aJ w AmmA Mill I'li'l'MMMOa g"iSa ii 1 1 (iiii)itiinwiUMga I , ifi INDUSTRIAL NOTES. (Portland fcohiesp6hcleiico).; "Oregon Is tho placo for you," has boon tho slogan brought to tho attention of 5.000.000 noonlo of the country through n big ad vertisement in tho Saturday Evening Post' placed by tho .1 1 j,ri i nr NEW USB rOR SACtlHRUSih NMfdrmferon tlid aagd brush plains of Washington boldives ho hits mado n groat discovery which Will bo of much ndvnntngo to the orchard growers in his vi cinity and olaowhere. Ho has tried sago brush tea as n spray to kill tho vermin on his trees, Portland Commercial Club, and nnd ,mg doW tho work Jugt ft3 ?. K 1 T.i 'Vol and thoroughly as thougl to 1,000 000 mora through othor.fh lnhllL,,mo wn,i. ,..., ll00. publications. Reasons why Ore gonis tho stoto of opportunity have peen presented. Tho 92 commercial bodies of the state haying membership in the Ore gon Development League havo been given an opportunity with out cost to them to answer im mediately thousands of new in quiries about Oregon NovoV beforo has Oregon been so well known and interest in tho state" so generally aroused. All that is needed to get tho besl resUlte is for the commercial bodies to take advantage of tho opportuni ty and make theso home-pecker fnmiiinr with their sections bv Ronrtimr thnm literatim! iiml nn-lBticase. Chamberlain's Colic, uiioicrn aim uiarrnoea uctncuy tho sulphur-limo wash had been used. Ho had previously ob served that none of tho fruit trco posts woro to bo found on tho sagebrush in his vicinity. Further experiments will bo con tinued along this lino, and if success attends it, tho farmer may find ho has gained a roputtv Won of, which a,n agricultural college processor would bo proud. Exchange. IWcr.trMtmcet ol Dyainttr and Diarrhoea. Tho great mortality from dy- scntary and diarrhea is duo to a lack of proper treatment at tho first stages of tho swering inquiries. Salem is making preparation for the fourth annual cherry fair to be held in the Capital City July 8 and 9. The people Of Sa lem make a big event ovory year of the cherry show and the foto this season will eclipse anything of the kind ever held there, ac cording to those in charge of tho programme. Tho fair will be held at the time of the Midsum- is n reliable nnd effectual ihcdi duo,!' and when given in reason able tinio Will prevent any dan gerous consequences. It has been in uso for many years and has always met with unvarying success. For sale by all good dealers. AUCTION I will hold regular auction sales mer meeting of tho State Horti-jorttho first and third Saturdays cultural Society at Salem. There of each; month at the C. A. Sweek barn in Hums. Bring in any thing you havo for sale and get your money for it Special at tention given to sales in tho country. .J - W. T. Smith, ' ' Auctioneer. will bo addresses by prominent orchardists and specialists and a trip through the orchards about Salem on Friday, July 9, will be a feature of the gathering. Fruitgrowers of the state are making plans to attend. Oregon was well represented I Citabt,m'$ Ceifc, Choitr. and Diarrhoea at the tri-S UUe bankers' COIlVen-. Remedy the beat and Surctt. uonuiswuiueiuatwcuK. ium,y ,.,It affdHa, mQ piCMUro to ,T T; "" """"Estate that I consider the prepar of the state were m attendance Uo knwn flg ChBrnber,nIn.. ine sessions were oi unusuaj in terest nnd because of the bank ers