5 XSs mUm ! ittl JJJJJ Ike iw-iM. 4ATUB0AY, JULY It, l0 BtUVSORlITIOH KATK8: On Yr... tlx Montfcl.... Tku Month.,, 1X00 .1.00 ...7J UMAt HHI " Encouraging reports are being received from various parts of the county regarding crops. It is certainly pleasing to And crops turning out better than expected, yet it will not be a full crop. Th U. S. Senate having adopted a resolution submitting the amendment to the constitu tion providing for an income tax. W. J. JJryan has addressod jx let ter to President Taft suggesting that congress also submit nn amendment authorizing the elec tion of senators by direct vote. Ebu should be done. Give the &mmmit a chance to decide this Mwkion. fARMERS SftOULD AlTEND. The Times-Herald wishes to again impress upon the farmers the importance of attending the institute to be held July 20 and 27 in this city by President Kerr, Dr. Withycombe and Prof. Low is of the Agricultural College. We must show an interest in soil culture and mako these gentle men know wo are in earnest about tho dry farm station. We should consult them in regard to various methods of tilling tho soil, change experiences and make tflf oest or this visit They are Opting here to assist the farmer iki the opportunity should bo taken advantage of. Bo sure to Attend. THE PROPER SPIRIT SHOWN. A meeting of business men at the Commercial Club last night was called primarily for the pur pose or arranging for tho recep tion of the gentlemen from the Agncultuarl College who are to conduct a farmers' institute here on July 26 and 27. but before it adjourned a decided action had been taken to awaken interest in the general development of tho country. The financial side of the Club -was in bad shape and some debts had been contracted that needed attention. It seems we have all been looking after the blowing end of the organization and neg lecting to "pay the fiddler". In other words the financial end hd not received consideration in business way. This condition brought up a general discussion as to the need of a strong, live organiztion that would accom plish the best results and the urgent need of sufficient finance to do with. Wm. Hanley gave a good talk on this side and was followed by others. Consider able enthusiasm was finally shown in the matter and finally a subscription paper was headed and in less than five minutes $1075 was subscribed. The sug gestion of Mr. Hanley that $2000 should be available for such work jor the coming year, to he ass essed as needed was adopted and the plan provides that those who contribute are to select a com mittee to disburse the money, in this manner the funds would be used economically, and expen ded judiciously. There is no doubt but the en tire amount will be subscribed willingly by tho business' men of this place as soon as they are as sured that it will be intelligently handeled and put to proper upe. C. P. McKinney, J. Lv Gault, and Dr. L. E. Hibbard were ap pointed a committee to wait on those who were not present to see what they Would contribute to tho fund. Nothing of a definite nature was done toward the farmers' institute, but no doubt it will be considered Jater. However, there is no time to wasto in this matter. Local people should ar range a program or at least such as may be necessary in addition to the lectures of the gentlemen who are coming in. 18 J. J. HILL COMING? The following paragraphs were clipped from an nrticlo appear ing in a recent issue of tho Port land Telegram. If Mr. Samp son, or Stevens was here ho was very quiet about it and the auto mobiles certainly would have at- I -some attention; (J. Hill has sent the man jyMMfjnt Js as the greatest loca lien and construction engineer in ihe world into Oregon to look the long-neglected territory over with view, beyond any doubt, of de ciding upon the feasibility of throwing rfliiitiftcl lines through tho rich and undovolopcd empire. This man is John F. Stovons, who only recently resigned from