1 other necessary furnituro have been ordered nnd Miss Lelah McGco employed as the sixth teacher. Wo have been handed a pros pectus of tho Grande Rondo Min ing and Power Co. in which Archie McGownn and W. S. Lathe are interested. This seems to bo an unusual property JSGAINS! BARGAINS!! ERY DAY A BARGAIN DAY! jry Counter a Bargain Counter! dies' skirts, waists, underwear, i2rS,nSffi!lS5C ieckwear, etc., will be sold at greatly reduced price c:. j' jcial Bargains in mens summer hats and vests. A full stock of staple and fancy Groceries for every body. Orders promptly filled . SCHWARTZ. The Busy Corner Store" oniEica-oixr. nnticipato it is a good thing. j Tho property is so situated that it may bo cheaply operated, theroforo results can bo secured nt nominal cost and the mine thoroughly tested without un necessary outlny. MAimiKD'-At tho Presbyteri an mnnno Inst Saturday evening MrC A. Harlan and Miss Ula Drinkwator, Rov. A. J. Irwin performing tho ceremony in the presence of only the necessray witnesses. Both the contracting parties are well known in this vicinity. Mr. Harlan is steno grapher and book keeper in the First National Bank and his bride is a daughter of Mr. and J Mrs. Robt. Drlnkwaler, They ' loft the following morning for a short Btay in tho mountains be foro taking up housekeeping, The Times-Herald joins their many friends In extending best wishes for a happy and prosper ous life. Salisbury fits eyes P. 0. Meek. Job printlng-Th Tim-HeraM Tiy a ml at tke Home Hotel. For Sale-320 acres of hay bind. Inquire at this office. Alf Baker has gone to his for mer homo in Willamette Valley. Allen Jonos has moved his hay ing crow down from Cow Crook to the Cushing place. IP YOU AKK GOING TO TItAVKL. Uw the Hnrnoy County Nnllonnl IlnnU TKAVELLER'S CHEQUK8 They are lelMdentlfylnir. Frank Harrison is confined to his homo suffering from Bcintic rheumatism. Ho is improving elowly. Tho Burns Soda Works are prepared to fill airordors. Drop in whon you have a thirst. Everything scrupuously clean. Ed. EgH nnd wifo enmo over from Wagontire last Saturday and wero accompanied upon their return by Lulu and Agnes Miller. J. M. Dalton nnd family aro expected homo tho first of next week. They havo been haying a fine timo visiting relatives and friends and also taking in the fair at Seattle. Mr, Dalton's health is very much improved, R, H. Brown and Dick Smith, two Steens Mountain sheep men, were in the city Wednesday. The boys told us they had no especial business hero but were simply breaking mules. Thoy left on their return Thursday afternoon. Albert Shaw who has just re turned from tho Willnmotto Vnl loy, says that crops look bettor in general here than in that sec tion. Ho assisted his brother to put in a largo field of oats and LosT'-A corduroy coat. Find er pleaso leave at this offlc Harry Cary and wife were in the city from Lawen Tuesday. See Micheal Schonk for fall and winter suits. New samples just received. C. G. Smith wns in tho city a few days this week visiting his family, Edison Phonographs and re cords for sale nt Lunaburg & Dalton's. Jones Mower nnd Rako for $75 while they last. First come, first Borved-C. H. Voegtly. Exchange your TradingStamps for premiums, now ready for distribution at N. Brown & Sons. Tho Pnttorson Cottage, Canyon City, Oregon. 1b open for tho traveling public. All stages will stop if request is made. Dr. C. C. Griffith nnd J. L. Gault went up to Emigrant Creek yesterday to try their luck with the trout for n day or two. . 2Boction flin GO tooth Steel Lover Harrows at $22. 00 atC. II. Voegtly's. See that you do not get J inch nnd only 60 tooth Har rows, instead of tho above. N, J. Fulop, representing Ro- senbaum Bros, clothing and fur nishing goods, was a business visitor to our city tho first of tho week. Just arrived: A complete line of Roofing, Sheathing, water proof Sheathing and Stringed Poll. ITnrnnv Pn Imn Xr Tlihvn Hn I Aft ua Tlfl 1 4 n 1 ft ai ffn u A iiumy .Luiiun uuu wiii: mu the weather had been so dry and moving into their pretty little cold that it was thought tho crop cottage just completed opposite wouldn't oven make good hay. the J. C. Foley residence, They Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Ringcn have one of the neatest, modern desire us to express their sincere residences in the city, thanks to the peoplo of this vici- j. R. Jonkins is over from his nity who so kindly nssisted them Happy Valley homo accompanied in their recent bereavement, by his little son. Mr, Jenkins Altnougn tney aro strangers our says the rango is very good over peoplo wore so sympathetic and in that section