The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 03, 1909, Image 1

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    W"" mm i 111 ii i r mi mini ir . i i ,, M ,., ,, .,,,,,... ,--. .,,., .,...... .,. , j rri nniir lir lyiirwBiiMn Him Lirnrmininri
. I
?i. t$ mmh v
Tic imSteriil&
Fl " trjt hatiinit
Wl ?yi, , Couiilru
Cover an .area of 0,428,800, HcfVrQf
land, 4,03),6&f acres yet vacant mtltXcl
'to entry undor tho public land law of
tho United Btittoi,
ThaOfflcr Mnogot Iturhftj , Ooun tyj
tho bt &lvcrtliTitR,inifiun)i In KrkIcbi
tiM -WMI
moiB:)fiAWriBPUNTY:,OItEGON' JULY 3' lc0)
- -in i, i, w i . i iwm in i i m. jh & -j i it 'aril r r r . - t i , m . m . r -4-.
vri I,. 4 v'-ii JljJM a l? ' 'Vt,l 1 .i'lA i 'k ,ni
i ' ri i .ri'i' '"i- ii mtjis : :i,riil.iw:.r ii I y r
fl ' XK&rllJLAi'' ri01fcLJ'-. ILJl?JE"iI Xdl -j-tft ' fc, Ijiy .1 (UK . I H ii
i'SBS-i wy mrw iw i 'f;sai0E 9KywyTv 'r f sy. rr..i r& '''fT, tfiT. . n.1 7 A ,, ,
" . i "!.. - " 'HI; M.i !'; .'! ' tTW--ri.' .;.
O, , : zit-r---------rr---ju4Uiajragts;i-; ..".. .:-.--..!.. rrv-rr;.;
fc B ..I- .-,-
NO. 33
Mo'pday'B Tclefitrntn Bnyp; Defl'
nltn filnnq towiml tlm lipo-fnnlnrr
1000 Acre CareyiAct Segregation felSStiXttw
Thrown Qpen for Entry
Sou, 'known no
yor Railroad
Ucing Tied up fur Seven Years (lie Lands Withdrawn on
Implication of Harney Valley improvement Co. forRecIa
ination Under The Carey Act has Been Restored to Entry.
Carey lands are at last settlement It was tliousht
m open for entry and now possible that it would be adver-
, will bo a grand rush for
3tends in the very heart of
oy Valley upon lands that
been held up for several
1902 Wm. Hnnleyjmd other
silists made application for
acres to bo with drawn
tho Gary act and submit-
plan of reclamation to the
land board.. The board
formal application to tho
hinicnl and the land was
Irawn but the government
3t at that time approve the
let owing to a protest bo
iled and it was held up.
the government engineers
fin and investigated tlu1 pos-
ties of a government irriga-
project, using Silvies valley
reservoir site, uno wnoio
was spent by the govern-
surveyors in this investiga
Ind John T. Whistler, who
then at the head of this di-
recommended tho project
no reclamation service later
kl his recommendations down
ing a lack of water to prop-
sclaim the tract.
i government would not take
project nor would it np-
tiio contract of Mr.
fey and his associates, dicro
tic: big 'segregation remain-'
p. In tho fall of 1907 a
was held in the local
MHce and evidence was tak-
aring upon the protest filed
Pacific Livestock Company
Bt Mr. Hanley taking the
low waters ot auvies river
claim this tract, also as to
lharacter of the land. At
liearing of testimony was
id on various phases, some
Ing the land not desert in
cter, other that the vested
of those who were using
later of Silvies river for ir-
3n consumed the entire (low.
i witnesses did not approve
lanley's plan of reclaming
Ind, as his first contract did
11 for conserving tho water
manner, but to merely use
rerflow during the spring
it which generally does not
ite enough in the season to
rly irrigate crops other than
i evidenco was passed upon
i local land office then sub-
to the general land office;,
joing to the interior depart
ithe protest of the P. L. S.
raa sustained.
Hanley was given time to
bl or make showing but as
Hginal capital interested in
roject had been diverted to
channels on account of .the
lelay and tho apparent son-?
