The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 03, 1909, Image 3

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Lhqkst circulation op
cal News.
est was in the city tlio
i week.
hvnnts more coyote
ither furs.
fcnith has a now stock
jf various kinds nnd
(ntnilton, the old pio-
Ihoro for several dnys
k week.
see Jnmos Smith's
shoes before Betting
' nnd summer fool-
lisers was here from his
fanch Wednesday se-
nps etc., preparatory
, deep well.
; first class dry lumber1
ights; also 2nd nnd 3rd I
fG.OO to $12.00 per M. !
Wing Co.
took his departure
morning after n nice
his daughter, Mrs.
nnsen of the Burns
set is prepared to fur-
hams and lard to
rand ranchers in any
i Specinl prices for big
ers. xne Freer uii
si Co., of Portlnnd,
another lnrge ship-
age Tool cos., aou
mes on the way from
at Vinolnnd, N. J.
E. S. Wood arrived
by auto from Vale.
accompanied by his
Miss Lise. Kathryn
iprivate secretary and
ler and Miss Marjone
Statement of the condition of
At iltc clone of business June 23rd, 1909
Loans nnd Discounts $194,002.70
U. S. Bonds 50,000.00
Bonds nnd Securities 50,445.30
Premium on U. S. Bonds 2,000.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures . . 0,000.00
Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00
CATII 107,331.99
Capital $25,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits ' 31,420.72
Circulation . 25,000.00
DEPOSITS 390,163.27
United States Depositary
Awmnis favitefl
Pat Cecil has just come up
from Partland.
W. R. Dawson and wife were,
the guests of friends in this city
the first of this week.
Good vinegnr for sale by T. E.
Jenkins at the Brewory. Money
back if not as represented.
R. H. Brown, the Diamond
sheepman, spent the week in
this city tnking in the sights.
Some very desirable residence
and business lots in Burns can bo
secured by seeing Irving Miller.
Judge Rector came in Wcdnes-j
day to take in the celebration
St. Paul, a friend of ,nnd Iook after probato mattcrBi
James Hicks came in from
Portland the first of the week
after an absence of several
Blue prints of any township in
Burns Land District, showing
name of entrymnn, date and kind
of entry, topography, etc., $1.00
each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns,
& Clemens have put in
tas saw mill 1J miles
bold Springs is near the
h good road. In first
Ber picked trees from
kment. Prepared to do
ark. See them about
ltnent permit at once.
win hna hnllfrlif n Iinlf
theG. W. Clevencer4un- V
fetore and will remain I. II. Holland nnd family, nci,
ently with his fami- companied by Miss Maggie Thebo
in was here for sev- nnd Roberta Hibbard, have gone
km Inst vear nnd was to Alvord where they will spend
arably impressed with some time rusticating and pick-1 Congress and
oViR. J. Williams nnd family are
over from Silver creek to take in
the celebration.
Tom Hutton, ono of tho sub
stantial stockmen of Wngontirc,
was here for soveral days this
(540 aero ranch for sale suitable
for dairy or stock ranch. Abund
ance of water for irrigation nnd
power inquire at this ofllcl.
Mesdames Fred Hnines and
James Bunynrd were down from
Harney for a few days this
Michael Schenk has tho finest
samples for suits ever brought to
Burns. Call and sea them or
'pone Mnin 53.
Dr. Deninnn enmo up from
Hnrrimun Wednesday to take in
the Development Congress and
Wanted Several smnll sets of
books to keep during spare time.
Experienced. Corvallis, Baker
City and Portland references.
E. D. Wetmore.
Tom Allen enmo in from tho P
ranch yesterday to look after
some land business- and inciden
tally take in the Development
business prospects of ling fruit They intend to make
a trip to the top of steens Moun
tain while in that neighborhood.
Estkay Ono roan more brand
ed with lazy O and bar over it on
E-Do you want a nice
acre ranch 3 miles
Irney on uauiesnnKe
first water right, run-
3i" the year around,
ring orchard, 40 acres
Ition, line range lor cai-
f or sheep. For further
call or address Roland
iHainey, Ore.
the celebration.
We linvo 800 feet of best cru
ciblo steel cablo for sale suitable
for hay stacking. Will cut in
I A ull llfVniHAfl lhlf tlt MA It nw
Uiiy ii;iihi'i uvoiicu vy inuviiuaui.
Price 3J cents per foot Smith
pb In. this city Tues-
& Swnin.