considering tho so very kind they havo no other dry season but sheep arc too way of expressing their appreciation. thick on the mountain fort. for com- r Are Tod Witt Us? The Harney Yalley Oil k Gas Company v j S.1 Job printing Tho Times-Herald Go to tho home Hotel for n good meal. A. Schcnk carries an up-to-dato stock of clothing on. Brittingham & Richardson are manufacturing nil kinds of sodas nnd soft drinks and will do not only a retail but a wholesale business, Mrs. W. L. Barbee, recently from Kent, Wash., has loented some land near Harriman and contemplates buying some lots within that townsite. She be lioves this section has a bright future. Cottrill & Clemens nro prepar ed to do custom work with their II. Elliot and wife Were at Narrows a few days this week. Wanted Some more coyote and bob-cat hides. A. Schcnk. BoiiN-To Mr. and Mrs. Vic Uibson Tuesday, July 20, a daughter. H. E. Thompson is having quite a serious timo with an in fected wound on his hand. Dry slab wood at mill only $1.00 per cord. Burns Milling Co. Miss Josephine Locher is home from a visit with school friends in tho east. She says she had a very pleasant vacation and visit Rcatos for sale, all sizes and lengths, price 20 cents per foot portable saw mill located 1J w .. ..... JUIIULIia. UllUU A1 UL'llLft UCr 1UUL mics west of Cold bpmiga on A,,y ono desiring Rcatos address Poison Creek, Lumber for sale j A F U Get youa permit and havo them Alberson. Oregon. saw your lumuer, Terms aro reasonable, ' H. F. Ringen expects to movo 1 to this city with his wife and son ho hopes to Jay Gould had a strenuous ex perience with a vicious cow brute Wednesday. 1 1 seems tho animal hod gotten into his field nnd Jay considers it hard enough to raise grain in a dry season without al lowing range stock to graze on it. so ho objected, but when ho in n short timo and secure employment as a painter and decorator. C. A. Brittingham and Bert Richardson have opened up a sotln and bottling works in the Young Meat Market building, attempted to drivo her out sho T,1 bys should do a good busi turned tho tables apd began chas- "Loa ing him. Jay almost reachod tho The baseball gamo last Sunday fence just as tho vicious animal afternoon between tho married caught him and sho knocked him men and single men resulted in against a fence post with such an easy victory for tho latter. force that his shouldor was dls- Tho married men say "wait un loented, Dr. Griffith went down til wo can got our proper team and fixed him up and says Mr. together and wo'll show the Gould was painfully hurt. young ones." Dr. F, E. Bellinger of Council Bluffs, Iowa, waa in tho city n short timo the first of tho week. He had been touring the Pacific Northwest for tho past six weeks and while in Seattle heard, acci dently, of tho Hnrnoy Country. He came to Vale and was ad vised by some good people there not to como in hero but he had about all the land "Uncle gam" would allow him to take within twelvo hours after reaching Burns and told the Times-Herald man he would come to remain prmanently within a shorj; timo, Dr, Bellinger will not come to practice his profusion but to take up othr linw of business.. EaTRAYED-Ono old brown maro, four yearling colts and one yearling mule. Branded with a heart on loft or right stifle, $25 reward to any ono who will hold them for mo and let mo know. Last seen on Emigrant creek near J. H, Garrett's. B. W. Paukek, Burns, Ore. Salisbury fixes watches P.O. block Four car loads consisting of kiiirgieg, wagons, plows, harrows farm machinery, barb wire and nails now en route. Soo C. II. Voegtly for prices. PttintH, Oils, Doorii nnd Wind ows, in fact everything for the farmer or builder. Give us a call and wo will bo glnd to give you prices, Myers Pumps nnd Star Windmills. Harney Co. Imp. it I Id we. Co. Assessor Doncgon nnd his ass istants in classifying the lands of Hnrnoy County havo been working in this vicinity during tho week. They nro making complete plats with necessary field notes nnd when tho work is complete It will be quite valuable to tho assessor's ofilce. During tho absence of Mr. and Mrs. Elliot to tho Narrows Bill Jones acted as mine host at the Overland. Ho acted in the same capacity onco before for Mt. Elliot and according to report it took all the money he took in during the proprietor's absence to pay an expert to straighten out tho books. Not so this timel Bill has learned a thing or two about running a hotel sinco and Pcto Poterson says if a boarder got off with paying his board only twico ho was lucky. Bill will be in the banking business next if he keeps up his reputation. Geo. Shcnk, a