The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 10, 1909, Image 1

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    1J;f j
Wtyt Himcsternl&
Tho Ofllcinl I'rtpor of Hnrnoy County
lma tlio lornoet circulation nmltiotioof
tho brt mUertlshiR lneillmuB In L'Mlorn
Oregon. -"
CfK eSrenl MnrrncuJ cCottutrn
Covers on tired o( 0,4S8,tod tun ol
land, 4,0.11,051 ncrcH yet vacant onliUrt
to entry uniler tlio juibllo land (huh ol
tlio United States.
NO. 34
ksident Kerr, Dr. Withy combe and
Piot. Lewis to Conduct it
Officials of lite Oregon Agricultural College Coming lo (live
liurncy County Farmers flic Benefit of Their Experience in
Scientific FarmingEvery Farmer in County Should Attend.
rrangements have been com-1 San Francisco in 18-1G, between
id for a farmers, institute to i Fifteenth street nnd Hjiwh Park.
in tins city on July 26 nnd Valencia nnd
W. J. Kerr,
Junto? Witliyconibo, director
the experiment station and
C. I. Lewis, horticulturist.
Df the Orejron Agricultural.
" will be hero on that date
wnduct tho institute.
itis is one of the most minor-
. meetings to be hold in tho
n ' country. It is very nec-
Irv that every farmer in tho
1 county should be present.
Itrv will bo immediately ro
tor tho time spent, besides
mooting may have an impor-
b armg upon the establish
it of the dry farm experiment
ion Every farmer in Har-
k utnty realizes what this sta-
moans to this section and
li at temporary sacrifice they
fcl attend this institute. Lot
ih w these men that wo are
lai nest rctrardimr tho agricul-
'nturoot Harney county nnd
. appreciate the work oC
Agriculture college.
It withycombe and I'rot.
pi-, wore here three years ago
i h Id a most successful insti-
"nd one which proved of
benefit to all who attended,
men are coming in for our
?fit and we should take ad
age r f it.
lie i ines-lleraiu wishes this
Itt to be impressed upon the
rs of this section. It is
mportant that they attend
1 institute not only for the di-
benefit derived, but for what
lay mean for the future.
Ining has become a science
ttlif lectures of such promi-
; men are of incalculable value
who will avail themselves
Itiiom. This section needs
fcation along tha line of agri-
lire we need it more, per-
Geary streets.
Tlio family moved to Snif Jose
Inter and she and two other girls
were tho first students to enter
tlio Notre Dnmo Convent in this
city, being matriculated at that
institution in tho early 'GO's.
Mrs. Fry is tho last of her
family, the father, mothor.and
brothers having been killed at
different times over a dispute
which arose as to the disposition
of the property, which her fa
ther Jacob Harmon, had owned
in San Francisco.
Deceased was married to Geo.
Fry in 1878, after which sho lived
in Virginia City, Nov. The fam
ily moved to Burns, Ore., in 1S83,
where two daughters, Mrs. Wil
liam Cummins and Mrs. George
Fry and a son Charles Roussell,
now reside. Mrs. K. J. Winters,
a sister of tho deceased, also lives
at Burns.
In 1895 Mrs. Fry returned to
Jnnesville, Cal., where sho re
mained until a year ago. when
she came lo San Jose for her
Her husband died at Jnnesville
in 1897. The near relatives that
live in San Jose are Mrs. Fred
Fisk and Mrs. W. II. Allen. In
Jnnesville two sons, James
Roussell and Earl Fry reside.
The funeral services will bo
held at St. Joseph's Church on
Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.
Interment at the Santa Clara
Cemetery. San Jose Daily Mercury.
southern portion of llarnoy coun
ty near tho Trout Creek Val
ley ranch of Thomas & Walter.
Thit3 is tho big tract receutly re
ferred to in theso columns ns
being placed on tho market.
The gentlemen named nbovo
havo succeeded the American
Land & Live Stock Co. to this
inngniflcont tract of land nnd nro
going to disposo of it in small
The road mentioned has been
projected through that territory
for somo time, but according to
the lottos from tho Cnl'dwell pa
per it will bo under actual con
struction within a short time.