A. S. Swain nnd wife,
left shoulder, nlso CA on left
stille came to my place May i. A & SwaIn nnd wife wlth
Owner please call, prove proper- two chijUlvn Bcg3j0 and Aibertt
ty and pay expense, including eft Tuy for Willamette.
this notice. They will visit Portland nnd the
Gkant Thompson. Seattle- fflir boforo returning
The local ball team went to, T, . ,. ,10 . ,1R
' - . i j t tllitiWlD VVIIJ VlJ VAm W WAV
29, Harvey Middles- Narrows last bunuay wr a re- M f lumber when
w ii - '( vn-wn itririi rnnr inrnur ininrMi -
Miss wanna rewa, mm --' .. "-v -,
3yrd officiating. The
eg parties are residents
awsey section where we
Id they will make their
io Times Herald ex-
wishes for n happy
tuarantced Salisbury's.
and as a
their scalp to the tuno of 11 to 7,
just reversing tho figures as they
stood in the recent gamo here.
This means another game to de
cide the difference.
Fine line of watches, chains, etc.,
at Salisbury's P. O. Block.
New Spring Goods
(of Every Description
Goods, Ribbons and Ruch
Laces, Embroideries, Over-
i, Underwear and Waistings.
ling, Hats, Overshirts, Under
Ties and Shoes for men.
;A full stock of staple
and fancy Groceries
for every body.
Orders promptly filled
he Busy Corner Store"
wiui uum. v ".. you can get good dry repair lum
rcsult Narrows took ,",, ft, nrjL nnA
twice as much at Burns Milling
Co. 's mill.
Mrs. S. E. Drinkwnter's now
summer millinery has been re
ceived and the ladies of this sec
tion tire invited to call and seo
tho display before the 4th.
1 Mrs. F. A. Gardner of Pendle
I ton was hero this week making
nnnual proof on her desert. Mr.
and Mrs. Gardner havo long been
teachers in the schools on the
Umatilla reservation, but are con
templating a change this year.
Tho lady left on yesterday's
stngo for home.
Ranch kok SALBiOno Bmnll
horso ranch, located on Malheur
river. First-class summer, fall
nnd winter range surounding it
1 Fino location for fruit nnd vege
tables, also. For further parti
culars, writo or call on E. L.
jBeedo, Drewsey, Oregon.
! J. F. Mnhon and Ira were in
I for tho congress and to attend
tho celebration. Jim is going to
havo tydhnnco somo day of mak
ing a speech nnd got oven on
"Old Man" Bennett, who took
undue ndvnntngo of him the
other evening in n public ad
dress. Parties desiring homesteads in
the Silver Creole district should
call on E, W. VanValkonberg,
us horis entirely familiar with
t that section nnd can place people
! on good land. Ho has some 320
I acre homestoad tracts, so desig
nated by tho land department.
' Also somo desirable school land.
Address him at Riley, Oregon, or
call at his ranch flyo miles from
the postofilce.
Salisbury fiU eyes P. O, Block.
Try a Ttm nt th Home Hotel.
C. E. Beery is homo from n
trip1 to Seattle.
Fon SALK-820 acres of hay
and. Inquire at this office.
Remember the social hop given
by the Burns Commercial Club
next Monday evening.
Reports from somo orchardisls
are to the effect that there will
bo a very good crop of the hardy
Call mo up 'phono main G3
for cleaning nnd pressing clothes
cither for ladies or gentlomon
Michaol Schenk, Merchant Tailor
A. O. Faulkner loft Tuesday
for his former homo in Indiana
where ho will visit. Ho may not
return alone.
Uio the Harney County Nntlnnnl Ilnnk
Thcr are iclMdcntlfylnir.
411. I'UIIWIUK UUU Will! IUIL una
week to drive over tho moun
tains to Springfield where they
will remain for an indefinite
Paints, Oils, Doors and Wind
ows, in fact everything for tho
farmer or builder. Give us a
call and wo will be glad to give
you prices. Myers Pumps and
Star Windmills.
Harney Co. Imp. & Hdwe. Co.
Williams Bros, saw mill at
Cold Spring on the Canyon road
is prepared to do custom work
for thoso desiring to take ad
vantage of their government per
mit Also lumber for sale at $12
per thousand. See thorn about
custom prices.
Henry Richardson arrived f
home Wednesday from Portland
Go to the horn Hotel for a
good meal.
A. Schenk carries an up-to-date
stock of clothing on.
Price Cochran nnd family are
in from Wagontire this week.
All kinds of bread can bo had
at Mrs. M. A. Smith-the Sum
mit Hotel.
W. T. VanValkonberg
over f rem his Silver Creek
Dry, Blab wood nt mill only
$1.00 por cord.
Burns Milling Co.
W. G. Hoddor nnd his fnthor-in-lnw
were up from Sunset
Jones Mower nnd Rako for $75
whilo they last First come, first
sorved-C. H. Voegtly.
Tho Patterson Cottage, Canyon
City, Oregon, is open for the
traveling public. All stages will
stop if request is made.