of Oregon, Washington and Idaho meeting together, a closer relation was established between Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea the best add surest of good re sults of any I have over used in my family, "says P. E. Herring- iauu.. cuuH...u ..., to of Mount Aerial, Ky. This tho financial interests of the,, fll ;,, ,, J. ,io uu.vv.ismi im ui uu Pacific Northwest. That Oregon has immense trade possibilities with China, which offers a great market for the manufactures as well as the raw products of this country, is the opinion of Quan Kai, a weal thy Chinese merchant of Hong Kong, who has been a Portland visitor for the past few days. He believes an era of closer com mercial relations with the United States is about to dawn for his country and he welcomes a lar ger commerce witn the Pacific Coast Quan Kai says his coun try is entering upon a period of expansion and must have railway materials, machinery of all kinds and .manifactured products in addition to the lumber, wheat and flour, the chief commodities secured from this Coast saying wno uso tins remedy, its cures are so prompt and effectual that people take pleasure in recco mending it For sale by all good dealers. tfOTIflE FOK PUBLICATION UNITKD bTATKa LAND OFFICE,! liurna Oretou, JuneiO 1IW. Xotlee laherobjr given that the Northern Te lllc Hallway Company, whoeo peat offlre ad dteia l St I'aul, Minnteota, ! on t! lath day ol Fa Unary ISM tiled lo thli office Ha applica tion to teUct under tne tiruvlaloua ol the Act ol Coo grtaa. approved July I. lis ISO Blat, t77, tt( aa extented by the Aetol Congreas, an proved May I?, IMl, tbeNV,ot8Wlic , T 81 8., K 32 feat. W M. Any and nil peraone claiming adveraclythe landa dcacrlbcd, or delimit; tu oblect heeauae ol the mineral character ol tholand, or lor any other reeaon, b theOlapoeal 10 applicant, thoold file their entdavlte ol prolcat In thla office, on or wore the Till clayol Augtiit tvn V Farm, Itrglitcr Flrat puhlkatlou July S, low Uat publication July 11,1109 NOTJUE FOB PUBLICATION. i I'KtTeu STATta Land Owe. Hums, Oregon, Juno 79, 1900 Kotlce la herabr rive that Frederick 1- Allen ol .iwolo. orecon. who. en Julr m. I milr tVinf Viio nonnlo nrofnr tn rnr1",,f,,Lan'1 Entry No. J74I Serial No. oi. lor mat nis people preier 10 irauc .sjiHWiaodH8K8cctiono,Townahii,!, wifli irits rwtnrrv in nrflfftrnnefi uth. JungeSl Kaat. Willamette Merldau, ha. nieu uouceoi inienuou inmate final rroor, iBvi'imiin ciaim id me tanu aouro uraonucu. balora M J O'Connor. U. H. Commliilnuar at hla office at Demo, Oregon, on the 18th day o' with this country in preference to the English and German ex porters who have the bulk of this trade at present Edison Phonograph and re cords foi sale at Lunaburg & Dal ton 'd. NO TRISSPASSINd. IhiiitiiiK irt ftirliliiiliMi , upon my plutm Miljoiniuu ItiirtiH. Tro(pan m ill lio iirtiancUti'il. C. II. VOKUTIiY NBW CLUBBING riCOPOSlTION Wo havo arranged to offer in connection with this paper, tho now monthly farm magazino just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof, II. W. Campbell and dovot od to tho subject of how to farm in tho dry country and how to got best results from soil tillago under normal conditions. This Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer nnd wo offer it clubbed with Tho Timoa-Tcrald both for $2.G0 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' now paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of its,' kind in tho world, and it embodies tho re sults of the editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillage proposition. nohei: or hnal hhtcxembnt, In tliu innltur of tho oaUtuof John 0. S wilt n, tleccnetxl Notice la liorohy glun that tho unJor. eUnml hna Dlrtl tho float account, duly vrrllU-d, ruid n y lAW roiulr,cd, allow ing tlint tho nbovb untnrti catate has bfun (ullyaettlcd ; ntul tho County Jndgo ol Ilnriifty County Oregon, In whoio court unlit uiitnto la landing, haa tot Mon day, July Slli, 10W, ol Ibti cnurthoueo at Duma, Or.-nu, na tlio tlinu nnd placo (or tho hcnrluitur objection to aald account, mill tlio aottlomont ttiortiof, and hna ill rcrtoil notice tliurcof to bo f;'vu In The Tliuea-HurftM (or (our couaecutlva wcolta- D.itwd June lt. 1000. MAIlY SWAIN, Adialnlatratrtx. Notice ol Appolotatcnt ol Citcotor. In tho matter o( tho last Will and Toatiuiont nnd tho Katnto, ol Martin V. Bmltli, do- ccaacd. , Nullcu la horuby itlvcti that tho Iftat Will and Tuetimcnt o( Tdnrtln V. Smith, deco-tml, hm bcviululy admitted tu pro bjlu by tlm county court of tho State ot Oregon, (or Harney County, and that tho tmdcraltfiied, Hcott Hayca, haa beD iipiolnWd tho oxocutor thereof, a In said Will exprotaod, and liaa duty itnll fiiil All pereona havlni; clalma nitalnat tho Cetula ot rnld Martin V. Smith, do- icaaid, nro riiulred to present them, nlih tho proper votichert, within 0 months, from tho dato of tills notice, to iho undciBiKiipd executor, at lilt reei (loii'.o nenr Ijiwen, Or., or at tho office ol G. A. Itombolil, hla attorney, at llnroa Orejioii. Dated, Jutio 1-1, 10O0. 8COTT IIAYKS, Kx ecu tor, 8WJ.CwfWit la CbMrMi When six months old th-e little tkughter of E. N. Dweyf u well known merchant of Agnewvlllc, Vs., had an attack of cholora in fantum, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholora nnd t)larrhocn Remedy was given and offoctcd a com ploto euro. This Jronlody hca provon vory successful In casca of bowel complaint In chlldron and when given according to tho plain printed directions can bo relied upon with poripct confi dence. Whon reduced with wntcr and awectqned it is pleas ant to take, which is of great Importance when n medicine must bo given to young chlldron. For Bale by all good dealei's. NO TiUfSPAWINO. Notloo la hereby givon Hint hunt ing nnd shooting upon tlm enclosed lamia of tho Amoflonn Lnml A Live Btook Oo. 1b strictly forhlddon. Any poraott or poraotia found hunt ing or trespassing will be proecouU'd to tha full oxtent of tho linv. 12, Ui IIn.i., Kanoh nnngor. Relltloui Servlcei. Hav'A. J. Irwin will 'iirnnuh at llarnoy tho 2ml Huntlny of unch month at II it. in, nnd 7'M. in. Subbath Bohool ovary snbbnth At 2 p, ca. Ths Ilurnoy Humluy sohool intHits nl2o'olook ouuh Sunday uml n cordlnl invltntlon la extended to nil nho can attend to meet with uh. At tho Prosuytonnn ohuroli Burna, Hov. A.J, Irwin pnaUir, DovluuDorviooa the I bird nnd fourth Sundays of ouch tnonlhatU a. in., and 7:30 p. in. Sabbath school nt i() a. tn. ovory Sablmth morning. Tbo Um Star RESTAURANT China (icort;e, l'roprletor. Oor. Main nnd II Htrecta. MHAIaS AT AUli HOURS Bakery In eonoeebion, A Sfclalljo(Sfcef( Orders. Tabic furnished with arorythlng tho market nITurds. Your pntron ago aolloltod. r3 ii The TiiWs-Herald . Y . . (...vf,v ... .y". i r 'M n Clubblrtai Rates to tin mbncribhs at prpttenl w THE TIMES-HERALD One year witlvthc Portland TTjBekly Oiegonian Portland SfcmKweekly Journal $2;so S. P. Weekly Examiner ""V. ' '$2-!65 TKrice-a-Weel N. Y'. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St.l LouisRepublic $2-&500-00)';B Farrit Progress FREE, to every pafd in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these ,good papery in connec tion with The Times-Icrald for t?ieionffvwin-? ter evenings.Call ahd get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Tho Tlima-llimld tit Prepurtrd to do the Very l!cl and Moat Satlifartory Work hi thla line. We have all the LATEST TYPE FACES nnd a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY 11 WAfkiiim, i. i Jr mmtirj rxiiii ,r- AlTOKOTfil AJiW. ii..... n...M.i lmcoTrat'door west of llank 1 Attornoyiat-Lrfw, ' i i : Quvta, Oregon . . ,,, Arro)iwsv-AT-r,AW, ' Careful attontioii glvOhl'to Col loo- (Ions and Real Kstnto mattom. l'lro Ineurunui. i'lAl 1 Notary I'ublio, IIUIINS, OlIKOON. 8ilJ r W- ' m. SSi8& THBWfifiBOii'TS ' VV $$T ;. ;.itQn(lIjciir(nttin(i; . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitid Htitm iJHtiOrrtea, I liutna, Urrfun, Uiytt, Itet, Nntlco la U'tebr gtrea that Thorooa J, Allan, ol liutna, Utraun, wbo, on Jlaroli U. 1N, ni.!p it. cmptliin DccUratorr Huuni nt No. .IIM, lakcrlotr aotlra. SarUl No. oexn, lar Hi", NM,. K BK'Ui BHU HrUetlontl. r i .V fcumii, Hanie JlKaat. WlllanrtU MoiMlau, liaa nlnl tiotlco ol Intcnlloo to snakaj Unol 'ioil. In catabllih claim lo tha land almvc itt pctllieil txlora tb llcaliter auil Ita rchcr, nt tluinH, urcsoo, on the aril itarcl July, IMM CUlniaul lumta at wltmaaei liaao loatrr, ol llllejr, Urcyou. Willtr II, I'acSc, el Hum, union. TLomaa J.bblaldi, Kieo Dakcrmau.totli it Hilar, Urnon. ViU.rik, RgltUr. Aueuat. tun ciaimani namtl u wnneiMi Edwin J Catlonr. Ullllatn f-fianc. V (1 mil California business men on thol,n,"'0e''b?UoElifJ ni.orefon. irH TnBi ttcgtiicr recent trade excursion north got a lesson from modern, enterpris ing Meaford. A city of 0,000 people took the party of 100 visi tors out in autos and had enough cars left over for as many more Could any California agricultural city of the same size, not a cen ter for tired out and back num ber millionares; havo turned ;p like trick? NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uxitxd fjTATia LiNU Orrtcc, uurui urrfon, Juno sv, ivc9 y alaeu that Jotenh rall.iw. DnU, OrtKon, who. on AUiiu't 17, llfCl, marie rariai no, U7 Nolle la hereby llycu that Joieph Tatlow, nl rteaert land entry Mo 791 InrEKBKWFertlnuMi KU NE)4 Section J7. T 3 Bouih, Hanae W Kait, Wlllainette Merl'lMn, hat filed notice ol Intention to make Final I'roof toealabllahed claim to the land above deactlbed, belore tha M, i. O'Connor. V. D Cotnmlaloner. at hla office at Ilenlo, Ortgmi ontho i3ihday,.(4ujut, 1VOH. Claimant namea aa wllnrtaci jWllllatn!8eaanceCr Nolaon, Fiodnrlck I Allen, W.O. Illlllnxlall ot Denlo, Orogon, ' "' WKAiiat. Iteglaler mil dofibla'ei WANTED -A RIDER AGEhT ItltACHTOWK am ilatrfi i to mi i a nuluna money tut ,' tui jtr jmi Hirttfuliin .iMifiA. t.ilir. -. kcap tha tncyvla llilp U tack lo u at our iiiu and whwiIIm L Jul L J ,Li FACTORY MICE8 SllPsbpS" nfr'" UV. ., K,'i,i?ird 2!B1',,0YU ,'..bue'1SJ '' " ani taeii.eST..ulifi,1r,r a, Ifi'-M''1 rut Uoelt IIOhtTIIIJVU:,il.ojtpr JrVI"' L.'J?.iu u"'i' !P"J'rSi,'"J"" caulwu.. a,d Itaru vur unhlird rl A tru.it aod rtmarkatlt tptthl tfftrt lo riilur hkuU, ' Vnil Ulll I IP ICYrUIICULn hn vou mm. our bra Z.Ti..,..17. "',wn,,',," atudr.piir aupttb mni'ti. m ,1, l(U braulSd t raol VlUrf prom COASTER-BHAKES, wt.iL ilv ..V ;r, . ""u'l.1 "r ",f uwairoNn, i m , Ml ,bi?.J;Vric.LWd.Aifia .i;.':i;Vrc",lr UcycU ukL ' i " " Hl.tMlvuSiANI IIICVCJ.i:.S. Wm JU iJi II,lrfK.,,.