" I
Buying Right of Way up Deschutes
And Locating Bridges
One may think and say mean
things about the Harney country,
but it doesn't hold water when
brought face to face with actual
demonstration. The knocker
pny other portion of hasn't a good word for anything
IT any of our settlers j and yet people are showing by
but rec. nt arrivals from their work that wo can produce
iv districts where, it tney even in umnvorablo seasons.
farmerr, they worked in an Some fine specimens of cauli-
ely different manner. , flower and cabbage grown by
esident Kerr formerly lived Dr. L. E. Hibbard were in dis
tah and istuiite familiar with j play at "The Busy Corner" this
brush land. He has evinced1 week. They had grown to good
n interest in Harney Valley size and were perfect. The
the soil, climate and alti-, growing season has been short
are similar to the Salt Lake j here this season, yet theso vegc-
y. xso doubt President Kerr tables show what can be done by
persistent and painstaking work.
There are soveral other fine gar
dens in this city that should bo
visited by theknocker before he
(Intonded for Inst week)
N. Ilonnoy hns been helping
to out tho pumping plant of Mr.
Howell in working ordor on his
place near Mud Lake.
At the school election last Mon
day Geo. Hodder was elected di
rector, H. Harmor retiring, Van
Embrce was re-elected clerk.
Mrs. Ilarmer is expecting her
daughter and family from John
Day to spend tho summer.
W. R. Dawson nnd son Lyle
tiro haying with tho P. L. S. Co.
crew at Harney.
Mr. McKee played"4f)ai! with
tho Narrows team Sunday.
Clyde Embrce was a Narrows
caller Sunday.
Bert Portor was a caller at
Bums Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dawson
were at Huron Mondny.
There were not enough present
for Sunday School Inst Sunday,
but then there was a ball game
at the Narrows.
Mr. Portor is expected here
the laat of July to visit his son
and family A. It. Porter.
Mcsaers Nash & Black were
home over Sunday.
Another week and thero will
be very few people left in the
valley as tho haying season has
commenced in earnest.
Princviltc Journal (lives Interviews From People in Deschutes
Country, But Says People Have Been -Fooled Too Often
To Believe Until Thcyggf Actunl, Work Agent In Field.
Ihave some very valuable in-
iation to impart to the new
srs of Harney Valley that
bo of much benefit.
Ime out to the institute on
lates named even if you
Id have a ton of wild hay
the field that should be in
A Portland paper says: Inter
est in Oregon is not abating in
tho East and elsewhere, but, on
the contrary, seems to increase
with the advent of the vacation
season. Yesterday's mail deliv
ery at tho Commercial Club in-
eluded letters of inquiry from
every slate in the Union, ns well
as irom Canada, Mexico nnd
Honolulu, nnd it has taken the
better portion of the day for tho
clerical force in the office to ans
wer them specifically.
Tho inquiries are mostly from
people of means, who desire to
invest in tho Northwest, nnd
make their future home here, if
tho conditions warrant There
are farmers, tired of tho uncer
tainly of elimato where thoy are,
who have heard in a general way
of tho never-failing crops of Ore
gon, nnd there arc business men
who are thinking of changing to
a country where the future holds
makes an entire nss of himself.
We are informed that many of i out something more than a mere
tho young orchards in this county I living,
will also produce well this sea-1 "A living I can make any-
ck. The knowledge gained I son. A reliable individual has I where," is tho burden of senti-
s meeting will likely repay told tho writer that almost every j ment of theso lattor, "butldo-
treo in the orchard of R. J. Me- siro to save up a little something
Kinnon is loaded this season and to guard against (he helplessness
that his crop in somo varieties I of old age."
will be enormous. Other oi
chards are tho same. The straw
berry crop tnis serson has been
abundant and other berries seem
jveral tons of hay,
cal business men of Burns
Id take an interest in this in-
fee and use their influence to
the farming class in touch
theso men of experience.
Iiall have nothing to conflict
this meeting and no doubt
oeoplo will assist in making
program a success, we
have the band and a little
(music by way of diversion,
sthing that will attract one
iway Jrom the institute.
M. A. Fry, an old pioneer
wit of California, passed
yesterday morning at 10
!c at the home ot her
tor, Mrs. W. If. Allen on
5au Salvador Hreet. Mrs.
ras a native of Illinois, hav-
cen born at Rock Island
II, 1841. With her family
ossed tho plains in MO with
ious Donner party.
father of tho deceased,
Harmon, was tho first
Mnan to tnko up a pro-emfl-
alm in California. Ho lo
on 100 acres or land m
Each lottcr is answered in de
tail, fo that tho inquirer can havo
u good i(K-a of what to expect
when h o sho gets here. In
eases where laboring people or
just as plentiful.