It of the peoplo thatjtho tract'
to the government for 6n-
lr. llaniey was inuuterent
jthe outcome and allowed
latter to rest, therefore the
tment has agnin opened tho
lor entry.
has been a serious retard-
Ito the settlement of some
very best land in Harney
and its opening will bo
with much satisfaction.
ract extends from within a
Mies east of Burns clear
the valley to the east and
Its opening means home
for hundreds of peoplo
to may expect u great in-
i soon as it becomes genor-
10 wn.
withstanding the faqt tfiat
und has been withdrawn
entry for ysars quite a
er have squatted on tho
nd considesable improve-
has been done by some,
risdom of this proccedurb
iuestioncd by somo ns it
it known just what djspo-
I would be made of the tract
, it revert to the govern-
nd affain tlirown open for
Used for a more or less period
before filings Avould bo accepted.
Should this, method- havo been
used tho squatters would have
been considered J sooners and
th6ir rig'nti!ficen forfeited.
However, it seenis now that
tlieso.people will all secure tiioir
lands provided they get their
filings in before others select tho
particular tracts.
At the time of the decision of
the caso in tho department sov
eral thousand acres of the segre
gation were declared not of a
desert character, but this infor
mation received by the local
land office makes no referenco to
this or places any restrictions up
on the entry of the land. It
seems tho caso is merely closed
and the application of the Harney
Valley Improvement Co. denied.
The local office therefore proceeds
in accordance with the law gov
erning such cases. It was
thought possible that certain por
tions if not all the segregation,
would be restricted to homestead
entry only, but no instructions of
this nature was received.
is tht PescjiutopjKij
, were talcon this
moring, when Chief Engineer
George W. Boshko began the
assembly of one of tho largest
engineering and survoy crowa
that has boon feoift ouWronf (this
jurisdiction in many months.
Tho big gang will bo in charge
of Assistant Engineers. Bran
don and Holman, the Wrmer
of whom has been attached
to tho surveying party, engaged
In Work in the Bittoi-Rdot, Clcarl
water and Salmon Rivor county
in Idaho and Montana, and the
latter one of the best location
i ..,...
engineers in tno uarnman
MrtfliWuafniMi aniitfWk 2"
Tliis party will leave Portland
tonight, providing tho complote
outfit needed can be gathero'd &
gother by that time. Most of
the mon detailed for the etake
nnd'cross-sectlou work "bn'certntn
portions of the , proposed routo
thii exact Ideation ' of- whicfV s
not specified, have their packs
already to leave.
; , ' ' ' Mawubd Sunday June 27, at
.. ; the honie' of tho brides' parents,
D n 4 - Mr. Mhrk C. Merrill and Miss
M. luinut JLWiSUUIlSV VI rire JOUUiS Ot(lOlVIOIO0 Anderson, in the pros-
I 'l ,rI.,'..-v.A.i-i r " '':"' ' ' oncodfn
'fl"lW miTBrehieiied Disaster
!M!M :lsri - -. - - " " '
pire In a Shac,k,U9tyecii Mrs. lirinkwntcr's, Aillltncry', Store
And, Club 1 1 a 1 1 Causes rjxcitcinent-l)id not Spread and
, mic .pamaxcj.lioMRlit to; llqvc Sinrtc'd front'l-lrc' Criers.
An alarm of fire Thursday! as freely as tho wife of tho mill-
morning botweon 11-nnd 12 ipnnire. They are all put in. at
o'clock caused considerable., ex- J the same gate and come out. tho
itcment wlien, smoko waB tseot
r,,The Burns Concert Bapd gdve
a very pleasing concert at the
Commercial Club hnil Wednesday
evening. Every number was
creditably rendered and. thq boys
were warmly congratulated.
'ino male quartet put on an im
promptu "stunt" in .rendering
"The Lender of the Germnn
Hand." They used costumes
provided t the last moment and
while they were none the best
fit the boys appeared to good ad
vantagebeing hardly recogniz
The concert was followed by a
social dance which was well at
tended and pronounced a suc
cess. Tho program follews:
March The Horse Show
Cornet and Piano duet,
Do I Lovo Thee
Mrs. Rembold, Mr. Wetmore
Waltz Day Dreams
Recitation A Woman's
- Misa Lea Robinson' ;
. !ll f
Banff' '
6' Quartet The .Leader of
, . the, Gorman Band
Messers. Byrd, Randall Walker,
7 Serenade Dream of Autumn
8. .-March Lights Outl I 'i C-'s
Ed. ; WETMORpDJfector,
MADE;REWpTjlWy, ' '$2
Rejlly Aitkinsoy,-; secretary of
tho Boise Commer'cisi Club and
other delegates of his city to tho
Development Congress, left Boi-
so at 2:3Q,p. m, Tuesday in their
auto and arrived in Burns
Wednesday evening boforo (!