tho vice-presidency of tho New York, Now Haven & Hartford to bocomo Hill's confidential repre sentative on tho Pacific Coast. Stevens is also tho man who won international renown for tho splendid record ho made, as chief engineer of tho Panama umuu and tho Isthmian Railroad. Stevens retired from the vlcc nresidoncy of tho Now Haviu aljout two months ago, and he must have closed up his business affairs at onco, for Mr. Stevens has been living at tho Cornelius Hotel for about five weeks under tho name of James F. Sampson, Milwaukee. It will bo noticed that ho changed both his llrst and last names, but did not twist his Initials. With Stevens nil this time has been a man from tho east who registers as E. I Shannon, also of Milwaukee. His identity has not been discovered, although ho is supposed to bo a construction ofllcial from tho Hill engineering service. That Hill has had longing eyes directed toward Oregon for years no one any longer doubts, in spite of his oft-repeated protesta tions that he had no idea of in vading that country. At tho sarrid time, John F. Stevens re turned to Portland Sunday after a 10 days' automobile tour through Central, Southern and Southeastern Oregon. He went aono savo for Shannon and had a reserve automobile with him in casa of accident to the first one. That his movements might still be shrouded in deeper mystery ho did not hire livery automobiles, but took two private cars fur- nialirwl v SSnmnnl Mill nn.ln.lnu of J. J. Hill. " On tho tour through Oregon, Stevens visited nftor leaving Shaniko, Madras, O'Ncil, Bend, Prineville, Rosland, Odell, Kla math Falls, Lakovicw, Burns and .Vale, showing that ho made a comprehensive sweep of the en tire region through which rail roads might be constructed on any kind of practicable basis. Ho took in all tho possiblo routes that presented no insuperable en gineering difficulties and would tap all the important grain tim ber, agriculture, livestock and other belts. For a considerable part of the time that Stevens was in tho in terior of tho state ho was dogged by Harriman agents with an O. It. & N. automobiie. This was principally true for the several , days that were spent in the tcr-! ritory which is embraced in tho Deschutes River Railroad project. These spotters scarsely let Stevens get out of sight so long as he was anywhere near tho ex tensive halidom which Harriman has so successfully kept bottled up for all these years. The future of tho Oregon em pire as a prospective battle ground between Hill and Harri man looks brighter as a result of Stevens' present visit And tho fato of tho vast and dormant re gion will depend in a large mea sure upon tho nature of John F. Stevens' report to James J. Hill, whom ho served so faithfully and with, such brilliancy in tho exten sion of tho Great Northern to tho Coast that Hill remarked, "His work is one of tho most remarka ble achievements in American railroading, the acme of engi neering pluck and ability." A FATAL ACCIDENT, I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. While coming from the saw mill last Saturday afternoon, Voro Howell, who was with his oltlor brother Harry on a load of lumber, attempted to get off tho wagon and foil. Ono wheel pass ed over his body which injured him to such nn extent that ho died. Tho accident occurcd out Bomo six miles ftom town and Harry lifted tho injured boy on tho wago.i, bringing him in and ot once summoned Drs. Marsden & Grillltlt, who at onco began heroic efforts to savo his llfo, but internal injuries wcro such that nothing c uld bo done. Voro was 15 years old but was an epileptic and was novor strong Ho was an orphan and had been tho constant caro of his older. brothers since a very Btnall bov. Ho leaves two brothers, Harry and Archie, also ono sister, Mnrllin here and another in Mon tana. The remains were interred in tho Burns cemetery Monday after- UNITtD Btatm UNO Or jiurui, urton, Jtiif oi nHrruwf. nrnvn. 