What is needed is less croak- clerks desiro lo come, with tho
ing and more proper haudling of ' hope ofiitepping into profitable
tlio sail nature will do the rest.
employment, the ninnvi-r is given
that the labor market hero is a
good deal as It is elsewhere, and
that tlh' party coming out with
ouirnVcunu must take whatover
Tho following letter from the
Caldwell News to Messrs Thomas ho can get in tho shnpo of work,
and Walter, of Chicago, is of until the newcomer's proficiency
more or less interest lo tho resi-, has been manifested,
dents of this county, especially But where tho party is armed
those south and east of Steens, with n littlo capital, coupold with
Mountain. a deair to work, the way is
"Gcntlemen:-Your favor of pointed out, by following which
Juno 23rd to hund, Regarding ho can hardly go astray. Ho is
the Golden Gate Railroad, it has
just been sold to tho Oregon
Short Lino. Their contract calls
for work to begin witeln GO days.
It is graded for twelve miles:
depot is built. It will run from
Caldwell to Wlnnemucca. Wo
shall from time lo timo publish
what wo learn about It."
This route runs through the
given to undersUind that thero
is plenty of chanco for profitablo
investment on a largo or small
scale, with tho chances all in fa
vor of tho investor.
Tho Patterson Cottage, Canyon
City, Oregon, is open .for the
traveling public. All stages will
stop if request fs mndo,
While nowspnper stories about
tlio early building of the Des
chutes railroad have npossimislic
trend, stnting that thero are
mnny obstacles yet in the way of
Harrimnn before ho can go ahead
and build tho road, tho fact that
Harriman right of wav agents
are in Crook county nt present
paying spot cash for right of way
and buying town lots in the
points nlong the survey, would
indicate thnt thero will soon be
somo railroad building done in
tho direction of Central Oregon.
"I left a number of ranchors
around Madras busy counting up
their wealth, "snid an Agency
Plnins farmer, who arrived in
Prineville last Sunday evening,
The Harrimnn ngent has been
thero tho past few days buying
right of way, paying cash for
what he got and not wasting any
lime dickering with Iho Innd
holders, either. When the ran
cher would name a reasonable
price for tho land tho agent
would do a stunt with a fountain
pen on a check book, and the
deal was closed then and there."
"I sold the Harriman right of
way man ?80() worth of town lots
iulledmoiid in about ten minutes
tho other day' said Howard V.
Jones', of the capital of the des
ert last MOndny, while in Pnnr
ville. "He came into our office
and wanted to see (ho plats, then
we went out to look nt tho lots
and he forked over tho $800 with
out asking any questions, I
heard ho bought some lots in
Madras, too, but I can't vouch
for tho truth of that. But I
know ho bought tho lots in Red
mond nnd enn swear to it for I
sold them to him myself.'
From what can be learned the
agent is buying right of way for
tho survey which passes over tho
south end of Agency Plains on
tho-bluffs just west of Mndrns
townsite, crosses Willow Creek
gorge on a high bridgo nnd runs
south around Juniper Butte, to
tho Crooked river canyon wlioto
tho lino crosses that stream about
it mile below Trail Crossing.
Poto Mnrnnch, who owns a
ranch in the Methodist Hill coun
try, is ono of those who sold land
to tho right of way agent, The
roadway will clip off an aero of
Peto's ranch, but it is said tho
agent paid him $100 for tho right
of way.
Maybe Harriman isn't going lo
build at onco ns tho Portland pa
pers continuo to say. However,
thero has been n number of
this road is in places almost im
passnblo and teams experience
groat difficulty in wallowing
through it. Harney county teams
would never freight over tho
road while it is in such condition.
To draw tho travel this way this
road will havo to have consider
able money spent on it. Besides
taking down some of the unnec
essary grades and widening tho
road, in a number of places, a
an unusually
'good record.
Tho most imporlnnl subject
discussed nt the congress, accord
ing lo Mr. Gibson, was the need
of bettor transportation facilities
for tho north wesl. The reports
of tho two delegates from Coos
Bay, who traveled 1100 miles to
attend tho congress, fired nil the
delegates with enthusiasm. That
enterprising city on the coast
has raised a fund for a railroad
survey and lu,u employed ono of
tho most competent engineers of
tho northwest who has had a
force of surveyors run a prelimi
nary lino over tho Cascado range
whero a grade of 90 per cent
was obtained and tho delegates
stated that they had now started
on their lino toward Boise.
Three of tho Boiso's delegates
wero on tho program of tho con
gross, Reilly Atkinson respond
ing to the nddress of welcome;
Mr. Gibson speaking on "Pump
ing for Irrigation" and Mr. Shel
lenbergor on tho recent district
law passed by the Idaho legislature.