o'clock. This is good time nnd
almost equals the timo made by
the transcontinental runs of the
machines from' Nevy York to the
Lewis and Clark fair. Mr. Ait
kinson's party found tho road
very good and they seem to havo
enjoyed the experience of tho
long run.
JwcatfrVUe Ctntt Ii Ibe 1'rlce ol I'eicr.
Tho terrible itching and smart
ing, incident to certain skin di
seases, is almost Instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Salvo.
Price, 25 centsj Formal by all
good dealers.
Wanted Some more coyoto
and bob-cat hid.A. igekenk.
The following wasfeent to tho
Journal from Canyon City: For
active, continuous nnd strenuous
life, "Blizzard" has not a run
ning mate iu this state. "Bliz
zard" is a stage horse. He .has
been in the busihess for' tho ;past
18 years, and has never had a
vacation except for a few days.
When ho was 8 years old, II. A.
Williams brought Iilin to Ontario
nnd hitched him to a stage
coach. That was in 1892 and he
has kept the stretchers taut ever
since. During his long career he
has worked six of his harness
mates to death.
His legs are now twisted, knot
ted and bent, but they nro evi
dently reinforced by muscles pf
steel, for lie never falters or
shirks an ounce of the heavy pull
up the long mountain acclivities.
It is always "Blizzard" who
lends tho team of four, drawing
tho heavy Concord covered, coach
up the mountains, and it is al
ways "Blizzard" who takes tho
bit in his mouth determined- to
lead the weary team dashing
down the mountain slopes. It is
"Blizzard" who reaches tho end
of the division with his head
erect, tail stretched and prancing
like a colt, while his harness
mate, more than twenty 'yaora
his junior, is leg wearyand list?
This remarkable stage horse Js
rtowoh'f-he Austin-Burns -slago
line., working on tho division
from Canyon City toBedrvauev.'
Eighty head of horses are used
on the line, and the Manager
Woldenberg states "that ho is the
most remarkable horso ho has
ever had anything to do wfyTf.
Ho has never been sick, never
had any serious trouble, and to
Manager Woldonberg's certajn
knowledgo had lugged tv Wavy
stage up and down themountajns
for tho past 18 years... Ho' would
havo been pensioned ilpng
ago, but iio is too valuable a
horsp to part with Ho. is tgQun
ted ope of tho most valuable hor-
soB-ln tho stable of SO.hoad. s ' j
Ills long and faithful' servfed,
however, will bo rccognis?ed( for.
when tho statutes of .limitation
finally run ngaipst him. Mr. Wol
denberg will retire him on tho
pension list nnd the best cornor
of tho home pasture lot will bo
C. F. McKinney arrived homo
from atrip to the soiltnern plr't'
of thocounty tho first of tho
week ami then went, upttojthe
mill. Tt Beems'tlint U fire1 there
Friday night did in tho neighbor
hood of $7,000 wprfh of damage,
Tho origin of tho fire, is not
known as they had Bcraped tho
Bhavings back tho evening before
and took tho usual precaution,1
Roy Bunyard'fl crow camo .over
and assisted in saving considera
ble property. They, arrival upfett
tho scene pt a timo tljat all who
were present wore exhausted aflfl
had given up hopo. MrVMcKin
pey says that Rqy and hfaboys
pro entitled to great credit for
tlip heroic work accomplished
after they arrived. i
i inniin
issuing from -whSt appeaT-ed to
bo the Commercial Club hall.