(. ..,-,., 1....1 . .. Ilr luva a nuoA r on liaod taien In uiiU by our Chicaid retitVaiwn. lhme rl. 11 ol rlcl raniUi from US m HH ,,r aiFli. ii-.Tlf,. i.:fi. fir.. I .,'..' c" I niUpmraiiol aJI Idnda tMutlf tkt uittt flail trkit, "!" r a NOTICI3 FOK PUIIMOATION limit, brTa I.imd Ornrr , liuroi, Ortgon, June 7, liw.l Notice la hereby ilreii that tha Htitaof Dti. anu haa filed 111 thla olDra Ua aptllcatlonlSetlal So osaaj lo aelect. under the proylalonaolihe av. u. wuiiairia, ap,ruTiHi Auguai if,jetn(ina acta amendatory thereto, the t,8.MNMaml NISWU C M.T.aa, II 8i y, w n Any and all pcraoua claiming adraraely the laudaitracrlbeil.or itealrlng to obUel betauaa ol the mineral character u( the laud, or tor an y other rraaon, lo ihedlanoaal lo applicant, ahould (lie their efflilavlla of proteel Id thla ,mce, on or beloro the expiration of the period of ptiblkailon ' Wat. KiN. ItagUter. Flrit publication June It, 1M0. Luat putillcallvn July SI, Ivoy. The Capitol Barber Shop II. J. REED, Prop!. Hoadqunrtcra for bathing and Fjrafc-ClasS Tousorinl Work. Wo collect every hero nnd ttinko 11 cbsrfio uuleaa collection la mado. Wu please our clleuta -A-slc T3a.em. A-Jdreaa . MolUIAN MmOAVTIl.lt Ci , Kenton llldu., 1'urllniitl, Of S (3rS$e$S9SSSS9S999$$9S$95i L,. KiEWIS w It fimnsmc nrrioiAMiiiiEGTonv aTATK oaiaoHi Nolle It hersbr irlven that the Hfti n ornce lit apiillealloh flregvii haa Serial No (J lie Aitnlr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UXITXD BTATKI UNO QrtlfUi I nu 1, urcffon. ur a, jwa ailllcil In thla Ua.l74lngolenl,uDdertha pruvlilon of runnrigii. innroviin ai ui n iuh ..I..im ."-.!... . '..." """ " "t " u Kvm ninriiumury luervic too ..rJ S,KlA8c' 'M ni1 W,r80 II, T. M fl , Jl at 1,,, u M Any ami all pericma claiming adroraely the UndadocrllMd.nr 'Itilrlngto object became ol tbu mineral cheractor nl the land, or for any other rcaaoii, 10 the dlanoaal toi appltcaul, ahould tllu their anidlvlla of proleat In thla ooico. on or beforo the expiration of. the period ol publlcallon ' , Wk.Aal, Hagllter Fltat publication Mayn, 1WM. l.ait jiubllcatlon Juno U, 1W9 GET THE BEST M HEOOETfiORN PONCTURE-PRGOF Q 8EIF-HEALBN8 maSSSSSSS i 7 it rtxutai retail rut el tluu tint it ,,jv vr pair out la luiraaue ui mull ullwiaumHairtorHMUaiitJiilhordttt4X NO HOUE TROUBLE FROM PUKCTB8E3 I.'AII, lu, !. or (ilina will hut lot the Ir out. Ri I" id jalr aold lull yrur Otcrtwohur. 1 unl jutra now In uae DEVpripuailt uallalne Itlallvel iiuiiiKvci 1 u ic 1 intmiiuocwli audru. a h Jl iiualu, ol ri,bbe wlncli never Ucoi tm ..na wnic;i cloaca t oei pc Vc ;imI t.fftlUl Mr 1 w 01 ' ttr iu J) lie Iaveia luln. aheflallv miii tread Ilicrrtrr'arprUccitliCMllreaiafH txiroL inir tbulrtaei ridcuitoineiMt upwiceorlw whlc;i v.k up anull tiiiuctuica without allow. Bill Hie (ally picparcd fabric on the pe Wchavehupurcdaof Ictlerafromaatia. u llievwela auuidlua lira hi, 11 iicturerealatlngriuairijeahclngrolven i.I tliailhtlrliriatiaveoiilybccn pumped iinoinoreiiiau iw oienaaou 1 hey well by ecveral Inycu mlrt