11 UOJIMIMtl till men, I i, m. . Klnilln. who, on March r), ID07 ,rozvo7iiiifti nutniTm WutlrMi htrtbrilvtn that lt.rrjrC lat r or Lot 4. tit N WH Hoollon a. rid M Hc lion 8. Towmlilp W Huutti. Junto ft) Kt. Wlllim- fftia MvnuiBU, ll mm nuiicvui iiiiomnm in nuts Kliml Commutation proof, to oiuMlih cUIra to the Unit lmv ilMorllwd, bofor the llenlitor nd Iteretfer, t llurili, Orrgnn, on th Will dr f Aumut, Iw9, lllnlmMitiinnriii wltnrnei! , . . OhrleW. t.wl, Krit a, I'lliirlncbothol Ntrrowa, Oreou. II liurrti.ls, ol llurna, On jon, uiorn Inbuilt, of Narrow, Oregon. Wh. rxnit, Jtrxlitor, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UMTieuHTitKiUKiiOrricit. I Huron, OrcKOii, Jiiljr , Intel Nolleo la lioroty (tlrun that Margaret Blum, fornnrlr Maritatet t'raraon.nl llurna, Uri'Kon, who, on DacemUr I, IIIOA. , mails Hume etoai) Kntiy No. 'AWO, Werlai No, maw, lor NWJfHcellonlio Tuirnalilp jaftaiitli, Hang as Kail, VVIIIamatt Morl'Un.liaa flltul Holloa of Intention to make Final Commutation 1'rooi. to teiawiaii Claim 10 mo iani anoio nea. erlNdi bafor lb llcglatcr o1 Jtcrelvui, at lluini. Oregon, on tliamlular ol Auguat Itw, Claimant nainpa a wltneairi: Null vnMalieii.ot llanisr.Orcison. Ilarrr I; llrlaco, William o. Whllij Charlie II lonaril allot llurna, OrtROn, Wm.Karmk, llKltcr. N0TICH OP PINAL SMTUMUNT, .lonopli In tho iimltcr at tho Katnt,e of ItoborUou, Ucconaeil Nolleo I hereby lveu that tho undcr ilBiml executrix of tho Ketnto ol Jooh ItoborUou, doceruod, linn ilhxl hur final account In miM entitle mid the Hon, J. 1', !... !...! It... f'n.,..l., C.ll., I.,. ... nruiut, uwiKu ui iiiu ,wimi,j ,,,,. ,w, noon, u snort aorvico uoing con-UimioyC,mnlyi (,,, ,ng ut tiim- ducted by ROV. A. J. Irwin. .dy, ihoard day of Atigml, uioo, nt the LUtlo Vci-o thou hnat loft lis - ' 10 o'clock a m, ot lit olllco In LlttlO Vero tllOU liast leu US . , County, Or.Kon, Ihe God has called tho homo to rest, tmmA ,,), for IicuIhr ubJcctionK to And WO know that though art ald Account. Any nnd nil rxTKinNnb resting, ' 'Jectlng to ild nccout nro hereby notllled On our Savior's loving breast . pp' "M tho ..d ;.lnro., Dntol lit Uurna, Oregon, July 3, 1000. Little Voro they will miss theo Ditumu is, Kobkhtoon, From their tender lovo and caro, ' Executrix if tho ldiiitu uf Joseph Hob- But wo know you'ro frco from ' r,80' i'e"'"'- sorrow j ; " ' God will wipe away your tears, iotitjon l'ou mquuh i.iuknsk Vero you'll moot with your dear ' . motliPf To The Honoritbla County Court ol liiuum ... Ilnrnrv Cnunlv. KlltHof OrcuOll. On that happy golden Shore. We the undcrnlanetl louitl voter of And voiLahvavs wil bo hannv roWo Vfoclnpt. ilnrney uounty, umi v r m " maii lrt tmttutt f till if itnlllln .A .e,.ntrnlli, aiultllna Vnilk I Irtfl For you'll part with hor no more. ,b..blo uiy to Krnt to Deiovmi n. iof- E B Reed 'nlngli rolnll I.liinor Iienlor' llcene ' " ' ioolll.Uitore t 111- pUctitl builno nt Denlo, llarm-y uounty, urtROn iiom Paints, Oils, Mrs. Doors nnd Wind ows, in tact ovorytmng lor the farmer or builder. Give us a call and wo will bo glad to give you prices Star Windmills, Hnrncy Co. Imp, Ncjur M J O' Connor Myers Pumps and aooUenny tho tltlidn vol Juno. UK), until tho 0th day ol December 1009, nd jo.i prtlilon- em win ever prny. ii59!gt:Sgs) MICHAEL SCHENK MKRCHANT TAILOR SafisfactionGuaranteed CLCANlNfl, PRESSING AND REi'AIHING FOR LADIES ANB flENTLEMEN All orders receive prompt and careful addition The Netu Tailors, McOee Dldfl , Burns, Oregon ON STRUCT LEADING TO COURT IIOIJHK ?66C At The Welcome Pharmacy You cun find tlm boat wolcctod nnd hirguHd hh Bortmontof ovory thing to bo found in nn ii)-to-dato drug storo. PRESCRIPTION WORK iuour Hpcciality xuid wo huvo tlld lxAVequlppod laboratory in tho interior. flWo uho only tho bcHt nnd pui'OBt of drug and uhoinicalH, and our prices aro right. Vojirs for biisini'SH The Welcome Ph'arrrjacy; Bums; Oregon, HARDWARE MACHINERY Binders' Supplies Full Line of BUILDING PAPER