The next meeting of tho con
gress is to bo held at Coos Bay
ISMttt SitC$S&$iS$Sii:
'M,f y "
cnth session at Boise. October
15 and 1G. Statesman.
mighty suspic'ous actions repor
ted nbout rat I tend men in this
county during tho past few
weeks. For that matter every
thing thnt pertains to tho build
ing of n railroad is getting to bo
looked upon with suspicion by
tho people of Central Oregon.
Prineville Journal.
run rioiit talk.
As fust as men and'tonms can
do the work tie tallrortd is now
building into Grant county. Tito
completion of tho extension
means that thero will bo ostnb
lished in tb's county, nnd proba
bly in the John Day valloy, a
town which will bo a shipping
point Hi 1'iactically all of tho
county ami will in addition bo a
distributing point for Hnrnoy
county and for a portion of Crook
county. It Ib going to bo of the
utmost importance thnt tho roads
of tho county bo put in the best
shape possible. Tho trado of
Hnrnoy county will naturally
como this way, provided tho
roadu am in good condition, Tho
road up Canyon creek is u very
good summer road, but ithjtf is
not enough, It must bo a good
road all of tho year. During tio
winter season nnd In tho spring
foundation will have to be built I August 21 and 22, and tho clov-
tor me road. This is self-evident,
and the question is, has Iho coun
ty tho means, and will it pay7
Tho road fund is in better shape
than it has been in tho past
quarter of a century. Financial
ly tho county is better ofT than
it has been for years, tho debt
contracird ny a lormer genera
tion has been paid, and money in
lite treasury is now the condition,
so that for the purpose Of buil
ding roads tho county is in good
shape. Will it pay, is the only
question to be answered. Har
ney county will ship as much,
possibly more than Grant county,
this road is tho logical route for
their freight teams to come.
With the building of the railroad
and the construction of a first
class wagon road to Harney
county neaily all of the Harney
cpimty travel nnd trade will come
to tho John Day valloy and it is
important to Prairie City, John
Day and Canyon City, nnd in
fact the entire county that this
road be put and maintained in ns
good shape as it is possible.
BIueMt. Eagle.
IHmbroidcried Linen Collars, Luce
Collars antl Bows, New Ascots.
Call and see our new Waistings & Wash Materials
We are showing the strongest
spring line of Ruching, Neckwear,
Ladies -Belts, Silk, Net and Lawn
waists ever brought to Eastern
Something new in Sprosis Un
derskirts in Silks and Satines
We handle exclusive patterns in the
above and nothing shown by us is
handled in the Interior.
All Waists, Neckwear, Belts and
Underskirts are selected from
New York stocks arid are Spring:
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
The Klamath Falls Evening
Herald prints the follewing:
There is n growing sentiment
in Eastern Oregon in fnvor of
seceding from tlio western por
tion of the State and forming a
new State. The seed was sown
somo time ago and well sprouted.
It is being industriously cultiva
ted in this nnd other portions of
tite dissatisfied portion of tho
The cause of the discontent is
tho feeling, that, beyond the col
Col. E. Hofer, president of the
Oregon-Idaho development con
gress, his son Laurence, John K.
Smith of North Bend and Hon.
Bill Grimes, formerly of Oklaho
ma, but now of Mnrahflcld, passed
through Pendleton last evening
on their way to I3urn, Harney
county, to nttend tho meeting of
the Development Congress which
is to be held at that place July 1,
2 and ;.
While here Grimes asked the
East Oregonian to issue a special
invitation on behalf of tho Cham
ber of Commerce of North Bend ,
nnd Marshfiold, to tho Commer
cial club and business men of
Pendleton, to nttend the next
meeting of the Oregon-Idaho de
velopment congress which is lo
be held on Coos Bay next August.
Grimes declared it is the inten
tion of tho people of Coos Bay to
mnke this a big event and to
mnko it so attractive that the
business men of tho state will
want to go and take their wives.
Tho meeting has been arranged
nt a timo of the year when it will
mnke n delightful summer outing.
August is the month of nil
months On the coast and espec
ially on Coos Bay. To add to
the pleasure of tho visitors it is
proposed to charter a steamer to
tako the delegates and visitors
from Portland lo Coos Bay.
Grimes has only been a resi
dent of Oregon a short time but
ho is one of the live wires in the
state at the present writing. He
The Harney Valley Brewing Go.
MiumfaUurerH ot
Family Trade Solicited Free'Delivcry
T. E. JENKINS, R2anaer
CIIAS. BEDELL, Proprietor.
Burns, - - Oregon.
Wmes. Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Peel Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
WUnn nf fnvo .l,mv 5a tnnlitHnl ww rmey UIHWJU QUIICS IIWI
WWV.'.. ....-., V..W.W ... VWIIVVIW
interest taken by the better de
veloped half in tho other section.