Tjicvboys hadJusiJjpleted the
decorofion'of the hnll'witli yards
and ynrds of bunting nnd ovcr
grcoiia aridshnfl a'firo1 caught
there it 'wouldTlove been" uisas-
rous. However, .it proved, to be
a aMck between" thcMUM'nnd
Mrs. . sDrinkwnteiyi millinery
store nnd. the flnme.B.ivoro (tuick-
ly subdued nfter the fire boys
got'thorc. '"" ;,
. A first it$ seemed as though it
would do serious damage and
possibly Spread to tho 'opposite
Bide of tho street as there was ap
eaat wind and the flames had
gained considerable headway be
fore the chemical cngiho. could
reach it. It ' fais a matter qf
short nbtlcd 'wli6n the chemical
was pu,t o, WQrk; and arstreai,n of
water from tho big hand engine
va?. turned oniftom the (Tpposite
side of the building. "
Our fire dopnrtmefit was highly
complimented by outside visitors
for the effective and qulck;work
done. The boya had to run,.sev
oral blocks and, as usual, mostof
the people went to see the fire
rather than Help the boys get'the
samo gate.
It is quantity and
that counts and when wo speak
of quality we have it in, Harney
ValleyjuBtthosameas in Seat
tle. Our bovs and e-irla are iuat
f6w Intimate friends.
J. A. Williams performing tho
Th'6' Jrroom is h prominent Mock
irian"6f' 'Grant county and the
bridb'ls tho highly respected and
inccompusnod daughter or Mr.
and Mrs.). TI, Andoraon a pioneer
family of Calamity but have for
tho last few years been engaged
in the mercantile business at
Monument, Grrint county. Miss
yiblelto has been manager of tho
,4 .new school house is being
yfuicu in tnc upper uaiamuy
caimtry, ,. u ,
,.A plcrtic will bd held on July 5
not quality fin tho itimber above Glias. Johiir
son, 9, place.
Mis'Opal Huddleston juatfin
isked a successful term of school
iri the' Wolf Creek precinct.
,. ,,
(l ,i,,
fighting apparatus to the scene,
No particular damage was done
as the byldjng yjis. but a small
wooden structu'ro" abutting a
Stone liickon i(iiio,')hcl ly
Paul Locfier.
Jus hqwJihOi ike originated is
not known. Mr. Drinkwntcr
Bays there were'-nd ashes put
there in which a . possible coal of
firo cOuld1 have 'bdon t'dnccalcd.
Sonioaro of tho opinion that fire
crackers were tho causo and that
tho fire may have atarted from
inside the building.
Again luck was with Burns,
riii'afiro "emphasizes the impor-
iJ It VI I. -!. 1.!i!
creating a firo limit within cer
tain districts and not allow juv-
otlier- Voodenr building! '.HHlhin
those limits. We nre not nlways
going 'to'escitpb firt'tfiUl slWultl
ont get started" in one of the
Wooden blocks in tlib"business
district' it ! would prove yorious.
Wjo houldj.atop , thqicrection of
lumber structurea within the
business district now.
'"'My "dear-frionds:i"Ono
yo .twenty years has strayed
away and foind her way to the
swttlo .flair. JYowdrori m penis
in tho hand of the man at the
rUpushedHhro igh !n
going -into tho dip
3tbu aw then, permitted to run
at Iftrgo which s.a glqrjpus., priv-
alego to us, for Harney Valley
Itcs are roomy,
You theri view tho splendors
of art, ficieneo and wealth. Tho
trophii's of ull parts of tho earth
are scattered about you in such
utter profusion jand in such cunn
tiies that after a few hours of
ceasldss'mdVihg and stareing you
Wish you cuild restyourxjyes on
r loot absolutely re
fuse to carry you farther you sit
down in ono of the nippy, vfisting,
places and watch, .the passing
throng. A 'stream of l'estleHs
huirianity liko a babbling vfirihing
You watch ,tho,.old and tho
young,, tho weak and. tho. strong,
thro'rig'.n'vTtio wnshor woinnn
pan enjoy tho samo pnvaioges,
bflfl'fe li''iVea'on tho df
ourltwid RmJifl4tlu lflh'di(ljiwt
as well Denavcd and justns bright -.if,. , , . ,, . , .
and capable though .they hayoLhe,?atle. bu.er8 "ro, 1
lacked opportunity, our women lfe?rt?;i.??r,,?g $2G hcreaml
just ns iuro and sweet, nnd our i q"r rirh- A.
DIM lllal na Ir tnil nmllnnnl -. i ..... ..! .... JUU ill All'.