Job prlnting-The Times-Herald
Clias. Cornegys is over from
Cbl. E. Hofer was accompani
ed In by his Bon, L. F. Hofer.
Wnl Grimes and Jack Smith, two
Cooa Bay boosters, were nso
members of tho party.
2 section gin tiO tooth Steel
Lovflr IlarrowH at $22.00 nt C. II.
Vocgtly'o. See that you do not
get 1 inch nnd only 50 tooth Har
rows, instead of the nbovc.
Attention is called to tho con
densed stntomont of The First
Nntional Bank appearing in the
ad this issue. It shows tho larg
est cash reserve, deposits and re
sources in its history.
his son James n
to Dr, Dickson
T 1 , . . 1
Lrfcni sirawocrrics are ripen
ing and those who are fortunate
enough to havo a patch are en
joying them thoroughly.
Just nrrived: A complete line
of Roofing, Shenthlng, water
proof Sheathing nnd Stringed
Harney Co. Imp. & Hdwe. Co.
W. L. Kimble camo up from
Wnverly Wednesday and loft tho
following day for Pomeroy,
Wash., to visit a few weeks with
homo folks.
Four car loads consisting of
buggies, wagons, plows, harrows
farm machinery, barb wire and
nails now en route. Seo C. H.
M Voegtly for prices.
Judge Wm. Miller and wife
A lnrge band of horses belong
ing to W. C. Cecil, W. O. Best
nnd others on Siver creek, were
recently stolen and Geno Wert
and Charlie Hart are accused of
the theft. They were taken
right from the homo fields nnd
neighborhood and so far no trace
has been found of them.
A description of the horses
and pictures of the men have
been sent in various directions
and a reward of $500 has been
offered for tho arrest of .the men
nnd recovery of the horses.
Sheriff Richardson expects to
catch them within a sho;time.
will leave this afternoon
vate conveyance for
by pri-Austin
where ho took
fow weoks ngo
for treatment. Jimmio was hit j where they will take tho train
in ono oyo with a rock somo time p enrouto to tho Seattle fair. Mrs.
ago nut it was not considered , Miller is ono of tho hostesses for
serious at tho time but later he Oregon at Seattle and will be
went to Dr. Mnrsden who ndviscd present to fulfill her duties,
his being taken to a specialist at Judge and Mrs. Miller will be
once. Tho boy has lost tho sight absent all tho month of July,
of the eye entirely but the other Thodnughtcis Lulu and Agnes
seems strong. He is still under will visit with Mrs. Ed Egli dur
tho care of tho physician. ' ing the absence of their parents.
Are Ion Witt Us?
The Harney Valley Oil &
Gas Company
Snm Graves and wife are
among our celebration visitors.
A socinl hop will be given by
tho Burns Commercial Club next
Archie McGowan was called to0!"1 eveninjr t0 w,llch a" arc
Portland last Monday on urgent
business. He expects to return
next week.
Mr. Dunlop of the Merchants
Wholesale Co. of Vale, was
among tho delegates to attend
the Development congress.
Ed. Hulory, the Ontario horse
man, is in the city. He has a
fino two year old Percheron stal-
lion which ho expect to sell here.
Lynn George came in from, Ueftto3 for 8n, a sizoa nml
Canyon city yesterday to seo hB,onRthB( prico 20 centa por foot
Any one desiring Reatos address
E. C. Bunn is over from the
W. W. Brown ranches. He has
fully demonstrated that he is a
farmer by sprouting n fino
beard. ,
fathor, Hobt. lieorge, wno is
very sick. Mr. George has been
in declining health for soveral
months and ho is in n very criti
cal condition at this time with
little hope for his recovery.
Cottrill & Clemens arc prepar
ed to do custom work with their
portable saw mill located 1J i a most enjoyablo time and were
miles west of Cold. Springs on well pleased to seo the work be
Poison Creek. Lumber for sale, ing done on tho extension of tho
Get youa pormit and have them f Sumpter Valley as it means less
saw your lumber. Terms nre staging,
reasonable. j Saiisbury fixes watches P.O. block
W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson,
Alberson, Oregon.
J. L. Gnult and wife arrived
homo Wednesday from Seattle
where they went to visit the fn(r
and Mr. Gault to meet with tho
bankers' association. They had
Ktrnmrntrmmtsmmr .tttmmtwm::. miittuimmmmmtmumunumtumtti
-and Grocery
Come in and inspect my stock
to be had in the Market
My prices are as low as good goods
can be sold for in this market...
I can save you money on binder
twine and sacks Leave orders
The LARGER the order
the LS$ it COSTS.
Number 24.
Your Purse and Business Pulse
The money In your purso tells just what cash you have on hand.
This is our grandfathers method of business.
Tho careful man of today avails himself of the check account
and receives distinct advantages over carrying his money on his
Keeping your money in your purso has the same relation to
your business as tho physician who guesses at his patient's pulse.