al"rtllnKpuriwicawcatemak mi iiuvroi uaiy if oo Jicrpair, apiwv, iuu uu uui ia; we win auow a cnaj CCtid I'UI.I, CAHII nkUtl plated firawhand pump. IMI, l! IVK vrtttt know We want 1 1 ., ri-T, ni i PBttamammm. aaaaafaaajaaajKai7iaj1iif.lu.!i ,w..vi ,:. ,, mmmmmmmmmm-xmrrm. ,111.. . ' . -V7 llrea lafH so per Mlr.bul for Initaanccial factory or Ice to All ordcraalilppcireamc day Idler la received. WeahlnL' 11 I) notirotlin thlolt ruVi U "A mid uunotuiu Hrl.M ,. Him "li," nlao rim tifii il to irevei,t rliiKiullliiir. 'II tlru will iiutlitat uu oil nmko-HOl'r. MUilL liiMIt JI1DINU. t iay u cent until you have eaamlncd and found them atrlctlv aa r. 1, wv!aNa.?,tn0A .ctnljlhereuy maklM the price 4.Cft mr Ji, WITH O It I) II It and enclate thle edvcrliaemtnt. We will'al f, Tlreato be relurntd at HUH capriae If for any reuaou 11 i.mnoiv qi, cxannnaiion we are pcnectiv reliable ana tnonev aeiit in ua la n .nl-. . 11 you oroer a liair 01 tiieae Urea, you wUl Dud that Uiey will ride ta.ler, run bt ler Ul biuaer and look flnr lliat, aatw llr .m h.v..w, tiA nr ... . .... -,.. .;... ...ii;... iini.:Li.r... ..1.:: .'-"-: .".! ir:-..": rv. l "r i""-1 you toend uaa ttlal order at once, hence ilil. rm.k.l,l ilrinfr.r ' Utt price oru IF Ytitl KFFto Tlffr!, ,,' ht'y ny k'ai ' ny,prte until you acud tor n pair tit r aXf I WMled; ethorn ruojui4'rof Urea on ionroval.an.ftilal ai OTaJfrJfrSarfTO nut write uaa poatai toaty; o NtlTTIIINK UV IIUVIKC a blcvilu iiilL O B. Senatora PongreMmin .,,.. Atldrb'ey'deneral . . (juvernor, ,. ,..,., i PKIIU, UI Ml.IB Trauurar , ,.., upt. I'ublio Inatructlna. Btale ITI titer . Buprerae Judgea , ,, I Jonathan Ilourne Jr It). W. rulton tW Ultllla I J Wllayrley A. M.f'rawlorit tOco. R. t:tiamtc(laln F W Uenaun .. . ku A steel J, II. Ackarman . 1 $ tluolway 1 R. M, Oeau, , r, A.lonr HObt Eatlli NINTH JUOIOIAI. DIHTMOT DlatrlctJndi Dlatrlct Attorney Drputy UlaiAlty Ocb K. Hat la J W McCtilloih 0 II lAinnaiil ... Rt present? the..., Home Insifuncc Coi of Nev York, in 1 Liverpool, London & QJobe, Plro Assurance Co., Philadelphia. OIPICU WITH UIOUS & UmOS. Burlia, Oregon. Corner JJoutlt nf Lunabtiic & Dalton's. !flr$tS) 6i t.vr'i iMJitvina f j tu. 11 oii;j, h. aijjj.jyjpHc, k TTntliltV "'rfiPtrt w UUIINB, , U Colleciloiie. l.aml EataternatwrprotnrllVjitUinded U i r I UKOONJ butlneaa, and Ilea CHARIiES;jyjiSjiji) BurnH, - - Orogon .Ilriicllct-a; (n Ilia Statu Courta mid b- fdfdtiio u.'firrjuid.onico. -I U. LU. GBARY HuniB, - - Orecon. 0'fiw lii-iM.'w-lmiliJIiiirBontlmf Wolroom luriirM alioji, Main JJi, 1 Mil.onJlAih6o'. iC'DENinnr,, md.' 1 u ,1 i'n- 1 10 ' Physician and Surgeon nils ,nna,tjred promptly .nWi or day 'I'Jiatio Hnrrlman.jj ,,, c iarrlman, 0pegon ' rirrnr r- i-r.-rr- ,- MflRSPEN & GRIFFITH I'li(kluiia nml BtVrKotii. ' IIUIINS, OHIXION. 'I . Ii. E.IBBflRD Ollro flrat iltKir tnat tilioto gallery lliiruu, Oregon. W. C. BROWN, llL'llNa, Orboon. Olllce In new laud oOlce bulldinif, ni'Xt door nortli of pout odlco. MOCIKTIIM. Utetaerery aeoond nnd fuurth. 1 u luniiiu 11 ,;au p Dl. ; Ujrrou TrrrlU, ferretefy, Aatiir.law li. eaeh month at 7;aopm. .treble iirOprraii. i Ji.'l. BI7ftK8LQpiKM).7rA K. A. JI., UeaU every drat ud third ijalurday lu uaeh m?l?V. 1 - lilclivrari.f.M. .1. C, cleome, Secretary. INt.AHl).ODaENO.70 K. off. MieleeteryThutaday evening In the Urown II. (M II : Hall, li M rirowil K It H I (prion, q,r I .. fc . 