It is a frequently repeated re-,
mark that Portland, tho big city j
of the state, takes too little in-1
terest in Eastern Oregon, nnd
gives its attention chiefly to
boosting sections that are already
well advanced. '
Somo of us hnd never thought
shal of Oklahoma and it was he
and his deputies who finally
cleaned.up the Dnlton gang after
the desperados had terrorized
that section of tho west for a
number of years. East Oregon-inn.
I Ovor COO iMilf W Soncl for
I Boautlful AflKiiBv r,co Ll8t
i Doslgna. BUffS) Circulars.
umurArniMn u
muDotpoar. cos w. '
Will be glad to furnish
To anyone desiring
See bis Handsome
of it before. Nothing the mat- Ono often hears of dogs tree-
ter with it after all. Tho physi-. ing a bear, from whero tho ani-
cal conditions of this part of the mal is generally shot, but it is
state nro so nt vnrianco with not often that bruin takes refuge ,
down in Oregon," that it will at tho top of a windmill tower.
nppcal to tho thinking residents The Silver Lake Leader, however,
of our portion of tho world. tells nbout such an instance.
Our leglslnturcH havo becomo n Ono night recently while It. E.
standing joke. If it over be- Lackey, who lives near Cougar i
cornea necessary to prove it wo mountain, was nway from home,
can show somo of the session tho dogs began a furious balking.
.mum;. mms::::mmtmtm:!m:mmr;:!mmmmm:t::::::t::t:::;:'
Burns, Oregon
Afford the Best Accommodations
to be had in Harney County
The patronage of all glials under the old management
especially sylicitcd.
Rales .$1 a day, $ti a week, $24 a month
H nderson Elliott. Proof.
laws. Even tho recent interpre
tation of tho branding law, in
tho case of Brown vs. Moss, is
almost lnughablo wero it not
Tho four delegates from Boise
to tlio Oregon-Idaho develop
ment congress, Will II. Gibson,
.secretary of tho Intermountnin
Fair association; Iteilly Aitkinson
secrotury of tho Commercial club; I
Gcorgo II. Sliollenbergor and
William Davis, arrived homo yes
terday from Bums, Ore., whero
tho convention was held last
Friday and Saturday. They re
port a very lively meeting pttfti
cilated in by 80 dolegatea outside
of Harney County. Tho Mm
delegation made tho trip in an
automobilo, covering the 210
miles in 11 hours and 10 mbretai
and Mrs. Lackey went lo tho
door nnd urged thein on. The
night being dark tho lady could
not see what the cause of the
commotion was, but know tho
dogs had something up tho wind
mill tower. Next morning as
soon as tho lady could see, she
wont out with her trusty rillo
and nt tho top of tho tower alio
spied a largo brown bear.
Bringing tho gun to her shoulder
sho soon had u bullet speeding on I mn 0
its way to find lodgement in bru
in's brain, which tumbled him
down from his lofty porch a dead
bear, Mrs. Lackey has lo her
credit this year tho killing of two
coyotes in addition to tho boar.
Help tor Those who liavc Slomnchr Trouble
After doctoring for about
twelve years for a bad stomach
trouble, and spending nearly fivo
hundred dollars for medicino
and doctors' fees, I purchased
my wife ono box of Chamber
lain's Stomach undLiverTnblots,
which did Iter so much good that
sho continued lo upo them and
thoy havo dono l,cr moro good
f the medecino I bought
before. -SamuuiJJoyek. Folsom.
Iowa. This medicino is for sale '
by all good dealers. I
IllA I k O
obtained tho light, Lm f
by boitif? cquippoU ,i i'io
unorring, timo-1 a nl
ii uiiu H
luoili Moiotmiws l
All iroarrtwlvt
t!liiilni lluoili M
bii: i:ws. ir Mm. mi,
vowllUhl iiUtvxt.miuifriii
Uhiii mviit tit Cutntoul i
Twcntyl'lve Cents U (bo Price ol Peace.
I Tho terrible itching nnd smart
Four car loads consisting of ing, incident to certain skin di
Iniggies, wagons, plows, harrows i seases, is almost instantly allayed
farm machinory, barb wire and by applying Chnmborlnin's Salvo,
nulls now en route, Seo C, II. Price, 25 cents, For salo by all
. i i
Miil A cunU In uliinips
I urn 'u iiumi itmii
Voegtly for prices.
good dealers.
M I 'mi n cum in mniiips I
&T$y (itt h r"'1'" '