Finally when you have ridden
an hour in the noisy Btr'ect car
with other cars thundering past
bo close that you think, thoy.are
going to hityou in thefnee, down
through tho heart of tho busy
city you fly through tho smoko
and the grinding and the chug
nnd roar of busy machinery in
When you finally alight in
somo quiet place your head still
chug and whirls liko an automo
bile whi-n the speed is stopped
and lh power still on.
You soon feel like it wns all a
bad dream and thntypu had aim-.
ply been down to tho dentist's
office having your' head niadq
over and a few pounds of gold
hammered In. '
A Native.
First Annual Report of District
Librarian, Burns, Oregon.
No. Vols. ii Ijbrury Septem
ber 1907...-. k .. 47J
No. Vols, in Library June
1009-" XiWXZ&izXzZ'is
No. Vols. added.uring tlje
"year In : .. ,'.
) rrom uouniy uumry
' fund 120
Jb)? .From Molhera'tCliib t id
uii i'rom I'vou I'inn, enter-"
; tainment, .fund ..hold 'by
h clerk, ...
No. Vols, lost -. . , ,. ,i. ...
To. Vols, not accounted for
No Vols, loaned during the
; year (counting each volumn
opcq for cacli time) iv . .
1; sectional book case.1, (from
district Buppcr fund . . $30
-4555j!S'!5!5 tei-Ji13ifeJi5'-;iy' 4
Enibroidcricci Linen Collars,- Lace
Collars and Bows, New Ascots.
Call and see our new Waisfings & Wash Materials.
We are showing the strongest
spring line of Ruching, Neckwear,
Ladles.Belts, Silk, Net and Lawn
waists ever brought t? Eastern
Something new in Sorosis TJn
derskirts in Silks oM Satines
We handle exclusive paileros in (lie '
above aud nofhiflg shown "by 'nsis
handled iu the Interior. ,!:''..
All Waists, Neckwear, Belts and
Underskirts are selected, frdrri,' 'i
New York stocks and are Spring
siyies. . . .
gown's Satisfactory Store,
W- . I .. ,1.,
Tird with its. experiments with
booklets and folders, the La
Crandc Commercial Club has
agreed to invest a certain sum
for pxtra copies of homo news
papers, and hereafter the home
deckers, who, write that organiza
tion for literature will bo furnish
ed a1 three months subscription to
ono of the local papers.
Here is a step in the right di
rect. Wlfilo specially prepared
booklets, circulars and other com
ti6nly used nieans of advertising
are, good there is always the dan
ger of giving the recipient of
suci. natter the feeling that our '
drflwjjacks, If, any, are glossed
9yei', and our advantages exag
gerated. Everyday happenings,
anjl'jacts'of outcrops, civic life,
impyem'enu, etcM are told'iij
o'yery issiie of the load papers,
and. readets will feci that they
a'ro getting the truth plain and
unvarnished. Then, if they
deeidirror-eome-to this section,
UicyuyJlLdoLSo .with tlio intention
of remninmg. Kx. -: .
i k jt i
alion. tho Hnrnov coun-
Iralcn, i'baeW'from "Port-
Jim was a witness before
The Harney Valley Brewing" Co.
Xlannfacturcrs of
-srTr-rTE3 "Kr te3 kj."-'iu, ' :
Family Trade Solicited Frec'Dellvcry ' '
T.kE. JENKINS, Manager
i r
tnc iciiora
From Mothers' Clubi to pply, i
on cataloguing outfit
$ 0
,1 court and made ai2 to
m mmmw
"James Paul, tlie jolly sheep
man of Smithi Harney county, is
in tno city. Jim came to Ontario
for medical teameri(,"aml tells
us that 'Jus hearing has been inv
naire(,for some, time past, and
says typhi .one can't hear liis wifo
order wood brought to the kitchen
iVwaaUmo to see Dr. Prinzing.
ButJimi lias only been married n
few months, and a year from
toh-H with tho
When your
Hi.r, t r n. r...
?$ "' mBi ndv'!fcvwrtl bo
' ,v ii m,oodi,AArgus'.oV
V !rllliLfn -'" 'Wrinling-Jinio Times-Herald
Tho other. dayu-TimrDonaYanpar-x:
rock from a ledgo up tho river
which, when tested proved to be
flrat class i!nt,aery particular.'