There is risk in either ease neither eliminates the chances of
Tho check account indicates with accuracy the condition of
your business pulse. It records receipts and expenditures, the re.
cord is permanent and reliable.
It costs less to use a check book than a purse. This bank
gives you protection for your money that no purso can offer.
Shift the responsibility for keeping your money safely from
your purse to US.
A Savings Bank Department is a feature of this Bank,
in which interest at the rate of four per cent per
annum is allowed.
The Harney County National Bank
The racing cards have been
ever good nt tho fair grounds
track and there are a large num
ber of horses present The
races Thursday were closely con
testedthat is the running the
trot being a special one mile go
between Boisd'Arc and Redwood
McGregor, two Idaho horses.
This race was a fine exhibition
and the latter was given his first
mark on our associaton track.
He made the first heat in 2:29i
and the other heats were made
in 2:39 nnd 2:43. In the
quarter mile run Brandy and
Wade Hampton made their usual
spectacular finish with Brandy
nosing out. Time 24.
The g mile dash free for nil
had four starters and it was a
race from the beginning. Jeru
sha ran, hist nlmost the entire
distance, but moved up at the
proper time and camo under the
wire first with Carrie Thatcher
second. Time 1:041.-
Yesterday's races proved to be
as good as the previous day with
a much larger attendance. In
the half-mile trot for Harney1
county horses Chas. Johnson's
Jimmic and The Remittor, own
op by J. W. Biggs, were the only
starters. Both are Dazzler colts
and quite premising youngsters.
Jimmio took two straight heats
in 1:24 and 1:204 respectively.
There were three starters in j ggt it fOT YOU
Urn Iwn nrwl n Vinlf fnrlnnira fni'lf
two-year-olds, Pedro, Ambur
gran and Tom Cnin. They camo
under the wire in the order nam
ed. Time, 34.
Tho three-eights mile dash free
for all was nnother battle be
tween Wade Hampton and Bran
dy with the former winning.
Time 304. Sylvia olso started.
Three-quarter mile dash free
for all, Confederate, Jerusha
and Bell Griffon were tho com
potiors. Tlioy finished in the or
der nnmed and was ono of the
most most thrilling horses races
ever witnessed over this course
Time 1,104
An exhibition half-mile pace
by Pointer, nn Idaho horse, was
a pleasing feature. His time is
(Man or Woman)
A 320 Acre South Akiucan
Veteran Bounty Land Certif
icate.! Issued by the Depart
ment of the Interior, Government
of Canada. Ottawa, under the
Volunteer Bounty Act. 1!M.
Good for 310 acres of any Domin
ion Land open for entry in Alber
ta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba.
Any person over tho ago of 18
vears, MAN OR WOMAN, can
acquire this land with this Cer
tificate without furt.her charge.
For immedinto salo-$800. Writo
or wire, L. E, Telford, 131 Shuter
Street, Totonto, Canada.
Hunting nnd fishing are strict
ly forbidden upon any of tho
Pacific Live Stock Co, ranches,
Trespassers will bo prosecuted.
John Gilcrest.
MR. ami MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON, Propts.
We'are pleased to announce to our old-time friends
and'eustomers that we have again taken charge of
our hotel. We just completed renovating the en
tire building and you will find the old-time home
comforts when you call. We hope to see you soon.
The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive
5 pedal Attention and Good Service.
SOUTH BURNS, OREOON-Near Fair Grounds.
L-. f t
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes
Fresh Groceries, etc.
For Spring and Summer Trade
"Dady's" Cigar Stand
Candy, Nuts, Stationery, Cigars, and Tobacco
Ceylon Cinnamon, Whole Pepper, all kinds of Sices
Chocolate, Cocoa, Tea, Baking Powder, Extracts, etc.
He Pays cash and Sells fgr cash"Cu$tomers get the benefit
If its in Leather We have it or can
As much difference in
er as in people. We use
only the best in our work
Hadn't you better iook at your old Harness?
You've had it a long time. "Better be sure
llian sorry."
J, W. OWEN, Propts.
Finest hearse in county
Particular attention given
To Funerals
Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers.
Particular attention given to Transcient Trade
Horses boarded by the day, week or month
rf Hb
i.; i if.
'eSSkSSS I -vV-
Kwsj) xl
i j - .... , 1IJ17WI
msr- hot
, V '
The Eastern Oregon
(Engineering Co.
ain Qflice, Hums, Oregon
A. O. IWULKNint, Mr.
Unwell Q, Lakeview, Oregon
Q, II. FAVLXNKtlt ttr
Main St.,
Blacksmithing and
Wagon Work
ANfEED. Burns, Oregon,
Job Printing.
3RJxrg? QRTBCsfro