1 , Imi i ,, llOlt.VttOHin.No.47 A II l.,l Meeta every awond and l.tu,li tii. A.u. H elNinir.il Stunmer 1 Durinz the Sense! VIA THE OKE.U0NI RAILROAD & NAVIOAlJ OREQON SHORT AND UNION I'ACBi From Portland, Scnitlc, Spo! ma, Wnllfl Walla and on Uic O. tit k N li To Omaha and return To KansaH City nnd rctrrl To St Louis and n tun To ChlraRo nnd re turn nnd lu tV ot prlncltml oHn .Midd'orot ui 1 1 rreipaiiilln,1 1 ON "ALR JUNE 2 JD Al Ot'hTll To Denver nnd return ON HALK .MAY 17, Jfj AL'GI HT H GoinK transit lirnitj frpm date of sale limit October 31st inese iickcus jirc very attractive f. ,t'u way of stopover pnvi choice of routes; thcrtl inff passengers to makei to any interesting pointi! Routing on tho te. through California rm at a slight advance c quoted. run pnriicuiarb, ik reservations and tlckej furnished by any O R I or Wm. AIcMurrnyOen Cortland. OregtJ Sumpter Vai RaiKva TIMR TAI1LI. NO. , Cfi .JUM H.l' Went llomid No 1 1'aaa 130 I.v Ul35 " !);53 " 10:04 " 16 07 " I017 " 10t22 ' 10:p2 " i0:S0 .10JI5S ' lltlO " 11:16 " 11:40 " NOON 12:00 " r. m. 12-05 " 12:40 " 1 10 Ar 8 m : link, r t i-outli 1 : t Sah I UcU r Tlioi i StoiMtKl Jaictlal Mitti-rl t,U Dau a ( it, Mcrnen J UN lima Siimptu JINCTli V suniti o L t mji Wl.iu i III'D ' Vii I C, N. 'ucbran, Jtecordrr, 7.i T Ml. W. uAKMsr VALLKYCAUf No Ml. W.oI.MV. Kceta every mat and aecond Tueeday. ..,,,. j, C. W. ilcl'laln. Com W. A. (I6wn, Ijlert Circuit Court ineria the Drat ituuday in April and flrat Monday In Ocluber. 0(tlt Senator1 . . '. tfw fanlah oiui-llefreaentallvo ,,, , ,W II IHpoke OOpTrrIIAt(XI ruoh.yJMdg, Traaaurtr . . Surveyor , ilirrliT., ., ,,,i ... Aaaeaeor . ficboolNapailntandent, Uoiouer Slock Inapectar (. Commiaalocera ..... .,, J, JMtnctor . Ham Ublhrrahead J .. .-iU M'Jalotaou . At) faille uer . . A, K, lllelmnlaon . U A Ilrittlngham .: t,M llabillton , , JWilcati ,.; It. I.MOKIni.oi, If.. N. Mallard UA.pmyli County Court WMta ba flrat .Mcdlieeder lu Janiar. aHh,,"May,''julr; f..1temler and November, Mfs.IKv.wj!P.9rrir; ittt vt, .. riVWVIt'.l i aa i riaiiKDavay Ml I VSITV-btlKH ., lien mown faL, l, t...ixiwle aw" Fliiinalt'ltkail Thutnaa Aiidenon a) rllon Aecelvar.. Jayor, secon 'reaa ilarahal, Cotincllmeu ine pui introductory pne eeKfujca anq quotca ail hi; tKt and quotca )TWi ibWtl tM IktButMtl mite. ' v. In rVilTTIIIwlc lli I il(HiteHi)wiillllHlrl)ilLii'IH,iifiirr J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, j&, Recently Enlarged WITH 25,000 Now Words Now Gazetteer of the World jrjl tl inoio than 83.000 title, lo9J en tlio liiti.it Lbiisua i otumj. NowDlocraphlcal Dictionary tout ilnliiiitlioimiui'aorovoriaouoi.otsa. I.l in i, tUtg ui birth, dTOth, titu. im i u u,'r.HAiimii.rii.Ti(T,.p. l.liUtKl liitcJUimuiUialoiiiii'of IWuurttiou. , . . .. uJuu ijuario fafiAa ioir i u t, nw, uiacuatwi. V -c,ded In Evorytfome jytbaw'Colljlata(Jfcwary I ' 4VWI fWUuJJiUa. I!-il;rIIJil!un7al3ii)Jlatl.i, I lull,,, Dg Ltina Bdltien ,'titii in, frlalr. Im I l...l. -IK-.il..,. .. - -..-i.n I 'isl.o.