There is in jjinmnso jdg'of j
iiHs rocK.'HnuAAir. JJonoYpn aays
thero is a wholo mountain of
CltAS. BEDELL, Proprietor,.,;.
Burns, -- Oregon. J';"
Wines. Liquors and Cig:a(r4r . V ! .,..,.
Billiard and Peel' Tables.
Club Rooms in Connections '
f . ..Ji'ClJ El
ovor coo
"' w
. ai'j
' 71 IKua
11., I'JI.!
iK lw
w- uuinjiH iiuui
! 1 ,Sond for
1. 1 v.
H. L.. LBWIS -
' ,Willb'eW;W;fnrnl'5h;
' ' To anjdire'lJeslrtn' oH
' i .v.) . ittv "Imi KA " i, i
.i (. y i
II ."
All parties owing Lewis & Gnr
rett, orimon Lewis are hereby
nottfet KHat all these accounts
aVf liii the hands of our attorney
CniSLSSnnrd for collection and
J. T. Gahiiett.
It i settlement. Persons indebted to
Xjust below tliis lime .rock and! us will please 'sottlo, tho same
parallel with it is. "thu 6ut"cron-1 with Mr. Leonardw't onco.
. . i r. "-,-' ... . ' iBKlt, . T .
pmgqt eopper.tnaiMs worth "
vestlgatlng. Wiulurit hast,,not
ht'en lu-ospected dd any extent,
iufsays show a Vijuo of frowU
fow dollnrj? up Xq $jQ ijer'toS?
Tho minehd'reWrce's of this
County, except in particular jo-
(jitifts, have VCQJfvM 'very'j'llttlo,
ritUuitioiu Thesq'vdiseoiverieanro,
()f more, qr loss importance as
they nro Valuable resources that
fo of great'" imtfoMmt-o' tti 'the
lure of tl'iis section, ff "tliis
roftlly llrst class limo rock it will
o has been burned
hbar "Prather
Ceek fpke-veraV W 'Mft ft
mn tq ti(J,,suKfaco rook a,nd
miloes. not carry, as higlna per
Egitago of limtii'Us desired by
mno and' brlilc masbhai ' It' is:
l'U m spyerai buildisgs,
iv. l- t!i.mttttttmtpm
m or "in-
out on ii point'
Jow Wyi's Uvo
by Charles Soinervlllc, tlic
! celehraretl iiuv(.):tpr criminal
, IJ'Bi tiMW'1- ",a',' .
.ijulyj KvnuviHlny's, very much ,
'Wrrtli whi
fivti other live
Burns, Oregon
A iV 1 xl -Tm j a j ' . ' ' ":
jMom me 1331; accommodations .n
to bo had jn Harney County-' ' n"1 x-u "m
The patronage of all guesta under the. oU VqiiaKSmcn?1 jf
especially sylicitcd. '"'1,1
Rates $1 a day, $6 a yqeU, $U oii;.' '' "J
H-neron Elliott, Propt. i
m only drawback bolng I
Kjceci more of iMha'R
rlWppcd in.
Help Jur Tboje vho have Sliinuchc Trqitil.
After doctoring for about
twelve years for a bad stomach
trouble, and spending- nearly five
hundred dollars fqr medicine
and doctors,' ' f flea, ,t' purchase
my wifo quo ,bo.vqf., Chamber
lain's Stomach and LiveriTablotfci
which did liorao much goad that
she continued -tq urie itliem .and
thoy haVo dOno lior1 mbra good
than nil of tho medecino I bought
boforo. ""SAMUtabltoYBtt. Folsomi
Speaialdispiayiby tlio City Drug Iowa. This medicinei is for-.isale
and '''Daddy'f Byl'd'a Cigar StoVe ' by all good dealers, -
i i
i.iv :; ' iill.
' ""T ,T .
i ii P.
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'WiHttyWcaitf ifnlrdiR) miss.:'.
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awilSo 'AtaiorfeHh' 1mA 'KhVft
ubtaiupd'tli&orjjfcuti UM.I .tt 1
by buiufr-oqiilp'iJell' .rilh Hip h
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vAdm GeorK I. . v W. T, LtWtftT- ''"5
'M vour property vitliffib, lifflJ
(myltl Renity Co. if you desire a fluick 8al6 orWadl A
Employment Agency.
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