and ROOFING CROCKERY. CHINA AND GLASSWARE GEER & CUMMIN Burns, Oregon. JA. Go Td The White Front Livery Stable NEW -RIGS:; AND' " TEAMS 'Phone to Me fifVbur ' Doctor Calls. t R. 4. AlcKINISON, Jr., Proprietor. A Burns Meat Market! New;Sfcop;Oppojile (lie First Nalleaal Bank Main St. Pork, Vid Bologna d Liver Hans Beef Quantity H. J HANSEN, ProptJ & Hdwo, Co. NOTICE KOIt I'UULIOATION. t'NITMl) STATU! uxnOrrici, I hir .; Oregon, Julr 10, lw, I Nollcp li hrlr irlron that th SUt. o litis OtrKun bu Hint In Hill ofllclti pilltloa "e,' "" JHctl.l Su s)) lntlrol,undrtli.piiTtlonol 15 V llollowy 111 lit Act uf romtroti. .burovMl Auruillt. Ilia. tnl .oln mtniltury ttatnlu, Hi. .N Ki( Hrc M T. SI 8., It, K W it Altv and .11 triiui rUImtn ailv.radlr Ilia Unit, ili.crlbcil.nr ilmirlnctu iiMci Mcano IT ullicr rraion, to th. dlapotal to ap'llcui, iiuuiu miv uir auiuavit. oi proiett ia luis ofllfc, on or titloi. tU. rtpliatloo ot tb prloJ ol implication. Wm. riaat, lmllr, Klit pukllcatlon JulrlT, n, l.t iubllcailoa AuiuatVI, 19IM N aliica Ohm A Carroll A 0 Latnont W 11 Ki'iiom (.ianrua .TurnUn Bam Hall I'rank Adrian J O Kent) William Mitaon M Galvln I, H Tliomttin John U Traver Kris) llolloway Ccltiiiibun Grovii H nclmilinufli tlcorff Olouuli O A Thorumii Notice l heroby given that on ButunUy tho 24th ilny of July, IQOt) the mi- crl(nfl will apply to thti Comity Court ol the Btatoof Orcson lor Harni-y Conn ty. for tho llconto inontloiu'il In tho foregoing petition. ' Di.-r'.riN I). DurKxiui'Dii. K A llally I) V DofrnbntiKli John I.tibblni!t J. I. Willlamion II W ItcAIII ter Joseph Catlow (in I) .Malhow.on It (lllham Adam Adrian Hrneat Ilollowuy Wm Murphy Adam Deionhough IF J News Ajjcals Cigars and Sorters' Articles Cat Glass aad Sllrerware BLOW TO SPECULATORS. The department of tho inter ior has "put bells" on land spec ulators by tho recent deciaion that peoplo tiling on land, and commuting within fourteen months and then leaving tho land to be sold if possible, mny lose the land and their rights. Only true homeseskers need up- piy. Even though proof olfcred shows tcchinal compliance with respect to inhabitance of the land entered for tho period or dinarily required in commuta tion cases, it must further bo shown that tho entryman went to the land to mako it his perma nent residence, Residencnvithin tho meaning of the homestead law must bo established and maintained wifti the intent to make a permanent home upon tho land to exclusion of a home elsewhere. It cannot be acquired by mere occupancy with a view solely to acquiring title by a colorable compliance with tho law, butuctual residence must bo maintained in good faith with tho Intent to make it per manent. Such intont must be present at tho intimation of every ntry whether the titlo is ac quired after tho full period or re sidence prescribed by Jaw or at the expiration of the shorter, period under the commutation rovisions or tno acujJiuo Mt. agio. :mmmm:mmjmm:r .nmmimmitj: uumtumtmutmumiiKmumnmutug TUNE' IAI MARKET aii tan FISHING TACKLE The City Drug Stor6 REED BROS., Proprietors Succcason to II. M. Ilorton Our line of Drugs, Patent Medicines and Toifef Articles ere Complcte WE USB ONLY THE BEST OF DRUGS IN OUR PRESCRIPTION WORK AND WE NEVER SUBSTITUTE. Yours for Accuracy and Lowest Prices Agents fGr tbe SECURITY STOCK FOOD Largest collection Tost Cards aad Albums in the Citj. ayVV,V'VVVS)'i.'ma SS$JWSS vv r- to l Come in and inspect my stock COMPLETE LINE OF BEST GROCERIES to be had in the Market My prices are as low as good goods can be sold for in this market... I can save you money on binder twine and sacks Leave orders The LARGER the order the LESS it COSTS. -:t!t!im::inji!!mmmatttmHumttntm$ttmmntm:!m::m:m:tm:m PLOW ! BURNS HOTEL BAR DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection Courteous andjObliging Bar Tenders EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS DROP IN Your patron age solicited. l SBKXxtaMci.;iBn(atws9xtbiJ i , ts ! riS ?m? iftJ1 MS Wt: Centiully Located and Connefitwl with Histel Hums 'Vy5yySy9yVNrirrSfT' The Most Popular House iff Mttrffir M NEATLYXFJRNISH2D ALL OUTSIDE OOIS Headquarters for Traveling Men and Tou Agciar.Kacine Manager, L. Racine, Propt., Bur,,, Ci j -t7J?t.