brother to A. and M. Schcnk, the tailors of this city, arrived here from Port land tho first of this week. Mr. Schcnk is a barber and has been following his trade in Portland but will soon take up his resi dence in this place. Ho intends to get some of our fine land, be sides he has formed a partner ship with the two brothers hero and they will soon put in a line of furnishing goods in connection with the tailoring business. Mr. Schcnk will return to Portland shortly where he will closo up his business affairs and bring his wife back with him. AlbertShaw and wifo are home from nn extended visit to the former's brother, Geo. Shaw, in Linn county. Thoy arrived home last Saturday afternoon return ing in company with Frank Wil linms who took several head of horses down to sell. Mr. nnd Mrs. Shaw are both enjoying good health, although the latter had quite a serious accident re cently thatenmo noar losing' her tho use of her arm. A window fell on her hand breaking sever al of tho bones and the physician at Halsey kept it bandaged so tight that it became quite serious. Mrs. Shaw later went to Eugene where sho received good treat ment nnd.the member is improv ing now quite satisfactorily. Number 28. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting and fishing are strict ly forbidden upon any of the Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches. Trespassers will be prosecuted. John Gilchest. Supt The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Main Oflicc, Burns, Oregon A O, FAUI.KNKK, Mr, Branch Office, Lakevicw, Oregon t M. FAULKNP.II, lr "'The best Range brains and experience have ever produced." QUICK MEAL" STEEL RANGES IbSIP JgH THEY ARE IHTEK BECAUSE: They are built on BolentMo principle; anil tiio material ubou Id bo dutriuuwu cm to do Uio moat good. Tho good, Thoy or Just licnvy enough to uo uuraoio umi maun, thoao If You WHt Tt Stt n really beautiful magazine, ask fu ' THE AUIUST EVERYIIIY'S For sale at the City DrmrStor? and "Daddy's" Cigar Stand, Old Fashioned Banking Means discretion, judicious care, elimination of nil speculation. But it should not mean today narrow-mindedness, failure to appreciate merit in nny nnd all customers. Wo do not judge any man by his bank balance. Wo look to his ability and character; consider his efforts in business. We can best serve our customers and our selves by these considerations. I1ia Btrencthonod parta aro where tho tuoub wear 1. Tho wultawo Attboatoa llnod. They are mado of utool, co neocinonUy they bm otrong and cannot, oraok. HARNEY COUNTY IMPLEMENT & HARDWARE COMPANY HARDWARE, CROCKERY A Savings Bank Department tea feature of in which interest at the rate of four per annum is allowed. this Bank, cent per The Harney County National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON. YOUR HOME INSTITUTION STATE DEPOSITARY THE ANDERSON HOTEL MR. and MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON, Propts. We are pleased to announce to our old-time friends and customers that we have again taken charge of our hotel. We just completed renovating the en tire building and you will find the old-time home comforts when you call. We hope to see you soon. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive 5 pedal Attention and Good Service. SOUTH BURNS, OREQON-Near Fair Grounds. vsnnk- yrf y v NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Fresh Groceries, etc. Fojr Spring and Summer Trade ? r ws-- AXv's-vks-vsr 5fyvyvvvisrVNrvvv' IN THE pOST OFFICE BLOCK Candy, Nuts, Stationery, Cigars, and Tobacco FANCY GROCERIES, LUNCH GOODS Ceylon Cinnamon, Whole Pepper, all kinds of Sices Chocolate, Cocoa, Tea, Baking Powder, Extracts, etc. EXTRA FINE LUNCH GOODS PUT UP RIGHT He I'uys cash and Sells Ifr cash--Customers get the benefit t If its in Leather We have it or can get it for You As much difference in leath er as in people. We use only the best in our work Hadn'tfyou better look at your old Harness? You've had It a long time. "Better be sure ilian sorry." J. C. WELCOME & SON LIVERY, FEED AND SALE J. W. OWEN, Propts, Finest hearse in county Particular attention given To Funerals Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers. Particular attention given to Transcient Trade Horses boarded by the day, week or month TINWARE Viwm Oregon CHAS. WILSON, Blacksmitliing and liorseshoiiig. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. Burns, Oregon, lt. mmii m HI'.VVttTAiVfrt'liA. a. MMK T,lf I' V. I wys8- f .iZflWrt LSWV- wTt-:-i. t . ii ii . . V--w . . twjjsys'"f-v Main St., THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing. (MM ... mr?0s