-,, OprlncnildTMirai1 Ueettuga ol tha l.'ouuoll every Fourth VYedncaday, Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating front Austin via Prairie Cit, Ma Da.'Canyoa City to Hum?, Oregon i yt (toys roln Bnkcr City to HurnH, Oicgon. Good, cotnfoitahle fionvtiynnceil direful drivers First Class Sl!lion (Iqiij; liic'ioute -Rnilrond to Hums only 105 miles. Fpr rntts. sU L WOLDENBERG, Manager. Seilteer Olty, Oxegrora. H0KNS CIlAfTKK .SOtO.,!). g,, , leeta at ery aecond anil' fourth Jloudaia lu uW"nl. "aU. 1 ( lUtber chMii W Jj ,u ella Metcoroe, Secretary, ' S'lojj ,fl i.i 1l rl 'llrlotn IfninsKim , inline nrt schinlul. i t .top. I'atiuiKvre mijil, els wltero nconla cxiat 1 trains or 25 rente In a Jits gularfnrc Will bo cliar 1 1 .IOs.ni'11 Mil OHANTGUnDES. - vJ t: i r UKT MArfiZIJiS? ' i beaultfullydluilritcJ.sooditorirt cael MkkH aUuCUon0a awj CAMXKX 0RART Si.so a year IavaIoI arli 'AiWinW 'lA ikl . Iiia lepieducllon, ej llie, Leit $1.00 woilolamaUiwaaJntUwiUnil ir pholegraplieri, ' noAitfythbhaiw wqndicss Meat M 13 PJh eonltuung Total . . . $.2K uit&opW'W.so ui..,.a .... . romi wieaee fa y, rannnnr" ntj DiuUuuj Sao rtanclico THE BURNS HOTEL STEPHENS &' DIBBLE, Propt. ReuHonnbl6 Ratcs Good Cltiun Meals, Comfortable Rooms, CoUrttSouS Tre(rt..,ent. Special Accommodations for the .FIRST CLASS'IN BVflRY P ARTIODLAR Voutt Potttonage fioliGjited, The Best. MODERATE PRICED TYPEWRITER Qn the Market LMpdern, Convenient, Durable Has all tlio qualities of hiffli priced machines ftapiti, ffliiversal hey Ubaid, Simple, Cheap Chicag-o1 ' Wnt Maqhini? Oo. V.Jf, M.lVtJ dVLVlA KltllGlirAll DWiilEK'No, Meetiprcry lit anil 3d Wducada. l'l.n a ,... Winona Smith I UU smith. Ke .Wc'j'. - i ., S. O. TULKClt.l m, tca'W.ail W. sadajr.i ,. Maud ll&rlon, I) M ,..... . . .. wias,ery louriu fueaJajr. Heater (looduian, , Ml! Clerk ,,i I, 1,1 igmm, BiJwSIM4i feE,- i , f& I M'T -Ti-rSi . s.vj: . v tl SJ. S Str.s J ' l mmmmmKmmmmmmimmmmmmammmmmmtmtmmmmmtmmtmmmmmmmmmm Merdod and ' r-- "l ff is sr? I I ".'.Ki I" y nt 1 gaVataaVaVaBeKeW .LM i MAGAZINE .JnBObJbB !. J.IMKi IMtiNt 0BM.aaVaaaVaaaaTaaaTaHeaTaaaTejTeaTal L-TiYvwnwn'.C! -mmwmwiLmimnmkL r johnoi:m1)erLino Jowoloi. Optluiuii imd l Iiincvi,vq' Fine Watch Kepnitini; ,A Spe- -- cialty. V 11500 Re! The Oregon, i aluoi ma cii I'roicrUVf AaioclHtlou of wtfcl aiguia la a iDtmbrr, lor iberuavlcllniiolan) i' ugnoraea, ratilco i t ua raciuouia. $SO Additional K M ab-nl i 'pj, irt AIL ,, J.A'- ml tee m l Hi ttild tn bo dritvii out r local coluraiia ot thla Haw II not ao reported, rleaae wrht TheTlmea Herald, Main . i 1X"1 W W II, of Hi rtLav1-'" 1! atenta taaen Ifiroukh Mu UlnolUr. ttitlioutchareo. Sciehiilic Jim YhandaomelrllMttnitfet nratl rfyNN &n0.8Btnr9(Ja,. Branch. Tiki, 43 ji. (t U)n Buvns Diamond StagJlAiiaei J ISIIA,HUHl'iit. I.ouva Utinu vor Mumluy, WVilnua day anil Friday far Dliliiiuml, Comifota with tlm Ami row a. Do nip Btttcv maLln tho mottllrtfir.l'(iJcfWt toivln0 all points aoutli Mild tlio uuw fioltl tluUla of TarSaiiftefKffi aiiU lroi!lit, 1 or imrllculnr Inforiuatlon t'UMTFH O.MtTM!,Ait)lll CjfY -.SS." aeimnut a laetch aJ .feMfecf . Pnt laSen .Inmuth Mui, tjliuS JOHN ROBI Stock Inswctrfr. Ilarofll H iwfriTJnr.,.i JtfSISi WfibBili.vq. atlcaiw, III. ITI EL a ' . h I oifli ttijuiiiliii a'li iiajaat 'Mi'MrirrmfTiffaiflh ttrr rt--t-" ued " H nil ITITIT 1 aiMi(arMaaiiaaja Job Pi"iJiting, aVlTf MrLLal "W7.J&: A rcprkntaivu I luijgv reeminti cofpoiKivM, spec lal Inducements o tltoao who wish to Wy fii! (lecome financially Interested, "" 'Wi'JiiiliirtilttiafM. WW , SlcHicat tot'Not Tril . . WitJtia Iai;oo,l mlvlcufor men and1 may lie V tit tho eti if" jexiwrlrti htipnicit thatt jflnjjIietAr Wr col(li( u clil VClUmberJ Coug'K Rei .It tan t.iMulto-witli tr nil oiuui'ir .itru r narcotic ottdcil VrttH im 1 L'OUbVlcuce