- I VENIN Black Imported Percheron Stallion Will stand at the Fair Qrounds, Season .i9op Single Service - - $10, Season - - SIS, Ilcturn. $17.50 Insure - - $20. Seetwori oporis u-pzil 15 UKNHY MOIIAltDSOtN, Skohktaiiv. ... i Tho Staff in ono o tho lotost nnd best additions to tho famous Doore Line of Riding Plows. Is licht in weight, aimplo nnd durable in construction full of genuine merit, nnd hns shown its mettle and utility in ovor7 test if hns been put to. It has amply demonstrated by its good work its right to be classed as a strictly up-to-date, high-class farm too, It iu certain to suit tho most critical farmer nnd ba a money maker and n labor-saver for him, "If It's a Deere-It's Right" and does its work perfect ease to the operator and team. It is manufactured and sold as a tongueless plow a tonguo not being neccrsary to best results, but ono iu supplied at slight cost to those who porfcr it thut way, Tho Stag is tho simplest riding plow built, anyone who can, hook up a team nnd drlva 'em straight cun operate it successfully. It pos sesses many superior features not found on other plows, imd it takes a whole book to illustrate and dlscrlbe them. Better write for it today and all the information you wmit about this superior implement, C. H. VOEGTLY The Standard Bred Stallion Trial, 2:20 Will Stand the Season of 1909 at the Elliott Barn Burns, Oregon Except oh Sunday. Afternoons and Mon day Mornings when he will Jie at La wen. I'ROORUSS, No. 4HSO, li mahogany bay utamllii ill linnila IiIkIi. Slrod by I)lMn, IMOlj itroolBlr AlUrtS 9j034' 8lr-Jolin H '.':0li4i Cllpi'or 3ilHlj DlnUullU'J ;8 . U otlium tit Iu,m limn i (10, and 1 1 otliora liultor than U :US. I'him nomrmbur Mn, by Waldateln, 12307, llcrth, (irandiuullivr of I'rcrcnf, In the mother ot 111 (n(n nil In tlio Hot. Tin Llinllt her lOlli colt whm loldaau gruon incr nt (10,0011. In III thrto-ycar-old (onn lio inado a rorurd olL'ilO. Terms: $15, $20, $25 QEO. D. HAQEY, Burns, Oregon. BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. HKNbliHSON ELLIOTT, Propt. SJcviul uUniiui, .,..... , lyirufiscieni custom o freight teams. Vt frui mim lil- rm W, l S-f-N-1' V44 Jlorsex kept butha wcch or month. FIBST CUSS LIVERY Til Ihtu and Grain aim on hand. i our patronngc eolitij aontli MulnSt, Uurn 0rf, .Special Aention Given io Conrjucling Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE IIAY SCALES J IN CONNECTION WITH BARN. Jfhi HJ TWELFTH NIGHT, No. 41906 Trial a, 2:13 3--1 Hired liy. Onwurd D'JM, lliu lroof 108 u lliu llt inoro limn iiuy oilier lnro everfoulfd. Orrtnd Hire, dvur Wilkes 'i'.'ii. Dam, Mlas Uttii '-';0H4'j lior hw J. J. Audubon, ttticd by Aloyom', lio by.UourKO WllkoK, Klvltitc-Twoltth Nlijht n double cross o( Wllkca nnd oiui uf tho atroncutt bred tiultern living. Individually, lio li a vliBitmil 10 8-10 Imiuls lilh, t-Inlit I'-'OO )U. lie ba clean, (lat llinbn and liU nut !io well. A iiiunber of Ills unduveluied 'J.yoar-old colli r-old at Auction In Chicago averaging fS2l uicli, TWELFTH NIGHT will stand (he season oUW at Tbe Pair firousdj la im$, leiinjj, Twsdflys, Wedarsdas noil Tlnirsilas Lawta m FrMas aad Saturdays arzeiBiB. ises.oo to xixrsTj-tttt For further particulars call on or Hcldrcsn II. DENMAN, Hrrlmn, Ore, J. I CRAWFORD, Burns Ore, RIIRIMQ mill I iikian viniw IVIIkLtll V HORTON & SAYER, Prop's Rough and Dressed Lumbi Rustic, Flooring, iVSouldin Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. CJood Lumber Yard in Burns, LADIES AN) UKNTLUMEN Cl.UANINOJANl) PKRKSINd M l ASM A. SCHENK Merchnnt Tailor I have on hand at all Tlmcs'tho most UP to-date line of Cloth in the city of Burns All Work (luarantml n...mc n PUKI"l7tf!r;.iw